TIIURHDAY, MAY IL IM» Oregon Grafting & 1 ree Surgery Co. Of Junction City will be in Cottage Grove this week grafting Black Wai nut trees to Franquette Walnuts Any one wishing work of this kind done may leave orders with MR. J. M. DURHAM 823 Mnin St Phone 168-J Store Phone I WORK GUARANTEE!) OREGON GRAFTING & SURGERY CO Bor at th«' county aaweaaor’s offi«»' in Eugen»« last wmk. Mr Morri« >- «lepuly tiAMMMor for thia «lintri« i The American l,«gi«»n wiu in funeral aerviren for charge of JoM*ph Spaulding, a civil war vet ••ran of Draia, in that city Tue day. They w«r»* a«*«’ompariii*d to Drain bv a firing squa»l from th»* roast artillery batt fry wh«< hn«l .1 part in th«« servi»*e. He»« Faraway pianos at Chestnut vf $H; í Transfer Co, Cottagi Uro Vf a 25t fr and up. Terms. P H. Ritchey of Hhoshone, Ida , is spending a few «lay» at th»* F. M IliH'hiifiiiii h»»tn»* w«-«t of this city. A group of boy aconta went to Eug»*Dr \v»‘<ln»*»«lay night for swiin nmiiiig instruction in the mvrr aity of <)r<*g<>ii tank 'Ph WiT«* accoinpa nn*«l by Scoutmasti-r K . IL Itaki'f un<l Mcveral buain»*»» m«-h who provided transportation. Money for you C 0 Mf(; Co See our ad Mr and Mr« Howard Crow nn 1 family an«| Mrs, <'row ’ m »i*t «*r of with vinitftl We«ln« -lay Earl < la rout t while •»n th«’lr Mu nt a K omi , (’al. They will vrritl day» on their r»*turo ow w hn formerly Mis* tIra»’« KebillingM of thin city. f «araway pian»>n on i duced pro'i's thin month must red nig Eugcue »tore, atork. Mr«- Ch»*«t nut Trun»f«-r, < lag»* Grove. Mr und Mr«. W <*. Griffith Port land wer»' w»*»*k «•nd guents the hoin«! ■ Mi and Mr» F. Allmon Mr» • Griffith and \ A Di »on ar«* »i iiaters. You'll enjoy cards, pool, bil h’r, Mt- Hors»-«- ILirm- liardn at the Pastime. 1 son 's who V 1 «11 •*.| -il th«' Woiidsi.ri h«»n Th»* followiDi j new *ar -ab’» hftvr mid w it ti h«-r pfir»*nl«, Mr. mi«l Mt- • V th«- N«*l«on Mut<»f I Sin* b f t for h«*r b»‘»'n reported M nr V ¡ James R. >bi n <mi roiiipnny thin week: Whippet «ii * brut her ( home M«»i olay. ♦ cou p«* to ( -.-<il L Cnl.lwr-lí; Whip US4*< 1 1 «inno in fin«* <‘ondili«»n, 1 pet s(*»inn tu A. W Mrd e*org. , Rufus Van D«in*«’ of the Van Whippet * ai<l will oak «• as»*, in<|Uirr <'h«-»tout Tran« •ach to JjiW'on an< I Tan lb 'HIM’ I.uinbcr firm of Eug»'iir. a ' fer c< Cot tug.. Grove r*25tf« Ha I u t <!ti : ner. former Cottage Gr«»\«' rc»bhnt, ha* Mr t 0',1 Mr. E C Hou-er mo Mr and Mr- Hick« of i’c»rt Ian»! gutie t«> iMrtlan w here h»* will 1 t«»r»-«l to I’mgrii Hunday ami «jent visited bri» fly with Mr. an' ! Mr* servo a» vice pr<* '■«idcnt un i g.'ni'iid ' a ay «.Ih Ilo- (irorgr- K-al.l. They [ F H All ison W« *1 n« ««ln v nmnngtf of the Edwurd fmndy < *oa«t I umla-r e<i ntnpntiy. 'I My hat, at Quit tiniX buKinr»». D'*in»e company hu» iiK-rg Hab- b« gin« Hut I cost tl n«l In low Mund«« the Hin«'» firm Mr und \ ux 1 l.ou'k- ’ Mdlimrx 1 urdrtv, M nlv All D«’lt»«o left hef»’ Inal full Mrs \ i'*ior K«*m mid Mr* F.nrl clerk ’ their home m E :ug«-nr Carrie Dulin* urrivi ’ d h«'r»* Mun 1 Kuljt-ii 11 o| o»t n ho had Effective May 1. al) sales 1 mid uti' giV’t-ts nt th«* tb<* home of a 1 «lay n everyI hing ¡ home of Mrs C. C. (’ruson. No either ctxh or contract Btigh-y ret urn«1 ' Mr- H**roli *i \lh*o»i r«' day. M Rny Nelson Electric credit *<liutt* of t.l inri ! 