--------- fr -,--------- ."AGB HX 1 Nearby News i UPPER ROW ..VER. (Special to the Nentinrl.) Aug. 7.—W. R. Jean* an«l «laugh ter Bernita were visitor* Tues«lay ia Eugene. The John Thrun family moved Tua*day eveuiag from Cottai?' Grove to Culp Creak, when» Mr. Thrun, ha* employment at the Neott Lumber company sawmill Mrs. Jo«' Smith and «laughter Gract* vUlted Turs«lay at the B. F (Aillum home. M rs. Pearl Suter of Fagea«» visited Wedn«‘«lMv n .... n I Thursday nt th«» home of her patents Mr and Mrs. B. F. Collum. Mrs. John Jeans and children nnd Mr*. Paul Pieper were visitor* Thur«day in Eugene. NCr. an«i Mr*. Elmer McC«»llum visited Thurs«lay evening with r« !u lives at Culp Creek. John Win-low and Melvin >t*«« I gras* arrived ln.«t week fr«»m Kel-o. ash., an«i arc employe«! by U. S. Jean* in logging operation« on Sharps creek. Mr. and Mr*. Glt'nn Smith and Mr and Mr*. L. G. Cornwall and Maroila visito«! Sundav «hiblri'n of _ __ at th«» home of Mr Smith’s ani Mrs. Cornwall’s parents. Mr. and Mr*. Georg«» Smith. Mr. and Mr*. Alfre«! Teal of De light Valley sad Mr nn«l Mr*. M J. Drury and *on George of Coburg • i kj .... i *-' • r♦.'»•»•■»«*•» •»♦ «v».» ii F. Collum home. Mr. and Mr*. A. M. Scott i*n«l • j .« Teddy >p«‘n: Sunday an«! Mon «lav in Portland. Mr. and Mr*. Cliffonl Smith an-i children of Cottage Grov«» visited Sunday at the George Smith home. Andrew Crow received painful >n juries to his cheat Mon,lav morning while employed at the Scott Lum ber company sawmill. He wa- taken to a Eugene hospital, when it was found that th<» injuries were not sernous. Mr. and Mrs Fred Piep*»r and chiblren left Tuesday for their home in Portland after visiting a few» week* with relative* at (Slip Creek aud in Rujada. Frank Snodgrass made a trip Sun duy to Kelso, Wash., and returned Mun«lay .evening accompanied by u sister, who will make her home at Culp Creek an l keep house for her broth« r*. Melvin an«l Frank. A ; ».cnie dinner was held on Sharps creek Sunday in honor or Mr« Varian A. Jean«. Those pre* ent were Mrs. Varian Jeans, gucr»’ of honor. Mr. and Mr*. J. M. Jeau- aud son Gene an«l daughter Alice. W. N. Jean* and daughter Bernita. all of Culp Creek; Mr*. Paul Pie per and children, Rujada: Mr. an ’ Mr-. Glenn Bown. Mr«. H. L. Bown. Mrs. Irvil Lewi.*, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Zumwalt. Mr and Mr*. K. R Gibson and sons Bobbie an«! Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Jean« and laughters Zaida and Leola, ail of Eugene; MZ and Mr*, F H Pa per and sons Lawrence and Lvle. Por i land. «lay at the horn«' of h< r si-ter. Mrs. S. P. Shortridge. Mr. and Airs. William Maus* an«l children of tVilorado viatte«! severnl days thi* week with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Bau«l«»r. Ii'av ing Tu«'s«lay for California. Mrs. T. C. Shaw hm just harv«» t e«l h«'T B«»rmu«la onion- an«l from a plot of groun«l six fe«‘t by 20 f *<»t -h«» gnther«*.! on«' humlred and - \ pounds of onion- B«»-i«le these h«'r family hav«» us«»«! greeu onions from th«» plot all sutnm«»r. Mi-- Mao Che-tnut left last w. « k for th«» campfir,» girl’s encampment at Riv«r-»d«' park Mr and Mr*. Chestnut an.i Mi— Ethel Chestnut visited her there Sunday. Wnyne Shaw w«'nt with th«» K»y scouts to their encampm«»nt tn Salem this week. been visiting relativ«»*, t ft Tut'.