PAG« TWO. THF SFNTIXKI, OOTTAGK GKOVF. OKFGON Find Relation Retwc«« Moon and Earthquakes Christmas Shopping At the Bank The Bank of Cottage (»rove is a good place to do sono your Christ mas shopping : SAVINGS At'COI NTS for the youngsters will <■ncourai»i' them to develop thrifty habits. A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT nidu s an grown son or daughter. A FIRST MORTGAGE BOND for wife or Bank of Cottage Grove A STRONG BANK COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON » CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Golfers' Supplies Athletic Goods Dishes, Glassware Radios, Washing Machines Boys* Wagons Vogue Cigar Lighter, Only 90c WISEMAN HARDWARE Marshall Wells Associate Store 543 KNOWLES & GRABER HARDWARE Cottage Grove Oregon Charge? Reduced on Extension ’ riephones and telephone - *r\0' ‘ ronnections We take pleasure in announcing a reduction in telephone charges, effec­ tive January 1. decreasing the cost of service to telephone users in Oregon. These reductions include: After studying the records of more than 1,200 earthquakes lu California which have occurred since 1S12, a Pacific coast aefentlst comes to the futercatltig conclusion that all the quakes came when the tnoon was In a certain quarter. The quakes occur on a fault-line, or crack In the structure of the earth's crust, ft was found that when the fault-line ran tn a northwesterly di­ rection the earthquake would come when the uoon waa between the meridian and the western horlxon. or when It had not yet artseu and was tn the dtnvrty opposite post tion. When the quake occurred on a fault-line ruunlug east and west. It was found that the ntoou would be in the cormupondlng quadrants of the sky. Four out of five of the strongest shocks occurring In one place would come wbeu the tnoon was tn the same position it had been in during the main shock. Just why this relationship between the moon’s position and earthquakes Is so consistent has not yet been ex- phr tried. *> Took Pcs* mt ¡»tic View of Wire Communicatio«i A number of prominent men of Ptvfeiwor Morse'» period were dnbl- ou» about the practicability of the telegraph am! believed it to have very restricted limit«. In view of the development of thia form of communication and it* present hitfh efficiency It Is Interesting to note some of these early commeuta. J. Fennimore tNsiper. author of the fa­ mous leatherSt.x-klng Tale«, wrote to Morse on January SI. 1S3S. as fi'llows: “Mv dear friend: I wish you all success with the telegraph, which might be made very useful for long distance«. Your difficulty will be in communicating between more than two station», tor half a dozen sparks traveling on the same wire will play the devil with the registers." The Western Union to­ day aends as many as eight mes­ sage« over one wire at the same time by lngvufous automatic de- viceai Feminine Habit "What is a good cure for, absent man --- at — bis - mlndedness?" asked - a ------- doctor friend. “Why, are you atjserut-mlrqjed?” the physician retorted, laugiung at the question. “No," said bls friend, “it’a tuy wife. The poor dear makes the strangest mistakes. I gave her a $20 bill the other day with which to buy me some shirts and she came borne with some shoe« for herself." Silent, Iniide Growth REDUCTION IN CHARGES FOR BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE FLAT R M E EXTENSION TELEPHONES, 25 cents per month. For ex­ ample. the monthly charge for— Business desk extension (now SI.25) will be reduced to SI.00. Business wall extension (now SI.00) will be reduced to 75c. Residence desk extension (now SI.00) «♦•ill be reduced to 75c. Residence wall extension (now 75c) will be reduced to 50c, 2 ELIMINATION OF SERVICE CONNEC- HON CHARGE in all cases where telephone in­ strument is already connected for incoming or outgoing calls. //«<■»<• reductions are in accordance with the fundamental policy of the Company, which is to provide the best possible telephone service at the least cost to the public T he P acific T elephone A nd T elegraph C ompany Thv lhi«t Matron«* club livid II« annual Chi tutina« party Mordny nlpht at the home uf M m întbe.l tCi.i.>;i A no h.»d« * m dinner of foui vom ««*. h uhm «ervvd ut 7 o'vhH’k nini 1 cuwi'N wvrv laid for 14. A litiga» Mrs. S. L. Gixlard, Mrs. D. H. «tar made of holly, with a eiouil«« Kemenway. Mis Homvi Galloway. ai vMvh point In the colors of the Mis Fail Hunter. Mrs Roy Short b'.MMtvrn Star, whs the table venter* and Miss Eunice Vanlhmburg wvi« t plvcv. At thv dose of thv dinner a h««>te»sos yesterday afternoon to ChiiHtmiiN q»»e ami exchange of the Presbyterian ladies’ aid society. gifts wi»< enjoyed The club gm « Vlie meeting was opened with h a gift to thv pi«-.idrnt. Mi.