Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1929)
MANY WOMEN KNOW 1 We have most excellent house p int, per til— S3. 13 III»/ um II, olUn in v*ry up aiuiitid th" liouoo aim all rant, to touch 2 We have * enamel in miiiiy lovely h I iik U h , per i-ullon . ' * .25 5 They takn p!«•<•« of old f umlt u rr. ami with OU * ul our ln«ap«naivo btuaboa mma mtiki tlum In >k * Ilk now 3 We have varniih equal to any; much better than many, per gallon S3. IO Tlmy uno •mall rani uf II for a wl»l * varl.ty of houaohold puipo—o 4 We have a fine iiHsortiiient of «mall paint In iihln < at reaaonabla price * They * ar aliowu how to heap a bruab In goo4 «liapo a long Ilin« There are an amozin ■ number of people who uv in .«• .dully un<l< inking rather ext«i ive * ilecoratiiiM job« in their own homea. TWIN OAKS LUMBER CO. * Paint * Enamel i City Briefs | Mr Fainbrook, rii *« * i»l<»y« l f*»r many y««niM «« u blut kainli 1» In naw mill;, uf the vicinity, »uffarwl n |m inlyth Mtiukr rfrvrtnl «Iny- * SIC«» nud in mi m Eiigriir hospital. Ilf » i. p iilrd m * i<■■ <>v«'i ini: ( fotgrl Nt * I non Motor coin pally In r«|Ul|»|»«’<l 1» ntMIIH «'Iron your rat Her um for price»« John N<»krs ipcrlvr.l won! I In ptti»l w«’rk of th« * death of M l > Ftrtttk Mill I MV, « rollrtin of Ilin Dm th occurred at Whmllind <* •! Th«» Murrayn lived hera up to 10 yonrn «go. IIIE ItEST RADIO BUY FOR $11 *hea Vanii I1*. R. Moi foul han recovered from a Blight attack of influenza Time io Plant Tulip«. Mixed varieties foi ualr 705 WaHblngton avenue oi Knowles A Graber store. «26 <>3p Dr C F. Frost left Tuesday foi l ulu Alto to take examinations re- qlllld of member« of the offi««,i »’ u-w-ivt» corps lln expect« to b<- gone I wo weeks. The young son of Mr. und Mt C W Beatty 1« Buffering with nep tie aoir throat. Mi Relle Burkliohlei of Salem t.« rceovriing from a ie<« nt illm- «. . m «-ortllng to word from there. Wr h *v»- ■ <»me wondciful buy« in light closed rars that are all r» conditional. Price« right. Nelson Motor coitipany. J ud .« ■ Henry, who had been vis iting at the F. C. Houser hom« left .*1 .m *u> evening fur Ids home in Santa Monica, Cui. Charles Gettys, who recently un det went a major operation nt the Puriflc ChriBtiun hospital in l€u gene. Is making a rapid recover} and is expected home in a few days. Mrs. Gettys spent Tuesday with him. It being th.rir wedding anniversary. Mr. Gettys wan abb- to be taken out In a wheel chair. New Fall Dreasaa specially priced nt >6.95 and >9.95. The Toggery Shop. The Bohemia Con.•oil Id ate« I Mines company bus opened an office in th.- l-'H t National bunk bulldin» visitors at the E. B Mmley home Th« Lamlay family am! thslr guv * 4 pienkkvd Sunday at Wlnrhaatar. l3»al—Mra. I>. W Mturgea loat her gobi wrist wwU'h Monday aomr where on Main street Elgin works ami Initials A M. on I nm k of rear Finder will be r« *ward«-<l for return of same. I*h k Sturges. s’Wk * Mr and Mrs. C L. Mutbkn mo ture«l to Toledo Matuiday und wr. • overnight gurMtu at the home <»i n Mon in law and daughter, Mr an t Mi 1. Huy Hsi«lrmnn. Mr. mul Mrs. Luke Knowlton oJ Portland were Cottar« * <>rove vis itors last week Mr Knowlton is In the employ of the Northern P m rifle iNllWMy rirrnpany smi Is a former Cottage Grove boy. Auto |m In ting Duro, Lacquer. Due«» Ijirquer, with beautiful strip Ing. Expert paint« *r In charge Nel min MoU *r company, A r>. Hndth and Mrs. I«ls Miller of Hnlem spent Bunday at the home of their eleicr, Mrs. M. C Breselei They were accompanied by H« *n Hanford, son of Mrs BrcHsler Rrn In local«-d temporarily at HarrU burg. Rev. and Mie, W. J. Morrow left u/onday for Portland, where th«/ will attend th« * annual Oregon con ferrnre of the Methodist church« *.. |l |a expected that members of th«- lociil congregation will attend th«- * conferenc« th«- latter purl «d the week. N» w l<cducr«J Prices on Kaysci silk hoar puie aervlc« * allk >1 35 •« pan, 3 pair» for It The Toggery Khop. Mr und Mrn W C. Griffith ol Portland spent Sunday at th« * borne of Mt Griffith's sister, Mr« F If Allison. They returned to Portland Monday accompanied by Mrs. Gnf fllh's mother, Mra Minnie Saga herd. Glen McKibben left Bunday foi Corvallis, where hr will attend On- gon Htut«- Agricultural college. Victor Radios and combinations 10 tubes, all electric Exclusiv«? dealer, Owl Drug Store. slot!'’ Roy Short. W W. McFarland anu K K Milla returned last week from P«-ndieton, wh» *re they at tended the round up. iJonald and Harry Metcalf left Matutday for Seattle, where tli« *y will continue their atudira at Uni- vcralty «»f Washington. They ar ** sophomores. Pleiuunt company and *ur- roumlings at P;utime. Card * pool. HTiooker. *ran L« Stewart, Donah! Umphrey, Grncvicv«? Meranda, Ii«n<- . Lloyd <«rigga an«t John King ore among thoa« * from h»-r« * attending <>. A. C. Rev. Duncnn P. Cameron, dele gate to th« * atutr American I region to the m«th>nal convention in lxiui.. Ville. K}.. left here Turialay foi Portland, when * he joine«j a group of Oregon lu<gionnMir< *a who left on a s)M *cla) train Wediw-sday for th«? < onvrntion. Arn'-'t writ>*4 his. auy kind ■ a ■ I ■ ■ : ■ .Mines Inc. Mi und Mrs. J. W. Francis of l^.ianr visited Sunday nt the home IN WALNUT <X>NS«>I.I of Mrs. Inez Merks. TRUCK In * ., Bonds, Permit«. Consult \rn«-«>t lua. Agry. Mrs. Viola Walker, who recently 0 S-I'ube Set ieturned from a visit In Klamath Falls nt the home of a daughter. Aubrey Redifer. has move«! in lkm It, Judge for Yourself Mrs to the Morris apartments. ■ Herbert Lombard left today foi Madford to attend a state meeting of the Oregon Bar association in session in that city. Mrs. Lombaid and daughter Maile will visit in Mra. Anna Stanaatt urrivrd Mon Eugene during Mr. Lombard's day from Portland and 1» looking absence. Wool and spring mattresses uftnr property intereata in this Mtn Glen Scott, Ralph Fullerton, Short's Secondhand store s26p vicinity. •Mr. und Mra. Charles Holliday ot Klien Arrtemt, Helen Nrlnon, Helen Mrs. F. C.'Houser and nephew, l’.rownaville arrived Sunday and < >nt mndrr and Muri«» Nelson nt <* among those from here who hav< Meryl Turner of Santa Monica, Col, visited nt the home of a daughter. Albany, Mra. D. W. Sturges. Mr. Holliday to Ashlnnd to attend nortniii returned Friday from where they visited a few days with returned home Monday but Mrs. Oregon Fire Ibdisf—Arnent Agry. Mrs. Houser's aunt. Holliday remained for an extended Mr« O. M Miller returned Sun Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bennett ot vialt. drt} front attending the Pvtidlvlot; Portland visited last week at the Atwater Kent screen gild radio.. roundup with Eugene friendn. home of Mrs. Bennett's mother. Kxclushe dealer. Cottage Grov J iuih - m Dungan has returned ft on Mrs M. C. Bressler. They were on f'harmacy. slfttfc m I hmihc h trip to Washington. their way to California and planned Mr. and Mrs. W. W. McFarland. to travel over the Redwood high Mr. and Mra. G. A. Sanders an I way. Mr. arul Mrs. A. W. Swanson are We have 35 used enrs in stock, umong Cottage Gorve reslden's always a good assortment to ckowu who arc attending the state fair from. Nelson Motor company. today. Mrs. Raymond Grube motored to Mrs. Ixrwell Roach has returned Pengra Tuesday and took as her home after nine days spent in Rose guests foi the day, Mrs, K. K. MUI.