THUKHDAT. AÜOUHT '■*», O'.’t THH UNTUVU, OOTTAOB OMOVB. ORHOOW Oregon State” AGRICULTURE degree») Agricultural ¿silurai E« Husbandry Fann Or nient, He Vegetable Hu* ban al Eng Produci ture. S culture CHEMICAL ENGINEERING 8., M s degree* M COMMERCE iBS legr. I in Agricultural Ee iiumi j Rural Sociology' Accounting and Man: Advertising and Selliti . Ban iug aud Finance, Gene Til Bn ness, Real Estate, Se Training. Marketing. « ENGINEERING B s . M S. de grots) Civil (Structural. I Sanitary. Hydraulic. 1 Construction ; Electrical (Power, Railway Telephony High Voltage. Mechanical (Ma hu.e De as melodious. Rut whistling. Ilk« tage Grove wa* *ulemnD«'d at !<• ■ 1 other practices, 1» restrained In so rue*«l.«v morning when Mi-- liare! clcty by unwritten rules of ell I.ouck* wa- inaine«! to .lohn 1 uri It 1« llil.'ie-ting tO Vie» Van Nortwick at the of the this subject from the standpoint oi In bl. - pi 1, nt -, Mi « n 1 Mr \ 1 manners. l.ouck- I’h«’ ceremony wa* n ■,i.l A boy reprimanded, a servant dl» l«\ Rev. 1 <« Shaw of the Ch ru» missed, goes away whittling. If In tian church iu the pre-ence of miPIU dare». He wishes to «ipresa eon bora of the iuime«liat«' fatnil i Ci» tempt, and h«> succeeds, at least. In Mi-a «Sylvin \ ent ch Ilo |da\e«l enraging his master generally. A wedtling march The brulé wor.>• M hobbledehoy who commits some perio«l gown of white taffetà. A btvtich of the proprieties common' < wedtlmg breakfast w n a «r\«'«l at bursts luto a whistle. This la to the Colonial cafe after the e« 'le save Ids inc«. meaning no harm; mou V aud the table wa- at irne live but It signifies ”1 dou't care!' with -umnier flower*. Mi 1 «nd w hlcli ta Just the rex enm of the Mr, \ an Nortwu k l«'ft imine.hat» apology need«1«!. At lu'st It shows I Iv for iShforinn ou a wedding Indifference; at worst, as tlie dullest trip Mrs. Van Norlwi.'k i« u feel, lllsult a..d p*oVOClitlvtl. j I. .. I......... • th. junior high -h.».l. Boswell tells a little story ot of Eugene aud will Imi«' charge whistling Illustrating the ludepend of plivou-nl c.liieiitioii Mr V»u ent slgultlcuiiew Johnson and lie Nortwick i* n -on oi Mi an I Mr- were dining with the duke of Argyll ►’ Il \ >n Noitui, k Mi- \au who asked a man present to fetch N.irtwu-k wa- gia.hintcd Iroin th some curiosity fror- another mom I iiixerritv of Oregou with the clii-- He brought the wrong article, aud of 1927 nm! i* n uienib«’r .«t Ka|.|i;i the duke scut him back. ' Delta sorori tv. The exact ptMitlou of thia man f to his host la undiscovered. How rile marring«' of Fl«»yd II IM. ever, Boswell says; “He could not - nour, sale«mau for the ( ’.iltiiU'’ refuse, but to avoid any appearance • Grow 0 .'t ! ■ 1 t !• M «‘tmi n n St i te - of servility he whistled ns lie went l*o,xer companv. aud Mi-, I »1 - i . i out of the room. On tuy mention­ liobiw'u of A-hlan.l w a* «olcnini.'e.l ing this afterwar«! to Doctor John Sliuday iu \-hlanl airi tin- vomif son lie said It was "a nice trait ot couple returued her«* Mouday night character.” Mr and Mr*. Ridenour will lea Ve Boswell grasp«',! with ease the ob Noon f or Rix« •ilon, W\«», to w hich Jectlon. which Is unintelligible to Í poi Ut :Mr Hi.)lenour hn- beeu t mu* some persons. ’ ferrod. - ♦ - w « re Mr and Mi - 1 \\ \ Old Churches Put to lowts I’w hl' evouiug ut a « liniiei party for n u ruin« «if r«-l.«kth e- Variety of Purpose« 1 Cover ­ wer«* 1Ini l for Dr and Mt The oldest English social Instltu fe R \ mie- of Twin Fall«, Ida . ti.'ti Is the parish vestry. It Is a Mr i ad Mr- Norval Irinr- an 1 descendant of th«> tribal council ot Mr aid Mi- l.loyd \rnies of Eu most primitive human establish I gene au.l Cecil trine- aid the meut. combined with th«> nearly as I host« Hr. trine* is a brother of old Institution of religion. Till- J E tt trill,-. body of persons Intrusted with th« administration of the temporal at The women'- foreign nii.