THVHMHAY. I>E< ITMIIFIt I». IMO THF. SEMTINEI.. GOTTAGF CiîlOVE. OREGON T Meat Made Tander Ly Juice of Tropical Tre* SAVE-a.W’GREEN STAMPS The tough««) twefatruk may l>< ronil.rod h . tMxIvr and dvlldoua it» th. ch <> I cat porterhouM If on«- will carry with him wherever he dine» a bottle of papuw tre. Juice anil rub It on hla meet. The (uipnw la a peculiar tre. of northern Mmifli America and other tropical rvifloiit where th. native. OM ita Juice In thia way to Improv, their meat It alao ha. a number of other peculiar it lea, aaya a bulletin laaue'l by the Field Muaeutn of Natural lllatory. Chicago. The pnpawa are definitely divided Into ttfo lekea, with dlatlnct char act.rialtca, whereaa in inoat plant a and tree, each Individual 1» equipped to reproduce ltaelf alone. poMMStng both th. male and fe main organa. Among the papawa. of which there are a »me twenty »even apeHea, the male ami female flower, ar. produced on aepurate tree., th. male flower, occurring In long mattered racomea, and the fo male one. In abort, .mail bundle. Another peculiarity of the (inpen la that tha Juice of th. plant, con , tain, fibrlne, a auhatance which ao far a. known exlata elaewliere only In animal fleah. Thia, however, can not be regarded a. eetabllahln« a link between the animal and vege table kingdom, in the chain of evo lution, botaulata declare. Redeem for Beautiful • Premiums at Kern’s for Drugs TAo MtltV (aimer Sixth and Main PHONE 82 A Safe Place to Send the Children Phe following Progressive Cottage Grove Merchants Give ¿iW." Stamps Vom Burned Discount on All Purchases at All Stores Listed Below Get the Habit Collect S. & II, Green Stamps—It Pays guest« at the Lee Nixon home. Mi and Mm. V. T. Miller and children «pent Sunday at Trent with Mr«. Millet ’.« parents, Mr. and Mrs. Weise. A road from the Delight valley highway to the Earfield timber tract i« being planned and will be completed thi« week. Mr and Mr«. W. E. Nixon enter tained as guests Sunday the J. A. Joli family, Mm. Hugh Nixun and children and Albert I^amon and son of Portland, who are enroute to Florida, where they expect to spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jackson an I sons were Sunday guests at the Ben Jackson bom*- near Walker. Mr. and Mm. Joli and son Frank and Kenneth Joli were Sunday eve ning guests at the E. J. Kent home. The Delight valley school is pre paring a Christmas program to be given Friday evening. The Walker club basketball team will meet the Crow team on the Walker floor Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mr«. Walter I»ackey and Th. Culprit son were entertained at the Charles "My dear,” remarked Mr. Pitt, at Conner home Sunday. he sht at breakfast one morning *1 think there was a burglar In the C. O’Hoyt Hurt In Washington. house last night." Clarence O’Hoyt, former resident "Why do you think that7" asked of this city, was seriously injured hla loving wife. Saturday forenoon in the Bordeaux “Weft," said be, "I left a lot of sawmill in Bordeaux, Wash., when money In my pockets before I went he was struck by a cant, sustain to bed last night, but there's none ing four fractures to the right pel there now." vic bone and one to the left. He “That's your own fault," she re I p'led snapplly. “Tou should have was taken to St. Peter’s hospita’. in Olympia, Wash. Mr. O’Hopt is got up and shot the person. If you foreman of the mill and the acci hadn't been such a coward, you dent happened when he became wouldn’t have lost your money." caught between the cant rnd steel "Yes. perhaps you're right, my rolls of the edger. The cant was .de»r; but tji^n I ¿lsln't want to be 40 feet long, 48 inches wide and .¿onjo a widower."