volumi ; xxxviii UOTTAOE G HO VE. LANE. COUNTY. OREGON THURMÜAY JUNE 20. 1820 JK. Collins and I landsacker ¡'.ditor Tries to .Mtike Two ! .egs of One Fight 6 Round Draw ERECTOR EXPLAINS NEED NEW BUILDING Several Faxt Matcher Are Put On by Cottage Grove Removal of Grude» From Hi*{h Boximi CoitiiHÌH»ion School Made Necesaary by Increuxed Enrollment Ihll i «dim» ot this citv un i I*: lltor (’laude >«l*iir Ingalls or t he 4‘orvalli« Gazrtt»* Tim« « ur • Hiim«»n»ii« Hugh Hum«* of the Port lurid Spectator cum»* ««•ar being thwarted a «lay or fw >o ago in then efforts to mnk«* I internnt lonall v faiii'Ui« th** ii«*fh«r limb- «if Liber* ll«*«le «•«litor of the Cottage Grove M«*nt I n»* *, I, who ha» kept hi« limbi» hidden fr««m I puldir tii'w, t thereby the «1«* aiding •«» fur a» po«»ibl«« lii«« «ign» of the Gorvalli« rm I Portlnn editors The wav Ingiill- find Hume «am«* near being thwart««»! was thi«. Ilr'lr, forg«*f 11 ng the valu«' [»laced on tli«»«e lind»» bv tho»e two .-.I, tors who ululati* about th«-m, till'I forgetting that kid» grow up, g‘»t into a wrestling ront«*li with th«* male h««p<* of the family an*l w«*ni to th«* mat with t)»r ki«l in »lieh a manner that hr «*nmr n«*ar making two l'g» out of olir uii'l did pu* about a foot <«f extra length mt th«* tendons. If edit «irini« arc weak f«»r th.« «»f Cot tag* Grove'« greatest only n«*w »pH per, it 1 will hr, no doubt, bermi»«* <»nlv on«* • leg in working Just a werk i I m * fore Mr au«l Mrs lle.lr'i ’• youngest daughter was •t ruck bv un autom«il«ilr, but »h is now |U’t u« good n» n«*w lini« -i« kvr of I ug«*ue, li«*uiilia«' the boxi tig « ur«l guru lu*-t Th«« toll«»wit»g statement hn I» «In» night by the Cottage haii'lcd Th»* Mrutini'l by n mem bowing rommis«ion, fought of th«* »chool lioard au«l proba rourtd draw before a fs rantain« whnt th«* s«*ho«»l h»iut«l \ number <>f I ug« « crow «I a h Iitti«* wiMild «uv in ae**H«*t lo Th«* two, were ptenenl [ quiri«« (uhceruing th«* n»-« I matched, w«*le botti «’Iran un propo»e«| I mhi U issue; « r m lh«'«r U»«* of the mitt« year ''During the pu»t rrrhoul ) OU tig (’«dilli» UN there wer«* 299 »lU’lenl« euroll«*«l IN four fu»t roiin*!« » lid I '«dim» w i« high -ehiMil. Th»* average daily nt given th«* dreikton Thr curtain tendanee during th»* year *»« 241 tuls«*r ltd wren two youngsters pro This was uu iii«*r«*s*«* •»( 47 oirr vhlrd the fan« wi h action ami Hie average duily attendance for rn«lrd m a draw A I ree for h II be Such an in twr«*u four boy» wit I full of a«*ti«»n thr prrviou* year «rause m th»* enrollment ha ma«lc In n four roun«l lift t I If L«' I W • • I« a o»»ib|r thr former whs giv *ii th«* deriaioM. f«i msHitain a» high u »tunilarn the derision •huultl be mu in tmned in a high over Corion Jewell m a f«mr r*»iin«l school of our »nr The high Imut. •rho«d building routain» only *. >- l*h«* four roiiu«l regular <ÌM«»t«u"ii» Fixe <»f these Frank Miller and II room« have been u»e«l f«»r gru'!