TH U RADA Y, JULY KA, I9J0 tors were m route home from » trip through th«* northern states nn«l Cann «la. Mrs. C. A. Bartell relume I Wednesday of last week from Portland, where «he visited her mother, Mr«. J <’ Robert« Mhe was accompanied by Mr«. Glen llitM and Mrs. Curti« tiilbert, who are her guests th»« week at Hart’s Inn nt Lundpnrk Mr. Bnrtell and Mi * Donna -pent the we«-k en«l nt Lund park with the «imriy. Mr«. Mattie rm«l «laughter Marjorie of Cumberland, Wis., arrived Munday und ar«* guest* for the week at the B. L. Markin koine, Mr. and Mr« Mack in, with tbefr guent*, motored to ('orvallis. K m I imii aud other valley cities We Mrs E«l <'uhow uud children ur our nve«l last week from «outhern Or»* gon und «if* vi*11mg Mr* I *ahow ’• parent«, Mr • fl'l Ml* J II Har <’< MI j M ‘ |'|| 11* With our tel«. glad of nti oppol ilev. w J. Morrow hum in Marshfield Friday an«l Butur«luy of lu«t week ou busiueiiM in «•onnectiun with th«* Weujey hospital, u Metho di«l iu«titutiou, located there. Mr and Mr«. F L. Granni« und ehihlren returned Munday night GROVE, OREGON from Bvedaport, where they «pent the week «nd. Mr«. u the Metolius her aunt, Mrs. Floy! Counts. They river, former resident«, were here left Tuehduy for home and were ac­ Frulay and Saturday on hu«ine««. companied by Mrs. Counts. The Dr. uns and Mr*. Nancy Oglesby ronvalesring satisfactorily. to Junction City Sunday the day with friends. Mr*, t’lareore Boyd and young You cau always get more for wn Wayn«* returned to their horn« They mot your money in used car purrha««*- io Medford Tu»*«iay. ored up last to I bring Mr*. at Nelson Motor Co. Bavd *• myth'-r, Mr». Charles The G. B Arnest far Brown, hoin<*. Mr», Brown Imu visited in Mr.lfonl for »ever.i Royal JohtiMin of week*. Cal., i» ■ gue.t at the Mr. un i Mr*. Cecil Caldwdl, Mr toma. and .Mrs. N. J. Nelson and family Mr ao'l-Mr». H. V. Allison and and Donua Bartell spent th«* week 'laughter'* Alice und .Iran »peat end at Newport. Munday m Allmny. Mr. and Mr«. Roy Heck left Nnlaon Motor Co. ha« a rom Sunday for Aberdeen, Wash., where pint» atoek of u»ed care, al) in they will visit at the horn«* of Mr. fir»t cl»«« condition nni»t<*r, Mr*. Flora McCurdy, .. . . . . visit at Kitson spring* They are un had resided recently at Browns­ Portland Saturday to bring hlH ville, have returned to Cottage family home. Grove. Mr. and .Mr*. Fred Bre«*ler and Th«' George Eastham family of children motored to Portlan«! Fri Marcóla were weekend visitors at lay. Mr Breaker returned Mon the home of Mr. Eastham's bro •lay and Mr*. Bre**ler and chil ther, J. M. East ha ni. drrn are vivitlng a few day* in Mis« Maxine Snodgrass _ of (’auby with Mr*. Bre*Mer'« *i*ter, Hpriugtield wa* a week-end gue-d Mr* Cutaforth. at the home of her uncle anti Guy Van Riper arrived Saturday aunt, Mr.'and Mrs. Ear! Hill. from Klamath Fall* and «peut Mi«* Alice Newcomb ha* gone ‘o the week end with hi* mother, Mr*. Lu* Angele* to «pend several week* Anna Gow«ly. with relatives. Mr*. Frank Kellv and daugh Mr. and Mr*. B. B. Huntley and ter*, Mr*. Verva Damewood and Mi«* Rita Kelly, Mr. and Mr». M. P. daughter* Marceil and Jane of Chi­ Garoutte, Mr. und Mr*, Roy G» co, Cal., arrived Tuesday and ar- routte and Mr«. Alex Garoutte guest* at the home of Mr* Hunt- returne«! Monday from Arlington, Icy’* sister, Mrs. A. W. Swan «on. Wa*h., where they went last week to attend the funeral of i ll.yle Lin Black Ants Fostered go, a relative. Mr«. Christ« Crane, mother of the decensed boy. on Cocoa Plantations who accompanied them here, left “Without Black Anta No Cocoa,’’ for her home in Sacramento. read» a slfn posted at the entrance Mrt. I). D. Davi« of Portlund of a (real plantation In central arrived Sunday for an extended Java. It doea not go unheeded, for visit at the home of a daughter, the natives band In some 