1 th«*»r horn«' in Porfían«! Th.* W on I erk nl ■hop Wt-.lro They had vi«i!<-<| over Milin » t r«-«-t hd.n I «Mt Victor • nd nt th«1 horn»' of Mr*. of paint the w X mtor m 1 ng t-n f Monday \ lliaoi ¡.nr* nts, Mr nn«l Mr». II ter part Flies ♦Uh* imt dozen ut Brund Mliwn Mrs Dea e H t* *rtison, Fi nn«<r an her M m. D Y . Allison of Ros«*burg Mllson bren Visit 't»g at th«« hoi a brief visit. and h« er 1 daughter nn»l s«<u in-law. M ,, 4 tlstrr, Mr* 1. R Lemley, Effective May 1, all salva Mr mi ml Mr« Rodnt-y Knott of to her hot:sr in Portlmid k of bat. Myrtle Crock, sp*-nt ■ Sun«lay at the No either cash or contract M » \\ HEE HI. 1 1 IV •H WIN! homo« ot « MI Allison'» brothers in- credit Ray Nelson Electric the latrat law, S X'. and I F. H Allison. shop ut t met n i* Bargmu.« in line phonograph.). ut the borne oLurtmiig Lara wav Music • Hou»«', Eugene. Hee Bader, «uit H im -« -ml «how itig till th • ’h»*vt nut Tran«f«-r, agents, Cottage erk max V oice mili im r \ Grove. a25tfc U i RH miir.i, ji former Mr Mury Mi-Intyre, who make» idi'nt, uti<L*m«*nt Xf-ilrii appendiciti* la«t her horn«* with a daughter, Mr«. barber »hop from th«' W B. Graham, fell nt th«* th« Graham l*'‘rth»nd hospital. Rh»* bon up “ <»n Mnin str»’»*t tn tl Friday and fra« ture<l h«*r left atiafh»' at th«' Flip joint. Sin wa» tak of the Bank <«f Cottage tiro log t«»rily room has r»*r«*ntly b«'«*n r«- CD in the umbulanc* Saturday tu <’hi mid improve»! H. V All the Eugen»« hospital, where sh»* will below **«<i«ling Mr Malcolm in tl rciuaiu for ticatuicut Mi M« 4 H«'»* t hca I targa ins f<»r th«' present Intyre was -baking >« lunch clolu Millinery buy. Loucks from th«' ba«*k door nnd fell down Mr mid Mr» <» I W«m< Mr« <’ A. Htevrna, who was Ink two st«’p«. She struck a tree near turned Friday from Port Inn « n Nuddi-nlv ill Monday, i« reported the step* which caused th«' injury wen* mTompnnod bv Mr«. to be Mom«*what miproxe«!. (>n account of her advanced age, Long A Cruaon have s<»ld a Com 76 years, her condition is somewhat mnnder «!might «right Htudebnkrr serious. roadster to W. A. Garoutte. Arnest writes Ins., any kind. Th.* office of th»' Cottago Grove Mr. and Mr«. J. M. Vaabinder Manufai-turing .-ompanv is being re mid Mr. and Mrs. H J. Nelson mo paint« I mid r»‘«l«M’orat»‘d with a new tored to Glendale W.-dnesday to variety of lacquer paint. attend a celebration for the open Effective May 1, all srilea mg of the Glendale Lumber mill. They considered the celebration a either cash or contract, No hug*- Mice«-«« and said the weather credit. Ray Nelson Electric was ideal for «urh an event. shop. Hperial this week at Nelson Mo tor company, 1927 Ford coupe un«l A marriage lieca»,* wa» l:,.t week t<» Kenneth Arthur ul 1925 J.