VOI.UME XXXVIII COTTAGE GROVE. LAME COUNTY tJ SENIOR CLASS MAKES Buccaliiuirutc Servier on Sun day Night Wil) Open Coiniiiencenient Week | f/»’/ /7*7 /// lutili < // /c» itien! I h <1 ('aion *n>»tniiii imi*' hit«* Mon«lnv af l«'t lii nilig f ioni w oi k mg n irndorryrli* hii *I i m attcmptmg to pa«s «»f h im h» nm mti» he h n** «'ii'lcii \ oi mg • hi , the »Irivcr of il out to pii«« n birycl hiin limi ('aion took to avoid hitting th Calori’« nght rollar I»« Itired limi hi« I» ft OREGON THURSDAY MAY 21. 19'29 LOMBER MILLS PLAN County Will Receive George Knowles Chosen (). & C. Tax Money Headof County Chamber Chopping off Output to B»nu- nt Market Price Condi fions Is Belief Third Annua) Payment Total« Cottage Grove Man lx Wed $116,804 80, Money to Be Known Throughout Lane; Church Services Arranged for Year's Reports Given Paid by October Sunday; Parade Will Be »;«.rK< <>. Know I?« was » Icete I Held Thursday. Hen Rough Pet I.ONDON, May 21.—(Special.)-— That a turk«»y h«*n with a brood of young turkey chicks is not. a dr sirabu* pet wa« th«* «ono-what pain ful Irsaon h*urn«’«l last Thursday by Glover Hhipp, two-yenr old son «>f Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hhipp. Th» bal»v started to invc« tignt? the moth»T turkey and h?r brood and fri«*n«!s but the wtflr veterum« organizar ion* to try to make f wf/nirn's auxiliaries to turk»*y h«*n ihowed an ugly disposi- tion and no deaire to be friendly r»* 'Oinhiaiag to arrange th? i for th»* ubs«*rx an»*? of ami it wa.* a brui«?«l and badly , fright»*n?«i child that, Mrs. Shipp nl »lay n»* xt Thur*« I ay I'. war veterans an* in barge rrsrued u f?w minntM after Glov* I •*r’< fri»*n«Hy overtures. ng»*inrntM and tb«*y ar»* b* ' 'i i»ted by th«* w«»m?n rrlirf io»*»iib«*r< <»f ih»* (». A I; n »• '•ri»*nn L»-g»«»n mid th»’ Amer no I gioii tuxiharv. H K Met '■■If «,11 |M. manbal "■ » ’ I k .3 0 I. OH) Fes 11 vit ie» opcili d la st Fri'lu v with lilt« I h << n higher sin» «• tpc Th i «••rv«'»| on vknouii 'ooimit t<*<* th«’ in Myrtle ¡’oint 3 1 the junior iriiior liiihipiet Tli<* g»’lie hos|o!li| for t|«’li this month than the i|»*rn rm nt hr r th»' Lan«* county organization. H* Eugen»» 333 1 2 bu» riilu lirrttl «■ «••r v)ci Bl ■ i w.i> cmpl»»ye«| ui the just|fic«|, but a new factor ■ < » is widely known t broughout th.- Cottage A Wooli (¡rove .0 .1 * .(MM) Niiiidit v evening ill the Christian at th. W *iias«,bal| game Huu held ut M u ’rlork W« »In« «»lay m larger fir manufartun'r* th «-«»»jiity gr«»up. I hi 1927 nan •!<»«.,4ia nn«l W» miii lint year mum $102,717.32 J. L. Hhciton, retiring pr »*.i«L»-ut. Myrtle Point at Myrtle Point, This «'•»Iilliirm emi'ilt will be br held hrM m Ih» nrr going Io «hut down «• Rrx <»f Eugene gav»* n repo “ «• gf« gati«»n of th«1 fund Ihi of th« 1 G Hhaw will b»* »«f is the third game that the locals Fn.lny, May 3! gym nt u o’clock Fri'lav, for oho week b»*tw«*«*n now th«* ■lay. lite rumi district fund amotinl first year’s active work th? or have dropped in th»» Valley Bay The pMigtniii for the 1 buci’uluur” first of Jun«*, which !»••'* Lane Mills Manufactured 13 4 » 11 M l 17 .(M A para«!«* a ill gaaiaation ami stated tl h«*bi but league. Ut«' service follows; | I ’i « h ' csmhhhi !, til«* OlltpUt Will b«* «’lit Hi i- following in th«- «»•grrgation tw<» of th«' pr«»p«»N rioti • r»*ti t«-»l fun» n«»on. Th»* group« will The locals were leading 2 to I loMology; Judge G F Skipworth Grants the biilati«'«* of Muv. high school «»I »• h«*«t rit; Per cent of State’s Total >•* tax payment of th«* govern "hen th«* associatiou cat into ex­ i th" ar mor v at 10 o’clock up to th»* seventh inning when the tuvuri al ioii , Rev Duneiin P (*mu Th« ’ effect« of this sud«l Property gam /.atiou« that will br r»*i this year: i*t ♦•««■«• had b«*«-n romp fl Owners Penna outfield with th«* assistance of sev Footage “Ail Huit rrou; hymn No. 221 ping off hi Wi»' output ■ n riud countV .. . * 79.149 71 added that th«*»«* two v will b.» th»- G. A. R., M era) of the infielder« loosened up the I1 •»>w«’r of Jesias* Nam«';' gur««»*d Ut, but that it nent Injunction Npmrush War veteran*. 