page THB MUfTINBL, COTTAUB GROVE ron» (Totlage (firm >mtinrl OM cigar will kill 10,1)00 germ*. going to do in th«» event he should laniimaik of Virginia If it were not for th«» smokers, Imronie governor an,I ha.I in other KataMtaM I»»*- It Old Church Tower what would this old world come to? way* given this writer the n»|We*- Pabllahad K«»r, 'H>ur»‘l»y rion that th«» la*t tin h«' wanted Tlie traveler who wnudera Into î.ltar* Had. * Ubar« Nnlth PabMalwra « alow i*. in \ irglnin, w tn m « You can’t «’Xpert to inspire con wa* M»rr«‘cy, this writvi f«'lt it un |IL.r< I)..). Ldl"" • fUleace in others if you haven't nec'saary t«» go t«» Mi. Blowvi* (I.ere the ruins of mu old brick tow an«! ask him if it would I»«' all er, aurrounde«! by n wire fence, und A fka* rlaaa public»**,'» rnlarrd a* *’*>* , confidence in yourself. taf» Iinaa »a aata*l<-»l»»» WAHar. right to give him th«» publicity Imvlug the nppenrance of an an that he *«s'me«l to !»«• «qu'iily e«»urt dent age. Au«l It Is ancient, too tl lalaaaa «Hit». •» Nnrlb HI uh BLOWERS AGAIN SPEAKS mg for It has Btm»d ou this b | h » i for Ml l*-< Kil l ll>\ H « I I - Klmv«' all thing* a candidate almost IhM yearn. It was not al ,, ,-»r ♦ • 25 Threa month» JOTS .Jun«- L’H.—(To the Editor.) I hav* ment* h«* mnki's in writing Th* wan erected It was part of a church Rii ......... »I ■ •n“1’"' *" read with profound interest, no* 'tatenunt that I H McMahan. •me of the first churches erected In Member of untuix.-d with wonder, your lengthy Tom H«nn«*tt ami B. F, I\< « HI*) America by English settler» In (lie National Editorial A»»uriati«»i» ' effusion* appearing in your own W«'T0 s.Ttì aceor«ling to you I ha«l questi.>n uow !»«‘ing COMM 1«i»re» 1 bv moved from the enjoyment of this resided in th«' pa*t thro«' year* My t houvin-i!* Of VOUth* who h?IV •* jus* of l»et'ple every year. life, iuat a* effectively remote«! son Paul was locate«! in Cottage graduati d fruiti high *ch«Hd or pre lieg.» from his family a» though he had Grove almut th re,» months. I !. pa ratory *«*hool*. ti­ning to been shot down io cold bloo«l by vided mv time betwat* that -h«: may or ma y not ha*« «' a nyt i» G» Secret of Composition an enemy, and such deaths ar«' ju*t plae«* and Eugen«*. of China Long Sought Most of my h» with on«* * sucre ** in 1life but as much to be regretted a» th«' kili mail was «lelivered at kug«'ne a* it ri nnuv hkelv u> than n.»t . e* The making of china Is an Intrl ing of prohibition officers by 1 usual. You had th«' presumption to p«< ally if «me i- fitte,l for further cate ami hmg-drawn «»ut process It quor law violators. touch ou th«' pOBsirde pronunc.a study and nu'ntal development. \ •nice required 25 different opera Th«' life of the enforcement of­ tion of my name, a nam«' that ha- colleg«» edueatiim *h«»ul«l n*»t bur» (Ions ami four w*eeks* time to make ficial is a difficult one at b« *' b«'en respectable aud r« *p« • te«l in .anyone and it is hkelv to mak«' a even the clumsy white plates whh-h Often to give the persou whom he thi* country since 1635, and th« *u«‘.-e*xful mau out «>!p a uu ‘«iiocr • are fouml In cheap restaurants woul«l apprehend a square dea1 !