Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1929)
riiriKiKV nr< ímiifk i«, it»w tuf RFMTPrrr. cottage : ciwwk , orrgow f - NUTIUII TU UMIDITOMI« \ Nutlr« la hereby given that thu u»i<loi • l(ii*>d h«e been by tl<«< «uont «••U»t lit l.eiie »ouiily, Hlelo of I'li^m «ilinlnlal retur uf H»»< **«tel’ <»f || i I •telioob ii»< •*••»«( by an or<f»r b«-ar |oy <iet»* lliu 22nd «lay uf Nuvember, 1929 All prrauna having • lalma agalnat ||»< ratal» uf II T I alahr>»< h <|«*f» aa<Ml, ar» l.-riliy H«i||f|«u| ai«>l r«auh»<l to pnool Iha aaiho, «Inly verlfl»’«. • th* un<i«r •'«'•"’i al th» law off».» of llnbart W, I ouibaril I-llal National baiih bulltllng. • ullage <lruv«> l.ait»* «minty <>r**(«»n. on or brfor,. ala tiioiiih* ftoiu t ti •> ilat» nt Ihf» flrat |H|||||> alloii of Ulla liolli r l>al«4 and flrat liubliahei thia '.’Nth day uf Niiwinbvr. I ft .’ V MAI IIK > || ».NTAllNiHtK, A dmlnl«t rator uf th« l.atal* of II T >*.atabroob. I>«i«aaid ft» Kit Ml I VV l.ttMHAIth Allurin') fur I* elate n'jN d4U< ' ■1 ............................ ' "■ 1 ■ 1 ' butiob or final suttlkmlnt r 11 Noth» la h«>r»Ly gl*<n Hint II K Law auu. adminialrator with wIII ann* *< >1 nt lha aalala of Maly N K»rr «!«> aaa«d. I, mb fil*d Ula final aucounl In aald «atMta and Ilia «utility «unit of |.anr «•<»uiily, Oregon, haa flB»d Tuvsday, thw J4th day •»< No ».nibti lu.!!i al th« h«ii of In u'tlutk a in. of aald day al lha «onnly << ill lluuaa III I.UM. n«, l.alu r -u. ty. l>r«'M»n, aa |h*> Ilin« anti jda« • f>>r th« hearing uf Balli llnal a> <mint All |Mirai»iia having ouja« Ilona In aald final arouunl are n»t|fl* d 1« pr*>a« nl th« ••»»■•■ tn writing uh ur I.. Pm aald lino Hal’d thia, Ilin 2"llr day of NuVviobrr, It K LAWHUN, Adnilniatralur * Il h W lit Ann« • d 't tin- la lain of Mary N h«ir. d< • «aar<| II .1 Mil I NN Ali-l«’j fur Mt.Un!..» i at-T i. V I «11 Vj» NOT1CB TO I'M I*. DITUll.’l Noth «’ la Io r«'by gtvt h that th«» un<l< i • ign< «1 ha« Io « n a|I««1 by tl><- • oust) «••■nt of« «'onnly. Mat« of 1»».,..», ailiululnlralrlv <>f tin « i ttr >f ti|.. i (anti d«-« • aai «1 by an urd*>r b<arlng <lal< llo « th day of In < . nib« r I •»-••» All pr aoha having rlaiina agaltial th. • .rat. <■( <l|. I m .. |«i,.| .|. , . M1 ar. lor« by hullflrti and iv«|iiirv*l I«» pirn. iH till aaiur tluly Vrrifl«'«l I.»Hi. u II<1< t > I £ li 'l al Ihr law ufhra of U Imi.l.ard I Hat Nallunal bank l> i|l>l|tig < uttag» l.r.i». I an. . •• .nt > On *_• i. ,.» . . I., f. at* iitonllia from th« «lai« of llo fir«! pub ||. alloii of thia nwiirr I'atrd and firet publlahrd thl* I th day «.f l»r«....L.r I • 9 I -DA lOSKM Adniinhlralrla of Ihr fatal., nt Olr .1 hulai.d. Dr. • aa« «1 lib MUI KI \\ I.OMIlAllh. Attorney fur Eelair «112 j’i Earth's Interior Il Is not generally belleyed that the Interior of the earth will ever I»« < omo entirely euol. Geological Im la point to the conclusion that th«» « Ill fh s Interior Is not molten. The Interior I m solid but so hot that It would !><• melted under hor- ma I «'ondlllwiiN. it Is, however, kept from melting by the enormous loud <»f thu crust. The condition in w lihh the heated __________ rock ______ exists ___ In Hit» Interior Is onu of thw funda mental problems of geology ■till awaiting solution. Memorial Io Peace The 1‘ ui I m I of I'ritce la a ma« she coin rote structure hi the furni ol M giilewHy. It 1« i(j<Hl«'d «1 r.liiliiu, Wm*h., mid wiik dvdicuted .