The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, August 08, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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tu mrTnrav. oottag » qbovb . obboom
Highest Sense of Duty
in “Doing Unto Others'*
All Humanity Put on
Level by Seasickness
It la refreshing to dlscovor that,
Mnt, talk much of duty, but chief
_ __ ____ -
— -*
ly «|>end the most of their Uvea In after all. the great and alleged-
efforts to evade Its full obllgatloua great are uol uullke ourwlves One
Walker Su> u 'r
as Ideally expressed through the of the beet places tn the world to
A quiet home wedding w.i.* ?»n ages.
And this oui Is on board an ocean
event of Kundny afternoon. August
We once saw a fa
Tennyson says: "Sweet It Is to i going liner.
4, when Mimi Agatha laVeUe 3ny have <l>ne the thing one ought.*
moua surgeon, whose skill In the
dar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.
brought relief to
To appreciate and realise this
W Nnyder of Eugene, was united sweet ness la
I the reward of duty. thousands fold up like a sack. In
m marriage to Lynn Walk« r, son Sometimes It is hard to do the a heavy eea.
The roll aii<l pitch
of Mrs. Viola Walker. The hour thing we ought to do, but of the ship was more than bls
wu 2:30 and Bev. I. « Ska* par-
science could fat hom.
the etMiaclous satisfaction Invariably
formed the ceremony, , Utting
uring Jhe
soothes the soul that has been true
On another trip was a celebrated
nng aarvice, at the home where to Itself.
woman athlete, Her name la fa
the youag c couple will live, 1311
tn aspevt, but miliar in uildoceau. The young lady
Duty la pruteHii
An improvised
south Sixth •
was sitting In the ship's foyer by
altar before » the firepin co in the there Is never a possibility that oue the side >f a woman coiupaul u.
living room forme«! an attractive will fall to recogtilre It In any ex
The great lluer was rolling as It
netting for the ct •eremoav. The fire- pression. lu any manifestation. plowed Ks way through the re­
with fir bough«. There can be no mistake, It speaks
plact* was banked
sisting sea. Slowly the laity begau
feru» and Shasta 4aUUo. At each a various language, but we Ines
to show signs of seasickness. She
aide were tall basket» of fern« Itably understand.
_____ and baskets of glad
The thing we ought to do make» turned pale and her chin sank low
and daiaica
her bosom. Then the craft sud
ioli and nweetpen* were room lee for spiritual growth and develop denly pitched forward and the
bride, who
We may evade, re
oration*. The
---- ----------
— was given ment always.
in marriage by her father, entered fuse to do our duty, but In so doing young woman uearly fell from her
Several times she vainly
the room on her father’s arm and we Invite suffering and loss of chair.
attempted to reach the bracing air
met the bridal party at the altar. spiritual stature and estate.
of the promenade deck. It was a
The bride wore a iM-ruming xuv. n
To do unto others as we would
of orchid georgette trimmed in that they should do unto us Is duty few feet away, but Inches «polled
cream lace aad carrici a aaowcr In the highest sense. If men would miles to her. Another lurch and
bouquet of pink nn«i lavend» r but live this simple rule all our the athlete was propelled to the
sweet peas and Cecil Brunner roses. problems would be soon solved and staircase that led to the corridor
Her only attendant was Miss Al- the'world be lery glad.—Cincinnati In which her cabin was situated.
A few weeks later her name was
krl* William», who wore a frock Enquirer.
on page one of the newspapers Her
of yellow georgette trimmed in
prowess at her particular game
gold lace w’ith a eoraage bouquet
was flashed around the world. It
of lavender and pink sweet pea«.
New “Angle” on Ghosts;
la comforting to know that the cele­
Cad E. Ellis Jr. of Redmond was
Apparition Made Noise brated are not superhuman.—Wash­
best man. A buffet luncheon was
ington Star.
*ervei d at the close of the service
“Turing a walking tour tn the
The guest list include«! Mr. and north of Scotland last year a friend
Mrs. W. G. Scott and daughtf and I were approaching a lonely
Ione, Mrs. Ed Savage an«l son Bob house standing In a little-used by­ Years of Experiments
bie, Mrs. Velma Addington and road.“ says a contributor to the
to Perfect Photograph
small daughter Patty Lou. Thoma” London Post. “It was about eight
development of photog­
o'clock tn the evening and Just get
all of Marcola. • Mr. and Mrs. J. R. tine dark when we saw a coach raphy the first Important step was
that certalu salts
Snyder. Miss Lois Hicks. Mrs. Ar coming toward us drawn by gray
were sensitive to light.
