Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1929)
t IKHIMIL, COTTAGE GROVH OREGON Mr. and Mra. Thoma.« Funk and childrrn Dora and Alvin made a trip to Dillard Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. L. II. Rye raft nf Corvalli« *t»cnt Saturday night at the J. E. Bauton home. The two LONDON. families wore neighbor.« in \l«ea a number of year» ago. (Kpr< ini to the Hentinrl ) Philip Brookhart camo in from Rept. X—Flay ton Townsend broke n part in the steering gear of hi* the Bohemia mine« Saturday and rar while in Cottage Grove Sunday started to work for Jokn Porini nt Black Butte Monday. evening and had to walk home. Clyde Addleutan and Mr« Clara Gate* of Eugene spent Suniav af temoMi at the home of Mr Addle man’« sister. Mr*. W I.. Townsend. Thoma« Brasher returned Monday from Dillard. The A. S Newton family moved A Battle Creek phy irían any*, "Constipation i* responsible for Thursday to the Miller ranch. Mr«, luil ph King’« parents, Mr more iniserv than nu y other cause.’ But immediate *’ * relief ha* been ind Mr.*. Walter Wilson, and their friend, found. A tablet called Kexall Or I daughter France* and a ib-rlie* has been discovered. Thi* Mrs. Furgu*on of Marshfield, «pent Sunday night at the Kiag homo tablet attracts water from the sys ti iu into the laxy dry, evacuating while enroute to Portland. C. W. Ewing ha* sold two milk bowel called the colon. ’The water loosens the dry food wa*tc and cow* to Clyde Addletnan. Mr. Ew cause* a gentle, thorough, natural ing is di«|H»sing of hi* stock pre w avM»tt»*nt without fnrw»»n*T a habit jKiratorv to moving to Cottage Grove. or evere increasing the dose. Lawrence and Dorothy Funk and Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a Retail Orderlie at night. Bernice Thorn made a trip to Dil N» xt day bright. Got 25 for 25c to lard Sunday. Dr. and Mr«. Curtis Harris of • ' * at K n • for Drug*___________ Eugene visited Mondav afternoon with Mr* W. ~ ’ T. Jone*. Mrs. O. P. Will* sp**nt Friday with Mr*. W. T. Jone*. Mrs. Sylba Kahler of Tacoma »pen t We* I nesda y and Thursday The simple mixture of glycerin, with a nieee, Mary Massey. buckthorn bark, *, . ;c. (A.llcr Fire Warden Arthur u»>mh* of pent Friday evening at the ika) acts on BOTH upper and low I . er Iwuel and relieve* constipation Mary Massey home. Daisy Warwick spent Monday in TWO hour«! Brings out old waste matter you never thought evening with Mrs. W T. Jone« Mis« Rita l.asch of Rose Lodge was in your system. Don’t wash time with pill* or remedies which is spending a few Jays with nA clean only PART of the bowels, uncle, Willis Garman. Mr. an! Mrs. C. H. Shipp and but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a RHAL cleaning and *ee children, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Al dri.lge and children. Francis Welch. how good you feel. Cottage Grove Mr. and Mr*. George Bailes and I harm.** \ . Keta and Mr. and Mr«. J. E. Ban j Nearby News ¡ Relief From Curse Of Constipation Siuslaw fall* Sunday afternoon. Mr *n«l Mr* Frank King nml s»»n Dick of Seattle, Wash., »pent Wednesday afternoon with the Harvey Shipp family while enroute to southern California on an ex tembsl busine** trip. Ralph Will* of (Slifornia «pent Suibiav with h<* parent*, Mr. and Mr* O P Will«. Mr. Will* wa* calle.I from hi* homo in Westwood l»v the death of a m ph< w, Bobby Mushy Mrs. Ralph Wills iml Mr* Mary Mosby were visiting relative* in Spokane, Wash . when little Bobby contract ed diphtheria and died suddenly. Th»' wa* brought back to Cot tag»' Grove for burial ami th*' fun ernl wa* held Tues*iay. Huth fami lies n'turne*l to their home* in We*t woo'l Wednesday. O*. ar Nevvton nml Clayton Town send ma«le a trip to Eugene Fri day. family The Johnnie Ma.lson moved Sun*lav from the Coyote Lumber company’s mill to one of Mr*. W. T. Jone** house*. Glonn Gilham had a narrow e« «ape from possible **'riou* injury Sunday’ when h«- started to crank hi* car with which he wa* hauling wood. The car wa* in gear when cranked ami it rati over him but he o*eajH'«l with only minor bruise* Mr. ami Mr*. Chet Gilham spent the week eml at Butte F''.ill* wish Mr*. Gilham’* father, Mr. Hugh«'*, who is ill. Mr. and Mr*. Cecil Eddv and Bernice Thorn called on Mr« W. T Jone* Monday. Mr and Mra. O. P Will*. Mr. and Mr* Murry Newton an»l daugh ter Ethel Ann*' an«l Mr. ami Mr*. W. T. Jone* wen* dinner gu«'«t* Sumlay at th«' W ('. Short ridge home. Mr. and Mr* .Tame* Graham and Mr*. Nancy Oglesby of Cottage Grove .*pent Wednesday evening at the Mary Ma**ey- home. Mr*. Murry- Newton au-1 Mr«. C. H. Wood* made a trip to Eugen« Fri »lay. ’» household ALv l.aji moved hi* ----- 1- Tuv,** lay « Grant« Pas« good* to one of Mr.*. W. T Jone*’ house« here. C. H. Woo*L* took I.almr day nt it* face value Monday and built several hundred feet of fence. daughter spent Sundar at Spring field. Mr. and Mr». W U TToath of Halfway and Mr* Heath’* ttiothei and *i»ter. also of Halfway, visited Saturday with Mr. and Mi*. J. W Fisher. Mr. and Mr* I Whinpie of Rose burg and Mr* Whipple’s mother ot Yoncalla were visitm* at the M M Ti«ou home Sunday afternoon. Mr*. Olive Berry left Sunday morning to *petnl the remaining week of her vacation in Tncoinn. Mr. and Mr* Pearl Floater and m » u < of Garibaldi came up Monday and returned Tuamlay. leaving the two y »utigest m » us , Bobbv and Nile, with their grandparent*. Mr amt Mr*. Jaiue* Plaster, to spend th*’ winter here. Mr and Mr*, D O Fisher gnd sou Clifford of \lvuduie stoppe*! over Mondav nt the J W Fi «lier home. They wnm* ou their wnv c homo from leaving th«' mother of the men, Mr*. Sarah Fisher, at th«' home of another son, J John Fi*her. at Yoncalla, where they r had v i*ite«l over Nunday. Mr. au»l Mm. <1. B. Arnr«t and UU family, acvoiu|Hinied by Hl esl ’« mother and by Mr*, \ rne«t ’« sister. Mi** Echo Maule, ijM’iit the week end at Winchester bay. Mr. an.I Mr*. J. W Franci* of l.oran»* were dinner gue*t* Sun.lav of Mr. and Mr* J W Fisher. Mik«» Quaglia of Marcola i* at lumie for a few «lay* while build mg an additional room to his house. Quaglia are Mr. and Mr« 1' mov ing to their ranch up \Lx-bv <*r*‘ek thi* week, having finished | their thresh ng Motiilnv. Fu* »»lav for Mr «nd Mra l.oaliv Godard, w ht» have been visiting a few • lav • with Mr». Godar«l *« pa rout*, Mr. and Mr*. John Vh by. Mr Godard i* planning to Mi attend the university nu*l Godaiil will tench ** liool, Mian Hilda Favor wti« a visitor ru*‘««liv. calling u in the »hstrict < house* i of several of her pupil« She wa n dinner guont nt the Ralph Te< eters home. She was mil to pr«’|»ari v for th«» opening of th»* dtat riet W ehool on Moii-lav. Seplrin lier R. Orv il Rigby was a visitor nt th»’ M I* II-»ft ma n home Tuesday al ternoon. Mi .and Mr*. John Overhol •« » returmsl home last week from a weck’« vacation «pent at Newport and Tillamook Itovi \lieu has b*’«‘ii sick «nice Saturday and a physiriau wav called to t r»ait him. Beti» ir Un I »!«• < a linder I I hr viole i’n i« iii.ii k .ihlo nib * y Hioi* r « n?.iiv impi* - »« hi iti'»«l vtvtdlv t»y iisMtts it tinnii I) i . ihh » i li pvt I •• • • ’tn v \l viet » ape««l Aim enpiv til»« all n|, I* »Vt III*» ll« w n| |«*»w* I win h •• » Suit in let »ali» nt I ho II nl> ton u «ubili I Facts that prove the Value of CHEVROLET SIX The new Chevrolet Six Is tilnitterlnil every previous record of Chevrolet •ucccs.s—not only beejuse it 1 provides the ilreutest vuluc In Chevrolet history, but beewuxe it given you more for the dollar than any oilier car In the world at or near Its price! Fails Uli the story! Modern features afford the proof! Read the adjoining column and you will know why over a Mil 1.1ON careful buyer!