* — NOTIUM Noli«'« 1« lirreby fclvan ili*! thè Amari «au Kailway Kepi«*«« «uinpauy a tuia v»are cui poi a(l<>ii h««t>tofui** « ug«g«d Ih th« eeptawa buaiiieaa in tha Ml«|a uf l»r< gnu liaa « •>•■• ti Hi« I i «n«a< Iluti uf «urti Lualllaaa |u Belìi alala and «laalr» » lu *ilh«lr«w Ila « andai Ihcrefrm«« All |»ri «una havlng i Ialina agalual a«|d eapieae «••mpany ara requeated 1« III«* ih« aam» • Uh aaid «'uiuitanv al Ita ufd> a al /<> W«a|ern II miti A Muiigaga building Pori land Oregon, and fuiward a duplicale tharaof io lite Miai« Treaaurer al Mal«ni Oiigoii wllliln al« liiunlha tiuiu Apili VA luvu ih« tirai date uf publlnaltun o| Itile nuli« e Il II MMIIII •7B u:il« Nuper Inleu «leni National bank buil'Hng Collage Gruvx Gregna The terms uf sale are as fol Iowa ellhrr «ash in hatol i«r pari cash au«! pari credit, d»*frrr»*«i paymania lu •Iraw interest al th. rale uf uighi (M) oar ate of iael publica* llun July Alt» IW’JU WOR I’ll It ARV) AND II) l( liy.RT ) A k I N I «e. Hiera uf the I sal Hill and II ‘ ' of Juhr Caroline Madsen, jn<) jly 4 Deceased notici : or siipRirr s sale on EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE ROTI» I OF MALE GÈ GDV ) l(NM) N I ’IIMHEH Getteial Land Office Ws-lilng lui» I» C May II lu.il Null'o Is her» by given thai aubjeci to Ihr i-oiiditi«nio and liinllaiiuho of th«* a« la ut lun«' u I Win II«» Mat ’IN) Feh» nary “ I” I'« 14“ Nial II7W) Jun.* I lu •“ (41 Nial (5M). and departmental regulalluna uf April 14 19*24 ( •“ I D Um ihr Ilm ber un the following lands will I»« -<■'1*1 luiy N |U,*U al I“ u rluik a lu h I pub Hr aurtlun at thè I nil» «I Nlal> a lamí « f fi«v al Kuarbuig Oregon, tu lhe high« at bidder at nut lees thou the appraised valua as shown by this ««utl*«- sal* to L» oubjecl Io (he ai>uro*al «>f llu «••relaii uf lhe Interior The purchase price Willi au additional suiti <«f ••(««- fifth of un«- i • > ■ ent ihvr«M>f being comii«lool«»na allow» d luusi be deposited al time of oal» luun- » lu be •«’turned If sale io u«*t approvi«« otherwise paloni will laauo fur ih> tlmlu r which must be rwtnuved within ivn years Hida will bo received finn« citisene <>f II • Cull» 4 Niales, aasoi tallona of sut i» C|(| sens and «urporalluua urganised under the laws ut lile Inilcl Niales ur an) Míale, ferrllory or district lh*-r»««f »»nl> I |MI|| appli' Silun of a qualified imr«hae> r lhe timber on any legal aubdivlalun will ba uffered separately befare being lu rinded in any offer of a larger unit Ì Iti N K I W Mor 17. MW % •) % rei fir 525 M T IW M l< J W Nec 29 117“ M I ni \ NE ‘a NF.\ NF. % red Hr H7o "J •. .i eudM red fit Kilo M hemlu. k Ä<> M Mee 9. Lot 3. 4“ M. T J» N l< 3 V M H 5 W Me. ted Hr I'U pe» M for lhe red Hr and red cedar (I ver M fur lhe Kemlui h and 7 -' -“ pc» M lor lhe yellow Hr, T 2U M K I W Nec 5. Lui 5. r ted fir 1500 K v NW \ M. '< red fir 3«5 M ML % NW \ red fir DIM) M T lit N l< nW Nec 17 NE % NW‘4 r«d Hr 40“ M. red I n i< -, > Mea. 11 ..dar 15 M * NE •< NE E •» h yrlluw tir .*“5“ M hemlock ASU M fed i-- edar io M. ML'* NEU >rl i - « • ■ M hemioek W5 M. MW % yellu- fir ‘J75O M hemlock 7““ M uuue uf the timber uu (bese Br» lions tu be sold fur leas than fll 7 5 pr» M fur the »rd fl» 71 5ii per M fur the »• d cedar ai>4 I.h au. *., N* '? , red fir 1240 M aun» of ths timber UU lit' ira« acclinis to bs suld fur l»SB than per M fur th» red and yeito» fir and fl I«r ’ll fai Ih« rd I..lai an.i hsmloeh I J N R I W . Nec j.