Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1929)
FAOE BIX week end with Mr*. Park’s mother. Mr-. John Ashby. They returned to Eug«*ne Sunday evening. Georg«» Wicken«lol) of th«» Onivr was a dinner guest Sunday at th<’ ♦ — ~ l~ I— J. A. Axhbv home. H«» cam SILK CREEK. take his wife home. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery (Special to the Sentinel.) X is itrl Sunday at the hoine o? Msv S7« John i . Hur lied bay Independence with Montgomery’s mother, Mr*. F. Green, n »dater, rr» Mr*. Otis Keot John O. Burcham an J Mis Mrs i. George Wicken loll, who dred Baker wore w«»re Sunday v c< ntly / underwent an oper at th*> Shade Burchai Burcham ranch. a Eu| gene hospital, spent Mrs Mary Hu rrh am au«l day* last week with Mrs. Lillie \llon 'V' •:< in Eugene by. day li it week visiting with Mr. Lena Burcham, studying Mr* Fhifthaln — — — — »■—— V • Nearby News giveni Mav 22 pupil * of Mr 1 t • < ♦ part. 1s«*l in P«»unJ raer mouth tend the u Mr. Bishop is and is now living <»n their rune in h«filth and a picnic dinner giw the Friendship club. the M. R Hnffma move«l into their was complete«! n Mrs. Limin Tom Smith, a son t ictor, a visited Thur-.lay at tl turned out well provcment present xx Swanson, Babcock, J. Rowe. Arthur Teeter*, Sha Hind. Mr I blv, B. W. Este». The v meeting in tl U-ila Mr*, daughter, Mr John Overh«» Mr*. Edward Howard T: visited Fridav M n M I home Friday fr »he had been WANT XDS SEPTIC TANKS Ready for you to install Two to four persons____ 321.00 Eugen« Threw to six persons ................. 00 Eugen« Sew»r Pipe. Well Curbing Drain Tile and Chimney Bl ..ks, decHip EUGENE CONCRETE PIPE CO. COTTAGE GROVE AERIE. FRATER nsl Order Eagles, meet* in I. O. O. F hall every Tuesday. WOOD for immediate delivery, block wood, dry ► lab wood. gr*en »lab wood sawdust dry planer ends, old growth fir fotvst wood and oak. Phone 18. Office at Arcade Barber shop. City Fuel com- a4tfc p—y-_________________ SPECIAL PRICE ON WOOD—BLOCK wood, $2.75: dry slab wood $2.75; green slab wood. $2.25. Order* delivered in turn in which received These ar- CA8H PRICES ONLY. All forebook« d green slabwood sold during April will be ¡triced at $2 25 a cord. Phone 18 Office at Arcade Barber «Lop. City Fuel Co. alStfc FOR SALE UR TRADE FOR CITY property — 20-acre farm, two mil*» from Cottage Grove. House, bam and other outbuilding*. C. A. Beidler. al Stic FIKNI8HKD HALF OF DUPLEX house, corner, ground floor, fine yard and trees, r.- .r • t. $22 t steady tenant. Phone 137R evenings or call »05 unuth Sixth street. a!8:fc WINTER WOOD AT SUMMER PRICES We are offering an »«xtra load free with each ten ordered by one customer. Orders delivered in turn received. City Fuel Co., office at Ar cade Barber »hop, phone 18. alBtfc COTTAC E GROVE SAW SHOP — ALL kinds of saw work done. Lawn mow- era and all took sharpened. Price* rea- »enable C. McBride, Steen building, north S- Tret. min-jldp rena at the home of M« * William!»’ (mronte. Mr. and Mr* \ S War I Hill Jeans and Mr*. John Jean* an.I children were I'.:. Monday. George Potter and B F luni were business vi . ii » if* in Cottage Grove. Ben Pitcher purchased i n« V» Whippet coupt' m <\>ttag‘ Grox e la*t week. Assistant Forest SupcrxiMH thews of Roseburg »pent last at the Rujada ranger station ing plan* for forest «luring the summer. Lane Morley, state food inspector Momlax IIF, HR OX I.atham P. T. A. Gives End of Year Program 417.C11 M.iin Stieel, Ojttn>;c Unn e, Ur<> ¡oil Qet the Habit! Be Thrifty n children SuuJay at the Carl K 0 arm ed XV«'«’k XX th Mr* King p:i » ent*. \ .ml Mr *. Rob« rt Philhp- 1 B Rou*e XX .1* a «(inner u at the John Su mil home Suu« who Mi.