In 1777
menta Heller. Mr. and Mrs. A. 1
It made a gSOd deal of
Sharpe and Miss Thelma Sharp’ .ill noise as It Jolted tn and out of the Carl Scheele, a Swedish chemist,
of Eugene; Mrs. Charh * We>t an I ruts. It pulled up by the gate, and discovered that silver chloride was
Vergil Wolfer of Los Angele*: Mt* as far as we could see. a man with blackened quickest by the violet
rays of the solar spectrum and that
1 ala Redifer and daughter *hir!ev powdered
hair descended
of Klamath Falls; Mr *tn«l Mrs. dashed up the drive. His footsteps light rays are uot all alike chem
About 1S01 Johann
Fred Beidler ami *on Willis, Mr. echoed loudly up the drive and then tcally active.
Ritter of Jena demonstrated the
and Mrs. William Bartels and sun ceased.
We were fairly close by existence of nouvlslble chemical
Billie, Mrs. Viola Walker aud Miss this time, and we both wished to
Alberta Williams, all oi this city, look at the coach more closely, but rays beyond the violet rays of the
spectrum. The first men to pro
and Cad Ellis Jr of Redmoud.
when ne were within about 15 duce pictures on a sensitized sur
yards the coach was no longer face were Thomas Wedgewood and
Honoring Mrs. Charles Cahiweil.
We searched the (rounds Humphrey Davy. This they ac
who left yesterday with Mr. Cald­
the house, but It was absolutely compllshed In 1S02. but the pic
well, for au extended visit in Illi- of
deserted. On making Inquiries at tures were not permanent. It was
noi:* Oklahoma and Nebraska, the;r our next stopping place we were
former home, a group of friends told that no one used the road after left to John Nlepcs of Charions
gathered at the W A. Hemenw av dark, and that the house bad stood sur-Saone. France, to produce per
manent ones.
His process was
home west of the city last Thur* empty for 30 years.”
railed bellography. He was Joined
day afternoon. Each guest pre<en*
In hfs experiments by Louis Da­
ed Mrs. Caldwell with a handker­
guerre In 1S29. and In January.
chief. Miss Uldine Gartin enter­
What's in a Nam.?
1S35 they announced their dll-
tained with a gr«'up of songs an 1 a
In the hearing of a liquor case. covery, the daguerreotype.
trio was sung by Mrs. Albert Hull.
Mrs Florence Small and Mrs. W. Lieut Harley D. Blodgett of the
A Hemenway The following were vice squad was asked the name of
Poetry of Nature
present: Mrs. Ida Caldwell, jyuest <•. the owner of a reputed speakeasy.
“I think It's—* be replied.
“But turn out of the way a little
honor. Mrs. Florence Small. Mr-
“Are you sure of It?” defense —toward yon honeysuckle hedge;
Grace Thiel. Mrs. Lois William*.
there we’ll sit and sing, whilst this
Mr* Ada Oakes. Mrs. Geo. Carlisle. counsel queried.
"Tb t's the name I’ve been told." shower falls so gently upon the
Jrs Edith Smith. Mrs. Grace Glen
earth, and gives yet a
son. Mrs. Albert Hull. Mrs. Rebecca
“Are you sure of 111" Insisted sweeter smell to the lovely flowers
Dahl, Mr*. Orpha Cochran, Mi.**
Cldine Gartin. Mrs. Bert Burrow-. the counsel.
that adorn these verdant meadows.
Mr*. Ella J. Woodard. Mrs. Fred
“I’m Just as sure of It as 1 can
Under that beech tree
Beidler. Miss Elizabeth Hemenway. be of any of the names of those 1 sat down, when I was last this
Mrs. W. A. Hemenway.
Lieutenant way a-flshlng.