4 districts 12.817.5 1 ablv be »ODlplefed this v an«i contributed several boots thnt rr, I Rev I. II Randi«*; ’ R»« beneficial to ««»m«’ »Irgri’r i ('. A. Bartell, Mr K 3.331 34 i fl b.gh «choo|* vies. U L.g i«»n, Am« ri»*ari Legion n Th»- W ♦’«t (’onxt LiimlHTmen ’« a.4 put Myrtle Point in the lead. nl ’ ’ l»v D«‘Kov»»ii. Imx« ’ nn» tmiitx 1 n the first pln«*r gi. l»ov -«•outs, rampfir»* of Hiusta w 3,388.6*» W ('«»inrr, F. E. M»’n; h v in n No th«* n • ix Spi i ngf trbl bridgi they xx HI b«* unable to n«*c pa ra d<* will march to th«* up. He al ary I to March 31. in l.ane county, failed to back him • * A meric« th«' Heniit iftil; * * »» rinoii, ri«M»d hmger, n »b'ri« ion of Jtidg«’ i ffi<**rs will he h»4»l Twice the locals had the bases 1 .n th«* Willaiiictti* valley »listriel v Ball, Velma Mackey; Heart” A peru«ut| of th«* di«trirt r»*p«»rti» Th. American Legion an«i the ; and 13.4 per cent of Oregon pro- loaded with nom* out but lacked Th»* planting of alfalfa »1 has I da«« j> n. Gladv« A’ru rou* ; make« jt rb nr that th»’ ti irk« t h i« a! th»* fir«t m»*«*tmg in Jun»*. Hiuc» Legion auxiliary will go to Drain » duction for th»- Kame perio«! is rep- th»* punch to drive out a hit to ••rganizing, th»* «In«* ha« ha»l an been about eonipl«*tp to ha.l n trnd»*nry to b« w«r»k «luring in the afternoon to assist in th« Cottage Grove Mr-. in this vicinity who are experiment nt I of cla** > "f ' r«*M*nt«* I by the 92 reporting mills bring in a run. •or response, preside ; th«« lii*t ten «¡ay« Even »»», it i* riveragc utt»*ndan«-(* of M ». Memorial «lay program there. Z. *30, Lawrence . Kelly; prient nt inn not I hk II v out of balnn«'«* a« i« Str?»u««»n i- plaving th»* piprorgan ing with th.* crop. Thirt»*«n farm luncheon will Im served at 1 o’clock. in I>an«* county. For the same per- earned onl” four hits, Hill an»l exprr. ioI «rxtrt. n Willamette * urn v»*rsity. wa« an in Th? Memorial Dav Sunday «er Mitchell « Ninety-two mills or approximate­ comes here to play the locals. Both )reg»>n Rtat«' the b'ttcr of the «ontrnct »« part thing i* tru«* of export bu«in«**-. t»*r»*Mting «| »' H peaker at the high school FRANCIS HORN WINNER vic/'s will b** held at 11 o’clock xttrnl mu-ir. of th«' fill w»»rk hns I mm - h «Ion«' nn«l n« the export buyers couhl bux if assembly Friday, ly 33 per cent of the reporting mills have lost three games. Earl Hill, L U f I <■ tl 11 tl r MI roll IL* talked chirflv Sunday in th«* high s»*hoo! gx*m IN JUDGING CONTEST in Willamette valley district arc manager of the locals, will have ‘‘Red Skies Above n Wigwam” I»;. a 11 plan* mnd«* for th«* ctimpbdion tln*\ felt it wn* nn opportnn»* tiin»* of th«* value of a college education nasium. Th«* program follows: Pro- located in Lane county. The W’il- several new men in the lineup ami ¿ifl«’ nnd box - ‘ gl"«* »lob«; of the job. Dvorak, gGl- Th.* Atlantic const slump ha« un»l through stati «tics point»*»! out ?«*«*ional. Airs. Ceeil E. Caldwell; OREGON STATE AGRh TT.TI’F lamette valley district embraces Cottage Grove is out to give Ban prcNcntnt ton of ria»« of ’29, Sup Judge Rkipwnrth cites testimony r«‘a<’h»'»l bottom and »luring th»* la«t th. many a Ivantag»*« obtain»*»! by AL COLLEGE, Corvallis. May 23.— “America,” choir an«J congrega that territory south of Portland to don permanent possession of the Em«'i*on; pre* brought out bv th«« state highway 4 m hour* then* have I.... .. indi«*a rrinton«l»*nt D A means of highe; r •• location. While Grove, t;»n: invocation. Rev. Duncan P. the California line and west of the cellar honors. rotation of «liplotnn», N I” («In***, commission that n change m th»- tion« that th»’ .bnbr« there f.