CM) TT AO E OHOVE COTTAGE GROVE WINS THIRD IN CONTES! f r Concrete Trestle Work Started At Springfield Circuit Court Room Changed. Change- m the circuit court room to provide better veutilation are un der way and work wa* started Sal urday A new window will be cut Contract Ci.ll» for Much Dm through th«* panel at th«* east wall of th«* building to th«* left of th • puled Structure to Be judge's bench The entire court room will also l><* calcimincd and Completed Oct 31. redecorate«!. The gran«! jury recently rrturne«! Work on thr concrete trestle of a report recommending that *tep- be taken by the county court to r .. i i bridgt " ft thr new Springfield provide better veutilation for th«* started last week * by , the Hargreavr-t _ und Limlsny company, Lug«*««* con rooni. st ruction firm, who were :iwnr»ic<i Anna E. Underwood Dies. lho contract bv the state highway Mi«.« Anna I.. Underwood, foi cominission. Equipment of thr contractors wa* several year* a teacher in the dot schools, died moved into position last week. Th.-, Inge Grove public Mis* «oalraet rail* for r<»mpletioa of th.'I August 3, in Lus Angeles. w«»rk by October 31, but Fred Lind I’uderwood was thr daughter of pioneer mer say, member of the firm, said that David t’udeiwood, chant of Cottage Grove, and a si* the organizatiun contemplate«! hav tug the job done a few weeks be ter of the later Edward Vnderwoo«! and Mi- Ella Wall of Los Angele*. fore thal time. The contract calls for 154» fret Dr Knapp Moves Office. of cunerete trestle work. Dr. P. R Knapp, chiropractor, Ihr derision of thr contracting firm to complete thr job several who came here «eversi weeks ago weeks ahead at the contract time from Portland and established nn may mean much les* delay in the of fir« on Adams avenue, this wees opening of thr new span than wa* moved to a suite of rooms in the W. .1 White building. Dr. and expected. M/s Knapp made a trip to Port- land recently and purchased addi Ruy Leonard Named Delegate Roy Leonard was elected del«» tional equipment which has been gate to th«» Methioli«! annual cou installed in the new office*. ference at thr last quarterly meet Mi»» Hannah Lewin Resign». mg of thr Methodist church Tues Mi-* Hannah Lewi*, a membei day night. H. L. Mackin wa* unmed alternate. Conference will of the teaching staff of ‘hi* English department in thr high school, ha* be held next month in Portlnn«!. resigned and will not return to Cottage Grove thi* fall, according to announcement of the school board. The varan« caused b" th»** resignation has not yet been filled I » BIGGEST ÄND BEST" Second Annual Outing Closed With Council, Honors I Opening Day Will Be Wednes Legion und Scout Drum Corps Are Awarded. day, Auguat 21, Many Ex Aro Praised, Cameron hibits Planned Named Delegate. 1 hie bundled mid twenty five Cuttag«« Grove had a prominent part hi the American Lugioii t«»a trillion ln»l«l !«»t week in Hnleni. The Aiiu’iuan Legion «hum corp* w«,n third pine«« in th«* «Iruni corp* I'oatnst and the boy «rout «Iruni corp« from here w:»* the only * iiii ilur or gum ¿a t ion Io gu out«» the grumid* where the drum corp* con test wit« held The boy» got a big btu«l, a« they alt<i ill«l in thr parades held on tile rily *lr«rl« Cntlag«* Grove was the uuly »mall rity tu get nnywh-rr near the »•«;• in th«» drum roru« cumiietilion and« rpii»r, which ftm»li«'<l in lt»«l place, wa« th«* uuly other small ritj which competed. Fuitlund, Cu<» Hay, Medford, I ug«'U»*, Bend, Ln Gruudr, Hukrr nn«l cille« of that site w«*r«» r«'pres«*nted by Inrg«' or guuuaiion« iu showy uniform«, nnd • »»trial of them liml pul Hi week« «trilling for fancy format ion« Tho«c prrarnt from Cottage Grove were inrliued lu feel sorry for thrir own organisation, but the judg«»» found that «leapite thrir khaki uniforms, which di«l uot «how tu advunlHg« hiul put by electric light, thi-y their stuff un m u »nappy ninnaci aud without the error« that had bro tight p'linlfir- fur the orguiii/i