«* off brcuu»'* of the a* hotil pufpotrw This leave« onlv aunt of Miller'«. •evrn regular rla«s rooms i«i I «n* |(«l< hry wrnt on ill high school building and two room« two llll«l fou Kilt U t m thr ba**’meat of th«« gvmnu»mm tu a ««nimm uilale au enrollment of approximately 3( mi The two room« in th»* gymua-ium have been uscii for thr agricultural and home mak Thr mg department«, work «Í them* two «Irpnr i meni i« under That no <»n<* ran «ver live fot the »uperv 1*1011 of thr state «Irpsit Hrhool electlou« hi CotUg Grove any length of time m th«* ('uttnge inrut of vocational, «'duration an»l lurk r«>n»idrrable of being seething (»rove country and then be «at. half of thr rost of maintenance is affair« hum-* The annual meeting ig h«*l«l Led to make u |M*rmanent paid by «tate and federal goirrn Monday tn vote more than {31,000 elsewhere is again proved by »tut»* ’ ment» ILarh year *iner Ibi» vora in tavsB attracted L’b votes, of ments made by Mr an*I Mrs. D.in Itunal work has I- tii maintain«*«! Ih>* which 24 were fur the l«u«!get nn«l liyrn«* of San lb«g", who w«*re »tat« deimrtmrnt has protest» ! 2 «gainst School district official», resilient« of ('attnge Grove for tw « against the h<>u»iug condition m by a «implr problem in arithmetic, years before moving to ('nlifurm.*» thr gymnasium This v«rar the ha » c fig ure<| that ea«*h fuv«»rabl«* four years ago. i h«*y • tat« vocational director h «• -tnt«*<* <*ru»»e*i the Oregon line ySoo a year to this district There elects«! newt year Immediately f«»l way h»*re they said they re al»«j thr powaibibty that the lowing the count mg of th«* vote •»n re-tram their joy and must have slatr md givrn to thr ugr»cultural the !«u«lgrt, which rcquinsl but u acted like a couple of ki«l- out of department will be reduced if thr frw minuti*», thr school b«>nr«1 or school for summer vacation. They bouaiug c«*ndilion« for this dr|>att gaiiifed for th«* coining year by th«* ha«l int«*tid'*«l to »top h« r«* ««nlv on« ment arr not improved. election of N. !.. Ginns ur chairman, night, but th«-y arrived Mon«lay "To relieve thr»«* condition» aud Mr. Byrne ha«l Roy l^sinsr! a* vice chairman an*i are yet here. to prevent Ihr I«»«» of state ai«l, to try out th«* Cottage Grov«* gulf and Worth Hariry s» clerk. thr «rhool lutar«! is prop« »m ng a course and ha« l»een giving le»s««n» I m M ••( ,|o,<•«•«» $• bull I to sotne of the beginner- among Something Doing in Bohemia four nrw room« onto the centrai The Negotiation« have now ri*aeh«*d Liisiu«*«» men of th«* city. grade budding If the»e iiwim nr«* the point where it ran be safely Byrnes have been guests at th«* A added, four roouts now used fur »aid that an announcement will I m A . Helltwell horn«* grade school purposes »n the high made in a few «lays of a «leal thu’ school building will be rrlrased for Small Children Give Program. mean« real activity m the Bohemia high ««'huol purpoeue and the home mining district. A children'« dav program was Mmiug engineer» rrunoruM*« and agricultural work representing capitalist» nave male given at th«* Sunday *rh«K»l h««ur ran be moved from the gymnasium several visits to th«’ district within Siimlay nt th«- Baptist church by into the high school buiMiDg th«* putt »rvcttU month« Th«* deal th«« rmall children of the church« ’•The proponed Irond »»«ne of young people *» is Kring handled by Dal«* Wyatt, assisted by the >1 ii , ini 0, if approved by the voter», choir. Mr». A. C Mpriggs wa» in long rounrrtrd with the district. will be [mid off in 20 year* nt the ‘•harg<*, taking the place of Mr* rate of f5(M) a yrar. The rost J H P«»nsfur«l, who was unable to Lew Cates la Dead t»rr year of this Imml i»sue will Word ha« been r«’cri»r«l here of !•«■ pre»*Oit b«'i iu*»* of sirkri«*.»