-, NK'A NW *4 yellow fir I’JOO M red cedar 3<> M. nona uf the limbe» “U this ser||on |o bs sold fur lese Ihan fl **U per M fur the yellow fir and fi p<» M for tha red rodar I’. 27 H K I.* W Nsr 23 NEW NW's red fir 750 M, NW ‘ a NW *a red fir 1 <>•♦•» M M '< NW>< red fir 1300 M NW '4 NW % red fir I dou M NE'4 NW‘4 red fir limu M NW, NW red fir tJ(»O M NF. MW*# red fir 1400 M NW' red fir 2 000 M • ed fir 7B0O kt wh NF. *4 red fir 1.000 yellow fir 11OO M. Hg U red fir inou M while fir 15u M NE % red fir l.’oo M »hile fir 2 5u M yellow fir 2.UU0 M N> NW % white fir 2U0 M yellow fir Jioo M hemlock loo M NK*. “E'Á red tir 190(1 M while fir 15u ki N w L NF. *4 red fir 1200 kl white fir 2 50 M yellow fir BUO M hemlock I0O M NE‘4 NF. yrilow fir 2200 M hem lu. k IOO M. NW >w MF while fir l(N) W yellow fir 7 400 M. NEW '< while fu i ' U yellow fir 1475 hemlock 7fl M ME*. NW\ While Hr p. 1 \| fot Iba « - -1 -rial fir and wkjle pine and 50 cento per V r r » * . ’ . i a I . -s l< I l \\ Hec 21. n E>4 NW‘\ yelluw Hr 500 M NW *4 NV5 »4 yelluw Hr 2 '» »0 M. red fir 400 M, heiulock 75 M. red ceder ’.’5 .M NW‘4 MW'4 yelluw fir J45() Al red ..dar ì' M Whlte fll > M '■ NM --I llM tlinbrr un Ibis saclion tu l»e eold for le«s t • i, ? , > ' ’ tir fi Su per M far Ih«* red rodar and :.(• cento per M f«»r thè hrinlock an.l »bile fir rtlON C IIAVKLL. ANih,’ t uniailislonrr mflO j*J7c NOTICE OF SHERirr'8 SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE Nutlra la harrby gl«»n that by virtu« uf an •-■»■eulion and order uf «al« In fore rloaur« la«u»d out uf th« circuit court uf Lan« county, Oregon, on the J4th day of May. lV2w in «aid court, the* Facifl« Ma* Ing« A Loan aaaocialiun a Waahington rorpomtlon r«ru*«rad ju W M< Kinnon and P«arl« • McKinnon, hit wlf« and I < rr. ii Vulft Pinning Mill company, a corpora ll<*n fur th« aim« of Eighteen llundrr.’ tarty two and RO/IOO (flNt.* HO) l-ul iara and Intaraat thereon al the rale of )Or; per annum from September I. 1V2H MM f» r 1 bn f • r r t.• t g M of I !• ' > n au l no/100 (flil OU) Dollara and for the furtliwr aum ndfnd nml ■ (•200.00) 1».Jlarw aa a t. a s. ns 1.1.- at torney'a frr and for th« roata and dia buraeiueiita uf thia suit and said riecu- lion tu me directed commanding me In the name of the state of Oregon, in order tu aatlafy «aid judgment. Inter««!, alter Ury'a fees costs of suit «nd accruing costs, tu sell the following described real | I j rrt . I., wit Beginning at the southeast corner uf lot ten (10) In bk»ck fourteen < 14) according to tha attended map of Springfield l.ane county. Oregon, said |»olnt being tha Interaectlon of the west line of Second street with the north line uf South !