4,(Mk).tkM) Mr*. W. J. Wood». Woods. nests of these little creatures every Mr». Jack Gocrtxon returned to yyar, and receive payment In re­ Theae black ant» live only her home iu Portland Sunday, after turn. a week'» at the home of Mr. upon tree» Infested by the white cocoa ouae. Neither the lousejtor and Mr». A. C. Bagley. The Lyle R. Howe of San Joae, Cal., the ant» Injure the trees, i» a gtie»t thi» week at the home real enemy Is a certain beetle which of a brother ■ in ■ law and aister, whose name la Helopeltla, It ha» Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Mill». He also attacks the tea plant, black eame north to attend a reunion of been found that when the tl*«. Co.too und Cvehiau familie* ant« are present the Helopeltla falls Apparently which will be held Saturday and to Injure the trees. this sapsucklug pest !• disturbed Sunday iu Brow naville. by the activity of the anta, for the 'ft» Willian Bartels 1 and son latter do not attack the beetle. Billie returned ’ Wednesday from Thia Is why t e black ants are pro­ Portland, where they I had visited tected. Food 1» provided for them »inco Sunday. by picking the white cocoa lice from (lordou Wright arrived Satur the sheila of the fruit, where they • lav uight from Seattle and will congregate, and placing them on | »pend the remainder of the »uni the cocoa trees to attract the antg1 m»'t with hi» parent.«, Mr. and Mr». and disturb ths beetles. , J. A. Wright. Gordon i» a student al the l'niver»ity of Washington and i» majoring in journaliam. A Good Dood Fail« Mr. and Mrs. Clem Harff and It happened on ■ train down on son Darrell visited ---------- Sunday m Ai the cape. bnnv with Iho parent.« of Mrs. The train atopped. A woman Sarff. hurried out of the door and down across the Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Nelson and the atepa. Mr. M------ son Bobby accompanied . ____ _____ aisle, noticed ahe had forgotten • Mrs. _____ Keho field Stewart to Portland Monday bag and three bundles I lie hastily and returued Tuesday driving a grabbed them, tore down the _______ atepa, put them In the conductor’1 new Willys Knight sedan. While __ in Portland Bolihv was treated in arms, and explained matters preparation for an operation which The train atarted. Mr. M------ he will undergo soon. beard atrong language In a foreign tongue. The lady “acroas the aisle” The Misses Sylvia and Sybil Veateh returned Tuesday night bad return«!. She Anally made the from a several week»' motor trip conductor understand that ahe ran through Yellowstone park. They acroas the platform to speak to • also visited Mr. Veateh’s aunt, friend I Mr. M------ ha» sworn off on “boy Mrs. Alice Hodge, in Montana and returned home by way of Seattle. scout" acts!—Philadelphia Public Ledger. The Misse» Opal and Olive Faga Coo) mid oomfortable the»« warm days. The Pastime •t «ml Mr. and Mr*. Hu «lay Krill noi daughter Mary of ('urvnlh* w« r»* hum«* uf week rud gur«t« at t Mr Kriu*« parent*, Mr au nephew anti niece, Mr aud Mr«. Wilbur Watkiun. Mi«* Dorothy re mniuetl for a few day*’ vi«it and will return the latter part of the week with Mr and Mr«. Wutkin*. who will attend the pageant iu Eu M, and ■ 1 Mr*. Uatkin*. VV...L ... -k. wh » have been doing summer work iu Halem, will move to Monmouth this week Mr Watkins will complete hi* nummer course there before re- Grove, where turning to Cottage _ he will teach during the coming year. Mr. and Mr*. B. L. Mackin, Mr and Mr*. E. R. Lemley. Mr. Mr*. G. A. Hander* aud Mr. a nd Mr*. Elbert Hmith were among those motoring to (’amp Lucky Boy on Blue river Hunday to bring home n group of boy *cout*. who hud been Httruding camp for two weeks. Mite Alberta William* i* clerk ing in the Cottage Grove Electric bakery during the absence of Mr*, Verva Dnnirwood, who i* on n va- cation Mr and Mr* Frank Audcr*on and family and Mr*. Anderson’- mother, Mr*. Edith Evan«, all of Manta Cruz, Cal., were guest« Thurnday night at the home of JUr*^C^ H \'iiiil>«,iil>utg Grocery Savings / Friday and Saturday 2 bottles Certo ............ 