--iouary fairs of a parish was so called from , .oeietv of llii- Methodist diur, li the former custom of holdlug par will inert at 2 >” We.lue-.lay, Sep l»h meetings In the vestry of th« . I ember 4. at the holm* of Mr- J church. In ancient England vestries I II. Chamber«. Election of officer- regulated all parochial affairs, ec will Ire held an I due- will Ire «mid cleslastlcal or civil. Indeed, tti< Keports of the year*, work will l>< parish church of the Fourteenth given liv officer- nn-l chairmen of century was the common hull, some , committees. times the common market place and —♦— theater of Its district. When th> i I'he Cou-tellation club will hold Host and portable altar were re t- fir-t meeting uf the fall season moved the church would be em ' rhursday afternoon, September 5, ployed for all purposes. A land j n Masonic-hall. I'h,- host. -, com owner who found he had more wool nitt,,- will he Mr- o I. Nichol,, or grain than be could take care o’ tl -. Mariett,- Hani.*,nt, Mr- tt il on his own premises could store I’ I.-mi Thum au>l Mrs. T. <'. Whedei lu the church simply by paying a small fee to the parson. Even th« The Tuesday Bridge club will rn tower of the church was used. E« tertaiu Friday sfternoou al the peclally In the more exposed dis i *»f Mr- ’’ J Keui m honor trlets near the sea. It was a place ■ >f Mrs R I.. Btewart, who is leav of refuge. the castle of the lububl ng the fir.t of H«*bteuilM*r to tnski tauts.—Detroit News. i her home m «'orpiille. If your child develops a fear of the dark, do you kuow how to han die It? It is possible to cure him In a very simple way. When you pir hlui to bed tonight, leave the door partly open and a dim light burning In the hall. The child will go to sleep. Then dim the light a little every night. If you work patient ly. four or five nights will enable you to recondition the child so tha’ the door cat. be closed and the light turned out. If you do not control the child In this patient way, you may. by shouting at him or spank Ing. keep him from whimpering out loud when you put him to bed In the dark, but be will lie lu bed trembling with fear. This Is not your alm. Your real purpose should be to remove the fear, to recomll tion the child.—Children, the Mag azine for Parents. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION i:.«., MS degr AJniiiii*« ; ion. an.l Tea, ng of kgi. Ecu H ouk Arts. n Freshman Week be jins September 23 Otht THE REGIS I RAK OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE CORXAl.l.lS (Authorized bv Nice Distinctions as to "Why” of Whistling Simple Way to Handle Child’s Fear of Dark M S The School of Journalism. Library A! Osic «. ire d< p.i gether with a pi iva! Fr C Odd Divorce Custom« Found Among Malays Good Qualities of Fruit» Board of il. gl J Subscribe if you can, borrow if you need to, steal it if von must, but- read 'Elie Sentinel. Nutrition and Diet says: “The apple leads among the orchard fruits. It carries small amounts of vitamines A. B. and C It has detl nite laxative properties, probably owing to the large cellulose content The young apple contains a large ■mount of starch, but as It ripens tills Is rapidly converted Into sugar until when fully ripe It contains little or no starch. The acid con tent decreases as the sugnr In creases. In like manner Its pectin valuable In the formation of Jelly decreases with the ripening process The citrus fruits are next In Im portance to the apple, and their culture Is being enormously In­ creased. Oranges come first. They offer an excellent source of readily assimilable glucose, and for this reason orange Juice is used when there Is necessity for qulck assim liable carbohydrate which will throw the least burden on the di