> street in said town uf Springfield. running thence north along the west line of Hacond afreet fifty (50) fret, thence •west ninety (90) feel, thence south fifty (50) . feet, thence .. east un the north line of Nutith D street ninety (WO) fret Io Ihr piari« of beginning fitly feet __ of lot ____ ten being ths south ___ , ___ ____ (flfl) tie) and th« cast thirty _ eight _ th f^ty (5(>) fret feet of the south fjdfy (50) f«ct of lot nine (W), block blocn fourteen (14) original plat of the extended survey. In Springfield, l.ane county, Oregon Now therefore, in the name of th«* Plate of Oregon, in compliance with the said eurciition and order of sale, and In order to satisfy said judgment, including Interest, attorney's feet, costs and a«' crulng costs. I will, on .Saturday, the 7Vlh «lay of June. IW2W, nt the hour of uno o'clock in the afternoon of said day. gt the southwest front door of the said county court house In Eugene, Lane county, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, nt public miction, subject to redemp tion ns provided by Inw, nil of the right, title, mid Interest of the snid defendnnts. 1» W. McKinnon and Penrle <’. McKin non, and all persons claiming by. through ur under them or any or either of them. In and to the «1»id premises. n.XO jn27 II. L. ItOWN. Sheriff of l.ane County, Oregon. EXECUTOR*S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY llndar «utliorlty of an order granted by the county court of the County of Lain*, Mtata of Oregon, dated (lie 4th «lay of eiecutors .lune, 192V, the underalgnad will s««ll at private Hide the following den «■rlbed property belonging to the astate of Julio Caroline Madsen, defeated, to wit: PAHCKL A: Lot No one ( 1 ) ih black No four (4) In l>. G Me­ Earland'a fiist a«li» to . Cottagi. Grovn Lana county, Htate of Oregon. PARCEL It The rant (14 feel) fourteen feel of lot No. three (¡1) of block No five (5) of .1 II McFar iand’a addition to Cottage Grove. Lane county, Oregon, together with the building on the lot hereby con­ voyed and th« use of the stairway In said building Th« salo will b« made on and after the Nth day of Jitly, 1929. and ««Id pnr oals will b« sold separately; and bids for each parcel will be received at the office of Herbert W Lombard, Att irncj’, Fl: t Nolle« Is hereby given that by virtu» of an reti'uiiun an'! order uf sale lii fur* • loaur* la«u»d out uf the ilreull «««uH l.ane luuiiiy Oregon uii Ihu *Uth day uf May lu.u In a suit wherein on the 9th day til Autll |u?u In aald court, th* plaintiff r'iureiMe M<'Muiiiin, recovered Judgment against the <1. fmdants 'I humaa t'ruwley and L l»a*la f*«r the aum of light lluiidlxl and nu/l<>O (••UU,00) Dollara, tugetlier will« Hit« rest thereon al th** rale uf seven per «ent (7"i) per an num from and after tha /th «lay of Ian . ary |u.’7, and the further a»nn of Ou« Hundred and n«». too t||oooo) Dollar* aa a reasonable attorney fee. and fur her costa and dlabuia* mcnla h«reln and said es»« utlun to me directed cum ma nd Ing mu In the name uf Gu* Ntat* uf Oerguii in order to saiiafy aaid judgment, lnl>i*-t attorney a fees rusts i»f suit and «ecru lug coats tu aril the following d«arrlb*«l real properly, to wit The north half uf lhe nor'liwril «luarter of ar«||uu three luwnahlp I<> south uf range sis west of the W lll«ltielle itierldlaii also the south west quarter of the southw-st «|uar t»-r of section 14. luwnahlp 15. south '•f range sis WMl W M u< . <.r I Ing lu lhe government survey there- ■ f Now, I here turn. In the name of II«« Ntat« of Oregon In «’unipliauce with the said esecullun and order uf sale and in order