pack ron Cottage (brine ^rntinrl THF SFNTINFls COTT«IF GROVE, ORFGOM stand the living epic of the air mail service? In the annual report v( Batobllsbod ISSO Postmaster General Frown the Published Every Thursday other day we notice«! a phrase lik Published by Catta*« Grove Publishin* rning the air mail to the historic Compon y pony exprt ss which in pioneer Elbert Bedo....... K ditor days linked the east and west. The Ihe Highway l<MpO«t Chunh. simile isn’t new but it is mighty ixnila Henry- Randle, paat’-r. apt. In fair weather or foul, m Church «chooi, 9 45, W L. l.e* card, Busta*«« O (fies. 25 North Sixth day-time or at night, the pony ex superintendent, classes for «mall press rider of pionoet days rude children will meet again as usual 8UBNCRIPTION BATES ll forth alone to brave the perils of Morning worship will be at (Cash In advance) savage foM, Ona year------ |2,25lThr«-e months $<> 75 o'clock and the paator will start a Nix month«....... tl.25|On*> month ..$0 50 In fair weather or foul, in day series of aermona on "The l.*»i«’*hip • at tI m -v.i l.»i i i time or at night, the air mall pilot Member of National Editorial As«ociati«*n goes forth. His foes are remorse being "1\> We Need a lx>rd " Oth« i Ore g os Ntate Editorial Aa»<i< iativn subject« tn the eerie« will be “The less savage- the elements You re Or*<on Newspaper t'<>nfen*n< th«* i.«H\l «'f I «'-.«1 - Ha* member when Ivan Houston was Ai 11 \ al killed over in Wyoming, they **atd J osh « a Right to Demand Anythin«: and U m i oid on Hii he might have saved himself by « ; Me picking an easy landing before »he Judgment Throne." Junior and Hi gv>»ng got too bad. Then there was B V P V will meet at 6 30 ami Ait Smith, one of Tom Nelson's the devotional life commission will early cronies He was driving full have charge of the Hi group ser Pacific Const Repre«» ntatives bNening worship. 7 ser That is an intriguing story about speed west when l.ion mountain vice A W. Styfwa Inc Kingship of Portland. Security Bldg San Francisco, C. D. Gatch, former turkey raise- reached up out of the fog ami got mon subject. "The A cottage prayei Bharon Rid*., Loa Angeloa, Wil Wettern on the Lorane road out front Eu him. The reports show that one Self Control Pacific Bldg . Ned Hryd«»n Jack in char*e. gene, who left his turkeys, sold of the worst bliuards in yeais was meeting will be held at 7 30 tonight some property in Ohio, went to blowing in off the Great lakes when at the home of Clyde Butler. 138 Mrs J H New York played the stock market Tom Nelson started his fatal trq . north Eighth street an«i returned with between three They didn't find Tom out in the Ponsfonl will I m * the leader and In view of recent publicity. The million and four million dollar. mountains but very neat Clcvi lan«t those intending an* asked to bung Sentinel wishes to make the follow Hta luck either means that others He probably sacrificed a dorer their bibles. The ladies' ai l will hold a Christmas baxam and bak«-«! ing statement not accustomed to playing the su ck chances to save himself. The editor of The Sentinel has market must have lost, which The men of the air mail service f.Hxl sale Saturday tn the ¡h.blt'dl building. not been selected to manage any should be a lesson to those tempted are like that The other morning, gubernatorial campaign, nor has it to follow Gatch's example, oi it far out of sight, far above the fog been hinted to him that he might means that he outwitted even *nos - which made most of us nerv.«us First Meth«Hiis< < hurt'll. Kr\ be asked to accept such a position. accustomed to the stuck market about a drive around the block, you Charles P Johnson, pastor Rv\ The fact that the editor has let it game, which is even a stronger mav have heard the sharp song of Johnson will pleach at the 11 become known that he is a likely argument for the ordinary man to an airplane motor with throttle o'clock Sunday service on the topic, candidate for the legislature is m leave it alone. At the oja*n wide Nothing much, but he "The Fullness uf Tune itself sufficient to prove that he has daily coast mail he a ded south, over 7 30 service his topic will be * I'he made no plans to become prom« If th» r 1« anythin* that mak< s a ft I forests, and canyons, and moun Gospel of* Good Cheer." 'ii.e choir neatly connected with the cam low madder than bavin«* t>ad m««n< > tain ranges betting a life on an will present special music. The paa»«Hi vu him. it is to t «-aught try m. paign of another. engine and a compass, just doing Epworth League meeting at 6 30 The reported negotiations for the to paint it off on someone «•!