lion« that put un fancy stuff The local corps was only seven points behind B«*n«l for second place nih I di»plaeeil th«« crack organization* from <’•»«>« Bsv and Medford that were tied for th«» military cup. Hav. Duncan F Cameron, »tnte chaplain of the Legion thi* year, was named u drlrg.itr to the nu held in tioaal convention to ba Kentucky and the Oregon delega tiou will put his name ou the bal li I lut for national chaplain crivv«! th«* »eroud highrat number uf vuto« in th»* balloting F * Giuum«. curnmuu'trr of the lu«ul post, served «»a tlo* American l/atiun romtuiltte and John Mi! Irr, post aJjutuul, uu th«* slate ai i olli ill it ter The l««ral unit uf the American la*gioii auxiliary won n «leparfiront • tutiua and Ms« Max Hird, pr«-«i •hut, i« named on the «landing fi nnnee enmmitte«*. Mr*. Frrd lira nett, president elect, served on th« l«*gi«lniivr cominiltro and Mrs F 1. Grannis, secretary cleet, served un thr rurnuiunity warvira commit tar The scout drum corps used th"i 12 nrw bugles for the first time m Kalrm Tn i « rorpt formation wx when Huwmd almost disrupted Taylor, drum major, and Llewellyn Rrx, bugler, suffered an attack of mump« aud were unnbl«* tu accom oany the corps. Earl llnn»rn of I ngcur, u former resident and still a member of th«* local troop No. 16, fille.l in a* drum major au«< made a creditable «bowing Twenty two «•-outs aud K D Raker, aeoutmns ter, made th«» trip to Hnleni. Th«» boys ramped out Mr«. Effie Bal )i w an«! Mr* K D Raker <li*l the »• »king for thr aruuta. EDDIE, THE AD MAN .* OREGON, THURSDAY AUGI) HT 15. Co u n t y Fa i r H a n / Many Attend Ceremony Of Camp Eire Troops gur«f « attended «'(»Ululi night rar«« many which «'bi»«'d the «croud an nuil outing of the ('am ip Fir«* girl» at Ihver-idr park ii'fir G«»«h'*ii < Fri duv Parenta «tny night Barents und fsi«*rids of th«* girl« and their lrnd«*rs w«*r«» in vit«*«l mii «I on«' troop of i iigcro t'ump Firr gnl» attrnd«**l. Th<< impressive program tury r*f th«* work na«l m t’nrnp Em* aud «*oudurti*d within tin* council circle about th«* hug«« bonflrr, wa«: Huiirin« ceremony, 12 girl« and th«*ir leader; “Walking [Kong,” troops I and 2; fir«* light 1 ii4M * • I* IU««M ♦ , Juarphim* W ¡•'inan, torch bearer, assisted by Bonita Mrhorg and Harriet Wisemaii ; I ’ ‘ Burn, Fira, Burn,' ’ •uug by troop* I mid 2; nwiirding of bon or»; 4* Boating H««ng,” troop« I an<l 2j 44 Pur | m > m * of Camp Fir»« nnd Gr 'rtmg to Guests, * * ” Mrs. C. E. llrowa; “Lay Me to Mlrrp in th«* Nheltrring Flam«*,” Miug l»v troop I mu I 2 Honora awarded to th«* girls of troop I were t>4 follows: B«*«t all round sport, Hrlrn J«*nea; best K I*, Bonita Nchorn; Woh«'lo honor, B'fhil.t Si h«»eii, I rma Bennett, Hv «• Ivn Coiner, Marie Cooler, Dorothv Bal.Is ill, Helen Jone», Allitu Hable iiiiii , Georgi'ttn Know I«*»; faggot finding honor, Marie c«*ol«*y, Dor«« thr Baldwin, I rma Bennett, Bonita Srh«M*n; -w immmg test, polywug, I.rma Bennett, Helen June«, Kvr Ivn Cniner, Dorothv Baldwin, Boni ta Krhoen, Marie Cooley, Jun ■ Wherler; ^r”K« Erma Brunet», lleb*n done«, Evelyn Coiner, Doru thy Be Id win, Mtirir < *«mlry ; fi.h, I rma Bi nuett, Helen .lone«, Duro t* Baldwin. Mari«* Cooley; flviug fi*h, Erins Ib'nuett, Dorothy liald win, Mmie Cooley; tent inspection, l!e|»*n L»n«*s, I’rnia Ib nn« tt, Dor«» thy Ball win. At the close of thr council f»r<- Mi*« JoM’phine Wiseman. a««i*taiit h'.ulrr, wa« prr««*ntrd with a Wo lirlo pin in appreciation of h«-r help and Mr» C W. Beatty, Iradei of troop I, wa« given a ceremonial gown und • amp fir«* nng by the girl* of tr ««op I Troop 2 di'l noi roiliiirtr for honor* this year, Mt- Brown and troop 2 returned honu* Friday night after th«* roun cil firr but troop 1 remained until Sunday, Mrs. H. E. Baldwin, camp mother, remaining with them. Mr». Brown wa* assisted by Mr* John Kelly an«l Mr* Harold Wulfar*!. Those wiih troop 1 were Anita Hahlrmau, Alice Allison, Jean Short, Helen Jon«*«. Erma Bennett Mihlrcil