COTTAGE (IflOVE. LANE COUNTY VOLUMI*. XXXVIII Cak /’’.//A /// Slight 11 inti I ABIE RANK IS WON MUCH IS NECESSARY BESIDES KNOWLEDGE Imi «1 murk <if An • ink lr«*e, ti i y«*m«*’ -4'inding a 1 th«« <> P À 1 -tat ion • •ii «nulli T • nili «ti«*«!, fell Commencement Speaker Points • low II Iiil«oiil noun W«’dnt*N»li*v bul Out Need of Productive cnii-«’ 1 no «bimiigi» hex on«l blur king t ra* h Imagination). root« I'lilv H «b|¿ r»»«iuir«*»l t<» t«»| th** KtlOtt ledge is Th»* «»1*1 ‘mk, he progrès« of th«* •»r m«»r«’ m hr||i Hill »I r*”u li*** ’hr ag<* of «.i feet <*r t b hill for hiniM’lf I r<*<* when th» ¡ kmm b |g<> t hat < ii rived her«* nn« I edge timt i« tun 150 v»*«»r« or J th ut it «'n n le* dr lx, «lid l*r»»fe««<»r <>H A < in b giadioiting r|'i>- Awur.h to H.- Made ut Hu«* Couit of Honor to Br Held Friday. ink id<lHihubb* by of ,*ngh* m * wii ‘, I on i xx n m»*mb, » op No Id or thi« ««f boy svuii Ilex mil llinxmd rily I.lew«’ it «»f honor lo I* ■ Tnvl«»r, nl » k I’riil’iy «*tvii ng brl«l al M . »I gy muu »mm. Th»* iu (he high »t Io, id aeuiili« In I Mu nr»* lh h««iiui sin»*«* **<* oii ! Win Ihe CUV iiig wn« iHgniii/vd her«* lit O«*tub«*r, 1927 Ht»v«*ral mvmb«*rs ,.f troop.« vu united Now U1 and 18 Mill 1». for udvanrement mid merit b • r I und svvi'rnl buys xx ill I m * m Itk IvaderfuOt Mi’tlllta, nut riuiiini The Eiigi'n«* Eagl«’ M lmm«*l * i « ui , <»f xxhivli I (I vliuirmnn, 1« vxpvcfi'd to be pre «■nl, a»« well a« u muj >nty of ti An ii l.iiiit« rotinlx* »routiii’t»i er«. vitntlun hi* I•«• i'ii t-xfrn I,'ll to G I <flurivuffvr of P»»rfliin lt aintriwm r xi’i'iifix«» pr«'*<*n! IL* rlu«Mcd u » «in«* ,»f th* furem«»’ mi ««'outbig in th«* «Ini «prakcr»» Member« <»f the r«»mmi*«n»n "i <* If f’lnrk, I.m> ««»util ’•{leak. «rout r «••cut IX »', XX til Ili *<» g|\ •* P I* i»«H«ibl.’ f). short :i Idr»«« m * x i*rnl Lane rouwfv I agl«* • mi "ill nifi-nd. I’h»* lueul s»*oul riiitncil nnd t H.I tr«wi{ 1« h«>|M • f<» ui'tk« Fri.l ii> «-••mt of honor the biggest lieti hr»,- .i. 1 nn* urging pm mid Ct X I <• and frafi'rii’il orgni Th«« sruiit <1 lion* to titfrn 1 rurj» "ill take |wirf nn»l if G |M-rtr «1 »hmt th* * American le g on «Iriim ««»rps uil| a«»«i4t. To rrrrivr fin Engl«* »r • f »ti t «ng if 1« n«*rew»ary that ! thr •hall hnv«’ «•nrn<nd 21 m« «fit I nnd attain« *«| th.» rank of fir*’ X i nr of thr m« rif rla»s «rillit badge« • mu* t I h » in first ni«l, nth Irtiv«, lier» «mal h ir n 1 t h, publie health i. life *n Xing, rooking, ramp Thi mg. r 1VI r « and hit 1 "fll'tx »•rout mil"! al*«i hm >«« n rrrt. fimi. Mip'-r intrn«l«*ftt I rom hi« M I pm .I showing better than ax «* r n i srholnrship, onr from hi« Hund •rhonl •ti|»«»rit>f «ndvnf showing hi» I hi« Mf«*ti«lanrv rvvord, one ff ti vi ■ ■-outiii’i ’!< t -howmg tro««f> ties n* *ati• fnrt«»rv ani that 11. fa»v hfl* marked »|unlitir» of leader parent« •hip, mid nnr from In« • hoxving that the boy hn« lixv.l Un f<» I hr «trout until nnd «rout Ii a w« ill the h<unr. Both Ifvx nnd Taylor hax«» 1 mor«’ than thr r»*<|iiir«'d number «»f merit i \ < liAtlgr« nnd both have been net i in «rout work Rex joined troop No Id •I • charier member in October, I! II»* livrmn«* n •eroiiil cln»« *e< <»tlt in Itrrrmb ’r, 1927. a fint fir»t « In*- ni •in February, 1928, rt «tar «rout it scout i»i April. 1928. nn«l i I life Jnnunrv, 1929. H«» I« 17« <«l nn«l i« a son of Mr in I Mr N. h*. « Hi- high *rh«»«»| «rh«»ln r«hi| f»»r 2H wnr* n vrrngc« 85 S, n n h.