The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, June 13, 1929, Page 2, Image 2

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    T1IUHMDAY. JWWH I-«. »»-*>
Mr*. W T Moore of Loran«* eu
h riaiiH’d Tuesday afternoon of last
w«*« k m honor of her niece. Mi*«
bride eiert of
Camille Hrhwoider,
Harley M
Ream of Waltervill?.
G upm I* were Mrs. Hattie R«ain of
Walterville, Mr» Joe
Mrs. __
E. C. Lock wood and
daughter Boaellen and Mrs. G«*«»rg«*
Kebclberk an«l «laughter I’arohnc.
all of Cottage Grote; Mr«. Frei
W.ntworth, Mr*. Frank Tripp. Mr*
Rteelr and Mr*. Hol verson
daughter Mart I «m, all of Lügen«1;
Vi 1
Mr*. E. R Addi <«n
I va u mu, Mrs.
dison, Mi
!■ W
l.u. de Addi
Martin F«» t* r, A.
-on, Mr«. Ida Tillmau, Mr». Elma
Davis, Mrs. Lucy Bryan. Mrs. Hat
tie Mitchell, Mrs. I. H. Givwing.
Mr- Georg* Schneider,
Ad«ii«on, Pauline 8chnei«ier, Mr*.
Ralph Lynch. Marjorie
Schneider, all
au«l Katherine F
The rooms were attrae
pink and
tively decora te«l with
white roses and carnations, Da i n
ty refreshment» were served. The
guest of honor received many ai
tractive gifts.
Miss Hazel Virginia Bosley of
Palo Alto, Cal , daughter «if Mr
and Mrs. D. C. Bosley ot this citv.
ha» uuuounce«i her engagement tc
Ern«-t L. Rhiller, al««» of Palo Alt«»
A number of Miss Bosley ’* friends
pleasantly surprise«! her
evening, June J at the home ot
Mrs. F. J. Snow there *h«‘ rvsil«*-
in the southern city. 1 During th«’
evening the engagement t was made
known in a clever manner. Golden
keys, bearing the
were concealed in dainty conag«
bouquet.« presented to the guest<
The wedding will take place
Palo Alto in October. Mr. Shilb-r
w hich
i» a partner of the firm
operates the Stanford sheet metal
works in
ib Palo
• »•- Alto. —
* — Bosley
is employed in the
t». classified
. —.......
vertising department of the Pal*»
Alto Times. She has many friend,
in Cottage Grove, where -he at
tended the local high school, but
later was graduated from the Palo
Alto high school. At one time Miw
Boalev clerked at the Urnphrey &
Mackin store.
Mrs. James P. Graham
faiaed Tuesday afternoon for the
O. L. H. club.
Five tables of
bridge were iu play and Mrs. T. C.
Wheeler held high score.
At th«*
close of the afternoon dainty re-
freshmenu were served by
hostess, assisted by her
Mrs. Nancy Oglesby.
The room-
were attractively decorated
baskets of garden flowers in bin-’
and whit« shades
Special guests
tor the delightful oeeaaioa
Mrs. M. P Garoutte, Mrs. A’ictor
Chambers, Mr«. Adnan Merrvmaii,
Mrs George Matthews, Mrs. E W
Armes, Miss Lula
Myrtle Kern, Mrs. A W Swanson.
Mrs Wheeler. Mrs Nelson Durham,
M rs A W Kim«*.
AL —
Silsby, Mr*. A A. Ri«*hmond, Mr*.
William Thum, Mrs. C. A Bartell,
Mrs George Ja«*obseu un«l Mrs. J.
Mrs. C. A. Beidler and Mrs. Nel­
son Durham were joint hostesses for
ths Past Matrons’ club Monday ai
The afternoon
the Beidler home
was »pent in a social way and a
short business meeting was held,
Plans were discussed for a picnic
to be held the second Monday in
July. Mrs. W. B. Johnston. Mrs.
T. C. Wheeler and Mrs. Jame« P.
Graham were appointed to act as
a committee to arrange the piar**
for the picnic.
member* ’
families will be guests,
Later :n
the afternoon
a delicious
course luncheon was
large bowl of columbine formed a
beautiful centerpiece for the table
Ba-kets of
vari colored
flowers were living room decora
The Mothers’ club met fur an ail
•lay session last Thursday at the
home of Mrs. D. C. Bo-ley. Fifteen
members were present. A covered
dish luncheon was served at noon
and the day was «pent quilting
Two quilts were
Bosley presented the club with n
1*11 to be used in calling meet
»ugs to order. Mrs. N. E. Compton
became a member of the club. Mr*.