-♦•plember ft, ID»I, In honor uf the between thw t'lilled Htulea mid I 'miiidu, wiili It had litaied for more tbun lou >enr« without u bn.ik. *lii« memorlitl, which cost >P»,isa), atuiida luo >urda from the Hit«iiiiHioiiul boumlury where (tie fort) ninth puiullel meets lloundury bn). I **AmericanialaM Bird» un the Winfl '1 he French Bucletc Amsriraine Ilers In America muu uppt'iini to de i riimu was formed In 1&57 by tune reterlrd tu the iinc|«nt BO- several French students who hud miidh’ st mill. We Hit from one heroine Interested In the prtkCoium- iipiirlment to imother on moving bliin civilization uf South America duy. Wu move from city to city nnd Mexico. Titers was un lnternu* beckon«. We ns our I isineMs I t .. ii || OMBtiBf In I0T& h» 191 ' !• towu, aeu- I tliu nineteenth InternutJonHi con pvrlgrlnnte between shore mid lukeeith*. Our auvuge gress of Ainerlcuulats whts held I < forbears chased the hardi ; w e \\ .1 ihlofton In <unjumtktai with the rhitBU the MUliNhiue. In u«, ii « In anthropology ae< tlon of the second them, ! m h rentlvNs longing for Fun Amerlcttii ecUuUDt ^congress. < liimg«’ <>f scene. Wotuilll'« lióme < oinpiinlon. Early Political Parti*. Tl>i* tirai ornmilxiitk'«» corra»- Famous “Black Shirts" aiMindln* tu th« politicai parile, »f Ttiv Ida» k ahlrt was originally today were thu Whig« uik I Torio, worn by thw Italian shuck troops which apruiiK up In Enak'i"! toward during the World war, Later It the eliti of the S«vent«’"t>tli c»«tury. hv< amw part of tim legionnaires of The naine "WIilic" cuuie irony the h Anitimxlo at Flume. Tits Fa word “ivlKKuinow." aotuetluiea dull udoptetl It ns a syndiol of the Hued by the Hi'ot^ to deaerili« cut new patriotism, The Fuscistl or- tie thlevea, while/to call a uiun a gmdzatIon wi s founded by Musso- Tory In the old / diiya wiim equiva lent to calling olin un Irlali outlaw. lint In March, 1D1D, ut Milan. Music Without Not«a In (du)lng music by ••ur the play er I m guided by sound alone. keeps the mftfody of ti*j<» In mind und Ids flligRrs urw gufded up or down the scale by «(sort of Instinc tive know ledge which amsbles him to obtain thw lona-N dualr^d In such playing no atttgitlvn Is paid to writ ten music and often no thought is given to names of notes struck.— Exchange*. IllU SUMMONS In lbw juetira null fur lha juatlre «Ila Iri.l uf l .ttag. llruvo. Ian. «..only Or« llarry VV S.«l | lalntrff. »• I II -M. « ra* k< u defendant To I It M< < ra> ken d«f> n.lani lu th«» nan.« uf th" Ntatr of Oregon ... ..... 1»? i.. appur and anaw.r «hr cuinplalul fll.d agalnat you In Il.o abuvr rntlllt.i a«tl><n within f«ntr wroka frmn I ho datn . * th« firal ration of thia anonn«>ha wli|rh will L. «.»< th» Mb «lay of l><.«'U>b«r IU.,,i and if you fall Io anaw.r for v.anl th«r««<f th. plaintiff will apply to lh» .n| f«r a Judgincnl agalnal »«u fur th«- iu... of thirty dollar» <«.g. tlirr with l«>trr«at th« r« «•n al lha rate uf ait prr r« III IM r UUP. from lha I'»th day of Nopt. nth* r lu.'n Bi..) hr . M| an.I ilieh.i >■ . i.( ,.f | . a« lion V «»u ar< further n«>lifl»d «»•». > aay waahlug marhinr, iu.xl.1 M 1 4»U4«.«’, biduhglng l«i yn.i haa b««,n al faulted to art'iii» any judgn«« lit and < »1 that may I « adjudged agalnal yuu in ihla a-lion and utilraa yuu anawar herein «»r befiira four werka from thr flrat I'iibil ration of Ihla nutira Hie said waahlng ma rhino will i««> order« <1 Bold. th. pr««< red* lheretif |u bo applied on au< h judgment and coal Haled Ihla, lha i.*n«| day uf Harambar II».« J I lot Ntj. d '■ j C . a t k ■ r . f I > • | -. A • SUMMONS In lha rirrult court uf th« Stale «.f <>r.g«>n fur Lane ruunty i'he Lugana Hospital A < l|ni<- a cor joiralion plaintiff va I’ U Meklnnry and Nellie MrKlnnry defendants To Nellie U MrKlnnry defendant In the namr of the Stalo uf Oregon «m ar« hereby re«iuir.