TIIURMPAY, JUNE 13, ISS» TUB BENTINBU COTTAGE DROVE OBBOON Elisha Geer of Black Butte i» visiting a brother. Albert Geer in Vancouver, B C. Mr» <’arl King of Toledo and Mr». Dan Bock of Cottage Drove ♦- ——— »■— i— i— i— m ■ 4 visite«! at the Rob«*rt Phillip» home Monday. SILK CHEEK Mr*. Carl King ami Mrs Dan (Hpt rlal to th* H»*ntin»J ) i Beek mad«» a trip to Portland Tu«*» June 10. Th«' Neighbor* Friend «lay Mi»» Virginia King of Tid«sl«» i* •hip club met for au all «lay *e» •ion Thuraday at the horn«* of Air* ! »peuding a w«*ek With her giano I «1 ('ouklin on the t’urti» Vent r * ch v ! mother, Mr», R«»bert Phillips. Mr. mi l Mrs. ('laud«1 kbeen ' ranch. About 12 member» i were prc»cnt and the time wa* «pent ’ called nt the Harohl Sheene h*»t«i’' quilting a comforter for Min Sun«l:iy afternoon. Mrs. Richard Gaminn i* spelling Leila Coukhn. A deliciou» dinner In the after a few «lay» with her mother, Mr» wmn nerved at noon, noon a bu«iu«»<* meeting was held Hopper, at Halsey. George Huekins. the Ellis Irelaa«! and was l»*«l by Mr* M. E. Paul, new vice pre*i«l«*nt. in th«' abaenc«* J family and Jim Lents *|»ent th* of th«» president. Air*. Claren«« i we«*k en«l J at Winchester bay. Mr. and Mr* «. O. P. Will*. Rowe. The n««xt club meeting will b<* on Thur*«lay, Juue 20, at th | and Mr». W. C. Short ridge an«i Mr. Paul home on the old KfM'ak* ran« h. ; and Mr». John ¿Small were dinner Word ha* been receive«! that j guests recently at the W .T. Jone* • Mi»» Znida Ei*tv», thir«l daughter I home. \V. T. Jone*. who i* doing s*»me of David E»t«**, former resident of thia diatriet und now of Loma <ar|tev«ter work m Eugene, spent Linda, Cal., i* to I h ' married Jun. th«* week en«l at his home h«*re. Ivan Kbeen«* purchase«! a Fori 1«> to Dr. Kotlney Wood#, gmduai, of th«» Loma Linda medical college ’ coach Fri«lay. Mrs Willis Gartnan took Harry The latter expect* to do hi* intern M«»n«lay fo« work in Seattle and th«' young Garman to Eugene rou pl«' will make their home in medical treatment. Mr. Stowell of Black Butte is in that city. Mr*. Otis Scott of Indi'pen dene, Ala»ka on a bu»me».» trip. Mi»* Daisy Warwick made \ iaited over the meek end with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Shad«* Bun h trip to Cottag«» Grov«* Tuesday Mrs. Alary Mas»«*y and sou John am. She br«>ught her cousin. A!is* Mildred Scott of Monmouth. They «‘ailed at the \A <». Ma**«*v hom. Monday afternoon. returned horn«* Sunday. Afrs. Willis G.nrman calle I on Mrs. John Ashby was pleasantly «urpri*od Friday when a daughter. Mr*. Muretta Harper tn Fugon Mr*. Lesli«' G«'*lard, who is living Mou «lay. 111«' I H club will meet every at Lake of th«' Woods. wher< h»*r husband is employed for the Men lay afternoon with Mis John They h.nv ‘ summer, arrived home bringing Alorton at camp A with her a niece of Mr. Ashby, named the club Happy Hour'» 4 H Mrs. Elsi«' Young, an.l two rhil club. The Bub Decker family have dren of Alvrtle Cret'k. an.l also a friend. Mrs. A bey. Air». Go«lar«l moved from ramp A to Cottage wont to Eugent' Saturday for h«: Grove. Dorman Brookhsrt spent the sister, Mrs. Pearl Parks, aud tw.» small sons. The latter visit«'«! over week eud at Drain with a cousia. Dalton .Mattoon. Suu day. Atr. aud Airs. Al. J. Todhunter Little Keith Park» celebrate«! hi* fourth birthday Alon Jay, Jun«' 1«‘. aud John Jenkin* stopped at th« D. T Kimball i* planning to * u J«»v Bro«>khart home from Sunday large hit home as soon a.