49c Mrs. Stewart’s bluing... 15c 4 rolls Waldorf tissue. 25c 2-lb. pneknge Snow Finke No. 2 graham crackers, crackers .................... 35c package 22c »> cans Happy Home grape 2 packages potato chips. 15c 2 tloz. Economy jar caps 46c fruit .......................... 49c SOAP DEAL Package Quick Naptha chips .................................. , One Spanish Beverage 1 'an Sunbrite cleanser ...... 7 bars White Laundry soap Set, All for......$1.69 ORANGES Small juicy Sunkilt oranges, a real special, dozen Harvey K Boyer and two suit of Krattli* visited Monday with Mrs Ells J Woodard and John F Woodard They were returning home from u trip through f’alifor ma. M. P. Garoulte I* recovering from a serious infection of the rrght wrl*t and arm that rcMulted f rom injury to the wrist when it wMs «truck by u piece of cedar. W. M. Hamilton of Co4|Ulllc, forno ny n chi ropru't or here, WB« B bu«in<*4* visitor here Tuesday Hurry Nm*t is ircuvcring from severe attack of influenxa Mr and Mr* Autin«ls«*v uf Portland visited here th«« week. Mr. tin.I Mrs. Harvey II«dder man. who hud visit« d relatives here for n few days, left Tuen«lay for thrir horn** in Krifippfi. They were returning north from n two weeks' visit at Beach William Hmith of Hun Fernando, Cal., vhitrd Bunday and I Munday at fhe home of an Iinrl • nn«l I aunt. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Bhort. Hr was urroinpaui«*«l by five of his high school friend*, who nre « i their way to New York. They will visit rnuny places of inter -st en route and will return to Mun Fernanda in time for the opening of «rhool in the full. Mrs. J. M. Franciu mid daughter, Mrs, pearl Bchufer, err attending a enrnp meeting thi* work in Eu gene, Mike B«*urh is taking hi tion and A. G. William* is his chair nt th«- Allison Til l>er shop. Floyd Bennett and l.erov who had viiited borne of Mr. I Mr. un«l Ml Tuesday for Ha for n er stir, the vehjrle or Its driver Martin M-*ryle and family One day the owner foupd under fhe ing Long Beach, Cal , passed machine several buahmen. poking of about and exploring the rnyatertea through CoUag«* Grove a f« w «lay* Explanations revealed that the ago on their way north and n«*ar Fljlana had held a conference fhe former *ight of the city rock al>out the new vehicle that larked m»-h« r wher* vlalble mean» of locomotion and ( th« r«* acet- had concluded that the affair was)dent*, went nothing lean than a devil wagon: over th»* y »J B. C. S-Z . MBS. ADA MOONEY, cording to tradition the palace of Clerk District No. 3i. Tara was 900 feet square, contain­ Disston Route. jylS 25c ing 150 apartments and 150 dormi­ tories. The early kings of Ireland CARD OF THANKS. were said to be crowned here and We wish to express our sincere and tradition further states that Tara iaeartfclt appreciation to the many friend* at the time of the advent of St and neighbor* who so kindly assisted us Patrick to Ireland was the princl-, during the illness and death of our be father We especially wish to pal seat of Drutdlem In Ireland. It loved thank those who sent the man y beautiful 1» said to have beqn abandoned floral offerings. We also wish to thank through the curse of St. Ituadari 1 Rev. Randle for the comforting words apoken. 450, on account of Its Idolatry. , Clarence Peterson. « Charles Peterson and family. 