-Jay for h«»r home m Han Franciaco. Mian l.ouis«' .lack-on of Nho«* string narrowly avoided a M»riou* wr«*eR Nun.lav when >ho drove ____ off __ th«» grade and ran into a t«‘l«»phunt» poh» n«'nr the I ondon «toic. Mr ati.l Mr* Hubert Ewin of Latham visite«! Sun lay with th«' C. W Ewing family. k road «row ha- c«»mph»t«'d fer lhe tim«' being work «»n th«» Bl*u k Butt«' road and ar«» working on ’he C«»dar creek road. Mim Dugan of Waldo vuòte«! Sunday w it h a rou»in. Mr« to,» Greer. F. L. Hunter mash«»,I a han«l Tu«'sJay morning _ at th«» \\ mill when a log roll’d en it. Mrs. Meriditli Brasher V l*lt>l Tu«»sdav with Mr- Mitin;«» J till«'-. HEBRON DORENA (Special tu the Sentinel.) kug i». A picnic was h« Id Sun •lav afternoon in Miss Piper’s grov«» west of th«' river and not far from th«» LouA«>n road. A bounteoua lunch was served for ,♦ group of 37 and several hour# pa-.< cd pleasantly m conversation, -wim ming and wading, according to th«» Ages of the picnickers. Thus«* pre- •'nt with their entir«» families were L. D. Huff. John and Georg« Ke beltx'rk, Fr«'«l Overton. Charks White. Herman and L«»uis Brocken niey«*r, Truman Clark. Others pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Mark ha in, Mr. and M.r-, Oscar Peterson. Mrs. Tom Willi»«» WiHiams an*! chib!r»»n. Mis- Lillian Tavlor. Taylor. Mrs. Viola ^bilker. Barbara F¿h;!kcr Skhi’.lur, M Mr.. E. F. Ream (Waltervillv Walterv die '. ', Mr-. Pau line Nchucider. Mr-. Eva Young. Mina Miriam Piper, Katherine ani — • - — Alfred - Taylor. Sirs. F. — C. Führer, Miss Hasel Führer. John B. lai lile, E. F. Carlile and T. F. Bar num. Min Hasel Führer will leave «'n a vacation trip to Seattle next Friday. Mrs. ” E. K. Speuct'r of Eugen«» spent last Wednesday w i t h M rs Lincoln Taylor. Jud«! Doolittle is working for th«» John Perini Lumber company at Black Butte. Miss Katherine Taylor aiui her brother. Alfred of Eug«»ne, arrive! Saturday for a week’- vi-it at th«» home of Miss Miriam Piper. .Te '•» Culver is working on the London Shoestring road .n Dougla- countv. Mrs. Tom Williams and daugh ter Jun«» will go on a trip to Stev enson, Wa-h., next Tuesday aud will visit relatives in Portland an! Vancouver. They will be absent a month. Harold and Irene Mavben of Cot tag«» Grove are spending a week visiting their sister, Mrs. Judd Doolittle. LONDON ( Special to tha Sentinel. ) Aug. 6.—Mrs. W. T. Jones, who has been in the Pacific Christian hospital iu Eugene with a broken elbow for some time, was able U> return home Friday evening. Mrs. Frankie Thorn is staying with Mrs. Jon.'s this week. THORNTON CORNERS. Mrs. Nancy Ogleaby of Cottage Grove spent several days last week (Special tu the Sentinel.) with a ni«»ce, Mary Massey. Aug. 7.