4, TIIUKMDAT, JULY • T~ IUW FIRE PROOF CABINET SAFES FIRE PROOF FILING CABINETS STEEL OFFICE EQUIPMENT (if Every Kind The Sentinel j City Briefs ! Mr« I 'online |.u»k, who under u«ui a major operitimn •■dn« *«lny of lu*t week at the Pacifie t’hr.* I4.1i» h«>*pítal U» I ugeur, i* reported 1un valete tog «at i«tarturilv Clarmee Carter of Portlnud «»• 11 rd lu«t week at the home of n .-1er, Mr« William Bartel» II* w .* minute to Klamath Fall1« and w<i» accompanied Ly Hon m ■ M .me y, aho of Portland Vrliin M id.L n left Fl KolgrVillr, Wa*h while »hr w I vitit relative* Hhr wn* .«■•roiu L-mieti Ly a rou*iti, Mi*» Ermi««- brown, who Mailed for ’wo w »k* m tbi* city and at whose home \lnt Madden will be a gur*t M< « I aruway piano» at <*hr*tnu» i‘iau»(rr <’o , Cottage Grove tlMW aud up Term«. aj?f*l t .Mr» Lydia Htuuffer und M Helli» Burkholder of s»nlem ••pent the week end with their daughter nud mother, Mr« Clara Htirkholdei Attention! Owners of small motors, violet ray machines, vacuum cleaners Wc will l><- id ad to assist you to Hinke your innchim- comply with th.- new radio ordinance. nt the h unt pos ■dblc . xp.ii-. RAY NELSON ELECTRIC George McQueen Jr. and Ken iirth Del,a««u* drove to Bohemia Munday taking with them Ben Curry and William Biggin«, who will do tome it<«e*«mt,nt work u* the group of mine« held by Mr McQueen. Paul Hander« returned Saturday from Eugene, where he had been for a few day« with Ray Eugle«, who wa* attending a forestry inert mg Mr Engle«, who brought Paul home, returned the «ime do to Signal, where he >« «tatioued. A marriage liren«e wa« i* ued last week at tht county clerk’* office m Eugene to Glenn Frankly n Smith and Mildred I »thrr Bobbin*, both of thia city. Mi«« Matilda Flanigan of B «T ard, Neb., arrived |a»t Thur«day night and i« viaiting til the home of her niece, Mr« A W Hhofvtall Mr uud Mr« L. Hot Spring«, Ark, day and arc guest« Mr and Mr« G A (’. Sigman of arrived Nulur at the home of Hander*. Mr*. Edward Dufour i« reported ill at her home oil aouth Sixth street. ..... -ii—r —...... A «on wiiw born to Mr and Mr* D A I merton I ridav at th«* Pa rifle chriMtian hospital m l.ug«*ii«' Mr l.mcr*on i* »upvrintendriii of «chool* iu Cottage Grove Dr and Mr« W I I. c I m . h I c C S «t u r iu v fol Oold !<• 1' h w h< : ■ they will «petal their «umtner vn ration nt the home «»f Mr* Lebow'» patent*, Mr. tnnl Mr* J. C John *ou Tl.ry (»«pert to be go||C I h i week» Hof h Mr nud Mi« John •«»it, who were hurt in an accident iu Marshfield hi*t week, are »aid to be improv mg «at i«factonly. La raw ay piano* on aule at r** ■ lured price* tin» month Ri'iuodrl • g Leg'nr »tore, mu«t reduce •io. k Sr»* < *br«|niit Transfer, Col tag*« Grove. aSfitfr Mr« Ida Frank« and vm (>*rar ml the lalict'■ w.fr, nil of Bru I, «pent Friday at the home of Mt- Frank** mere, Mr* C M Rr«’*c Mi nud Mr* William Fu «. Dora Funk and Mabel Blarkmui l. ft Tue*iliiv for Tillamook to «pend rhe Foul th. Aru«*i write« In»., any kind. Mi and Mr* H.h«»ti«LI M|«‘w:itt left Wednesday for Gold Beach, where they will «pend several day* fi*hih|' They «■'*«» plan to drive over the l(r<lwood* highway. They will return home Run«tay .Mr* Clara Burkholder ha« rented hi r home on north Lane «treet to Chester H Wheeler ft>r the «ummer Hr will take po**r««ion I'riday. Mi»« Connie Hutrhin,*<>ii has a«' cepted n bookkeeping po*ktion with the City Furl cumptiuv. \ marriage licrn-c wn* i«*urd Monday to John I di«ou Schmitt of Cre«wel| mid Annii Mane Shelburn of thi* city. Floy-I Bennett, who i« in the Culled Stat«’« navy and i* *1 