*« . t'oltag« a daily task Some time w hen you will be a booster meeting fol the Grove Sentinel. sale of the Cot tag«* Grove Ihiblish Those of us who have neve had our think life is getting dull and com Little River institute. Ptayei meet ing compans are not even remotely angry paaaions ri«e for either ««f thr»«* monplace. go to a field where the ing will be held at 7 30 Thu.stlay » . mpathh«* connected with anything the edi’oi reasoaa must. nexerthele»* with Brother Bede in hi* tniifurtunr But air mail takes off at night. No evening. The young |»e<ipie oi the of this paper, or any incoming edi his case remind« us of Kalph Waluo cheering crowds to stir a man to Epworth League and Sunday lie J tor, might do to advance the inter Emerson's famous l«n< .*s ’ Elbert took a stunts Just the mechanical gang are preparing* a pug-eant fui the ests of any candidate. Incidental phony dollar. aotic«Mi it. and r«i» and niavbe the hangar pup Flood Christmas program. The « hou- will failed to pass it on hi» felb ly The Sentinel has not been >olu. holier; hence his moans and groans and bri lights crackling. Engine warming assist. • • • lows.” — Portland Spe« rtator up. Those lines of Emerson's are w e "Hank's late." BATTLE H<H K. rreabylt'rian Church Pust«>r believe the original ones of his "He’ll be in all _ Dunean P. Cameron will preach it "There he comes now." One of the most throbbing epi famous mousetrap theory which he the ll o'clock Sunday ••♦,ivi«e on sodes in th«* history of early Oregon didn't write and which no otte e tae Out from among the stars come The Date!« ss Christ," an appiecia was enacted on Battle ruck, on the is willing to claim. two twinkling lights which are the tion of the place of Jesus Chiist in plane’s lights. Hank hits on three the history of the world south western Oregon coast. Action At tne The future historian, after a points and taxies up. for its preservation was not seri 7 30 hour his address will be on ously considered until a scenic high searching inquiry into the cause of “Lotta sleet over near Bryan," "Christ’s Gift to the Natiuns show way was built along the rugged the abandonment of the celebra- says Hank as he climbs out. ing the revolution that takes place tion of Thanksgiving day in Anier- The hangar crew shifts the man wherever the teachings of J« »u shores where the rock for centuries lea. declared it was not due to th«' untold before the coming of the to the outgoing plane. are followed. Sunday school will “Look out for that blow over meet at 10 o'clock and Christian white man stood as a landmark for persistency of prohibition, but to sea gulls, a trysting place mayhap the utter extinction of the turkey. near Newcastle. Belfonte says it’s Endeavor at »’• 30. Portland Spectator. a WOW’." for sealions, a half way station for • • • Mistaken again, brother, our "I’ll look out. Contact'" birds of possage, a sentinel of the Church of Christ, Sixth street a;ul Bill's off. The plane melts with Gibbs avenue Oregon cca*«t inside a land locked Thanksgiving turkey is not extinct Regular service-» its song into the darkness. Its star- will be held Sunday. The pastor, I. harbor mow Port Orford) and yet like lights are lost in the firma G. Shaw, will preach at both set feared not the encroachment of hot dog stands along beautiful high The Portland school board has ment. You can bet on Rill. Bill vices. Sunday school will meet at ways. oacked up in its intention to buy bets his life your letter will not b*» 9 45 and Christian Endeavor at Now those whose eyes are blinded in California some Venetian blinds late. 6.3v. by the almighty dollar, m whose for one of its schools. Inasmuch • • • breasts surge none of tne senti as the blinds hadn't been put up yet Luthrra« Misalun AJventiit «h.rch OREGON STI DENTS «XOBS * w» «t Main «trrot, .Martin I* Siin«>n, pa . meats that would make sacred the we opine that indignant home tor IHwiae ««rvic« al 2 30 thr hr«t spot that was the scene of a bloody booster taxpayers were able to Snobbish college students at the uni and third > inday» of »ach mouth All encounter between a handful of make the board see the light. veraity who n fused to sit at a table with Lutheran*. irre»prctl»e A nationality ( student« students who work ’ their way thr. through are cordially invitvd aa w»*ll na there whites and a horde of Indians dur-1 — k* • of -* a - lurprLaing who are