«. burg taking care of a sister, Mrs. I Men’s < 'immunity 1 Misu Lola Howe and Mrs. Roy B. T. Shields, who was suffering I Bible ('hiss J Short. with a badly Infected hand. Mr ami Mis. John Fisher visited • I.AHAWAY MUSIC HOUSE, EU Will Elect Officers Sunday. Tuesday at the Fred Boidler home GENE- Kimball ami Oulbransen I xcia inun not in some other They were accompanied by Mr, pianos $29A to $440 nen used Fisher's mother and were enroute pianos always in stock. Chestnut class is invited. to Portland from Orlc. Cal. Mr« *. I'ransfer, Collage Grove, local Fliihrr and M in Bvidler are sisters. agents. See us for terms and jyiStf.- Do you seek a tonic? The one prices. *. Mr C. C. Cruson and M m . Jnme.t unique tonic for natural stimula Mrs. J. H. Cnllnhnn of Portland. Dungan attended the roundup at tion is health. Health is the one Mrs. AV. A. Garoutte and John Pendleton last week. tonic uervod by the chiropractoi. Pugnn left Sunday night for Oak Special Sale New felt lint » n< So therefor Make Chiropractic land. Cal., where they were called $1 95 und |2.95. The Toggery Shop Your Habit. Dr. H. A. Hagen. by the critical illness of Harold Dclmas Richmond, Harold Cooky M in . William C. Honderer and Dugnn. brother of John Dugan. and Harold Bede an * among those daughter Lois and Mins Pauline Mrs. Dugan Is a sister of the two fiom here attending the University Galdabint of Anlauf were Bunday women. Mr. Dugan underwent an of Oregon. gu«‘HtN at ttie horn«» of Mr. and Mrs. operation Friday. Word has beer, received from Mrs. Garoutte thnt Mr-i Helen Olson, daughter of Jack Haney. The two women are his condition remains serious. Mi. ami Ml.*1 lilnf A. Olson, left Bisters of Mrs. Haney. Mrs. Dale Cutsforth of Gervais Sunday for Ashland, where alm will Mr. ami Mrs. James P. Rasmus has moved to Cottage Grove to be attend normal. sen of North Bend were week end near her father, Jack Lewis, who Is III. N.w Vidor Radio! The scum lion of Ihe radio world for 192?. Romarkable for its wonderful tone, selectivity and balance. Hear it at l.nrnway’s, Eugene, Ore. jylStfe. T. C. Wheeler and N. W. White returned Wednesday from a short business trip to Bend. Mrs. John Lamsoti hns received 28C 6 word from a son, William Skid more, thnt he has accepted n post 3 23c (ion us professor of chemistry nn.t •> 18c geology nt tile Northern Arizona 29c Stnte college nt Flagstaff. All«. He Is n graduate of the University of 28c Oregon, lie writes that the altl | tilde is high but Unit the' climate is delightful. Trade in your old .silent piano for an all electric new radio. I.arn- wnv Music store, Eugene, Orc- gon. jylitfc Harold Cooley left Wednesday for Eugene, where he will attend Save Cottage drove Trading Stamps, tlmy are worth real University of Oregon. money. \ book only holds 75(1 stamps and yon get $1.00 I Ray Vinson was elected one of easli or •! Arcade Theater tickef.s. I Ihe gardes do la porte and Pete Nelson one of the chemlnots locale nt a meeting of the Lane County 40 and S Tuesday night In Eugene. A large number attended both the forenoon und evening servieeo I COMPLETE The New Earl s Royal Portables The Sentinel RAY NELSON ELECTRIC STORE The Biggest Thing in Lane County Grocery Specials Friday and Saturday / \ fam rrvB TH» «B»TM«L, POTTA— —OT«, —BOOW THCH^OAY. wriTFMHKK 18. Ifttn Sweet Spuds \ / Italian Prunes \ / \ 50c box / 4 lbs. 25c Trading Stamps Smith-Short Grocery : last Mumiav at Ihe Presbyterian church. Tha occaalon waa rally ■ley -Hid -|>e, ial program * were giv an. Mr. und Mra. H. H. Isuawell of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr and Mra. Raymond Grub *. Mr and Mra. Hol Da vid eon of Iteeduport were Munday guests of Mr and Mrs. tjeoige McQueen The Kelly Coopar family have moved to Gowdyvllle onto the faim formerly rs-cupled by th * Cavin family. Seventeenth of March Once “Noah ** Ark Day" fsmg bi-fore th * Irish taught us that March 17 waa Mt. Patrick' * ■lay, thia data waa celebrated In Englund for a very curloua reason. In the Middle agea It was regard ed aa the untilveraary of the day upon