*«*l it hin talk was helpful to th»* entire Frau»is Horn of Cottage Cameron; “America the Brauti Cascades with the Eugene The locals «ill Ko to _ exception of rhnirman of the «rho<»| b«»ar»1, a* fill plans to install 250 f»*ct of is n safe time to make «nine sir«» student body, it was declared par freshman in agriculture, ha- b< n June 2 ami Marshfield will play named a.- «»n«* of th«* winn«’r» in ful.” choir an ! congregation; num Oregon coast mills. Granula, pnn»-ip.il tr«*st|,' would co»t • i«te ,)ub. He received U ewpv of Anlauf, Glen Arne, Ellen Arn»«'. pr»»p«’rtv a«!jacent tn th»* bridge on y»nr under more :i»1vers<’ eon lit ion- bo.lv forest products, taken in coopera­ 8; Marshfield, 11, Bandon, 5. were installed by Kenneth Sh ill Con-«*.'■ choir nnd <*«»ogrc*g.i tion with the department of agri Ilrfh Hnilrv. Earl Black, Fred B«»« pro.ich brought immediate r«’«ultN and Goff, retiring pr»*si«lent, an»! each the Look. “Sncressful Dairying.’’ tion; prayer. Rev. L G. Shaw; solo. California Is Hard Hit. as a prize. lev Agnes Brichrr, Dell;« (’«ton. »•ulture. th? lumber cut of 798 iden The court «|eci»ion states that whil«’ the «tart today i« tardv it | in turn gave a brief talk regard Miller; sermon. tical mill.*—each mill sawing 5,-1 The April frosts in California Beulah Suflcv Caton. Hi r»»l»l ('»»«»Iri The club in holding the contest Mi*«« Catherine each party to th«* injunction «uit do»'« look n» though it will v«*r' , ing th»* duties of hi* office for the or I took heavy toll from th«» fruit h »p«*** f»> create more interest in “Th«* Meaning of Freedom.” Rev ^MKI.lWhl feet, board ’ measure, Krnneth Goff. Ray lhlt«»n. Wil*»»’. pay its own rent** «piicklv stop the «Iceline an I in all j coming vrar. While better price.* re Htabhell, Connie Hutchinson, high gra b* dairy cattle. Th«* en­ L. H. Randle; benediction; reces­ mor«* either in 1928 or in 1927—j growers. D probability tnki* th»1 «-»«ntrol out of sional, Mrs. Caldwell. Mrs. O. W. trants nr«» limited to underrlass- H iinsun. France« amounted to 19,844,197,000 feet in *ulting fium small production will Velma Ewinx th»’ I«uver«’ luin»l* THOMAS J HANNA DIES Blackmore will be th«» pianist fur K erne, Ahn Kellv, 1928. an increase of 1.4 per cent «well the income fur the general John Kinfc. mrn «‘a»*h year. the congregational «inging. Th«- as compared AFTER 3 WEEK ILLNESS Marker. Glen McKibben. V’cl tun with 19.565.O25.000 industry, the result in individual American L»*gion an»! th«» Legion TWO HELD ON CHARGE Itubv Melirk, Genevieve Mernnda. These mills eontrib- cases will be serious, as indicate«! ■ 1M7 auxiliary will be in charge of dec ­ Thomas Jrfferwon Hanna uted 56.7 p*r rent of the total cut bv the following comment of the Rov Murry, lieh u Olson. Rnrnii , OF CHICKEN STEALING orations. director of agricultural extension Riley, Ncv.i Rose. Geneva Shattuck. , Tu«’s»hiv at hi« horn«» in th «>f all mill« reporting for 1927. Hr had h at California university: “Many T«»»|ford. part of th» citv Glenn Swanson. L«»wrl| With th«* arrest Monday in Lu Mount David Is Chosen for for mor«» than three week« Funrr gene of two m» ri who.it is all«»g«'d, farmer* who have lost their en FREE METHODISTS PLAN Ruth Traviar, I’r. •! W Iul.' T K WALKER HI GRADUATES tire crop face the situation with Warwick, Franc«** al serpirrs will be held at I " I nth'inpti'd to .Ii«i»os0 of n load «>f Wnrd. Daisy Eighth Annual Event; Mo ­ ANNUAL CAMP MEETING BIGGEST SENIOR CLASS exhausted credit. The expansion Well«, • Glndyi» Yrnrous, Hn/rl A’enr Fri'lav afternoon at th»* (’»»mmunitv stolen chicken*, th«* sheriff'« office Memorial Flower of Legion «hurch m