*w»'tt coa«*h, both in excel Seattle and Minnie Ander.on irf lent condition. I .oran»'. Paint and varnish, for leas, ut A marring»* licen«»' was issued Brund ’« Miss Sy bl V cutch, who is attend last week t«» Walter mg tbr -tate normal «chool at Ash this city and Sadie land, spent the week end in the land Frank <rity nt the home of her pannts, We»*k »*nd guests at the Sh' Mrs. Mr mid Mrs. J. W. Veatch. Hafh*v home wen* 1 Mr. and was aceoinpnnit'd bv Miss Emilin«* Hoel,’ Salem*. David Bodine. Port land; Mr. and Mrs. I/**«' Burkhart, Kapler of California, also a «tu Albany, ant! Mri ■ Bodine, Mlwin», «lent at the normal school. Fishing Tackle at Bargain prices mother of Mr«. Hoel. Mr Bodin«'. nt Brund’s. Mrs Burkhart and I Mrs. Safley. Mr mid Mr«. \be Fuller and Oregon Fire Relief -Amost Agcy. «on John of Orlin, Cnl., were over Noble« from here who attended night guest.« Monday nt the home the Shrin t» ceremonial nt Medford of Mr. and Mt« Frank Hambrick. Harvey. K. Satnr«lav wen* • Worth Mr-- Fuller is n . on in of Mr. Hum K Mill’«. W ,1. White and Elbert brick and th«» visitors were enroute named nt Bede. The two Inst to Spokmi»', Wash., to mak«* their ten«l<*d the Mrottinh Hite reunion home. hold Wf lncstlny, Thursday and Fri Have von i'en th«* Willy« Knight «lay in th«* sfim»* city. motor » hi display i: N •.>u Motor C Save money. See our ad. companyf B»* sure to see it this w’eek as same will b.» returned to Q Mfg Co It will demon Mr. anil Mr« Charles Shinn re Portland Monday, turn.«I to Portland Tuesday, after stratt' to you how th? wonderful sleeve valve motor is operated. They the week end here Klamath Graduation Mothers’ Day and arrived Saturday from presents at Mendenhall’s. Sale lasts Falls. nnd ten days yet. Mr tint! Mr r« \ their Max Tuller of 8ainona, Cal.. •» Mr. and Mrs. < <’. J Mr \ isiting with relatives in the city, families visited Sunday Mrs F. F Wells went to Yon IV n Raymond Grube and Mr calla Saturday to visit n niece, grn. Charles Conner, county road pa Mr«. Mae Irwin, mother of Mrs W. II Daugherty, vi«ited the first trolmnn for the Delight vnllex dis trict, consulted with members of part of the week in Newp<»rt. Mis. Heth French of Albany is the county court Tuesday in Eu gone. a guest this week at th«* homo of Baseball suits, masks, gloves and Mr. hid I Mr«. IL L. St «»wart. Bn rgains. ( loti ng out every hat shoes sold for less than half price nt Brund’s. nt ro»t mui below. beginning Sat K D. Raker has been named urdny. May 4. Ree these hat« be- fore you buy. Louck’s Minninery. agent in the Cottage Grove district Kutomat ie washing ma Mi. . and Mrs. O. G. Reeves nnd for the daughter Harriet dime of Portland chine. Herbert W. Lombard wns a busi i were weekend guests nt the F. L. ness visitor in Eugene Tuesday. Grannis home. Hardware and kitchenware sold N W White wn< i business vis Save our discount stamps and get I Arcade show tickets at cost at Brund’s. itor in Eug«'iie Hnturdny. free or $1 00 cash for a full booh, Stamps given on cash Mr. and Mrs. E. G. O. Groat and Mr and Mrs. Worth Harvey or bills paid in full by the 15th. Mr«. Henry Lake visited Saturday spent the week end in Medford at Goshen with Mr. and Mrs. Wil You will receive stamps al other with reliitivei*. Mr. Harvey also at Iiam Vineent. Mrs. Groat and Mrs. tended a Shrim' ceremonial in that Vincent are sisters. are good for the same redempl ion | citv. They were accompanied to Medford by Mrs. Docia Norri« of Reno, Nev., w ho is visiting here WOODSON AUTO CAMP ADDS NEW BUILDING with h»'r parent«, Mr. nnd Mrs. .1, 1 ll> Oregon walnuts ... 25c Q. Willits. 