Bennett, Punier Merenda, Ellen T«»wn, Evelyn Thornton, Sr hoc if, Evelvn Comer, Bonita Mari« Cooler, G«M>rgcttii Knowles, Viola Rohdr, Hsriu t un i Josephin* Wiseman, Dorothy and Ruth Hui man, Jun«* Wherler and Dorothy Baldwin Members of troop 2 were • Lor Gail Town. rum«* Coiner, Eileen Linda mood, Margaret Short, w ('row, May ma Sproul*, Bernice Helen Chestnut, Lucile Lronu rd, Margaret Sow Ira, V ' elmi» !lan*«*n, Davis. LANE COÜNTY With the lug Lu m* county fair U h - Opening licit w»-du'-»dlty al fair ground« in Eugene, finni rz | million* are bring rushed .m«l sur.thf«s arc given by fuir officials that 4'ottng«* Grove peopl«* attend ing will fimi th«* 44big«,«*»t - hhi lu*«t ” Lu a«* county fair a wait mg thrir approval. Nut wit h*tii tuli ng early date» for the fair (hi* year, exhibit j>r ¡>nru tioa« indirai«* flint Inrg«* nuriber* nud varirti«'« of produce arc ready for display mid the pro«luc • d« par* m«*nt uf the fair will hr equal t pieviuiiM fair« Likrwisu the fl<»w«*r »how plum* indícate* floral exhibí?» will I»«- m no way hmnperrd by tl.«* early datrn. Irving, Go**hen, ('unsi Furl;. HinJ'i Clara niul Florriief» ar<* preparing community exhibit* and nnd ni in'iny ’iiiy in «livi'luni exhibit« of produr pr«>du<* • * arc p|mini*«l Livestock entries are i roni- mg in rapidly nn«l plan* for the Women’s textile und art depart menta ar«* moving rupidiv. Got tngr Gruvr peoiih* nrr rrmm«b*«l oy fur ufficiai» timt their entri«*« i in n ny of the«* departments will I m * we¡ come. Produrr sud community display* will be m th«* main pavilion, uhe««« also will be the overflow ol f indu*» trial exhibit* from the n«*» indu« trial building. _ A first cln- nolo mobile show, di*playmg lat«*M mod «•Is, i* planned by automobile deal »■rs. The Four II club worker« will have their usual fine exhibit* u1 horn«* running, livr-to« k, • h:« l.« u«, needlework and th«* like. .1. K Greer, «tarter uf *he hoise rare«, rxpr«*s«ed gratification at th< large numle*r of entries ruining m for these events Many of th«' fastest horses un the coas?, m< lu«i mg n number from the Amrricau Ltgiou event« at Portland, will rom¡M*te m th** harn«*ss rare« at the fair, while more than twice a« many running horse« a* competed Inst year will be in the running race*. llorse races will I«* hebl e* cry afternoon un a program in* »♦ s|M*r»«*d with rodeo, wire walking trapeze performances und other fra ture*. Program* will be held «-ach evening, featuring th«* beat enter taiument that can be lined up and including n gr»**t firework* demon •tratiun. Public wedding* ••*.«• planned fur evening event*. Wednesday, August 21, will be opening day and club day at the fair Thursday will I m * Eug*ne day, Friday Lam county day and Cuttag«* Grove day and Saturday “evervbo lv ’« dav ” ami visitors’ dav I New Plant 1000 Feet Lorn; to Be Built and Present One to Be Enlarged. Another sesonbous, larger tlum thr our now in operation at La th miii , i* definitely announced by F. E. Mendenhall, secretary of thr chamber of commerce. The Stand a rd Bridge company is dealing for piling for the foundation* now nud construction work will comment* shortly. In the ahsencr of W. M. MnrGibbon, manager, who is hi Portland for a few days, complete drtails could not be obtained. The new scaonhoua will be lOOC fret long and will be built parallel to th** present *r*onhuu*. Thrr« hundred feet will be added to thr length of thr plant now operating *u that when completed the two houses will be thr same sire. Proiuiae uf another se*onhou* wa* made some time ago when the citv agreed to extend it* water system to plaut* south of thr city for fin protection. When the water pipe were laid sufficient pipe wa< pul down at Latham to provide for three additional *e*onhou*e*. Even tuully these will I m * built, making a total of five aesonhousew for th« sOsoning of lumber by thr cold air process. Building of additional sesoning facilities will provide a larger mar ket for lumber and make possible steadier operation for the *mnll?i sawmills about Cottage Grove. Lumbermen Will Meet. »7. II. Chambei«, George Schnei der, J. F. Woodard and W. A. Ga multe expect to attend thr regular monthly meeting of thr Willamette Valley Lumbermen's association at Eugene, Saturdnv Osburn hotel, The Willamette valley dis night. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank Sears, who Itici «aIr» itiamigviN will meet af had been here to attend the funer ter ward. nl of Mr. Sear«’ sister. Miss Bei th i Duplicating Supplies. Sentinel. Scars, returned Monday to theii Loose Leaf Systems. Sentinel. home nt Wendling. THE FEATKERHEADS Ry Osborne Local Golfers I Lin Bride And ( ¡room From yllbany A fill opportunity for some mat Lune county rinionislly incUnde«! couple i« offered m the imnuun«' ment by Mabel H < ’hadwirk, »• • rrtnry of th«* Lune county fair, th.«' public wedding* will be h«*l«i in eonnertion w ith «vernug program* if som>* woul'l b«* bride and l»r|«b* gloom prr««*nt th«*U4*rlvra. •Merchant* have bi*vn cooperating in making plan* for th«* event, tn«l u fin«- array of gift« will ben wait ing th«* couple if th«* fair rfr«* mouivN tri' held Already, Mr. Clia<lwi«k hits two attractive w * I- ding ringi fur the groom to «hp i utu hv* vest j pocket nud locate at *i* reremdny, th«* right moment in th and other gift » ar«* planned. Tin* fair association al»*» will Are t«> it that th«* yotlRg roupie lu» v n minister and marriage lirea»** without cost A »'«ittag«* Grov** couple wer* married at the fair last war. A 12 man tram of th«* Cottng* Grove Golf « lub ilcf«*at«'d a 12 man Albany team 26 to ¡6 Sunday ou the Albany link* in u practice tournament. The be»t local »core turn d in was a 76 for IK holes hi . p I c by William Zimmerly. Th«* tram and their -core* f«*i low Warren Oliver, M2; Lynn Oli ver, H4; Geprg« Rollin«, M2; Wil liuto Ziiiiiiivily, 7»«; Mr. D. «mond of Him k Butt«*. 84; Lundy Wood «in, 105; ('Jeu Morelock, 84; E. “ R “ l»«*ml«»y, 96; J. B. l^eonard, 90; Fr«*»i Lindeman, 96; Harold Wol furd, 103; Paul Morgan, 102. While the ('«ittag«- Grove nolfet* walk« d off with th«* honor», they got »tung, a n st of yellow jark«*l» on the rour«' providing a Lazaro not hated in the rules. // eather Conditions Ideal in fuly July w«*atb«*r wn« ideal, r«|M»rf of <’ I. Stewart, r<»o|M*rative w«*ath er ub««'rver, -how. Th*- month litui nn almost perfei t turan tem¡M*rnture «sf 68.7 “...................... und while a number of tu day» wen» et« essi v«*ly warm the night« were cool iiu<l the minimum temperaturi* ran below 5o every night in the month except nine, The mean maximum temperatur« was I M1 piu- rind the rn«*an minimum 46 I Th«* maximum tenqieratur was 92 and the minimum 44». There were 29 cl« ar day* und two partlv cloudy No rainfall was r«*rordrd. Bortha Soars Funeral Hold Fun«-iul servic«»* for Miss Bertha Hoar«, who died ln*t week in Port land, w •'!«• held last Thursday after noun from Mills chap»-l. Rev. W. .1. Morrow delivered th«* sermon at thr chape) und the Eastern Sti»r burial service* wa* performed at Mis* Mariette Hears cemetery. Hauiaut acted us worthy matron und George O. Knowles a* acting patron Member* of the Masonic order, Georg«* Knowles, Earl Hill, Irl Stewart. N J Nelson .Jr., C. F. Hoskins and William Zimuierly, acted a* pall bearers. NEW CHAMPION CREEK BRIDGE STARTED FRIDAY A county bridge crew was ut work Friday on th«* new 60-foot covered trass bridge which vdi -pan Champion creek alxiut 36 fret downstream from the present cro.