<l tu appear ami answer thr rmoplalnt filed against yuu In th« above entitle.I court and tauao, uti ur I.. f..r« th« aspiration .J th. Huie pt. a«rlb«d in the order of publication to wit On or before the rsplratloh >f f«»ur weeks from Ihn «lat« of first publication of thia Bumiikuna and if you fall |u an. w«r f.>r want thereof plaintiff will apply I.« the court for Ihr relief demaud« d f » In the complaint luwil I hat plaintiff hake a jii.lgm«nt again«! d< f< ikdanls |i \\ M< K« nnev and Nrlll«« W Mrhlnnay for Ihr «imi uf |4"4 7'» In K«lh«r with interrai th« roill at the rat *f «is i»«r c«nl per annum fr«»nk tuly I. iViltr and plalnltff'a rosta and dlat«i«r». mml« uf tl«la anil . and you are hereby furher n<»llfi«d that plaintif* abut«- nam«-d haa attarhrd Ihr following described real pt««p«riy in th.- wilhiu arilon and hold« th« same by virtue uf said attachment for t «u'i.« «I...«, stated and that plaintiff aa part of Ila relief h< r. in aaba that said r«al property hereinafter d«-a< rib«d l>< sold ii« th« manner provide.I by law f<>i th«, satiafartion uf the above named amounts lleglnnlng at Ihr aouthraat «‘orner of thr quarter of th«- norlhrasl quarter of ae«-t|onI '• town ship 20 gmrlh range 3 wrat of the Willamette .Meridian run then.« north 40 rods lh«n«-« w.-»t N rod* thehie south 4<* r«»da and tlirtice east N r«»da to the place of beginning. c«»n talnlng 2 a. r. a of land In Pane umn ly. Oregon , Al».. |,o| numbered une (I) in Mock numbered two (?) ilk H K l.awiiiii » Addition to t'ottage Hmtra. I.ane « ««kinty. <>t < gon Thia aumhkoh* la publiahed by or<!«-r of Ihr Hun o b Mklpwurlh ln«lg. of Ho above rhtltled court, mad«- tlkla 29th da*. k.f November I» • Haled and first published Prceiuber • 1U2U. HROnKI A Ilin HON Attorneys fur Plaintiff, Ntto Wiliam rlt«> Hirret Eugene. Or«'g«vn «I*» 1'1. Hikera, Creaa* Your Soi lllker« wlio arv trouhled wilt. tender fwi ura advlm-d by the American Mngiixlno to follow the i-uimpl, of «oldler« «turtiig the wnr luot greaae tlielr «ocks on thelr teet, tH-fore n loug liike, wlth van* llne or ctitidl, greu««. Friend.hip'e Qualiliee Friendship hue «-««-tain easentlal ctiurui-terlstlcs without which It Is unworthy of the name. The Imais of true friendship Is solf aacrlftce, disinterestedness, trulli, virtue and constancy.—Curdlnal Gibbons. • l.ab«l Everything Never Ini’ll to yuur memory when pm king nuny for Ntorngc. It inkeM hut n minute to write on the out- Hide whnt I m wltldn mid you will be \ery k'lml joti did mo later on when oiii find yuur memory is not so re- liable after all. Great American Port Approximately «50.01)0,001) worth of buslne.a ia done dally In Die .port of New York. It lias been es timated that an ocean teasel mid RM) freight care arrtva er depart every ten minute* during the day. Uncl« Eben Passing Observation “You got to udndre it grrnt ' tmvMiiinii,*' said Lucie Eben. ’’lie k'ltM ino* honor nnd tippluuse ditn iny inuMlelnn in de Imnd nn* don' lnt\c to learn to play no InMtru- moms whatever.” — Washington Slur. Monday morning ium II m would bo oven heavier if all those who lis tened In on the Mormons broadcast on Sunday—or say they d<»—sent contributions for tho collection.— Cinclnnuti Enquirer. Wild Silkworm« Short Time to Repent Wild silkworms, when hatched, climb upward in search of leafy food, according to Science, but do- wave inv«tlc silkworms merely their beads about and wait to be fed. A itiimmilnn women wiih serious ly considering matrimony ut the . „’<» of one hundred end eighteen. She could marry hnatlly, but couldn't unticlpate much leisure fur repentance South Bend 'Jribune. Goldan Silane* I think the flrat virtue la to r<*- «train the tongue; he npproaelie. nenreat tu the god. who know, how to be «llent. even though he la In the right.