« • |v,iort meat B or 92 per rent IL ninne1 attendance record i« pvrfeet. R«»x i« »«•nior patrol lend rr in troop No. Id rind i< a m«*m brr of the «rout drum corp« a bugler Hi« hobbies ar«* nr«- nxi!tt..n and I mi I niiv mid In* i* planning plnnning on going into nvintion xvork. IL* hn • Hr nhnosf rompb'tcd * ••»*rr«'spon<b-n' ■ , litM>| colirsv i«l riXifltiofl !i.« * ll’i!l Tnvlor j«>in«'»l tro»p X«» 16 n* rharter mrmlirr in Ortob«*r, 19 b«•< mu» n *«*ron«k cln«« '«-«»lit in I «-••mb«T, 1927. n first rln«« scout m February, 1928, a star » scout in «rout in April, 1928, nnd fi life II«* is lit vrnr September, 1928. «»bl nnd in n son of Mr. ami Mr«, I!«* ha« made a Harvey Tnvlor. high good nrholnrship record in school, where hr is m th«* sopho- more rln«« Woo»lrrnft nnd nnture •tu»ly nr«» hi« hobbies and hr h.i« 1 nod« mi exrrptionnl collection «»f wo» nn«l fl«»xvem «»f this «ection. Hr expect* to mnkr either forrstrx* or civil vngin«»ering hi« life work scout Tnvlor is junior nnmstant mn«trr of troop No. Id nnd i« drum major of the drum corp«. IL* ha« also «rrved a* a patrol leader. OHMiON THURSDAY JUNE ». 'Scotch " Currency / ’nuiual Th unti er Is l> on Display Cause of /‘'right CHICKENS, GASOLINE WATER ARE DISCUSSED ’l'Io* nru P!,P' r m*»n» v fa4ng r* tic«l !»v th«’ fédéral g«,verni ment i* ' tw« t t«» hi* pr«»gram mi «liMplay h»*r«*, both bank« having X* h’ li f Io-rr ftfix r«m«i r««ct*lv**d snmple* uf th <* tirreni ' . !.bf « 1 1 h II liglit rn i n iu four «fanominatlotis, $1, M it fri and 810. |t i« of muvli -mall-i •o un umm I • i«g th« «iz.«* tliHn th»* ol-l rnrrency, .<> ihm in <*iNMtertl th«* saving t<» th«* nnfionsI gov< ri> I uu’ht. in i»r«»du»’ing th*- !»ill< will b* t ’ftl t htin«h *r but who th«* ir re«i«h Wheel •Bro h considvrtinlr <'a*hi«*r T (’ Fh«*r« «•r, «»f th» Fir»t Nati«»iwil, I I m *lieve- | ten IIle MHih«l. hnv«-1 port* «rf «I*iinftg«* bv 1 l h h t Môme Mr<itrhmnn mu*t at ion g«»tt»*n h job in • h»* tr«*fi»'»i»v • l« pml f the pi ft n in« h. ment. Council Asked to Act in Ini provement of North Lane Street Cotta i» Grove Twi tiers O.t Most Strikeouts. Give Most Hits in of I r«*»s do« w n*»f «|rprn«l r ) of fact« alone, it do hurling o lived up I« upon chance alone, th«'«* Iw«» factors ma ■<md gucsser n«»t »torr our min«b riiiinty fair vdg»’, then «it «loxvn i wait. We iiiii't emp the air«* «•lv murti drudd.r.l Co ttug« ! imnginntion«. W<* ti th. Grove 1 m*. ball tram l.y n 9 t,i 5 < {tower of constructiv ruunt. ability to think ind« 1 . d crowd wa« 1mit tu ««« • 1 '.u 1 . ■i gmitllv, tin* ibditv to vi«uril /• gen«» pu «h ox«*r th«* b •agil«* tail1 « toi «»Id blrti« in new *«tting*. the abili er« Tlii*’ fnn• m <-r«» tr.’ftted t 'O II ty to npph* our acquire»! inform:« rat her unrieut fui 1 urne bail •per lion. Then w .* must have noiih tarir, f«* nltiling fl» h«’ « of goml1 bail •hing to do with making our <»w n with ’« « I • r i ti k 11 n g of raggi*,! Pl i chances. mg “ Electric it y, the radio, « etten Eugen«» got »*b*v»’n hit* off -ion <»f human life, nnd all the bell and Oliver of th»» Grove items «»f prog re»«« hnv«» l»«*,*n pr*. t«»n gf'«* <*ut but f«»ur stngl«*1 id«*a« •fared l»v men xsith original in th«* foiirll xvh»> di*l not xx nit for ehnnr»’. Th.» «ovvilih. Earl •*n*l of th«* rainbow, with it« pot in a run f««r gold nn*l precious geni«, mav le» II !