THl •♦KWTfNKL. COTTAOF GROVR. ORFXMM TIITRHOArOTTOnKH M. I»M <*haiiiplon «nd Mu«ick rninrs Is im • l«*i consti urtlori N«’w Vi«l»»r Ksdlu! Tl»e ssuss lion <»f the radio world for IW2J Iti’iiiii rkublc for It« wouderfu) ton«, «c|«*i*tivity un*• you think it in riglit l**r u ilivori** grant* *1 in I tors lligll* I I'llu* III i*lll Ii 11*1 III Ilt'l'iHIIlT I Ilins i.ligioli I iii V i uiiy lii'iiriliK on <'It ii 111*‘t* i * j City Briefs [ Mi« (’ E Fittainl Mm Elbe«’ llrdr mot<>i rd to luh'in Moixlnj Ml« Fi«»«t m 11rmlrd u inerting of the White Rhrlnr of which «hr 1« .in officer. Mini Mm Brtlr Vl«lt«*«l ItiMliV«-« Mild fl IMIIU* Oregon Fire Relief Vra«’«l Ag y. (J L. Nichol« wmm home front I ••••«l«|M>lt ovri the week end. Why >■ health uh important ' H< • 4U mv it keep« you Mt your !»«’«(. brcMUMr you may enjoy brttri, II*'« butter. work better mid uapiie Io better thing« will) health Hvn«*.- Xlnkr Chiropractic Your Habit I »1 II A llugrn Mi und Mm Fred lirnnrtt nio t«iird to Portland Monday on « bueinr«« and pi*’M«uir trip. I hey t «duinrd home Tueaday Fine o thol for cheat cold« Owl I »tug Mtore tf F C lluUMei Mp«'nt the week rtid in the Hinith river district on a hunting trip Hr returned home Sunday proudly displaying a fivt point bu< k Mt and Mm Hoy Hhoit. Mm Kail K Milla, Mt» Albert Itrlliwrli m i . i*ju i imi and MU m Rvalyn Vcatch motored to Portland Mon «lay on a pleasure 11 ip TIH’t’K In» , Uottd«, I*« mill» i uiitult Aru«'«t In« Agri Mm Amelia Flxhri. who ha« been < tiling fol hri itudhei Mia Auguat l.unail, has moved Into the Albert Itlaaur houar Mm. Henry l-akc and Mr a. E G <> (Iroal and the latter's Hirer Phyllis Vincent, went to Creswili Saturday Waffle», brown und delicious, ut Kelly Drug »tore Mr. and Mrs ¡«re Co* have movril from Culp Creek to Cottag« < hove EDISON I K.lli <> MATH KAIHO IIAN JI st HKKN HK KK Ml FKO.M Illi I AIUIKAIOIIII N Ol lllos A KIMMON IT IN I'HK MONI AN I OI MUNG KAIHO Ml HAM » V EK SEEN OH III- AKO I I ■ I K. HI O M A I II It NINI. kkingn in io sine i > stations INSTANTLY. KI-LOKTlT.sslA . AlttKVITIY ANO AS NOINI is THKIK I Al*11 III: VAI III A HAsll ill I.H.III All. STATION'S AKT VISIBLY INIH CATKO ITS C APAC ITY I OHOISTANCT IN PHI NOM* N Al Its IONI is MHION I I.MITII. SI PT KB II is A KAIHO AS OKI Al As Till I. ICT Al N AMT II HT Alls comt : in ano ht ah itiin NT AA TTHSON KAIHO Ml I'KOMIST VOI A KI All AHON OT TIIT HKIGIITs III IAT AI1Y IO M HUTI KAIHO Ml su < AN ANC KNII M RAY NELSON Electric Store Mm E G. O Grout and niece. Piiyllli Vincent, attended the Chris­ tian convent.on in Saginaw Friday About 3oo peraons were in at ten «lance Bleak up that cold tn the head with Brown’s cold capsules and vegetable pills. Combination M.’ m - Money back guarantee Owl Drug Mtore. Cottage Grovr, Ore. tf Mi and Mm W A Hsmenwny spent Sunday In Springfield, their former home. Mm Clark Aydrlott visited «ev eral duy« last week tn Kugene with friends. Victor Radios ami combinations 10 tubes, all electric. ICaclusIve dealer, Owl Drug Store. f the week in Mmcoln ut Die home of Mi McQueen« Mistrt. Mm Charles Morrow Mi and Mrs Wilbur Watkins visited Haturduy night and Sunday at the Alfred McCord home «outn of this city Atwater Kent screen grid radio«. EwclusiVo dealer, Cottage Grov«* Pharmacy <*3lp Mi and Mrs Robert Giles of Rosrbuig air vlsitois in Cottag«* Gtove till« Wrrk Ml « Giles was formerly Miss Mary Curt in Fred Bridler ha« been summoned to serve on the Jury for thr Octo her trim of thr circuit court Have money on millinery Friday and Saturday Special price rrdu< Don on thrsr day« Charming hat models for all. larg«* brad sizes for matron« chic models for young women We ate suir we can please you NEW YORK MILLINERY I’AllMlIlH. Mr ami Mrs J. I Beatty, Krm Bldg . 