** Bern i co Thorn, ' w b«\'u *1 laying w -pi. ,. .. is V i-it in i noru. '|k i«‘‘ili' ««»IK*. Mr* Thomas F.wt.r *|H»ut > I atharn with her mot Mr*. F rida. Lane Hr« niii»n, of R.»- ebure *p«’iit T > «h«' "iith Mr. NI. rti L - Mr*. Fr aukie Th urn. Fred Demm«' Mr ml \lr " h<> hn ve bt'en running the c hon-«' it Black Butt«* tor m time, « ill returni June I to tl ranch a t <'rvsx\e II. Mi** Dolix X. wton -pent Sa1 u «'< »t«ag« Grov«' » «lav nix’ h: Mi*- 1 oui-e Wxrune and Sun Uight mi ith Mi** 1Lois Godard. \ tel ephone c ompiny « r«‘w -tarted work inox mg pole* that m the ixray of \\ « »rk on th«' l.«»ti' road \\ G a miau »teppe 1 throi •1 side* »Ik at th., l.uu.ton Shv[t Here Where Savings Ate (jrcalcst 11 a li n a. fur hi- orche’»! ra at ham or ¡nett gift* •»%■ Mercer Th< Hear ork ci\< md a bou«|uet of flow county finished painting a new bridge which wa* built last si mmer about half a mile above the old Red bridge on Row river. Earl and Bill Bradl »v iirnvrd TJ /kXLEY, M. D.—Physician and sur ,n. Evenings by appointm«-rit. Ov«r her«» Saturday from Portland and Kern s Drug store, Cottage Grove, On-gon. will be employed by Bill Jenn.« in logging operation* lJere. They will A W. KIME. M. D. — Physician and move their families here later. * Surgeon. Obstetric* and di««»a»**» of A. M. Scott, mill own r here, left »’onu-n and children a specialty. Office. Fii*t National Bank building. Phones: Saturday evening for Portland on Offl« 2 31; redden* 126 1. Residenr. a business trip. •«idreg*. 1149 WeMt Main. Mis.* Ruth Owens and Mr. and Mrs. Doland Owens of Cottage ATTORNEYS Grove visited Sunday nt the homo I 1 ur n>. *.* ■'* (■"•»• Flr.t National Bank building of Miss Owens’ and Mr. Owens1 ‘ , Mrs. Lillie Owen*. ihoiie 94, Cottage Grove, Or«-y >n. mothff, Mr. and Mrs. Al Han-loth and f I J. SHINN. — Attorney at Law and Mr. and Mr». Elmer McCollum of > > Notary Public Practices In all court* Cottage Orove vhite-l with frien I* Bader building. Cottagn Grove. Oregon and relatives here Sunday. I ) Mr. anil Mrs. Ben Pitcher were ■ ' h I *n.cifleatk>n* (M your buil«lir„ visitors Sunday evening at the B. plan* r. *.ly for spring and summer build- ing. Persons.! calls afternoon or evening F. M'Collum home. Lorafod two miles ea*t of Cottage Grov. '' - «n 1 Mrs A. L. Williams and ©re. P. O. Box 348. Phone 4113 »on Norman visited Sunday in Do 1OR Oli-: HOMli 26- Piece Anniversary pa r ri phvsicinn snv*. mnsible for •Hier cnu*e. * f ha» been I RevnII Or re i. Thi i n the *y* i*v arun I mg The water food waste and thorough, naturi! without formiug a habit ni« r» usili g th«’ d. >.*c. ffering fr«:n constipation Retail Or lerlie at night it Got 25 Cor 25c to- for Drug*. RN Silverware Relief Eroni ('urse Of Constipation A braiititul tai»1c «frvier f«»r six |»eo|’lr, coiiMstiug of (i knivra ( staiii- Icss Meri bladvs), 6 forks, «• tr.» >| mmhis , h tal»lr 5»| hh » hs , I stigur sin II I hr .!<■ :,;ii is aiul I buttri koite our uttractivc Annivervir} raitein. k $7.90 Charge It! or Save It! The Qracc Pattern Silverware Set of 26 Pieces Are you .« "Charge Ac count Ifousekeeper” or the Bank Account kind? More «nd more c"l>d housewives are realising that it al»ayt (oili let» • hen you pay cath, «nd tlut this saving might just •• well go into their own bank account. Carrying their home is another economy that Bank Housekeepers are make. fill Furniturt Is 11 recked package senubfe Account glad to Do you prefer to "Charge It” or "Save If? Think 1« over! Set Consists of: 25 Year Guatan te« CeetiScaee »uh each act. 0 Tea Spoons 6 Tabla Spoona * Knoaa («amina ateal b l ailaa) 6 Forks Sugar Shall butut Kauf« Tlii» I» a saviag oppoitunity that wiU appeal ■» the tkaneniakcr or gilt Kcker. —r'-< ■.lym r - -ccnoai zztrizi y.ATI'"61 ’m; ■;i J : i r5 1 . • Ik >1 FT F • hr : g ‘ : i Tfi? Welcome you to Portland. 