>earers of which ha\«‘ utter«‘.i one in later life. The finer chinas re«|Ulre the hlgh«*st Les* than one per c< *nt of \m. . . means putting his own lift* in their bodie* for “cannon fo«lder” y»*t «»f skilled latmr am! materials, ami jeopardy, but newspaper* that hav«‘ m every war in which thi* country ran men ar«' collegi' g raduaî. cent ha v «» their Jeeonill«»n Is an art In Itself beeu outspoken for prohibition an ■ ha* ever engaged, so 1 feel justi out of thi* one p« r Mnnv trie«! in vain to «Usanver th«* a rum«*: Fitly five per rent « »f our secret of the rotupositlon have never wavered because of th«' fied in resenting the slurs ««f Event It is quite true that I presidents, 36 per cent of the1 mem manner of its enforcement are now Bede. ually various attempts were attend demanding protection for i-iu*-«‘ht serve«l only un«‘ term m th«' l« g * ber* of congre**, 4 7 per r. •nt uf ed with success In Italy ami France speak« r< of th«* hou»e. r cent persons an«i are pointing out that lature. I agreed with .Iu«lg»‘ M< In 17<«!‘ a German nleliemlM imiuetl Bennett ami Ben of th«» vice president*,. 62 p r r« nt Rnettger discovered the pru«vss many of th«' killing* have been o: Mahan, Turn pcr*ons being pursue«! and not by Keeney that one term w»* Miff, of the secretaries of *tnt«*. r»n p, r after years of study By the en«l any stretch of the imagination cient and was not a candidate' for crut of th«* !‘f«T«*tai u * of th«' Irena of the Eighteenth enturv Germany could it be claimed that the of­ h‘.’> •‘.«■n. Strang«* .'** it BMkY '• «':: urv, 69 per cent of the justices had not less than seventeen | h .( to you I resigned the judgeship the supreme court. ficers shot in ‘•elf defense. terh'S. h was. however, the rirl of Hood River county after having We have had these killings ever ental ami East ludlau c«»tii|uinle* been electe«l with only two vote- BLUE MOUNTAIN cince prohibition enforcement *tart that pla«*ed the « harm of chinaware ed, several even in Oregon, but it cast against me in the entire coun which f»»r centuries was so rare (Special to th.« Sentinel.) took the killing in quick *urr«•*<.* n ty. 1 had business of my own that that only prim*es. kings or nobl*'* require«! attention. .Tuly 2—Mr. an I Mr*. could |M‘ssvss a piece of It, within of Henry Virkkula at lutrrnati«*n Some of you people s«^m to b*» Barker «»f Cottage Grove v.*ited the mtmuon reach of the average al Falla*, Minn., while returning obsessed with th«' idea that no on« Thursday at the John Palmer home from a pleasure trip with his family. is competent to servo th«' peopl« ranch. family; the 'hooting in th« DeKinu in an executive» capacity unless th* Mrs. Carl Tonole of ^ ’ iniau ha* family at Aurora. Ill.; the death can lolate has serv« -i several term- returned home to '•pen I the Fourth of J. W Hendricks. student Leprosy Fearful Scourge Mr. Ton«»l«* w«-ni Abington. Ky., to bring realization • onlv 4<> «lav* in two vear* in th«’ with h ome folk* During the Middle ages no that there is need of a different !eg!*la ture. I believ«» ther«' are per to San Frau« -.’«» to hav« hi* ton He will arrive here scourge vvns so widespread ns lep class of men in the law enforce haps on«' thuusau«! men in Oregon sils remove«!. rosy. ‘There were s«»iue 19,( bm > meut forces ami for a differen* who have never serve»! on«* term it» later. Lee Dugan and *«>n I.»'