—Mrs. Winnie Ba-krtt, The William Thorn family are who had been visiting her si^cr, moving to Cottage Grove this we« k. dr-, s. P. Shortridge, left Tuesday Mr». Ralph King and son Don fur her home iu Nau Francisco. na! left Sunday to -pend se Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Langv ill«» weeks at Marshfield with of Msrshfiei«! came up Saturday to King’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. the home of Mr*. Langville’x r, ter Wilson. 'dr-. E. FL Chestnut, and remain-1 Miss Dully Newton returned Sun overnight, taking Mr-. Ma“ Hart day from an extended visit with man, mothef of the two women, a sister, Mrs. John Mjerrytnan Lack with them Sunday morning, Tacoma, She also visited a sis Mr*. Hartman ha«l vi*ite«l hi re ter, Mrs. Oliver Furguson in Port for three weeks. land. Mr. and Mrs. I.. D. Irwin, M.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Natron and and Mrs. Quincy Brown and Mr. «on Di< k arrived Monday evening an«! Mrs. Ness and daughter, all from their home in White Fish, of Roseburg, were Sunday guests Mont., to visit Mrs. Natron’« father of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Tisou. Ivan Lyons. Mr-*. Torn Foster and little sen Mi*s Bernice Thorn and a fricad Gordon of London visile! Monday sp«*nt Sunday evening at Boswell at the R. B. Dixon horn« mb : Tues- springs. The Charles Turpin family a ad J«*an«*tte Balfour of Anlauf pen* Sunday at tht Jo«» Brookhart home. I Mr. Turpin is an uncle of Mr> Brookhart. a Richard Garman of Black Butt» I purchased a Durant six coupe < SEPTIC TANKS Thursday. Kt-adr fur you to install The Ivan Abeene family pent ■ wo to fuur p«rauns ____ fzl.UO Eufrue 1 hrec to six p«rsona .........|28.OO Eugene Sunday at th«* Harris-Powell pic- Sewer Pip«-. Well Curbing nic at Cottage Grove. i'rain Tile and Chiwn«<y Block*. Julian Small wa< taken Friday drc3fy EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. to the Eugene hospital, where h»» COTTAGE GROVE AERIE. FRATER- underwent an operation for appt*n • si Order Eagle», meet* m I. O. O. V. dicitis. He is reported to be re hail »-very Tuesday. covering -atisfactorily. Mrs. James Powell and children WOOD for Immediate delivery, block wood dry of Loran«* called on Mr« William •lab wood, gr**eu slab wood, sawdust dry planer ends, old growth fir fore»*, Thorn Friday morning ami then wood and oak. Phone la. Office at spent the day at the Charle* Pow Arcade Barber shop. City Furl com ell home at Bla«*k Butte. pany Mas* Winona Powell of Lorane SPECIAL PRICE ON WOOD—BLOCK is spending a week with relativ«* wood, $2.75; dry tdab wood, <2.75; here. gr.»u slab wood. 92.25. Orders delivered Mr. and Mrs. Willi?* Garman and hi turu in which received. These are CAHH PRICES ONLY All for-Vuok* »1 Mr. and Mrs. Dick Garman spent ereen Blabwood sold during April will the week end » amping near Cougar t»n priced at >2.25 a cord. Phone 10 bend. Office at Arcade Barber »hop. City The Robert Bett* family of Black Fuel Co. alBtfc Butte, who recently lost their horn»» FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR CITY by fire, are staying with th« • Frank ” prup«-rty — 20-acre