which Noah entered the ark. Noiih'a Ark day waa apeclally made * occaalon for the performance of th * th mystery play Hint dramutlz<-d with conalderable free,lorn th * Blldl i nl r *cord of llie flood. In thia Nonli'a wife wu * always Ihe prim I pal comic character, being depicted a a the typical atirew. Tire quarrel * between Noah and hla helpmate created great urnuse ment for Ihe apnetatora. When the ark Is ready the lady atoutly re fuses to go In unless sli * may take some of her friends along. The patriarch, however, will not aland much nonsense, and when the time for embarkation conies lie dis patches his three sons to bring their mother aboard. They And her with her gossips In a tavern, and after niuch rough by play and broad comedy they aelze her and drag her to the H'S. Arrived there, she breaks out s worse terma gant than ever; abrleklng with rage, and nets about beating her husband, much to the diversion of Ihe spectators of merry England.— Manchester Guardian. L-gion Takeo Trap t.roii’Mls The American legion has taken over the trap grounds formerly owned by the Uottage Grove R<xi and Gun club and ihe new organ- Izatlon will be known aa the Amer lean legion Roil and Gun club A group of legionnaire * were at wotk Munday tearing down the old club houae and trap houae, New * building *re to be arectad and a new Black Diamond trap will be installed. The position of the trap will lie ( hanged to eliminate «hoot ing over the Hlsth ** t * r road Ar- rangementa sr * In the hands of a committee composed of Pete Nel son chairman, Charles H. Hall. Fred Bonnett and P. H. Bukowski. MtaU- President Visits Kaglea. Dr. J. E. Hcofleld of Eugene, state president of the Fraternal Order of Eaglea, paid an official visit to the |(,cal aerie Tuesday night and 40 members of the Eu gene lodge were guests of Cottage Grove. His candidates were ini Haled, the Eugene officers exempli fying the degree work. A banquet followed the initiation. Eugene will observe Its homecom ing night Tuesday and the Cottage Grove K.tglew lodge has been in- -.-I'.ed to attend. Scouts Hold Cooking Content. Troop No. 18 of the local boy scout held a crxiklng contest Fri * day evening at Camp Rest-AwhU- on Row river, the stag patrol win ning with its preparation of hunt er, stew, rice pudding and biscuita. Mi Vinal TUindnll. Mr *. Carl Witte and Mrs. J. Brighton Leonard were judges. K D. Raker, scoutmaster, was assisted by Vinal Randall, new asaistant scoutmaster. Mr. and Mrs. leionard treated the grouy to Ice cream. Famous Comedian Visits Charles Mack of Beverley Hills. Cal., one of the comedy team. Mor an and Mack, of "Two Black Crow ' fume, and hla party of seven stopped at Hotel Bartell Tuesday for dinner and lodging. The party was on a pleasure tour and Mr. Bartell directed them ovei McKen Science Finds Another zie pars to Crater lake. The group “Birthplace of Mankind” expressed appreciation of Cottage The traditional site of the Gar Grove’s scenery and of their ac den of Eden as the birthplace of commodatlons. man Is now thought to have been definitely placed. According to Dr. Hull Seek * to Annul Marriage. O. G. McCurdy of Yale, man tn tile Sult to annul a marriage on the present form appeared atmut 1,000,- ground that the bride was not 1' <ss> year * ago. probably tn Mesopo yr-ar * old at the time of marring * tamia. The theory I* based on re was filed Tuesday in circuit court cent excavation * around Bagdad. for Arvela Davis by her guardian, The complaint A »till earlier type of man lived Fannie Davis. about 1.2SO.OOO years ago. when tlie states that Arleva Davis and Har climate was uniformly mild. They vard Neu were married July 20, managed to survive three succes 1929. in Corvallis but have never sive Ice ages, during which the gla lived together. The bride was