Rosa Currin reported that «he had
given out during the past mon'h
54 garments and four
The next meeting of th«
club will be the second Thursday
m July at the home of .Mr« Daisy
Markham, with Mrs. Smith a« joint
Mi-« Maxine Nel*-*n wa« host?»;
for the Tatapoehian
Tnur««lay evening at th- home f
her parents. Mr. and Mr«. N. J.
Nelson. Bridge was played during
the evening and Mi** Genevieve
Meranda held high score and Mi«-
Loui«e Wynne held low
At the
rlose of the evening refreshment»
were served. Members of the club
¡»resent were ML«® Jean
Miss Donna Bartell, Miss 1 Louise
Al iss Mary Vinsoa, Mi’s
Elsie Jacobsen,
Jacob'PB. Mi«
George, Miss
Mi«« I Ethel Bennett an 1
gue*t« were Miss Genevieve Mer
anda. Miss MftdeUe Beidl : m I
Miss Eunice Merenda.
Mrs. C. E. Urnphrey has received
mi announcement of the marriag- re
of a nephew, Wilbur Watkins. to
Ali.«s Helen Moore on Wodnesilav.
Jun«* 5, at Guthrie
Watkins came her«* two years ag '
from Bayard, la., to accept
teaching position at the we* t side
school ana has made his hum«* m
th»* Urnphrey family. H<- has b
reelected to teach in the Cott
Grove schools anoth«‘r v«’«r
and Mrs. Watkins will arrive
Oregon next week Hnd Mr Wat kin
plan- to attend the summer -«•—ion
at th. Monmouth normal chooi.
The marriage of Afi*- D ili Ca
ton and Edward Heck was solemn
ized Tuesday evening -it th«* Bap
tist oanonage. Rev Louis Henry
Randle officiating. The ring cere
monv was used.
Only immediat
relatives were present. The room*
were attractive with rose-» and rho
Flower Mission day will bi­ ob
«erved by the W. (’.’ T I
nt it.«
meeting Friday afternoon at th«*
home of Mrs N.
Friend« of the organization are in
vited to attend and tak»* flower
'fhe flowers will be sent to th«
«ick and shutins.
Mr«. R. B. Reed entertained at
breakfast Sunday in honor of Mr
and Mrs. G. H. Fullerton, who will
leave soon to make their home in
Guests were Mr.
Mrs, N. E. Compton, Air. aa l Mrs.
Fullertou and son Ralph and th •
Reel family.
The women*« bibb» das» of th«»
Methodist church entertain?«! Fn
•lay afternoon in th«’ church da--
room, honoring Mr*. Rue R«»ot on
her birthday anaivernary an.I Alt*
G. H Fullerton, who »*
this week to make her home
A pleasant
»put with conversat ion and
ng owntesta and at the tea
A birthday cake with th*
uame «»f Mr*. Root hu «I her age ‘ 03
it was a feature. Mrs. Root
given many attractive gift* and
Mr*. Fullerton w given an •P
propriate framed motto,
of mixed flowers were 1 ffeetive
Mrs W
Mr* Jim AII« n aud Mr Alia Hart
w ere
Al« -dam« -
Sams, Markham, Bek dler, Raymond,
Thomas. Buiiubridge. ' White, Hou*
Hart. W F ' Allen, Jim Allen, El
vira Allen, ’ Crow, Wells. Chamber*.
Lanison, Arn«*st, Longfellow and
Tuesday Bridge club
motored to the home ot Mrs. Kay
mood Grube in Pengra Tuesday tor
a no hostess luncheon.
The women
left Cottage Grove iu the forenoon
and luncheon was aerved at
o’clock. The afternoon was spent
playing bridge and high -<ur< was
held by Mrs. Claude Kune
Grube was presented with a guest
At th«* dose of th«’ after
noon Mr. Grube, who is foreman
of the Lewis Peters mill, took the
club w omen on an inspect ion tour
of th«’ mill.
Mr and Mrs. Grube
invited the club to be their guest*
for supper, which was served early
in the eveniug at the cook house ot
Mr». H A
the lumber company
Hagen was a special guest of the
Mrs. Grube, a former Cot
tag«’ Grove resident, was a club
member before going to Pengra.
A group of friend: gathered at
the home of Mr and Mr* William
Hogate Monday night.
Mr and Mr« G. H. Fullerton, who
an* leaxiug *oun to make
home iu Ashland
A covered dish
supper was served an. I the evening
was spent m a social way.
and Mrs. Fullerton were presented
with a beautiful pi ere of china
Those present were Mr. and Mr*
J A. Wright. Mr and Mrs. S. J.