« Clara >crip(urv leading, a Christmas Burkholder, mid vavh membri iv story, by thv president. Mrs. llvoig«* veived a potted fein fiom thepK^I Matthews. Mis B R Job led d< ilvnt. A .short huaines* MvsMion wi. votionala. At a business meeting it held The mums were attiavlK«* was voted to buy rubber matting aitb «IvvoiHtioiiN In keeping wit!» for the church aisles, l'he finance thv season I’liv club will meet tli** committee gave a report shown», secund M««nda\ in Januaiy to elect the society to be in sound financial officer*. condition. A social afternoon with ♦ nwdlcwoik followed ami dahelous l’he M I’ <1 club wus entertained refreshments were seived. l'he i uc -da\ afternoon at the bolli« ol looms were attiacttw with C! u-t Mia. Albeit lielllwell Ml la" < inns decoration« ami a laige num­ How. wae nn additional guest A ber were in attendance. pleasant .ot-lal afternoon W4» en ♦ joymi and n delicious (wo couine The Research c I u ' j met Tuesti.‘»\ luncheon wan served I'olle. I eycl i night at thv home cf f Mrs IX C men viete colorful room de.-oiatioua Bosley ami nivniberu r«'rpk>mlvil to and the luncheon table waa attia,- roll call with curl rat events. Tlic live with re.1 candles and holly club voted to make donations < to Mrs Iv. tv Mills will entertain III*1 the following. Doernbechc** ■ hoNpi club al tts Christinas jstCy Tues ami cn tai, scholarship loan fund .lai dowment fund. Mrs. lk«sh ey was ♦ program leader and had as hei sub I’hr I'livsUay Evening < lub nivt ject, "Honiv Life of Chinn h * A’t«r I'uvsday night In thv city ul-iai v the program she showed si idea on China. She was assisted in till« and studied Egypt. Mrs Clmrlv« Bvidlvr outlined thv history uf the by Mrs. l.ouis Henry Randle. country from th«« ancient to the J. Sums and Mias F'aiiigan \ present civilisation. Mis J II guests of thv club, The next Chambers described principal cltir« meeting will be at the home Mis. Kami I v and cadi member is and waterways. A report .du»w<*d that thv club had sold neatly its privileged to tiling a guest to »«e entire quota of Cln 1st inns seals Mrs. Randles collection of Uno. I SOCIETY ♦ gram to be held Monday night, De­ cember 23, in W. O. W. hall. A po*- luck dinner will be »erved « nd an exchange of gifts will be held Those whose birthday anniveisar ies are in December will be hon­ ored. - ♦ • The Christmas tree party of the Constellation club, postponed from last week, will be held Monday af­ ternoon, December 23, In Masonic hall. The hostess committee will be Mrs. Merville Veatch, Mt < Set', > field Stewart, Mrs. W. E. Lebow, Mrs. C. E. Frost, Mrs. rtoy Ix»onard, Mrs. George Matthews, Mr< Bert Trask. Mrs. W. B. Johnston. - ♦ - The Christian ladies* aid will meet Wednesday in the church par- lor« for a 12 o’clock covered dish Christmas dinner. In the i after­ noon they will hold their annual Christmas tree and exchange of gifts. Each guest has been asked to go dressed as a little girl and take a gift for the gift exchang ♦ The LaComua club will meet at Hotel Bartell Tuesday night with Mrs. C. A. Bartell for a 7 o'clock dinner and Christmas tree Everyone must know that Ms b<-«X4¿ji ut «Uuuuh aufferer». fermer habU- utl umts of uxaluahdi r«m«lx«a, auoh m , «uda, uxac«lv<'d honoiablv niviilloii fui liavmg Hit* t iiuiii I h i of honai poliils fui verdina si* wvvk* Augusta Ni palili*, r'Iisabelh lleineii >11 paini«, and .lune I. uiicum I«< i , 12 pnllllH. Christmus Caul» Svnthivl The Mothers' club held Its Christ mas tree and exchange of gift-» Wednesday afternoon nt thv home of Mrs W A Hogntv I'wenty ioui members were present A pleasant social afternoon was vnjoyeti and nuts and candy were served. ■ Annual election of officeis will be held at the meeting of Cot'agv Grove chapter of the Eastern Stm Friday night. Degrees will be eon ferred and refreshments will be served. Time Changes All Things First Poet Laureate The first poet laureate of land was John Kay, who was ap­ pointed to that position by Edward IV, according to Arvlne’a Encyclo ipedla. The only composition that ;Kay left to posterity Is a prose [English translation of a Latin his­ tory of the siege of Rhodes. In the i tJtie, addregHe/1 to King Edward. Kay styliiS hlpself ♦‘byg humble poet« taureat<.” Library ;on nuts. 69c 49"'.. $1.79 3 ».s. Catsup Baked Beans 2 •*’. jnr Maximum brand 2'/, tins. Walnuts in Heinz pure catsup made from vine ripened toma­ toes. 2 lurjie hollies luna Fish Light meat, just the thing for salads. Kerosene Gives a clear bright liqht, highly recommended for mantle lamps. 2 *'"s Crackers •"> lb. caddy of salted plain crackers. $1.00 Eyebrows serve to prevent piratfon from fulling Into ♦yes. k