were attractive room and table dec orations Mrs Thomas Holleran of American Legion Plans Jamestown, N Y , house guest of .Armistice i>a\ Program her daughter. Mrs C J Kem, was an additional guest. Mrs. G B. INtcher will be hostess for the next Plans tor celebiuiion of Amii»- M ih C F. Umphrvy and tice »lay, November 11, wen» daughter Dorothy. Mr. and Mrs. 3. meeting. ♦ cush *1 at tue meeting of the Amer* I. , Mackin and family and M: and Mr and Mrs W A. Garoutte weio Mr» Wilbur Watkins were lunch hosts Thursday night for the Bona ic’i’t I ogun Mondi) tight Robert Fronun is chairman of the commit- eon Kueata Sunday evening at the Tempo club Bridge was the eve home of Mr and Mrs Ervin Rica ning's entertairiment. Mrs. Wilbur tee in charge and it is probable neat Oakland Mrs Rice la a cous Spray and John Flnneran held high that the day s progtam will include the following- Trap shod at the in of Mrs. Umphrey. scores and Mrs Ivan Barker and fround« on •■»with Sixth street early ♦ Wilbur Spray held low scores Spe y1H Jam. « P. Graham was boat cial guests for the occasion were in the ft ienoon, parude in which eai fol a delightful affarr Sunday Mrs Madge la-on an! of Seattle, r'.l civic and fraternal order«. school hom.nng Mr H A. Miller and house guest of Mrs James Dungan, children and coast artillery com Mi Grnhai on their birthday an- and Mrs Earl Garoutte Following pany will by naked to take ¡ mxi t; nlveraartc Pinner was aeivtd in cards a two-course luncheon wa» dedication of the display board of the early evening. Pink was the served. Chrysanthemums were at the l.vgion honor roll. football game in the afternoon between ti e color scheme foi table de -oration». tractive room decorations. high school alumni and the Uni Pink snajairngons and i -sea com -♦ - versity of Oregon frosh; dinner nt bined with ferns formed an attrac The Methodist ladles aid societv tive centerpiece and pink tapers met yesterday at the church with 6 3o for ah ex service men and t! « .i fa mi lies At 7 30 the Legion wi.l a ided to the effect. The Millers more than «0 present Hostesses for and Grahams have celebrated the sponsor o picture “The Leather the afternoon were Mrs A O neck*' at ihr Aroade theater and occasion Jointly for the past »even Sprankle. Mrs. C. E Umphrev. Mrs. several tools of the Pendleton years. Covers w. re laid foi Mi u J R Hendricks and Mrs Joe Port round up will also be shown k Ml , Miller. Mr and Mrs. George er The society decided to increase closing feature of the day will be Jacobsen. Mr. and Mrs. D. H Hem- their weekly contribution to the enway and Mr and Mrs. Graham. a dance al the atmory church budget. Plans were com Rev. I. G. Shaw »poke on the Mr Jacobsen related many Interest pleted for the annual supper anu Robinson bill, which is attracting ing incidents of his recent voyage bazaar to be held in the church nation wide intsrest The till pr-e to the orient. basement November it* At the Vide* for a secretaix of «duration —♦ ■ Announcement of the marriage close of the meeting a social hour to be included in the president s of Miss Esther Van Osdel of this was enjoyed and dainty refresh cabinet. Th* matter taken un city to John Procter of San Fran ments were served. er discussion cisco came as a surprise to Che Mrs. Alex Garoutte was pleasant bride's many friends The mar riage took place August 31 in Co ly surprised at her home Tuesday Ant-Kiile« Uses Pine«*« quille The bride is an only daugh- night, when a group of friends for Grinding It» Victim» tei of Mrs. Grace Van Osdel and called to help her celebrate her Among the rnyrluj form* ot ani has made her home in Cottage birthday anniversary' The evening was spent socially and refresh.