Leonard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ma
son, Mrs. James Tedford. Mrs. Lil
lian Seines anil son Junior, Mr
and aud Mr-. Roy Leouard. Mr
and Mrs. Glen Phelpe
Stodard of California, who are vis­
iting Mrs. Phelps' parents, Mr. an.!
Mrs Hogate, Clair Hogate an 1 Mr
aud Mr*. Hogate.
Mrs. M P Garoutte. Mrs. Inez
Meek». Mrs. A. W Swanson. Mrs.
0 W Blackmore and Mrs. Verne
Hazeu were hostesses yesterday for
the Presbytenau ladies’ aid »<»
ciety at the church
The commit
tee «>n the cooked f«x>«i .-ale held
iu May reported that a sum of
was netted. Plaus fur buikiing a
kitchen as an addition to the din
ing hail were «iisrus-ed but no ac
tion was takvn. A .-hort program
was gi\ru during the afternoon and
consist?«! of a vocal *ulu and a
reading by Lois Odenberg of Al
bany, niece of Mr«. Swanson; a
vocal solo by little Miss Arliue
Anderson, and a piano selection by
Mrs. Blackmore. Late iu the after
noon refreshments were served by
the entertainment committee.
Th«’ Joker club wa* d«*lightful’y
Ccurlwu» Spaniard
entertain?«! for
The palnee of the Kacorlnl. where
bri«lge Friday at th«* h »m? •«! Alr-
the mortel renut In» of Spanlah
R. A
F«dl««w mg
« ard*
ruxal peraonagv* are in!«! to rest.
Mr* Allison, a—i«t«-d I * her «laugh
|> one of the glootuleat collevtlona
ter* J«’au aud \h>«. *« i*vd <laintv of bulldlnp* Imnginable \et. »ayt
writer In the London I' h II v
rv>««’* ad«i«‘d t«v the attiwetiven«'»*
Chronicle, I have a very pleaaant
of th«» r«Hvm>
A d<lit i«»iial guests
rv«\)llectlon of It. I whu walking
inv it«*d to meet with th«' «'lub were
Air* A
W ll.-lhwll. All- In.r from Segovia to Madrid, an«! want-
•si to »•’«’ (ha Ka«'orial on the way.
Meeks Mrs J bmmu l‘ Graham» Mrs
I Inquired from a countryman how
Joe Smith. Mr* Gcotge Kmvvl«**
to reach the palace. IL' at once
\ lh*on
mi -I Mr* F 11
to guide me, an«! «11«! »«» for
vnteita'uv 1 several mllea. Then he utterly re­
Mi- C ’
her hotn«’ fused. with graceful Spanish cour­
the M P G club at
tesy. to take any rt ward.
Tuv*day. The afternoon XX a- *pvut
At th«’ heavy hall* am! chapel* could not
-uu'nlly xv «th needle* «>» 'k
a depreaa me after that dieplay uf
t«'w hour th«' ho*tv**
Ml« vvsldp.
liat« heon
A prufuMUu of *uu«iner ktudly
fl«)xx«’r* lutt.i«» the room*» «»speciallX’
Mr- G 1. Mock ol
Dum.« I oved to Fat
Oakland, Cal , w ho i* visiting m
The last of the book* that rm
Eugene at th«* h«'nu* of a brother.
Chari«** \-lain* . waa a special guest. anated fri'iu tin- facile pen of Alex
ander Ihltiia«. the great French
It con­
entertain«*«! writer, was a «■«x>k b«xik.
Mr* R. B
Tu«**<lav night t«*r
t.i!«'ii tallied recipes fer preparing eggs
Princehouse of Sunnier, Wash . xv ho in 56 different ways. The fatuous
Mr* I
A author was as happy over the per
i* \i*itiug Mr. Mi»«i
Randall, mu «I M.*s Flo* si«’ \lathn feet ton of an original diali a» he
Win at the auceessful creation uf
Th«' two were ox «'might guest*
a fiction character.
The value he
hlui*elf placed on his co«»kery Is
Traffic l'uxea Paid
Fine* amountlug t«i ?4 f«»r trait • revealed tn Ills own w« r«ls: “I set»
violation* vvvr«’ paid t«» th«' « it) with pleasure that my culinary rep
this week by We— Chriwmau. who utatlou Is Increasing ami promises
left the motor ruunmg while hi* soon to efface my literary reputa
«■ar wa* uu.»ft .-n«l d, an«l G
McGee, who park«»«! hi* «*ar m a
restricted xou«'.
Th«' fm«'* vvcie
Expected Too Much
y* • :u‘h
They xv«'re l«»«»klug oxer n house
Eugene Wood Finn Organized
the agent warmly recommended.