* weathei until Tuesday. They are enroute from Long Beach. <'aL, to their permits building, Alembert of the S. D A church farm al Blanchard, Ida. Mrs. lvau Abeene »pent Monday in this district jome«l an«! went to th«» young people’s afternoon meet with an aunt. Mrs. William McCox Dorman Biookhart left Tuesday ing in Cottag«’ Grove Saturday. Among those who attended th«' for Burke. Ida. He will accompany meeting were th«' families of E. R an uncle. M. J. Todhunter, as far Darnell. A!. E. Hoffman and J. D as Spokane. Wash. The Jim Holcomb family s Grimo, A!r*. Netti«' Estes and »on Leonard. Frances and Bertha Kim the week end at \Viu«hester The dance given by Dorothy- ball, Mr. Platz and a brother of Mr». Platz an«i th«' latter's wife of Dora Funk Saturday night Portland. Collin and Willis Morris well atteudrd. Mrs. J. M Longfellow and > n of WalterviHe, who had attended the local service here Saturday of Cottage Grove calle«! at the Glen forenoon visited with friends dur Banton Lome Thursday evening. Hubert Ewing bought a Ch»vr«i ing the day. Elder Rol>erts of Eu g» n«1 conducted the morning ser let coach Saturday evening. vice at the 8. D. A. church Satur DOREN A. lay. He also attende«! the Cottage Grove meeting m the afternoon. (Special to the Sentinel.) Mr. and All*. Sum Steven* of June 12.— Mr-. Juba Sctroy* r Eugene visited Saturday with Mr Steven’s parent*, Afr. and Mrs. and son and daughter, Floyd au . George Teeters. They returned Irene of Medford, visited last week Sunday morning to atteud the I n. at the E. L. Williams home. Hub» rt _ Mosbv __________ made a trip t > versity ¡»acral.iureate service. Frank Peoples has purchased a Marshfield Sunday. Mr. and Mr.». Bohart Ford truck an«i is now a traveling a representative for a health product* spent Sunday with M in . A. S. Ward. company. Roy England visited in Sal.n. Airs. J. W. McCoy is recovering Sunday. from a fractured knee and is DOW The Sunday school gave an in able to walk w’ith a cane. Mrs. E. R. Darnell SB'! two tere.-ting children *s «lay program Sunday. daughters spent Sunday at I th- Among Cottage Grove visitor-* home of Mr. an.l Mrs. ] Hiram Wheeler, Mrs. Wheeler ga ave a Tuesday were: W. W. Chrisman. Emit Kirk, Mrs. C. G. Jennings. birthday party that day f for a daughter Frances. A merry t i me Mrs. C. H. Jennings, J. B. Mosby, was had and a delicious luncheon Mrs. James Spahr and «laughter of saudwiches, salad and cake was Jessie, Bert Williams and Chari«** served. Among those present were Teeters. The Dorena store, formerly Rachel Collins. Ruth Roberts, Elea nor Teeters. Connie Rowe. Bertha owned by Mrs. J. H. Kirk, is now under the management of Mr. and Kimball, Marion, and Margaret Keith Babcock, Mrs. Wilbur Col Mrs. Emit Kirk. Carl Small of London visited tin» and small daughter Lornadinc, Mr*. Ed Babcock. Mrs. E. R. Dar Sunday at the A. S. Ward home. Mrs. G. H. Mosby an«) daughter nell aud two daughters Zelila ; Joyce of Klamath Falls spent Sat nice aud Al ary a I Jean. urday at the J. B. Mosby home. Mr. and Mr*. Newman and two Mrs. M. H. Kinney visited rela children of Salem visited Sunday tive» in Cottage Grove several day* with Mrs. Nettie Estes. last week. Mrs. Roberts and small daughter J. E. Redford spent two week'« Ruth, who had been staying with recently in Cottage Grove with a Mrs. Robert’s parents, Afr. and Mrs. F. M. Vincent, have gone to sister. Mr*. Albert Stocks. Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Ward left Eugene to live. Mrs. Roberts ex Monday for an extended trip pects her other children Elmer ami southern Oregon and Cali l*ob«4 of Forsythe, Alont.. to join Through fornia. her this week. .Mr. Robert* plans Bernice Mosby is visiting in Eu to join them later. Airs. Chisholm, who had made gene this week with a sister. Mr». Jack Kerns. an extended visit with a daughter. Mr*. Ralph Teeters, expects to MOUNT VIEW. leave June 12 for .Salem, where she will visit with friends for a ( Special to the Se n tin»-1 ) few days before leaving for hec June 12.—Mr. and Mrs. O. Sai home in Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Allen an- juceth of Lorane have moved here again. Mr. Saljuseth ami Merle making preparations for their trip to Yakima. They plan to start Simoud* have gone to Corvallis to work an I Mrs. Haljuseth and baby this week. W. 8. Averill, agricultural in ar»- staying with Mrs. Simonds. William Hands, who ha«l been structor in th«1 Cottage Grove hign school, was out June 1<> to inspect ill for two weeks, was taken to a Eugene hospital Monday. John Woolcott’s agricultural pro Mr. und Mrs. Bert Myers ani ject of a Lj acre of strawberries. John O. Burcham took hi* moth family’ visited Sunday at Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boss spent er, Mrs. Mary Burcham, to Eugen«1 Sunday at the home of their son, Monday’ to the university com Gene Bos«, at Thornton Corners. mencement exercises. They re Mr. and Mr- Tom Lambkins turned that evening, bringing wirk have move«! to Cottage Gra vo. them Miss Lena Burcham, who Lad Mrs. Richard Hanna will leave been “tudyiug at the university this week for Portland to take thia w inter. medical treatment.*. She has been confine 1 to her bed practically all LONDON. winter. Mrs. Amanda Hears Went (Mpeclal to the Sentinel.) visit h J u he 11.—The Ed DuFor«* family Marshfield Sunday to • •laughter, Mrs. L.’ K. 1 Brumfield. moved to Latham »Sunday. The Cecil Eddy family moved to THORNTON CORNERS «Black Butte Thurs-lay. Nearby News Ed Brasher sprained an ankle a few days ago. < h:<rl«*N Powell sprained der la*t week while piling a brush fir«1. A large number attended a ehari van at the Cecil Eddy home Thur- «lay evening. Mr. Hpauhling of Yoncalla ha» purchased the F. A. Gore ranch. •M i Heli n A < wton ol Ind« en dene«* is spending several weeks at the home of an uncle, A. S New ton. Ali Alexandria Lyons and Dm v Warwick drove to Monmouth Fri «lay. •Miss Geneva Powell of Lorain went to Ashland Sunday to attend •urnmer school. Joe Garoutte visited Sund.iv with Bill Bachelder, who i iu a Eugene hospital. A. S. Newton wras called to In <lep.*u«leuce Wednesday’ by’ th»- <balh of a brother, G. N. Newton. Miss Dolly Newton accompanied her father. They returned Han div accompanied* by the Gideon Newton family. Alts. Hubert Ewing attende.l a birth.lay anniversary dinner at the Rov Fry«* home Sunday. Glen Banton purchased a Ford ear Saturday. Art«. Murry Newton, Mrs. Job n ■Small nod Mr». W. T. Jones made ii trip to Eugene Tnes.lay, Mr». O. W. Blackmore of tage Grove nn.l Bert Ellen__ B Visit«'.I at the William Lively home Monday, (Sp«*'ial to the Sentinel.) June 12.