* have chosen the Chevrolet Six In less than eight months. Then come in and get u ride in this sensational six-cylin der automobile— which actually tails in the price rang» of the four! 77>e COACH A H CHESTNUT TRANSFER »rnr J 7 J 1 he /mper/rfl MEDAN .... u Tht^ltn D»ll«*cy........... The I tahi l ina IIvw* I I um I» Th.t> lEiC I. m « l-.e.l. • 1 nimiön < haaaiawith* IoAl>STm . *525 Í ha « ti > n .. . *525 U H |L-ml Ifni I i-h« r llodlra With H t l«>w, gì mefiti, aw et’plug amort ailhourlf«*, their lines n I »r pna» enget a und their ampi« <id«»r combinat hiña und npai khn tiili Mpimlsui ien the naw Flabar botlirn on ilio i licvrolet .Six ieprr*s*iit Ulia ul I l.slirt ’a gi euleal uclilvvenivilta. LATHAM J W Rus» familv Sept .p. cut and Huudax in home of Mr Ros** uncle, Leonard Ro-*«, Helen R«i*s returue*! hen* with t hein afler «pemliug a Week m Diani The J * mi (hillo fnmil.v nn»l thi Will in in Sorensen fmuilv pieni« kv«l near Ruj.adn Sunday afterniMtn The time wa «p«'nt «wimming, roa«tuig weiner* ail»l enting ice er*‘am. The J. W K«*** ftllllilv V l-itcd M onday evenmg m Cuttag«’ Grm«' at the home of Mr. R ohm * *i«tel, Mi*. A i» -'spraiiKie. M r nnd Mr*. J*»«» Gallo ami «on Thoma* went to Eugene T 1'uesdnv. l.yman \« loaded a rar of BLUE MOUNTAIN pole « Tueadnv at I-a th it in C. P Bailey damaged In« (Special lu lhe Svatihrl ) k la«t week and did no 4.— Mr*. George Morri« i* visiting with a daughter ui New for «everni day* while the w a* Iwing repaire«!. berg. Mix* Elizabeth Ilea«*«»« k returned Mr*. I.ut he ria Dowen* ha* sold I Mum. her farm to Butte M*»oney nul has Monday from Ortonvill«*, t after «pending th«' «ummer ther« moved her household g«»»»*l* I* to the with r«'la live*. home oi a non Waltef PROFESSIONAL CARDS Mr- W«’rtr an.I »laughter Paului and ■ Mr. and Mr*. Jam*** I.«‘I «laughter Doris Tonalo t picked berries in tin* district li t DENTISTS at Marshfield w eek. sjM’nt the week M r*. Hugh Truuutdl and children LEBOW.—Dentist. Office Mr«. Greeulief ami chil Mr and “ n*hng a week in Salem Fifth and Main street». Hours 8:30 dren have returned from a visit in i are «pcn»hng to 12 »nd 1 to 5:30. Evenings »nd Sun I with Mrs nt. Trutmell irunnell'i '* parent Oklahoma, where they went several day» by Appointment. Phon*-». Office 35. ervone, young and : Everyone, ol»l in th«' SEPTIC TANKS r* side nee 107 R. month* ago. Oregou i* a good place Latham district i* invited to .*' Re-ady for you to install after all tn their opinion. HEBRON R 0. H. KIME. Dentist. First Nation Two to four person» ------- $21.00 Euc>aw th«* P I*. T. A. nu'etuig and Mabel Kerr has bought a new tend the al bank building. Cottage Grov*-. Ore Threw to six p* raon» $28.00 Eu^tue *-hool fair Wednesday evening, (Special to th** S*-ntiu*d ) Ford car. Specialist in extraction, administrate n s i Sewtr Pipe. Weil Curbing r II. nt the l.atham *rho«»l nitron* oxid and oxygen, oral surgery Drain Tile and Chimney Block». Arthur Combs, fire w:ir*len, « a* Septeml»« Sept. 4 — A fire of unknown ori house. Office phone 10. Residence 126 R drcSfV EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CU. gtu burned over a large area of in the nrighburhood re. rntly bx»k M r. mi l Mrs D. E Fiv an i Mu PHYSICIANS COTTAGE GROVE AERIE. FRATER Cedar creek land Tuesday of last mg after '-oniv slashing* that are Fry ’• mother, Mr« Miller, of B< n I nal Order Eagles, m.-* ta in I. O O. F. week, while a dozen men and Imv* ready to burn spent Nun-lav and Moitdav visiting E. FROST.