The E«*onomy Fu«*l company h.i* It wa« In rather poor condition,
been oigaai m u by F aa
Frans, and one r*»»»tn appenred Io be par­
Frank McCullough an«l Lou Hendrr
ticularly dilapidated.
son of this city to operate in Eu
“But look, man
crle*! the pr*»a
gene. The firm »obi nine carload*
pectlv? tenant
“We couldn’t live
«»! woo«! its opening lay.
In a pla«e Ilk«’ this! Why. there’*
actually mow growing ou that
Army Instructor Is llei*
damp xvall."
Sergeant Jerac of Salem, regular
The house agent flushed
army in-true tor. arrive«! Wedn«’-
“My «Ivar zir." he retorted Indtg
*iav night aud will be her«* th«' re
nantly. “at the rental I’m asking,
maiuder of the week to instruct
you survlx don’t expect orchid*, d«>
batt«'ry **E.” local uatiuual guard
The instruction is part of
the pre|«aratuvn for th« army an«i
Fighting Fire in Homa
uavy maneuvers iu which the bat
tery will partkipate »u July .-«?
In case a fire starts In a room,
Fort Wor«ien, Wash .
Pag. t cl«»se all <|o«»rs ami windows to pre
Give the alarm
vent a draft.
A few pails uf water
Health Report Given
thrown «»n at first may do more
Dr. C. E. Frost, city health of
good than tlnmsands of gallons
ficer, gave th? following report for latir
A blaze may often be
the month of May: Sev« u birth . sm««t beret! with ti rug or blanket.
four males aud three females; f«»ur If the chvtbee catch tire, lay the
patient flat on the floor at on«'?;
• leath«, two males and two female*
running about fans the flames,
which ten«! to burn upward toward
Local Meii Attend Meeting
K D Raker, Richard
Gilbeit. ■he face Smother the flames with
William Stennett, Charles Buslough. a heavy coat, rug or blanket. If
Frank and Henry Ellsworth and water Is not st hand.
Frank Collin* attended th«* district
meeting of the Knight* of Pythias
An Eye for Cvlor
held Muudav u«ght iu R«-«*l.uig
Mr Collin* was one of a da.-* of
A little girl recently skhiued her
38 to receive the degr«« of the u
kii«-e and her mother promptly i ap
der. Frank Love, supreme k, ep« r plied a bright-colored antiseptic.
Several days later the mother
of R an«i S. Grand
Ckau<« l!«»r
Rollin* au«l Leslie Crouch. SA C.. •erve«l eold meats uud catsup. The
little girl, seeing her father geuer-
were present aui a—isted iu th«
uusly beli'lug himself to catsup, de­
At the cl«)*« of
'.Mother. 1 want some
meeting a imuqurt was
*«r«e«i. manded:
More thau 3Ud attende«! th«* affair. meat with uiercurochrome ou It.”
School Meeting Is Muuuay
A meeting uf legal
vut«r* <»f
school district No 45 will be held
at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon ’0
pass un the annual <<*houl bu<ig«-t.
which ha* b«‘en -« t at $56,365. Phi-
is within the six per cent limita
source* other than proposed tax
total $24,455.
Members of the Tuesday Evening
club entertained their husbands an.i
families with an indoor picnic Tues­ Writer Given Un New
day night in the dining hall of the
Picture of Kitchener
Methodist church. About 4<> were
present and these
It wun while Kit. tiener n train
member* of the club with th? ex
wan waiting at Elandalaagte that
ception of Miss Mariette Hamant, I was Introduced by a member of
who is -pending the w «*rk in Port
hfs staff. M.v first sensation was
Supper was
al 6 one of di.appoiniineut. *'K" was a
o’clock and a ocial hour followed, vetr big. heavy looking matt with a
The club will discontinue it meet
forbidding, rather repulsive face.
ings for the summer and will re
He had a slight cast in one eye,
sum? the year’s program Reptember and his manner at that Interview
was a little harsh und overbearing
The Tommy who described him as
At a quiet
_______ _ _________
_ “Gawds young brother Alf was
at noon Saturday m Central Pre*
byterian church iu Eugene. AL--
And yet Kitchener was tn truth
Mariano«1 Elizabeth Day ami Jack a very gentle, shy and simple soul.
Hugh»*« BtM-k uf this city were mar
It may seem a fantastic suggestion,
Rer. Duncan P. Cameron,
but I shall always contend that G.
pastor of th»* Presbyterian church, W. Stevens ruined Kitchener when
read the -ervice iu the pr«1*<,nc«’ oi"
Le wrote Ills fanciful pen picture
about 5o relatives au.l
intimate of the mun In “With Kitchener to
friends of the couple.