And the birds In
"They’re liable to go the adjoining grove seemed to live
Elmartes club members enjoyed a under any kind of names. There's in a hdlow tree, near to the brow
plea*ant afternoon Thursday <»f last one down on Columbus avenue who of that primrose hilL There I sat
v««k at the home of Mrs. Georg«* has signed bls lease by the name viewing the silver streams glidn
Matthews, complimenting Mrs. Char of Tiddle Winks.’"—Springfield gently toward their center, the
I- Hall. Baskets of phlox wer-' Union.
tempestuous sea; yet sometimes
huU'p decorations. The afternoon
opposed by rugged roots and peb
wa* *pent on the river bank where
blestones, which broke their waves
“Faint Heart Never—”
bu-kets of gladioli and baby breath
and turned them Into foam.—Izaak
were decorations and where re
They were talking of a fellow Walton.
fr«' hments were served.
club member.
“When I come to think about It,"
About 60 persons, member* of th«' said one man. “I don't think I’ve
Th* Silver Lining
Mothers’ club, their families and ( seen old Harry for nearly a week.”
“Well,” began the multi million
friends, enjoyed a picnic supper at
'Til bet you haven't." agreed an
alre, “there you have the facts of
the city park last Thursday ev«*ni:sg other man. entering at the moment
the case and I’ll leave you to It”
Th«- picnic took the place of th
"He's been dead three days."
The lawyer nodded and arranged
regular August meeting of th«* club.
"Deadl How did that happen?’
“Well, you know bls wife bad the papers which the wealthy man
The Hustlers club in t Friday a tittle habit of making him carry had thrown down on bis desk tn
»-ft »-i noon at th«* hum«* of Mr*. everything she bought, Last week more orderly array. He knew that
It was not going to be an easy task
Fred Brevier and sewed fur Mr>. she bought a grand piano.'
Haymond Wicks, who*- Lui.
"But he didn't have to carry that, to straighten out the affairs of the
rich man's son, but still, money was
recently destroyed by fire.
“No; he took one look at It money.
Mr*. A. W. Helliwell t•nt'*rtiiine«i though, and passed away without
“Now, you’ll look after my boy,
T-i»’*day night of last \v< k with a so much as a sound."
won't you?” went on the great man.
*iumber party fur Marg.«r<*t m l
"He has bad a rotten time all told.
Dorothy Jackson, who vis;t»‘«i last
He's lost a great deal of money,
week at the Helliwell hom« . (most*
and his wife, too 1”
Snake Unju.tly Condemned
were Miss Margaret Short and the
"Lost bls wife, has be?” echoed
ft Is commonly believed that the
Misses Lorraine and Evelyn Coiner
the lawyer, who knew the lady tn
aud the following morning -Mr*, small snake known as the puffing question. "Well, I reckon
Helliwell served a dainty break adder blows poisonbus powder or about even, then.”
spray from Its mouth. Frequently
reports are published that persons
Bona Tempo bridge club mem­ have been Injured seriously by ven­
Stranger From Space
bers met Monday evening with omous spray spat Into their faces
Scientific Interest Is being
Dr and Mrs. Claude Kime to ek*ct
reeled to a 35-ton formation
officers for the coming year and to the puffing adder. It Is said, will cently discovered tn southwest
plan their annual summer picnic. kill a person at a distance of 25 rlca which has all the appearances
All this la fancy, pure and
W. A. Garoutte was elected prexi
of being a meteor. It was discov­
•lent and James Dungan secietary. simple. The puffing adder Is per­ ered on a farm near Grootfonteln
The picnic will bo held Sunday, fectly harmless. According to the and is quite different In every way
August 18, near Disston. Guest* Cnltc'l States biological survey, the
from any of the rocks to be found
fur Monday night were Mr. rnci snake's teeth are too short to In­ In that part of the country. ’ This
Mrs. John Finnerman, who also flict a wound even If It did strike
Is almost as large as the meteor­
were elected to membership. Thri ♦* ■ person.—Detroit Sews.
ite which was brought from Green
tables of bridge were in play fol
land In 1907 by Commodore Peary,
lowing the business meeting. Jamc.*
and If the African find proves to
•‘Frock Ladies” in Africa
Dungan and Mr*». Carl Wittie hold
With the Introduction of modern be a meteor by answering certain
ing high score.
style« on the Gold coast of Africa, scientific tests. It will be regarded
N» ighburs and friends gathered “frock ladles” and “cloth mammies” as a very valuable find.
bt the home of Mrs. George Me have uppeared. “Frock ladies” wear
Qu-'-n Monday afternoon surprising American and European clothes of
Th* Penalty
her on the occasion of her birth latest styles and highest cost. They
Five-year-old Freda had taken her
day anniversary. The honor gues» are considered to he literate and
are always referred tn as “Lady.” watch to be repaired over a week
received many attractive gifts.
