nu HHII4V, Ill <1 Mill H K. IHffl < «trad of six. The Walker team was composed of Evelyn Bcn.'»on and Helen Mont let h guard«. France» Keene, center; Audrey WolfaiJ and Ruby Ben«ton. forwards. A number of young folks enjoyed a dance Saturday night at the law RAG IN AW. Yence Montieth home Music was (Np»> aad .ur Thursday at the Murray Sham ping teon. Otti«* in Lawson building home. Pbon. 47, Cellar* Orator. Mr. and Mm. Dewey Fogle and AXLET, M. D.—Physician and sur children were guests at the Lowe'I • fe»n. F venin ir« by appointment. Over 1 Benston home Thursday evening. fhiu'a Drag «tore, Cottage Grove, Oregon Oscar Monroe motored to Bee?h- V». KIME. M D. — PhyMcian and | er Monday to do some repair work • Burgeon Ob»t«tric« and di»«a»e« of I on his place there women aad children a specialty. Offit- Miss Lucille Richmond of Spring­ Firat National Bank building. Phonea: Of hoe, 284, reaidence. 126 J. KrMdence field spent Sunday with Mrs. Nerva add re»». 1149 we»t Maia. Hard is ty. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reed spent CHIROPRACTORS Sunday at Eugene with relatives. R P. R. KNAPP. Chiropractor Phy George Anley has purchased a sicid Therapy. Hour« 9 to 5. Chronic dto»a»ea and hou«« call« a «pecialty Bank gas motor washing machine for his Bl«« . o»»r K«lly Drug «tore. Free can- mother. Mrs. James Anley. aullation and examination. Phone 110 Evelyn Benston Helen Montieth. Alvin Earl and LyMe Scott attended ATTORNEYS a dance Saturday night in Eugene erbert w . lombard - Att»r>»y Mm. Bart Johnston and daugh­ at L aw . First National Bank building ters were callers at the Otis Chap Pbou« 94. Cottage Grove, Oregon. man home Saturday afternoon. J. SHINN — Attorney at Law aad Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Shampang • Notary Public. Practice« in all with Mr. and Mrs. Logan Bear of court». Bader building. Cottage Grove Creswell motored to Eugene ” one Oregon. day last week. VETERINARIAN Mrs. Otis Chapman. Mrs. .Aaron Eniigbt H. HARTMAN, D.V.M . gradual« Thompson and Mrs. J " • veterinarian. Of fie« at Kelly Drug ’ spent Wednesday in Eugene. •tare, phone 37: residence phone 247R. Mrs. Francis Eastmun and chi.- Calk promptly answered at al! hours. dren attended a basketball gam« at Creswell Friday. Nearby News D U D H A O H H DRAFTING rafting henry m . lake pu »» and »pacification». Personal call« D ternoon or »reninr- Located two LONDON af­ mil«« Box (Special to the Sentinel.) r>*»t of Cottar» Grow«, Ore. P. O Dec. 10.—Mrs. Mary Massey vis 34S. Phon» 41T3 ited Monday afternoon with Mrs. W. L. Townsend. The John Sutherland family spent Sunday afternoon at the W. T. Jones home. Is a Prescription for Mrs. J. E. Banton and Mrs. Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Harvey Shipp spent Friday at An- Bilious Fever and Malaria. lauf with the Roberts family. It is the most speedy remedy known The John Madson family spent L, Saturday and Sunday at Black butte with Mrs. Madson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pooler. Lonit Distance Hauling M rs. Alexandria Lyons and grand children. Daisy and Warren War Piano Moving a Specialty wick, accompanied the W. H Bachelder family on a trip to Eu­ gen» Saturday. John Perini’s galloping goose be­ came uncoupled from a load of log»; last Friday, ran down and soon jumped the track, demolishing near- CHESTNUT TRANSFER CO. Chestnut Brothers, proprietors STORAGE AND GENERAL TRANSFER Office phone 6 Beeidence Phone 160-Y COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON LEONARD TRANSFER W. L. Leonard. Prop. OFFICE AT HOWES CONFECTIONERY Res. Pbone 239-J GENERAL TRANSFER Cottage Grove. Oregon PARTICULAR WORK FOR PARTICULAR MEN AND WOMEN Imperial Barber Shop P* S. Rtikoxvski The carnivals ot Union Square from an easy chaid Look directly on the glittering Christina« tree...enjoy parades, coo certs, puppet «how« and spectacular entertainment, from the comfort of a Plaza root" A beautiful, modem hotel RATES $2 ro $4 5U