19 N. Sixth street. o24p Mrs. Ethel Applewhite visited Munday ut the home of Mt and Mrs Izro ¡«aws<>n near Kugenr. Mr and Mr« W H Hobbs of Redmond vlaltad Friday at th«* W J W. nm J s home Mm Hobbs la u slstsr of Mr Wood» Commander Byrd «art les a Win­ ton wrist watch Mendenhall sells them ol7-24c Mr. and Mrs 1» H Hernenway returned Friday from u trip to Reedsport Mr and Mm Oscar Woodson, Mt and Mr« Horace Harms and Wil Ham Robison returned last Week from a flahing trip to Gold Beach They report a m < mm 1 catch and ac claim Mm Woodson champion *f the |»atty She suocreded tf) land­ ing five fish, thr largest Weighing 25 pounds Goff ha« added a nice waiting room for his "while u wait" cuato mri s. D H Hemenway reports a sec­ ond crop of figs from trees on hl.« property on north Lane street. The trees, which were planted thre • years ago. had an average crop early in the season and thr second bearing Is somewhat unusual I.AICAWAY MITHIC HOl'ME, Fir GENE Kimball and Gulbran«m piano« 12®-*» to $410 n« w good u»«'d piauus ulwav« in stork Chi'stnut Trnn«f«T, Cottage (Irove, local agent« Her u» for t«*rri»s nu I prlees. jylMH • Mt and Mr« W. F Allen are ex prrting their son-inlaw and daugh ter. Mr and Mia Roy Puckett, thia week from Buenos Aires. Argrn tin«. South Atnerlcn They have been living In thr southern country for three years Mr Puckett h«' been a foreman in one of thr laig* plants of thr Warirn Brothers company in Buenos Aires Those from this city who nt tended the funeral of M in . John R on « in Canyonville Sunday were Mrs L. R Ixing. Mrs Janies Fish er. Mrs C Mulvihill rind dnughtri Mrs Karl Baldwin. Mrs Ray Lcn ley, Mr« Joe Glaas and «laughter. M in . Gldney. Mt and Mrs George Aldridge. Mr. and Mr« Mattis and Joe Safley. Opposite ¡»olicr station is where thr latest shoe machinery and methods are used. Cecil Wooley has lease«! th«* cao In on the Ed Jenks place on Sharp creek and is making improvement« which include a new fire place Tame« P Graham 1« also Improvin’ the log cabin on his Log Cabin claim in th«* same district. Thr Presbyterian ladles’ aid will hold a food and apron sale October 26 at thr Smith-Short store ol7-24c Mrs. George Hohl went to Port­ land last week to join Mr. Hohl, who has been in that city for sov oral weeks. They plan to make Mr ami Mrs. R. L. Stewnit of their home their for the present. Coquille, former re’ildents of thi« city, Arrived here Thursday ami Bert Cline wax down lust week visited over the week end with from Bohemia. Hr took back u friends. load of powder to be used In blast Mt and Mrs Georg«* Cralnr and Ing on the new road In the Bohem­ a Nister, M in . Pearl Wanibold. have ia distrirt A road connecting the Wifflen never bum on our automatic waffle iron at Kelly Drug »tore Fine« levied in police court th’ week were Mi Moody, lift, drunk enrw-Ms. Jack Bidwell, $10, po««rh sion of liquor . Denny Ab«*’, $2, over time parking Youths Held on lairceny < hurg«*e Three youths arrested here Fri day night are bring hr«d fur in vrr.tigutlon after being sentenced to 30 days each ut the county jail with larceny charges pending Paul Morgan begun bls duth last night ns ii purl time truffle of ugnini.t them Raymond Roe, I^eor. ur«l Bradley ami George Aster, who fleer for the city Mi and Mrs E. H Koch left glv«* various Wrdiietday for Watsonville, C m ’. Spokane and In ¡»oNMCHsion wheir they will spend the winter Washington II Oregon and Noah Webster said "Ileal with ernnr plate. the house that does the most btisl- A quantity of automobile acce« ness, there’s a reason/* Try Nelson soi irs were also found in the car Motor company Anything your County authorities air romrnuf.l* Muto needs. eating with officers nt Spokane •nd Mickey McCafferty of this city Seattle in sn effort to find if th< will be featured in u six round car and contents were stolen nrrnl windup boxing match again*; l^re Bown, deputy sheriff. and Jo«- Dngutls of Portland at the Eu Cottage Giove police arrested th»* gene armory Friday night youths. Mr un'■ i • and M. H. Anderson of this city in session four days and Mrs. Comp with the county court comprise the ton will represent the local union board that will fix the budget. as delegate Jim Porter, who is seriously ill at thr family home on south Sixth street, in reported slightly im proved today. 