Oakland with R«‘v I» I' I m ’I icvcs it will be abl«' to « l«*ar tip torcycle Stars Coming. in decidubu« fruit acreage wa* OUS. I>r. G. \V. Griffith of I.os An­ of high land Auxiliary Sold to Help Commencement exercises for the made at a time The r)fi*»N mott»» i* *• Knowl»*«lg«’ (’unieron of this city of f iciat ing n num be it of poultry theft«* geles, prominent educator and edi­ Intrrmrnt will be at Fair Oak' in 1« P om er.” the rlnsR flower i« th1* tor. will preside at the southern largest class ever to b«’ graduated value*. The crop came into bear count ry «luring th«* past flic eighth annual northwest mo­ Disabled Veterans. deep pmk sweet pen nnd th«» r|««* Douglas county near (hiklaml Oregon conference which will con­ from Walker union high school will! mg in years of low prices which month«. torcycle hill climb will be held at 29. Mr Hanna was born June brought color« are old ro«e und silver Elmer vene «luring th»' annual Free Meth- be held at 8 o’clock Friday eve­ in many instances have J. E. 1 o’clock Sun.luy, June 2, on 185!, in Missouri. !!«• rro««r«l the To odist camp meeting to be held May ning in th«» high school auditorium loss than coet of production. Roger«, Mount David and those who atten.l Red poppies, made by disabled plain« in 1853 and srttlrd with i hiv prices The senior class in­ such farmers, the higher th«* county jail. Julian 31 to June 9 at the ter, nr«* Methodist at Walker. Knowlen Nanre»! Commlttae Meinbcr father, Calvin Hanna, on a »(< Inna will witn<*ss «ome of the greatest war vet«* ran.* in th«» I’nited State* tv sheriff, has been Episcopal camp ground Strnit, i on cast cludes 11 and these are Almeda E. that may prevail as a result of the Georg»* O. Kn«»wb'« ha« been np tion «hum, known ns Red Hill, in the poultry theft« for of the northwest and Pacific roast veteran* ’ hospital in Portland, will Main street, A large attendance Myers, Mildre«! M. Walkley. Eva freeze will not be of help should working pointed to serve on a Committre Dougin« county motorcycle star« in nrtion. be sold starting Saturday and con­ l.al«*r h<* made hi« Moutlay the deputy two moi is expected from cities in southern L. Jones, Lloyd L. Hankins, Gerald their crops be entirely or largely from thè I ugrne chtimlM*r of coni horn»’ with hi« grandfather. Captain Among those who will ent«*r th«' tinuing through Memorial day- by Many will have to depend Eugene commission and B. Conner, Alvin W. Earl, Verneil lost. Oregon and along the coast called nt a mercé to r«’pre*«’i»t thnt group on Hanna, in Lngh«h settlement, Doug hill climb are Sin k T«»ndrl of Port­ members of the American Legion F. England. upon extended credit from bank* in Oregon, E. Koch, Murnaril ministers from cities h«m««» wh«'re it i« allege»! the elder auxiliary anpo«C'l , Idaho and Washington will be here Marion G. Weitz. Gladys Kirken ragnrding thè best l»e«t rout«* rotate for Sin ng«» of 25 year to Abigail Smith nrr in a foriioT Mt. David climb; from the sale of th<- memorial flow ' crisis.” der th«* name of George Smith. There 'kill. I>»»nald E. Wit -h'-r. to assist in the services. betweeti Junrtion nnd to this ur on were born «it \1 Forsbeig of N»*attl«*, winner m era will be devoted «law highwnv highway b«*tw« ’»’n to welfare will be five services daily «luring The class mottor is: “With the| A few minute# after the deputy 3’h»’ i»»int coni rhildr»»n, nil of whom nr«» living, (’¡tv an»i Chessliir»1 th«* hill climb last year at Spring work to help disabled veterans anti the session left the man brought in a loa-l of and the public is in- ropes of the past w<‘ will ring the) their families. mitt«*»» from th, l’iig«*ne and .lune Surviving zebiti es nr«‘ hi« vv idow, 25 h»-n« for «tile fielil; Sw»* obtnin rhihlren, Robert B Hanna. Eugen«’: seconds for climbing Mt. David; er of the American Legion auxili­ the cla«* flower is the rhoing over the top 1919, after the close of the World commerce luncheon The men were bound over Tuesday and | th»» two «urvry«. Other inembers Eugene; Mr« Della \ Rast. R«»s«’ of th«» local hill is «leclarvd to be war. in the fields of France where the order of the hoard of directors. Justice of th«» Peace Well« of lu spoke briefly concerning the locali from the Eng»»nr chamber of rom burg. A number of grnmlrhiblrrii «Hi»* that will stan.I for many year.