only clers descended from the north and 14 years and three months old at covered a large part of the earth. the time. The complaint also asks During the fourth Ice age, early return of plaintiffs former name. man was driven Into caves to live Arleva Davis. and become • nomad. Scout Troop 1* Meets. According to Dr. Ernest Anters, a Twenty were present for the Swedish geologist, man began to Monday night meeting of boy scout develop into his present form only troop No. 18 held in the Methodist about IZOOe years ago. It was under the direction of Fled about thia time that the glaciers re church Bosley, acting scoutmaster. Robeit ceded from the Scandinavian penin Busenberg of troop No. 6 tn Corval sula. It 1* thought that the polar will be transferred to this troop Ice caps may also melt In another lis as soon as his papers are approved. similar period of 12,1X10 years, leav This brings the total membership ing the earth In a climate of per to 24. petual aprlng. I nion tv Have Social Night. Coast Fork local of the farmers Didn't Want to Ba Cured union will hold its first social night It happened In the waiting room of the season tonight in the unior of the Melbourne hospital. lie hall at Hebron. It will be an open was a full-blooded aboriginal, un meeting and the public is invited. versed In the ways ot white doc A program will be given. Suppei tors. He turned to the hefty youth will be sold and the proceeds will sitting on his left and questioned be used toward paying tor wiring him about his complaint the hall for electric lights. "I got crook tonsils and they’re 8. I*. Booklets Available. goln’ to be cut out." said the youth. A number of booklets and folders The abo. goggled, then turned put out by the Southern Pacific to to the laborer on his right. "What describe Oregon are available at you got 7” he asked. "Gotter ’ave u>e arm off—tne the office of F. E. Mendenhall, secretary of the chamber of com wrist's poisoned.” Blnglil made a bolt for the door. merce. for those who wish to mail “I got It headache!" he gasped aa descriptive material to persons in other parts of the United States ha ran.—Sydney Bulletin. who may be interested in Oregon. The booklets give good descrip tions of Oregon’s resources and Cashed His Education “Well, my good fellow, this Is a scenic beauties. great university, its name Is known In every corner of the world. When Variation in Headstones you leave here you will be proud of Headstones for veterans of the your background. Think of IL You Civil nnd Spanish-American war have had every advantage a young man could desire. Y’our four years stand 18 Inches above the ground * have been spent In profitable pur Markers for World-war veteran suit of the greatest thoughts of the stand 25 Inches above the ground greatest minds the world has Ingratitude Punished known. Now your time has come to choose a profession. The world It I* good to t>e charitable, but Is entitled to expect a lot from you. to whom? That 1* llie point As AVhat are you going to turn your to Ihe ungrateful, there Is not one who does not nt Inst die miserable. hand to?" "I've got a fine Job In a pickle La Fontaine. factory.”—London Tlt-BIts. Heavy Losar All Is not sugar for the sweet-po tato grower, for of all raisers of vegetables he Jiuffers about the heaviest loss. An average of fully 40 per cent of his crop Is lost each year through more than two score plant diseases. The losses occur either In the field. In transporta tion or on the market. The sweet potato Is easily wounded In fact, when It Is broken oft Ihe stem It suffers a wound anil any one of the lurking organisms Is thus en abled to nuike Its destructive way luto the potato.