Air. aud Khartoum."
Mr*. Beck left immediately after
Stevens shows him as a man of
the ceremony for California They
will return to make their home in Ice and blood—a man without
Cottage Grove for the time being. bowels of compassion, remorseless,
ruthless, relentless. I have the Im
Mrs. K. K. Mill- and Mr- John pression that Kitchener spent th»
greater part of tils life trying to
McCall entertained
Baptist live up to that reputation, and that
Circle Wednesday at
Mill» all Ids ferocity. Ids seeming boor­
Twenty were present aud
ishness. and Ids Invariable aloof­
the afternoon was spent with sew
ing and di icussing business affa.r- ness, were due to another man’s
estimate which he had all too will­
of th«’ circle,
A dainty luncheon
ingly accepted.—Edgar Wallace, in
wa« »erved at th«* close of the af
Ba-kets of varicolored Ids autobiography, “People."
flower- were artistic room decora
tions. Th? circle will meet iu two
Only Two Species of
weeks at the home of Mr..............
W. I.
Leonard for a missionary progrun.
Flowers in Antarctic
Air». Mills will be leader
The Antarctic regions support
only two species of flowering
Mr-. Roy Leonard
eht«*rta«n»’d plants, as against some «»st species
the Ad Libitum club Friday after grown In the Arctic regions. This
noon, inviting a* ad litionai guests, Is probably due to the shortness of
Airs A. W. Rhofstall ami Air«. C. the Antarctic summer aud the re­
E. l’mphr»-y.
Needlework wa« a markably low temperatures, for no
plea-ant feature of the afternoon’« month there has a mean tempera­
entertainment and later the host ture above the freezing point. The
ess «erved a
two-course plant life Is confined to the edges
luncheon. A color scheme of yel of the continent, the mountain
low and pink was effectively car ranges aud the Islands near the
ri-d out at th«* table and a bow I coast.
of yellow rones formed a b»*auti
As a rule, ft Is not until far Into
fill centerpiece.
December that the sun lays bare
attractive room decorations.
what little soil occurs In a few
places, and the vegetation—with
A gr- up of young people honored the exception of lichens on cliff
Ah’* Gladys
Saturday faces—Is exposed to sunlight for
night when they called al the Rie­ only a month or six weeks. The
mann home to help her celebrate ground thaws to a depth of sev­
her birthday anniversary.
They eral Inches on a few clear days,
gathered at the home
.Mi- and even then Is saturated with
James Tedford and went to th«* Hie Ice-cold water. Mosses are numer­
maun horn«’ in a body to surpris«* ous, more than fifty species have
Miss Gladys. Games furnished ?n been recorded.—New York Her
terta in merit far tin* evening and a‘ old Tribune.
a lat»- hour delirious refreshment
were -«Tied. Ali-« Riemann r«",ci\ei
many gifts as birthday tokens.
Need a Good Memory
The ability of the officeholder or
Mrs. Rov le'onard
entertained office-seeker to remember faces and
12 little tots Tuesday afternoon in names Is a valuable asset. Though
honor of the third birthday a n n i th«, elevator boy occupies a hum­
ver-ary uf her daughter Irene The bler station, a good memory Is Just
afternoon was spent with gam«** as <•■ sent lai In his work. He must
and child , play. Some of th«* moth remember the name of the person
?n assisted
Airs. Leonard in enter who culled this or thut apartment,
taining the »infill guest». At th«
and the message. Packages with­
close of the afternoon dainty re-
out addresses are left In Ids care,
freshments w.'re served.
Little und lie must make uo mistake In ‘
Miss Irene was the recipient of
delivering them. The baby In Its
many attractive gifts.
peramublator outside Is crying.
The apartment Is filed with babies;
Mrs. W. A. Garoutte entertained lie could make no greater blunder
Friday a 1. ft-rnoGu
“ ........ „ ........
with „ n , luncheon
than to call the wrong mother.
nt the Colonial cafe, honoring Mrs. Members of 11 family go out, tell­
Roy Romaine of Portland, hou.p ing him to tell other members when
guest of her parents, Dr. and Mr.«. they will be iu, hiii I what to do
A. W. Kime. Following the lunch
while waiting.
He Is rewarded,
eon the uroup went to the home of but often not In proportion to fhe
Mrs. Garoutte for an afternoon of tasks put upon bls memory.—Bol­
ton Herald
Montana HolJ« Cold Racord
Scientists belit-w that the mux!
iuuui !«>w temperature ut the North
pule Is from 50 to 00 degrees be­
low zero. Lower temperatures have
been recorded In the United States.