- mal Ufa are to be found tunny that Grove for a number of years. She is employed as stenographer in the ments were served at a late hour tax tbs credibility. One 1» a erva Those present were Mr and Mrs. raw office of Herbert Lombard The ture only about three Inches loug groom is a marine engineer sta James Town. Mr and Mrs. Vern which bear» a superficial re Hazen. Mr and Mrs. M P. Ga tioned on a coasting vessel At the semblance to the aplder and also to present time he Is on the »team routte and the honor guest and Me. both the scorpion and the vine -hip West Camargo bound for South Garoutte. gerone. Frequently It 1» mistaken American ports Mrs. Procter will for oue of them, but It» correct The Latham Community club was remain in Cottage Grove until pseudonym 1» aut killer, a name spring when she will join her hus entertained Friday at the home of the Implication» of which are fully Miss Anna Nichols Additional band in San Francisco to make her borne out by it* behavior town rd guests were the Misses Belva and home there those little Insects It» reasou Thelma Garoutte and Mrs. Minnie write» C. T, Keed tn Nature Jlaga Miss Lula Currin entertained the Nichols mother of the hostess zine, for killing the aut». aud near Joker club Friday evening at the Radio music was enjoyed by tl.< ly all the other »mall animal*, Colonial. Eight tables of bridge group and a talk by "Aunt Fanny" chiefly arthropodana, 1* oot pure were in play and Mrs. Oscar Wood- from KOAC was an interesting lore of destruction. son held high score Miss Merle feature. The club voted to pur After killing the Insects It Bowen held low score. At the chase the piano at the Latham thoroughly grinds th» bodies 111 Its school house and also accepted the close of the evening dainty refresh powerful and needle-like chelae, ments were served The room was offer of Miss Gertrude Skow. coun wbtcb project forward tn front of colorfully decorated with autumn ty home demonstrator, for a study the small head. Then through a foliage and bouquets of choice course in nutrition. The first of toothless mouth, scarcely bigger gladioli. Speclas guests for the the series was to be held October than a small pinhead. It sucks the affair were Mrs. James P Graham. 22 at the home of Mrs. W. C. John lulcea of the bodies of the victims Mis. D. A. Emerson. Mrs. O M son with Miss Lucy Case, nutrition The ant-klller 1» dreaded by the Kem Mrs Woodson, Mrs Ira Isom. specialist in the extension depart Mexicans as an enemy more veno- Mrs. E. W Armes. Mrs Georgy ment of O. S. C.. to be present moui than the rattlesnake As a Knowles, Mrs. C. J. Kem. Mrs. Tuesday and have charge of the matter of fact. It has no venom and Thomas Holleran. Miss Merle Bow- program. It was decided to invite 1» harmless, except for the rather . n Mrs H. A. Miller. Mrs W W the women in the Hebron and DI painful wound that it might Inflict McFarland. Mrs. W. S. Averill, Mrs, vide communities to be present. with Its sharp, strong, formic acld- George Jacobsen. Mrs. George Mat The next meeting of the club will corered pincers. These Isrge thews, Mrs. W. B. Johnston and be held November 4 at the home of splder-llke animals are widely ills Mrs. W. C. Johnson. Mrs. Harry Metcalf. trlbuted throughout arid tropical - and semltroplcal