TUB MNTINBI a COTTAGE GROVE FAM rouB erottale órotr Sentinel the board of control, leaving only in fho following morning *s issue» i one from Clackamaa and not even of the Oregtinmn the Mimo stato EeUbilahed 1B»0. a bone for Multnomah, but if we menl wn* made a* had been made Pebllabed Every Thursday Can it I m » should I m » called upon to M'leci the in the exenmg paper. fur Klb.rl lied. » Elker« Hnllh . Publlaher. victun for the sacrifice, hi« name that the Mint1 reporter work Elbert Mode........ ........ ....... ....... —■ **».“« would have to begin with a B’ both |ui|H»r.*f a m - a-- j I licaliun entered at (M We h«*nr it great dx*al Hb«»ut the THE SCHOOL BOND ISSUE la«* Grove at aecund claaa matter Portion«! h«xg, Imt nothing «»i«l *»n 25 North Sixth Baetaeee Office In view of Ike fact that «nly Vii th*tl *M|bj»*Ct npplie* xx hen the Ma annually in the . metrop x«iic> wcr»‘ cH«t in tin* «chiwil l»u«l M»n.« **’"vr - ■UBM'RII-TION HATKH . .- Hr m»il <<■»•»! I» »dr»..) tin >u«'h occajuon« th,* «!<*!«' get « lectnin hvl.l M«»n Inv. it ihn ) oii«. Oa. >.»r......... ,2 a»|Thrr, mouth. »0.7S b«‘ well to r«*mind tnxpa\« r« *«f th«’ gill»'« an' given a Imnquet nii«l en m> month. »t JSiOn. month »0 5« school dihtriet that an«»lh«‘r cl«'** tt'rtninmenl «»n the firxt uight ot Member of tion will !•«' ht'ld next M*»n«lay I«» th«* -« -i«»n and n«H»n m« al« .are fur National Editorial Association of th«' «eiwion vote «»n a prop«»*-«'*! i««u«* «if $H),O»'»l ui-h«'J • a< h «lay Or. r»n Stat» Editorial Association iu I m » u >!> to I*«' um *»I to finance th»' Thi« k.n.«u’t happen«'«! iu«l on«» year. Oregon Newspaper Cantatane# It ha# l«e«*u a custom for x ear« construct ion of a four room a«l*n tion to lh«‘ central gra*lr liuihling an«l will be the custom tor y ear* Although all felt at th«1 tim«' thxt to 1'iMllt’, th»* erection of th«* present central after «mil* g r o xx “ Human grade building an*! the gymnasium i' proti* «or _ would relieve eong»‘«ti*»n in the «I»' death/* MAJ n Michigan know *om* wlui ha\«‘ l»e«*n dva*i trict for many year* to come, th«* \\ Pacifie Coast Kepreaentativ»** growth of th«’ j*rh«»«d- an«! of th« ir one.« a long time, in whom ths1 A. W. Styp«*». Inc. imaginary piece of anatomy d«»c«n ‘1 Portl.,4, Breurltz Hid« ; 8 m > rr»»rl,«>. activities has b»*en «¡uch that fui c.rlfte m«t . 5»i llryi.m J,rli la char«. tJher space is now necessary. On«* seem to have «prouted sufficiently Hh.roa Bl«« 1«« Aiwl»«. »11 W.,t,rn immediate n«*e«l of th«' addition i* t*x cause a congestion. that the home making department Too many people develop crow’* of the high s«'h«ml under the Smith MUSIC ON A TRIANOLE Hlight's act may be properly housed feet under their eyes without *uf (Orrf«»h City F.aterprie»- ) This writer has always beliexe«! fieient eaw> therefor. This is the season of political that a large portion of e«iu«ation i* canar«!