at ioned at San Diego, i* rxpectril to arrive July " or 0 to nt tend the wedding of hi** *i«ter, Mi«« Dai«y Beuuctt to Cbtatrr B Wheeler, which will lie an event of Sunday Mr and Mr*» F I Chaloupkn id Cump Sherman, former rr«ident«, were bu«iti»‘«* vi«ltor* heie Tile» Jay. TRUCK lu» , Bund«, P e r in i t « < ullslllt A rne«t In*. A gey. M«« ('lira Burkholder mid h er mother, Mi- l.vdm .Mtouff«*r, left \\’cdne«< lav for Sulciii lu join Mi«« Belle Burkholder and to go from there to variou* coa*t resort« to «pend their vacation. Mr*. B« . nice Johnson drove them to Snleo. and will spend a day or two there H. H. Plott, who ha« been con fined to the house for «evrral week* by illne««, i* reported to be somewhat improved today. K D. Raker is planning to fence hi* homestead on Harms creek anti a crew of surveyor* were nt the homestead H wih L iv locating several romer «take* of the place. Mr* L«tclla Halton and niece, Mi« M T. M<’Kron of Grand Rapid*, Mich., spent Tuesday up the McKen/ie with Mr«. I’li/a belli Andrew* of Eugene. The Nelson DeYoung family and Mr. and Mr«. Sam Ventch went to the Bohrmin district Monday for a «rvernl days’ outing tJ«ed piano in fine condition, oak case, inquire Chestnut Tran« fcr Co.. Cottage Grove. *i25tfc You May Be Thinking of the FOURTH But we are the first First bank organized in sou t li Lane county. First in capital. b'irst in deposits. First in service to customers. The First National Bank Of Cottage Grove ('■pital $50,000 Snrplim, $25.000 Mi« <’ T. Powell him retm.«« I i from Medford mid 1« «tayhig rd f her plare ju*t north of th»* «'itv Mr«. Eli/ab«th Andrew« of I o I gene vnoted la*t Thursday wit»* Mr* I • lelln M«ho»i t’hnrlolte r'fioper <<f Portland via itr«| Lint wer-k ni11 th" Cooley family and Mr« INtelln Mallon Mi D W I hi quhar of Own mouth, t’ril , mid daughter left Hut urdnv for ih«ir home, niter nil« nd mg the funeiul of M m l‘f<»<|iihar * | moth i, Mi Marielt Town Fii'lay lfle|||iH»n Kev Ihim-iiii I* < Moieiou will go to Portland Mnimduv Io meet hi- two «mull daughter« who are ie turning from Pauadti He will preirrh Munday forenoon nt the vet ■ inn** ’ hospital Th« < luri’iice 1 English fam ilt o[ Nuu Fraiiri*«'«» vi*ite«l bni’fly M oh'l.’i v • run Mi • " . \\ J Win I«*, whil*’ « hi i their way n «i ith M» EngHwh i« an eu grn vi-r mid printer Mr«. Rirhmd Hunni 1 H «High i hoiii** Hnlurdny from 1* *it Imi'i, H here «In- l.iid t«i«'h taking t real inent m t* «n m Li num H| k * i* i p<«rt«’d t«« I»«* mu« h impiov«’« t. R. « D uik . m 1* Gamcion gave i* plliiolie nddre’« Ml tile W'e«l|*«***ln » noon lulirheoll of the l.llg«*li(’ 1.1 «Oi rlulr. W«»ik i-» prop r«*“*i h g - 111 • f • et <»i i ! ■ on tlo I.« ndon r -iid. a «-ording I <» I., «'»owe, eoonty rommi■*’ioner who win in tin« diMlirt Monday m "p«-«-tiiig toad work Mr«. Nettie E*!«’» left la.I w.< k for Portland to attend n fauni. reunion. • ^he met with lui i «ter », Dr Clmn I'llt uf <>:. klaicl, < ’ni., Mr*. Dnnu Mediaa uf l iiinl and Mi* Rosti Wl... br • ,f l*<.rllau.l1 aud a brother Alfred look of Pori lun*l It wa- th.* first time th« five had been together for 17 year» Bnrguinw in fine phonograph l.nraway Mu*ir House, Eugene. Heti • beatimi Tiun-fer, agent«, Cottage Grove. a.'Stfc Mr«. Frank Woodruff arid datigli tir Frimer» of Portland are visiting for a week ut the Herman Miller home at Inorane, where mint her daughter Carol ha* been a visitor for Mime time and probably will remain during vacation. Mr and Mr*. K. G. Barrel of San Francisco, uvwlywed*, arrived Friday for a viali at the home of Mi Barrel*« brother, L. L. Barrel They left Tuesday for Vancouver, H ' I W II I r« I of ’ i !