regions Miss Lucy Case, nutrition special The Delphian society met Mon day night in the city library and 1st of O. S. C. at Corvallis, ad- the study of Shakespearean con dresed a group of women at an all Man's Critical Faculty temporaries proved an interesting day session Tuesday at the home of program for the evening Mrs. W. Mrs. W. C. Johnson at Latham. The Potent Factor in Love meeting was sponsored by the Lsith J. White was leader. Plays of Man, as a rule, can be attracted am Community club and Is the Beaumont and Fletcher were re viewed and a round table discus first of a series to be In charge of by almost any pretty and relatively He can be Miss Case and Miss Gertrude Skow. attractlv» woman. sion followed. county home demonstrator. Those stirred by any girl wbo 1» super« dally charming, as most girls are Mrs. Elvira Allen was honored attending other than the Lathan, today. But the test comes when Sunday on her 85th birthday anni women were Mrs. John Kebelbeck that original attraction progresses versary when members of the fam and Mrs. Truman Clark of Hebron to the place where It meets his ily gathered at the home of Mr. Mrs. Robert Kenady. Divide, and critical faculty or Instinct of self and Mrs. W. F. Allen on south Riv Mrs. W. A. Garoutte, Cottage Grove. protection. Then he says to tilui er road for dinner. All the chil In the forenoon Miss Case spoke on self. “Is this worth while?" dren of Mrs. Allen were present nutrition in general. At noon a Men may be charmed, but they with the exception of one son. Mrs luncheon was served and a social are never won at first sight. When Allen Is enjoying good health and hour enjoyed. At 1:30 o’clock a they become critical they almost In the occasion was indeed a happy group of songs were sung, led b/ variably experience a sense of one. The honor guest received Miss Case. Little Lois Hagerty gave panic—that panic to which almost many useful gifts. Those present a vocal solo. For the afternoon all of ’.hem will admit they have were the honor guest Mr and Mr». talk Miss Case spoke in detail on fallen prey during the proceas of O. Knight, Miss Flossie Mathis. Mr. "Functions of the Body " and used falling In love. Then. If they are and Mrs A A. Allen and family a life size chart to illustrate her to be really won. they must And Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allen and subject. The series include four In the girl things which reassure family and Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Al meetings and the next will be held them and convince them that It Is November 13. subject to chang-’. ien and eon. The place will be announced late,. worth while. The next step, therefore, depends Mrs. Omer Moore was hostess foi The study will be "Feeding of Mothers and Children ” and the entirely upon the girl. It Is at this the Utopia club Friday afternoon making of 35 different salads will critical moment that she either at her home on Quincy avenue wins or loses the game, almost en Guests meeting with the club were be demonstrated. Mrs. Paulson of Portland mother tirely according to what she then Outstanding among the social of Mrs Moore. Mrs. Harry Metcalf, offers.