—Cato. According to Calorie. We might ndd that If the atom ever get« divided, un »clentUt» predict. It will not l>e divided by It will be divided by a scientist. n waltrosa.—Atchison Globe. 'Round the Circle | Money - Savers — .............. . -1 111 him ior th* fin. trlbut. h. paid tu th. patient, charitable and loyal friend. Georse O K iiw I m ? Th* ’rv- bute came atraight from tha heart, for it rang «o true. But tom« one will »ay: "True, yea; but how do you know It la true?” I'll glv* you the beet evidence in the world: I had known George Knowlea for «1 year«. Knew him In hl« early Ufa, in hie early druggie,, his defeat«, hl« victor!««, hl« pleasure« and hla grief«. That'« why your trlbut« rang true to me. I am «till «tunned and too broken of heart to do him reverence. But your tribute nieanage from all of ua. tor Christmas Typical “Associate" Values in EVERY DEPARTMENT Make Our Store Your Christmas Headquarters GIFTS OF BEAUTY AND UTILITY! 5.00 ELECTRICAL SUMMONS In the juatic« court of th«* justice dia trict of Cottage Uruxe. Laue county, <»rv (un. Stella Baker, plaintiff, va J. E. Hob erta, D»f«ndant To J. E Roberta, defendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed againa* you in the above entitled action within four Weeks from the date of the firat publi cation of thia lummoB*, which u ill be on the 2! at day of November. 1929. and if yuu fail to ao anaw*« r for w ant thereof the plaintiff will apply to tb> rt for a judgment againat you for the aura of 157.01 together with interest thereon at b‘<> m-r annum from November 1. 1929 and for coat* and dlaburaeinenta of thia action. You are further notified that I the aum of <71.90 money belonging to you haa been attached in the hand* of n cific Telephone and Telegraph company ! to secure any judgment and coat« that may be adjudged againat >»u in thia' action and that unleaa you anawer here In on ur before four weeks from th»* firat publication of thia notice the aaid monrj •o attached will be ordered to be appli. d on aucli judgment and coats. Dated this, the 18th day of Novell.b« r 1929. J. E YOUNG, III' 1 '1 1 -» 1 , ■_________ . "tl f 1' I'-A.'______ Percolator ....... Hotpoint Urn Set............. Electric t orn Popper Electric Fgg Cooker Special Values! 9.75 15.00 6.50 12.50 25.00 2.89 4.90 98c 6.95 10c 4.89 2.19 . 98c A Sensational Buy! Bolt Action .22 Rifle___ WEBC 1-Gallon Vacuum Jug Beautiful Boudoir Lampa! A Real Buy New Stanley SUPER VAC Positively Will Not Break Will Not l>ak HOLDS HOT OR COLD Built for a Lifetime Quart Sixe.... I—BOY scours: BE PREPARED Official Axe with 1 leather Sheath. ...... I Jtt .40 Official Axe Stone... 59c Official a a n 3-Blade Knife_______ laWO Official 2-Blade Knife... Ofiidal Eveready Flashlight 8c A AA £«VV The G ift of G ifts Rogers and Community Silverware at Lowest Prices BLY HERE — SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE WISEMAN HARDWARE Marshall Wells Associate Store 543 Riches Within Reach We may not all l»o rich In mn terlnl things, but we may all l»e rich In mental, moral and spirit ual things without Impoverishing anyone.—I*. Quinton. Precepts From Buddha Tho man who foolishly does me wrong I will return to him the prote< tlon of moat ungrudging love ; ami the more evil comes from him, the more good shall go from me.— I Science Triumphant In llieae day« anybody who xcotT« the puttering« of the re search worker thereby proclaim« III« own blind Ignorance.—Worn nil's Home Coiiipnnlon. uh- piiltlng course In a i «•<mat Ion ground, w ith Neither Quite Satisfied man who works wishes he I oh II h ’,” said Unde Eben; not as hard as de man dut wlhhes he was workin’.”