2' ' R W Longmire has leased ihi resiih'nce property adjoining t lw Colonial theater on east Eleventh street in Eugen«* and will establish a small business there. Found A way to % sole fine shoes to per­ Reception for '•Uncle" Jim Whit­ Nut lona! ford at 8 o’clock Wednesday, Octo­ fection. Buck of Fust Bank. ber 30. All members of Masonic A. W Wooley has filed with the and Eastern Star lodges invited lo E R MORFORD. county clerk in Eug«*ne, not ice ot attend Secretary location of a mineral claim, thr "Dean Cabin." Mr and Mrs. E. S Elliott of Sn i Diego, who visited a few «lays at th«* home of M in . Elliott’s mother. Nil «. < atherine Bader, ieft Monday for thcii home. Inventory and appraisement of th«* • state of T. J. Hanna Las b«*rn filed in the probate court. Tlu estHte amounts to $1000. A.F.&A.M. 10 lbs. best cane sugar 10-lb. sack whole wheat flour 10-lb sack white flour 10-lb sack fine graham 10 lb sack coarse graham 10 lb. sack yellow corn meal 10 lb. sack white corn meal 10-lb sack rolled outs Diphtheriu Situation Continues to Improve Two new diphtheria caaas hav* beer» reported by city health officer, in C F. Frost, but ir spite of thu the epidemic situation continues » improve The ne year old son of ft If and Mrs. Tom Queer»«*r and the 4 year old son oí Mi and Mr*. R. L. Jenkins, who live south of the city Cultures of ail but one carrier have Ijecn returned mm negative, the only poeltive carrier bring Earl I «aridfr led. Precaution is still naeessary, Dr. Frost «aid. even though there is m lessening of the danger of »no situation. He praisel Kathleen lieidler gave a review of the foods course Rita Bailes reported briefly on projects undeiway in connection with the course Miss iiowen expressed ap- preciation for the splendid coopera lion of the Lions club in school activities. Musical selections wer- given by the girls' sextet and the boys' quartet N E. Glass. F L. Grannis and R L. Stewart of Coquille, a former member of the club, were guest: Mr Glass and Mr. Stewart gave short talks. AIKIT.ANK. FLYING AT I'OLNH KATE SATITtHAY ANI» SI NOAY Flying at the rate of a cent a pound will be offered residents of Cottage Grove Saturday and Sun­ day, according to Mr. Pattison of the Hobi Airways company of Eu­ gene. who announces that they will have a large cabinmonoplane at the Cottage Grove airport these two days to carry passengers. The Hobi Airways company ha* carried over 1000 people at cent a pound rate in Eugene during the last three weeks. The company uses only the latest type Travelair planes and pilots arc licensed by the United States department of com merer. Man Arrestwl for Feinting Gun. Roy Smith, Cottage Grove farm- er, was bound over to the jury Saturday on a chareg of ¡joint­ ing a gun at a inan. He was ar­ rested late Friuay night al iidH.s- burg and returned to Eugene by Sheriff H. L. Bown. The complaint on which he v. is bound wan sworn by C. J WMU, neighbor of Smith Authorities said that the weapon was aimed at White in an argument. The two were said to have difficulties of long standing. EXPERIMENT TRAIN < ARM CRANIf ON K p TRAC KM Three oil tank cars in the middle of a long string of 15() cars used in brake testing experiments on the Houthern Pacific track buckled shortly after 10 o'clock Friday fore noon about one mile south of Cres well and were thrown ar roes thr trark There was some delay in traffir but by 1 p. m. the road had been cleared and through service resumed, according to announce­ ment of the company The tank car train north bound was going at. only 20 miles an hour when the air brakes were set to avoid striking a section crew Thr sudden drag of the brakes buckle»* the long string of tanks In the middle Although the three cars were thrown across the track the rail/» and ballast