—Adels Kogers St Johns In Mrs. George Matthews and Mrs. events of the week were two bridge Smart Set Magazlbe. Mary Smith. The hours were spent parties given by Mrs A. A. Rich in a social manner and needlework mond Mrs. Nelson Durham and Liter the hostess served a temp Mrs. Vinal Randall Wednesday al Sight laflaencss Handwriting ting two-course luncheon. The ternoon and evening at the home of If the average bandwriting of a tables were effectively decorated Mrs Richmond. Seven tables were with centerpieces of colorful au arrange? for both afternoon and person with normal vision Is taken tumn flowers. Mrs. Vinal Randall evening affairs. In the afternoon as a standard, that of the Individ Mrs. Earl Garoutte held high score ual suffering from nearsightedness was welcomed as a new member. and Mrs. Thomas Holleran held will be found to be much smaller For evening Mrs. and that of the farsighted Individ Mrs. W. L. Hatch entertained in low score. formally a small group of friends Claude Kime was high and Mrs. ual much larger. The nearsighted person docs not Wednesday of last week, celebrat Cleo Morelock was low. The rooms ing her birthday anniversary. The were especially attractive with bas realize that his writing Is small, afternoon was spent socially and at kets of asters and zinnias in coloi- for be sees it enlarged and the far the tea hour dainty refreshments ful hue and autumn foliage ano sighted person does no know that berries Soft shaded lights added he writes large, for bls eyes reduce were served a pleasing effect to the scene. Fol the image for him. * A group of congenial friends lowing cards dainty refreshmen's gathered at the home of Dr and were served. The Test Mrs. Claude Kime Friday night for If you know good music when a covered dish supper. The eve The Presbyterian missionary so ning hours were »pent with bridge ciety was entertained yesterday af you bear It, a good book when you Those present were Mr. and Mrs. ternoon at the home of Mrs. L. W. reud It, a good pictrue nh*-n you Earl Garoutte and -soil Alden, Mr. Coiner and Mis. A. W. Shofstall see one—you’re eduniti 1 -t’apper’- md Mrs. John Finnerar., Mi. and had charge of the lesson on Alaska. Weekly. Mrs. W. D. Abel, Ruth Covington, Mrs, Clyde Beatty led the devo- From the Polynesien sister of Mrs. Abel, who is attend tlonals and Mrs. W V McGee han ing chool In Eugene, and Dr and charge of the query corner. Dain Primitive ruce« In i-la and Bo Mrs >v iu -. ty refreshments were served at the ttle South «eas were add'eted to tnr ♦ toolrig. The word's orl-dn Is Poli tea hour. tiedaii, derived from Hie verb "tu Ai»< ut members of the Mu.onlc —♦ — lod, i,. I Gauern : ’i. - ,.apt»r Deputy Shadoin of Corvallis was meaning to strike responded to the invitation of the a guest of the Royal Neighbors at Crea-, ell Ma <.nic lodge and their meeting last night in I. O. O. Ihr Harder Task Eastr -n ; ar cl. • to I. - theli F. hall. Degree work was exempli Itellglou muy help you lo forgive guest at a special meeting in Cres fied for one candidate. A social your enemies, but only u miracle well I'rlda/ night. Th’ Cottage evening was enjoyed. can make you forgive the succes- Grove ila, ilu ex<.inpi>f.cd the de- of your friends -Capper’» Weekly. • v.-ork. Tom Allison •.van the iidate, who became a member Have Faith in Yourtelf if tli. Creswell lodge. Following Degree of Chemistry Puck up—you’re as good as the the n i ung a delicious «upper •■.a« other fellow. If you only think you Collodlal chemistry Is the chemls rved Fifty eight Were aeated at r.re. Don't be the victim of ho "In try of systems con 1 ting of ex tables and Riley Petty of Creswell feriority complex.’’ The first thing tremely flmly divided mnterlHl acted as toastmaster. George to do 1* to believe In yourself, then such as bubbles, drops, gra'ii». tlln Knowles, Kc-v. Duncan Cameron you won’t have mm h trouble with ments and films. In a tat.