farm, two miles from Cottage Grove. House, barn and Tavlor family until they ran i • other outbuildings C. A. Beidier. alBtfc build. Mrs. W. H. Dill of La Habra, WINTER WOOD AT SUMMER PRICES We are offering an extra load free Cal., is visiting a sister, Mrs, f’hir with each ten ordered by one customer. les Powell. Order* delivered in turn received. City Word hns been received of th“ uel Co., office at Arcade Barber ahop. phbue 18. al8tfc death of Norman Hostiter, son of Hazel Harper Hostitpr, a former IHJlw.E TKl< K POH HALE <<K WILL resident h<*r<* but now of Fallbrook, for Muck Quality Market, «’«4- Cal. tage Gruve. Jiyl8al»p Mrs. . Glen Bo nt on spent the week FOR KALE — -REGJHTEKE!» <’H1N the h oint chilla rabbit*. i. Inquire Wayne Kirk, end in i Cot tag«* Grove at I>or«*na, Oregon i. Call evHuings after of her mother, Mrs. Longfellow. 5 p in ; aal-lSp The Fred Lovk family of Spring field Mp.-nt Hp«*nt Sunday night at th« KM.I-IERED SHROPSHIRE FID and range rarna b«-4t of type breed Murrv Newton home. ing and condition: half brottnra to the Th - Robert ‘ Phillips family spenf fraud < hainpiun ram at the Pacific tbo week end with relatives in nt. rnatiunal la nt fall. Vi-itor.- aud Oakland. correspondence welcome. G. <’. l’dton. Canby. Oregon. a)15c Wi Ilium H ec.k, a former chant of this place but now of IOR RAL£—40 TIF.H OLD GROWTH wood. 16 Inch, bone dry and tree tago Grove, and daughter, train knot*. $1.25 a tier A. Teat Ehie «Shields, spent Monday Dt tight Valley. «?8p n i n g at London. Mi rs. J. T. Small spent the werk WANTED—1000 FEET OF GOOD EEC ond hand galvanized wat«-r pipe, one end at the W. T. Jones home. inch of larger Must be reasonable. A. Elmer Berggren and Clayton : eai. Delight Valley. *g8p Townsend are making an extended ___________ PAliF CH F.r KF.lt- trip through eastern Oregon. f K OBIT BAKI AINS cd Giant« $4 00: youin' Checkered The L. R. Widner family re ___ ,................................ Si 50; Neu Z -aland K*-d Giant buck, docs, $1 etch; uorue with litt« i - »1.40 turned Sunday from a week’* va ................. 1150 pair cation on the coast. t ach : young Chinchillas rabbits, 25c up young ______ _ Harold and Ivan Abeene vi .¡ted bits at local prices. ag8p Julian Small at the Eugene ho* 734 Cherry Court. pital Nfionday evening. i OR SALE — VAUGHN DRAG NAU The Roy Ewing family of Cot- on»» 4ft. blade and one 6 ft. blad«-. tagc Grove spent Sundav at the Y40. Bargain. Herbert W. Lombard C. W. Ewing ” home. l irst National Hank Bldg Cottag« i ,rove. *8 c M rs. Melia Currin and Mr». FOR BALE — NICE FURNISHED James P. Graham of Cottage Grove hoiiMP with three npartments that r«nt called at the Mary Massey home for $14 a month. Lot« of fruit. ni< <• Thursday evening. neighborhood. Located at 1028 west C. H. Woods spent Saturday and 1 Main atnet, Cottag. Grove, Ore. Sacri fice Make me an utter. M. E. Carter Sunday hauling nay for the Black Ifllkboro, New ILampahlr«*._______ ag8-22p Butte ¡nines. The W. H. Bachdder family and EQUITY IN FOUR FOR SALE up to date bungalow Daisy Warwick made a trip to Eu room modern. Phone 79 gen** Saturday. Hume furniture included. ■<8p between 8 a. m. and 5 p. in. The Thomas Funk family, Mr FOR RENT — GOOD RANCH «2 and Mrs. Bill Funk and Edith Eas acres, 25 cultivated, dwelling and 1 ley picnicked at Triangle lake Sun outbuildings. 