— Ington Star. Ammonia for Hour« Fern Expert or Nothing NOTICE TO CREDITORS A «krich in n (hentrlrn! weekly calls the subject nn “expert llun htm»‘r." We don't suppose there t.x iinythlii» In which mediocrity shows up <|iilek»*r thiin In lion tnm I Notier Is hereby given that thè limici Signed has beali appointe.I by th« < to, court of Lam* county, State of <*r«g«.n eaecutrlv of the last will ami tcatain« nt uf James It. Linebaligh, soni« thura known as J II Llnebaugh, deceas« «I by an order bearing dale the 3rd «lay of l»e«einlu«r I W '» All persona having claim.« against th* estate of said .Imuun II l.liiebaugh nniu«* times known aa I H «le « rant'd, arc hereby notified ami r«-t|iilrr«l to present III. «am«. «I. ' vrrlfbd !•» II. iimierslgned nt the law ’flee of Herb rt W' Lombard, Eirat Sal ...ual luink buihl Ing. l'otta*« Hruvr, Ore on or before 1 months from the «late of th«, first publl cation of this nolle«* Hated ami first publlslirtl this 5th «lay of Herrmher. lti'21* NANCY J LINKBAI'UII I vreu I rl R of 11..- I .n t Will ikiid Tistnini’iit of .lames It. Line bnugh. soiiietliiii’s known »» J. It. I.lm-I>nugh Heiu-nscd. IIEKRERl W LOMIIAKD, Attorney for I stat • «I • i '■ Strong Statements Onions are said to throw off vlo- let W« su«IH'ct Unit the sdentisi win. asserts that limi not ninny violets.—Florence smelled Herald. Mining and Mintage enti Inv nini In the coinage of the United States there Is represented the metals gold, silver, nickel and copper, with tin nnd zinc ns alloys. has boon no longer liv would I'lllll I>|R Rrlghatn Young was n'|."i't<-d to hive left .«I.IKK'.iHiO mid 19 wives lie nil« the father of 57 children. Improve Forest Tree« NOTICE TO CREDITORS Forest Improvement cutting bet ters conditions for growth, In • leases the proportion of good trees, and Insures better Individ mil trees. Notici’ is liireliy given to nil whom it may eom-ern that the undersigned. I ff \ Knowles, Ims lu-en «Inly np|minl«*>l ml ministratrix of Hi«' .still, of tieorgu <» Ifriowh’s. decesseli by the roilflty court of the State of Oregon, for th«' counts of Lane, and has qualified as such admin Mrslrlx and all persona having claima against salii estate an- hereby notified mid requested to present the sann., verified H’ required by law with the proper vouch • ih tu the snlil mliiiiiiist rat rl « al the of fl.« of II .1 Shinn, attorney at law, In Cottage Hrove. Lane county. Oregon, with In six monilia from the first date of Hie publication of this notice. Dale of first publication of Hii> notice is oil Hie IJtll ililV of I ». rcliiher. It»"*.» I EEIE A KNOW I.I M. \dmlnh trntrlx of tlu- EMate of tlvorge O Knowles, I» I. n i S hinn . Attorney for the I. ^'it«’ <11" j It isn’t the price you pay that keeps your en smoothly forcing the pistons down to de- Never Doe, All Hr Can gine turning during these colder days. It’s liver the power that speeds you on your way A pupil from whom nothing tn denuinded which he ennnot do never does nil lie run.—Mill. what you get for your money—the fuel value The new and better Texaco forms a dry of the gasoline. The new anil better Texaco gas. That’s why its engine performance Gasoline answers winter requirements. is so much better. Compare it with any Potatoes Com. First I’otiiloe« nrc* the large«! and n.ost valuable vegetable crop In the I’nlted States. And Thst’d Be Awful A lecturer sttys students need Otherwise their time to think. ilme cnlentlnni will get nil mixed up. IhiHns News. Woodcuts were once called “th- demoerats among the graphl arts.” Common to Humanity And Rheumatism Mornlll.v knows nothing of Keo emplih'id boiiudiirles or dlsllnc iloti, of nice Herbert Speuccr. Wisdom comes with nge, they «a —but, nhiM, too often, so