were not damaged t > »ny great **xtrnt. RODENT < ONTROL REPORT KNOWN 607» A< KES I HEATED Report on rodent control in f-an< county this year on land which was not cared for by thr owners but was handled by district «uj/ervisor - was issued last week by O. 8. Fiet cher, I^anr county agricultural agent The report which has been sub­ mitted to the county court shown ’hat nine district committeemen cared for 73 separate tracts of land totaling 6079 acres. I-abor hour* at 50 cents an hour totaled 240S Poisoned barley to »hr amount of 22^ pounds was used at a cost of 10 cents a pound. Thr total cost of thr work was $142.75. this being at the rate of .02348 cents an acre. Thr coat to each owner for the poisoning will be assessed against the property. Pageant Is to Be Given. Women of the Christian church missionary society will present a pogrant, "Perfect Love," a’ 7:30 Friday evening al the church. 'I he public is Invited and a silver offer­ ing will be taken. The pageant is a benefit performance for Miss Uldine Garten, blind singer. The so­ ciety will also display articles, in­ cluding canned fruit and clothing, which the group is sending to the various Christian church homes. At the close of the pageant the mis­ sionary society will serve refresh­ ments. «lust a Skin Game. Mother If you get a job in the chorua, I hope you won’t wear tight». Daughter: Oh, but they don’t wear them any more. Mother Well, I’m very much re­ lieved to hear that." Selected. WANTADS KOK SALE — CAMAKY. GOOD RIMGEk. and eagr. One heater on<* nr* five pan«-) door, on* lantern on«- lamp. Cail 444 north Eighth street. o24p CARD OF THANKS We deeply appreciate and gratefully acknowledge the kind «ympathy rxtrndrd to ua and the many beautiful floral offer ing« in our late terravexnrnt. MR AND MRS E E «ONE . «, 1 :>VK IN ’ <>Nh CARD OF THANKS. Wr wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their naaiitanrr and aytn- fathy shown ut in th* I omn of our h is- and. father and brother, George Atkin­ son. We deeply appreciate the klndneai of the .Masonic order towarii u» dnying our beresvement snd are a!«o ’r «t* f I for the many beautiful floral offerings MRS ELIZABETH ATKINSON MR ANI> MRS I T UR: M PTRLD MR AND MR*» TAMES ATKINSON MRS GEORGE BUSKKEI L .p Twu WuUMJUf each claiuxiUg to ÌM* his wife, met at the funeral of C. J. Thornton, who died in a Chi ca go hotel. L L-l-T-.'ZXX!______________ _ ______ - A N NOV NC EM E NT. To the citizens of Cottage Grove and vicinity; We wish to announce that we ------- T---- —----=------- !----------- !------=--- =----- have located in Cottage Grove with «■»■■■■»■■■■■■■MBB X office and treating rooms at No. 35 north Seventh street, and offer pro­ fessional service in the line of drug less treafments. Our Mechano-Therapy and dro-Therapy practice covers in a small way practically the same line of professional service as is given at the famous Battle Creek. Michi gan. sanitarium. The Red Ray. Violet Ray and Ultra-Violet-Sun Ray baths, with packs, compresses and percussion, are used and scientific­ ally applied in Mechanotherapy practice. We do not claim our method a panacea for all human ills. Such claim could not be sus­ tained by any school. But Mechano­ therapy an«i Hydrotherapy have demonstrated good results In treat­ ment of some of the most severe cases of rheumatism, stomach and liver trouble, constipation, piles, skin trouble, and all forms of fe­ male trouble. We recognize the noble service rendered to suffering humanity by our medical doctors; by the osteo­ pathic and chiropractic methods. Fifteen years' practice in the State of Oregon, has demonstrated to me that our method Is also ren­ dering a good service to humanity. If in need of professional service for physical disability, come in and let us talk it over. There will be no charge for consultation and should I not be able to benefit your case. I shall frankly tel! you so. DR AND MRS JOHN FULLER OLD DOC BIRD SAYS