M O *r C L- PLAYA POST STRICT AT STOCKTOM WANT TO BUY WA.NTEb PYROTOL BLASTING HOI. tier. Have you any surplus to sell ' State amount and price f. o. b. H. E Walker, Oakridge Ore. d5-12p MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—WINTER PASTURE FOR SO head of ewe«. T. H. Belt«. Route 2 Creswell, Oregon. o31tfc FOR SERVICE A 2YFIK-OLU REC ¡Kterfd Jersey bull, hi« paper« an- ready for inspection at any time. 12.50 charge at time of «enrice. Located on <'ad Ellis place 2 mile« ea*f f town. Wallace Townley, phone 1F13. d5-12p BODY AND FENDER SHOP — COM plete body and fender repairing. Ex­ perienced workman L. F Davis, comer •ixtli and Washington. Spriggs build­ ing. dZrip SECONDHAND GOODS BOUGHT AND «old, '• *' Davenport, 41« wert Main street. d12 IVe Welcomcyou to Portland. 200 comfortable room«, each with bath. Reasonable rwe«. Convenient downtown location. HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON Kun I. Boon. Rndmc Mmf" SILK CREEK. TO TRADE LOST. i----------- LOST - PO< ’ K KT Bi MIK CO NT A ININ • : >200. vntir»* Humnwr’« Having« of an - old nmii. December 4 «omewhere on high- _ way. Fifth nr Main «treeet« between Chambers mill and Central hotel. Finder i pleane return to George Gloss, Cenerai hotel. Liberal reward. d12c LOST -STEEL WHEEL AND TIKE 32xfl for Ford truck, between Cottage Grove and Dorena Finder ph-a«« leave at Farm­ er«’ Union «tore. d!2p I , l> FLIGHT VAI.l.KY (Special to th» Sentinel > Dec. 9. —Orlen L^and, Mrs. C. H Jennings and Mrs. Louis Dodge were business visitors in Eugene Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kirk and children of Curtin spent Sunday at the E. L. Kirk home. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Jennings an i daughter Beth of Walterville spen* the week end at the home of Mr. Jennings' parents. Mr and Mrs. C. H. Jennings. Sidney Bales, who is employed at Oakridge, visited several days last week at the home of his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. U. S. Bales. Mrs. Robert Gorthy and daugh ter Evelyn of Wendling were vis itors last week at the home of Mis Gorthy*« parents, Mr. and Mrs. C M McLin. Mrs. Ruth England and children Robert and Faye spent Sunday af­ ternoon at the AJ Whitman home at Wildwood. Teachers as well as students are busy '.earning the parts assigned them for the Christmas program which is to be given at the Farm­ ers' union hall Friday December Ju WANT ADS I (Np»cial to the Sonlla»! ) IVc. 10 Miss Miriam Piper and Mr and Mr« Albert Barkemeyer and little son Leonanl were Sun day dinner guests at the Herman Barkemeyer home Mr and Mis Jeasr Culver have taken two orphan children from the boys and girls' aid society in IVrtland. The two. a boy and girl, brother and slater, aged five and six year«, arrived last week Mr and Mrs. Culver, who have no chil­ dren of their own. are much with them and intend to adopt them. The county road j*atn»lman was working the toads Monday and Tue«day. The Jeaae Culver family visited at the Tom Williams some Sunday. The Guy Jenkins family weie Monday evening guests at the Fred Overton home Mr and Mr«. Carl Wenntold of Cottage Grove were Sunday after­ noon callers at the Misses Taylor home. The diphtheria quarantine has been lifted from the Truman Clark home. The children are again able to resume school. Jesse Culver plans to get out pole and mining timbers from Il IS ranch this coming year DORKNA. (Special to the Sentin»! ) Dec. 10. Ernest Darnell left Sun­ day for California with a truck load of Christmas trees. Neighbors Friendship club met at the home of Mrs. Martha Bit- Unger Thursday. December 5, for an all-day session. Eleven 1 mem­ bers were present. Fancy work provided by the hostess was i the chief occupation. “ EZach member took a coverecDdish and a delicious luncheon was served cafeteria style at noon. At the usual business S£PTIC TANKS hour, it was decided to have a Ready for you to Ln »tall Two to four persona------ >21.00 Eugen« ■grab bag" for