18» bottle ammonia W» A $1500 community house, 00 2 packages Quick Naptha chips 49c Savings on roofs. See our ad. feet by _ 25 ___ ___ „ ____ feet, , is being built nt 1 it,. So 1ft’» pure |»rd W® the Woodson auto camp just north C G Mfg. Co of the city limits. It is being nprnt Jt*H«(» Griffin of Jasper 2 cans grapefruit .¡Mor, built along the river front in line 1 Sunday at th«’ homo ot a t 'offer percolator with th«' cabins and style of archi Mrs. Georg«' McQin'on 2 packages I’eets washing powder lbc tecture is in keeping with tin' cal» Mrs. E. E. Ead« and M r«. Clnr ins. 75c bottle cooking wine bOc from M<'4 «'nee Bovd motored up in- The community house will Large can Preferred Stock pineapple 25c week elmb' an up to date laundry forti Friday nnd spent th«' and Pint Hold Medal mayonnaise 30c end with relatives. Mr«. Ends vis modi'rn showers, wash rooms, lav lbc ited at the home of her father. S. atories and baths ns well as a big Fancy dried peaches, lb 33c W. Boyd, ami her sister, Mrs. Lo« room to be used as a recrentiou Fluff cake flour, pkg. ter Childs. Mrs. Box I spent the center. 25c t> lbs fresh Oregon rhitbarh time at the home of her parents, 5<- Local ritdishes, per luinch Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown. Mist But They Try To Dorothy Eads, daughter of Mrs Ends, who attends O. A. C. at Cor One of the greatest Inventions Vnllis, joined them here for the Is the revolving door. No two week »'nd. The visitors returned to women, one going In and the other Don't forget our Food Show Saturday, May 11. their homes Bunday afternoon. going out, run stop to talk.—Toledo Blade. I. B. Morris was a busineai vis C3ity Briefs Free Show Tickets saving I'ottagr < Iron- Stamps. 750 tm cent stamps till a redemption book that is good for I Areatie tlietiter Iickcts or $1.00 cash. Stamps given on eash purchases ami ar counts paid by the 15th. I»\ the following merchants: SMITH SHORT GROCERY, WOODS SERVICE STATIONS, BRESSLER & SON FURNITURE, QUALITY MAR KET, COLONIAL CAFE, SCHOFIELD STEWART PLUMBING & TINNING. ECONOMY FEED STORE, KELLY DRUG CO. The policy of flies«' slopes is always to sell you the best goods for the lowest prices possible and we are sharing our small profits b\ giving you our own valu able stamps. E ree Show 'Pickets! Friday and Saturday Grocery Savings Smith-Short Grocery ¡ SOCIETY"] I WANTADS | (CoDtmued froui page two.) Th»* folb/wmg item, which ap pear«*d in th»* aoriety columna of th«- Oregonian Muy I, ** mt creating to n number of i’ottag«* Grov«* per aonm At u Joubb* we<|«ling Tueaday aft: rnoon at the horne <»t ■f Mr and Mr. Loiri» K. i’ovington, in Irving ton, Mt-« Myra Covington beemm- Chilton th bride Of Dr. John Adami«, and Miaa Alrnu Dale Cov mgton be«-kmc the bride of Wil ham D* nzil Abel of Eugene Dr Haruhl Leonard Bowrmin per formed the eer«*rnony before mi im provined altar of «pring I i I oasoidm and lighted «’undelabru, in the prra «•rice of mcmberN of th«* family und many out of town guenta. Both brid»« wore dr«'-«*« of b«ig«* hie«* Mrs. Adama* «Ire»» wa« «lab orft’»*d with fuchsia velvet ribbon slippers of fyehaia DD»I ahe wore alippers Mitin Hhe wa* * attended by her sinter, M ihm Lola Covington, who wur«* a frock of fuchsia chiffon They both carri«*d urm bouquet« of spring flowers. Mr« . Abel'n drena a n« »-laborated with turquoi»«* vclv t ribbon an<í •bpp« r Khe was u* to mutch, tended by her aist«- r. Mi** Hull ( ?Ovi HgtOII, in H dreai - /»f tiir<|u«»ÍM' «hif fun. 