to aatlafy aald judgment Including luli r< l allurney'a free, coats of suit and accruing coals, I will, un Saturday, th* t'lh day uf luiy IW2W at the hour of I u'rlmk in the afternoon ut said day. at the aoulliweal fruht duur ul the said «uitnly «uurt huiiae In Eugene. Lane *uunt> Gregor« uff< r fur sab- and sell fur * ash, al public aurtlun subject lu redemp Hoi» a« provide«! by law all of the right title aiid interest uf the aald defendants Thumaa Crowley and L l»a*la and ail person» claiming by. through ur under them ur auy ur either uf them. In and lu the aald premises II 1. ItOWN. |n»-jv4 sheriff uf l.ane t uuuly Or*- ADMINIMlRATOR’S MALE OT REAL PROPERTY I adrr authority uf an urdrr granted by the ruunly rotiti <>f Latir county Nlatr ut Orrgiib datiti Ihr 4lh day uf lune lw.*w ih»> undersigned administrator will sell al |>rlvate »al» on an>l after (hr Mln «lay uf luiy |l»;'M tu ihr highest bidder Ihr following described property belong Ing to thr usiate ut Mary A M« ■i'ortnh a, «I* < rased to »II Lol twu (Ji rkrrut Ihr east 50 frrl thereof in block fl*«- (fl) «•( I* •* M-tarlami a third addition lu Ihr • ily of <‘ullage Gruve. Lane ruunly, stair of Oregon 1 r. i. HM -f • M*b •• ft B**« • Either « aal» In hand ur pari cash and part rrrdil, deferred payments lu draw Inter eat al nut Iraa Ihan aeren (7) per rent per annum and the unpaid balance to hr aerurrd by firnt mortgage «m Ihr ahora described pr« miara, and all subject tu the apprural of ihr ruuaty cuurl of ¡.an* unitili Siale of Oregon Dalrd and lira! published thia 0th day <>f June Iw.'u Dale of laet publication July 4th. 19.’9 J II MrCOKMHK Administra tor ut the Estate uf Mary A , 1 > i '■ I 1 ' ’ Ì 1 ■ « a » ■ d T- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Mealed hide will be received by the board of dlrertura uf arhuul dlatrlrt No 4’ < ullage drove, l.ane ruunly Oregon, until s mi u'rlork p m on July II. tW'.’W, fur the erection and completion of a four room a*lditl'>n to ihr preaent < rntral grade arhool building to be located <>n the preaent arhool alte according to plana and aprcif».ationa No Wo7A •a prrparrd by < N Freeman Company, 712 Wrath erly building Portland Ore Hida »III be received on a gmrral run tract and will be publicly upened and read al the lime above mentioned In th«* < nltage Grove high arhool building All Lida to l>>- on forme furnlahrd* bj <’ N Freeman Company and are to be mailed or delivered to Wurth llarve, dark of echool dlalrict N<> 4'«, CnlUg Grove l.ane county, Oregon Drawings. ape< ifl< attune and bid forms Freeman may be aeiured fru-n C N lumpany and Worth llaivejr, clerk of •list ri. is. « A rerllflrd check or bidder a bund for 5 per rent of the amount of the bld |»a) able lu aald eaid districi diatrlrl. nmal muai accompany a A deposit ehr« check k uf filtren ea< h bid bld (fl*, (Ml) dollars Is rr«|u|rrd b) > a«b con tractor for the safe return of the draw Inga and spe< ificatluns The Behind board Traer* *-s thr right l>> rejrct any and all Hida. Ily ur«i> r uf lhe aald school diatrht So i . l.ane county Oregon N E Gl. A MM ( 'hairman WiiRTII HARVEY NOTICE or BOND RALE Notice Is hereby given that sraleJ bids will hr received by thr undersigned until ihr hour of N o’clock p m on the 11th ■lay of Jul» 19J9, and immediately then- aflrr publicly opened by the district sihtxil board of school ilialricl No 4'» I.arti count) Oregon at high school building in thr City of Cottage Grovr, Oregon for an issue of bonds of said school district in thr amount of t.