* in «lc|M'ud <»n the rate of interest [u*i«l the death of Lew A Cate» of 8t. her family. The program consisted • >u the Louis At any any rate, rate, the Helen* Mr. Cat«*« was a (’ottng« of recitation«, dialogs un«l musical year will prolui bl v average rust per | Grove editor «lining the Nesmith number«. A large number wore in not ricrr«l t a«» loss of state sa*I county moxem«*ut an«i ««»Id The Ken attendance. federal *ul»*idi«*s if the vocational tin< l to the pre»«*nt editor l*< year- «Irpart ment« are uot moved from ago. He had been a resident of The aver the gymnasium builidng Kt. Helens for a number of year* i»gr rust per year to each taxpayer He owned u theater there an«l for wrill be about cents for rar h a time was pnrt owner of th«* Ml thousand dollars of assessed V a lu Helen« Me: ntmel The widow sur at ion vives and Mr* A W Nurblid of I (H) IA< K HOWARD ) Astoria i» u daughter. IRHiENA, June 1*» (Mfieeial. Hiualaw View»» Making Prog rear The • <> (> P. A E. railroad is putting Eighth Otada Exauui Paxsed. gf th. Mure thun two third- siding n«*ur the old Pupils in m south »«mill Lane Lan«* who pa«sr«i in a loading «¡ding light« of way necessary for the Dorena depot nitr in preparation coastruction of the new water lex-I the eighth grade examination» gi\ of the new r aawmill , •*n June 7 an«! N are a» follow»: for the output route of the Riudaw highway be tween Mapleton and Cu’hiiiun hav«* District 75, Claris Abe«*nr; district on the • ’ Lee Thoma »on place two miles n«»ith on th«* ra»t canyon been arrnnge<| for, aecnrding to J 93, physiology. Glenn Jennings; «li» W McCausland, one of the county | trict 119, Lloyd Conklin; «listric* ridge of Harm» creek. Thr mill in ready t«» commence atrady opera viewers employed on the project, I2M, Durothv Bules. tious, thr extension for the slab who v»t»« in l ugenr Tuesday morn furnace i and the conveyor having ing Q umi Auto Make« Magarino. .* * a week. A been completed early thi- A picture of thr hybrid motor Owners of about 5) of the li '• trial run was made Friday and th«* pieces Of land needed have been cycle automobile const ructe«l by J cut came up to expectation» of u accom interviewed, Mr McCausland »ail, E. Eastham of this city, 15,ooo capacitv . on an »*ight hour and a report will I m * stilmiif te«l t<» pnnied by n brief story, vs ill appear shift. - The big “cat'* imned by iu an early issue of Popular M«* the county court soon. t .... of cl Eugene, which rhauics, thr story having been »oh! Mr. Jackson to I»«» used in thr logging opera to the magazine by a local writer tion». arrived in Cottage Grov C OF C GIVES SUPPORT Monday anil will lw» «>n the groun«l TO SCHOOL BOND ISSUE LOCAL BATTERY NEEDS before the clone of the week. Pr«» TEN FIRST CLASS MEN lirnin irv l«’gging was done by hors* Support of thr proposed 110/MM) tram in order to make a test ru:i bond issue by thr Cottage Grove Battery “E,” local national and In provide lumber for st rue school district was promised at the guur«l unit, ueeds ten men to bring I lira! purposes. noon luncheon of thr chamber ot it to it» full strength, according to Clarence Brooks of B«*«lrock commerce. The monthly meeting First Sergeant Hum Suhwart/., who rived with hi’ big team a of the Lane county < h amber nt says only high cln»« recruits ar** morning* ng«». He makes no claim • omtnetee, to be held tonight at wanted. Hr pointed out that th to past e\p«*iien«*e in thu wooon, Four Oaks grange, lour miles f training camp this year offers won but hr nnd the mighty farm draft of I'ugenr. was annouu«*e«1 Hevriai •lerful opportunities a* th«» lor:» I team made a good showing for th Mia axpected to attend from here. buttery will participate in joint •lav, yarding in thirty-mid logs tor I orru Harvey was u new member army un«l navy maneuvers on i Puget the trial T* ...