«» an.l lazar houses scattered over west class of persons on juries before either th«' legislature or the pent ern Eur«.pe. neurly 1UU of them be \ . ris left Bunda whom murder cases of this kind tent in ry who ar«* qualif «»•! to mnk One occu­ competent governors, and I believe fur California, wk«*r«* thev w ¡1 ing In Great Brltnln. ar«» tried. pied the site of St. James palace, that the voters are in the mom! to vi*.t at the HaroLI Dug an honi«*. Virkkula, driving near the border elect *u<-h a man. and the dates of their foundation Mr. and Mr*. Ma. Tomde ami on his way home, was suspected 1 realize that a cont«‘*t for th« Mr. and Mrs. Albert Laura*’- r ami covered a perk»d from ItKHi at Can by federal enforcement officers terbury to 1472 at lllghgate. governorship is not I m » v * ’ play, 1 • who ordere«! him to stop. H«- mis expect opposition from men who The disease diminished with re pi«*nic at Boswell spring* Sun lay. took the officers for robbers and are fighting for th«*ir politica’ Mr. ami Mr*. Charlie \ll n an 1 markable rapidity during the next endeavored to make a getaway. lives. I have hesitated about mak children are visiting at th* .1 >hn century, though the reason still Is That wa* the action to be e\ something of a mystery. Drastic ing a formal announcement becau-* A lieu houi«'. peeted of a bootlegger, but it al*<- of financial reasons. 1 am neither Albert'aster ha* g<«ue to segregation counted for much, no was reasonable action on the part willing nor able to buy’ the office d«»ubt, but so great a.» autliorlty us Gakri«lge to saw fur P«'rii»i Broth of an innocent person, and it i* Il is a disgrace to the state that ers. Mr. ami Mr*. Ma«* Tuuoic Sir Leonard Rogers held that (lie th«' action most innocent motor th«- op.uion i* so prevalent that .« chief cause of the vut;n«l dry’s alike that liquor law violators LAW’RENCE X’ BLOWERS frequently are dangerou* criminal* yet it would be far better that a This writer regrets that he ha* hundred or any’ other number ot so enrage«! Mr. Blower* that the them escape than that an offi< • r latter ha* pernutted himself to *ay kill one innocent person. Prohibi thing* and «lo thing* that it is ex tion is suffering by reason of these tremely indi*« reet fur a eamiidat«. unwarranted killings. for any* office tu *ay an«! du and Many basing to do with enforce are unbecoming iu a candidate fur ment of the prohibition law* have governor. This writer repeat?» that, expressed regret over recent kill regardless of t'he inexplicable mis ing*. but that doe* not bring back interpretation by Mr. Blower* ot to families th«* fath«*rs that have what this writer has written, th«* been unjustly killed, that does not publicity given the Blowers candi mete out puurihm. nt to rash-trig dacy was merely the publicity that ger officers who have snuffed out thi* writer believe«! should be gi* innocent lives without a reasonable eu the candidacy of any honest, At Mai-Marr’s you always find tin- lavorit.'