-n thou­ sand dollars (fllO.(><'<)), said bunds tu u« dalrd August I. I*i "> and to mature ««■rlally In numerical order at thr rate of |W(> on the first day of August in each of the years 19.10 to |W49 inclusive, subject to redemption however, on Aug net 1 H»:to and on any srini annual con pun dale thereafter, «aid Honda to bear Interest at the rat« of alt |*r cent (<»•". ) per annum payable semi annually, prln cipal ami Interest payable al thr office of th«- county treasurer of I««nr county. Or« gon Hida must be unconditional and ac companlrd by a certified check in thr I Thn approving legal opinion uf Messrs Teal, W infrre McCulloch A Mhuler will hr furnished the successful bidder Thr board r«'»rrvrs Ihr right to reject any and all bid« WORTH HARVEY. Clerk uuii i \ i 11. > ( ..I t «' i 11 Hig Objection It hn<1 been it tiring ca«e for everybody concerned. The plaintiff and I lie defendant were Isitli alow wilted, and everything had hud to be explained to them at least twice ••Do I underetnnd, my man,” said the inn gist nite at one point, ••that the defendant hurled Invectives al you?” The plaintiff scratched his hend tjlhlly. Then a look of understand Ing dnwntd In Ids eyes as he re plied: “No, sir, to tell the truth, It was only bricks he threw at me; but what I complain about wns the terrible way he swore at me when they missed I” Beauty Made by Duet D uh I uud ««nd contribute to the benuty of tlio akh-s. Infinlteslmnlly short waves of sunlight would pour down merely ns white light, but for the dlmlnutlvo dust motes that got In the wny and sift out the component colors, from collet to red. And even when the colors are brought Into existence they would stream on through the at­ mosphere end Into spnee If the nil hut Invisible wider droplets did not huddle together and hold them for the world to see.—Nntlonnl tie ogrnphlc Society Bulletin. Th« Limit Judge—If, ns you ndmlt, you were three tulles awny digging po- tntoes when this tnnn was arrest ed for ■peedlnf, how can you tea tlfy that tha car was going nt the most oaly 20 miles an hour? Sambo—Jedge, Ah used to own dot caahI Nearby News LONDON ( Np« < lai tu tha N«nGl»»i ) J ini«’ 2"» Mr. nu«l Mr« J W Th«irn wen* ‘liniirr gii«*«ta T uchi I iv «•Vi'innu uf Mr uti'l Mr« .h»«* Brook Associate reverently, and aa auch as you can, with your loftiest thoughts. DIVIDE I mi rt. t ’hurlmt Pow.’ll of Hlark Butt»* ________ ‘l tin I ss»*» eon«*b Friday. pur<*ha«t* Mi«« Gladys Y»’arou« of ('«dtug** Grov»* i« staying this w»*» wrrk ’k wilb will* (Mpeclal tu Iba Menlinel ) Juui* 27. II H ifu««<,ll, who i« •*mploy(*(| ut Lowdl, w|N«al Fri’ld v night ut hi» lioim* hur«'. Mr- William Thom \l i fi ii i \i i < |> i bn puut I, prill Mini Ml«« Berni«*»* Thorn wi'iit tu Eugunr Monday Io register »lay til Bin« k Butt»» with u «i«trr, für th«* Aiitiiiiiur M*asiou ut F. of Mrs Orli I Idy O. uiul ihovu ‘1 Tueuinv to Eugrn« Ralph Ihnlh of hlarkbultr nnd Mr- 1' \l ('hnpiiiau ai-roiitpuui« «I