«; rut. . The timber i.« larg«* present for tlir first time «oun«l instead of going to Fort ly *»••«on«! * _ growth and * a good start Steven» The battery will leave in falling Ims been made under July 9 for Fort Worden, ’ W a-h., the super» ision of Mr. Thomason. CampHre Oiría Meet Group No. 2 of the campfire which is about 49 miles from Vic virls met for a regular meeting toria, B. C. Circuit Judges Get Rise Sergeant Jirac of Salem, rrgulai Thuraday nftrrnoon of ln»t week Circuit Judges G. F. Skipworth. in the Christian church. Mr». army instructor, wan here several •I W. Hamilton nn«l J. T. Brand ot Eleanor Wolfard was appoint«*«! a« • lays ln»t week giving the battery Ihi» district are now enjoying a special i n At ruction in preparation pay ri»c \«»tr«l by th»’ recent wes »iMant guardian for the Washington manem en. »ion of the legidnture. Salary rises for circuit judges of the state were Dr Hagen Gives Address. classified according to the popuhi Di. II A. Hngcn of this city tion* of th«» district» served. This gave an address on "Constructive distiiet, composed of Lune, Dougin* Eye Work” nt the recent session and Coo» counties, comes under of thu Oregon Chiropractic nssori.i the class having n population of tion hold in Salem. The Hnleni nrws mor«* than 30,000 nnd the salary papers chnraetericod the uddress h - is $0.000. Skipworth presides in one of the outManding onew of th« Eug lie. Hamilton at Roseburg and Convention. Bru ml at Marshfield. I re Here Ome, H unt 'Po ! )o So ri/irti vs ? 6 Pti rt i i i p it t e /// Budget I Otf New Row River Mill Is Ready to Operate EDDIE, THE AD MAN THE FEATHERHEADS Mayor I icti/n of .Motion Put by Himself = CotUg« Urov« Boy Meo ut Drum Corpa Collas» <»ruv» boy w-r» amoay th* first in Ih* «t ‘t~ io &rK»ni«K • drwm «-orp« and thia or tat« patrioti* or faiiirring ut th* rity Th» boys o«r» on» o ih* f*-al«jf--M of th* ann«ial ^«,nv» IU ***ry - . ___ .. rivi _ ____ ___ “ "'f ’ « Mfi|nito*r» of th* <»•» troop« of th* «ity ha** na*n hrhl jaat » •’•F «I KuavbilCf tn hiifor»aialion projret al RujaS« under th* dlr* r«gi«trrr«l with thr »tatr vrtrriunriuri nn«l th« • «rtiutv agt-nt. I«ane poultryru’n haw thu« far regiatrre«! for 27 brand« nu«l hnvr pur<*ha»«*«l tat too in»trumrnt«. Cooperation by Dilry Farmer» Dairy product« i to th«* value of KU ojhhi . ini » were mark«*tetal were: Cooperati» «• «•r«*amerirs, $245,(1 IMMl.iMMI; milk bar- $2tWI, MNI.lNhl; gaining BMaociatinn«», milk 15.twin, MIO. Nearly a half billion [»oun« Is of butter wn* ma«lc in producer owne I plants in IH2M. More than 1(M, • hhijmki poun«l» of cheese an«l some 5 iii ( mmi , ii Ml [ miuih I s of milk p«»w«l-*r wert also manufacture*! by the co- opriativtdy incline«! fnrnii*r«. Tvpewriter riblma« Th»* S»*ntin«*I. Nks Lane Leads in Fewest Automobile Accidents Iran»* county cootinu«** to hold the record in th«' American L«*gion safety contest for lowest p«*rrcnt- age of accidents m pro[»orti< • n • » nuttilter of v«*hic|«*» n*gistere«l. With 15,942 vehicle«, 42 accidents weir reported during th* first four months of the year. i Douglas, with 5.99M vehicles, hu«l 59 aeaidrnts; Josephine, with i 3.140 vehicles, had 61 accidents; Klamath, f with 7.73n, with 5,- 054 v ohi des, had 125 acci lent«; Clatsop, with 5.MOM vehicle«, had 182 accidents; Coo«, with 7.133 »«•hides, ha«l I4<» acrident»»; Polk, with 4,308 vehicles, had 68 acci­ dents; Tillamook, with 3,411 v hides, ha«l 72 aeci«l<*nts; Union, with 4,566 veRide«. had l“M acci­ dent«; Washington, with 8,327 v« hides, had 125 accidents. Th»*«.