— Mr. and Mrs. Morri’- Raymond and little gran«hon of Walden were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Hhaw. Ham .lours of Reedsport last week with a nephew, William Mrs. G. H. Mosby and litt p ■laughter Joyce of Klamath visitp<| over night Wednesday Mr. and Mrs, J. \V. Fisher. Harold Tortole Portland, w here ment. Bernard Went to Sutio’ilin Tuesday t a few days* with his father, Ü. ____ «Shaw, who i- «■hef in the Mutherbu hotel. G. L. Short ridge of Roseburg vidted over night Monday at th*1 home uf a brother, 8. P. Short ridge. J r«-.| Kelly is building a barn on hi* property here. Mr. and’ Mr-. M. M. Ti-on m turned I-1 iduy from spending a week at Winchester bay. Miss Hazel Yenroua of Latham, Miss l.ilv Kresher of th« *ie Grove .....i rt., n».. . . > > Hud H h II ip and Lawrence McGuir» of Waldon were supper guests Sun •lay of Mr. and Mrs. John William Mr. anti Mr», W. A. Keene are among the firat to report nerving npw cabbage, green pea is and new carrots from their garden, Thes»« were r served * " first a week ago. Mr. and J Mrs. Ralph Lancaster and family of Mt. View visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ( hark** Trent. l’a«tor an.l Mr». I G Shaw of .... evening ih.* tiravi* ii»ita.l Kun.'») and Mr» Mr' M \| \| Ti»on, a ith Mr. an.l Mi».» Effie Buchan, it of Cottage tirai e w it* a Sun* tax . inter giic-t af XI r and Mr*. J. W I i*dn-i The I cuter Van Nortwick family «>1 London spent Sunday at the h a«' of Mi. A au Nortwick** ' - ter. Mr*« John Trunnell. I'he Al.lv ill«’ Hanna family w«u’ to Eugeue Saturday eveuing \ I \\ « k. . " LATHAM Saturday night with a group ol I««* al \ln*on» Mrs Gladys Eby i* quarantined «a.ml. y, with a light **:l»e of wcarlet f«*vci Juno It Mi* Ii • I \\ \! lx n «th Mr at the home of her parents, M Gourley v i*iio*i r«*ceu th.* and Mrs. J. Chapman at M K bk n h Olli««, I’he ri'tiular »minili nn'ctiui; o r Mt* \l th«‘ Latham school district »dl l.e Mr* Hiuu«* c'nrlile a w ith h»*ld at the school house at bert Hull v i*it< d M Mr*. John Trunnell. o’clock Monday, June 17. .hi! \l. > I \\ M * lx dr»‘n calle,I Monday on th«* M. t'ali BLUE MOUNTAIN family (Special ta th** St linei I \ llllk OW 11« d l.V Sxx.lt A l\ :;l )mny cra»he»l into th«* *outh Sixth Mr. nnd Air*. Fran k June 11 street br dge ln*t week, tearing ol f Bruiulvaugh are her«» I l OHI Th* several b«mrd*. The truck did not Dalle» mid are visiting nt the Dan go through into the river. Brumbaugh home. j. F. Barnes, who had to quit Mu. Thena Frank Mill. null work some time ago becaus« Miller in«*t <1 red boira Sun ! *\ of c«'dar pail lining is working at :in«t \ »U «al nt \\ \\ a de the Black Butte u mi nos. home. Recent visitors nt the J. W Mr and Mr» K:«v Maddux home were » Mr Maddux'» children of \llianv an i vc,I Frida v two sister*. Mrs. I Ed Black of ev ening • and x -.siivil at th«’ Jaui,”' l.ntigloi«* and Mr* Katherin«« Tai l.ebxiw Inline 1 All o| the ehiltlrvu madge of Portland. »nJ J a friend, of Mr an.l Mrs Jam«* l.vb.-w wci* Irving Doucette of K«i*«*burg. al I i * h uh «* Sumlav but Mi •«nd Mr» Mr* W - "• .X «'ar! r«»u«di ot Stimuli Th. rv wer,- W MvK.bben v isite«! Inst week 21 there for ibiitier. Mr an«l Mrs. Highliue of Eug» ne With M ’ - J I. Ijauis in Eugen»- Mr and Mr* Melville Haunt* held serv ice.* nt th«- Blue Muunl.ain aud children sjw'nt on«* «lay last school Sumlny Five v«mug |H*r week with Mr Hauna's |mr«*nts at son* from the I ighthiui-«* temple of Mouut View, His mother i* »eri I'ugem* came with them nnd gave oualy ill. a H>u*. -nl program Mrs Marv A n n W. lhams with Mr aud Mr». Littlet<m I .:i».