without a church hum». school were -*■ th»- «abject ing the dawn of settlement in that A people whose language can’t j editorial in an Oregon weekly paper re- • a • great empire which is now south be written live in a secluded por c. ntlr Pentecostal Assembly of God East ‘ While these worth-while students are western Oregon, will put this histor tion of soviet Russia, so Popular their way through college the Main street across from N P station ic mass of granite in the backyards Science informs us. They are the working snobs are working _ _ ’ dad ___ _ It's _ _ a sad Addie B Sutfr. paator. Sunday school at service« at 10 45 a tn ; of cc»U con carne joints and hot dog Doungans. Most lawyers and state of affairs in what we advertise as 9 AS a tn remarked a younf people’a meeting at 7 p nt ; evan stands unless the patriotic people preachers must be descended from a democratic school body. (t*li«lie aervl at H p tn . mertinga contrinporary we»>kl>. of a great state nse in their migut that race, judging by copy they So surprising is this criticism of Ore bible study, \Vrdn«-sday, prayer inerting and their anger and say that such submit newspapers. gon students that une is tempt« d to an Thursday services with young people in abrupt dissent. Snobbery in u »-stern uni charge, Friday . street meeting Saturday shall not be. vrrsities is considerably lea* than in the at 7 30 p iu. e • • If for no other reason than to The girl's hand roughened by fre middlewest and -astern sections, and. one preserve this blood-stained embat- quent contact with dishwater and might say. in the southwest the metro Church of Christ —(London 1’J miles south of Voltage Grove )—Sunday aer politan areas with their impersonality tlement for the education and en the broom may not give you quite self cent« redn-ss may better be called vices, Bible study 10 a m. •»oral.ip ll tertainment of tourists v^ho come the thrill of the soft one. but it and the stronghold« of the haute monde. a. m., scripture study 7 30 p m. to see historic spots that many of is the safer one on which to place • • • While such an indictment might be sworn out against a handful of Oregon our owm citizens do not take the a wedding ring. Seventh Bay Adventiot i L <r U West students, arrogance «-annul be laid at the Main street Saturday Sabbath *<’.ool at trouble to visit, we can not afford doorstep of the real uf the three thousand 9:45 a. ui . church service st I 1 a m to let it be shut off by the rubbish “Woman Smuggler Is Bane of students. Prayer meeting at 7 30 p. m \\ rdn* »Jay. and debris of the hamburg mer Port Guards" a headline inform? Snobbery is not so prevalent in the Any ons welcome Western collegia as in the east for two eve chants and chop suey prince. US. The story’ that followed was major reason* : The homogeneity of th»* J. C. Ainsworth, United States poorly written. It left out the student bodies, with few foreigners in Free Methodist Church Corner of National bank, Portland, is hair "how" that should be in every news their midst, and the comparative -mpti Munroe avenue aud south Fifth street Miles Pitcher paator Ni.ndny »«-huol at üwh of the western student a pockets man of the Oregon state highway story. 10. forenoon service« at 11. evening «er Alumni from western universities who' vice commission's Battle Rock fund. at 7:30. Prnyr m> tiug at 7 3u gu east after graduation are struck by Thursday evruing«. Those who want to preserve this , the different spirit which prevail* Social Ten cents was the price paid a historic rock for present and fu New York man for saving another s sets among the students are practically iinpr»- enable, A student who works fur Christmas Cards Sentinel. ture generations should make theii life. Well, life in New York prob his education finds himself exclude«! from contributions at once. The imoun’ ably isn’t worth more than that. the affairs of the moneyed classes. There is a nobility and commonality among needed is $6.500. th«-a. despite American claims of detnoc- The time and energy some folks ra< cy. Wealth is the dividing line The editor who would condemn Ur* ¿un Commenting on editorial mention waste deploring hard luck, if prop on the strength uf one person*« allegad given in The Sentinel anent tht erly used, would bring success. setions would do «•Il to compare ___ r__ before possible candidacy of Prof. P. O. cr it ici sin*. — Oregon Emerald, “ * Î ’ uf O Riley, of the Hubbard Enterprise, Vulgar music is sometimes pro- student publication. for