The Highway club of the Bap They never carry bundles from the ago, and was now seeing wbat bad
happened to It.
ti t i -Burch hold a picnic Tuesday store. Invariably being acrom
"Ready on Tuesday, tnlss,” de
evening in Delight Valley about a panted by another female or shop
dared the man behind the counter
qua j ter of a mile north of the ping expeditions. “Cloth mam
"You promise?” asked the little
steel bridge. Twenty six were pr« «- mles’ wear native attire, consist
maiden seriously.
int. The evening was spent rwim- Ing of voluminous prints and ban
promise,” replied the other
ming and a delicious picnic •■upp(1r dunn head coverings, and dn all the
with a smile.
was served.
menial work
But on reaching the door the lit
tie girl turned round again.
Fur the pleasure of Mrs. Charles
"Mind you,” she said gravely, "If
u 'll. Afr> A. G. Williams and Mrs.
Old W«I1 Papers
It Isn't ready by Tuesday I shall
William Ostrander invite I i prour»
recent exhibition In a Pari
sue you for breach of promise.
of friends to the Ontr.jnder home
for a social afternoon Tuesday, museum allowed wall paj-er which
The afternoon was spent out of
The first papers
doors. Baskets of hydra nip i s wen* teenth century
Nation’s Backbone
hung from the trees and the cen- were marbled ot "illuminated’ by
Newspaper headline* are filled
ter of the luncheon table was mark
with stories of men and women
ed by a mixed bouquet of blue itillon leather or embossed paper> who went down to defeat In the
I /drangeas
sweet peas in were must popular. In 1841 “free
face of adversity. But In the scat
•Lades of pink Th»* guest of honor cues” were painted on rolls of pa
tered communities of America
was pleasantly remembered with per for llm covering of salon walls there are dally examples of how dlf
Jean Oouiliardon In this year palm
l»\'!y gifts.
ed 50 rolls for Louis XI.
“ ' The tlcult situations were overcome by
the Ingenuity that has become the
Passion of Christ” and "The
Th.* Tuesday Bridge club h Id structlon of Jerusalem” were I >e thief characteristic of Americans
it annual picnic at Blue Mountain
—American Magazine.
produced on rolls.
('houl house Thursday afternoon of
la>t week.
Bridge was enjoyed in
Typewriters. The Sentine).
th»* afternoon and the women were
Educators’ Salaries
joined in the evening by their
husbands for u picnic supper.
teachers amount to approximately
Bath Tubs
The Royal Neighbors will Lui I
penditure for elementary and sec
lh<*ir second
the ondary schools.
In colleaes and
summer Wednesday, August 14, in
I. o. U.
F. hall. Mrs. Oliver Jones universities It constitutes a some
Hot Water Tanks
will be chairman of the refresh
ment committee.
spent for operation and main
Down Spout
ten an re.
D & L Water Systems
The social Neighbors club of
Drlight vally held its annual picnic
Munday at Horn’s grove near Sag­
Cremation in America
About 100 were present.
The rlrst crematory In Die United
A bounteous luncheon and swim­ States
wus estnbllslied at Wnsli
ming were features.
Ington. Pa„ by Dr. F. .lulliin Le
Moyne In 1876. The first crema­
Phone 217.)
Mimeograph Stencils Sen­ tion was that of the body of Baron
Residence phone 217-1»
de Palin, In December of that
Duplicating Supplies. Sentinel.