• n ' I *p«iit Saturday and Sunday at th-’ Hurrel horn«* and Mr. and Mr*. A It Hurrel of Portland were gue«» Siitidnv. Thi« wn* the fir-t tim« for u number of year* that tin Sneeze Once Welcomed ae Harbinger of Luck Solitary Meals Chief Cause of indigestion Locals Finish Season Without WinningGame Xenophon, addressing bls uewly riiinurrled men and wohh - ii l»e elrili-d gsnorals, pleaded with Iheiu tween the ages of thirty and tlfll henceforth to wage Implacable war anffei more from dyspepsia than Cot t ig.* Grove lo* t to Bi»n*h>n I I will, the enemy, “We tiuve—the (tie married folk ut similar ugr Io 4 Sunday afternoon at B.in«lon godswllllhg - many fair hopes uf do This discovery has followed a Thi« wa« the final game in th" llvernm*»," As he spoke title last lleifln pliysh-luu's l»lM>rluuu Inrea V’alley Bay league f«»r th»» loenl word >i man sneezed When the llralloii of cases of stomm n trou for it wa« decidiMl at a meet lag aohllers heard It, with one Impulse hie It Is one that cheers the heart Tueaday night in Ro«.J»urg to i «11 they m H made obelsume to Zeus *'l of the young wife, whose culinary Mundnv'* game« the en«l of th« move, geittlemeu," spoke Xenophon, effort- ure often mud» the subject first half. Bandon und <*ot<ag« "since at the iimment when we were of mirth. Het buaband. for all her Grove w«jre droppe«| from ih> talking about deliverance an omen novice cooking, will lw wore likely league, the fw«» being the low«**! ft on, Zeus the savior was revealed to have a go>.d dlgtstlon than Ida in the percentage 4’olumii i’o Io us, that we make a vow Io sac unmarried friends Bachelors eat «piilk, Eugene, Mur-hf«« I I nnd rifice to that god lliaiik offerings nlnne. and conm-quenlly eat too Myrtle Point will play u *i* g-«ne for deliverance as soon as we reach fast, owing to the fact that they «erie* to deei«le the l«*sigue rhrini ■ friendly luud. All In favor of title have uo one to talk to. pion*hip niotlon will raise their hands." We 'I he unmarried woman. au>s th* 'flu* loeal* faded to win a gum • reed In flic Anabasis that every prof>-*«or, usually ea'a the wrong thi* *ea«on In Sunday'* game th** man In the assembly raised bls things. Hl,e will eat only wliat can break« went against them. In bund. Thereupon they made their I»- prepared wltb the least trouble, thf’ fir*t inning t'ottog«’ Grove* vows and stuck up the peau, pre or wliat can b« ealen unprepared fir«t three butter« walked but th* pared to face the perils of lite cela- She, too, like the bachelor, la locai« w«*re uno bln t O flush O v«r a brated retreat. apt In bolt her meals. The n*»l( run. This seems strange to us who tury person, in fart, made or fa The l>oi »core follow ’ have lived to see the sneeze of epi mule. Just eats tier a use lie or »be t’ottnge Grove AB It ÍI po A E demics destroy more men than were must, and gets It out of the way Rub«*n*tein, rf 2 II 0 1 o ‘1 killed In all the ware of Greece So as quickly as poaslbl». lienee In Herk, 2b 4 1 1 2 0 1 we fear the drafts of alternating dlgra'lon and a bad temper. The Hill, lb 4 1 .3 1 (1 »unit and cold days.