the state senate. Riley says: duced on an upright piano. While the "surprising" editorial "If we do 'shoot,' Elbert, we want it so arranged that we can kiss all One half the world wonders why referred to was inspired by an edi torial in The Sentinel, the "surpris the co-eds down your way.” Riley the other half lives. ing" editorial appeared in the Hub acta like a man who would make bard Enterprise, and Editor Riley a good legislator. When he wants THE PONY EXPRESS. of that paper is fully able to defend to learn he seeks expert instruc his own position, regardless of how tors. (Eugene Guard.) often he may be surprised, In the They found the body uf Tom Nel above editorial no answer is at- son, air mail pilot, out in the hills tempted to the Sentinel editorial of northern Ohio yesterday. Tom on ' Educated Snobs" that prompted There are reports at this yuletide wabs one of the veterans of the air the "surprising” editorial in the season, as at every yuletide season, mail service. He was an old friend Hubbard paper. that holly is being stolen from trees of Charlie Lindbergh's. Lindbergh in the yards of various residents of himself took part in the search of Seven Births, Six Deaths. the city. nearly a week after the disappear - There were seven births and six Holly is used almost altogether ance of Tom’s plane on that treach to assist in observing the anniver erous lap of the New York-Chicago deaths in Cottage Grove during No nary of the Saviour, of the lowly route w’hich lies between Belfonte vember, according to the report of Nazarene, who taught above all and Cleveland. The nation sensed Health Officer Frost. Of the births. other things that we should do un tragedy, heroism, in the situation 3 were males and 4 were females Of the deaths, 4 were males and 3 to others as we would that others and took notice. should do unto us. and it seems But dues the nation really under- were females. that if anything should be safe front the hands of the despoiler it is this gift of God. this evergreen symbol of immortality, brilliant with bright red berries that may be eni blematlc of the bkxxl that was shed for man. Those who have no consideration for the property rights of others at other times of the year should at least be awed by the occasion a id by the purpose for which holly is to be used. Using stolen holly to help com memorate the memory of the one who gave us the Lord's prayer is the superlative of incongruity. Even at the cemetery holly is being stolen from a tree that marks the last resting place of a loved one. Hut those who have no iv-pect for divinity could not be expertisi to have respect for the dead. Church News | III t I MBI II I * I III IHB mtn THU MriTTBR '1* ’ al!" ‘til walking A walking down the street Iler «•»«•• as blue as th»* asur«* «hi«« A ri«-h glow «>( health on her «h««>ks Men were standing leaning On |H»ata an.I buildings aro «nd Rpilting spitting spitting In«. «Idewalk was fairly «Ironue«! The Ultra Violet Ray Is Nature’s Own I leallli Giver A gutter yes there was «tn« I’nt there by th«* city «lad« 4n effort it t.H.k 1.» tva.-h it Uh I W«*ll! tnas unly a fad so they mmi and Ihev spat Gvrtua. full groan i>lg and fat \X h«» kn««w ■ which «>•>.» ail. «‘»mer« Of 1' B diphtheria scarlet f. i r. Influetita all that and mui«-1 The max or wmt In watrd nnd smiled talked light through th. filthv uir*s \ .Ivctor ur tw«. some city «ia«t<> Fhe health officer, too, I gur«« X«ltt is lii«- litki«* lo t n k < i lm t «• h e n p Olille«' oi |l| «•« «'||| ioti y feu «la«« after the >. aHh ¿1 m From mv darling a fa.. had flown l feu «lay a moi e And ahn rested iu a tiny grate aluue, whi«'ll U ili SII««' tll<* « «pelisi«.' pouilil oi Swalh.w your spit, ’Ssill harm n«< «tne but Vuu Or spit if you must in the gutter Helping the health campaigu too A >••11'10 f cure. NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION Br. II. A. Hiilten Bepartment of the Interior C H I aud OHI.. al K«>seburg. Urvgun. N.nember f>. 1919 Notice is hereby aiveu that William 'I' Gnügs of Kuule .' Creswell. Oregou. who. .n lugust .<.■ 19.6 runde homestead eu Irv serrai No 016( 03. fur the SF \ ,.f Ni 4 «‘f aecti.’i» 1 t«> i nshlp JO s rang* 4 W W illaiuette meridian ha* filed u«> tic» *f intention tu make final thr«..’ year proof to «Mitablish claim to the laud ab«n* Canaday. described. before llamlll A register «>1 J the CnHe.i >1*1. » I su.I Of fie« it . ** _____ ______ w______ Huaoburg. Oregon, uu Uie Ihih day af Becember. 