does halt ness! I’oit Wayne News Sentine. Woodcuts' Distinction THE TEXAS COMPANY, Texaco Petroleum Producta NEW and BETTER For the Teeth Sourcn o f Trouble The h t nnturnl dentlflce Is u npple he neid In the Juice kill all geioe und preserve, the ennme' All tlm rolli trouhh’ In file worl«' Comes frinii solili’ one’s lin k of scll control. Amcrlciìn Mngiizlno. Tall Story D tcovery of Amazon Tho Ani:i/on liter wiin first ill* covered mid nNeended b.v Vincenti Ysinez Pinzon In the .veiir 1.500. The dwarf who admitted wiim rather ahoi t when naked n hum. lit fl»» playing th Mussolini violin. You Mean PigheadeJ I gasoline you have ever used. The Secretary's View Soim» men mt» JuNt funny Iitti l»o.\s i»hi>lng nt tin* popnlnr enn of gì» gutting. - Aiih’i-lriin Mngitzln cniinot lx» reformed; Il nhollshed. tmerteiin AL ik It fs nlwiiyM the other fellow who In Intolerant- Shoe mid Leather Heporter. For Texaco starts instantly on the cohL est day! At the snap of the spark it’s offt llopidei, Ca.* NOTICE or FINAL SETT LEM I. N i TEXACO STARTS EASIER Mormon Leader’s Progeny Vitin Frivolities The age of dlscretlon reached when n num wonders or tuns how look In it «ilk lint.- St. patch. of ptict. About every three months the hotiMv fern will appreciate a water ing containing a little household ninmonhi. It will make It green a nd glossy. ------------- w------------- r-T-t-------------------------------- Notice Is hereby given Hint 1’1«m l ieii •lerer hits filed III the county court of the stnt«« of Or. ),on In mid fot county bls finni nccoiint ns the administrator of tlu- eslat«1 of Erancis M Nir haw ami. i mid Abby .1 Nlghswamler. deceased, mid 10 o'clock In the forenoon of Tucadny, fh '1st «lay of lamiary 193«». In tlu county court romu in Hie county comi linitae, I''igvne. Lane < minty Ol eum, ha . I>. > n by said court fixed mid appoint'd ns the tini«' and pince for lienrihg objections to said finni account ami for the flnnl s. Hh - nirnt of the estilles of I'rmu ls \l Ni' II svvnnder and Abby I Nlghmvnmler, d< censed. Hated and first published, December III l'»’9 Halo of publication, .lamiary It'. 1930 Fl.EM IIF.NDEHEH, Administra tur of the F.alafoa of Francia M Nighswander and Abby «I. Nigliswander. Deceasi'd. HEHHERr W LOMBARD, Attorney fur Eatatse, I V— W ■ ■ I above by Mr Kirk, was an old was unloaded and stored In the Alex Lundberg and Harry and Ton. half way place in thr mouth m warehouse and reloaded on pack Parker. Harry and Tom ara atiii Champion creek canyon, now horses «nd burros to nr routed ov . at (.undpark. In snug quarters, and known aa Lun<l|»ark. A large t.jX the Champion trail and spur hails are developing their mine the ledge warchoiiM« and hotel were erected to final destination. The electric of which crops out cloee to the S' at this point many years ago, when plant referrer? to was constructed mountain home. Alex Lundberg (hr IA(J< HOWARD ) much of the travel intQ Bohemia a short distance above the ware was closely identified with the Bo A Isttcr Just received by tn« mining district was confine J to th« house on the i reek, where turbines hemia district for many years as a writer from J W Kirk of Kudyard Champion creek rout«*. It wa i at lallrd to di miner and freighter, his home be Mont , formerly of this s«-« lion, u this point Hiat freight trams were ful dynamo« generating power for ing at Disston. Some four years brother of J. H Kirk. «!