1 Our Special Hummer Prices Offer You Atnn/.inp Vahit-» on Hitfh'st Quality Tire*—Value» Unbeatable Anyw here Zenith Double Service Guaranteed 30,000 Miles ^cciilent, Scared, So Sell Their Car dlfalfa Groivs Three Feet 54 Days Low-Cost- Per-Mile ZENITH 29x4 10 Delivered to You $10 Zenith 16,000 Mile Guarantee I’alloons $5.98 29x4.40 30x34.... $5.25 WISEMAN HARDWARE T SPECIAL TRAIN Cascade Summit (O’DELL LAKE) AND RETURN— Sunday, July 28th Round Trip $T== Z5 _______ From Eugene - Leave Eugene 7:00 a. m. Leave Cascade Summit 5:30 p. m. Sponsored by the University of Oregon Summer School and the Obsidian Club—conducted by by Marion McClain. Special attractions including hike to Salt Creek Falls Dancing----- Boating and Fishing on Odell Lake Horses available for those desiring same. Bring ycur picnic lunch and enjoy a wonderful day's outing in the beautiful mile-high Cascade Moun­ tains. rickets on sale at Southern Pacific Station. Buy early to enable us to provide plenty of room. EVERYBODY WELCOME AND URGED TO COME I* • Southern Pacific T M Boyd, A ent, Phone 11—L L. Graham. D.F.& P.A. TOP LOCK BINDERS Mr. and Mrs. Pete Jorgensen f \ ! and family. The Foods We Eat F Mr and Mrs. Leland Smith and family, A commission roan, ’‘shopping” Mr and Mrs. H. N. Henriks, In New York city, found spinach, and family. front Mexico, Honeydew melons from South Africa, fresh almonds from the Holy tend, new potatoes resolutions of condolence from Florida, green peas and Whereas, it has pleaded the Divine asparagus from California, butter Ruler of the Universe to remove from clearing to the freat clearing beyond from Denmark, eggs from China, this our est—'med Neighbor Lincoln Taylor: meats from New Zealand and Ar­ We therefore feel th losa of our de- ¡parted Neighbor, and we wish to express gentina. our deepest sympathies to those who Iove-1 That's what'modern transporta­ . our Neighbor best. Therefore, be it resolved, that a copy tion and cold storage refrigeration of these resolutions be spread upon the doea for us.—Capper's Weekly. minutes of Bohemia Camp No. 260. W O W . Cottage be sent bows in Río »charter That a Ftreuchtuan In a new coun­ day«. —t------------- I try will open a cafe, a German a: general store, and a Briton a bank has long been an axiom regarding the men of these recta In foreign lands. That regarding the Briton might be amended by stating that along with the bauk goe» the Churtft of England. Here In Rio. says a correspondent, which Is a city of churches, an Bngllsh church has been the meutltig place for the British community for 110 years. z / I that a copy be published in the Drove Sentinel and that a copy to the bereaved family, and th< be draped for a period of thirty 11. J. JORGENSEN. CLARK. T. J. W. VEATCH Committee J >txz sure /earn to h/ce ¡ food fat "ten yodrt or a vacaricvr tnp __ , fhe Cottage Grove Sentinel Publishers—Printers—Office Outfitters The Lifeblood of a Community Its banka art* the lifeblood of any community. This bank has endeavored to fill that place in this com­ munity for 40 years. The lifeblood must circulate freely and must be full of good red eorpuaele«. In our ease these corpuscles are conservative progres­ siveness. an untiring interest in the community and a willingness lo be of real set-vice. Watch our state­ ments and carry a cheeking account and transact your banking business with the strong old reliable. • ZsUaiag Promote^ Health "If you want to be healthy sing as often as possible,” advises a French doctor, who has experi­ mented with cases t>f overexcite­ ment and sympathetic nerves. He says that when patlvuts were kept In a cheerful mood, singing gay music, the equilibrium of the nervous systeui was restored |n a few wqeks, and badly damaged, ap­ petites began to. reappear with* full force. > 7 ' I , Watch a urowintr biisitiarm and see its NBWSPAPER alls irrow in riza. f>-------- 1 ■ r ‘ ‘S —■ - RUBBER STAMPS The Sentinel ■a- 1 The First National Bank Of Cottage Grove Capital $.'>0,000 e?r ”0h! I get just as fresh, firm fish at home at the Q u a I i ty Market, you know QUALITY MARKET Fred J. Anderson. Prop. Free City Delivery Phone 46 Surplus. $25,000 "T“ KNOWLES & GRABER HARDWARE Cottage Grove Oregon