. w. ll knowi excuse for so doing. upright, sincere citizen of th«* brands of foods that brine you a iruarant. <■ of qualit' Following the bootlegger an I county who might aspire to the ami value. Besides, it’s the savings day in ami .layout moonshiner is not only an extreme high office of chief executive, and >n these quality items that count a! these -hpi iidabh ly hazardous occupation at wage* there was no intent on the part of food centers. hardly commensurate with the thi* writer to draw Mr. Blower* dangers, but it is a burin«*** that into a denunciation of the legis does uut appeal to even the most lature ami it* members, no desire ardent exponent of enforceme«it of to <*au*-* Mr. Blowers to denounce law any more than mouushining newspapers ami newspapermen, nu and bootlegging appeal to those desire to cause him to it,-»',l 49-lb. name the salary that would indue« decide that he had not made up bag him to take a plae«' in the cabin«* . hi* min I to become a candidate. Mr. Blower* is really unkind in Bulk Shortening Feeling is growing against th Standard Peas saying that this writer had no war street carnival that bring- amu*«- rant to »ay that h«‘ already wa- a No 2 ment that adds nothing worthwhile candidate. After Mr. Blowers ha-l to thp pleasures of life and take* conferred with this writer *everai consul* rable cash out of every time* about that candidacy, had community visited. Salem, Hoo I explained to this writer several River and Tillamook are citi«-- times how he wa* winning sup where this kind of alleged amu*<* ;><#rt. how he was going to con ment is coming in fur criticism duct h * campaign, what h«* wa- and action by’ city councils. DIVIO). I ».« Il»«- s. aliavi > July I Th«' D vi.l«» s«»«ial «lui» met i'hu»s«lav al t 1* *-t i<>m I w» u ly foui wer«' pre*» nt Th«* i»ll« t u«»oii wa* »peni with ««*w mg Mi» \\ C Jidltisuu, Mi. .1 \ .lohiiMm, Mt* I I an»”»*l«'r. Ixnthl-**u M» Ke\noLI* «ml Xell . I'hapiitaii w* i. gUi'sl» «»I ihr «lu*». Ih'lbi.UH r<* f r,*hm«'iil * wrr«‘ *«*iv«‘*l l«y th«' h«»Mr*-. M«*i*le.l l»y Mi* \L G:yr V iu. \n \ II». M‘a w.i* l»«»rti Tu« •»■lay mortiiug t«» M» timi Mi* ll«»iiui<’ P«‘riiii I'h«» «litki ha* l»«*vu uam«*«l .Marvin Prtvr lit. G 1 i 1**10« Il fai mlv of 1 uu «I. »U *p«*ut N uii .I h v at t h«‘ 1. 1. \! . K« V uol.l * li«»m«* IV. ho r - i .i ■ B iiliU I«* I‘* i mi mil E J Nh« 1 1 aud » on w ent to < 1.1 k M* n lay uh l»u»in M llurhett of and Mi* « 1.« »W c Il vi* ite.l t.-lIn t Ì v e * her«’ Niin da v Mr* Il II Ru**«-ll r«'iurtiid w them to th«l r hoi u<> III.).. Th. • Git* i'u r nr r fn tn ilv ,.f Itln. ; K« - k an* ii «riting fríen ■1* niel icln t uk «•* her.* th** Wi­•*k Mr * II ll Ru* ni i M m h D R U»*, Il .Irove M on .Inv «•» 1 n n«*. uh. i .» Mr* Il 1 • IU....... II ). t a kiug tre:.luuni* M and Mi* <’ 1» * ha puniti cl Ug«'U«* ' prut th. w«* .k IU.1 at tk M < h apiuaii horn«' MOUNT VIEW l S|H'» ÍAÍ tu th*. S,-Ht«n« I ) i ¡ ’ V Mi «ni Mm Bam l Mink«* »p« ut i>nr evening ln*t Wt't'k vv il.’i M » ani Mi I K Rt I «t .• I. I. * Mi* Min. Sint«»ir«i»ii of Saginaw \ I Siin liv w.lli a * *t« r, Mt* ClaH'urr .l«»hn*«»u Mr. an i Mr* I '1 |l<»** arrotr panie.I thrir *ori un i the latter’• wit’«-, Mr. ani Mr* G«*m» H«»** «»f or Lard 3 lbs. Certo 49c 3 bottles 79c 2 cans Highway ll.iptiHt Chiurli I >>u< II« in* R.