«-» ing aite, according to P. M. M«**se. county engineer. Th«* yew bridge is being built is part of th«* relocation program on th«* Champion ereek toad. Several curves are being eliminated and th«» grade lessened, Mr. Morse *aid. One fourth mile of grading was started on the Co<lar creek ruad Friday, it was reported. Th«» road will be graveled later. Mr. and Mn». Paul Morgan and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wol fa rd re- turned Saturday from a trip Diamond lake, ('rater other interesting places Cascades. //or Scouts to Hold Biscuit Contest Any one desiring information I UB th«- line art of mu king bi*ri !UltH __w _. will hnv«* a chan«*«* for instruction Friday night when member* of bov M*<mt troop No. 16 will hold a bis cuit baking contest at Kelly bridge, Th«* scout- will b«* without tn.' aids of a model kitehen but Scoutmaster Raker ia willing to ha«k their rook ing >igftin*t all comer lii ft rook ing contest over an open fir«*. The scouts will demonstrate rook mg biMuits on a «tick, in a frying pan and in a reflector oven. Swimming and diving instruction will also be a feature of Fridav night meeting. Eagles Picnic Well Attended. More than 2<H) persons, about half of whom were from Cottage Grove, attended the joint picnic of the Eugen«* anl Cottage Grove Eagle« Sunday at Riverside park J. Brighton Leonard, worthy presi dent of the local lodge, wa» on the program for a talk. Cottage Grove was victorious in a ba-eball game which wa.» one ol the «port*» feature* of the day Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Puckett nn<i Deli Pitcher wen* among those winning prize* in the races. Cori! Wooley was a winner in the swim ming events. METHODISTS REELECT REV WM J. MORROW The last quarterly conference of the Methodist church for the year wa< held on Monday______ evening „ ____ with Dr. M. A. Marcy, district superin tendent presiding. The report* from the different department* revealed that th. church ha* enjoyed spiritual and mental prosperity in a higher de gree than in previous years. Th» Sunday school ha* a larger enroll meat, a larger average attendance and is in better financial condition than last year. The women of th< church have had a successful yea. m the work of the missionary and la«lies aid societies. Member* 01 the church board for the new veai were elected and by unanimou vote, Pastor W. J. Morrow was in vited bark for another year’ work. O. L. Nichols came home fron. Reedsport over Sunday to v isit hi- family. City Library Is Given Large Gift of Novels FERTILIZED GROUND YIELDS BIG CROP Three New Booka Are Added to Pay Shelf; 1023 Vol New Grade Addition nearinq umes Loaned in July. Completion; New Equip ment Is Added. Thr«*«* modern books hnv«* Iwen Smith Hughe« Student» Ex periment with Fertilizers on Five Plots. .uldad to the pay shelf at the local library sine«* th»* last board meet The value of fertilizers we* ing. The n«*w hook.* are 44Cradle d<*mon»t rat rd thi* summer in an of th«* Deep,” by Joan Low »It; experiment carried on by member- “Black Camel,” Biggers and“A!i of th«* Smith Hugh«** «'lasses of th« Quiet on th«* Weatern Front” by Cottage Grove high sehoo! under Kcmnrque. K. D. Raker ha» pr»* th»* direction of William M. Averill, «♦•nte»! a year's subscription «»» Smith Hugh«*« instructor, fertilized Boy’« fjf«* for th«* r«*ading table. plot» -bowing a h«*avy gain over During the p i t month 1023 book* unfertilized plot». Five one-tenth were loaned an»l $10.36 in fin«*- »er«- plots were planted on th«» coll««-ted. Nine n«w borrowers* Walter Garoutte place south of this »*ar«la have been issucl bringing th“ citv and careful check wa* made total number of borrowers up tn of th«* five plots. Heeded «»at* w«*r* 1025. used for grain. A gift of 55 books has just been Thr first plat wa« treated with ma«!