Schofield Stewart
Plumbing Shop
« —-
$10.000 Damages C.uused
By Black Butte Eire
! Church News
4'hrialiaa Mele*?« HaeieB
J4J Seton I
»ti^ai >un.ta> »er* i« «1 al 11 «• in V ••
iti’kdav earning tvatimont mettlng at S
4 fne virenlatiair library i*
maintained in the building Th« pubhc la
«•vrdtaUjr inched to allenti the rhurch »«•»
vice* and make u«e ot th«* library
Tho »ubjt'ct of the b•**<»«
for Suudtiy
“Spirit. “
d< .
if fire
I Io*
>• '
Lutheran \liaaiun
w»a| Mat«« atrv«'t
Mailin P *o
Ph in«’ M-rvicr at .* ’»>
and IhirM Sunday« ot « a« n moi
|r rvapevliv«
of n.t
ar« cordially iaxitrxi a» «.II
«ho arv wllliuu* a . <«wi«h hom
' »V II
nl i ill
H.t ir
« n
Main klrvx l. a. tu»« ir
Addie H Nagf )>•■»■ >r
a m.. aervieea •< in
yvuittf peupla’a u»eeH»»< •i f e
grlistu' »ervlvt>« at S I». m
every airhl »< H 1» »
and Saturday. r*<ular
bible study. Wrdhx'kd*) . pra)*r iue« Uufc
* >'
«hart«* Frida) . «Irrel meeting Salurda)
at T 30 v m
>' re Xlrth*»dii>t 4 bur» b
Corner uf
Moaroe avenue aud »oath Hfiti »tiret
Mile» Fit« her h
10. fomnoun aervl«
vke at 7 30
Thur»day evening”
•oulh of
___ ,,
v »er« Bibl« Uu«ly IO «
•eriplur* «tody 7
Methodist Church. \V .1
minister—Sunday school \\
at 9:4.V The subject »»f
o’clock service will be “Th
of Happy and Effectual s.
The evening service will be
service, in which church»"»
city will join, and «ill I »•
th»' Disciples church.
dist minister will -peak >n
■ •’ “
The < hui.-h :i
World I Ni'e l.w. ”
Si.-,-I I .
natal nun
Handy plug
hts any
Tlist Christian Church.
•treet an«l tiibl * avenue Bibb*
school, I 9:4.’». t’lern Sat ft, Mip'iit
ten.leal ; men <»f this school uh et
in the Arcade th<*:itri with th
community men’s bible ria»'’, which
is aiming to keep it« attendanc«
at 200; morning worship, 11; emn
tnunion. eliie
mu»ir; sermn
est Building,
assistant pastor; <hri»l
vor. 7, the young peopl
holding up »ell; union
this church at 8; worker'
fereuce an ) prayer meeting. Wed
nes.lav night at 7:30. a -hurt ehoi
practice will follow the eonfeieue.-
I. G. Shaw, pastor: Clark Avdelott
assistant pastor.
Dan Patton Dies.
Dan Patton, who W«»
this city, died Fruiay in Salem
Funeral -erviees were held Sunday
at Blue Mountain an»l Rev. I., H
Handle of the Baptist church off»
ciated. lutennent was in th«* BmAi
baugh cemetery at Blue Mountain
He was aged 30 years, 6 month*
10 days.
He was born January
SL 1IN, .a thia tty
Surviving relativ»*s ar»* his fath *r.
Bona Patton. Cottage Grove; f«»ur
brothers. Homer Patton. Sutherlin:
Raymond Patton. Marshfield, an!
Thomas and Harrv Patton, Cottage
Grove, and a sister in law,
Ida Patton. Eugene.
Bounty Payments Are Light
Bounty payments were light for
the month of July* and only five
bobcat bounties anti OU»1 covot-
bounty were collected at th
of the county clerk.
StsinwJ-Glai* 1'rwsiursa
The ftireiiiuel iiiiiseiitn eollec
timi of »¡tallied .In*- In the world I
at th* Vlelorlu mid Silu ri mil t un
I onduli.
flies, mosquitoes,
totiéhes tfmofhs. I ice
atui manyofher insect*
Durable Bukulitc, attractive
tn appcarsuicc.
High Grad«
Huttoly couibiuaUeu viae aud
auv d tuc the home uod w «.4k«hup.
An ideal add it» on to your u I
kit. Clamps on any place. Cold
rolled »teel guides and poliaJicd
surfaces irsurew free and eway
working. J*w »pixud USS CQ
in. A tool ucccsatty.