— Physician and sur hall every Tuesday. Mr* Walter Pitcher an I daughter with the fought desperately to keep it in * •** • geon. Office in L a w » o n buildiug Charlie an-1 Roy Fry cheek. No one discovered the fire June and Mr*. Johnuy Pitcher and families. Phone 47, Cottage Grove, Oregon. WOOD »laughter Doris are visiting rel.i for immediate delivery, block wood, dry until it had gained Mr. aud Mr*. Callahan and dill AXLEY. M. D —Physician and »ur- slab wood, green slab wood, »aw dust, headway and then a tivrs in California thi* week. •Iren <»f Portland *p«*nt the Labor • geon. Evenings by ano int ent. Over dry planer end», old growth fir fore»! Mr*. Dan Brumbaugh was in wa« summone*!. Ktm*a Drug »torr. Cottage Grove, Oregon wood and oak. Phone 1*. Office at «lay holiday* with Mr*. Callahan ’* Mr. and Mr*. John Belieu of Cottage Grove several day* last parent-*. Mr. au«l Mr*. W C. John Arcade Barber shop. City Fuel com W KIME M D—Physician and pany. a4tfc Myrtle Point week helping »-are fur a brother in Wednesday spent ------------- son. • Surgeon Obstatri a and disease!« of law, Janie* Porter, who i* «rrioti w MB*-» and children a specialty Office SPECIAL PRICE ON WOOD-BLOCK night of la*t week with a brother Th«* Stauley Triinnrll family uf E. “ F. Carlile, and ill. wood. $2.75; dry »lab wood. $2.75; of Mr«. Belieu. . " First National Bank building Phones: Eugen«* visit»'«! with Mr nml Mr- Fred Frazee suffered a «ever Office 234: residence. 126 .1. Residence gr«*cn slab wood. $2.25. Orders delivered a sister. Mrs. 1 Eva Young. Keye* one «lay last week. in turn in which received Thea« ar* addre»». 1149 west Main. Stanley Pieser and Mi*« Violet cut leg recently while at work at CASH PRICES ONLY All forebeoked W«»rk was b«*gun on th«* new the Brewster sawmill. Bowden were Sun»lav green slabwood sold during Api >ril will guests of CHIROPRACTORS be __ priced _____ ___ at , $2.25 ____ _ a ______ cord. _ Ph< jooa 18 Mr«. John Rebel beck. a sister of Finley Whipp* vva* in Eugene on S«xth street bridge th«- uiid-ll«' of last week John Tninnell ha* «-harp A'lty P. R. KNAPP. Chiropractor. Phy Office at Arcade Barber shop. bu«ine«.* Tuesday. Mr. Pieser. alHtfc of the work. sical Therapy. Hours 9 to 5. Chronic Fuel On* Mr. and Mr*. L. S. Compton and diseases a specialty Bank Hid*: over Mra l. W McKibbaa . - Kelly Drug store. Free consultation and WINTER WOOD AT SUMMER PRICES children. Norman. Milton an I Fran SILK CREEK ruesday of both thi* week and la*t We are ufferine an extra load free examination. mother, with each ten ordered by one customer. cos, ami Mr. Compton ’* m Eug«*ne with a *i*t«‘r, Mr*. D. I. (Special to ths Sentiri* I ) Orders delivered in turn received. City Mr*. Lillie I’ribpst. all of Drain, ATTORNEYS I jam«. Fuel Co., office at Arcade Barber shop, viaited Sunday afternoon with their S» ‘ pt. 3. — Little Jackie Rowe, who Mr*. Max Kru •«' i* cleaning .an«l aldtfc erbert w . lombard . — Attorney phono Id. cousin. Mrs. Belle Geer. ha* lieen sick with ton^iliti«, i* n oiling th«' school house floor* thi« at 1-aw First National Bank building COTTAGE GROVE SAW SHOP MOVED Mi«« Della Murry of Eugene covering *atiafactorily. Phone 94. Cottage Grove. Oregon. week in preparation for the reaum to 603 south Fifth str**t. thrr»- block* sipent the week end and Labor day Mr«. D. T. Kimlmll and Willis f J. SHINN — Attorney at Law- and south of high school building. All kind* with her mother and other reía- Morri* were Eugene visitor* Tue- 1 >g <»f s<-hu«»l on September 9. saw work done. lawn mowers and The John Trunnell family drove • Notary Public. Pncticea in »11 of ti ves. all tools sharpened. < McBride prop day of last week. They brought to Bend recently and reporte«! an couits. Bader building Cottage («rove. rietor. »15-»12p The Lennie Krewaon family left home France* Kimball, who had ., •' » Oregon. ■ r |. FOR SALE—TWO HUNDRED THREE Tuesday morning for Beoti .