200 comfortable room*» each «viih bath. Reasonable rate*. Convenient Jown-towa locatiocu 7/)« HOTEL CONGRESS PORTLAND,OREGON L oui * B. Boon, R/ i U vj U Munagar 0 Just another good thing added to the other good things of life JVlore than a qudricr ol a million users and they haven't spent a single dollarJor service ('wo years ngo thia inoiitli C amel the General Electric Refrig erator was publicly an- iiounced for the firsl time. H PHYSICIANS A Thrift Opportunity ideat ot the *up H I |K C. E. FROST.—Phy ale i« and •-'.«■«n. Offic« in Lawson L .ildJi/ Phone 47, Cottage Grove, Or«*gon. MAY .10. J.G.PENNEYCO I.ATHAM, Max > Sp< - al More than 100 attended a «onimtiti ity gathering at the I.atham school Io .«**« Fiiday « *«'U i U| l tor which the l atham Parent Teacher association \x a* sponsor. A supper wa* serve« ill place of the usual sch«»ol picuu ami Mrs. Dwight Mercer w charge of arrangements for feature. Unfavorable wrathei Monday family, h«» * I ax or X. Klamath Fall Thurston wards* moth* McKinney. Hani also will via 1er an«i th- Grant* P m *. rove visite* turn th«’ la*t Bassett home. p Hr: Overt «»unt v, iches we rk for Mr. an.I Mr* •ounty v eteniianan . «‘n returnc«! working in this district May L' auto trip to Dunsmuir. Cal. 1.1 testiug caws for tuberculosis, Gilcrist accompanied them lu»m«’au Mrs. Erne st Darnell and sm« will visit here several daughters Ze Ida. Bernice an I Mary Miss Miriam Piper all Jean vi*it cd all dav Monday Salem Friday with Mr- • Charles Tompkins. Archie Piper. Ivin Allen fan’ V Mrs. Jessi« ack to their own start Fridav Uhland, Henrv sh«» will visit her daughters bell«’ and Katie, until they gradu ate froui normal school on Jun«’ V.' Vfter graduation they mil go t t rouhii Dunsmuir to keep hou*«’ for Mr- Three Gilcrist‘a - -n* Letter and I.eonar«! cd during Mr. McCormick of Eugene preach every Suuday afternoon Funk the Hebron church. Sun«iay -«-I for an will meet at 2 o’cl«>ck and will be Butte - p«*nt Tu«1 - 11X- with h er moth uno <». o. w Bln. kmore. in C«»t « r. Mr- followed by preaching. Mr-. Ah-i King and her parent*. 1 tag«» Grove. Mr«. r ranki«' Thorn am 1 dnugh Mr. and Mr*. D. Chamberlin vi* ite«l Thursday aftermion with Mr tm It »xel and Bernice a ml Mr* BLUE MOUNTAIN tw Itr iMikhnrt ami daitght .r M« and Mr- Lincoln Taylor. rial to the Sentinel ) Mrs. Frank Ge«'r and Mr. and Cuerite attende • 1 graduati« >ii exer at Drain Frida x Mrs. Beini* vi.*ite»l nt Hanlon — Albert Ri*-u«» c 1u«’*dnv Mrs. Hunton week. birth lax- anniver-nrv with h M. loin Mr*. Ream an I son N«»rmn n the latter’s wife, all of Walter fellow. ville. and th«’ Leamon Ream family Mr. Tw of Drain were Sunday dinn r TWO PLANES FORCED guests of the George Kebelbeck LAND NEAR LONDON family. Mr. and Jones of Eu M r mi »nieterv her* Jasper of work.’ Mr* with the L Huff and Mr*. Hill an undergo a major opera Carl Trunkott moved from within several weeks. Th«’ new cemetery fence ha - been tac-' Grove Sun i.iy • » crimp V Mr. and Mr*. Ernest B«m * mpleted. Th«'na Milh’r. Mrs. C. Adam* and Trask spent Fri lay night with eve Jones visited last Friday at Huff family. They are through California an I t e Albert Ri*sue home. Mr. and Mr*. Bonnie Perini. lowstone national park. p. Iro Perini and Ellis Dallaguardia Divide visite«l Sunday at the- LONDON Bert Lancaster home. Mr. T«xbia* of Eugene will he ( Special to the Sei here Fri lay night to show lantern Mav 28.