the older members Vtire» to six person« ----- >28.00 Eugen« and a Christmas tree for the litt*e e*ewer Pipe, Well C-rktag folk at the next club meeting on Drain Tile and t'hunney b*ucka. December 19 at the home of Mrs. decSip EUQEXE CONCR1TE PIPE CO. Ed Conklin. Visitors at the Arthur Woolcott LODGE MUTISM home during the past week were COTTAGE GROVE AERIE, FRATER- nal Order Eagle«, meet« in I. O. O. F. Mr. and Mrs. John Overholser Mrs. Mary Burcham. Mrs. Eloise hall «very TneiUay. Wheeler and Mrs. Ralph Teeters. Mrs. M. R. Hoffman and two FOR SALE—ONE HIGH GRADE VIC- daughters Margaret and Florence trola phonograph. Will trade fur guna, v «-e in Eugene Friday to have dining table or anything 1 can u«e. C A their tonsils removed. They re­ King, telephone 1F5. nl4tfc turned Saturday and are recover­ FOR SALE — PTRE BRED. LARGE ing satisfactorily. Mrs. Charles broad-breasted, gentle Brome turkey Trembley is helping to take care of ht-na and toms. C. H. Dear. 4 miles *-a»t Cottage Grove. Disstou route. n28 dlfcfc j them. Mrs. Spaulding and a son and FOR SALE—ONE JERSEY COW FRESH two granddaughters of Montana about ten days. Mrs. M. Nordstrom, phone 29F4. d5-19p 1 who have been making an extended visit with George Hand, ?xpect to FOR SALE—PIGS FUR SALE. ALSO A leave for California this week. good brood sow. John Murry, Cot tag» George Hand has been busy the Grove. Phone 23F42. d51Wc past week hauling rock from the FOR SALE—QEESE. YOUNG AND FAT river near Cottage Grove to put on Order your guo.* for Christina, now Mr«. John Keb»-ibeck. phone 39F5. dl2p- the road to his house. Mrs. Ernest Darnell and two FOR SALE—ONE BUSH LANE RADIO small daughters. Mrs. Mary’ Burch­ complet«, uith B eliminator. S. Stew art, phon- 217J. dl_p am and David Burcham motored Sunday to Independence to visit at CHRISTMAS GEESE. SPLENDID AND the home of Mrs. Otis Scott, daugh­ fat. J. A. Peterson, first house north , They re­ on road j ist aerosa steel bridge over Row ter of Mrs. Burcham river. dl2 Up ' turned home Tuesday. Ed Ashby, who has been serious FOR SALE — ALL ELECTRIC A TWA week, is recovering ter-Kent radio for »al»- Seven-tube aet, ly ill for in A-l condition D. J. Scholl. 62« Main slowiy. street, phon* 206 or 143J. dl2p The S. C. Swanson family have SHEPHFKD PUPS FOR SALE fl been sick the past week and it wan each, male or female. .Make the tota necessary to call in a physician. happy fur Chriatmaa with a pop Phon»- They are improving. dl2p Mr. and Mrs Clair Parks and WOOD TOR SALE two children of Eugene visited with Mrs. Purks’ parents, Mr. and Mis WOOD PRICES SEEM HIGH BUT ar«a t if you die «««h discount John Ashby, over the week end. Aak us about it. We give S A H. green Enoch Sprague visited Sunday trading »lampa. City Fuel with his father. I. N. Sprague. pbone 18. Duwnt«wu office Mr. and Mrs. Almond Hemenway Drug atore. were Eugene visitors Monday. They HOUSES FOR RENT. went to see a daughter Katherine, HOUSE FOR RENT OR MALE ON who is ill at her sisters' apartment north T«nth »tr«-«-t. Schofield Stpwait. there. phone 217J. d!2p M. R. Hoffman motored to Reeds­ FOR RENT MODERN 5 ROOM HOUSE port last Wednesday. for rent. Two blocks from Main street Apply at 225 north Tenth street. d!2-19p ' MOUNT VIEW. TO TRADE—SEVEN KI NDRED DDL lar »gttitv in suburban horn* In Cali- forni«, equipped to raí»* chicken«, rab bits and squabs to apply as down pay- ment on farm with livable house. ('. D Corbert, San Bruno, Cal. n28-d26p HEHKUN by objects and wrecking the g«xvst No one wu hurt. Mrs. Frankie Thorn i- running the »chexM bus for a few days until Mr». Bail«y*« family recover from diphtheria. Clayton and Clifford Townsend and Dorman Brookhart have gone to Cougar bend <»n a trapping ex pedition. Mrs. Thomas Foster spent Fri­ day afternoon with Mis» Dais» Warwick. While working at the Black Butt« mine a few days ago Owil Geei suffered a severely injured hand when two cars bumped together, catching his hand and mashing it. No bones were broken. Thomaa Moxley of Black Butt.' spent several days last week at the W. T. Jones home. Mrs. Susan Walker of Black Ella Butte and daughter. Mrs. Perdu of Brush Prairie. Wasn . spent Saturday at the W T. Jones home. ”.nd Mrs. Tunis Van Prooyan of Co (age Grove spent Sunday at the Alexandria Lyons home Mrs l>elbert Willi* of Westwood^ Cal., arrived at the o P. Wills home Sunday evening to spend the holidays with relatives here. The W H. Bhchelder family made a trip to Albany Thursday to visit .Mrs Bacheldet s uncle. C. K. No);.-? Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Raymond .»f Mosby creek visited Sunday afte! noon nt the home of a son, C W Raymond. Mrs. Lynch Currin of Black Butt« »’ visited her mother. Mrs. O. ' Wills, Saturday. The Dewey Watkins family spent the week end in Portland. (Special to the Sentinel.) Dec. 11. — Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yancey and daughter Bernice of Dorris, Cal., were overnight gueatn Friday of Mrs. Yancey’s aunt, Mr»., Amanda Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Snauer of Walden visited Sunday with a daughter, Mrs. Claude Arne. Mrs. Peterson's mother arrived here last week from the east for an Indefinite visit. Mr». Mack Tonole of Walden vis­ ited a sister, Mrs. Harry Williams, one day last week. Mrs. Roy Hands and Mrs. Claude Arne visited Mrs. William Hunds one day last week. The Neighborhood club met at a regular meeting Wednesday with Mrs. Arthur Jones at Gowdyvillc. Christmas decorations were used und one of the members, represent­ ing Santa Claus, distributed gifts from the members to each other. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sellers vis­ ited Tuesday evening with Mr. nnd Mrs. M. A. Dutton in Cottage Grove. Sixteen of the young people of the neighborhood were invited to a surprise party given at the Claude Arne home in honor of the thir teenth birthday anniversary of their son, Darrel Arne. Refresh­ ments were served und the evening was spent socially. A bling Machine Paper Sen-! tine). I (Special tv th» Seuliml ) Dec. 11. Sunday guests at the W A Witcher home weie Mr •»nd Mrs. Lawrence Brown and son. Max Sears spent Sunday in Mon mouth, driving as fai as Con Allis Saturday night. He was aeeoni- l>anied by a cousin, Clare I legate. The I>elight Valley school house is being wired for electric lights. Mrs Lee Nixon and so*». Mis. Harold Wolfard, Miss Audrey Wol- fard. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sears. Mis. Nora Jackson and Lyle and I Van and the E. J. Kent family were Eu gene visitors Saturday. Walker union high school re­ sumed its work Monday after be­ ing closed down on account of scar­ let fever. Only one case hus de­ veloped thus far Mr. and Mrs. Hany Benston and Mrs. Gerton of Eugene were Sun­ day guests at the Oscai Jackson home. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Witcher and into the daughter have moved house recently vacated by the Ivan Witcher family. The W. W. Wells family spent Sunday with Mi Wells’ parents ami other relatives In Cottage Grove Mrs. M. A. Horn attended the funeral of a friend, Milton Janzen, in Corvallis Sunday. The young man. a student at O S. C.. was stricken with uppendlcitis and died. He will be remembered by friends here who heard him play in an orchestra with his cousins. Pan Enelza and Frieda Jansen. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Sears were Sunday visitor« at the Morningstar borne in Eugene. O. C. Miller, who was hurt in an automobile accident recently, is gaming satisfactorily at the home Of a daughter, Mrs. Morningstar. THOBN'TON CORNER*. (Special to th» B«ntia»l.) Dec. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Poole of Roseburg stopped over Mondoy morning at the M M Ti­ son home while on their way to Portland. Mrs. Luta Fate and sons Frank and Henry and the latter's w*fe of Canyonville visited Thursday night with Mrs. Fate's sister. Mrs. V. W. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford I^ebow and children spent Sunday with Mi. Lebow's parents, Mr. and Mrs James Lebow of Walden. Mr. and Mrs. William Wells and family of Delight valley visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. George Foster re­ turned Saturday from Lebanon, where Mrs. Foster had visited with her mother, Mrs. C. G. Rozine, while Mr. Foster shingled a house. Mr. Foster has gone to Lebunon again this week to do some lath­ ing. Mrs. Olive Berry went to Eugene Monday. A sister, Mrs. Ellena Gol- den, returned with her for a VlSlt with their parents, Mr. and Mrs S. P. Shortridge. Mr. and Mrs. J. E Fisher of Hayhurst valley, near Drain, vis­ ited Saturday with Mr. Fisher l brother J. W. Fisher. Their moth er, Mrs. Sarah Fisher, accom­ panied them and will remain at the J. W. Fisher home until Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Buster Stroud of Cottage Grove were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B Dixon. L. R. Long of Cottage Grove was at the J. W. Fisher home Sunda> for dinner. Mr. und Mrs B. E. Smith visited one evening last week in Cottage Grove with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Highland. Mr and Mrs. Buster Pitcher of Blue Mountain visited one evening last week with Mr. and Mis. (’. K. Trent. McCafferty Wins Portland Fight Mickey McCafferty, local boxer, made an exceptional showing Tin*« day night in Portland when be de­ feated Jimmy Kelly, 140 pound- . Portland, winning every round of a four-round match. Kelly has 15-) fights in his record book but Mirk y outsmarted, outboxed and out- punched him through the entire match. Christmas Cards Sentinel. ............. T' J TT T— — ■ --W 'Round the Circle | »■ (lly JACK HOWARD ) I crossed palms with Wm <»eoik,i of Cotta*« Grove the other day. the first tini" in many moons Hill lu longs Nomewheie along in the 30, 3A, 40-yeai column of southern l»ane county pioneer« iiethaps earlier just talked and talked h * u I forgot to ask iin; but bless me. I've known him going on 30 yeai Anyway Hill has been a familial figure tn and about Cotta*» '«io\ for far better than a quarter of <> »*entuiy, as a freighter, rancher, laborer. On this occasion he was telling me something of his early rxpet I ence in homesteading or neai hoin» steading In the upper teaches ni< as the childrru grew apace, evening the mother ventured mention an unaasmeM that within her heart. “Strange,' said Hill "I've thuiking of that too.” They agrrtd that lack of opportunity to school the children was a drawback. About that time J. 1. Jones everyone in this country knows J. 1. farm« r. mill man und timber operator happened to meet Bill George in Cottage (.¿rove and he offered him S6UD for u relinquishment of his right on the tract upon which stu«»d the mountain home. Mr. George went home and talked It ovei with the wile. In these days $ o < m > isn't considered so much, but in those days dollars rush in hand' was some money. “Well, sir," said Bill the other day, "the upshot of the whole thing was we took it and moved to town. Sa>, do you know the ink on that lelinquishment wasn't hardly mo: •• than dry until the building of the O A S. started. A little later old Ike was offered >11,000 for the tim­ ber on that tract u dollar a thou sand - the cruise wus 11.000.(MUÍ feet." JCPENNEYCO 417 421 Main St. CHU ago Grove, Oregon Santa ('laus Will Be At This Store Friday and , from 2 to 4 p. m. a . L Saturday, When You Buy a Gift Be Sure to Buy for Quality is Well as Appearance (if course, you want your gift» to perpetuate your expression of r-treni .ind p>oi| will I oiijj after i Day is past. In gift­ shopping, it would l>e well to re- nirnibe: that it is the Quality that you get, not the price that YOU p.iv, which will enable your gift o einlutc. The Quality Gift Is the Gift Enduring pick gift, of quality . . . •n«l of smart »ur wi¡itt . . Middleton logging camp nt Cui: Creek, he has helped replenish th family purse by hl» knowledge < the