«burg. been in a Eugene hospital for two \m««ng those who drove t«> Dil DRAFTING. year old ewes. Will sell in amali expecting to camp and fish until week* recovering from a recent lard Sunday wer«- Mr tm-l Mr- RVFTING. HENRY M LAKE Plan» bunches. R. L. Bridges, Lrvua Ore Thursday. ope ration. Je«*«' Trunnell. Hugh Trunnell, th*' »29 sip and »pacification». Get your building gon. Mr. and Mr*. A. J. Craig and Mr. and Mr«. Clarence Rowe and I. W. McKibben ; and *h«hn Trim plans ready for spring and summer build lea a e two children were Eugene busine*« nell families. ing IVrsonal calls afternoon or evening FOR RENT — TWO HOI SEKELPING children of Goshen, Cal., will room*, sleeping porch, furnished, hot for home Thursday morning after a visitor« Tuesday of last week. They Located two miles east of Cottage Grove. <>n account of t and cold water. Call or poon»- mornings Ore P O Box 348 Phot ■ 41 or rvemng*. 1104 Washington avrnue. ten »lay«’ visit with Mr«. Craig’s also visited Grave« ani stitute the P. T. 1 ’ ■ 1521 a29-*5p mother, Mr«. Jessie Gikrist, and Russell Wooleott, who are >u n school fair will be I will visit relative* at Dunsmuir on hospital there. on Wednesday, Sc, TAKING ORDERS FOR TOMATOES Loru Distance Hauling their way home. Arthur Wooleott nn«l suns John Order now. A. King. telephone stead of S»‘pteudie Claud** Huff ha* accepted a posi- and Robert were Eugene visitor- nuum-cd last week. IF5. ag29tfc Piano Moving a Specialty tion in the Fanner*’ Union store Tuesday of last week. They stopped Mr. nn<l Mr- Mux Kru*v gave a PIANO INSTRUCTION li S < RF.DIT in Cottage Grove. at Cre»well to unload fir cone« ami «urpii«e party for their «on Max given. Mrs. Ceeii E. <'aid well. 353 Mr. a ml Mr*. Walter Murry were then went on to Eugene to visit Monday, August 2t>. Thoe pre*«* nt Madison Ave. Phone 193-1. a29-»5p Eugene visitor* Tuesday. Russell Wooleott, w ho i« in a ho« were Genevieve and Audry Mulvi ELBERTA PEACHES NOW READY Mis* Helen Huff visited over pital. for canning by the box or bu. Come hill, Mnrimi ami \my Johu«on, and get your*. A. F. Suksdorf. Coos Sunday in Cottage Grove with Mis« Mr«. Mary Burcham left Wedne Lor ret t a Gias«, Agnes Graham < un i *3 • *5] Mary Jane Caldwell. day of ’ast week for Independence Louise, Robert and lx*i ke Knife. The grain yield this year on the to visit at the home of a daugh FOR RALE—BA» HORSE 9 YEARS Albert Hull bought a Shetland old. weight 130«) pounds. Will work John Kebelberk place average*! over ter, Mr«. Otis Scott, who will grad Chestnut Brothers, proprietors »■ingle or double, ride or park. Price 40 bushel* an acre iu wheat and uate from the Monmouth normal ponv fur hi« children la-t week, Harry Gardner, lineman for the school this week. STORAGE AND GENERAL $50. A. E. Elliott, phone 25P5. »5p over 60 bushel* an acre in oats. <’alifornia Oregon Power company Verlin and Vernice Powell of ONE HUNDRED HEAD OF EWES FOR Several families in thi* neigh ut Copco, visited last t Wednesday TRANSFER sale, or will jet on abaren. Curtis Drain spent Tuesday night at the borhood are helping to supply the at th«* home of an i uncle, J. B. Veatch. Halsey. a5tfc Office phone 6 home of their grandmother. Mr-. demand for fir cone« for reforpsta- Grubb. Residence Phone 160-Y Belle Geer. WANTED—TO TRADE MILK GOATS tion. Among these are Mr. Etta Mr«. <’. A. Moore and daughter or fat wether« for ahingling larg*- Mra. .T im * Brookhart of camp and son Orville of the Hvkler ot Klamath Fall* visited last week COTTAGE GBOVE, OREGON barn, Garfield Beach. Crmwell. Ore., M*A*' is keeping her niece, little ranch, the Clarence Rowe family, with the .1. B. Grubb family. mil»-* up Lynx Hol route No. 2. low. s5-12p Margaret Mattoon of Drain, while A. Wooleott an«l son*. Wilbur Col the child’* mother, Mr*. William lin* and Mr«. Hiram Wheeler and WANTED — OLD STYLE HANGING Mattoon, is in Eugene, where an whore family. UPPER ROW RIVER lamp with gla«<t jet ornaments. Mrs C. B. Haywood, 291 Glisan. Portland. other «laughter Maurine i* in thf Mr. and Mr*. George Teeter* Ore. »5 12c Pacific Christian hospital where granddaughter Eleanor wore (Special to the Sentinel ) S. pt. I Ml ' M ” WANTE1F—FROM 50 to 400 LEGHORN she underwent an operation for ap gene visitors Wednesday of pendiciti*. laying pullets or yearling hen». State week. They went to see a daugh Tue**!av for Seattle, where price and location. Box 252. Roseburg. The George “ “ Krew-on family of ter, Mr*. R. W. Menhart, who 1* brother-in-law is aeriouslv ill. Ore. lS*8( ¡ Drain spent Sunday on their Cedar nursing a sprained ankle. Mr. Mr*. Pearl Suter of Eugene FOR RENT—UPSTAIRS APARTMENT creek ranch. Teeter* also visited a short whil ited Tuesday evening and W«-<lne one block from west aide school. 