P ao * rou* i i" 11 (Tottafir 6rovc ^rntinrl --- ———————- Th«* great daili«** are trying to hoep um inforni«'«!, *o far ns the EM»bM*lio4 1R»O. M«»rr«»t i venv«f of th«» principal« in th Publlsbod Kv«ry 'I hurtday uewa will penult, a af every net ot ► lb. rt Had* A Kltort Hmllb Pu Ml* her» Col. LiudlM'rgh an I hi* bride. Albert Had«------- --------------- —------ Editor wonder what woubl I hap|M'n to the e»lit«»r of a country neu*pap»‘i who A flr*t claad publication •at«r»d al Cot taya Grov« aa ar con d claaa matter »ent a re|»ort«'r to follow n bri»|r community and groom from hi* Huain«»* Office...................... ’<¿3 North Sixt I. whose doing* might b«' of n« muc1 MVHNCKIPTION NATE« iat< rent to hi* r» a«l» r* a- are th«* By mail (caah in advance) doiac* of the Lindberghs to the One year.......... .. • 2S|TI»ree month* >0 75 Th«» Ml muntha |l 25|On* month >0 30 readers of th,' great dailies, country editor who gave the Member of «pace *1 to expected arrival* in th National Editorial Aaaociatlon famili«'* of the great of hi- com < Oirgon State Editorial Aaaociatlon munity ns th«» dailies