•<> \ Eugene I found in n productivr imngination 4 p 4 Wirth, 2b II I 0 o I —in our o" n britin* our fortune* Dutton, of n 1 0 »I I lie.*’ Van Duvn, If Su|»erintend,*nt D A E 0 o 3 Shnncman, r *«»n present«’»! th«» rln*« of 1929 (I I n Gotlld, rf X 1 (Ha-*, rlrurmnn of th«- -» •i o 4 Emmons 3 board, n««i«!«*d by Principal F I, lb *. tlrnnni«, present’*»! «liploinri«. Sc I h Brauner, s« nl •»«•lection« were given bv <) I 1 I I Burton, p I high «rhool orrhestm and 1 [ «< hool sextet. Rev. Randi«» j «> I’D I the mxncHtion nnd Rev. Morrow \B i; 0 n 0 b«*nrdirtion. it Following i« th,* «In ss roll: i I 4 I 4 i I'ircell Anlauf. Gl-n A rm*, Ellen ll | \riivsf, i Beth Bailey. Earl Black i Frr«| Bonlev, \gio _ ‘* Brirher, Della 4 0 n I ¡('nton, Beulah Snflev «’•it,»ii. Htirol I 1 I • ('uulry, Krnn»’th (»off, Rav Hilton, 0 I Wibon D. Hubbell, t'oiini • Hittchin 0 n I «on. Velma Ewing Han«on, France.» o 0 , Kr'-n»', Alta Kelly, I John King, Vclmti Mackey, Gh'n MrKildu’n, 9 Il [ Ruby Melick, Genevieve Mcrandu, I Total« ............... 9 0 2 I I 0-— <1 Rov Murrnv. Helen Olson. Sarnl. Eug«*ne .0 4 I 1 I I 0— i: ’ Riley, Ncxn Rn«r. Genrvn Shattuck. lilts • » 0—> I Gb*nn Sxxnnson, Loixoll Tedford, Cottage Grove 0 I 0 2 0 II 0— I Ruth Trnvlor, Pre«! Wanker. Keith 0 0 0 2 0 0 Hit« Burton 4. Ward, Daisv Warwick, Franc.** Mummtirv: Struck out, HuldM.ll, », Oliver * Walk. »1. Gould, Well«. Glady« Yonrous, lintel Year 2, Emnton*, Brtiuner. Hit by pitch ous. Wirth »•r, Oliver. Three bagger. i> Rtol« n ba Two bagger, Wirt Wnth Stolen Wirth, Dutton. Gould 2. I’tnpin'i, Leslie and (’(»»'hran. S oto ke< p«*r, Rav Sim«. Tim«’ 2 hours 30 minutes Valley Bay Standings. r • W I.. A special «.rhnol election has been I 11H M * i *«»«pi 111«* June 21. to .SHU called for Monday, 4 I Mnr«hfield vet»’ upon nn issue of $10,000 in Eugene bon l« f»»r th»' purpose «»f «»instruct 3 I ■ Myrth» Ponit the .5 .20*1 Ing a film room addition to I Bandoli .090 central grade building. This n»l»li 0 t’ottage Grox«* tion bn* been mad«' necessary he* can* • of th«» »*roxx le«l condition of Sun th«* «,’hool« and brenuse «lirrctors of th«' Smith Hugh»»« xvork for the federal government. which con 20 Days Clear mi May. tributes half the expen«.' of the 1 Clear ,l:ivs during May uuml ere»l xvork, hnv»* insisted that the home •cortliug to th«* weather re making department must be in«»v«*»l Btvxx an. tun ¡■'I »•« I by C. I »mt of the gymnasium. Unless nrxx alive observer. (‘loudy »lavs quart,*r« nre provide»! this work four and partly cloudy day* "ill hnv«’ to be dr«»ppe<l or the Precipitation during tii district xx ill hnv,» to benr the rn Th. t«»t:il»*<| 1.29 inches. tir,’ expense. Th»* high school mm temperature wm « 80 » dr building ¡« air,'inly croxvded, so that I’li. and th»» minimum 33. ther»» i« no room then* for th,* maximum for May wan 63.7 Smith Hughes department, and an> s, the menu minimum 39.7 inrren*,’ in nth'ndnnce ther»' will mean 51.7. make ndditional «pace necessary. Ifaf (•b un M« Kil»brn of thi* city hn. , n won th«* «igual honor of 1 »«ing •«•■ 1 Hili 1 >'l V lrrf««l a* ’n«* b<mt <|U falifi« •d y «m ng i k D n man of Lane, Linn, Benton a lid «i «»nal mto th« 1 Votili Dutiglit* ««muti«*" to I». 4 I"I* lalM>rnt»iri«-i« of Thoim«4 L • li-ori t.»1 • b«-roiu«* a •U«-r<* ■’-or t n In * kn< • h I 11 tim i«*r «•«lg«* of M-i<*h<*c and i ax eat ion. X’ , j fret. took th»* *r<-«»n>L*, mmi«» i ■ n other young man who Ibn Fo I fvwfti rame **luwe .