« the lighting had been most terrif Each lot owner is assessed a «urn g«*ne Tuesday. merer arc Earl Hill of (’u«hrnnn nrr also among th»* surviving rcla to come. ic and thousands of soldiers had a\ »tion field. Mr. Eckerson stated of $2 the year or $5 for three that while the field served well a* I fives. anil J h Magla»lry of Eugen«’ The races include one for NO cubic fallen in battle, beautiful red an emergency landing years, payable in advance in either field it ! Mr. Hnnn.a was a m«»mber of the CAMP MEETING PLANS inch, privately owned stock; one ramp up in abundance. The rase, and all money received is ex­ Prrsbyteriiin church mnl hud livr»l women today «ay that the needed considerable work to place ! A school picnic was a closing day pended for such improvements am BE MADE FRIDAY for *»1 cubic inch motorcycles, e\ Circuit Court Jurors Drawn WILL it in first class condition. in t’ottag»’ Gmv«» for a numl««’r »>f pert rlns.s; 45 cubic inch, expert, ¡M.ppy i« a symbol of the blood feature of the Blue Mountain leveling the ground, clearing rub­ The ntime* of th«» following per years. who fell and died on school Saturday, lu th«’ forenoon bish, making walks, mowing grass of th«* must Iw five factory motors; 61 of these b Officer and members son* from (’ottng«» Grov»' and vi fields. Those f i e I <1 .«. w ho STORAGE TANK ARRIVES a program was given by scbo?( and extending the water system. «•xeriitiw board of the août heru cubic inch, ptufcNsioUMl. ('ash an«l Flanders for th»' jury cinity wer«» drawn McKenzie R aik I (Inuits Obtained children and this was followed by On account of the low price at district of the Methodist church merchandise prizes will be awarde.l. have traveled in France since the panel of the June term of the rir FOR NEW OIL COMPANY Good progredii is being made on Mt. 1 hi vid, which has an 84 per war sav that when» the battle w a« a sewing demonstration an»l art ex­ which lot* in the cemetery are soil, will meet at 7 30 o’clock Fridav ruit court in L:inr county Dwight the c* obtaining of rights of way for rent grade, is »leelnred to be on«' the fiercest and the bloodshe«! the hibit bv the Kiliwauna sewing club these sale receipts are consumed in night in the Methodist church here. Mercer, hiniliertunn; Butt«* Moou»*y, the McKenzie highway A huge tank for the new Texas improve grow the Plans will be made for the camp of th«» hardest hill* to climb in the greatest, the |M»ppit»s farmer; I.re Nixon, farmer; F. T ment, «:iy« company plant, that will hand!? of the school, a 4 H group. An in­ keeping up the main roadway. It say* Judge ( C ’ I’. Barnaril of northwest . thickest. meeting si’rvic«*« to be held in th«' Brnston, nirrrhnnf; Herbert Bre»’»l th»* county court. oil, teresting nature study was also in- is the purpose of the association to \ large number In addition to the* hill climb The American Legion auxiliary distribution of Texaco gas and A picnic beautify the cemetery as a whole summer. Announcement has beea of the' elude! in the exhibit. luve, retired; I. W MrK ibben. of small parcel* of was unloaded the early part land on th»’ made that Dr. I., M. Grigsby of there will be airplane flights iron, urges that its memorial flower be week and has been installed on the lunch an»! ire cream were served an