8 inilea on Mosby creek day. Nee Hall ft Johnaton, Cottage Grove. Mrs. Winnie Haskett, who h<ld Ore afft-SR* I WANTADS TIIURHDAV ■BMTlMBLs OOTTAGB OltOVF. OBJCIOM (Sjta-elal to ikt> 8»atin«»l ) Aug. 5.— Mr* Al Bogan «»i I .or. g view. W i-h.. is vi-iting this we« k at th«» horn«' of her parent*, Mr an,l Mr*. W. W. Chri-tnnn. Mr. an«l Mt- C H Jeuning* th«» latter part of last Kit son springs, when» *tay for two we«»ka. Mrs. Clam Kirk an«l grand-ti., John Hohtrom, h»ft Sit urday for Sunnydale. Cal, where they .vili visit relatives for a f«»w w «‘eks. Mrs Ruth Englan«! nnd Mt- Fern Kirk attend«» I th«» funernl of George Potter hehl Monday iu Springfield. Mr and Mr- <i!«‘nn s. at* •»«;.* «laughter Glenni«» «»f Coltng«' Grov«» ¡.nt Sunday at th.- W W. Chr; man home. Mr. an«l Mr-. E. L. William- a •laughters Lois and Elba mad«' bu-ines* trip to Corvallis Muutlny. N. \ and IL l.an«l att«*n !«'d th«» funeral of Dan Patton Mountain Sumlay. th.- fire an«l later wn» tak n ill Mr- IV 1' Kimball was a Eugen«» visitor Friday of last week NvvenU fntnlhea from thia com munity attend«'»! sermons at th,' Methotiin* F,pi»rupa I camp tu««t mg Sunday. \mong tho*,» atten«l ing wer«» Mr an«! Mt* Eveiett Allen an«! family. Mi- S C Swan son. Mr*. N C Swanson Jr, Mr- Martha Bittmger, Mi and Mr-. \ Woaleott an«! family, Mr. an« I Mr* Klvin Allen an,I family, M. I’ Halrcoek an«l Shad«' Burcham. Mr*. J«»hn \-hbv an«l a «Inugh t«»r, Mrs. Pi'ari Park*, and the lit t«»r‘s two -on* of Eugene wcr«' vi-itor* Sunday m Cot tag«' Grov,» al .... hum«» ....... of \ .. ..-I Geoig, th«» Mr au«l Mrs. ' Wi. ken Jul I. Mr. nu .I Mis. G«*org«» Teeter* an«! daughter Eleanor Ieri Sunday far Thurston to apetid the night with Mr. and Mo. Taylor N«'«'tlhan Early Mun«lay they left t\»r Heti«l, ‘ i' f««r a V h eu route fur Spark ‘ Lak»' w hu atctmip.ini«'«! cation “ Thu.««» “ them un thi- trip wer«' Mr. ano frylor N««-lh-iiii nnd R.-iv M rs Mitchell of Thurston at»«l Mr. and of KuRvue. Mrs. Nam Stephen Thev expert to Ita' a wav al*«>Ul liv»« w veks. Mr. ami Mrs t««»oig«» Te« I« r- went to Bln«* .Mount at n Sunday to atteiul th«» funeral of Dan Pattoa a cou-in of Mr- Teeter*. Mr aud Mr- John <>vrrholx«‘r at t«»nd«'d tl;«» Pv»w i-ll-Harris reunion pi, uir hel I Sun l iv ai th«» Wo«» I >un park. Mr*. Overholser iu*:uber of th«' l*ow«»ll family. 11 rtM'ii ranch MOUNT VIEW (Sp,, |a| «o |h« Nr ta II Mr I ) \uji * Mr*. Huy Hands w «' II i t*» Heed-imri on«» «lay Inst we rrk to visit her mother, Mr-. Sherman Mr-. Charles Bales vi-it«»«I Wv ! uestlay hi < 'ult n^e Grove nt luv home of n »i-l«»r, Mi l.«»o Tenui-, nn«! with a not her Mater who rv-i«l«»4 in Hpringfiehl hii .I uh.« in ill nt ili«» Lee T«»nniM home. Mr. and Mrs. G«»«»rg«» \gn«»x l.ayng, Mi-- Evelvn Ihig».