THURHPAT JOLT », IP'JO " HDLLYWOODGIRLSCOME FOR 5ÄFE TURN DRIVE P«*rci>ntiiv,<* of AcciilriiU Haiti to Be Renuit of Fail ure to S ìkiiu I A «ifrtv «liivi* will I m » lu|;»l m Culluge •li”' •» Hu!Urduv hi * »opri Uliilfl Mil II Illi* «ll-pll I I III» lit tilli" rillin Kulit M Hiili, 'll« I III poliri* uniform, Mill w.»ik with th* pul ire. Evelyn Hunt, “Mi«» I* i "i«1' ity “ n| lliillv wood, Mill I nt charge of th** »liivi' Ml«» Hunt I» Un* h«dd«*r «if 31 |n i ‘"fiii11i s i u|H> Bini t riipliH • Mln* i • 11 .. t in i, nuI and 73 had their window* up and could not »igtiiil al ail. •’Tin» import*me ■ of Hoiking proper »igniil» i being rtgoiou«ly ■IfFMMed bv th«» truffle «lepirrtment• »•very wh«,r»*. New l**gi«bition 1» !•«■ Ing Miitti'ii hi many »tilt«* regaid mg th«* milking of proper dgnnh In « uiii *' eiliithey in Inking off "p**«'«l 1« guliilioiin III Ci'll i II ill tin*!», but i hiirgc von with r« «l;l driving if you fml lo m.iki n prop i*i "igniil before liiriiing ‘‘I firi’l mo«l every one rend, to ««Miperule nr our «nf'‘tv I n»t work Es.lVoilc «Lould help tie polict« ilepiirlint'iiU*, when you «lop to coiiAldvr how feu Iniffii offi err» you have and how mmiv nuto mobile diner» You know it i< not only the motori«»! but h I mi the pi'dcftt rum that uiu ■ iih id« nt - by not «di-'Ving thi* t niff it* low VVfi 'u on thi> h i g h w ii v - if tin v would walk oil the left wide th«* lillllllier «if lngliM II aieidcntft Mould | m » d< crenaed.’’ Mtnti»lir« »how that on-' fourth of cn»unltie» of th«* I’nlted Mint«'» ire cnUM«*«l l«v automobile nccident«, and thnt 71 p< r «-ent of automobile nrrident» happen nt Hit «*r»*-rl ion» und ilnngi rou« highway «-ui v«*< from inciirrect «ignal» Oregon Signal Laws. o h l’rn iii h (l.lii of iMl.r U Io. I« ! .. .p. »Ati«. Hafrty Orl'r ucr of the Cecil |l D«*Mlib* 1». r« 'll ulity riip rar.ving tin- “Mi»* I'« i »«•nality of H o II vmihh I” till« I.«•••*! movie fun« Mill rem«*mb« r l*«-r a- playing with l>olor«-n !>• I Km m *• Humoiin, ‘ ’ with Mary l*i« kl«n<' in “My B«*«t Git I, Milh .l-i'k <***>»gnn in • • But toil*». ’ ‘ und with Kciinoii Nnvnrro hi ‘‘II N ghf In speaking of tli’ -nf«*ty < an paign, Mi»» Hunt »iii'l, “No I ini Hilt III th*’ IIMlVir» H um I U III III I hr talkie« 1 talk every w >k I tb««»r that arc helping in th«- *nf«-tv fir«t drive» mid lot« of tim«-« talk Mith driver» that ar. car«!« ■>. al»<«u’ their driving, ntiT g»v? them u ropy of the «tale hmdlight :«»»-l • iguul law- Thi» help» prevent .* large number of accident ■- fro failure to make proper aignal» when turning or «topping In one town where I Moikr.l with th«* captain of the motor poll. w« »toppe I ear* after they « am around u corner <>f that number I!’.* failed to make a proper Mg Th«* driver *»f any vehicle upon n highway before »tailing, »topping or turning from it dirrrt line hail fir«t ««'«• that ■ u«*h movement ran io* made in «nfety mid if any pedestrian mny Io aff««t«*d l»y »urh movement »hall give m •■Irnrly HUdilde «ignal by »ouioling the horn, nn«l whenever the operation of nny other vehicle mny b«* rtf fe«-t«d by »urh movement »hull gi'»- n »ignal ii» required in thi« ar«* ti«in plainly \i»il«l«* to th«* diivvr of MU'h other vMiirl«’ of the ilitrn ti«»n to iinik«« »urh movement. Th«* "igntil herein required »hall be given cither by menu» «if th«* linn I mid nrrn m the manner here in »pecifieil, or by n mechanical ••r elr«iricn| «IgnrU device, which ha« been approve.I by th«- »«•eret iry t!*f. Whenever tin* ignal i« given l»v m« an« of th«’ hmid mid arm, th.* •Irivcr »hull indicate hi« intent ion f<i Mtmt, »lop, or turn by «*»fe.»