* to the murks made Mattson. by M»*Kibb«*n. ’l’est" ar«* b«*mg e«oi riding n Harley ducted nt th«* r»*(|U<*st of Mr. I.’ii bv topping th«* »»nli*. »im. Davis also w tn the il A committ«»p ■ »■ in- i-ting of Pr»»fe- this •»or O. F. Stafford, hrn«l of th* ev»nf. his reeord in 10 I 5 M-vonds. chemist rv »Irpartmrnt nl th»* I’m E. Jorgenson, Salem, on a H vor*ity of Oregon, Sij|M*rinten«l»,iii ley, won thr iiox .. <• ••'. • Ut bv limb EmerMio of the Cottagi* Grove Glen Rier/ Siilein, ing 241 fwt. Moore, prineipal school« nnd It. V. »»f th«* University high *«’hool, r»»n on hn Indian, w a- MTOnd with fe. t. •farted th«» test*. There were n ununuallv Mc.Kibl>«’u »cored an high mark in th»» written iiitelli spills but no »er g»*nc«« test. Given 75 <jn«**tion* to n«ler droppe«! ba answer «ui {»aper in 2«> minute«, the chin«* on th»* st« sn«-h a 'listun««* youth was through in 19 minute that h«* xx««» not and ha I 07 nn*"«TP«l correctly. Thi« «• \nminai ion was follow**«! by slipp**«! down tl one »»f science conducted by Pro* not injure«!. gnv«» ’t Al Brown of Th«* boy, ncroid f«*««or Ktnffor»! the hill mg to Prof«* ««or Stafford, «h«>u <1 :• parachute jump remarkable underodanding of Gii* climbing <*xcnt, but h«* uni ped m > far from where th«* < >wd wa* «ubjvrt. that be M« Kibben ¡« 17 years obi. was in gat here«! that f«-w kn« h.'i«l ma<i<* the jump. Hi pa mrhut« thi« year’s graduating ria** and made a !<•• i- open«*«! perfectly and wa* prr«id«nt of th«* rla>«. *« M«n ”f Mr «nd Mrs. Ch:irb * Mr «tit-<-«**ful landing. Kibben. He will go to Portland shortly to compete with other din- Second Union Service Sunday. Th trict winner* of t hr state. winner of this contest wdl enter a The second union church service national contest. tn th»’ summer .*erirs will !>*• held at 8 o’clock Sunday evening in th Methodist church nnd Rev. Loui* Henry Ilan lie of th«» Baptist church 4*il! he the «peaker. Other min ist.'r« of th»’ ritv will assist an«l mu«ir "ill be furnished by a union choir. Special number« arc being arranged by the Methodist «’hoir. A. King plans to maintain Th«» Presbyterian church xvas well year hi« reputation a« th«» ire » potentate of this section. To filled for the first union s«*r\ certain that this fact wouhl Inst Sun* l»y night and Rev. W. J. church Morrow of the Methodist < c«* due publicity. King <b* i*»l with the editor a box of preach«»,! <»n ‘‘Man and Hi« i Reh Music was berry. Th»» singular u««* of t innship with God.” Mr* noun is nlmost correct. Th • furni'*li«’<! by a union choir. A. G. Sprinkle sang a solo. Mrs. cliff«* wai "as accompanist. Bessie Sutcliffe Mrs. O. W. Blackmore was accom- hoir. pant st for th«1 Duplicatila Supplii*». S.*ntim*l. King (lives Editor J>o.\ Of Straivherrv Crowded Schools Make More Space Necessary MAIN STREET MAIL IS PICKED UP AT 8 P M Mail is being picked up nt each evening from Mam itreet mail boxes under a tiexx *erx H •• b< ilig \ - given by the local postoffi»’«*. few business men hove been nxvnr’ of the nervier it him not been used cxperteil it a« much ns it was would be. This *er\ id' is a con- those iu sidi»rnblr convenience to the business section who nre «lived fixe or ten minutes «’very time I hey have letter« to be mnilrd nt closing time. Irmo Giiggfl Naiuixl Chairman. sophomore in bono Irene Griggs, __ economies