* of sus jr.d Dale Wyatt, members of the ottier peoo'e —Grit. pension In other rnntcrl 1. local lodge gave talks. + A group of friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs W. A I lógate Munday In honor of Mrs Hogate’s birthday anniversary. Din ner was served early in the after noon and the hours following were pent in a quiet social way. Mrs. Hogate was presented with a birth day gift The guest list Included Mr and Mrs. Hogrite and son Clair ■ Mr and Mrs. F. C. Houser and! nephew, Meryl Turner of Santa Monica, Cal., Mr. and Mrs. J. A Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Masor. and daughter Ila, Mr. and Mr., Ernest Sears and their house gue t Miss Whitsett of Portlajid, and Mr and Mrs. S. J. Leona id and then sister-in-law, Mrs. H. A. Young of: Salem, Mo. ¡ SOCIETY J Mrs. H. A. Miller will entertain the O. L. H. club at her home Fri day afternoon. Mrs. H. A. Miller entertained th« lutComus club at her home Tues day afternoon. The afternoon was spent in a pleasant social manner and at the tea hour the hostess | served a dainty two-course lunch*; eon. Colorful bouquets of asters ¡ un HHHAV. <>< rom THE SENTINEL. COTTAGE GROVE OHIOON PAGE TWO. New Invention ! Church News j Luthi-ran Miaatou «’hiircit wr»t Mara Mat Ira 1’ Mhnoi« i»a lot Dix iu«> al 2 30 ihv ftr»l and third ><rada)> vt »a* h ntonlh III l.ut Irr*aiwllva af nationality ar* cordially intili*d aa wvll aa lltwa* n hu arv without a chutxh lionu • a • ('huruh ot Christ -(l.i'iiden I.' mUr« south ot t'vtta<«* Grvva ) Hunda) ■> r xieoa. Hibls* study IU a ui worship II a ui scriplur» studv 7 Si) p iu • • • Peatacvslal taaoiubly ot Uvd Fast Mala alrvvt. aeruss from S P station tddla H Mu«, pastor Suud»\ school nt m 45 a in sarxleas at 10 45 a iu yvuug poopl« s masting al 7 p ui , st an goHalt« aardcaa at H p m . m*<«lragx biblo study. Wrdnssda) pr*,\or mssttag Vhur«dak «vrviers with young |»«<upl«< in charge Friday . str« *1 in»« tin». Saturday at i 30 p m • a a kisvsnlh Day Advrntlst Clrarrh Must Main straal .'<Atuiday bshbalh *« hool at 0 45 a in . i . t > L v. i v I < at 11 a m Pray* r in«*« ting at > 30 p m W vdnosday every night al N p m oarspt Monday and Saturday regular sorties lYissday i • • Prso Methodist Church Cwrnor of Monro«* aisnnr and south Fifth slrwt Milsa Pit* liar, pastor Muuday s« hool at 10. forcnoon s«rkic*a at ll w suing ssr »tw at 7 30 Pvayar me* Ung at 7 ¡H Thursday rieuraas • as Mt lhralint (’hurt'll, R*»\ Chailrs P. Johnnon, nunistri Sutulny school, 9 morning worship, U. sermon topic. Heavenly I tea. ure. evening worship. 7 30. aernion subject. The Worlds Quest. Ju*, ior and Senior Epworth League 6 30, subject. "How to Have a Good Tuna. ’ prayer and praise service. rhnrsda>. 7 30. a a a The Church of Christ, Sixth and Gibbs avenue Bible school. 9 45, Chin Sniff, superintendent, the nun of this school are with the community men s bible class al the Arcade at the regular bible scluxd hour, the class is now m a cont eg* with the men s class of Albany, morning worship, IL Communion of the Lord’a Supper followed by sermon, subject. “The Worker^’ Heritage. young people meet al 6 30; the juniors under the leader ship of Mias Milllcent Burrows meet nt 3. evening worship. 7 30. sermon subject. "Faith. ' Tuesday 7 30. I. S. O T. W.. Wedn« sdhy. 7 30, ptayet meeting and w<uKers’ conference, Thursday. 