«. when candidate^ lik« wa-te«!. mor«' bet'ause of thoughle*« Mu-lard plaster« arc going up 111 uiu m ! i room*, spring up over night, selection by pupils than through price. The trusts must be get ling bartng their heads in the dew «>1 any fault uf the schools, but *“'* the *-*“ scared wh«'ti they resort to hittiug popular favor, which comes «»lily t • home making depart meut has al- us in the back. the elect. On«* day it »« Mr- Ben ways app«‘»l«‘ *d to him as soinet hi ng nett. Another day it is Mr. Cooper. worth while, as A noted uoman say* mau depart meut uiiv Th*‘ latter is coy, feeling th«» timid which g i \ es -«»me thing that that th»* uoun and woman a preposition \\ pul««* of the populace. The former student will never lose and will be fail to m *«* th»* conjunction is warlike and goe« about a« a »le able to put to use during every vouring fury. In this touching pi< dav of her life. ture comes one Lawren«-*' X Blow (’ules> new quarter er«, once a memlier of th«' legisla and this dejiartnu'Ut move«! out of ture and a resident of Hood River, th«* gymnasium building the district but lately a citixen of hne <* 7 are and C. E. Frost. They will I m * a newspaper far remove«! from the the hour*. assisted by Mrs. Schofield Stewart, origin of his discontent. Listen to chairman of the Cottag«' Grow this: FARM RELIEF health group, and Mr* A E Walk Some time ar*» th«» Collar»* «¿roe* S« »• er. Mr- Hugh Truunell and other liitrl a reactionary papt-r of which Ei xx i > Even those who doubt the teeu passed un his behalf. other. "I’ve gut no other way to us fir«t got through with the peo­ If is the sincere wish of the Sen ple *s business of 1930 and not tinel that farm relief may be in get along since I lost my busi­ ness." worry about the brilliant future. every wav the panacea fur the pro “But bow did you come to lose We are under the impression that ducer*5» ills that it hi- been rep It?" Mr. Blowers is equally good at resente«! it »h uuhi be. **My business was a one band laun grasping at straws or cha-ing rain dry," said the mournful tuul, “an* bows, and he has built up a flimsy CLAUDE EUGENE one day my wife just up an' left structure. Bede wirnld make a me." good public official, but there is From “Oregon’s Who’s Who’’ no indication of a test, despite th we learn that the correct name of gloomy predictions of Mr. Blowers. the person we have frequently re A Handicap There is nothing so true of noli ferred to a-« Claudius Eclair In “But surely," said the haughty tics a» uncertainty, and these long gall* is in reality Claude Eugene drawn out forecasts are a« depen Ingalls. Now, w a.*n’t that a queer pasMDfer. ‘•If 1 pay the fare for dable as the weather bureau re twist ‘ ‘ of fate *1 —* gave -u that that . name tny dog be will be treated the same as other passengers and be allowed ports. It seems that friend Law to the future editor in the home nnee takes himself very seriously, of the agricultural college, where to occupy a seat?” “Of course, madam,” the guard which is always l>ad for the diges­ coquettish co-eds make life a ple&3- tion. The state would be in a ure and a joy for such as Clau«l .’lau»le replied politely, “provided be dues not put bls feel 00 IL" devil of a pickle if it should have Eugene. tn ho to Lane for two member.-» of Claude Corvallis Ingalls would sound just a.« well and would SO Foolish Worrying .---------------------------------------------------------- nratlv place him in the state's af Beware of worry'112 nl«»«uf Iitti» Not, Located iu Miner Building fair*. things ; It f* the fitul.'uly of happi We haven't cheeked them in people.