nt Oregon State Agiieui college, Ims been named one of two co chairmen of the pep com mittee of tin* nssocintcil student* The work of the pep committt'e xx ill be entirely revised and the tw< elmirmnn " ill work together to g< . better results than have ever been obtained before. Mi<s Briggs i* a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Griggs of this city. EDDIE. THE AD MAN ZTISV fXJLIN WHEM I SET HOW '4^ SOME OF MV PATRONS ARE MAKIN« MONEN RV IkHÊU-lOEFn ADVERTV3IUQ |**A TEMPTED TO QUIT MV JO0 AND oeeuMe a prosperous ADVERTISER. M.VGFI P • • »f -------------------- -------------------- / "JHtûf- CiDTA ) □ftT Twf FüôNV ' ‘2 V'°9 I X J » 0 Sure, we ought to scold ’em, But, no, we hold our tongue; That’s the way we acted When we were just as young! —4 » >z '// Billy Linn la Injured. Billy I.inn, xvho had gone to work that day, , was xxa* severely Rvverely but not seriously injured at the Bohemia Lumber company’s logging opera tion« Tuesday when he was struck IBs right arm and left by a line. leg were ba div bruised and nt first it wan fen red he had suffered a frnetlin'd leg. A n \ ray examina lion, however, showed no broken . bon e«. T HE FEATHERHEADS ».v That’s the Son and Heir, folks. And this is Daughter Dear: “Ma, I need a new dress! This one’s lookin’ queer. Ma, I need some money, Ma, I have to go! Ma, I’ve got to hurry and I hate dish washin’ so!’’ '-Z* \ ^v5 o. lt> Kiniil.l H II llaiuht i>p*nt nf Mil honorary fra ongin»*»' ring, Tau Bct.i Pi, ety of »nem light it pr-»i BILL DAVIS WINS HILL CLIMB EVENT “Dad, I want a five spot I just have to go To see ‘Hot Sinners’— It’s the year’s best show. The gang's all goin’ And they’ll think l’nw dud If I miss ‘Hot Sinners’— Thanks, Dad, I knew you wouldl’* SOUTH LANE PUPILS PASS GRADE EXAMS erring honor ■¥/ me |M»rT ion *nt ordinance lot le* k*pt within ng* of another per attorn«*v was in an a mend merit to mu ». *r Ntrurted cluing»» f «•«'♦.” There »ion of mvnts ii a user i no net ion wa* taken. Th«* wat«*r ••■»mmittri* recommended that *n where water i« wish«*«! for ir rig**tion for unoccupied property ther»’ I m * a minimum rule of $1 a month for a maximum of 5,0< mi gal Ions, regular meter rates to apply for wat»-r u«**d beyond the maxi mum, that such u*o fa* metered mid that such umtii fa required h ¡my three month" in advan»-«*, with no refund in ca.««* service is dis- <*ontinu«*d. Old rate« will continue to apply to «xcupivd property. Councilman Durham w:i ap pointed to fak«* th«* place on th» boxing commission mad»* vacant by th»* r«*nioval of Gb*n Smith from the city. Councilman Durham an I Engineer Coiner wer« appointed a comm it hs» to • »»«»opcrat«* with men: her» of th»» library 1 hoard in pla«* ing a sign on the ritv hall build ing to show that the library I* hoiis»,'| there. Godard asked to rnunicatr with dent King « of th»* Routl) Pacific to «ee to what extent railway company i might cooper in the widening of i north fa street, which is i u««*d largely loading and unloading freight. Th»* r»* «•order wa« instruct»*»! to write th»* letter, The rxpenM' of th«» ini- provenient woubl be several thou- «and dollars. J. W. Veateh a-^krd for nn psti- mate of the cost of grading. «cari fving nnd rolling two blocks of north L street, and th»» street rom- mittee and engineer xxrre instructed im a te. to furnish such an est i Organization of Golf Club Up Tomorrow Interest