woods nnd nnimnlN thrreo ’’But these bers, Bill, can you nmk anything out of 'em'”’ was nxkv* "Well, said this new her mm "I’ll trll you about ’em. Srr thos They three hives there my original stork lust fall. Her those seven hives there’’ They m> the Increase frutn those three hive* nnd they are good strong swnrn« well stocked for winter From U e three original hivet 1 took ><•*» worth of honey for the market nnd they are heavy with honey now That made an average of to th* hivr with an increase in swarms of better than 20G |>rr Rev, Louis Henry Kanäle of th- not be anything more than telling you a good hunting yarn in his in­ Baptist cnurch. sp-nklng before the Lions club at its noon meeting hist imitable way—but it is something, and you can lay to that. "What yer Thursday, described general condi doin’ Bill?” says the writer. "Oh. lions in Chinu. Hr showed that i winter, was a country of arrested develop fixing up my bees for Got disgusted with rubbit raising tnent, lacking in transportation ar.d lie said the — Just couldn't raise ’em and then industrial facilities. kill the little fellows for market. Chinese are a deeply religious | • that’s all—didn’t look like a fair pie. Rev. Randle spent seven yeut - deal. Don’t think nothing of shoot- in the interior of China as a mis ing animals in the wood«, for it al ■ionary. ways seems to me that they have a fighting chance, and most of ’em Christmas Cards. Sentinel. have—»nd some of ’em need killing on general principles, anyway Christmas Cards. Sentinel. Nope, no rabbit assassination for me. Bees don't need killing need just a little care and gentleness and they'll pay you back every- time.” Patton was erecting an impro vised beehouse for his ten hives that had already been carefully looked after for the winter It is astonishing the knowledge he has crammed himself with, in the few months that he han interested him­ self in bee culture, by reading, by observation and close study of the likes and dislikes of the honey producer«. By trade Bill is an en gineer, by nature a naturalist; and when he happens to be out of an engineering job, as has been the rsM« rrnjrh of the time sin^e the closing down of the Anderson YOU can make good recipes turn out even better by using SPERR DRIF 1 The largest selling flour in the West * -t WOULD YOU EUEVEIT? • • • Casey’s Compound For Rheumatism and Neuritis Cleanses the blood from uric acid poison, reduces pain and swelling. Mrs. M. J. Bowers west 6th St., Eugene, Oregon, states she was down 3 months with sciatic rheumatism, was restored after using 3 hotties Casey’s eornpoiind It not only stops an excess of uric acir from forming but aids in its re moval $1.50 per bottle Cottage Grove Pharmacy Kim’s Drug .tore How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Double Chin —Lost Her Prominent Hips Lost Her Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor-Gained in Vivacious ness Gained a Shapely Figure. If you’re fat remove the cause? KRUHCHEN SALTS contain the 6 mineral Halts your body organ«, glands and nerves must have to function properly. When your vital organs fail to perform their work correctly your bowels and kidneys can’t throw off that waste material before you realize It—you’re growl.'--g hideous­ ly fat! Try half a teaspoonful of KRUS- CHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa­ ter every morning In 3 weeks get on the scales and note how many pound» of fat have vanished. I Notice also that you have gained in energy your skin is clearer your eyes spurkle with glorious health you feel younger in body keener in mind. KRUHCHEN will give any fat person a joyous sur­ prise. Get an «5c bottle of KRUHCHEN SALTS at the Cottage Grove Phar­ macy—(lasts 4 weeks). If even this first bottle doesn't convince you this is the easiest, safest and surest way to lose fat If you don’t feel a superb Improvement in health so gloriously energetic vi gorously alive your money gladly returned. < ASK Lane Auto Company