For lustance, a temperature of 08
degrees below zero has been record*
ed at Havre, Mont—I’uthfluder
No Standing Still
Progress Is essential In this
But whether It shall be forward
ur backward 1s for you to decide.
You cannot stand still.
This Is
The world Is only ■
stairway on which men go «Itter
up ur dvwu.—Orlt
And Various Other Placet
The advice that a man. If
wants to live long, should keep
mouth closed \x hen angry In »*»p»-
dally good In Chicago und xv till»
traveling In Soviet Rl!’-<lM hu
Fascist Italy.—Torunto (Canadn1
Dally Star.
The Auto*, M ¡••ion
The UUtonioI Le L is t*xt?iidr<! oi»
world and ennbl?^ u« to make suf
flcleut excursi«ins here und Hier? t«
confirm much that the clmeiia bn-
revealed to ns
' Church News
-♦ EAGLES AND AUXILIARY Tltinks Ho ll«s Special
Hcnson (or Complainl
('hrUilaw «. Ivw«a
J 4? Svcoud
air«-, I Sunday *. rvh'»-a al 11 a ta Wad
n«»*«lay «»••nlug |t»tlinony uiecllnM al ?
V f»'** «i»«»»laU»»g library !•
maintained In llu> btiUdlng Ttia public ’•
cordially •n«lt»-d to ailcnd tl»a « hurcl* •» r
wlv«'» and mat» u«a of th«* library
Th«’ oil».p’« t of the | v ** oh s«*»mou
fur Siiiolnx t«»r«’iiooit x\»II I»«’ ’’ <•«»•!,
th«* |» i «’* vix « t *»t Ma« ’
• a a
l.ulhvran \li«»l >*»
Marlin P Kirn«»*»
VdvvntGl »huivh w«*t Main
t v I.. Bl . IU . «. »» » I •» •»«>!
‘tv II.«
All Lulhvraua in«*v«*«'
I hiivi
III» of nationality, arc ,o*«Lally InxiUd
nhv ar« without a church
Also ,ih. «•
hl»* «-ui h
t'li*( Church ut Natarvu*
h UurhhvaU ya«U‘r .»<»»«
aud V lam*
S h »»
day a« .—I -1
day at II aud 1 .10.
W.durv.lay a« 7 SO
a • a
Frnlaevalal A»««mbly uf U**d — Kasi
Main •trwat. acrv»*
from . .» 1’ atalluM
Muiolajr »«-huvi al
Kddla I* *ufi paUur
in ;
’e. » ai .-
10 4Ä
U.45 a m
au»' |u opt«- • iH, -'tln< al » V m ,
m . in«» Hntf
fvliati« •,»vt<»a al » p
, a
atrry u»*M at » I
rv*rl Mo. day
and lUturda>
rvgular a, rxlcv I'«u>a*lay
tul-la »t idy W.du.aday, piay.r mrvtlu«
Thursday »arxkca with yuuiiR pwupk In
ihargo KUday . airv«l mrvtlag Batur
lay at 7 30 I’ »«»
• a a
Fr.o M»’lho«U»l Church
Cvruar ot
hlonrv, av« uu# aud »ouih Fifth air»« I
ì *« h >I al
wu.. rù.h.r . |'«**t«-r ••
■— *.'
i . _ ai II
‘_i •vaulug
lU forenoon *«r'U«»
Prajrvr «ur«-ilu< al « ÄO
vice al 7 3U
I'huraday «vanluf a
• • •
<\>(tMg«' Urox«’ H«'it«’ ««I th«* I ;igl«**
I »«lg«‘ uu«l th«’ vv«»»iu’u • nuxihai)
hvl«l n joiut in-ttilliil i «« ii ot uffir**i
lu*t uct'k
I aglc «»iti«***»* n» •I h II«*,I
xx«'rr t'ly«l«‘ \\ il**ui. xxoithx pi«- •
«lent; J II I « «»unt«!. xx«»ithx x i««
pit’*i«l«'ut; Fr*'«l Uu«»‘l»’x«’,
«hiipisin; I
F ihii -. *«*•»« » »i x .