—John Maa slide pictures at the church. sick list. Young people of the chu rrh ar. Mr. and Mr*. Richard Ti preparing program* for eh Salmon River. Ida., -pent tl dav. end with Mrs. Tipton’s father. The Waldon s< bool will Ivan Lyon*. Monday with a p ••nie. Mi*« Miss Lillian Ewing of Portland Pitcher ‘ and Mias Pruitt will *pent several weeks at Living*ton. there again next vear. Cal., with a sister, Mr*. Ruth Hopp- man. and in returning spent th •verythin LATHAM. week end with her parent*, Mr. in th« w il wa« and Mr*. C. W. Ewing. Sunday morning by f ( Sp*cial to the Sentinel ) Mr. and Mr*. Wilber Swaggart May 28.—Mr. and Mrs. Dwight of Pendleton stopped enroute hum ’ had been placed th« r Chi Mercer, Mis* Elizabeth Heacock from the Odd Fellow* convention of intoxication. and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fry spent at Medford to spend the week «‘nd Pitcher allowed the t Saturday evening in Eugene. with Mrs. Swaggart’* mother. Mr< dom of the jail Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Johnson were William Thorn. Mr*. Swngga.. confining them in «iid not apprec ia Eugene visitors Saturday. was taken ill her«» with mump* an ' til th«» »ext day, wh»*n Albert Graham of * Chehalis, • abi will remain until *he i* able I • ¡»ndeavored peated Wash., visited over the week end travel. d furuitur« th«» dc= with hi* parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mr*. William Funk of Judge ( John Graham. Black Butte gave a weiner roast mi to the Mrs. Robert Kannady, Thursday evening. paving Johnson and Mrs. A. Mr. and Mr.*. J. E. Bant on re The four t nn-1 son Wayne attended baccalaur turned Fri lay from Portland. Partlow r and eate services in Cottage Grove Sun- Th«» London school is pianoin a Wilkinson, all empi picnic Friday. I. nmbe A. V Little Lester Bartholmey is now Mr. and Mrs. Fred f !>»- improving, after a several days’ rena spent Thursday Mary mill, night illness. Massey home. no o The Latham Community club will Mrs. Emma Bailes an i daughter < ’aldwtdl meet June 8 at the home of Mrs. R«*ta spent Monday aftern n with each. ’ Hugh Trunnell. Mrs. W. L. Townsend. «oming at th« The P. T. A. will sponsor a Mr*. Roy Hubbard returned Sun of on«* : den program for the summer day from McMinnville, arcorn The other •inning to give a fair panied by her mother, .Mr*. Fh-tch expen Lath am children in th«» fall. all. n»-w II. Wood* in building Typewriters to rent, CULP CREEK walks around his store. Thoma* Moxley. Howard Cox and nel. FOR HALE - THRE R HOME ON Row river, tj mile above Dorena. boute aerten porches. cupboard* and dose la. House i> fur nithed with new range, c oak dining room a»-t. Jlooaier kitchen abin<-t. heater, stands, chairs and rock« era. double bed and spring, etc Good garage, »mail barn <hlck»n house, co •rralH. etc. Has a complete irrigation sj installed. Firat class soil for garden May 28.—A school p «Tries, etc. tv as ■ AU buildings nearly new ituated on closing d lav e feature * * Fniav of th- market road. Price $200' K>. C. H. schools. * I: “ I school: Brooks Dorena. Oregon m!6-30p Wildwood an * 1 Disston was planne I to hold the picnic on FOR SALE—ONE FAIRBANKs.MORb Sharp* ereek but on account of l’a JI. P. engin- in good »hap. -toraiv weather it was hel l in the Price »50.00. Will trade. Chariea R nei old Whtman house near Red 1849 west Main street. m23-30 bridg-. Parents of school children FOR RALE—FORD ROADSTER •or. and friends were invited. The af running Ford). Also an electi 1205 Washington avenue. m 2 3 tic ternoon was spent with games an 1 dancing. A F1I 1ST CLASS RESTAURANT FOR Mr.