gestlve organs. The orange con­ tains both vltamlnes A and B." Sampler» in History The earliest mention of a sam pier so far found Is In 1502, when Elizabeth of York paid 8 pence for an ell of linen cloth to make one A sampler Is referred to by JohD Shelton, the poet, about the same time. Originally samplers were In tended for practical purposes. Needlework and embroidery were practically the only relaxation of women at that time and samplers wire made for “handkerchiefs, la blecloths, sheets, towels, napkins nnd pillow bearers." The earliest American sampler was that of Loara Standish. The next report­ ed was that of Mary Hollingsworth of Salem, which was probably made about 1665. Sarah Lord made one In 1668. Tr»»s Don’t Fr»»zo Always Sa\ It With Printers Ink. Arcade theatre, Sept. 1-2-3 Never More Beautiful — Delightfully Alluring! Notwithstanding the popular tie lief that trees freeze in the winter, scientific Investigation has proved according to a Belle Isle forester, that they cannot freeze but remain dormant during the winter much like i ertaln wild animals. “Every day or so some one asks about the trees freezing," he said, “and they seem to doubt my word. Sap clrcu lation stops In the winter and the cells remain inactive. The sap con­ geals and prevents freezing else the tree would die. Sometimes frost will spilt a tree trunk opeD hut this Is due to contraction and expansion and not to freezing.” — Detroit News. "Hope Cheit” Forest The little Turkish town of Tscheklrge owns a forest not like any other forest In the world. Every tree Is a potential hope chest. No girl there could ever get In the marriage market without a hope chest, for Tscheklrge girls have always had hope chests So It is a custom for every father to plant h tree when he Is blessed with a new daughter. It grows up with her, and when the time comes to start the significant hope chest the tn-e Is cut down, cut up and «old The money thus derived Is d on the chest. Ever/ tree in th.a niuukIpul forest la named for a girl. S»I«r 1 han Cano» Jud Tonkin« says lie Is still afraid of a dirigible, but, at that, he belies, o It Is safer than a canoe — Washington Star. Banish Worry Worry is one ot the gieuteat bur dens we carry through life. It saps more oi our strength than any other one thing And It Is so i-o-.v ardly. Care seldom rides on the back r,f the man who faces Ids prob lems wiUi courage.—Grit Ants* Fir» Brigade Who are the fire tighter» of the Insect world? Tests carried out by a Frencl woman scientist. Mme. Marguerih Cotubes, have proved that red ants organize themselves Into fire brig ndes aud are able to extinguish tlame by tlie application of formh acid. When Mme. Combes placed a lighted cigarette ou un ant hill, the alarm was giveu immediately, utul the Insect firemen set about theli task successfully. The experiment was repeated several times, with the same result, and a lighted tapei was also extinguished. Finally a lighted caudle was used, uud this was put out In about a minute. When ants were In danger o! burning they were dragged to safety by their companions. Health Hint Loss of body heat through the skin runs ns high as 90 per <-eni Proper clothing, therefore, holds this ieat In winter while II nllo-v- It to be lost In summer. That Is why we should change the weight and the texture of our clothing. Ancient Inscription The fumoiis Behlstun rock In Per sia, on which Is carved the triumphs of Darius the Great, Is 300 feet »hove the highway. Sir Henry Rawlinson, an Englishman, discov­ ered these Inscriptions In 1835, 23 centuries «fter they bad been carted there. — Adding Machine Paper. Sen ! tinel. Drains Enrich th» Soil The vast sandy plain on which Berlin Is situated provides a soil adapted to the working of the fu- mous Berlin drainage system, es­ tablished In 1876. Pumps send sewage from the city by radiating mains to surrounding farms, 43TSMJ aeres of which are under municipal control. All are under auiiltuiy su­ pervision. TABLETS PENCILS CRAYOLAS PAINTS CHALK I jit (’ I. FROST Pl.yai-Ian and tur 1 * geon Office in L s w a o n building Phone 47, Cottage Grove, Oregon. .