* figures show that Lan«» ma«le a re­ markable record. Its percentage* is jh »2II. ('Inckamas i« s«*con«l with .♦»i)2M|. Umatilla with a perc«*ntag«’ of .0’34, Wasco with JMi4«t a tin* by a bl««wout n f« «lay« ag«». Th«’ «*ar wa» on«* of parked at the mill an«l was tl «»utni'le ear. Th»« tire had b«*i covered with an old »i I«* eurta to keep off th«* *un. A »park fro the rrfus«* burn« r »«*t thr f a ■ > ij n | j me id Picker* m t h »• -trnulo-rrv 1». ’- of Leu Ttroinason have had al? aorta of grief owing to the con tinu«*d showery perion, but they are »laying on th«* job with plucky p< r aistenee. Conditions mak<* it not onlv bad for the pieker«, but kier» the ground in Lad condition. When ground becomes so ao.ike«! and niU'My that picker.« are < ompelled to wear gum boots at time«, as wa.* the case today, n««t only is tli«*i>' a low in berri«** but the gr >un*l is put in «uch condition aa to add to the labor of reworking it. How ever, prevailing condition« have had a t«»n«leney to hoid t’.«e local market*, firm as to pri« <• aad de- maud. Bend Man Speaks to Lions C. A. Guderan. Smith-H»irrh«*s in »tractor at B«*n«l, spoke at the noon luncheon of the Lions club last Thursday on central Oregon an I scenic and «porting possibilities. H«» was introduce«! by Superinteo •lent I). A. Emerson, a former Bend resident. Elbert Smith Jr. and Evelyn Smith entertained with »election«, «»n the violin and piano. Officers Are Nominated By leegion Auxiliary Officers were nominated at th«» Monday night meeting of th,* Amer­ ican Legion auxiliary as follows: President, Mr* Georg«» Matthew.«; first vice president. Mr*. Charles Hall; second vice president. .Mrs. A. C. Bagley; secretary, Mr-. F. L. Grnnni*; treasurer. Mr*. Carl Peter Election will I m * held the meeting in July. letter from th«» at ate depart- wa« read comm« n ’ing the auxiliary for its j»r« mpt re­ turn of poppy money. Cottage Giove being th«* first to ««*n*l iu it« quota. Th«» unit voted to buy a stand of colors. It was also vot«*d to re­ plenish the supply shelf used in uliihl welfare work. At the chk*«* of the business meeting refreshments were serve«! by a hostess conMnittee composed of Mrs. C. C. Cruson, Mrs. W. H. Daugherty. Mrs. H«rbert W. Lorn bard and Mrs. C. E. Frost. Legi«>n members were additional guest.«. Carnival Worker Injured. Aaron Crockett, an employe of thr Browning carnival. suffered ¡evere injuries Friday while mak mg repairs to th«» ferris wheel. He wii« working a distance in the air and when the wheel wa« turned a short distance by an assistant Crockett’s head was caught in the mechanism. A long gash was cut in the icnlp, the flesh being laid back to th«» bone, but the skull was not injured. H«* was taken to the offi«*e of Dr. A. XV. Kime for treat m« nt and is reported as recovering satisfactorily. Masons to Attend Picnic. Cottage Grove will be well rep •»«•nte«l at the second annual Lan« county Masonic picnic to be held Sunday at Reavey island, where it was held la.