-iiidl«', pa*l«»r < huu li *«-li«»wl at !• I.’»; f«»r«*m»wii *«‘t\ic«’ nt II, wulijr.t, ” |*h.’ I'.iuith H. \ I I. I I'*». ’ ‘ ium«»i H > I* I’ nt o I *», hi It \ I’ I nt Hl.*» with *1« » nt.bhip «Muu m I *** ion in ilinig«*; the pi t>»r will prvnidi nt th«* union *« ivi .«» k m th,. <\«*iiiiig nt th. t'hri*t inn rhiir, h, *iil«|.*«*l, “ Tu»‘ l ight I hm \\ II X.»t C.d 1 Look for defects in u person and you will always find them—lor look for good points, and von will find lhem, too. A lot of people can’t expr«**s what they think—and too many don’t believe what thev say. ’ Take any users advice buy e Remlng- F ton Portable. Thi* ever-ready little friend contains complete sati» faction tn every feature. Call in and let ua (how you thia wonder­ ful helper And time The Sentinel '1 YPEWRI'i ER SUPPLIES ni<- cans, 2 for SHRIMP, American Beauty, Xo. 1’s 3 for 49c Clams — Minced Flat Cans 3 for Baked Beans Heinz Medium 18-oz. 49c 2 for Spinach Libby’s No 2y2 25c 2 for 35c 19c 2.U- 29C 19c 25<* 3«R. I9C Prfc»«ü* cat», HO Remington Portable STORES I ) I 11 iin .s n i- pl y yell « IÜI |ll' III) el k e i|ji k IillllS mui ilnn *1 lei e, i Hint llils is He lie'll |llll*'e hi Imve vonr films fin- islie.1 i«. n**( Hi-' r< suit« y <> u hn1 » and ’2 ’5 New Silk Frocks i'rrpe silk, spun silk and nov illy silks, sleeveless frocks fur suiniiiert inie wear an«! \ a« .i tion days. s5 ,s and »9 “ .\’<-w .«hiprncn« a 11 -wool worsted suits tailored by Way- smart styles de­ pendable quality priced M $32 50 All wool trousers $6 50 to $8.50 Just Arrived This W eek—Attracti ve Shoe Styles ■ braided leather ami sport shoes $4.50, $4.95, $5 50 strap slim-* ami pumps ill light colors, bluy. red black $3 95, $4.50, $4 95 to $8 50 Wc are Sole Agents for , Jantzen Swim Suits for mi'ti. Imys, girls, women, ehil «Iren Men’s ami women’s styles $5.50, $6.00 COOL UNDIES FOR HOT DAYS HERE Rayon shirts or pants $1 Rayon union suits $1.95 and $2 75 Athletic* unions ........... 59c to $1.35 Knit unmn. 95c to $1.45 Hoys’ ami girls’ styles $3.25 to $4.50 New Silk Hosiery for This Week (ttlier brands in wool suits $2.95, $3 95. $4 95 $1 00 Two-point ankle stockings All silk, full-fashioned ehil'fon stockings, pair $1 69 RAISINS, 4-lb. pkg. 25c SOAP, P. & ( S», 10 bars....2 39c POSTUM CEREAL—I II,. 2 oz CORN FLAKES—K' lluyu > pl for POST BRAN FLAKES ! pki-n lor MALT, Piu-ituii, 23 l ll> tin STARCH— Aiuiiizo I'orn or - izlo .s, 3 pkt's lor TUNA—Whit*’ Star Xo 1 i for CORN 20th I i ntffry. 3 lor s . h IIH* ZZ 77// Ew K(M Chui «11 of Vii riot, I’Ul U»’t *1)1.1. avenu«* atid Sixth st lout I*)h). *«‘h«H»l, U 4.’», Ch‘iii Sarff, '»uperiu trmbut; thè m«'n of this «ch«»«»l hi «* will ih«* • »liiniuuit v no u X liihl«* «'In** ih tlo* \r«.i.l«* tl««*nt»*r ut tho» h«>ui . “l’Hving th«* Fir^t lm»tull tth'ut M th«* •«ul»j«*»’l far th«* morii mg wrurslaip Itour ut I! nn«l th«* M«*rim»ii will )»«' pr«'ced»’«l by «‘«»in niutiiou; <*hri*|inn F.ii*l«*ttv «»r. 7, Union *«'rvi«»v hrr«* t»t * R«*\ I II Rmidlr, pr«*:i‘h«*r ; «'hoir prm'tir«*, < *i>*h riiu»*-l:i\ ••\« niiig, I S il r \\ «*»«• h I‘lm r*du y rvt'iimg; p»-»v «*r m«'«*ting nml w.iikcr«* cou r«•r«‘i»r«‘. W . du«** l:i\ <-v«‘timg; I G shnw, iiinii*t< r. Cluik \yd«*l«ilt. l‘rnt«*ri>xt«I VaAt'tubiy uf limi I a«i 'ir -t. a. rw*« fr«*««« s I’ »taiiui« It |*a«iur ****liilav a « ho. l al » I a tn ». r*!