Barbecued meat sandwiches at the Kelly Drug store Hallowe’en Specials at Smith-Short Grocery Choice Tohay Grapes, 3 lbs. 25c Yellow Pumpkins 10c Grapes, per basket 25c Black and yellow jelly beans 30c Sweet cider by gallon 35c 5 doz. sweet juicy oranges and market­ basket 75c 10 double sheets Tanglefoot fly paper 10c V2 or whole slab Swift’s Empire bacon 33c BUY FLOUR NOW 49 lbs. Snowball Flour $1.75 49 lbs. Polkadot hard wheat flour $1.85 Also your choice of three different articles of the eight following for $1.50: lh«> Amrihan Ixtgion auxihary • I IS Monday night meeting db cusssd plans for a dinner an • bazaar to be given from ft 2ii I« 7 30 Monday, November 4, in I. O O I*' tiall Mrs - Kime kitchen, M l i A W Herbert Kira i I« chair man <»f bazaar. Plan« for I a dunn* to be held Kat- urday at t the armory were dla cussed Mr« C C. Cruson. Mrs. W. 11 Daugherty, Mrs. Mis F b L L Grannis and Mi Max Bird are thi commit* ■ * . Mrs Peter Nelson, child welfare (*ornmittee chairman, reported that a large number of garments had been given to nerdy persons. A Irttei of apprrciation from th*- lc«-AN< I Trade in your obi silent piano f>>r nu «11 «*lr»'trir «rw radio,'i way Mu«ir store, Eugeue, Or«* in luiplislil nt Holy Spirit ! 2 PAGK FTVH — Mr. und M in . W. L. Leon«id hnd as dinner guests Sunday Mi. und Mrs. Frank Gross and Mi> Joe Wlnnlford of Wilbur. Mrs. o W. Blackmore spent day at Black Butte with a daugii ter. M in . William Funk. Ilit* Knights of Pythias have in stalled a new electric light lo«lgv sign at Phillips hall. The increase in hold ups indicates that the profiteers are back at their regular voca­ tion. VETERINARIAN C. IL Hai man, D. V. M„ giadnate vetviuuii Ian. Office at Kelly drug stoic, phone 37, leaidence phone *24711. Call*, promptly answered at all hOUI «’17 JI«* Iloh«*iiiln I.unilH'r Uonipani t«» Op«*»' riu* Bohemia Lumber campon., mill will resume operations Mou I day at its sawmill at Veatch spur . <• •• • ” • be employed. The company is now I using its 8600-foot gravity logging road. . . i Mrs. Amy Bowman of Erdliugton, Eng., divorced her husband so that I ho could marry a servant girl form erly in her employ. I Attars *>f All Plissions We are nut exiiggerating when we say that we have piac- tieally all the eluas perfumery anil toilet water» of the day. Ves, we have them in olir own toilet goods corner of our own store—and when you investigate tomorrow, you’ll bi* surprised. Perfumery—bath waters -attars and fragrance of all na­ tions and passions—there for your consideration—I.allies first—but men may read. Kelly Drug Co. j TEACHING AN OLD DOG NEW TRICKS A few years ago boys used to chase chickens with an axe, now they use automobiles, unless they develop "auto in­ toxication ’ ’ which is sometimes caused by an absent - minded driver drinking the stuff he had intended to put into his radiator. Mistakes will happen; however you won’t go wrong if you let us re­ pair your car. Skilled and guaranteed service is the standard account­ able for our popularity. Only experts are per­ mitted to touch your car because our work is guaranteed by a flawless reputation. We have secured the Hudson Essex franchise for Cottage Grove. We invite all present owners to call here and receive the same service our Oakland Pontiac custom­ ers are already enjoy­ ing. Bungalow Garage Phone 7 4-H Club members today dairy farmers tomorrow ■‘Better dairying calls for better dairymen ns well as better methods.” stat*» Extension Bulletin 72 of University of Idaho College of Agriculture 'One of th*' surest ways of developing high claaa dairymen is l*y training boy sand girls in 4 H clubs " it emphasizes. Boys’ anzl girls’ club work exhibits are among the important fcaturi's of th*- 19tii annual I’acifie International Livestock Ex­ position to be held at Portland, Or*' . Oct. 2«i Nov. 2 This year’s plans covering elllb exhibits, and dedication of the n*-w .1 C. Penney hall to junior agricultural