7 30 ch«»'i practice. Friday evening of this week the Christian womens nil» sionary society gives a pageant "The Offering of Love A silv »r offering will be taken. This is a benefit for Miss Uldine (.¡ uteri, lire blind singer, who rejoiced us las. spring and summer with het voice in song. 1. G. Shaw, minister. Clark Aydelott, assistant. • • • The Highway Bapti-t Church. Louis Henry Randle, pastor Church Fchoul under the leadership of W. L. Leonard, uss¡stunt super intendent, 9 45. the beginner and primary children have a two session period which cares fur the children through the morning worship per iod, morning worship, 11. sermon subject, "The Rediscovery of Jes us. ’ Junior B Y P. U. Mrs T J. Clark, diiector, 6:30, Hi H. Y F U.. 6 30. the service commission with Chester Allen as leader will have charge of the meeting; evening sei vice. 7 30. the service in whi< h every one participates, you wfll en joy it, sei mon subject. ’'The NobiT- ty of Coinage. Hallowe'en social for tht Hi i ’ Y h U ruMd 1 • • • ning. choir rehearsal, S. Wedne. day. prayer service, 7 3o. Thursd iy. subject. Jeremiah's Earnest Min istry.” • • • Frr*t>v ti-rbui Church l’mu> Duncan p Canu-r.tn will pr«-»*-h ,»■ the 11 o'clnck Sunday service <>. "God’s Pledge to Man At the 7 3.1 evening service he will preach on "The Jazz Spirit" and will discu four questions submitted through n question box. A »mull boy bail watehsd s tele phono repairman dluib a pole, eon nect a test set and try to obtalu eoiiuecttou with the testboard Thor«* was some trouble obtaining the counei’tlmi. The youngster II* toned a few minutes and rushed Into the house, exclaiming. “Mam ma. I’otiii» out here quick. Then*'* a man up a telephone pole talking to heaven." "What makes you think he I* talking to heaven?" M'Clause he hollered ’Hello I hello I hello I good lord, what's the matter up there; can't auyotia bearT”’—Forties Magazine, So Simple City Fuel Co. Phone IS Downtown office with Kelly Drug Co. Aviators* Dangers Tho oveiiiH’*?» of air while fl) Ing varies with the tempernhire If (he air Is warm, or what |ecnlle«l thin air. It Is dltlicult to gain nltl tuih* Iu »vid or dense air It Is easy to gain altltmh» The air over citir« Is warmei than over the «ur rounding ixiuntry. It ts when a flyer approaches warmer air tlutl the pinne tia« n tcudeiiey to lo«e nltl tude In soma plitces u change frvui cold to warm air la very ah rupt That Is known as an air ( km Let, or bumpy air. Mrs. Suburb*, who wa* abaortted tn a romance of the Seventia»i>th century, «uddenly looked up at her husband. “George." she reuiarktal, "llaten to tht»: 'By my halldoiu.' exclaimed Str I'erelval. 'It la past the hour of 131' Now. what la a halldoiu. George 1" “What do you *up|a>*e It la?" h«» responded. "Doesn’t the context tell you? Sir What's-bls name satd It Typ» w ritor Siippli« a was past 12 by bls halldom. didn't he? Well. 1 should have thought Sv.. ilH I auybody could have seen that hall- A **« h I*»* *‘itr Sunlinvl dom was the make of bls watch." Œ' Clip board*. The Sentlnyl. Th«* »«, m» Average llunian Mind Varieties «t Wheat XI iirii ru oi tweiily III» * tlud H Tn moat coiisumt'i* wlmil •• alili libi»’ l»i rhi»li'*r liv I ■ ll”»e wlu-iit. unit gi-m-rul liitiirmiitloii periplo i»r«» tiili K im»«l |r4M»ple I hiw * •tup* ut till* point Wbeul. bow thrli mimi srl limi al fortv Ihw over, si-i-iii* to b.» uii oztolislvo fum iiiiijorliy hav«» «lopped tiili.i lira fui llv, among Ibu mumbois of which Ilf»« mid allow oilier« In