1929 Claimaul uautes as witnesses Th «unas II Belta George l'allier Marion 1____ l.ebuw _____ t B \\ ulfarJ all uf route .. Creswell Oro*uu. IIAMIll A CANABAY. ntidl’-'p K. gitter c. J < liiroptnelor « < > l I \< .1 «.K«*VI < »|<l «.< >x li IM MM M Ml N hv »« by ¡•■oiiiK >«»•!• iil*n«'rip Hull ihlihti: uioiltli i»i « v|» ruth'ii Mrf' * ’ ............... . 11 .» (»II»*« I Breier Co. Hus k At The Rillit Price GIFTS THAT PLEASE EVERY WOMAN Each year Xmas shoppers are in sisting on more value for the money spent. That’s why more people are annually t u r n i n g to Breier Stores to do their shoppin?;. Silk Bloomers from f»9<* to $1.19 Ladies' Silk Dresses from $3.98 • $9.90 $1.98 '-‘St. 98 Umbrellas for the whole fam ily from 98c to $4.98 Ladies' Gowns Just what the ladies will like for Xmas Outing flannel gowns from 79c to Boys Sweater are what a boy likes for Christ maa. Boys Blazers from $2.19 Children.. H«w«. from 25c 19«- A blanket is a warm gift ut S3.98 ANY MAN WILL APPRECIATE THESE GIFTS Mens fancy from Dress shirts S2.9S 98c Men's Silk Hiuitlkerchiefi, 3 for $1.09 $2. 19 S I.9S arc bi.'; value* /------------------------------------------------------ 56 STORE S e .S l.!»N $1.69 IM THE WEST / lexaco is a (fucck stasiti winter gasoline Extra Spmt - Extra Pata&i Extra Ttltleacfê-ïlo ¿xí/ia SPïicç, The new anil better I cxac.» <»a*oliii<', al no extra price, starts instantly regarilless of weather becaiis«* it forms a «ley gas—an active mixture of gasoline ami air—I hat «l<li vers «very last oiinc«* of its power in tin* cylinders where you waul it. 1. A wet gas is an atomized mixture of gasoline vapor in which are suspended drops of raw gasoline. 2. 1 hese drops of raw gaso line form an uneven mix ture which resists the action of the spark. 3. Result: Destructivecrank case dilution, difficult starts, slow acceleration—a slug gish motor. engine performance y«»u will notice even on ill«' c«»ldes| day is th«* natural and inevitable result. Try it. The neic ami better l exaco ignites instantly for a «piick cold start — the characteristic of a true premium quality gaso line— ami then — all the speed, power ami mileage of which your engine is capaid«*. -Í. • la. AMERICA'S FIRST APARTMENT HOUSE! Standing as silent prehistoric monuments to a civilization that flourished and died before the time A Christ, the Tonto Cliff Dwellings along the »Apache Trail of Arizona are fast becoming one of America's most no table tourist attractions. Wirding a torturous y- ' easy It is the Apache Trail highway For the Apache trail is an epit j way through a region redob nt with of Arizona, traversing 120 mile« of ome of Arizona’s own story, lead ' the strange legends and wpird phy country exquisite in its primitive ing one not only into the romanc sical evidences of a forgo t n t* ge, beauty, and dotted by the silent of a seemingly unfathomable past, prehistoric monuments of a civili- but into that of a singularly pro the magnificent modern hit fast running h course into the heatt ‘ zation that flourished and died be* gressive and modern present. Establishment of a daily motor I fore the time of Christ. of American tourist life. How important a pari this high coach tour over the magnificent Paralleling a path first i ! by the naked feet of an unkm wn race way is playing in the development highway by the »Southern Pacific whose chieftains apparently loved î of Arizona is becoming increasingly company, in conjunction with its, adventure better than life, h is ! apparent as month after month r egular transcontinental travel over | carrying countless thousands oi I sees additional thousands of Amer either its Sunset or Golden State) awe-inspired travelers back a < >g ican tourists drawn to the state routes, coupled with world wide ad the train« of time into n era s. • ill i largely through desire to view with vertising of this tour, has been shrouded with the vrb!ni< 's of their own eyes this fascinating largely instrumental in its increa» ‘ Ing note. ’ throw hark on civilization. mystery and romance. I’ll«* sparkling Drive up to the Texaco pump for this premium gas without a premium price. THE TEXAS COMPANY, Tcxnco l’< 11 •«» I <• u m 1. Theneuand better Texaco vaporize« so readily that it forms a dry gav—an active mixture of gasoline and air. 2. Thii pure, dry gat re sponds inifantly to the ac tion of the spark. 3. Re lull: Lightning starts, rapid acceleration, smooth action—power! I'roilucl* 7Äe NEW and BETTER TEXACO GASOLIN E West Coast No. 503B— Winter 19x4*