—New York married have with their food the Horner, «* 3 2 2 1 II Times. *i 0 0 12 1 1 beat of all aam-ea—casual aud Morgan, «• 3 1 4 0 1 cheery conversation. Tengo«’, 3b 4 0 0 1 Spray, If Blue Sky Only Limit Wolfard, rf 4 0 1 H il 1 3 0 1 2 1 1» Der«him, p With Chilean Gamblers Sheepherder Yarn Has t II ILlLbeil, p The Mapuelte trlbea of Chile have No Foundation in Fact a very peculiar game which Is very There la sn ever-recurrent story .33 1 24 popular, ami Is called "rum.” A that the laws In certain atates corn Bandon AB R II 1*0 A E wager Is made between two com pel a jlieepmuo to keep two men n 3 .3 7 1 petitors as to which will be first to with the sheep all the time, one to Roue lie, *• 3 .3 2 2 1 1» break silence. They sometimes re herd them and the other to keep Damron, rf 5 2 ,3 G main silent for whole days, until the herder from going rrasy. Donnhey, lb 5 0 2 1 1 U Helkerk, p finally the man with the weakest What would happen If the ovln* Wergant, r 5 1 1 11 o 1 »III gpMkg und loses bls bet 1 This Influence should upset the mental Fitrn, 2b Ä 1 1 *î 2 la but one of the many Interesting equilibrium of both of them at the Webber, rf . f» 0 O 1 sidelights of the Ciilleun people In aame time la a matter for conjec hum, If 4 2 I o Augustin Edwurds* "Peoples of ture Speaking merely for myself, Butt*, 5 4 2 1 Old.” In another gauie of the “dice" the sight of some one watching me sort with colored beans, the players from day to day for signs of Incip 42 14 14 27 1 I 1 propitiate their luck by taking to ient madness would be the surest Hrore by inning«: the beaus and magically Invoking and quit k»at way to call to life the Cottage Grove ..... OHI ÍM»2 Oll— 4 disaster far their opponents. To germs of that disease which la sup 7 (Hill 012 *«11*« Hit« "gamble your shirt” Is no mere met posed to Ila latent In th» herder's 001 0.34 « Bandon aphor with these people; they H • . 202 <1.32 41*-1 1 gamble their kulves, clothes, weap calling. And <f. In addition, I had to do ons, blankets—any thing; and fre all the work, while the other fel Playground to Open Monday quently the game ends In a genera) low routined tils labors to his op The city playground will op. a fight I tic nerve, there would Inevitably i Mondnv an I Mi«« Irene Grigg* and steal Into my eonadouaneaa tbe Mi«« Thelma Keru will le* the in thought that Insanity Is a valid as «frurtor«. A definite srhodnle ha* Coinage of Cents well as popular excuse for several not yet been arranged, but Mis* Indian cents were coined from major crimes.—Archer B. GUfillau Grigg* will be at th»* playground ISfiM to 1«» Inclusive. A few rare Monday from 9:3<i on. Mi-- K«*m ouee. made of nickel, aluminum or lu the Atlantic Monthly. and Mi-«* Grigg* were in eharg" of unusual alloys are at considerable th«* playground la«t year and la*t premium, but they are never teen Frog Barks Like a Dog year'« «eaaon wa« declared one «»f in circulation. The Lincoln ceut« A horned Brazilian frog which the beat «inre the movement wn- were first Issued In lBllb. Some of those of that year bear on the re harks like a dog when It loses Ils started. tamper. Is one of the latest arriv verse the tnltlula of the designer Scouts Leave for Camp Sunday Victor I>. Brenner. These were re als ul the reptile house of the New North of S. I*. Station—Phone UHI Twenty boy «routs of troop- No* moved before the end of the year. York Zoological park. The st rouge frog Is five and a 1C and 18 will leave Sun«lay for Under the date on many Lincoln ceuta appear the letters “S” and half Inches long and green-bronze Camp Lucky Boy, I m > v »«- out rarpj. “D,” Indicating that they were made In color. The kee[>er» were warned at Blur river up th«* M'-Krii.< at the Sun Frunctaco or Denver that the animal wua dangerous, but where they will spend n t*ow««k mints. The 1B22 cent la the rarest they were Inclined to disregard this camp period. SB .. .............................. riui- ---------------------------- *------- ?