'l’h«*y both carrie«! urm bouquet of ipring flowers. Dr A damn, the aon i of Mr. and Mr» Ri«*hard Adàms of Portland, WHN ath’ipled by his brother, I Rob ert Adam of Taroma, Wash. Clive of MontCAADo, Wm»h., wi* b«*»t man for hi« brother. Mr. Abel IM the ,,l> (tf M e **d Mr-4 W II Ab«*l of M ont«•*>:» r»o, Wash. Mr» Howard Kilham, Mr«. Janie* Ball, Mr* William Marphail and Mra (»••org»- I I. Tuttb* pr«**id»*«J at the t<* • a table during th«* reception which fa ollow»*d. Aaaisting about a i ■ M I Heil t h»* room K umm -II Ferguson and kemp«*r, . Mra. ’ H’«rr»«*t Vlam A.I hiii » Eleanor »h- Mi-- Kilham, Laura Kdhnm, G'-ncvii've A ndrew s, Lola Andrews, In«-z Fair t'hibl mid I Lurill.» Powell. Dr. and Mrs. Adame both at ti-ndcd th«- University of Washing ton, where «he wa« a m«-tnbpr of Dr. A-lam« ja a Delta (iHiiiinii. Mr iii»-nrb«-r of fb'ta Th»-- Pi. Abel alno gra*luated fiv. the Uni vemity of Wa»hington und in < inemlM»r of Delta Uhi. After a wedding trip sin Mr. and Mrs. Ab<-| to Eugene, wher<* they Dr. and Mrs. Adams their hum«*, will vi it British Columbia <»n their honeymoon un«l will bn at home in Portland after the fimt of May. the TI mmw i and ' from her»* H Kime, Dr. Mrs. Earl Mr*. G. . A. Sandera und M rs. Fred Tuesday h oat raaea Bennett i were night at the Colonial cafe for a At «ielightful evening of bridge, cartli a Mr«. Chari«*« — • Hall h«*ld high «core p and Mrs. Smiley Morris held low. \t a lat 1 hour delicious re fr«*shment* were served. Th»* room «leeorated with ba«k'*ts of vari- ro|ore«l tulip«, carnations, orchids pres«* nt cd a and Oregon grape _ Guests beautiful May lav effect, Mm. L. were Mrs. Inez Meek«, Crawford, Mrs. Brighton Leonard, H A Mr.«. Tom Luffoon, Mm. Hagen. Mr« S. Morris, Mrs. W. W. McFarland, Mrs. Fred Anderson, I Mm. Earl Garoutte, Mrs. Wilbur Spray, Mrs. Harry Metcalf, Mm. J. E. Plaster, Mrs. Rube Morris, Mrs. Sam Vcatch, Mrs. J. Dungan,', Mrs. C. C. Cruaon, Mrs. Herbert Whitlock, Mrs. N. J. Nelson. Mr.«. Elmer Neet, Mrs. Claude Kime, Mm. N. E. Glass, Mrs. H. V. Al- lison, Mrs. Cleo Morelock, Mrs. Victor Chambers. Mrs. Charlei Hall, Mr«. P. E. Nelson. Mrs. Carl Witt«. Mrs D H. Hemenway, Mrs. Ivan Barker, Mr«. William Bartel«, Mrs. Herbert Ries. Mrs. V Lebow Mrs. Verva Damewood uu«l Mr.« J. W Godfrey Thini and Mr.«. Jones, the la«t two being from Eu g«'ne. BEFTIC TABES Ready f~r you to inatall Two to four portone $81 00 Eufss« Ibr»a to aia p*r»oaa T $2 _____ 8 00 Eagasa Dvw« r Pig* Rtef] ' '»« Llag Drain TU« and «'himnay Blocks dacBlp EUGENE CONCRETE FIFE CO < OTTAGE GROVE AERIE, FKATER- nal <>rd»r £•<!•«. «•■•»•«• I». f O <) F kail »very Ta«a4*y. FOR »V LE AT BARGAIN ONE NA t tonai dit file. Amrrir-an cash draw wllk -«.'iip'.-tator. ckeek protector. • machina. W<»n«lato'b typewriter mia«f Ilaneoua toola for <ard«*n. one prraa drill, Mmith Welding outfit, show casa» •nd fount*/» He* t . C Wh»-*ter, Firat National bank, Cottar* Grose a25 m2«- er BABY < H1CKM AND HATCHING EGGN White Leg! n«» and Rhode Island K*4s, •¡‘-i»» $12 50 p-r Ixindred Hat«-h *ng *«g» ««nta for 15 Al»., an do toni» »■«■.. .. n»t< hing Mn Waldo MH lar, phon» JF12, i'nttaga Grove, Ore gon u)28lfr WOOD for hnmediate dvlivrry. block rrood I drj ■ lab wood gr»-«-Q alab wcx*d, Mwduit dry pi»r<«-r vnda, old growth fir for*»* wood and oak Phono 18 Off!