— Mn»p “Who's Who” but possibly full name uf Frank Jenkins, Eu gene editor, is Frank Corvallis Jen kins, ur perhaps Alton Baker’* full name is Alton Farnicollege Baker Malte Appointments Whenever That would even the score. Possible. I time h«' wa« a pupp) tun«’ yet re 1 «'arliet. h«» had been Mi«« Hight’s l! wrote Iu Mi** lliglil that journey it is from Fort Heolt tw 1 her I'olliv chum ha«l di «appear»*«!, Sh«* A great «leal of it ie * or ha*l been «hut or «l«»leu desert Of cour«e. Bud wa« terribly unhappy about it. for «he love«! Bu«l a« much a* Bu«l «*ouldn't ««a* wh«'r«' he wa* going, for h«' couhlu‘t *«'«> out «if th«' lox cd h«*r mol *h«* had mi»*e«l him crate, and he wa- u«‘t al»l«‘ to «ee «'v«rx Jay *iu*'«' h«' ha*l breu lahen to \lbuquerqu» «.»ill of th«' .«olid ««»lid aides si«l»’« «>f the «\ I'h«ii. ou a h«>t «lav in July ol press car But he h«‘ wa« u«iha^kpx Hut Mian ILgi • " *■ nillhm Wh«*n the vtat«» wa« opened at the ga« new home in Albuquerqu«', the dog , her «i«'*k m th«' Furl Scutl I company ’s offi«'v. Nlie heard a From the w a« -till more uuhapuv whimpering suuud and lu*»ke«l to war«! th«» «»pen «lu*ir \ «log wa* Indiana in History . limping ft'cldv a«'r*>«» th«« lhrv«li«»l had com«* the transaction and Indiana ceased 1 home to her. to exist. In 1800 the Northwest ter­ The dog had traveled 9 inil«**. ritory was divided and part of It called “Indiana Territory." Attar across au unkuowu laud, aud ha I cr«««sed th«* xxaterle*« desert, iu the several changes of boundary It be deadly h«*at IL’ had ha*l fright came the state of Indiana. ful baltlts with w«»lves iu th* Dog Finds Way Home Over Waterless Desert Clinic for Children Is To Be Held Friday The eyes are the most fas- einating part of the faee and un them we fix our at- tent ion while talking. I A>ok thrill ill the eye through our glasses. Dr. Sherman W. Moody Optometriit—Eyesight Specialist Suite 831 Miner Bldg, Phone 3G2 Ea«t Broadway EUGENE, ORE //1 baide my cake ! for your Sandwich ‘Nothing doing ! Thia was made with meat from the Quality Market.’’ QUALITY MARKET Fr» »1 J. Anderson, Prop. Free City Delivery Phone 46 inbl thing., happened in metre- I politnn journalism last week. An | evening ia.uo of the Oregon Journal . said that at the session of Masonic grand lodge that -lav Pant Grund Master J. ('. Fullerton Fullertoa had d<- i liverod an eulogy on P un I Grami Master Philip, M. Malcolm. Th- I fact wa< that inenioriul service« were held for the two men, both I of them having died during the year The oddest tbini» wa« thst mountain». Ile had «tnrvi'd an«l ha« «'ter been aid«« I«» nu«w»'i‘, bui r»«lv oli *«‘iio’ qiiei’t »«'li «»’ ihal xx«' humun bring« know nolhliig almut suffered, liut nut once ha«l h I« «me ol ih«* m«i|»l t.'iiiai kulile Iru»» Alben Pay «ob T«,rhiiin*. awarve»! fumi hi« euurae, noi gix« n d«'g atoiies on ii»«t»i«l Hii>l g«d up hi« l»”*o|\i' to g« f liti« k to Mi » well tignili und Mi«» ILghl stiv« In* llight «ei«iii« none II»«' wor*«' l««i hi « How had h»» don«' il * II>«w had »trnng«* ex pt'io'li*-e- III- :i«lx rullìi e* ho kn«iwii (he wayf ll«>w limi Ih«* proie (hit! llii'ir me fhmg- ul.oul travvleil u»*arlx IMO» mil«* oxei n r «*«»unlry flint wti« new to limi; eu hop«« io uu«lvr*liiu«l. N«> intin «nul«l Cwhl». Oripp«, Flu, D uiikuu , countering all Ih«»««* n* It i» tin' Hl.MIt speedy remedy »■»'et ìon t l»l ll'lldlllg * i g n * tilong Ilo* w il X known IL' hud l«i The«.