ih» Ilici» un- llii> following lurli'lb'v I’mki'J Ihlnkiiig f»»r them Margaret bini Muiqiil*. lulls. M ih III ci I’uiii’iin tery. I'ooiu. I'raatim. llnjiu's Hluootam, i...i ml . Rad hoc Kaarad Hhicklnill. Trumbull. Kukauka ami Oasis (• r Fuel, Tua llarvi'Kt Queen. A H'I'Ult fl»»ni 'filili «»tHh Ih*'» Im l.leiitally, In the five year pe (tiri»» lo a gita ‘•luihin ul nearl) rl<M| fnmi IUIi> i»» lif-<* wheat acre every »»aula mi Ilie Maharn dovei i ago In th»» Dulled .States drop|M«d providing ir'fuelllig 1'1 •« « for t ulli off from Tfl.tMIO.tkM) acre* to leas rimiri« limi Hiilom»»hlh«-, than ftl.tMMMMMl |\hu Messore* Didtance lly Uieaiia ot a new deviro IO be lliNlalIed ilpon ali piatire Ilio evie ter w III bo enable«| lo Judgr thè die lame lo thè ground very arco* ralely. l’hls dcvlre maken use ot thè echo '»f thè eihiiust exploelons fmm tli»» eiiglne, and even tlmugh thè earth mav In» oluk’urod by h thlck fng thè crini of thè eiploslmia, reflrrtrd frolli thè surfer» of thè gn»und wtl| (eli thè nlrinan lils ex art brighi. Thle apparaius le ot liiiinvlis«* valili» wlii‘11 (Ite vlew of tho oarth 1« cut off and li la aaht to be vrrv atrrurule even wbeo qui le clone to tho ground. Only One Kind ItlghtueHU rvpr» • • ' «*f m lhiira wlint slriilghlnr«« •!•»• a of Hur« uni there «un mi umr»» I»«’ Iwo kind« of right Hillon Ullin Hult* tuli h«* lw*o kind« of Mirnlghl Hima liri lieri *Mp»'iiecr. Had Same Symptome llu* blind (rending pa»n»r> Here*« »«miriliing ii I hhii n girl who slept rmitiiiiiousl V f**r iwo months I womb r If It wiiMi't the wnuir «m»* who worked fur us liral )»ur. Aiih fib ■ The .‘tonihud r n lie Amazin <r new TI igt Agitator i Not Expected to Know A class of small boy* at Bundaj school ws* being queried on the les son. but uoue appenr*>»l In know Ills lesson. "Perhaps this new tittle member ot our cl»»s can tell u* who It was that led the children of Israel across the Bed sea?" the teacher said "Oh. teacher, he’s lust moved Into our nelghborhiH'd hist week and you couldn’t expect him to know,' volunteered one lad. $30 Ui $6(i ress Than Any h usher of Cornpa, able Quality Uncl* Eb*n “You ought to love yoh m-lgh bor," »aid Uncle Eben; "but what I* you glneter do wlv * neighbor dat slights yoh friendliness an' con centrate« hl* affections on yoh chickens?’'—Washington Star. I KE’S die lull - I h< t ' nu ?'i"t n’cang * the nu*M rtoihru wuxiicr — tor 1’hor leads die world in die de^ig.* <.* washing machines. I al test—d.ii. A ih. » J} ».a'.hi. of i t | » that thoroughly th ausc.v aitirt cull* n ' i ■ in one a • .in t.g •.. it hi >ut soaking. ;ii many adi...iccd tcaiui.- See its m..rv luuS new I h ; i ty. And I.Hik at ns a.naui.^ low price. ---------- ------------- ------------------------------------- I I a Women Suffering Bladder Irritation If functional Bladder Irritation disturbs your aleep, or causes Burn- I Le< Pains or niu*« ular ache» nuik- Inj >. ou feel tired depressed and di -ouraged why not try the (‘jatrx 4H Hour Test* Dcn*t five up Get C>»»tri today at anv drug «torr Put it to ths test S«*e for yourself how quickly it works Mono back if It do*-«nt t»ring quick improvement, a l atUfy you conipi«‘tely. Try CAstcx today. Only 6uc* Dossil f.v t.\. Ss z«Mil«<»Md Stomach Trouble 1 / •/<- 77 m * / «A—0*00 lutkoil | m in viola *o- aiuvl ut.ide «nd out. >m.h os you hove uvvor soco io a 2 /L.vZr «v«*l«*r. 3 Vo/v I jp Tib —ibo width ot ih* sub teaoiL •| Ribbir (nunifti, l ibnumt 5 Nvu SpnJ-- N**» Kii-iiuu so f X o /A ol 6 r; .j/v. f vvi^v.A l lnirk Motor. 