\ i' Jewell, !i«'H*ur«‘i , .lain« *
Hilluu. ««uuhi« toi; Frank Mrt’ul
hitigh. iiiut’f guiii’l; John S«'ha!f *i,
out«'r guaiil. Wallet XL mi *, lx D
Raker »»»«I ll«»l«’x Gate*, liil*le»*
Xuxih.iix ««tli.ii- air Mi* It«» • ■
l\«-ir, ' r pr«**»«l»’i»t; Mi* I'runk
\i<« uILuu;h. secretaryj Mrs I 11 «>
M I'I mii , ti«-?»*ui«‘r; M»* I I*»«’ D«
V oung, c«>iHinnn«lvr ;
Mi-* lh»ri* M«’rehi»u
M r* l.«»ui*a l<art«’l*. tru*te«*
\ |ii««gri»m w -i* gixt’ii un«!
auxiliary «taff gave a fancy i
Krf i'r*htiu*nt - were *crve«| and
«*\ unmg vxh * >p«'ti( «lancing
AI thè Tu.'.'lav mghl iu«‘«'l‘»i:
of I he t’oHng«’ Giove luixing ««•»•»
»•«»••• «l
iiii ** i *» ii I* N |luk««u*ki wh
lltith’lllllil k»*r r utul Gl. ti
XX It* itili»»« «I u -»' l ini »»»’••» hn»<»l»' *
Itlld I ni»«» piu« « «I «'ti
itili « olbai »" * BOI Fil
h«>Mt<l i
t«’M W»’l«’ t«l'«» i » m »» ì ‘*‘I ut» 11»»' t«’f»,t«'’'
bun r«l.
The i'i»iiiiui**t«»ii
E Fr«»»l,
t l«'«»t g,« M • t^»i«,«,i»l
itlld l'l» «l It* liut’ll
uf fl»** * «»lltl»t»**l«‘il
uitu el«-. I* .I prr»hl*’Ml
|l« itit«4l
-• • »• I m v It« h ‘»»»«’I
M i
M<U»t.«u ul»*l Mt
Ihtihuii» W»'i*
ttuilivd *•»• '» »’»»liitllil I**»’ !•• iii«**l»
gut«* *’«»u«ht»■•»»• ««t ui'ti'l»«** i»u«l •’*
• t«*i*»’ it *iip«*r v t**»i x p«»w*’i
«Rtt uiill xx :»* nuiiit'il Iu h.«»»'ib* lllH»ur
The driver uf a «mali car. parked
III ti * r«»xx *l*’*l *l*»xx iitv»vv il u«*«lh»ii.
ut*»pp«'*l uliort Ulid uliirvd ut Gì«»
iippMi'vnt iiuku<lin »ti “f ih»’ iiiii «’I»I ii **
Ih«» »pur« tire» wh » iiiluuliig
Ulti» h itoli* hiiiiint uhrug. li? limi
it’i«‘*l Ntiin«*ihliig iib*»ut “thleu’u wlll
li? thl?v?u" iiih I h*’g»ni t*i climi» lui”
t II*» lini«'IIIIH». Illlt h»» M(*»pp«’*l »l»*»i t
Ugnili Ulld »t*»opi’*l tu pi* k U|l
x*r«’ii* l» frolli il»? luimlitg IwHird III»
f»i«‘v* grew *ilm**»n ulld Ih*« thlug»
In« uiild wvl? h’ini» uot gvlivrilll.v
empio)?*l by fiuqiit idvi u of »o* lui
U liiit • thu truubluT” u»kv»l III?
SI roller.
“A lol !*’ li? mtipped. "I don’l
lulnd ih. «e * rooku uleullug m.v tire
bill xv lieti llivy «»peli m.v » ni’ ulld
tube mv tuolu tu *1»» Il xvltl». ll»i*t »
tu«» uhi * li ! * I’hllii*l«*lpl»l4 Public
Beat I ••!«
The «"»I I» the moat u»vfiil tlah
Ila f«»od mine la lilgh ; Il jh’hla vnl
unlile e«»«l liver oil ami lalnuln»*
<'•««!*' livuila, loti, u liuli nilved ullli
certain plant» mid f««l to e««wa
grt'illly IncH-HM’ the lii'lk il»-L|
Always In Demand
Denol»» Atedian Otigin
I' k J uii 1* a I «uil-liuiu wold up
I llv«l to a r« puh «l «L s« « i l.iuí «•f
(hr A« idhiii Firm i».
Ductor Ciithiiiin roiiipnri’N promi*
ruoti» klasltiir («» the Ih klng of «mil
l»y cntllr.
Hr mielit liaxr udilrd
tluit Ihr cat tir alwti.v* rouir l»a< k
for iii«<ri‘ Tolrdu Bimi«*
ilonest Values
.4 Chrl»l
(L«‘»« ì * h » Iu»H»a
I'huroh —
S u.laj aai
• oath of CuUM* Uro**» »
worship II
vb •• lilbb- •ludy io •
• m •crlplur» •! iJj 1 3*» P »«
that assure DEPENDABLE
S. vmth l»»Jf Ad»ruli*< t'hurch
W «••!