-t year. Twenty-five or more cars will go from here. Barbe <*u«*«i beef, coffee, cream and sugar " 1 * I f u mi shed on the ground.**. W hrn wa motion prevail«*«! nt a rcial mretmg of th«* city rr so and that no m r for the ! was is«ce«l. Th«- t of th,- l/ank. letealf of the fir,» pihitlnns commit he remarke«». II, BOW, isn't that too bad," Ms tone in«lientrd that hr wa- umu»«*d by th«» joke «>n thr •r than overcome bv «ympathv. Th«* ] motion followr«! diseuwiion «»a an application by Fred Pills- bury to ' r«*pair a wooden structure which he ...» occupies. Th«* permit wa granted and he apprar«»d in the recorder s court th«» next m««rn ing an«l [mi«i a fin«* ; of >5 for ha*. • ing st»rte«| the i w«»rk without a per rnit. Under th«* .» city law the per­ -on who performs the work is «*<|ua)ly responsible with the person fur whom th«* work is «lone. Legion Election Coming Candidates Nominated LIFE DE TWO TAKEN IN THAIN-CAH CRASH Lester Clark and Lewis Steig­ ers. Both Natives of An­ lauf, Are Victims. A NLA PF, June IS.—(Hpeeial.jH*» L« -li»» <'lark, 21, and Lewis Stig ger«, 1M, both residents of Anlauf, died a few minute» after the Fora roup«’ in which they were riding wa* »truck at the Curtin crossing by the southbound Southern Pucif i«* Shfi-ta at 1 p. in. Sunday. It was said that the signal for th * crossing was given by the train l»ut that the car was driven o.i’u the crosaing directly in front of it. Th»* «-ngin«»er had applied the brakes but was unable to a)o«v • I qwd sufficiently to avoid striking rhe car, which was hurled through th»* air w h th«* boys in it an«l «*ra«hed against a freight car stand ing on the siding. The coup»* was completely de molished. Clark’s h«*n«l was crushed and on« of Htiggera' legs was •rvered. Both »uff«*re«| other severe injuries. were put on Both boys wore th«* train but Htigg«*rw «lir«l l»«*foru the train reach«’«! Anlauf ami ('lark -hortly after th«* train left Praia, a few miles from the accident. Thr bodies were taken to Roseburg. B«*th boys were born here and had lived here all their lives. Clark was a »on of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clark an«! was employed at the Perini mill «>n th«* Coast fork eight miles south of Cottage Grove. Stig gers wa« a »on of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Htiggere and was a whistle bov at th«* Pioneer mil! at Curtin, a few miles from Anlauf. Clark is sorvived by th«* following sisters and brothers: Garnet, Cloe, Fay, Clifford, Buster and Merl, all of (’urtin. Stiggers is survived by the following sisters and brothers: I«!a, Pearl, Mr». Ed Brown, Sam and John, al! of Anlauf. G. E. McBride was engineer of the train. L. C. Johnson conductor and H. H. Darroch fireman. A double funeral was held We«l nesdav aft«*rnoon at the Comstock cemetery, R»*\. Duncan P. Cameron of Cottage Grove, officiating. The women’s quartet of th«» Presbyttr ian church sang several numbers. P. 8. Bukowski, Jack Miller an.l Peter Nelson wrr«* nominated us candidates for post comman«ler at th«» Mondnv night meeting of the American L« giun. Other nominee* are: First vice commander, Arthur Olson and Roscoe Forward; «ecoml vice commander, Carl Peterson: adjutant. Jack Miller; finance of­ ficer. Charles 8. Hallj Hall; chaplain. chaplain \ inal Randall, Ermil Tiller and J. Ku-kin Clark; sergeant at arm«, Ji:n McCormick; historian, LaSell- ^t.