7 »2.50 «low it. A u-lii-i wiihoul Irwix-r, C>.33 until till,» « with Irui.iT. »9.14* nionllih. 1. S O. T. W. Holds Carnival The Imperial Soldiers of th»- World held a carnival Friday nigl.t al the Christian rhmeh andalai^» number attend»-»!. A good program was given. Norris King recelv-»l the dtgtee <7f l-oyalty at n meetin» of the order Tuesday night. Prico Note I heed* newTlior Feature« If you suffer from raa. bloating, heartburn, add. or sick stoniacn, bOOOUOO of dynpepsia, try tho Diotcx 15 Minute Test Absolutely harm- Works faat. Five positive digestive aid« in pleasant tablet soda, dopoo or laxative Get Diutex from your druggist fur only 6«je Tr? it See how fust it work» Mon* y bark if It doe«n t give stomach comfort In 15 minutes, and soon help restore good dlgea- U oxl 4ML loay su operoio. tioaoral < -«A“< •O’- Doo, sntirs woMung in 2 bo«itai 8 A somoz TAor QM/zfy. 9 .tn.iig Im Prbi —»50 Co »v>o loo, mao anj w«trier of «oruparoble quality. M ountain S tates P ower C ompany Pearl’* Chief Element The prlm-ipal » hemh-ul elemeul- In pearls are uih-liini unii enrho' In the fttrtii of calehini »• tilutmile Amusement’* Place Let amusenient fill up the think- •if jour life, but not the greto -pates thereof - Titetslore I'atker. Need* Verification A piquant story runs that a wreath deposited by Emperor Wil liam on the tomb of Saladin at Da- mascus, and bearing hla own uarne as well as Saladin's, was presented by the krab guardian of the tomb to Colonel Lawrence upon the oc casion of his trtumphiil entry Into the city with the Arab forces of the Emir Faisal. But, like other stories centered around that romantic per sonality, this one should be accept ed with due reserve. Distribution AUTAIKINC icxMevitrost FEATURE BUCK WATCH Milk Fancy creamery. Every pound guaranteed. Pure cane fine ".ranuliited. Maximum brand. The fin est quality obtainable Per lb. 10 3,ins October R®^ d ’ arcy 27-28-29 Diirtciedby JOHN FORD Story by Talbot Mundy Peas Fancy sifted early June Maximum brand. 2,ins 2 "»*'• Tuna Flakes Cigarettes 3 ,ins I lams MYRNA I0Y DAVID ROHINS Jelly Benns 25c Maximum fancy pumpkin p icki-il in No fl fa tins. 49c 4 for ducking, Hallowe’en candle« and everything r-lto- in edible« that go to make the party a com plete aucceaa can he found at your ucarcot Safeway store. Butter Liqht meal Just the thin»' foi salads or sandwiches. _ thout 'Wa Ihimpkin face*. r I ks M.* goblin« and witches! — IlaDowe’cn in coming and the young folk* will make merry. Ripe, golden p«in>|Aine, of all ntzea.— roey checked juky apph-.^ Pumpkin WOOD prices will rise soon. beeause of mud slowing up our trucks as wi II as causing them to break down so often All orders booked during October will be delivered at the old price Li|ht and Darkneae A num who looks tou.ud the light sam » s no ahtidnw ; 11 num who walks toward th»» light Ira»dark neea behind him I'voplr gvl In durkncsM by turning an.n from ilia tight. They hide In •»l»a«'ure »’or livre; they bury thviinelviMi In nooks, where tliv hiiii of rlghl»H»iis lies vunnut reach them; they rlo-*»' tlielr blind* and shutters »uul w«»u der that <he\ lure no light A luuiHo may hr dark, bill It 1« mu be cause the Light of th»» World d o« not shed beams abroad.—Arnmry h Fancy augur cured. Half or whole. 49c Spuds I Chesterfields. They satis fy. No I Netted Gems A leal IHitato for cooking. Per carton Per suck $1.19 Sweet Spuds No 1 Jerseys. 29c 6 ii»-~ $3.10 Soap White wap 10 Woiuler laundry