-itet her son Vero <»f YoncaHn v t»it«-<l :in*l *on of Got tag«* Gr«»v,' wer Monday at th«* » home of a >i»ter. guests Sun,lax .i’ the 1.« • Dugan Mrs. J Trunnell. home. Phone 53 . z .<*>* ' » •' < ¿ À i» terday, today and tomorrow is to visit their neatest MACMARR STORE and learn the safest, most pleasant road to food buying satisfaction mid economy. Prices Effective Saturday to Thursday, June 15th to 20th, Inc R 1( * F a bn»inc- Sund to iv !i er . CANADA DRY GINGER ALE 3 lutti I ch s co HERSHEY COA Hali I’ oiiik I «•an. Lie. I ’utili«I < .III LARD. I’ . In bulk 1 Peas Prunes Italian prunes packed in heavy syrup. - 10* 43* LUX i. e SOAP — 3 bars IVORY 1 SOAP G uz. bars (» fur r 39* WALDORF TOI LET TISSUE Parowax u. CLAMS. IlllZUl* lilllilli'. Extra Specials tiling glass I'REE villi t aeh 6 lb. «'ail. $1.39 i ROYAL BAKING pupular vrram «■i tarlar Imkiiiu pu\\<l« r’‘~ 12 uz «un nini an ' Vii) uiie ean Bake" biikinu li.H.k rnc (value $1 *i01 for only 21 j ib. ean and a Ihikinr bouk for WALNUTS. I .argr < *i «'gun Sot t Shi ll \'« rv Sjxi inl I’uiuul GHIRARDELLIS GROUND UHOCO LATE $1.53 e CAMPBELLS BEANS I tin.« Just think! i1 _> | r< a«ly lu s> i vr. » hult'Hiuii«1 I imh I iu I cans tor DEL MONTE CATSUP loira« Hot 11. CRYSTAL WHITE soap IO bars CORN 11 I Bantam. MILK I i Limit 12 «'.iu.« PINEAPPLE. Tr. .il u<>l«l< II slice, ( S i can) l.aij.' cans I l'< DEVILED MEAT, Qitnrii is «• tins QUAKER OATS ■ i«row ii ii|«s” weather this e«r« rclislii<l l.ni'K«* RINSO I.arg«' I’iickngi s. 2 for VINEGAR I’m.- - i<l> i 22 <>/ MacMarr Coffee Two 1-Lb. Pkgs. 25c Fruit Jar Rubbers Double lip Doze u 25c I » I'uv II riniti, roasti.l libili, ground right S«> il must be righi Dii. et from «>ur roast« r to y«ui II ’s ni ways I r« sii Gem Nut Oleo, 3 Lbs. Rice, 3 Lbs. Macaroni, Elbow Cut, 3 Lbs Motor Oil, Eastern 60c Gal.; Western 50c Gal Pound 45c; 3 lbs. $1.33 l.roiliul to vour «iiilt r for tin« ions BIG ’ Breakfast Suggestions CREAM ROLLE DOATS hlllK'tt«' Vulley’ii fill« st 9 lli baa KELLOGG CORN FLAKES OR POST TOASTIES 3 packages KELLOGGS IIRA.X I LAKES 3 parkagea KELLOGGS ALL BRAN Larg«' packiuz«' POST BRAN FLAKES 2 pai'kapis FLAPJACK I l.ol R XII kiu<l tliut uiaki's th«' hut il.is that pb'.is«' l.i LOG CABIN SYRUP Mi'ilium size «all KARO SYRUP K<<l <«■■ Blu< label—51b. can ...... 25*' Choice of ö / no extra <<»st ja runs RAISINS I ' Il uin S«’« (II. S', Thump suit*. Full uf iron I II. lull? 25*’ 4 GUM V11 11.« pipu lar lirantia 3 pk Rva HERSHEY BARS Xu! or Milk 3 I fur 10* M i. Man BROOMS. (i sc\V, uf lilt-» I) n yet. weight, M n «I r st rung frulli I he Very fili- rat materiala maat er rrafli Hit’ll < hily i:*ei I I ’«koi' nr .lapilli • II. VEGETABLE PRICES 45c 15c Butti. Cunning Supplies CERTO—Instil an-. in .L ily .-mil l*n si I V* making 3 bottles 1 ’ A R O W A X It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s Inali li) • I WESSON OIL II.« very In «st III" its tV|M' Quart ran \n > utliiei -I aihial* *1 in« i ♦ CR1SOO WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR FRUIT AND r". z 4.7 I.