141 ar a hospital with Russell and Mr<. «lav at the home of her parent north L street. Mrs. Brund. »5-12c Wooleott. Mr. and Mr*. B F McCollum. MOUNT VIEW. FOR SALE—MOLINE SI LKY PLOW John Ashby has been on the *jek W. S. Jeans and «laughter Be Bea 16-inch »hare sharpened ready (Special to the Sentinel.) list for a week. nita and Mary Snodgrass wore Eu to go. Nearly n*w Mandt wide tire Mr. ami Mr*. John Burr ham an’ gene visitor* W»*«ln»'«'lay. Sept. 4.—Mr«. Kate Sear* of Cot wagon complete with gf-tr ' brak“ and Will trade bay mare, 4 tage Grov«* spent Friday with Mrs triple box. Mr. Burcham’s moth it , Mrs. Mary Mrs. Grace Hunt and daughter rear» old. weight 1400 pound«, for Amanda Hears. Burcham, spent Monday evening of Dorothy, who ha l been visiting a P. S. Bukowski AI ko want at young breeding ewes. Mi«* Ardi* Dailey of Reedsport, last week with Mr«. Martha Bit few week* here with relatives, left once two young bue bucks either Hainp- »hire or Shropshire. Wallat-e Townley, who visited last wreek with a sister, tinger. Thursday for their horn** in Yuba Cottage Grove, Oregon. •5p Mr«. Walter Dowon*, returned to Mrs. E«1 Conklin, Mr*. Martha city, Cal. her home Thursday. Bittingor and Mr*. J. Mrs. Henry Mendell of Dorena D. Grimes EGGS AND POULTRY WILL BE HIGH this winter ao g»-t your flo< k in good Mr*. Henry Rheule and .«on Wil were visitors at the Orvil Whaley visited Thursday with friend« at ondition. After a year's t»-*iting I now Ham of Silk creek and Mr. and home one dav la«t we r. Culp Creek. a r* liable brand of poultry spray.« Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, have M-. and Mr*. Oscar Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hawley wen worm killer, tonics, spray pump«, etc., Mrs. J. W. Fisher of Thornton Cor- to offer you. A trial of these products ners visited Friday at th«- Ram «laughter .Dori* and Marian Sprague Cottage Grove visitors F'riday. Bilious Fever and Malaria will convince you too. Bert V. Hand*. Kosanke home. returned last week to their old Mr. and Mr*. Paul Pieper and It is the most speedy remedy < -»ttag»- Grov»-. Oregon, north Pacifi • Mr. and Mr*. W. D. Heath of home on the creek. They have .Mr. an I Mrs. Dab* Owens of Ruja iiifc’hwajr. «;]jp is a Prescription for Halfway, accompanied by Mrs. boon living in Florence for a year. la were Cottage Grove visitor* Sol FURNI m HED R oom * FOR REM UN Heath’s mother, Mr«, Pierce, and Mr. Wheeler i* employed at known. the nr* lay. Main street. Mr». Van Allinon. phone Mr*. V’. S. Damowood return** I TO.______________________________________ »5p sinter, also of Halfway, were over- Georg«* Schneider mill in Loran»*. night visitors Monday Mr*. Platz is sick and unable Saturday from Lapin«*, where sin* of Mr«. FOR MALE-CHEAP FOR CAMB OR Amanda Sears. to entertain the Neighbors Friend had been visiting nt the home of will trad«- lot and two house». 57 her parents. Tommv, W«-^ton nnd Benton ship club this week. River roa«l city. Also have for »ah- «luiltv &n«i pillows. Inquir*- 57 River Daily of Reedsport arrived Thur» Allen ha* invited the •Mr. nml Mrs. Elmer McCollum of road. «5c day at the home of a sister, Mrs. at her home instead. Divide were visitors Saturday Mrs. Ernest Darnell has been iin ning ut C’ulp Creek. W. I- Tzeonnrd, Prop RIFLE FOR KALE ’.',1 WfNCHFMTER Walter Dowens and remained until autoloading, been »hot only 25 time», Sunday, when Mr. and Mrs. Dowens able to be out for several days be Mr. and Mr*. Carl Peter* good as new Extra clip H5 »helis, took them to Eugene to visit an OFFICE AT HOWE’S cause of a badly swollen foot thai Marshfield spent Sunday visitir.g jointed brans rifle rod Gold bead front CONFECTIONERY became infected from a wasp sting. friends at Culp Creek. «ight. full buckhorn r-«r $65.00 outfit otl. -r «ister, Mrs. M. D. Lorke. for 847.50. Dale F. Hamkin«. 