---------------------- - - Extensive improvement work at of all modern ones. It sella at a on ao-ount of Its small lire until the ramp have been completed. « premium of a few cents, and Is sel they saw It amused. Apparently dom to be seen In circulation. Only averse to publicity, the frog made load of groceries was taken to th« I . --------- a few more than Mi,000 of that date as If to attack a photographer who camp Tuesday and m«’mber- of th« --- --------------------------------------------------- W—I------------------------- . had come to take Its picture short «amp staff are n*»u at th«* «amp. were Issued. Armand Rigg* of thi« city will b" ly after Its arrival. It Jumped at the man. snapped Its jaws, and instructor in handcraft. barked furiously, lu much the same “Short ka ad" Schof Stewart Entertain.« Plumbers The origin of brief writing, or manner as does nn angry dog.— Rrhofield Stewart of the Stewart "sbortbaud,” Is clouded tn mystery. Popular Science Monthly. Plumtiing «hop entertained th" Eu No authentic record ezlsts estab gen«* master plumber- with a *¡111 lishing Its practical use much be ner Monday night at Hotel Bar Days of Slow Travel fore the First century B. O. From tell. Nine were pre.««*nt and in that period until about 300 A. D. Ttavellng certainly had Its draw eluded in the numkr were Al Wi’- the art flourished throughout the backs 125 years ago. A person de liamMin, president uf the Oregon Roman empire. The secretary and siring to go from New York city to State Plumber* association. and librarian of Cicero, Marcus Tullius Buffalo must first wslt for several Pete Chase, secretary of the «tate Tiro, was the pioneer of Boman days until s sailing vessel left for organization. shorthand. The chief use of short Albany The trip required from hand tn Roman times was made by two to five days, depending on coo Costly Superstition the leaders In the church and by ditIona. At Albany the passenger The Crt:n Chaco, the country tn government officials Cburcb dig took a stage coach and rode over nltarles who made conspicuous use land to Schenectady, 17 miles, «IHpute belw.en Bolivia nnd Para of shorthand were St. Augustine. where he could get an occasional truay. 1« Inhabited by Indians who Origen and 8t. Jerome. All the boat on the Mohawk river. The have the curious custom of huminc their whole vlllnge after a death Roman emperors employed short trip required another week, some ha» taken place In one of the huts. hand secretaries. Several femperora times more. From Utica to Oswa attempted to learn it go It was possible to get a boat for Lewiston, from where tbe rest of Card Cabinet* The S< ntinel the Jouniey was by stage. The whole journey, with .good connec Tkaakful fer Tkat WE MEN HAVt A little girl who disliked milk tlons. required about a month. J NO FIR.EWOR.KA puddings had been made to finish POG <5<rr to S tick ¡THIS FOURTH, Vil ULI tier portion before leaving the table. Perfection in Samplers A¿ro6£TrieR'/f "Now may I get down?” she The old-fashioned sampler con- READ THIS asked, wltb a sigh of relief. slated of a square of performed can “When you've said your grace." vas. the rows of perforations being HISTORY nodded her mother. equally spaced. Designs were WILL QBT A 4 "But I've nothing to give thanks stamped on the canvas and filled PHONE CALL IF* tor," answered the child. In with different colored worsteds, "Then you’d better stay there.' the stitches forming little “x's.” On •b] 1 OON*T MI55* ’««I m W This was too much for the little the finest canvas this would almost M*f . girl, and putting her bands to give the effect of a painting. gether, she murmured: ÖUE5S,' "For what I have received I’m Mouse Heat or Divorce. works truly grateful, aud I thank heaven News conies from Hatnnu'n-I I wasn't sick.”