M*m *tr««l Saturday Sabbath ach«M»l al
4, « iu church arrwlca al It a in
fray, r Iiu.mar at^l
in Wadncaday
BapUs« Churvh.
The Highway
II. urv Rnw.ll«-. pn.lur
children ’* «lay
ir«h school
grain und1er th«* «hrveliuu of
Mr- x J H I’ on*for*l. Il; junior H
« » • H» B \ o P 1 . un
\ 1*
.1er th«’ lead«* r*hq» of th«' dvvulioi»
romun -*i«»n. 6 45; union *er
al life
\ ice in thi* church
Moi i«»’x,
Methodist Church. W
Sund:» y
miu i* ter
-o per »n leu Jv ih ;
Dw igbt
preaching service, Il Due tu
abo'ii «• uf the paator, Rev. Dr
pr*’*i,i«'ut °f
(I OI ver, v
Inniet i» univ t*r*il V, will preach
Life * alni hi.*
the subject
mun will be m th«’ form of n
Dr Oliver urge* th*'
jm ’I me*Mg?-
young p«'«>pl«‘ t.» remuin for tui* **’r
Epworth League, 7. Lille
Her subject wii
Keitzer, lender.
I k * ‘ ‘ Expau«11ng Arens uf Oi rial ¿Utt
rvire will
Liv ing. ’ ‘ Th?
be h« El in the Baptist church an I
Re \ I G Shaw xvill !•«’ th? preach
The Chevrolet Red “O.K
That Counts’’ Taj» Protects
Your Used Car Purchase
PiesbyteriAii Chiu«h
, no ehm* h M’rvice-
,! bvtt-riuu «‘hur«*h Sut»
the abseuce uf Ih? pi
I* ('niueruu
he! I it th«‘ regular I»
I ver) reconditioned car we offer for »ale la
identified by means of the Chevrolet red
“O.K. that Counts" tag. This ta^ is the
purchaser's assurance that the car to which
it is attached has been ¿onr over carefully
by expert mechanics—that it has been
thoroughly reconditioned—and that the
price is based on (he car's actual ability to
render service.
W««k Illumination
Before llie eoiiilng of the «.II lump
llgl.thou.e» were hl by < andles or
coal fire*.
The lust of the 1st
ter «... ti.e llghthoii.e -t St B.-e.
where a tout light burned UUtil
at thc-ac Outst undititf IJ »rd
Car Value*
’um uni.-. I
nilis |i<-rf«-«-tl'
balan«-«' t> i ins
that i-onnts
t »ile IW2.I (ïievrul-T s< «uni
i.iilflily uVi-rhatllvil. puin!
XX'itli nur <• lv tug llitii
i ..mis $140 IN) I iuik II- s this
Due to the overwhelming popularity oi th«
new Chevrolet Six, we have on hand ut thiv
time un unusually large ¿roup of these
"O.K.’d” cars. Come in! You are certain
to timl tiie cur you want—ut u price that
will save you money. Make a small down
payment und drive your cur uwuy!
vml. i turning «villi
g<n.«l pnint, gOllil
I il eh • um«' <>vci hiiuh <1. also ear
ri s mir ti K I ng nini is A bar
. jin in trnnspnrtiitiiin
I*»2 I t i
i in.
... i « h | rubber,
Cottage Grove Motor Co.
hick Muuklinkt, Prop.
tin.. I!»2*i l-’uril trip-k all r« adv
tn g«i nil tin* jnb. with all < • K
tag that i-nlili! .
Bound and Loose
Leaf Systems
with itti
• '
’’ ■*»
Kills1 insects
by the roomful
■-* *
V'Kills flies.mosquitoes,
moths €?rpaches,
and many othei insects.
Tlieit- is a certain satisfaction when you ojwn ynur
Saftrway purchases at home-an air of quality abut*
each and every item that is gratifying to the woman
who knows food values.
Nearly every item in tlie marketing basket too, repre­
sents a saving that cannot fad to mean much to care­
ful homemakers whu like to see larger and more worth­
while returns fur tlieir lixcd amount uf expenditure.'
Potato Chips
Salad Oil
Vegetable oil fol’
mayoniHiise or deep fry­
Pint etui
No. 2 tins, Nlighlly hrok
ell slices
Idi Well
\ lli'lieiidls
Ind vvcaflii r
Cake Hour
Crux lii-Hiid The popular
X’evv pens. Local grown
I' & Il fin«- i-:n i « 11 ;i I < •< I
I’m-«- ennt- suuni-.
100 » $5.25
1(M)% 'I a Ik inji
JUNE. 16. 17 an«l IH
Saturday only
Malt Syrup