«I mg the hind mid arm hori/oniallv from ami b«*y«»nd th«* left »ill«' oi the vehicle. Every motor vehicle «1 all I«» «Miuippi'd with a bell (gong), horn, wni'tle or other device in good working older, capable of emitting mi abrupt »ou i I adequate in quai itv rind volume to give of th«* approach of «urh vehicle to pe«|c»tnmi« mi l to the ri«ler» or driver» of animal«, of other ve hide», mid to pcr«oii» entering or liming »tree!, interurban an«l rail road car« Is« ry per »on «qwrnting a motor vehicle «l.nll «ound «aid bell, gong, horn, whi»tlr or other «lev ire whenever Meer<«ary n« a warning ««f danger, but not it Dangerous Business, Boys! THORNTOM CORNERA Many Matt End at Groaning» other time« or for any oilier pur poae. '' Vvbv I h 1 in a hurry for dmtlif (Mfwrlal Iw II«» Mrniin'1 ) Thi« qiieation 1« timely when .1 Any molor vehicle may u»e there July 2.—Mr». Mary Hmith off*«» on and attached to the body of th« I» learned that a larger number o. tage Drove vi«ite<| oa»* vehicle at the front th«r«*»f a »«g pri»on« meri th«*ir «ieath in gra«< «lav la«t week with n »laughter, Mr». J«M nal light, of a uniform • olor, t»» rro« mg r<»lli»ion« «•»• h year. The i*r»»h of h mighty iron loco Prema r/.i. In» prraerilM'd bv th«» »rrr«*tary «»I •’hull th* motiv«* again«l the com parati v«*l «tate, but In no «»vent Mr. an«l Mr» Ncl«oa of Woo« I cleet rie lump <«r bull» u •>*d in »u<h fragile body of an automobile h*« burn wrr? at th«* W A. Kein»* beco riilled thè mo»t violent form home Monday. »ignal light I««* in ex« e»» of »ix of iHltomobile ar. idrnt In an ruiidlcpow er. Mr. mb « I Mr«, (lene IP»««, neroin iMBtant, cara and human bu«li<*" are j mi med by Mr. Bos»’ parent», Mr. hurle«! from thè higliwnv when 4 Ho«» of Mona* ami Mr»., E. M tkoughlIr»« driver g<*t" in th»* path Monday for Baudot», View, left of thè «perdi ri g tram at a grade where thtv will remain over th« rro»"ing Mr» . Joe PreioM/zi ami a Fourth. “Drive eurefully arri that 141 Bleu of Frank •i»trr, Mr». Every motor vehicle, except mo thè trark» are rlrar in both In. • liebrua, went i to Eugen«* Thursday. gran* tion" beforr g'»mg over thè _ torryrlr», «iprrnte»! or driv**u upon Lylg MriAtt of Hebron wn» a th»* public highway» of thi» »tat * ero»»ing,“ i" thr urgerli appeal «»I gu?»t Muu»lay r at the home of an hall r'lubit during the pcrio-t ih«* publir «af«*lv d«*pt«rlmrnl of mn Hint, Mr». J. W Fiaher. from one half hour after -un»rt I*« vuriou» automobile • lub» Mr and Mr». T (’. Mhaw. Mr’ «me half hour iM'for«' »unri««*, und m«l Mr«. V. W Nhnw and family nt nil time« when fog or other it Driving in F oo I' b ParadiM H MbB* and Mr. aa«l Mr« (» nio»ph«ri< rondit ion« ren«ler the \ motori»t who long had a»»aile«l 4haw and family, ncr<»mjnini»*«l by operation of »ai»l motor vehicle other» for driving with glaring Mr«. Mary Mt?«, Mi-« MarybeH dniigerou» lo trnffi«* or th»* u»«* of light foiin«l bim»e|f arre»fed re E»t«*» und Ben F.»t«'» of Eug»*n**, highway«, two head lump», of »p rrntly for the »nme off«n«e motored to Winchester Munday an»l proximately equal • andlepow «-r, not He had >»«■•■ n driving, a» he ralle»l hi i»x«’»‘«< of 32 « m n«llep«»w»• i Mu-’h it, “in ii find’» partidi»e, “ mi picnicked atemt four mil?» up the 'lliey wer»* join«*»l h<*ad lump« »hall In* mouiited on uwar** that he wn* an offender river from there at Winchester by Mr. nn«l Ml. the motor vehicle nt the front hiniM-lf He had relied on the thereof adjacent t«» and at each original headlight t**-t certificate Muriel Doolev and children mi«! Mi»« Cole of Day» (‘reek. »ide of the rudiatur an»l •«» that which rama with the rar. Mr. and Mr». Jm* J’reniazzi and the center» thereof, when measure I Hi» trouble wu« that hr hadn't from th«* »urfarc upon ution which th«* bother«*«! to te»t the light» to »••«* little «laughter Joanne left Matur ili noi b«* !••«• whether the jolt» and »tre»»ew ot day evening for Lo« Pluma», ('al., i vehicle »lurid», will not In» to vi»it with fríen«!