—Washington Star Girl Weeps Lilis Crocodile That he has discovered a girl who -we >ps like a crocodile" Is the claim of Professor Kogorax, who eon- ducts a clinic for nervous dis eases nt the University of Minsk. In llussln. Becnuse of n paralysis of the right side of the girl’s face tears flow copiously when she oats. The professor points out that the tears of a crocodile while eating Its prey are due, not to hypocrisy, but to a biological phenomenon When the girl becomes emotional the right eye remains dry and the left weeps. Convention A place hns been found In the Kenai peninsula In Alaska where bull moose aro said to congregate the latter part of January to shed their heavy sliovel-llke antlers. The big gnme taunt one another In such a manner they actually pull off their own antler . * They separate soon after to avoid unnecessary rubbing of the tender uew horns protruding. Remember Tbi * It's a good plan to put some thing by for a rainy day; a little sunshine, for Instance.—Ix> * * Angele *. Time Sun’s Rotation The sun rotates upon It * axis from West to Eust. It Is Inclinad to an augle of 7 degrees to the plane of the ecliptic. that will probably ngree thiit this Mr. Henpeck was about half right. af ter he had been married about a year and the matrimonial bark had not sailed smoothly he asked the clerk who had issued the license wheth er it was a marriage li cense or a dog license, because he had led n dog's life ever since. If you want to be cer tain to secure efficient and expert auto repair ing it is wise to let our mechanics service your ear. Their ability and experience plus up-to- date equipment makes guaranteed results ob vious. We carry acomplete stock of automobile ac cessories and Prestolite batteries. Why pay more for inferior prod ucts? Union gas, Quak er State oil—high qual ity products to protect your car. 24 hour wreck ing and towing service. Bungalow Garage Phon«7 Unlocked Cars Tempt Children to Thievery Announcement The promUcuoux manner In which rare are left unlocked on the ■treetx and highway« of this state is contributing to Juvenile delin quency, ix causing an upwaid lienu in crime and i« reeponxible for many heartache« and heavy prop erty lo««es. according to J. E Shel ton. manager of the Oregon State Motor a««ociation, who hax made a »pecial appeal to parente to lock take» pleasure in announcing the appointment of their vehicle« no that children mry be kept out of temptation. "Police record« «how that «>n the went coaet the profeBxional cur thief «i operation« are negligibit, with more than 9<) per cent of the «tolen vehicle« being taken by non prof« Miional«, who u«e the cars for immediate purptwe« and then aban don them, Mr. Shelton «ay«. The«»» We will appreciate policy lioilleni takiiiR up with Hall pur|Mi«ea range from pure Joy rid ing to major crime«. & JohiiNton any matterM pertaining to their ¡nauranee "The youngMter who la able to Milch aa chaiiReM of location, enilorMeinenta, I onhcm , ete. «teal a car at will, um it a« he wifthea and then abandon it, with out penalty of law, has paaxed the flr»t «tep in the field of crime and ix well on hi« way toward a care« i which will end behind prison bar« 'Seldom doe« the young car thief LEAD < KVMTA1. COMPANY tamper with a locked vehicle be IH INCORPORATED HERE cause he known that the next ma chine probably will be unlork«?d and Articles of incorporation of the *9Tó fyo becuu&e lve therefore can be driven off with I^-ad Crystal Mining com|>i *ny were eaMe." (earned to cook a filed for record Tuesday with the county clerk. The company has steak its headquarters in Cottage OrovA Ole bra tea M2nd Anniversary. Mr«. Sophronia E. McFarland and its authorised capital stock is celebrated her e*ghty-«econ«l birth >250,000. The organisers are Georgu day anniversary Monday. A group H. Jennings of Parma. Ida . George of friend«, including Mr. and Mrs. W. McQueen of this city and