—Weekly Scotsman Ind., that a friend of Horace W Olcott, Jr., editor of the Gas Gs Be careful! Guard against injury! But. if you do get zette. ha- concluded to install a Possible gas heating plant in hi- home. hurt, apply first aids and phone the doctor. Phone now Stories about the precocious off “Why a gas furnace at thi» late Formerly White’s Pharmacy for the remedies your medicine cabinet is in need of. spring af professors are seldom date. “ queried Mr. Olcott of hi» Cottage Grove, Ore. true, but usually laughable. Per friend, at which the latter replied: haps this one Is one of the worst: “I have debated in mv own A salesman rang the door of mind for some time whether I a professor’s home and little Wil could afford to heat my home with ■aaa ■■»«»»»■»■»»»■»»■■■■■»»»»■»■»■■■■■■*■■■ lie, aged five, opened the door. gas. After talking it over with "Is Mr. Jones tn?” asked the mv wife, 1 find sne has gone on SHlestnan. »trike and absolutely refuse« to I "1 am Mr. Jones,” replied five chop the kindling, fire the furnace year-old Willie wltb becoming dig and carry out a«hc« another win nlty. Then, after a haughty pause ter. She is very unreasonable, you he added: know. “Possibly yon have made a mis “As it now stands, I have to take and It Is Professor and not heat our home with gas or get a Mr. Jones whom you wish to see." divorce. After consulting with our attorney, I find il will cost me 81 cents a months more to pay for .i Quits Dlffsrsnt divorce and alimony than it will “My dear,” said a man to his to use g«» heat. As a matter ot newly married wife, “where did all economy, I will heat with ga» so j these books on astronomy come that when 1 go home at night 1 will not get ‘hot tongue’ and 'cold from!" "A ple .sant tittle -jrprfee for shoulder’." ■ you," responded the wife. "You know, dear, you said this morning HOUSE for RENT — FOUR • ROOM hou««* on south Fifth *tro«*t. Inquire we ought to study astronomy; so I bought every book I could on the . subject." »■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a It was some minutes before be spoke. "My denr girl,” he said, slowly. 'T never said wo must «tody »« tronomy; I said we must study economy I" .ludicioiis NEWSPAPER advertising makes big stores out of little ones. SCREEN PORCHES SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS Let the Air in—Keep the Flies Out Godard & Randall EVERYTHING FOR BUILDING Home trade merchants will lm\ their SALES- BOOKS from their Home Print Shoo. KNOWLES & GRABER Huxley D Kein, formerly cm ployed nt th«* Mountain State- Power office here ha« been trans (erred to Corvallis from North Bend, where he had been since be lug tr:in*(erre«l from the offic ■ here. Mr. and Mr*. M. P. Gnroutte, Mr. and Mi*. Charles Steven*. Mr and Mr*. Verne Huzeu, Mr. and Mr*. J A. Wiseman and daughter Josephine, Mi** Viola Schilling and Miss Naomi Hilton spent the week end at Winchester bay. Oregon Fire Reliaf—A most Agry. Fourteen member« of boy «rout troop No. Itl hiked up Sharp* creek Saturday nud camped out over night, returning Sunday. Member« of group No. I of th campfire girl« picnicked Sunday nt the K. D Raker homestead up Harms cre«*k. The boy «eoiit drum corps will go to Eugene Thursday to tukt part in the Fourth of July eelebr.i tion there. Mi«« Thelma Kem left Monday for