«» to the library by Mrs. <’ath- Chilean nitrate of no»ia, using 2v »•rin»' Scott, formerly of Hiil«*m but pouD'Is to th«* plot or 200 pound« to now making her home in Milwau- th«* acre. The second wa» treated hie. Wia. Mrs. .................. Scott is well known with 20 pounds of nitrate and 4* here having made her home with pound» of »upvrphoMphat»*. No. 3 an aunt, Mrs. C-ath :iiin • Bader, for was a test plot and n«> fertilizer a year and from numert UN tl-T wa* u«ed. The fourth plot wa- i shorter visits. treat«'«! th«* same as No. 2 with th The gift was made entirely addition of 20 pound» of jM>ta»h. through the generosity of Mr- making this plot a rompletely fer- Scott and was unsolicited and was tllized one. The fifth plot was I a welcom«* surprise, said memh«*rs treated with 2o pounds of potawh I of the library l>oard. alun«*. The list of hooks given by Mrs. Th« grain was harvested and Scott are: 44 Miss Sylvester’s Mir bound last week and I the cheek plot I riage,” ’ Charles; “Original Belle,” ■ * 12.: i Roe; 4 “ produced, 48 bundles, averaging * Fort Burkett,” Townsend; (Mjunds to the bundle or 585.6 , “Sweeper* per* of the th«* 8«*a, Sea, ’ ” Wetmore; pounds, No. 2 plot, treated with | “Ten Thousand a Year, ” Warren; nitrate and superphosphate, pro- “Cranfor.i, “ Gaskell; “In the duced 58 bundles, averaging 13.2 Bishop’s Carriage, Miehelsoa; poun«ls to the bundle 765.6 ‘‘Trea«uro Trail,” Pollock; ‘'Mid or pound*, No. 4, treated with m dlr Five,” Flenehe; “Violett,” Vou trate, superphosphite « and I potuah. Hutten ; “Standard Bearer,” Crock produce« cd 65 bundles, averaging aft; ” A Whalcmaa’s Wife,” B.i! 12.25 pounds to tb<* bundle or len; **. Mystery of Claape«l Hand.«,” 796.25 pounds. Nos. 1 and 5 plot.*, Boothby ; “Thu Warners, ” Dao while they produced better than iris; 44 Gun Runner,” Metfora; th«* check plot, failed to give as ‘‘House I,J inc m«cr, «v ’ nru«rn by the River.” W ar«l«*n; j -at««factory result* «lue to unfav *4Furnace of Earth,” Rives; 44Ca- orable soil and weather conditions. • ina Girl in London.” Dunham: The Chilean Nitrate of Koda ‘‘Gentleman of Quality,” Dey; company of San Francisco provided ‘‘»Sign of Seven Sin**,” Le Queux; the fertilizers for the experiment “Miss France« Baird,” Kauffman; and due to a misunderstanding the 44Forced to th** War,” Hill; “Re fertilizer* arrived late, making creation of Brian Kent,” Wright; planting late. Mr. Averill believe* “Susan Clegg,” Warner; “Caleb that an early planting would hav«» Conover,” Terhune; “Voyagu o9 resulted in heavier gains for the Consolation,” Cotes: 44Beverly of fertilized plots. He pointed out Graustark,” McCutcheon; “Weigh that to produce the l»e«»t results the I of the Crown,’4 White; “A Royal fertilizers must go into solution and , Enchantress,” Des.-ar; “Th«» Doc that due to th»» late planting there i tor,” Connor; “Ik.* Glidden in was not sufficient rainfall- to bring Maine,” McFaul; “Claim Jump about the best reaction. ers,” White; “Rrstdale,” Shot Fertilized ground will also -how land; “Sirius.” Fowler; 44Sin* of good results the year following a Saint,” Aitken; “Cua.-t of Free even though the ground has not ,dom,” Shawl; “Trilby,” DuMauri refertilized. been Moore; er; 4 4 Castle Omeragh,* “New Yorkitis,’’ Girdnrr ; “Amer- iea in Hawaii,” i.’arp*»nter; “TV ‘Joy of Life,” French; ‘With Dew»*y at MJanila,” Vivian; ‘ Story of Parisfal,” Wagner; Van D vki “ Vicia Book. ’ ’ Van D y k i Gwynn,” McCutcheon Lurk V Bargee,” lender. Other books presentv«! this mouth i ar-» * ‘ Fundamentals of Educations? Two Million Candle Power Measurement,” Gregory, presente i by Miss Lula Currin, and 44An <>*d Beacon Will Be Installed; Fashions! Boy.” Finley and “The Bov Pilot of the Lak«**.” Webster, Markers Planned. Construction on the new ad<li- tion to the central grade school building is rapidly nearing rom- pletion and rxtensive repair?» urr ÌM»ing made on the high school bui LI ing in preparation for thr op«*niag of school M«*ptembrr 9. Th«» new addition to the grade school building will relieve a c««n grated condition that has han<li capped both the high .school and east mile grad«*s for several years by giving the grades a unit of thrir own an<L releasing several FU omin in the high schoui building, making that building entirely a high school unit. Huperiatrudent D. A. Emerson pointed out that during the pa^t year there has been a marked <le create in grade school ouroBmcnt and an equally marked increase in enrollment in the high school. Con «»•quently it is possible to cu? «I oafb the