P. J. H Callison of Pleasant Hill, Mrs. Jennings of Baker. The company has acquired prop Rosa Currin, Mr«. A. Doolittle and sister, Mr». Vaughn, and Mm. Fan erty in the Bohemia district and nle Maine«, called in honor of the plans for operation are under way. event as a surprise party. Several The firm is authorized to buy, sell, gifts were given Mr«. McFarlano lease and operate mine properties Refreshments were served and and carry on all business con nected with this industry. birthday cakes were features. Mrs McFarland was- born in Skuyler county. Missouri. Septem Attend l>. of H. Meeting. ber 23. 1M7. and crossed the plain? Two automobiles of Degree of With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Honor members went to Eugene Knox, in 1853. The family located this forenoon to attend a Degree of “The funny part of it i* I on the Harding place in what is Honor district convention and sev don't cook them any dif now known as Delight valley ana eral additional parties will attend ferent, I just started buy the old house in which they lived the evening meeting. ing them at the Quality still stands. She was marnH to James McFarland in 1865 and re Market. sided on the McFarland farm west of Cottage Grove, where her six children were born and reared. Mr. McFarland died several years ago. He crossed the plains the same “Due to stomach gaa I was rest year but not in the same train a.-> less mi W nervous for 9 years. Alder Mrs. M< 1- Fred J. Anderson, Prop. ika has helped me so that now I Mrs. McFarland is hale and eat and sleep good.’'----- Mrs. E. Free City Delivery hearty anu able to assist in her Touchstone. Phone 4G household duties. She and Mrs. Just ONE spoonful Alderika rs Sy!ba Kahler of Tacoma, Wash., liev» *s gas and that bloated feeling are the only two living members ot so that you can both eat and the Oglesby train that crossed the sleep well. Acts on BOTH upper plains in 1853. Mrs. Kahler is a and lower bowel and Femovex old daughter of the late Winiam Ogles waste matter you never thought by and visited this summer at the was there. No matter what you home of a sister in-law. Mrs. Nancy have tried for your <omach and Oglesby. Mrs. McFarland and Mrs. bowels, Alderika will surprise you. Kahler are cousins. HoyaTPoriibles. The SenHnef Cottage Grove Pharmacy (1). THE HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO. HALL & JOHNSTON O For 9 Years Gas Ruined Her Sleep QUALITY MARKET —___ LLLJ--------X..1U-. --------------L. - HEARING ON I MPQL A ROAD DISTRICT IS SET SALEM, Ore.. Sept. 19. The stat.- highway commission announced to day that the date for the hearing on the boundaries of the proposed North Umpqua-Diamond Lake high way improvement district which was to have been held at Roseburg on September 25 has been post poned to a date in October which will be announced later. The postponement of the hearing was at the request of many Douglas county residents who said they would be unable to be present on account of the prune picking sea son. Also, it was stated that the menace of forest fires at this time would keep many away who are interested in the project. Merchants Flan Luncheon. The Cottage Grove Credit asso ciation will hold a dinner meeting at 6:30 next Wednesday evening at Hotel Bartell. All retailers, wheth er members of the association or not, have been invited. Machine bookkeeping equip ment and supplies. The Senti nel ARCAßE THEATRE 3 BIG DAYS Sunday-Monday Tuesday ""g The New All Electric Radio Made by General Electric & Wetsingliouse A Conaole Model at a Price Never Before Placed on a Radiola Set. Hear It! Compare Its Tone Quality. Selectivity and Ability to Get Station *. M ountain S tates power C ompany A Radiola For Every Purse Phone 61 Free Demonstration Terms if Desired. September 29-30 October 1