« Il»«' llll«‘«t l«m* Xxhl'll lO'btldx Hui «'oui*! li««! *l«i thil 6 6 6 Girdle! Itil’dl«* liuti i« $011 SI I IL Hr« V H »*•» I« I'tr a unit hnwiKI KK)R the inixxrmal altri ikmii 1 Irtwk. Smcscttr ia «leliglit fully «mart and wholly pre* ti « al. You will timi the gax assort ment of pattern« on our counters an inspiration L»r sewing 32 indir« wide (ìuaryintifd t'tul Look l«»r the name on the sei vage 1< ji ti ciitciiibk', one i.iricu and culoriul, hr»« lii.HiM,' your in the odor I k . i tuned to vour iv|< blonde, brunette, tituu whatever your» nuy be I lieu Stopped Tobacco Culture Relief From Curse Of Constipation ll bus escaped the notice of thone e who object to monopoly In the growth of corn, that there exists a law prohibiting the growth ot tobacco In Greet Britain, saye a A Battle Creek physic iuu «ay». In the l.oudon Sundae writer ri'spuueibk' fur Times. A doctor, whose uunie does ' **C«>U!tipatiuu mure misery than auv other cause ' not at present occur to us. began But immediate relief tia* been tha culture about the year 1773» lu fouud A tablet called K«xail Ur the county of Roxburgh, aud sue I hi j ceeded In raising tobacco of a good derhe« Lae been discovered quality. The govern tueut took the tablet attracts water from the aye alarm for the tobacco revenue; and tern mto the lazy dry, evacuating bowel calle«! the culuu The water under the false pretense of its cut aui ture injuring the growth of corn loosen* the dry fuu«i waste for food. suppressed the cultivation causes a gentle, thorough, natural movement without forunug a habit by set of parliament. ur cvere iucrrasiug the du*r. Stop suffering from eouftipation. Ch« w a Retail Orderlie at uight Next «lay bright. Get 23 fur 25c to «lay nt Kern's for Drug« 39c yd. < i i : n tin e I’EQUOT PILLOW SLIPS Stampi li ami h» in*uii< hr»l i» nily to « iiibrui«!« t ' Bath Tub* Toilets Lavatories Hot Water Tanks Eave Troughs Down Spout D & L Water Systems Frigidaire INe Welcome you to Portland. 200 comfortable roonu, eakh with bath. Reasonable rate#. Convenient down-town location. HOTEL CONGRESS PORTLAND, OREGON \V«- slock k nou n only ih» Alm i u nii u«ll I. m »1 y I i irdl» s Niirrow’ Style 50c to $1.00 A Pair VVide Style 95c $1.00 «<> $2.50 nuuii .our aeio.oiK» ldv liglillv, condorlably. pcitcvilv . . • u ultoiilc»s ill tire» to 40. unbreakable rublicr buttixi oil larger »i/c> (ailin ta»t hue» and stripe» Your weiglit 1» 1 our »uc. Prias $5 50. $600. $6 50 Other Suits $2 95 to $4.50 Schofield Stewart Plumbing Shop Phone -217.1 Residence phone 217 I. Louis E. Boon. Rodent AUaafrr Long Distance Hauling Piano Moving a Specialty CHESTNUT TRANSFER CO. CUeataut Brothers, proprietors STORAGE AND GENERAL TRANSFER Office phone fl Keaidence Phone ltJO Y COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON PROBLEMS OF LONG AGO “One of the «trong argument- again-f the playhouses wa* that plays were presented on Sunday«. Many a clergyman, humiliated by the vacant -♦•at« b«*forc them, know ing th«* crowds that were throng ing in the direction of the theater, expressed sentiment« similar to this: ‘Will not a filthy play with the bla«t uf a trumpet sooner call thither a thousand than an hour* tolling of a bell bring to the ?,er mon a hundred’?" This «oun