number of grade mc H oo I room- and accommodate all the. grade school pupils who have been occupying rooma in the high school building io the new addition to the central grade building. This relieves the entire high school building for the use of high school class««. Ender the ol<i plan primary pupils in the grades were mingling with high school students in the same building. Thia ar rangement ha* not been at all sat isfactory for either the grade pupils or the high school students, Hupcrinteadent Emerson said. The central grade building when finished will be a complete unit with eight rooms capable of accom modal-ng a maximum of 320 pupils. Th«* building will be modern in every respect with a special room for teachers and an office. Th“ two wings in the south will partly cnrlooc the play shed but will have an open court between the playshed and the main building. Pupils of the first six grade* from the* east side u ill I m » enrolled in this build- ing. Extensive improvements are be ing made in the high school build- in^ the agriculture and houiunak lDU departments being moved from the gymnasium into the high school building. The northwest room on the se«*- ond floor has been completely equipped as a _______ ____ modern cooking laboratory and a dining hull for th.» high school cafeteria has been provided convenient to the Inhora- tory. Many built in fvutuzes, in cluding <*upboarl.*«, bias, cabinets, work tables and an apron closet, have been install«*! in the labors tury. Th«* new equipment has been arranged to give the best result.«. Modern furnishings hav«* also b.u*n provided fur the dining room. Th«» agriculture department will occupy a room on the first floor. This room will also T h » completely presented by Mrs. J. H. Chambers equipped to meet the requirements of a Smith Hughe« department. Five rooms on the lower floor Trout Planted in Lane Streams. an«l on«* on the s«»cond floor of th«* Streams of Lane county are pro high school building will be used fiting by the liberations of fish1 as clans rooms for the regular from the McKenzie hatchery. Dat academic work. On the second ing the past two weeks the hatch-1 floor on«» room is being remodeled ery department has freed rainbow ' as a science laborator” nnd another trout in the county as follow«: _ __ room is being remodeled fur dhu Coast Fork of Willamette, KUMM«: j domestic - - art classes. -------------- - New built-in Mosby creek. 10.000; Willamette a’ furniture is being added in each Burton riffles, 10,00>; Willamette at of them» rooms. The library is be Keaseyplace. 10,000; tail race of ing moved from th«* first floor to McKenzie river, 10,00); Willamette a much larger room on the secon I at Jasper, 10,000; Willamette at floor and new furnishings are be Nye place, 10.000; McKenzie at ing purchased for this room. Meyers’ grove. 10,000; McKenzie Walls of the hallways in th«» at Coburg. 16.000; McKenzie at high school buildiug are being cal- Deadmond’s ferry, 10,000 and Wil <*imine«l and the floors are being lamette at Leonard’s, 10,000. given a coat of new floor dressing which gives a much brighter ap pearance to the entire building. Tonaer Residents Will Picnic. These improvements will give a The Cottage Grove association of i high Portland will hold its ninth annua* , modern and well equipped picaic August 25 at Peninsula park | school building capable of accom Dinner will be served at 1 o’clock modating 30(1 students, Superinten an«i all former residents residing in dent Emerson said, nnd the new Portland are urged to attend. I quarters for th«» homemaking and Residents of Cot tag«* Grove or agriculture departments, with the those visiting in Portland are al- > | new equipment, will meet the re quirements of the stnte and federal included in the invitation. departments under whose supervi sion this work is conducted. County Road Tools Stokn. Thefts of countv tool« and equip !, The high •*•*-•• school gymnasium i* ment from the «.