i'layton Townsend him ot th«* wu»*k theiii Mohday und with Mr. Il«’nth's mother nt Mr» K. 1’ M< l(«*ynolHl«, who un Ri-ud *port. Illi «well Til« -day Io Eugene, Mr New ton’« unci»’, A M N»*w w hurv die i« taking treatment», ton. They wen* ni,<,onipmii«,‘l horn« Mr uud Mrs. I. J Shell ami by their «laughter, Mias IL Ien, who fit in ily of Oakland, i*nl., arrive t visiting here. had b»*»,n Wiolnuvaday rvunmg for n vi«it at Mra< Bert Mefiea of Wenatchee, thu boin<* of Mr und Mr-. Hlodl ’ r, Mrs Nttncv Wash., and her molber. «laughtur, Mr« Bonmu I’er i hi. Sui burin nd uf Lornu»’, uri* visiting Th.* Ridiurt K«*nady fuimly reiät I v»*»« here this w«M rk th«* J B. Lun« u«t«*r family f pi** Ivan Alieene and «•liildrun Mr« mrkr.l ut Bluu Mountain sin Huipluy Munday •spent Thursday in (’ullage Grov«* Mr«. K. L. McKaynold» und Mrs. Abet'ite’« mother, Mrs with «Inughtrr Kalhh-**n atlrndrd Kalhluuu ttttundu«! thu Flora Hmall. l’ow»*ll r«*union fit Turner Sunday Newton wn« pleasantly ( >s»*ar About loo w«*rr |irr*«*nt , f ............ We«lnea«lay “* *_ ‘ lv evening when surprised Johnny Muatmhrtti of Cot lag* lilllltlier of hl» high Heliool clas- Grove w»*nt to Eug»*u«* Tu»*«*lay to mntus rnme in to help him cole a hospital for tr«*at ment. Hi-« brate hi« eighteenth birthday iu mother, Mr» I’ete Montar h«*t t i, i He received »» number ni versar/. aiatrr, M r« Harry Mr Doh*, un* I of present». Mr«, Mo«t.*i<*hett i h<*«*ompanii- Monday uvrning in <’<»ttagu Grovu trip Wednesday to Lowell und <>uk Julian Hmall «uffur»*d mi attack ridge. of np|M*ndi«*iti» Friday night. Sir. and Mr«. Dan Dugan vi«ite<* Mr« Thoma« Fostrr Foster wau railed Thoinn» Munday at th«’ home of their »on, to I.nt hum Friday 4»y by th»* ill»«**» Lr.* Dugan of Wahlen. of her inoth«*r, ♦tr« Grant Field». Mm H H ‘ Ru««e]| and children M r». F«’rn Tracy and chiMren of wern in a motor accident Hunday t’otfagu Grovp a perit Kumlny at the n»*ur Oakridge, Tin* Lee (.’ran h<>rn<*. Mr. Tracy J im * Bro<«kbart home rar in which they were nd juinc'l thum in the «vanitig aft«*r mg collided with u California car fighting fir«' nt thr \V<>ottage (Irove with nn uuclr, Claud»* At»e«*ne Mr- Glen Banton «pent Wt’.lnc« her day in Cottage Grove with mother, Mr« .1. M. Longfellow Lively i« on th«* Mr* ’ William sick list Tlie Misses My rile nnsey home. Mr. mid Mrs Thomas Funk of Black Butte hud as dinner guests at Theatrical “Saow” Few who shiver through a "blls- xard" on the moving-picture screen know that the "snow" Is cornflakes driven along by blowers. A mill tn Chicago and another In Omaha make tills "snow" out of white corn. Tills corn Is first made into pearly hominy, then linked, cooked and finally baked, when It Is ready to lie a "snowstorm.’' Breakfast cornflakes are made the »me way except that malt and sugar are milled, which give them the brown­ ish color. Flakes used In movie I>ll77.ards weigh only five ounces to the gallon. After a scene they may be swept up and used again. "Standing Pat” Put Is an adjective, probably from the French "pat,” meaning that which suits the purpose of the oc­ casion or meaning exnctly suitable. The expression Is used In poker to refer to a hand so satisfactory that Its holder does not care to exercise the privilege of discarding and drawing cards. Hence the expres­ sion "stand pat." This came to mean opposition to a change of any kind. The phrase In tills sense was first used to express the attitude of leaders of the Repub­ lican party by Senator Hanna In 1802. (Spretai tu lb* Hrntinrl ) June Bfi.