« until after than 21 in<*h«*» nor mure than óo th«* road» had pot them out th** Fourth. inche» above »u<*1i »iirfare, and »<* for ||». thnt the entire heud lamp or Mny J im * Tonole, who had l»e»*n in th« Many motori»t« are driving in move«| tile «a me “fool’» paradi««*, “ be veteran»' hospital in I'ortkm«! for part thereof can not t»<* wheli the vehicle i» in motion to rating the other fellow for glaring t»*n «lay», returned to hi« home Mat rai»e the beam of light m a |M*r light« wrhrn their own are ju»t 4» urday Mr. Tonoh* h.*i«l expectr»! petidirular po»ition above the level bad. It i» merely u matter if to uri<l?rgo an operation for goit«-r of the renter of the lieri«l lamp; t houglrt le"»nr»« (Jet them t?nt«*»l but it wn« derided he rouid lx* »itch h**n«l I miii J»» »hall «how white frequently nn«! you’ll know they’re relieve«! in»txa«l by treatment. or «dear light* viailde at lea»t •‘»IM* right. Mr«, (’arl King and rhil«lr<*n ot feet or more in advance of »aid Toledo ar? vinitiug Mr.«. King*» vehicle, an«l every motorcycle «hall gran«lmoth?r, Mr«. Dun Beck. Hibbing on Carl a Bad Habit hav«* mounted oh the front <h«*reof ( liil'lrt'ii «houbl be «*uution<-d fr • Mr. and Mr«. Albert Tonole nrnl at l»ti"t « mi «* head lump Heu«l quenlly fig.-iiii»t the prartire of children of Pa»» (’reek canyon vi« lamp« «h*ill be prewumed to comply hitching on automobile« and truck». itrd Munday with relative« here. wltfl Ihi» »er t ion if they comply Mr. and Mr«. J. W. Franci» of Boy« on biryrh*» moat often requirement« iiolrit« tin« rule, it i» believed, ami Lorane were Sun«iay dinner gu?»t» with the pr«*ceding a n «1 limitation» when the vehicle even if they are experienced in of Mr. and Mr«. J. W Fiwher. day vi»itor» at the Charlo« Trent upon which they an* affixed i» the habit it i« prove«! that the n«k Mr». I aj I u Whit?, Mr». Nellie home. fully londed. they run i« great. Another btiu D«* Arntamont and Claude Mpenrrr Mr. and Mr«, Pete Tonal? went feature, however, i« thnt the «mall of Coburg. Mr an»l Mr« William to Portland on«* day laat week. Edgington and Mr. und Mr». Jam?- •*r boy« emulate the example of ft Mr- M M. Tiaon »pent Mund'»;. Mien of Cottage Grove were Mun o I drr loy«. ' with Mr«. F. f‘. Führer on C oba I Watch Your Step 13 Quart Pail 48c 2 Bamen Electric Plates $3.98 Camp Axe 98c Pottle Caps 21c per (¡ross Sunkist Fruit Reamer 29c And Others Just as G cmx I Come iu and Look Them Over J. A. Wiseman Hardware Marshall-Wells Associate Store No. 543 Spot Lamp, Auxiliary Lamp. lln* term “‘.|»ut lamp” or “aux ibarv lump,” u* u««*l herein, Miall deuote nnv light «»n a motor vr hielr, th«* rnv« of which are pro jrrtrd forward, ricept h«‘a«l lamp", parking light" an»l «ignal light«. Any motor vehicle may be equipp'd with not to exceed three »uch lamp", nut more than two of which •hall be lighted nt any time, of not to exceed 32 can«ll?nower each, except thnt a motorrycle «hall no’ lie equipped with mor«- than on«» ■urh lamp. Every lightr«l "pot lamp nr auxiliary lamp «hall >»e so aimed and u«rd upon n|q«ronrhmg •inolL'r vrhich* thnt no portion of th«* b»*am therefrom will be direct ly to the left of u point rrpr? »rnted by th«* nxi" of th«* vehicle to whirl- it i" attached, an! not to exceed l<H feet in front thrie of; provided, that any »pot lump or auxiliary lump confrolle«! by the •terring m«*chani»in of th** vehicle or attnch**«l to «urh vehicle in » manner that th«* light therefrom he direrte«! parallel to th*» nxi« of tie vehicle ‘.hall be equipped with th«* «mu»* d**vicr» applicable tn h«*ad lamp« an»! regulated accord ingly, »uch «pot lamp or auxiliary light tn be attached to or iijxin the vehicl«* not higher than th»* h**4«l lamp« nor lower than 1M inche« above the »urfar.e of th«* roadway ujnin which th«* vehicle »land". In a number of «tntr» traffic of firm und police departments hat.