«i Mix- Mao \wbi«'y, Mr. nnd Mix. Ralph Suauer. Mr nud Mr- Wall« i Dovv<*ux, Mi- l.utlu'rin lh»w«»n* uu«l Mr nil«) Mi- Cl?«u«h» \im* and tnm ilv picuicke.l up th«' M«•Keiir.o :»• th«' fish hatchery Nundav E M Hoxs tut ui n«»«l last u«»rk lK»m s«.it th». Waxh., whrre Iu» nnd Mr* H«»s* had I m » oii vtxiting lludr «laughter, Mr- Clayton I u-by Mi and Mrs. Luxby nru th«» pnr«»uts ul a daughter b«»rn Inxt week. Mr* Boss r«'iuain<»«l for a while with Mr-. Lu-bv. Mr nutl Mrn. Tum Lambkin* nu l family of the Grov «i • viaitrd Suu «lav afl«'ru«Hin with 1 Mr. and Mrs Wahlu Miller. Word has I I««»«» tt receiveil that Mis.* Bertha Sear* of Portlaii«!, formerly a reaident of thin neigh !>orhoo«l, is M’riuu.sly ill taith tv Il«'r m«»th«»r, phoid 6‘wr. Kat«» Sears of th«» Gruv«», has down twice to sv«» h«»r, but ha « allow<»d to rt'main only a few «>»•**. Th.» rrisi« in I he f.»1 i»\p«'ct«‘»l tin s week 'Mimetnur. SILK CREEK (Special to the StLliDJ ) Aug. 5.—Willis Bro*, lulled hav for Shade Burcham and M. F. ■ Pound Tuesday of last week. John Veat’h bought lambs from John Overholser and Arthur Wool- cott Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Ernest Darnell wa* sieg several days la-t week. Mr*, N I tie Estes an I Dori* Conklin b th helped to nurse her. The A. Woolcut t family pi cook ed at Creswell Thursday of l.i-t week. M. R Hoffman hauled hi* grain to the Royal Oak farm for thresh * ¡ng Friday of lust week. Ernest Darnell hauled baled hay from th«» shad«» Burcham ranch to Oscar Brain’- home on«» «lav last week. Members of the N. D. A. church in this community hehl their Sabbath -4*huol at 9 o’clock Ku urday and th«*n moU>r«*d to Cottai Grove fur the 11 o’clock service there. Among those who alien led wore Mr-». Platz and two sons, M. F. Babcock, Mr. and Mrs. E«lward Babcock and four <*hildr«'n, Mr. mi Mr* W. D Collin* nnd two d*iugh ter*. Mr. an«l Mrs. Wilbur Cell in* and mall daughter, Mr. and Mr-. D. T. Kimball and th re«» chiblren, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Huffman and four children, Mr. and Mr*. I’. W U.rn r, Mr-. Jarne* Rigby and *on Leonard and Mr. and Mr«. Ernest Darnell and two daughter-. Elder T. B. Westbrook of Eugene xpoke at the servir«* in th«» interest of harve*t ingathering. Mr*. Hiram Wheeler and Mi W. R. Hoffman and tw«> laugh ter* wer.» visitors Saturday at th«* A. Woolcott home. Mr«. Wh««T r was a -upper guest. J. C. Bassett wax taken ill d •lenly Saturday afternoon, It was thought the illness was cau*« d bv over excitement du«» to hi* fighting a fir«* on his place. Mr. Ba »• sett had been -awing wood and th«* exhaust of hi* engine set fire to the grass .around th«» -aw. A« he ha«l nothing with which tn fight th«» fire except hi« hand« and by rolling on it he became very e\ hau*t«»d, H ow .' vit he «»xtin“ li-hed I« la «»fl fu «‘»day visit with Mr nt Tioutdnl«* dnughtri ««I Du. r-t Mn SAOIN AW I N|», , IAI t,l |||, »4,.