\ x 1.1 » '1 1» rt 1« inn and nt • geon Eveninga by appointment. Over Kem'a Drug «tore, Cottage Grove Oregon H W I. I M I. '.I D Ph, ■(< Ian an I • Surgeon Obatstrica and diaeaaea of women and children a apecislty. Office First National Bank building Phonea Office, 234, residence. 12G I. Kraideixe address, 1149 w»at Main. A CHIROPRACTORS j jit P. it KNAPP, < hiropractor. ¡'by « ' “i . Chrnnl’ a apecialty Hank Bldg, (».ar Kelly Drug «tore. Free conaiiltation and exaininati-.n. SIX DOZEN COLORED LUNCH BUCKETS 1 r SCHOOL SUPPLIES Always al (lie Lowest Prices SWEATERS DRESS GOODS STOCKINGS Special Groups at Fast Color Prints 19c, 25c, 29c, 39c 25c Ribbed 50c Rayon $1.00 Pure Silk 98c, $1 98 & $2.98 fur the little tote, Misses and boys For School Supplies Colds, Gnppe, Flu, Dengue. Bilious Fever and Malaria It is the most speedy remedy Prescription for known. SHINN Attorney at La* H • i Notary Public Practices In ami all Grove DRAFTING. lake Plena your building filana r«'aay for «bring and cummer build / ng Personal call* afternoon or evening Located two miles ea«t of Cottage Grove, Ore. P 0. Box 348. Phone 41F8 LEONARD TRANSFER W. I. I.conar«!. Prop uHKI. A r IMtWt ’S «ONFK IHrNESV Krs Phone 13*4 J GENERAL TRANSFER Col taue C.ruv«, Orrnoii TT i I KNOWLES 6? GRABER HARDWARE Cottage Grove Oregon hnpetini Barber Shop P. S. Buk«iw*ki 4» V4 A Distribution "Without IVcifie/, -and we are all laborers. I a * enthusiastically celebrate this day, set aside to honor the jfi world’amoat constructive force. Picnic* and week-end trips will demand extra daintie»— appe­ tizing items which Safewa Store« have made specia ik reas Com Minnesota Crosby corn packed in No 2 tins. Iodiked or plain in shaker 29c White Wonder m a k e s launderin’* easy. 19c 10 burs or 39c Carnation Premium oats or wheat flakes Fadi Cheese Full cream, very tasty. 25c l*<-r lb. Butter Spinach Fancy creamery, every pound guaranteed. Fancy spinach free from grit. No 2% tins. Crackers 3 lb. caddy salted plain crackers Each 2 Soap Salt 2 1 1 “ Cereals Early June Peas, No 29c Per lb. 48c 3”"' 49c Bacon Shortening Corn Fancy mild sugar cured bacon. Highest quality com­ pound. Fancy Ooldesi Bantam on cob. H Attorney building Phone 94, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Cottage I Tree« N»'«‘d Cai«* mwer« g»'«’ «’archil to their peach nntmT erbert w lombard at L hw Firat National Bank bulliling, A BIG DAY 6 6 6 Cat Long Considered Emitsary of Witche» courta. Bader Oregon. Nul¿EOOKI RULEILl INK PALMER PAPER PASTE Sept. 9 Cottage Oiova Woman lnjuivd Mr* l* ntiat • >tfi Finally, after missing the bull I. ■ ' Fifth Mii'i Main utrfeii Hour* rt !<» times In succession on one occii-lm, to 12 and I to 5:30. Evening* and Mun he turned to tlie patient caddie »ml day« by appointment Pbonpa: Office .J » remarked: resident m 107-Ii. “Dear, dear! 1 suppose there cant be any worse players than U R < ii i\ I \i f : Dentist, First Nation al bank building, Cottage solingly, “there may be worse play Office phone 10. Iteaidence 128 R. ers, but of course, they don't play PHY.SIC IA N.H Trua Friendship It Is es entlul to true friend hip that it be reciprocal. A onesided attachment can never tie «ailed friendship. In the Judgment of man­ kind there Is no crime so base as Ingratitude toward a friend.—James Cardinal Gibbons. Mrs. Hallie lugle uf | pre.i.lent of the Rcliekah of On-gon. will pay an c i-it to the Cottage Grove i lodge Friday evening ARE THEY READY? Per lb. 29c 4 Ih. pai I X lb. pail