* I m *» n ordered to arre»t moton-d- who fail to mukr nrruratr »ignal«. Many coili«ioii* are the dirrrt re <»ult of failure to «ignal, according th»» record« of automobile club» throughout the country, alni the thi« pro arrmt» of violator» of vision of th<* law ran be exp»*ct«'d to reduce the number of fatal a«’ I ridentw. Before turning driver» «hotibl not only «ignal iu a man tier thnt i«* plainly visible to other motorist** who would be affected by the inovriiH*nt but thi« <i «hotild be given continuously <lur mg the la«t feet travvlril I >>.■ fore turning. ---- 1— Courting—Disaster! WE ARE OFFERING A NUMBER OF SPECIAL VALUES JULY 1st TO 15th Oregon Headlight Laws Poor Signals Cause Accidents. —— — —r fork, while Mr. Tiiion worked with a crew of men on th«* (’nlifornia Oregon power line. M r». G. I*. Miller of the Grove vUited Monday witn :i daughter, Mr«. Pete Tonoli. Dragoni Done Away With “There are rm ilmron«.” «» li ir Ho, the ange of Chinatown. "The flre-hre ithfng motor ear la now re zarded with humhle tenror."— Waahlnirton Stnr. 1 - > In Case of Accident or Trouble OUR Safety First AAA “Honest Goods and Honest Weights It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s Service Car We have all the small things it takes to make a BIG PICNIC DINNER Is Readv to Answer Calls Instantly RAINIER BREW ORANGE DRY “The Thirst Quencher” Rainier Quality—Large hottie Sturges Garage 15c 20c Where Ninth Hits Main DEVILED MEAT POTATO CHIPS Lirge Can, 3 for Small (’ans, 6 for ONE FRIEND TELLS ANOTHER Always make the proper signal when turning into or 25c 25c RIPE OLIVES 9-oz. Cans 12-os. Jar 18c 29c SWEET PICKLES NAPKINS ............ 25c 43c across a traffic lane, and thereby help prevent occi- dents. 3 Paekasres 25c Fancy Green Olives Pint Jars Quarts 40 Clotlnveave Napkins 10c Gray’s Maplkist Mayonnaise, pint Rainier Malt, light or dark, can Always give the full stop signal in front of the Qual ity Market and avoiii further danger by buying your Care Urged. meat there are Statistic« »how thou-iiiid« hurt each yrnr ju«*t because motor i»t« .-ire Currie«« about^igQfcb»- To > inanv driver» suddenly open a door or "tick out n hand anil immediate ly withdraw it thinking thnt »uch a movement i« it »ignal. If thi- movement i« seen bv a d^fer it indicntr«i «onirtking of rour««*, •onirtimrs it only mean» thnt thi* driver i« knocking a»he* off of hi» cigar or cigarette, or ninylw* a real rutatr agent (Miintiug out to a proMprct a houxe for rent or a lot for «ale. All niotori«t» are urged by public snfrtv department» to «ignal properly nt all time« for the nnkr of safety, not only to them- «elvr», but to other«. M inwograph Stencils linci Quality Market Phone 53 Fred J. Anderson, Prop. Phone Free City Delivery 711 Main Street Free City Delivery Used Cars! Sell- Have Your Car Equipped With The 1928 Chevrolet Sedan SAFETURN SIGNAL Look Out For The Youngsters »A— — - Run 8000 miles. Looks like new, 90% new rubber. Must be seen to be appreciated. Carries the 0. K. tag that counts. Is operated by vacuum from the manifold—Control mounteti on .steering post—Electri cally illuminate«! when extended—No wires or pears to pull- Drive with windows closed both hamls on wheel. 1927 Chevrolet Touring Thoroughly overhauled by us. We know it’s right. $120, balance easy terms. Rain or Shine—Day or Night 1926 Chevrolet Sedan Ornamcntnl when not being used—The Sat'eturn Signal is a guaranteed product.—(’an be seen from the front, the side and the rear of the auto—Shows a red light to the rear — Shows a green light for a right haivl turn and amber for a left. The Safeturn Signal is installed on the under side of th«' visor. Th«' Safeturn can be installed on any make of automobile. In first class condition and lias lots of transportation left. With our 0. K. tag that couts. Other makes at real reduced prices. Come in and look them over. LET rs DEMONSTRATE TO YOl The Sat'eturn signal is now recognized by the state as a new sub stitute fol* the <»!<! hand signal Cottage Grove Motor Co. NELSON MOTOR CO. JACK MAULDING, PROP. L