-ne of r»U oper *7*» J"*'»»»’«» . The removal .tion. in variou. part, of the eonn o.f l>o>n*™»k>»r «nd ngneultur- tv i. causing the county court ■I'.'pnrtmenU from thm pro- tike action to protect ’the publie «py »«« ".<»* property. Last week the court an | dw-i.g room». Work of installing beacon and field flood lights for the Co i»t tage _ Grove airport is scheduled to start within the next few days, accord- iag to Inspector Robinson of the federal department, who wa* heir last week to look over the field. The contracts which have been let call for the installation of a 55-foot beacon of two million candi • power, a flasher giving the number of the field, a lighted wind conr and field flood lights to be in stalled every 300 feet the distance of the fielu. Chrome marking* of crushed rock will be placed at each corner of the field and all obstruc tions to the field will be lighted. Further development, inn including ‘ * by r the leveling, is recommended g««vernment and it is probable that this work will be undertaken ar government expense. With th«* completion of lighting the landing fields along the coast it is expected night flying of government mail* will be started and the local air port will prove an important link in this development. Inspector Robinson spoke highly of the enterprise of Cottage Grove in providing *uch a first class air port and said that in hi* opinion the general location and the field it*elf is as good as any between Portland and San Francisco. Man, Woman Are Fined. Delbert Hackerman and Grace Fortnicr. both of Salem, were each fined $50 in police court yesterday after they had been arrested at a local hotel where they were regia tered a* man and wife. The couple was traced here b” the woman’- hu-band, to whom she had been married but three week*, and local officers were informed by long dis tance telephone to hold them. Aftci spending Wednesdn— in the city jail they were able to pay their fin«* last night and were released. Hnrkerman is a Southern Pacifi • stage driver. nounced that a reward of $25 would be paid for information that will lead to arrest and conviction of anyone taking county property. PREVENTION PROGRAM APPROVED BY C. OF C. Tax Turnover Is Mads. A turnover of 1928 taxes from the sheriff’s office to the county treasurer Tuesday amounted to $53, 419.69. The sum was itemized a* follows: •State and county, I 126,070.0«; cities. $12,881.99; school I districts, schools, $13,029.68; union high $772.33; $347.65; road districts. Port of Siuslaw, $90.08; forest fire jHitrol, $134.60; Cox drainage dis Mr. and Mrs. Dale Green have trict, $88.20; grev digger poisoning. ■ moved to this citv from Toledo. An educational program on fire prevention which ha* been pre pared by the United State« cham ber of commerce was approved by the local chamber at its meeting Tuesday. The campaign will be carried on through the schools and civic bodies. A definite program which will in clude clean up campaign.« to leaaeu the danger of fire from tra&h an«l waste material and an investigation into fire protection facilities and the ’ laws and . ordinances .. regarding fire traps and dangerous structures, will be followed. »• < Freddy's Interest in the Luggage COUNTY EQUALIZATION BOARD MEETS SEPT. 9 Annual meeting of the county equalization board will Im h« Id next month, starting September 9. Complaint of property owners re garding assessments will be hoard by thr board for thr first 15 day* land the following 15 days the I board will pass on and consider ap- I plications for adjustment of assess 1 ments. Thr board is composed of the county assessor, county judge and county clerk. Transcriptions of the Lane asses.»- ment rolls for thr vear will soon be completed, according to Ben K. Keeney, county assessor. An extra I force of employes has I wcii af work i on the transcriptions tor the pa.«t two weeks to have them ready in time for the equalization board I meeting. Sa les hooks The Sentinel. i