••« «-ased, reloailrd for thr Champion cr«»l. the West Coast Mines company, an ago Alex strayed from thoae deep gives on« thw shivers a4 ho coi ri- canyon trip to the «irverai upertiiii».' outgrowth of Oregon Kecurities.The beaten mining trails Into th« lonrf parrs weathe condtUonN in Moti- mines, among which may be rnen name Lundpark. by which the old trail that leads afar to a de.tln«- tana with those in < Irogon. Mi tlonrd the Champion, Nfxmday. warehouse is now Identified, Is ci* (ion shreuded in mystery. Kirk's latter follow» Giizzly, Golden Clipper and Cryst..|, 1 rived by combination of two names “Was just rending tin1 old home Prior to completion of tn«- Charn- that have for many years been fa I wonder if the editor of th^ Sen- paper, Th«« Hentin«d, and It kerpa pion ri«»«>k wagon road the freig ,» miliar to south I«anc county pcoph, tinel will permit the writer to thank mr pretty well posted on what I n y r-e.1 going on «found CoHage fJrovo Was reading about th«* new hah that is being Built at Culp Creek t»y Al Whitman, and rny though»a went buck to younger days when .' freighted to Bohemia for s«‘V«,r »l y«'ars prkrr to 1R06. "Think it was In BkM ihat the Ur«*gon S « in Hi« c-ompany was *»f> crating and when that ( •»mp»»ny •■ tablishi-d the electric plant b: Ito (•) Wan houH» . Think the Ham mond Lumbei company had the contract for placing »he machinery. Mure some roads <ompai<-d to what they have nowa<J»ys. Il would hav« been some undertaking to hav»* de livered machinery and supplies with motor truck« an they do tfxlay. "It is now clow» to two yearn sine«« I ¡«-ft C'ottege Grove and 1 arn wintering in Rudyard this win 1. i Wee m Inventeur, Mont., Insi winter, Make enough In the sum mer to lay oft of winters, it la too til darn cold for one of my age stand the cold winters at any kind of employment." Not’vithntunding 15*11’« aavortion that he 1« hibernating in a iath«-i frigid zone, hr i«n t asleep ah time, for he goes on to «ay: in lots of time reading, Have radio and get come fine piogiun.« I >on 1 irtlie very early and gel up when I get ready." But Mr. Kilk just mn't get over talking about tin* cold in dear old 'Strikes like a Match. Montana, for he «wing« back front Variety of colors. N his philosophy of enjoyment and beautiful clock part- to get out of or snap« out that “the winters arc Extra high quality kitchen » made by the famous that will please the der. New and differ . — long and cold and break up nom< Russell IJne. All pieces are stainless. A £ AA ent. mo«t pieusing gift ........ 3.W time in April. It has been a nice Only particular... fall for this country. And then on«* can almost see this old We»» footer shiver when he add«: "It looks now as though it had closeu in for th«* winter." And then, a« a sort of apology fot Hotpoint his home town he adds: "Rudyaru E«pecially Low Priced Toaster la on the Great Northern railway. 8-Light Electric Tree Lights 55 • mil» > from Huvif, Mont. Hav.c Hotpoint in supposed to b«» the coldest place Time and Labor Saver in the union." Waffle Lun In sending compliments to the Electric Food Mixer writer and family he also semis his Hotpoint best regards to "ail my old friends Sparkling. Glittering Gift Cord Heating Pad _ and e.fjM*« lally B. I «and. ’ 3 Color-.—Ball (•) The "'Warehouse ' referred to Hutpoint ♦- I enjoys Chile as a nation promotes avia tlon. 1. A wet ass is «n atomized mixture of gasoline vapor in which are suspended drops of raw gasoline. a. These drops of raw gaso line form an uneven mixture which resists the action of the sp«rk. 3. Result: Destructive crank case dilution, difficult starts, slow acceleration — g slug gish motor. I. The fteu> and better Texaco vaporizes so readily that it forms a dry aas—an active mixture of sasoline and air. a. This pure, dry fas re sponds instantly to ch« ac tion of th« spark. 3. Result: Lightninf starts, rapid accelerations arnoocb aciivo— power! GASOLINE Winter 1W*