234 i'h»rr> Res. Phone 239-J Mr*. S i rah Cochran and sou She ha* been unable to get a shoe Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Drury of <’«> •5*1 - p Chirle* Cochran of th«- Grove, vis on it but is now able to be around burg visited Sunday at the Potter again. home on Sharps creek. ited »Saturday at the A man-la Mears RABBIT'S FOR HALF PAIR < HECK- cred Giants $3: 4 young Checkered h ome. Mr. and Mr«. Alvin Allen and Mr. ami Mrs. Vern If.azeri Giant doe». $1.50; 3 old < hinchiiia < hildren were visitors at the A. son Orville of Cottage Grove « doe», I’. 00; 10 young doe» and one THORNTON CORNERS Wooleott home W«-«lm ««lay of la- ; Sunday at the Fairview loo young buck, $6.00. Lot» of young rab Cottage Grove. Oregon week. bits 25r and up. Dre»»ed rabbit» at station in Bohemia, where Haroi I l»x*al prices. Dale F’. Hawkins, 234 (Special to th** S<-ntin**l.) .Mr«. Ralph Teeters visited at. the Bede i* employed. Cherry court. »5-12p Sept 4.— Mrs. Lutie Graham and D T. Kimball home one «lay hist M rs. James Rue and c hi I*li en re FOR SALE Fran«-«-« Kimball i* recover t urne«l troni Milverton, TEAM AND HARNESS, son Frank, who vi.«it«*d bist w «-.-k week. Mundny Good for . logging operation«. Price with Mr*. Graham’* ¡«ter, Mrs. V. ing satisfactorily. where they had been visiting re Ii reasonable, Ralph Land. 2 mile» vaut W. Shaw, returned Mr. and .Mrs. Sam Stephens of lives. Tuesday to of Cottage Gro*»- on Row river high way. »5-1 Op their home in Canyon villi*. Eugene were visitor* over Labor Mr. ■i^il Mr« VV. L. Rouse of Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Trw in of •lay at th«* home* of Mrs. Stephens* Springfield nnd Mr. ami Mr*. Wil PUREBRED .SHROPSHIRE RAMM FOR liarn Vaughn of Cottage Grove vis sal»-. Aiwo one purebred Hereford Roseburg were week-end guest« of par«*nts, Mr. and Mrs, George Tent bull. T. II. Belts, route 2 Creswell, Mr. Irwin’s mother, Mr«. M. M. • 1«, and a brother, Ralph Teeters. ited Sumlay with frivmls nt Culp phone 31 Fl6 on Cottage Grove ex Ti*on. They went from here Mon Russell Wooleott returne«l horn«’ ('reek. change. *5tfc day to Img* m* and returned Wed Monday from a Eugene hospital, Bill Bradley returned Sumlay where he had been recovering from night after spending n few days < A N a I NG TOM ATOES FOR SALE 500 nesda . bushelK, good solid variety. 50 cents MiS.S Eva .Scheuffde i* n iling in an operation. nt his home in Portlan«l. a bushel picked. Bring containers. Camp Hiram Wheeler and her mother, .Mrs. Lewis Marcy and children Marian View <ampground. Roseburg. Ore. **,p Myrtle f’reek with Mr*. A. I Monroe. Sprague were Eugene visitor* Tuva r»*turm-*l from Portland Sumlnv TUI» GOOD LOTH EoH ll.E hl Ki Mrs. Pearl Thompson of Marsh day. Marian i.« till hi poor health eiening. • heap or cheaper. Bill Bartels. »5tfc field visited Sunday ami Monday and went up for medical treatmei.«t. .Mr. ami Mr-. Glenn Smith of Mr«. Ralph Teeter« and daughter Mareóla spent a few days at th«' ME NT with a sister, Mrs. E. E. Chestnut. FOB RENI TWO ROOM V PAKT ................. to Portland. 200 comfortable room», one block from high school, clean and each with bath. Reasonable rates. Mr. and Mr*, John I ¡«her and Eleanor and Mrs. Erro'st D u m l. home of Mr. Smith’s parent«, .Mi Mrs. Ê. comfortable. rent reasonable. Convenient down»town location. C. Shay, 305 south .Sixth street, phon** son of Yoncalla sp« nt Wedfie d ay nnd two «laughters wer«* visitors nt .