-wart and Fred (). Bennett. Of firer» will be elected at the next meeting, July 1. which will be an "pen meeting to which ail ex ser­ vice men ha\<* been invited. Present officer* are: Commander, F. L. Grannis; vice comnian'ler, Peter Nelson; second vice com- mander, Ermil Tiller; adjutant, Jack Miller; finance officer, Charles 8. Hall; chaplain. William H. Averill; sergeant at arm«. Glenn Mr Ferrin; historian, Fred Bennett. The ninth annual picnic of the The post voted to send its com- Veatch clan was held Sunday with inander elect and adjutant-elect as over 100 in attendance. Due to in delegate* to the state convention . clement weather the dinner wa« which will be held August 8. 9 an«J served in I. O. O. F. hall instead 10 in Haleru. The post ’« two re­ «>f at the Elks picnic ground on maining ieh’gatrs and four alter Mosby creek as planned. nates will be * electe«! _. at .1. the next The original Veatch families came meeting from th«’ following: : Ray to Cottag«* Grove in 1853 after Vinson, T-. Dr. W. E. Lebow, Grant I «•roswing the plains with ox team«. Williams. LaHells Stewart. F. I O The second, third and fourth gen Bennett, Charles Hall and ] F. L. erations formed the group at the Grannis. picnic, all the pioneer members now It was voted that all past com- living dead. Tales of the old days man .... iers L..« < of Calvin Funk post No. in Cottage Grove were told around •2 I m » given past commander badges. th«» dinn« r table. Thu» fur only tw« past command­ Sajn Veatch of Portland, son of ers, Rav Vinson an«l Fred Bennett, the lat«* "Uncle" Burn Veatch and have received them. a retired railroa«! man who has Dan Byrne of San Diego, a seen 40 years of service as a con former member of thr local post, ductor on the Southern Pacific was a guest Morniay night and gave railroad, was one of the oldest a short talk. Comrade Hannan of member« of the clan present and Portland |>ost No. 1 spoke briefly related many interesting anecdotes on community activity. of past days. Comrade Smith of Capital poat Community singing was a fen No. 9 of Salem talked on th«» com- ture. Songs sung in the <»1«1 com ing state convention and urge«! that niunity church luring th.* ’80's as many local legionnaires as po«- were of special interest and mem sibl«» attend. H«* denenbed pro- bera of the choir of that church posed entertainment, including ded- who took part in Sunday’s singing i«*ation of the Salem airport, free were Mrs. W. V. McGee, Mrs. Rob­ barbecue, annual drum corps com ert Mosby, Mrs. Eva Holderman, petition, mammoth firework» dis- Mrs. Walter Tuttle, Curtis Veatch. play, a jussible pi polo tournament, William Wallace and Oliver Veatch. parades and «porting events. Salem Mr«. D. H Hemrnway was is making plans to entertain thr electe«! president of the clan an«l biggest crowd ever in attendance Mrs. Cleo Morelock secretary-treas at an Oregon Legion conv«-ntion. urer. The meeting place for next year will be at the ol«l Veatch farm north of the city. HIGH SCHOOL COURTS Mrs. Joe Smith an«’. Miss Bethei MAY BE MADE PUBLIC Oowdy were in charge of arrange ments for the picnic. Wishing to mak** the high school Those present were: Mr«. G. M. tennis court« available to the gen­ Scott and children Vera, Chester eral public in the interest of clean, and Betty B«*ll, Wayne Veatch an«l healthy sport, but not having the Miss Inez Jenney, all of Eugene; fun