||| |||, i ) Aug il \ aon nits hoin 2 to Mt tool Mu On* Ulia) Mm. Margaret Shunta timi ter Gvvi ii<l«»lv n artiv«' I Fri.hi Mamlifh'ld to miki here, O*wnl«l Knight held an n udi »'h *nle \uguM ' \ lai|’,.' niimbri nt t«'i»i|e«l Mr. ami Mrs. Knight l«»ft Ku gust d bv auto on a trip tu Di.i ville, III., whore th«»y will V l«H mid rolntivi»- nt Mr friends K night * boyhood home. Mr and Mi i-, Ihrt Nlmmpniig nn«l th«» Logan IL'ar I family enjoye«l n Bunday picnic near Coburg. Lewis C«»nn«»lev returne«! ham«» Sunday from \ nn«'«»uver, W uh . where h«» spent :» vtuntion «I ♦ Piper: "lluw gmrcfully ni'i’iio tn rnl corn um thr ItriiMah “ II«» ought to pi> «‘«»Io player. *’ mot hrr •• I etili T muri y him, H«‘‘x MU tl th rial, UH I t|<H»*l| *1 lieve thi'fe’* u li«»ll, «... hr that *1 Mitri y him, my «I tween ux we’ll rottvil h«» ’« wrong. IL'i'hoii Galahaw, lugli «h i li’igviniHi, uit»rehu nt « during u •tar in Belfast. 20% Off Largasi Family Accordìi« li» Gu» llllile. Gideon lind TO »«»ii«. Luige» M 811. Ml M)«: "Ami tildi»« n hud linee iu*ui»e nud leu uuiih «»f Illa hotly be gull Hl : fur he hnd imiuj whet And Ills coiM'uliilie liuti wag III Mlit*« lii iii. sim al*o bore hlm n ••ui vi liti*•» nino«» h«» culled Aldtmrlech ‘ I *n t h G n «I«* i Miignrllie Sfitti Typewriters Io rent. nel LEONARD TRANSFER W. I. I.ewimid. I*r»|>. «»m i a i iKtwK-a ««iNFIl IIONIRV H«a» I* Lu ii « 4.11 J Cub «od Cun Kclublr deiner« M * M m Rhea» 44 GENERAL TRANSFER Cottage Gruva O«rg<Hi J.C.PENNEY CO 417 421 Main Street. Culture Grove. Oregou Now Is the Time to Buy B lankets DIVIDE (Spécial to the Sentiaol ) Aug 7.—Mr*. H. D. Russell und'r went an operation for cancer «»f the fare at the Eugen«' hospita! Mon lay. She i* reportr<i a* re«l- ing «»a-ilv Alm W E Burkett and Mr. a «id Mm. H H Rii«««*ll and * on Wm * ton visit«»«! four day* last week in Curry county. Mr. aud Mi- Eugene Mariat? of L«»s Angele- ar«» guests at th«* hottie of their fr lends, Mr an.i Mr " I' C Yetter. -«»verni w«'«»k*. Mi . Janie* l\iniM’l«‘y neroinpa* h*«l hrr • brother, K«igar Jett, I« \\ u-hugul fur n week’* vixit. week and move to Cuttag ■ Grove. AUGUST H. 14.11 Here Is the Place to Buy Them and A Small Deposit Will Hold Them for You \ ours for Retter Menis McM.itr Stores ar. yours for better meals! Wc brine you the finest foods from the world's lo st markets . <1 fftr von th« In st-kiiov n ln an«is. Wr sell you only th« ir« .sb« st. highest quality product* from orchard au«l gar d« n \is all at a «'onsistant Having, loo! That’s why v«- say. ‘’Yours for better meal-c” WATERMELONS WATERMELONS BREAD, twin loaves 3 for 25c ORANGES, Large size 30c doz. We bought these blankets early . . . bought for over 1,400 stores. We saved for both reasons . . . and we’re passing that saving on tu you iu . selected to measure the form of I.uwcr Prices I Every blanket new Rrvcmible Single up to pur standards of quality and color I CoCtoa Blanket, ¿2, 08 Single Plaid Cotton Blanket, 98c A light-weight cotton blanket . will till a need in every home OEM NUT. 2 lbs 3 ECONOMY JAR CAPS Then is economy in using this carefully <l«an«i|. thorough- cooked Spinach Lar«<- (’ans. •> ■ » for I9C Wool Filled Double Blanket, >4.98 ual k > ptrtty, ui lovelj plod pattern' 70,80 ¿nd wright 4Vi pound, I 2 <loz< n ............... 