—The Fred Overton fam ily visited .Sunday at th«* home of Mr. Overton’« parent«, Mr. au«i Mr». Guy Jenkin« of Veatrh «pur. Ouests of Mis« Miriam Piper at dinner Saturday evening were Mr and Mrs. Charles Dewald of Cau yonville and Mr. Dewald’« cousin.**. Mr« Winnie MrCraven and »on William of Johnson City, Tenn. Mr« MrCarven speaks very highly of Oregon. She and a son al«o visited in Los Angelos during their trip. Mr u mi Mrs. Frank Thornbru«* and Mi.«« Florence Huff, nil of Portlaml, «pent th<- week <*n«l a! the horn«’ of L. D. Huff, who is a brother of the two women. Miss Helen Huff returned to Port laud with her relative» for a two week«’ visit. A pirnir patty rn»l at th*’ Liu «*oln Taylor pin«*«* Munday ami hud lb»*ir luneb oatdoor« in H im rv» ni«x Th one pr**«u*nl w«-re th« Flor«*n<*<’ Htft.ill family Ed nu«l Mr*n<*hatii of Cot tax* Drove, the Ivan A4>«'»*ne family of London and Mr« Liftroln day lor of Hubron. A u«'w barn in being built on the Torn William« pla<*«*. Mr and Mr-. Ed ( n-tor of Han Difgo ur»* gueata of Mr. i'aMor ’• part’ota, Mr. and Mr«. Will Ham ttiHrsly of rarnp ”B ” Mr (’gator i« on a furlough from the railed Htalna navy. Thn John K»'be I berk family dinni’r u Hits duii'luy of Ihr am ily < ’ulvnr Mr», Fred Patton and two rkil dri’u ap4*nt apent Huturluy Maturluy niwbt night nt i>i vide with Mr. und Mrs, Dan iJugtin pa rent a of Mr«. Patton. f Cheatiiut Broth«», proprietor, STORAGE AND GENERAL TRAN8FHR Office phone 6 Reaidrnee Phone COTTAGE GKOVE, 160 Y OREGON Mr and Mm. Will Lively of Black Butte were Hunday visitor' at the horn«» of Frank G»*«*r. CTaU'le Huff «pi nt Hatur lav night at Eugene, where h«* vi«ite«’ LloyM Hulddird, who muompmic’il him horn»* to «p4*nd Sunday. Mrs. B* II»* (ircr i* preparing for an indefinite -tny with a daughter, Mr« K. B Powell of Drain Hh«' will probably leave for Drain the la-t of th»« week Mr. Barnum of Tigard Is work mg for th»* Tom William« family. The La Blue brother« hauhd gravel in th»* la*t lam* week for th»ir road And a Faw Hank» of Hair A schoolboy wrote; “New «papers are made of mg* and bone«. Re- pnrtera are also needed.”—Boston Tranncrlpt. L««li Wk«» Noah Star««» Noak waa nn doubt th« original man who «tnrt<> n b<> ilding Phone 47 < ullage Grove Oregon AXI.EY, M D Physician and »ur • grün Evenings by appointment Over gem's Drug store Cottage Gruve. Oregon H • W' ELM) M D Fhyeician and Niirgrun, Obktrtrir* and dUa«e*a uf wumm and children • ape< islty attic» First National Bank building Phunra I I f fI. r I r . ■ . I ■ ' . • I ■ i: ■ . 