Keen and 100 Said to Be Ready to Take Memberships. DISTRICT ATTORNEY HITS AT PARENTS Contributing to Delinquency of Minors to Be Charge Filed Against Some. Parent« of delinquent and incor rigible children have been given a severe s«-oring by Alta King, dis trict nttorn<»y, who beli,*v«»« that often the parents should bp taken into court in place of rh<* children. H*- not only believes that such i* the can«» but he purposes to art up on that brli»*f and will rharg«* neglectful parents with contribut ing to the delinquency of minors. Mr. King ha« found that most chibl offenders who appear before him are habitual cigarette unokrr* and he intend« to proceed against thos«* *i*lling or giving cigarettes to minors, provuled parents of such children wish him to do so. In on«» ease where three juvenile boys were arrested for selling in toxi- ating liquor, the parents of the children had b»**»n engaged in th«» manufacture of moon*hin«*. Her»» is a case, Mr. King «aid, where the }»oys were b* ing brought up to re gard the habitual use of liquor as a natural thing He believes that «u«’h action may well come under the head of contributing to th«» de linquency of minors. No distinction will b«* made be tween parent« whose children ap- pear in juvenile court f«>r violation of liquor and other law«, when the guilt seem« to lie with the parent*, and oth r p«»rsons found guilty of contributing to the delinquency of a minor, Mr. King said. In regard to th»» use of cigarettfs by minors, it is th»» children of about 14 to 16 years of age who will be most carefully watched. Stat«» law« on th,' subject l»»nvp little room for prosecution of min or« above the age of 18. Library Receives New Books. Seven lat»* novels have b«‘»»n ad’lrxl to the pay shelf of th»» city library. “Thr Bi«hop Murder Case” hr S. S. Van Dine is the latest of th»* author’s novels ahoui the :i<henturrs of th»» amateur sleuth, Philo Vance. Thi« book and th«» three novels preceding have en- joyed trenu'n lou« popularity. Mary Robert« Rinehart’s latest novel. ”Thi« Strang«' Adventure,” is included in the pay shelf list. Though its title might give the im pression that th«' hook is another of Mr«. Rinehart’« popular mystery stories, it is a study of the charac- ter of a woman. “Elizabeth.” who has a number of popular novels to her ere» •edit, in- ha« chiding “Enchanted April, recently written another novel “Expiation” and thi« has been added to the pay shelf. The other four books added ar “Sentinel of Desert” bv Gregory. ‘ ‘ Frontiersman ” hv B i n <1 1 o « «. “This Side of Jordan” by Brad ford nnd “Son of the Gods” by Rex Beach. “Heritage of the Desert” bv Zane Grey has lwen git on Io the library by W. B. Hawley and Mrs. N. S. Quimby has given the library three volume« of Peabody’s Mis sion Study Library. ». Felix Should Know Better >•»•»•••■ Uni., I --------- .......................................... .. EMAQTEET SPfilNö CÄEATiONS. /i vjoul O xt DEcav voue^\ OrtCQlMlNATiNÓ US« W MIU.IN- W ! *■ W y ANO IVkQMOMG MAT IVS* SEEN < HAS AÖnüääp IT..... À j tav.tsiix amo i apposciatf SO »"X«« '*'ouli INttÛiST IM MV «11C1ÌON.8UV AFTfR ALI. i M ink If» A vEOV 5MABT A list of pupils passing the eighth grad»* examinations, and a li«t of seventh gra»le pupils who took th. « «»iiipidstFiy c.iHiiiiiiatit«H ■n gewgrnphy and the sixth grader« who took a test in physiology, was announced at the office