—London Weekly 61* inches thick. iTeTugraph’. A great deal of mystery »ur rounds th. picturesque Island of Madagascar. It appear, to be the lumMr room of an old continent, but which, or perhaps better, where la the continent, ask. a correspond ent: **Botn. think that Madagascar has broken away from Its mother continent, Africa; othera that It 1» one of the relics of a hypothetical continent, ‘Leuiurt»,' which existed long ago In the Indian ocean be tween Africa and India." This 1» not, as the casual reader might think, a paasago from some romance of the Jost lands of the world. It Is merely an extract from an official document, circulated by the British museum to call attention to the fact that an expedition Is now at work In Madagascar seeking the so lutlon of some of Its riddles. It Is not, then, beyond the bounds of pos slhlllty that the scientists may yet aend the world authentic tidings ol a lost continent. BfT Mi-vJON T THAT BF THW fll DELIGHT VALLEY. (*tp«rlal to the Hen tine! ) Dec. 17 Mr. and Mr« A. B Wol- TRADE IN CO TTAGE (¡ROVE, OREGON, AND SAVE SAUTA CtAUSf H*Oi IHl'it DANDI TRl/BAKF CMCMtUS Hi'it LtAVt / putir ht s (Hpe'lal to ths» Hen »In. I J !><•<•. 17. Mrs. Char!r TteLrn, Ext her Volgamo*«, Nellie Teeter« and Clarence Pe*rr<.jrt «pent Mun day at the Beil mKIftmi htrtnr in Corvalli«. The following were Eugene via I tor« Saturday Mr and Mr«. C. 1!. Brook«, Mi and Mr». I xju I n D<xlge, Mr. and Mr«. W C. Shearer and Mm. Lily MandMI and daughter«, Jeanie and Ka< l.ael A largo nun la»r attended a char» vari held Monday evening nt the J. B. Moeby horn for Hr. and Mr«. Philip Mowby, who w?rr married recently In Wermtrhee, Wa«h. Bruce A Cole, high school prin cipal, with two of the big.» «ch<x>l boy«, Orville /«barn and John Ho!- Mtrorn, attended an older buy«* con ference in McMinnville Saturday and Hund-}. Mr«. Emit Kirk and Mm. C. H. JenningM were Eugene business visitor« Monday, John Isham v'u brought home from a Eug-n* hoepital Monday at ter spending anve ii days there re ceiving medical treatment. Plan« are now being made by the school a:;d Sunday i «.hool for a Christmas program which Is to be given at the Farmers’ union hall Friday, Dec< mber 20. Delve Into Socr.ta of fa»d and won and Mr. and Mr«. Island of Madagascar Harold Wolfard were Sunday Kern’s for Drugs McQueen’s Grocery Bartels Market Helliwell & Nelson Service Station City Fuel Co. Mendenhall Jewelry Davenport Furniture Co. Nelson Electric Shop Wiseman Hardware Cottage Grove Electric Bakery / DOKENA. f a A»« ' w**'» a w a*w CWACXt«-/ Chriktmas Card«. Sentinel. ’Twas the Night Before Christmas —And breathless, the children expected St. Nick. I low to garner more presents was their chiefest surmise. Until Tru-Bakes, they de cided, would sure do the trick—and pleasantly please and surprise Old St. Nick. Looking Backward I I • I » 1 Order from Your Grocer There were some strange people» In pYetuMortc Kentucky. Scientist» In digging deep In Kentucky soil ' are said to have discovered evl dine, of two distinct groups of bn man beings existing In different ages and at different levels. One race burled Its dead In stone chnm , bora whilst another had granite 'altars for human sacrifice and burned their dead In pits of ma 'aonry. At any rate they seem tc .have bad means of making tire, al , though they were ’ .-re 10,000 year» tjefoTo cigar lighters were Intro duced. This Is a darned sight older 'country than we think and n>en with shovels turn up many »ur- prices. —Loa Angeles Times. J Poked and Guaranteed Firit Quality by the THU BLU BISCUIT COMT.1NY— Spokane, Portland, Seattle Z? f ' Solved Four-year-old Bobby, perched on bU father's knee In the crowded bus, looked hard at the stout, gaud- fly dressed woman as she bustle«) In, sniffed contemptuously, and wedged herself Into the only seat W , Xhen ho turned to bls mother. "Muln,” he said, loudly, "It's s lady.” y ‘‘Hush, Bobby, dear,” mothet checked hint; “we know.” "But, mummy"—Robby was puz- rJ^d—“jpu Just said to dad. "What- •ver's this object cornin' In?’" Christmas Special! ATWATER-KENT / and EARL Complete Radio Sets I ■ iu ■ ALL ELECTRIC $69 00 $ 97- 50 LATEST MODELS Offer Good Only Till Present Stock Exhausted RAY NELSON ELECTRIC SHOP L It Hurt . Ellen Terry, to everybody's sur prlJR, left 1120,000. A New York actress was talking about her. “Her wit was sharp,” the actress said. “Scm.tlmes It was too sharp “She and I and three or four oth er actresses were standing '.»ehlnd the scenes at a benefit in a Broad way theater one afternoon. A young and pretty actress said uncertainly: “ T don't think 1’11 sing, after aJ Tm sure they don't expect me.’ < •• '¡udeed thgy dp expect you, dar ling.' said Ellen Terry. ‘Don’t you seSrthetn all leaving?"? ® a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a Simple Pleasant Way To Lose Fat How would you like to lose 15 pounds of fat in a month and at the same time increase your energy and improve your health? How would you like to lose a load of unhealthy fat that you don’t need and don’t want and at the same time feel better than you have for years ? How would you like to lose your double chin and your too prom.- nent abdomen and at the same time make your skin so clean and clear that it will compel admira tion? How would you like to get you: weight down to normal and at the same time develop tnat urge for activity that makes work a plea sure and also gain in ambition and keenness of mind? Get on the scales today and see how much you weigh—then get an 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts which will last you for 4 weeks. Take one half teaspoonful in a glass of hot water every morning and when you have finished the con tents of this first bottle weigh yourself again. Now you can laugh at the people who pay hundreds of dollars to lose a few pounds of fat now you will know the pleasant way to lose un sightly fat and you’ll also know that the 6 vitalizing salts of Krus chen (Salts that your blood, nerves and glands must have to function properly)- have presented you with glorious health. After that you'll want to walk around and say to your friends. — | "One 85 cent bottle of Kruschen Salts is worth one hundred dollars of any fat person’s money.” Leading druggists America over sell Kruschen Salts—you can al ways get it at Cottage Greve Phar macy. dl9 ----------------------------- « r' Parrot’s Comment Apt A doetpr was giving a dinner harty. Uls favorite parrot was In tne room concealed by some cur tains. During the meal one of the guests, a woman, was exceedingly <(dnble, and talked for several min 'utes without cessation. When at last silence reigned, a Mpulchral voice demanded from be hind the curtail»«, “Let me see your tongue, plense." Whan the Parrot Swears “Furniture men see many pitiful Sights," says a trade p,ai>er. No iSEl'I ’hl'y could tell some moving tales.—Ottawa Journal. Hopeless Cese War cannot be reformed; It must be abolished.'—American Mag azine. Take any user’s advice buy a Remine ton Portable. Thia •ver-ready little friend contsdna complete sati* fhetion tn every tea turn Call in and lat ua show you thia wonder* fsi iMipnr and U sm The Sentinel TYPEWRITER SUPPLIES You Mean Pi(hea«lo4 It I m nlways tlio other fellow wl»o Is lutolerHUt- Shoe and Leather i Reporter. cose, l«0 Remington Portable C4N/) Y—The Always 'yTmptahle Christinas (/ift High School Notes — Ml — 4 Th« letter girl« h«l<i »h*ir annual anMernbly Friday .Horning in th*» gymnnslum Th* main feature was a basketball game between the let ter girl« and the non letter girl«. The non-letter girl« were def >ated 1.5-12. Giri«’ ciaaa basketball team« were r-hoaen Friday aa follow«: Henior flrat team, forward«, Ethal Bennett, Mary Vinaon; guard«, Viola Strong, Katherine Garoutte; jump renter, Beth Hiule; running center, F.-in Hungerford. Junior firat team, forward«, Mildred Bennett. I«JuUe Wynne; guard«, Ba Manon, Wllber- ta WiiMon; jump center, Dorothy Jennette; tunning center, Doily Newton- Sophomore flrat t«Am, for ward«, Florence HrrauXon, Margaret Leonard; guard«, Lucille Stone burg, Evelyn Smith; jump center, Matx-1 Blackmore; running center, («lady« Sproul«. Freshman firat team, forwards, Eunice Meranda, Dorothy Baldwin; guard«, Dorothy Haney, Bonita Schoen; jump cen ter, Helen Jone«; running center, Erma Bennett. The letter girl« defeated the non- letter girl« 15-12 in a basketball game Friday during aseambly An adrniHHion of 10 cents was charged and the proceeds will go toward putting the letter girl«’ picture« in ’he annual. At the frenhmen cla«« meetin.’ held Wednesday in the assembly Errna Bennett gave a short talk on absence, Roger Braswell »poke on trad Ines«, Lawrence Weise talked on grades and Robert Dusenberry on annuals. The sophomore class elected Al ton Woodard and Dayton Clark mi yell leaders at a class meeting held Wednesday. Lila Dutton entered high school Monday as a senhomore. Gray Goose Restaurant ll 'c H ill Mail Your Candy ¡l'herever You ¡Kish. ORDER NO IK! ---------------------------- ----- HARDWARE Cottage Grove Oregon HEBRON. Christmas Cards. Sentinel. ~ KNOWLES 6? GRABER (Special to the Sentinel.) Dec. 17. Mrs. John Kebelbeck re ceived word last Tuesday morning of the death of a sister, Mrs. Ed ward Whitefoot, at Detroit. Mich Mrs. Whitefoot’s maiden name was Anna Pieser and she was well known in this vicinity, having spent a winter here several years ago. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Huff and Mr. and Mrs. Charles White motored to Eugene Monday. L. D. Huff and John Murry dressed their turkeys Thursday and sold them to a man from Yoncalla. Mr. Huff soid 1.5 and Mr. Murry 30. The Farmers’ Union held ita an nual election of officers at a meet ing December 12. The following were elected: O. A. Nichols, presi dent; L. D. Huff, vice president; John Kebelbeck, secretary-treasur- er; Mrs. John Kebelbeck, conduct ress; F. C. Führer, doorkeeper. Mrs. Jessie Gilcrist, trustee for the hali to take the place of Mr. Ban ton. F. C. Führer w’as reelected to MTV* <>n the fair board. Hugh Trunnell was chosen as representa tive to the agricultural council. Philip Hersey nearly severed an index finger Sunday night while cutting wood. He was rushed to a physician and the u*ound is healu.g satisfactorily. Mrs. F. C. Führer went to Eugene Friday morning and visited witn a daughter Hazel until Sunday. STEEL AND WOOD FILING CABINETS THE SENTINEL Printers—Office Outfitters ■ PREPARED fo Scree Y oh /fesf for CHRISTMAS ■■•■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ h I GIFTS I I at 25c i ■ Handkerchiefs— ! Box .......... 25c 3 Ladies’ Hose 25c S Ladies’ garters 25c 3 Children’s Hose ■ 25c • Ladies’ Combs 25c 1 Ties ............... 25c ; Story Book 25c ; » S | : | ! j ■ This store is Santa's HEADQUAR TERS FOR PRACTICAL GIFTS Here we’ve grouped for votir selection various items in price group»«— SO AS TO AID IN YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ■ 8 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■•■■■■ Christmas Dolls They’re here — A w o n d e r 1 a n »1 of life-like beauty from 39c to $1.9» Our Ready - to - Wear Dept, offers many acceptable gifts for PRACTI CAL GIVING. Silk dresses from $2.98 to $9.90 Ladies’ felt slip pers, from—• 69c to $1.95 Source of Trouble All the real trouble In the world comes front some one’s luck of self control.—American Magazine. Discovery of Amazon The Amazon river was first dis covered nud ascended by Vincente Yanez Pinzon In the year 1500. I C h i 1 <1 r e n’s felt slippers 50c to 98c A pair of Oxfords for the whole fam ily from ....... $1.98 to $4.98 I GIFTS ? ’ : at ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 49c I ■ I ■ Men’s Silk Hose .......... 49c ■ Men’s Garters 49c s ■ Men’s Ties 49c Men’s Work Shirts.......... 49c i Men’s Shorts . 49c S A Special Stock of GIFTS at 98c Ladies’ Silk Hose ..... 98c Scarfs ............................... 98c Umbrellas ............. 98c House Dresses .................. 98c Silk Bloomers ................ 98c Outing Gowns ................... 98c Christmas Hosiery Supreme in <iuality, perfect in fit. Our Men’s Dept, meets every gift rc- q u i r e m e n t. with everything a man wants and wears. Shirts ami suit ami overcoat— $19.75 to $27.50 Hoys' blazers, from $1.98 to $4.98 Men's felt slippers, just, what he wants at ............ 98c Men’s sweaters for Christmas arc nice gifts .... -........... $4.45