I evZf
C ombo »«to Stock
You ure micieateei in
values. We have an­
nounced our new connec­
tion as u Marshall WcHa
Associate Store because it
enables us to give you
values unsurpassed any­
where! Tremendous buy­
ing power does it. We can
save you money on all
your hardware and house
furnishing needs'
4-Big Days--4
Horse Rucing
Rodeo Events
Fireworks Display
Music. Amusements
See Lime County’s Own Bill Show
/Xdmission. 50c
AftcrntMin (»ru mist und 50c; Niglil, 25c
Afternoon Bleachers 25c; Mielit, 25c
I' mi I id make the iiiuat
of the specials and extra
values we are able to offer
you NOW.
Lane County Fair
Srvynth Par AdvratlM »
Main *tra«t Saturday Sabbath
9 45 a m , church *« rvic. at
Pravvr meeting al 7 v v u» W
• • «
Th a Highway Baptist
l.oui* Henry Handle.
Church school. 9:4.’». Mr
superintendent; morning
sermon subject, “The (
the New Dav;’’ union
the Christian church,
afternoon and evening,
nic. at Cedar creek;
2:30, ladies’ circle; T
quarterly meeting of th
Oulonuk) lUMdanU Visit
The Wiiudmin camp ground In I
Thumday evening wit* tn** ««‘«tie «»t
a merry party when Mi and Mt*
\ It. I'age of Denvet. t'olo , for
itterly of Clyde, Kan, who ar«» l<»ur
mg the we*|, vailed in the follow
iug families to i spend
*nend a few mm
Ut«*a renewing old f ftirn«l*hi|u»
iivn«lship*> U
\i\.«n, I J. Kent, I c«» Nixon.
C A. Moore, Hugh Nixon tm«l .1
Mr. Page
mule buyer
probably ha* «hipped more av.innl«
from north central Kaunas than
any other one man
During the
World war hv purchased huadrv«ls
of hor*v* ami mules for lite govern
Al ihv preavnt time he i«
bleated in Denver, where h»» is n
gagv«l m the same occupation
recently »hipped «evvral caiload« of
mule.« from the I' n I«» u *«< country in
Washington, where tia<toi* ate |u*t
replacing hor«v«
\ftvr a
south through California he
return ami a gam expect* to
l£t w..-ut.dependable. /
low pi iced.
Positive g
tux cue
29 X 4 40
5.10 i 5.83
Tlos C<»v«r
bl«M.k tu«tab
«ABtic maure» Imu
.ting. An aniMMii ^ly
X............ b9c
Complete with Curd aixl Plug
BARGAIN......... ............
ir 1
HAT WALL BRUIN - "Gokl Medal," Ion«, xlacted
Chinese bristles, set in rubber. 4 inch width.
Psinters Favorite. SPECIAL
5ws» sw hurry P h rebate
If you
‘ brown
. of »oft
like ’em crup and crunchy—get
Creams. Delicious chocolate*
cookie cake»—with
a ritiy
t....... ...........
sugar cream. Go«xf! And HOW!
by name from your grocer.
of the ¿Many
} W-BIH,
. tyamous CfyukieCakes advi-riising make,
big stores out of httl* one« and
from going back to
TRU BLU BISCUIT CO.—Spornt. Puril^J. Sttttlt
Distribution ‘Without Waste/
n.uniUcs almost always msniioa Ibas
Saftway Slots whan rSdtiat the ad-
sat.uuss «ad tvnmMnccs of thaw par
twular towns or communities Th
mult in woman is vitally coocarns
about lha source of her family’s food
Ripply and ilw luuwlsdu« tl«at there ib
a clean, uusctim low pmxd Safeway
near her future home makes it all the
.more desirable as a place to live.«
Dunbar's fancy <lry jwk
Maxiiuutu fancy white
lips. Fine fur salad-', or
«ide dish
49c 2
I ki I i I cs .
( ’orn
lli -.t I ' ihk I . Brand Toliin
loch slui'ftil with cinli
liirat and dii’i'd cili-ry
«iTVfd wit li ma volutisi
Pint jtir
Grape .Juice
Cocomii It
A beViTugc
freshing and
Lai'K«* 200
buy ill
45c 2*1'
nízc .