«-«■« at I«» 4% a n« yvunc « maalin* at 7 |- m r»An fvliati«* »»r»i.i • at H |> m marling* • *arv nitfht ai s p m m-apl M«»n4a> ami Satur«tay ragular aarwlra Titania* hitila *lu«ly WrdnraUay |-ra*ar inaaiing i'hi>r*«ia* «ervlrae with >>•« ti< proplr ,u «harter Friday, aircat nartlng Satuida* 25c 35u (Mpr.'lal li» ilia Jiilv J ‘1*1*«* U in \ml»i <«»i fumili uml tI h * I.» '»h«1 *i»d«*i-«»•• (ululi*, both of Kg» u in, Knii*. mi Mund i - r* • mug t’«»r u t W«. Il V. d IIKlIll II H II >1 Mi « vk it wiili Mi Hui. il ugh mid 1 «•.Ik- X i vim \ n.l*'t rt*m»«»n w ili !»«• * ’ < «<*-1 Featured Items Saturday and Monday, July 6 and 3 FLOUR 49-lb. bag...... $1.79 I naw < I M|.a Methovtlst Church. \V .1 M«»» « h II. > «*f • hl I* t « « -1.1. » *«>uth • r « «Olaa»* i«r«.ir I ' oiula» row. niinritt’i Nundav mot hi ng nt »I.VA tlll-lr a | i ««|* III H m w • • • «hip II • I« Io II «» VI«». k th.* pastor w *11 »1peak on a m ■« • I pl n r«* »In «ly « th«' kubject, • * I'll.* Higher t’hri* n. vrhth I»a« I.I i . ii II a I I h'i». h W . i Mi-« kiirii th'iilry «•( ILppm*r i 1 in n Lifo and How tn 1 nt-er In *1 Malo A|r»»l N(»l««r»la* ‘ialibalh h<»ol al h«*i« «»n n visit wt th»* huno’ of n w rlt’umi* Numlu v •» 4» a m * aii «|,a al II a i 1 v «’t v mi«» i*» l*« »*t i in« • lina ai . IO p m W « .In. •.!.»» «’«IU*itl, Climi»’« Cun mt, mid r* t * The 9 1 ‘i. *cho« »1 will moot nt m wing «d«l ;«| qilaiu’llll » hip > Ml> «»v «• • v ngr *rh*»« »1 ha* a pia* r fol th'Utrv I« fl lo r«» iu Iss. with lo i G R Itil i |i*»i, n I hiviig.i pullii’. I illii'i **• Immh. th»’ *"• IbiipdiiM Th. r «* will 1». * n«» «erv ir<‘ ut till* w .1« Nll«*h*d lui s I « *<| 11 it g lì-u.h rhur« h at ** u Vk»« k l»ut the cliurvh g«»w ni, ili«« w-tiiiig «•( win h l»v Will join in 1the imiun M‘r VI.«* «1 hi will» m->u»«.l th, u pi. mu ««t ‘ly |u w t il « im to relit .S«nli Rev 1 »un » the i in ut mu vhureh kis mipluver. •I*»! I Il m v Rau.ll* » «»r th«* «hui « •Il 0*11 pl ,••*. h « HrUtÌAH lei. s... . *.* I tln<-| *» «nd*_» ». r»ic al I l a ir VV . .1 n. ■«(•> r«*»il»l< I. «tl'nvtn >*>•'< lkn< ni s *>\l.».k v fi>» rir«'ulatlug liLrar) 1« .ii»intA|Hviii>»a avtiina anti «mil» tilth «liari Mllaa l*it« Ii« i p4At«n s,ni, I h » a . h< id al I«» furriiuon at II • »«’ul'iir *ar «h«* ai 1 lu Pi XV « i m».ili« «I <"» Ih orada» r**»*iug .tot.v i-*i *t u 11 t a QI Tf A I? Best Cane, 20 lbs. loo lbs. (limit) TIIUHHPAV OKKOON All silk, full fashioned service stockings $1 50, $1 95 Medium w c i g !i t bloomers Bivi ART CLATTER OX FORDS JUST NEW ‘ Brown Built” ilici li d i n g black ami brown, Scot <• h grain bather. patent, fine calf better quality styles— prices $5 50, $5 90 to $8 50 Prepare for the Fourth NOW! rayon 69c a Pair Kant Run rayon bloom ers in heavy material 95c a Pair Child's suits 59c to $1.95 RUBBER CAPS every color to match or conoast your suit 15c, 25c, 50c, $1.00 RUBBER SWIM SHOES Black, red, green nil size, for all the family A pair 75c Store Closed All Day the Fourth 20th CENTURY DIVISION -Ì M L' .Y A - n Tr F