of county ” hoo| superintendent Monday. The list for south Lan«* county is a* follows: Graduate»—Malcolm Walker. -.f Et-, Knpp Na r»* Geography—Leo Dugan, Alpha fu’ntly <*r«*rt«*d a rustir ■abin on I’iTrher, Eldon Jones, Elmer Craw Mary*« peak. Haight -ay< they are ford, Dale Crawford, Genevieve justly protri of thi« rt bin, aw «o Coblentz, Glenn Potta far a* known their« i: i the only Distrtct 25. chapter in th«* United States ro Geography—Jo»» Morrnnon, Robert own one. Kru«e. Pauline Wertz, E«lna Grubb, Arle»»n Dillon, Jack Carter. Physiology—Edward McCall, Alice Poe, Edith BuahneR. A m«»et!ng of tho«»* interested in golf will I m » held nt 8 o’clock Fri dav evening in Hotel Bartell, at which time th»» Cottage Grove Golf club xx ill be organized. About 1<M' have signified their intention of joining. A committee compoe*e»l of T. Wheeler, Victor Chambers. W. Daugherty. Schofield Stexvart. ... bert Smith. Clyde Roberts and Her bort W. Lorn Im rd an* drafting n constitution and bv laws and "ill have a report for Friday’s meeting. Rule« and regulation* for the management of the golf course "ill be discussed an«l adopted. hnxe Five holes of th«» course b«»cn complete,! and a number ha ve cours»». Cups been playing on the on the greens were recently in- stalled. The holding company •f I the golf course ha« reeei v«».l a number of inquiries from «nit of I town golf enthusiasts xx-h o 1%’ish to join th,» golf club. Merchants who have stocked golf supplies report that they have had i cousitleiablv demand for clubs and balls. The course is d»»clar«'d by experts to have th«» making of one of th«' -p«>rtiest links in f4h^x alley. Trees and Bennett creek provide a num her of natural hazards that test Clerk’s Business Increases. t.he ability of »he player and the Th»* month of May was a record course has an attractive scenic breaking one at the offic«» of the setting. county clerk. In every department the figures were greater than the McReynolds Gets Forestry Position. totals for May, 1928, and the rec Kenneth McReynolds, who xxas ords show that May was the busiest ! graduated this year from Oregon month this year. _ Th,» totals in all tko departments i State Agricultural college, has re reived an appointment in the I’mp and a comparison with 1928 follow. 1929 192« qua national forest as technical as ..$809,97 $740.75 sistant of the district supervisor Recording .......... and will be stationed at Roseburg, Circuit court .... ..... 009.50 500.50 219.50 215.00 lie parsed the eixd svivicc ranger County court .... examination in the fall of 1928 and Marriage license .. . 171.00 114.00 106.25 parsed th»' junior forestry technical Miscellaneous .... ___105.50 examination of the civil service in Duplicating Supplies. Sentinel. the spring of this year. By C.borni .•" I DiONT ÍXPfCT YOU To \ / IIK6 IT.FKIXI ■ OS ONE OF fHF \ Geography and Physiology Tests Passed by Pupils of Lower Grades. Dtitrict 24. Represent* Four Counties in Nr# Record Is 8et in Topping 84 Per Cent Grade of Contest Being Conducted Mount David. for Thos. Edison LOCALS ARE BESTED BÏ EUGENE 9 TO 5 I laicht Make / C t SA¡D ME e*v"Xj vj Q ü N ö MiNä', MS' 1 )S> District 26. GradtKiten—Virginia Adans, Rob- • rta Holmes, Lucille Robison, Anna (»ray, Gertrude Kirkendall. <» >graphy—Edward Pettet, Nrl lie Conley, Mary Gray, Netti»* Gray, Jim Mort»*«en. Physiology—Dab* Chapman, Louis r