Pasadena, Cal., where «he will attend the national convention of Pi Beta Phi as a delegate of th«* Cmvcr*ity of Oregon chapter. William Hand« underwent a ma jor operation tni« week at the Pa cifir Christian hospital in Eugen • Mr. nud Mr«. James P. Graham returned Monday night from th« Bohemia district, where they spent the week end at their Graogl* group of mining claim* on Sharp- creek. A little fuu is necessary to good health. Pastime Cards, snooker, pool Word ho* b.H'n received of th«- marriage June 7 at Bio Pell. Cal., of Clarence O. PeVere. a former re-ideal, to Min Clarice E. Look. The Methodist church held It- regular monthly bu-ine«« meeliug and dinner Monday evening at the tabernacle on cant Main «treet Re port- were given nt the clo-e of the meeting Member« of the Ep worth Lengue held a marshmallow feed later in the evening. Fred Wright returned la-t «eel. from a «¡« week trip in the ea»t, where he vi-ited hi* old home in Vermont. He al-o attended the general a—embly of lire l*r» .bvter ran church in the United State- held in Mt. Paul, Minn, HARDWARE Cottage Grove Oregon SaesW -IS Mac i r Kelly’s Drug Store A Hat When You Need It at a price that will move our stock regardless of cost la Oil Old Rage for New Roofs Little nve-yeur old Hetty's grand mother had received a post card front Hetty's uuut and uncle, and was discussing It with the little girl's mother. Betty overheard some conversation about their hav ing visited the Holy land and uow being Io Greece. When Betty’s father came home In the evening she ran up to him ■nd cried: "Oh, daddy I Uncle and aunt are In oil." A good roofing felt is made of rags, shredded, felted. Impregnated with tar or asphnlt sud pressed be tween hot rollers. What Really Counts After all, the kind of world one carries about In one's self la the Important thing, mid the world out side takes all Its grace, color and value from that.—James Hussell Lowell. Cover, Many Ypociea The term "Spanish bayonet” Is applied to any oue of various species of Yucca with sword shaped leaves. Naming BattleaSipa The secretary of the navy has entire charge of the naming and christening of battleships. He usu ally selects some woman from th» state for which the ship Is named to christen It. All th» battleship» are named after states, but no par ticular order is observed j GAS i The kind you use in your | car—Shell, of course. J Seiberling Tires That stand the gaff these hot summer days. Perfect Female Figure One compilation of measurements for the pel feet female figure is as follows: Neck. Inches; bust, 35 Inches: waist, '-’rt Inches; hip, 84 Inches; thigh. 20 inches; knee, 14 Inches: calf, 18*4 Inches: ankle. 8 Inches; upper arm. 10U Inches; forearm. Il Inches; wrist, fl Inches; height. 5 feet <1 Inches; weight, 133 pounds. Fourth of July National Batteries That do not mind heat S or cold. 3 Battery and Tire g | Repairs 3 ■ Everything you expect to E E find at a modern service ■ B station. ■ I 5 ! Motor Inn : i Service Station | I | Fat and Bert g Summer Clearance Salej of All Millinery Attractive summer models at bargain prices, ami at the height of the season, too. New York hats in a with* choice ot* models of attractive design and color harmony. Our price saves you money. Special display of millinery in large head sizes for matrons. At bargain prices that will astound you. All these worthwhile buys at a DRASTIC REDUCTION IN PRICE Buy Now!—We Have the Hat to Suit You New York Millinery Parlors MRS J. L. BEATTY, Prop. £ I Keni Bldg. aauiaaji »»*«■»*■* ■■a«MB«iaai»a»»*aa North Sixth Street