1 ■ ■ addraaa 114** west Majn ATTORNEYS i KBEKT W IA ì MB a RD Attorney at I jiw Flrat National Bank building Phone 94. < ullage iirov»- Ore-gun H l NHINN — Attorney at Lnw and • Notary Publi* Practices in all courts Bader building Cottage Grove Oregon H RAFTING HENRY M LAKE Plana and «pacification» Get your building plana ready for spring and summer build mg Personal calls afternoon or evening Lu' ated two miles east of t'ollage Grove, ‘»re p <» I*,.,» I» P- 11) H — LEONARD TRANSFER D U R A N T^rv-six SEE thi» different cur . . Arnerica'n first with Four Forward Speeds at prices within the reach of every motorist I W. L. I-eonard, Prop. OFFICE AT HOWE S CONFECTIONERY Res. Phone 239-J GENERAL TRANSFER Cottage GtN>vo. Oregon 4 PARTICULAR WORK FOR PARTICULAR MEN AND WOMEN Imperial Barber Shop P. S. Bukowski SILENT THIRD-DOI BLF. HK.H . . . like uiua< eAcicai Foor Forward bo werM. de. Darial eat- Drive tW Now Dwraal Ms MstydHa furoni NFViMGLTI ABLE riiKlIJ FO K WA R D S P E E 1) S THIS smart,richly-appointed New Durant Six Sixty-Six is destined for a distinguished career.-wit im­ proves vastly on the same sound engineering principles which en­ abled the Durant Four-Forty and the Durant Six-Sixty to shatter all existing performance records for low-priced cars, -w Its abilities are almost revolutionary, -r -w Fuel economy is 20 per cent greater than that of its predecessor, the successful Durant Sixty-Five. Ac­ celeration is increased by 50 to 60 per cent. Hill-climbing is 12 per cent better than the Sixty-Five. THE WORLD’S LOWEST PRICES Lane Auto Company Luug Distance Uauliutr Piano Moving a Specialty CHESTNUT TRANSFER CO. Mins H*X4*t Huff vi-ited in Cot tag- Grov»* Saturday nt th»* horn»’ of Mm« Gladys H‘*«k, who n«*<*om pattied her home on Htindny to •(»end th»* day. « p '• l| * fl t fc Tfe Welcome you» to Portland. 200 comfortable rooma, each with bath. Rcaaonable rat««. Convenient down-town locatio*. 7/'i HOTEL made in Full Paid Certificates CONGRESS PORTLAND,OREGON Loma X. Boon. on or before July 12,1929 Manager I Community Men’s Bible Class I i wiir Earn I ■ I i "The Biggest Thing in Lane County" i : I i : To Set Date for Picnic i and Announce Time I I for First i “LADIES’ DAY” « I I Next Sunday ä Good Music—Fine Fellowship ■ : ■ Anti-Blue Monday From July 1,1929 ver 12,000,000 people in the United States haveover $ in the Savings and have over $8,000,000,000 Associations. In 1928 they received $375,- Loan a Associations 000,000 in dividends. Are you one of them? O Let us show you how you also can be one of the TWELVE MILLION A definite plan for every purpose. Open your ac- count with us now. Use this coupon. T* Western Savings and Loan Association PORTLAND. OREGON 1S1 SIXTH STREET Oectlemen: Tell me how I can receive 6% and semiannual dividend checks, regularly. LESSON: “Where the Bible Speaks We Speak. Where the Bible is Silent We Are Silent.’’ N»m«. Cny Street Western Savings and Loan : Association 181 Sixth Street, Purdand, Oregon Fast Day at tha Zoo la a Nutihall kin« of Mhousfring, Mr and Mr- Hidaey Jenkin« of <‘<»tfiig«* Grove, Zitiu and Edith En«ley of eaiuf* X mid Mr and Mt- Will imo l'unì of Ibis plaei«. Gm*«ts Huti'lny afternoon nt th»* hoiiM* of Mr« O I* Will- were Mr und Mr». William Kirk of ('ottsg'* Grovu MO'I Mr and Mr«. Amhcr-t H owii of (‘r«’«we||. All carnivorous nnlninla kept In captivity, such us lions and tigers must fust one day out of seven If they are to remain In food health FAOB TMB— IKc Át e Fishing for You H ith Good Bait I ■■■■■■»■■■■■■■ mmmmbmmmbhhmhhhmmmrnmmmnrmhbhmi ■al ♦ Asset, Over ♦ 1,000,000 Under State Supervision SAFE .. RESPONSIBLE A* _