order. Grace Zepp, Edith Landess, John l.ionberger, Georg»* Lionber ger. District 31. Graduate«—Freida Castle. Geography — Rav Isaacson, Mil •I red Mooney Isabel Kerr, Vera Kusel. District 34. Geography — Horen»* Franklin, Viola Roh«le, Lowell Cavin. Phyaiology—Melvin Cavin. Sam- uej Evenson. District 48. Graduates — Flossie Allen, Fran ci« Kimball. Geography—Marguerite Hoffman, Vernon Taylor. Physiology—Alice Allison, Loren Hoffman. Ray Platz, Dennie Ish mael. District 50. Geography — Georgia (’lark, Ray mund Miller, William Simpson. Physiology — Lillian Hull, Lu« y Edwards, Earl Murry. District 61. Geography—Dora Funk. District 75. Graduates — Clinton Geer; one conditioned. Geography—Vera Gilham, Betty Palmer, Dudley Van Nortwick, Myr tle Ewing. Physiology — Wilma Sutherland, Ijiila Clark. Thelma Perini, Olive Doner, Clark Woodard, James Eas ley, Arthur Beck, Willis Corder, Glen Corder. District 80. Graduate« — George Mitchell, Fawn Mitehell, Hazel Berry. Geography — Paul Spendel, Max inc Belts. District 84. Graduates—Marjorie G. Gleason. Physiology—Dean Pleunrd. District 93. Graduate* — Cleo Williams, Zona Williams. Gladvs Isham. Charles Doty, Harold Cooper, John Hol strom, Ernest Wagner. Geography—Grace Howell, Lois Williams. William Vaughn, Wayne Vaughn. Juanita Bales, Laura Doo- lit th*. Helen Shultz. Physiology—Eleanor Brooks, beta Mosby, Tzoia Isham, Orville Peter son, Earl Cooper, Carol Wicks, Robert Vaughn. District 119. Graduat»»*—One conditioned. Phvaiology—Alvin Chaffee. District 122. Geography—Maurine Shearer, D »• ris Owen. Physiology—Gerahl Shearer. District 124. Graduates—Maxine Rhode, Mar garet Mostachetti. Geography—Katv Tonole, Marion Wakefield. Physiology — Winston Russell, May Tonole, Evelyn Mostachetti. District 128. Grmlnates—Willard Arne, Lowell Johnson, June Lancaster; one con ditioned. Geography—Marian Johnson, Dar rel Arne. Theodore Coon. Physiology—Eva Lancaster, Vel ma Meyers. District 131. Physiology*—Floyd Jones. District 177. Graduate.«—Harold Plank. Geography—Howard Norlin, Claud Ca rr. District 191. Geography—Maxine Nixon. Physiology — Phyllis Johnson. Donald Nixon, Gene Witcher, Bob by Barfield, Donald Haskins, Clara belle Haskins. County Officials Are Enjoying Salary Rises Service nt the county courthouse this week has been with a distinct snub*. The reason is that salary boosts provided by th»» recent legis lature became effective this week. The county judge’s compensation was boosted from $1500 to $2100, those of the commissioners from $1500 to $2000, that of th«' sheriff ami county clerk from $2000 to $240(K that of the assessor from $1800 to $240», that of th,' «choul superintendent from $1800 to $2000 from and that of the treasurer $1500 to $1800. There is a po.ui- bility that these increases will bo found retroactive to the first of this year. Law. Whitlock Cars Crash. 0 'S. A Eg M, \v 'o( ?? °oO°/ o< /77' - ¡x/ o a J <1 (v p' 7 / 0J O xi Ji \ z A Ford coup»' driven by a Whit lock boy and a Whippet sedan driv en by J. H. Law collided Wedne« I day evening at th«* west Main and T street intersection. Both cars were traveling west. The I#aw car -wung into the intersection to make a reverse turn. The Whitlock car following attempted to pn«s in front of th»» Law car a« it ram«* out of the intersection. Each car Mistained damages to an amount of about $53. Blame for the accident ha.« not be placed.