*. George Potter and children, sal«- «•h«*ap on a< count of sick ness. Must be sold at once. P. O. box •04. who live e on Sharp* ereek. Ro*«rb i ru. Ore. i n3 Op •¡tor- Friday Fridav at the B. F. Mr Hum home. 1 WAN 1 ED TO TRADE «.1 ITKR F(ik W. B. Patton of thi place and ban j o or mandolin. Nelson Lie•< tri»- ehop. . A. ( Jewell of Cottage Grove nrned Thursday from t he Bo WAMI ED—MF N to rut whit* fir ■and nia ines, where they • spent a at • \ariie U hite place on Londun road ut H. !.r«m bridge. WUl pay $2 . v da at a mining elai ini owned cord o jr-..- Al hurrhill. The men re- Ted traveling through eight f et LOST — I.ADY’S TAN < OAT W TTH bla 1 fur collar and cuff* on 1 ~ .«nr w. Carl Mat ton and Mr. xv«y b< tween KoKebnrg and Eugene Al *y ureh ill. well known miner* of the 25. X<rs. S. .1. Bartlett. Bona 7 etra hem district nrcornpnni«»d them ia ranch. Drain. Oregon. ni3( • J'p the n turn trip. Foii i NT — 1 HKEE-KOOM MUD J »hn ‘ arr and children oi »•■irnt. ejertric rsn^r. garage •ft Friday for Marshfield. tinuon s hot water provided, ti ll r«> Mr. Carr hn* been employe«! a\ enu»-., corner of Twelfth «treet. p ral week*. Mr. Cnrr ac <T t h«»m on the return t.ip and will be employ« i bv PROFESSIONAL CARDS >re«t service ( >n the Frank DENTISTS er « k road th is summer. ani Mrs. John Jean and r w f i.fiinu <> n of PortJanrl m< ved here Fifth and Main street*. Hours « to 12 and 1 to 3:30. Evening* and* will 1, rm day* by appointment. Phon«*: Office Ii h brother, Bill Jeans, reai«i«-nre 161 J. 1< ing contract for th.- her R. C. H. KIME. DentJat. First Natl«*! bunk building. Cottage Gr«»v«-. (in • •n Mr. ani Mr*. B. F. McCollum ■ )'••* iiH»t In **xtr*ction. admim-tration •f pre I u*it» ■* visitors Sa tur-1 ay in ii>tro«i<« oxid and oxjg«n oral aur^err Office phone 10. Jkesidence 12 0-J. G* m ><1 THURSDAY TUB 8BNTINEL. OOTTAOK OROVE, OREGON — ARE THE BETTER CIGARETTE Camels contain such tobaccos and such blending as have never been offered in any other cigarette. They are made of the choicest Turkish and American tobaccos grown. Camels are always smooth and mild. Camel quality is jealously maintained . . . by the world's largest organization of expert tobacco men ... it never varies. Smoke Camels as liberally as you choose . . . they will never tire your taste. Nor do they ever leave an unpleasant after-taste. 1929, R. J. Reynold« Tobacco Í ) onipany, Winston Salam, N. C. I ifleen years of research tiiirl ilevelopincnt hml prorlur'erl .i refrigerator with an her metically M-alcd, rlii-t-proof mechaniHin, mounted on top . . . a refrigerator with an improved type of cabinet, mounted on legs ... one with an acceasible temperature control... that CHtaldiiilicd a new standard of uuiet opera tion ... that required no oil ing. .. that dlapenned will: all troublesome machinery...( flint lowered operating co»ts ...that carried un iinqiliilifieal twu-vear aeriicc guarantee. \ radical improvement ha» been nindc in the cabinet! It ia now all-MccI! Il cannot warp. It is as strong as n safe. You cun purchase the new models shown at our displav rooms on conveniently spaced payments. Tune in on the «¡enerul !• Ice- trie Hour broadcast everv Saturday evening 8 to 0 I astern Standard Time over the iN. II. C. network of 12 stations. GENERAL <§) ELECTRIC ALL-STEHL KFJF*R£3*i;i-2KAT«»tt