3 Pkgs. 29c SHREDDED WHEAT, SPINACH Libbys 29r S oz. cans. 6 for that Ao astuiuueut of pietty plant . - nibinatKM». Sixc 7JxM. S Ik weight MALT — A sk DEL MONTE HOT SAUCE our salespeople for a recipe baking book if you have nut received one — 2% lb. can 53C size 70*80 . Smartly new I With tat ecu binding tu mult h one » m S t Sue 88llQ I art Wood Double Blanket, >1.98 DEL MONTE CATSUP — 5WANSD0WN CAKE 29C Larg« Bottle 15c FLOUR I’kv PURITAN SEARCHLIGHT MATCH ES — «»isles.* ! Non poison •*SH I Safe! l.aiL'i full eoirit boxvti. 6 boxes ........ 25e SALMON, Alaska Pink. I lb full rails. 2 for 35c MILK, l.ibbys ui Or. kuu i cans 25«' SHRIMP, An.« ricun Beauty Large Fancy - No. 1 cans PINEAPPLE, Itn.k- n Sliced 3 for ......................... 19c S lart.e matched slices in ROLLED OATS, i ’r« aiu each can—Excellent for sal Pii«i. of tbe W ill.mi« ’i• IflC ads, Larue cans. 3 for 59c Valley—9 lb. bag A small drpoait will holJ bUnkrt purchaaaa Io* 10 bars 39c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP RAISINS, S...I1.SS Thomp- .... ■ - 4 lb b.p' 25c AMAIZO OIL » — Th«r< Then is economy in making your own Mayonnaise Qt can v vou| SHORTENING, It. st V. g. • table In bulk 3 H m I9c COFFEE. M. Marr — Full bo<li« d. rich flavor— Roasted I5r today—on your table tomor LARD, Pure, fnsh — in row— It’a aluays fresh— bulk — 3 lbs............ $ I..33 19«' I-b. 4Se; 3 lbs FISHER BLEND Flour 49 lb. sack $1.98 J macmarr stores 20th CENTURY DIVISION - ■■ ■■S B MEN! —GREAT NEWS FOR YOU— A Big Opportunity to SAVE MONEY! WORK SHIRTS ON SALE 24,000 DRESS SHIRTS ON SALE Brand New SHIRTS READY FOR A BIG SPECIAL A« men’s shirt sales go — This is the “King pin,” as the boys say. We Saved 25% of the Regular Price YOU WILL TOO ! Bfeausc we piir<4ia.se<l this bi« lot outriuht, for will receive its quota. The only mistake you can make in select iriiz, is Hot selecting f IIDIIgll shirts. We an* certain that no such values an* ordinarily found in shirts offered at these very, Very special prices. These arc the product of one of the largest shirt rn anu fact ure ta in the west. increasingly large uunnbers of Durant Sixes <> during the first six months of last year. This I) U K A N T year Durant sales are 49 per cent greater than FOUH-FOHTY those of last year in the state of OK EGON ! Pi li v» »farting at I *595 «SlaX-SiXTY » h motorists continue to purchase and Fours. ▼ Durant broke all sales records 2000 dozen . . 24,000 shirts .... WORK AND DRESS All new! All fresh! The like of which we’ve m ver offered before. You see, a big shirt manufacturer had pil.s and piles and piles of fine shirts made up, expecting a banner business which didn’t materialize. His money was tied up in the shirts. W estern L cash consideration. Prier» »tartina ut 0 Q r During this same period, Duruul gained 54 per cent in California, gained 28 per cent in Washington, gained 28 per cent in Ariz ona, gained 21 percent in l/tuh, and gain ed 3 per cent in Idaho. •ÜS5 NIX SIXTY*NIX Crim, »turtln^ ut *D 15 Each Brcier store 7 Y Lane Auto Company 4