« sii. •* SI.al • RICE, I .iu. « Soutli- Bin. Rus» White Laundry Soap 10 Large Bars 39c 3 Packages 25c II* sh • Plain <>r l<» < i iz«*< I Quart Bottle 29c Corn Flakes—Post Toasties » 39c I’lltlUll ..III Whitens .imi Bleaches" 2 Bottles 55c 43c « I pownn SHORTENING Best V. r. laidi lu bulk Il«s. Purex •‘Our regular price" * 3 Iba Four 8-oz. Fins 25c 49 Lbs. SI.69 Certo n ) S..U i FISHER S BLEND FLOUR \ltiin Heilst«»« I» visitili- pk at rhornton «'orner» w ilh ui.lpat«'nts, Mr anti \l i * K -ene Fountain Brand medium sixe tender pea« A quality valley flour I IVORY SOAP Week End Specials 49 Lbs. SI.85 McKenzie Flour M i Jun«* the “I DO ’ month, finds flu* M.uMARR STORES ready witu a veritable Moir ■| And, about th«* boat hint we can give thr brides of y«*a house of flesh, appetuiiv; looiLi SALT. Guaranteed hardwbeat. » ». I Cottage Grove’s pioneer cash grocery. The place where you get quality merchandise, courteous service and prices that are uniformly low. No. 2 Can 15c Bear Flour •4f llaitletl •I dtUlgll Free ( 'ity Delivery 711 Main Street » J ,Ari ) E AS H & CARRY *. A-~\| \ 'I V m A a ERAYS ' ir v & S \<1 IN AW of —— — Mi Winter* ha» reiuined home from visiting i id Seattle o ith hi.* daughters |b -s n ui l'v«*lyu Little Haroi I Jones in -uffeiing with a n a 11 a « k of a »tiimi Ti uniini Lender is buibling a u»u age on hi homeMead. Mr an.l Mr> Dm Ibumbaugh \ tailed Sundav at the Tom i’«*\ home m »' *tt ige Gmv «* 79*' 25* 25c «•lent sealing *2 lbs MASON JAR CAPS, Ball I dozen in package I’kgc ECONOMY CAPS I du/, n in a package Pkg« KERR MASON CAPS I lllizi II in a package—Pkg«*. KERR WIDE MOUTH CAPS I duz«*n in a package I’kK«-. KERR WIDE MOUTH LIDS I dozm in a packag«* • ‘k«< KERR REGULAR LIDS I <l««z< ti in n piickaK«' l*l*i>< FRUIT JAILS IL i II M umoii « I’ilitsl ilozi'll ill II box Box FRUIT JARS. Ball Ala sons Quarts I .loziii in a box FRUIT JARS, l«l< al I’int . I <l«>zi n in a box FRUIT JARS, 1.1, al Qiiaitx I <loz.« n in a Imx Box JAR RUBBERS. MiieMiirr I krabl» J lirnvy r«'<I lint*«« iniul«' in 1929 3 «loz« ii e 35c 14*- 85*' 99r 99* $1.23 19' Picnic and Cold Luncheon Suggestions PICKLES, l''annhig’s Itriail ami Bulli r 15-oz jars, 2 fur BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE OR REI. ISH SPREAD Pint Jars, «'aeh SARDINES, Booths Your N|>ic« «l Muslaril or Tomato san«'« I III oval tins, 3 f< SARDINES. Norlli Star G< wegian (IS to 20 fish) pa in pur.' olive oil 2 tins SALMON, \r« na Medium IL «I ';oo«l loud al II lou price I Ib. tall cans. 2 for WHITE STAR TUNA (luarti'i's 3 tins SHRIMP, Alll.'i ieilll Be.'illlv I.at of large fancy shrimp No. I (5-oz.) cans -3 for ... ........... See otirspeeial display in newest motor ear color designs « At no extra cost—a C^hoii e of ( 5>loi > on any model, from a variety so wide you have almost individual dislim lion. (Joine to our special color show and set* for yourself the great number of color combinations from which you may choose. And, remember, this is only an additional feature to the great array of values with whii h Essex the Challenger has swept the field. AND UP ut factory Your present car util probably io%er the en tire fttst pavrn»ii t / h« II. M ( I'urchate lJlun uilert (hr l«>u.rst term« «vodublr <zn (he baianct. ESSEX 7//Æ CHALLENGER Brown Motor Co. Hudson-Essex Sales and Service I ASPARAGUS TII»S, It C End,.™ alyl.- t.n.I.r AU. GREEN tips A very popular lieu article No. I I 10 oz calis) *.» for SPAGHETTI ll.inz Just bent ami serve 17-oz emiN, 2 for ... PAPER NAPKINS—Fumy, liu.n like III unpkiiiM in n pnektige WAX PAPER 2(1 sln'cls in n roll 3 rolls I'ur * PAPER PLATES 2 «lozi ii RIPE OLIVES, Libby ', Buffet calls (5-oz. uel) «‘iii'Ii HEINZ PREPARED MUSTARD ' oz |.ir ............. I. AND P SAUCE Aibls Zest II) cold meals, I'ish or fowl — fl uz. hoi lie ....... 35* 29* 9*' 10* 15** 12^ 33*' -----¿ *