• h | Mi«. George Smith. of last week with Mr. ami Mr-. th«* A. Wooleott horn«- Tuesday af 137R. Mr*. Joo Pleunrd nml chil.lren ____________________ t«*rnoon. J. W. Fisher. returned Sunday from Harrisburg, FOR RENT — Fl RNIHHED (ROUND Mis* Echo Ma uh*, who had vir .Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Hoffmun find whore they had been employed in floor apart men t. nice yard, close in. Prefer adults Phone 137R or call at ited a month with a sister, ai r*. family »pent the week <*n<l at a a hopyar<l. 305 south Sixth street. »5c G. B. Arnest, returned to her home const resort. Campfire permits wore issued at Ernest Darnell and M. R Hoff I Culp Creek over the week end to: PORTLAND, ORBGON FOR SALE BABY BUGGY AND in Oregon City Tuesday. Lovi. I. Boon, Rouhnr Manu«». Mr. and Mr*. Charles Trent and rnan moved furniture to Eugene J. T. Sanders A. C. Spriggs, Mabel boy’s 26 inch bicycle. Phon*- 1C9Y. • <« Glycerin Mixture Stops Constipation yW Fee «amica/ Eawa^aHaBaa St-«...... *5’5 Öt$r'....*645 ¡J oan ...... *675 * •w • b /«urary. flint. Mia U i <>u 1*1 iitwling Economy I hr new < h» v tulet Six In uu imunuulty r conom I* a I cur lo operale. Not only dor* It deliver better than facri/y tnilet tn the giUhm nf ¿undine, but Ils oil economy I« equal to, H not actually greater, that o( lln fuinuun ioui -< y ¡ii» J* i |*« rd* « «•<•<>« . Kriniirk iiblr 1 >c|Mii<lul»ilil y III older (<» up pi t< lute what outatMiid- Ing value the Chevrolet Six repre sent», If I* net canary to remember that It In built to the wuild'n highest ntundard*. In design, in malcríala and In workmanship— It la every huh a quality tari Amazing ¡.ow Priera All •«lllvlrnirnt no Ira« rmiarkabla I hull iho dr.lgit und quality of the < .bovroli-t Ml I» the fu< t that it !• aulii ul prive* •» nnmHiialv low! furthermore, Chevrolet dellirred pikeä Include the luweat tlnuiuliig uud handling ihuigc* ■vallabl*. Cottage Grove Motor Co. JACK MAULD1NG, PROP. A SIX IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR Div*»«, till i>! l'«*tl:i^* wh- < r a trip to Ouklnn I Mon camped at Champion, W:ivtie Kirk da and party who ratii|>c<l ut I'huto . . , pion and R*»ll Wick* of Wvndl.n;;. lihling Ma* him l*»|M r .*• n who rump- d nt th«* Mu*«» k mine. I ìli« I B. 1’ McCullum ¡»nd Andrew H ijm » bantuin«, th*»*e whi«h at- \rlli>w all u* r nml hnv«* no green »-«tiiq* - h.i Iraa, Imi m»t to mt ial • , , banana* aro al*«» gmel for in n. vow ¿i Sensational Hotpoint Automatic Elects*!«* Kanye offer for September PARTICULAR WORK FOR PARTICULAR MEN AND WOMEN Impel ial Barber 6 6 6 LEONARD TRANSFER down and $ I 0 u month completi ly inntalL'd Four iiKxfiern features never l»ef«»i*e in<*lu<le<l GENERAL TRANSFER TVe Welcome you 7ht HOTEL Ovmwure include«! During September only wo include this art of I h - iiu II- ful glass ovi-nwiire with each purrhase of u I lot point Range. Traill Burner A convenient trash burner can l»r attached lo any model llotpoint Range. With little additional coat you ran heat your kitchen. Wc Hay a M-iiMationul ofTer l»«-<'au«e it really 1» unusual. Never brfore lune we ehoHen hii . li a popular nunlel llotpoint Autoniatie Electric Kang«- and equipped it with tin- following in<»dern coiivenit-nreiit I wo enclosed (jilrod linits, <»nc lii-Hpecd Calrod Unit and the Thrift Cooker—then added to that *ve inclmle a lieautiful net of (>hiHH Ovenware. Il practically make» oih -' h head nwim lo granp it all but it in nurely true. VG- oiTer you th«- llotpoint with all then«! labor, time and expense Having de- vicen at terniH that convince uh that we are making it ca»y for you to own an Electric Range. W»- give you these very low termn ItecaiiHe wc feel llmt we can nil oral lo help you own llie moat modern conveniences. Wc know It in ..... re economical in the long run for you, and after you once have owned an Electric Range you would never he without il uguin. M ountain S tates P ower C ompany