«-* at Arcade Barbar atop f’lty I .H ■ om paoy a4tf< BENOLUTTOM OT COMDOLBMCB Whereas, it has pleased the Di via«* Ruler of the universe to re ’ h • to move from thin clearing ea- great clearing beyond, our Vanl>ea- tenme«! Meighbor C. H. burg. We therefore feel the I «MS of our departed Neighlmr, and <»ur hearts are sad today we To the sorrowing family, woold »ay that the heart of every Woodman of Bohemia camp beats in sympathy with your gri«if. Ills hiad acts and his pleasant word« sh«Hild be treasured an price lex« gems, gems. upon which our mind will love to dwell in the fondest and most »acre«l recollections. Therefore be it renolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread I upon the minutes of Boh»*mia Camp Mo. 2»r» W. O. W . that a «•opy I»»' published in the Cottag»' Grov.- H<*ntiael, an«l thnt a »•'»py b»* sent to the bereave«! family, and that th»- charter be drap«*d for a period of 30 day«. A. E. BURROWR, J. W VEATCH, HUGH SMITH, Committee. CARD OF APPRECIATION HOE HAWB BITN AND SIIANKM ( AR rind in stock. «>id Saw» /»-paired Broken «huulder» welded, retootbihg hammering, netting and filing Planer knivea and bolt» file», emery wheel» belting and lac« »team feed« new and u»ed Agent» Wallace woodworking tua Line» 4' j »aw experience Burton .Saw a Supply Co . 40 Blair Phone 255, Eugene. a!l-m2p Calvin Funk post No. 32 of the American lx*gion wishes to express its appreciation of th«* help and cooperation given by the Mountain Stat»'« Power company and other firms and individuals in making the second annual industrial exhibition a success. m2»- .............. — WOOD--BLOCK ..... ........ ......................... NPLCIAL PKI» F ON wuod $2 75; dry «lab wood. $2.75: <re«-n »lab wood. 25 Order»_d»h Yer»d ir» tura In whish rereived • r- < AMH PRICEH ONLT AJI fore book« d K/e«n »labwood nold durmg April will M pn • -J at $3,35 » cord Pkoite 18 Offi« at Ar<ad« Barber ahop City Fuel < o. al«tfr ' R. A. M., Attention! •» Ysath Youth la opportunity. A rhaavs for dlatlnctlon. to lira llfo botter than the averace; aut aotuethtaf to atrut "boat In prearnce of th« old — K. W. Howe'« Monthly. Coming to Eugene Dr. Mellenthin SPECIALIST In Internal Medicine fur eighteen yean. DOES NOT OPERATE Will be at OSBURN HOTE1 SATURDAY, MAY 11. Office Hours 10 a. in to 4 p. tn. ONE DAY ONLY No charge for consultation. Many in thia community will avail themselves of the oppor tunity to visit Dr. Mellenthin on this special visit to Eugene. The doctor pays special atten tion to th.- SCIENCE OF IN con AGE (»ROVE SAW SHOP— ALL kind» of »aw work don«* luiwn now : The Royal A reh chapter will TERNAL MEDICINE AND •rs and ail toola •h»rp^n»-d Pric*a rea m«*Pt Wcdn.«lay, Mav M. There DIETETICS He is trying con ■ • oJ. < M<-Bridr, Bt«-»n building north Seventh street a!8-m9p 1 will be work in the M. E. M. de- scientiously to eliminate sur gery in his treatment of di sease as far as possible. He has to his credit many won CARD OF THANKS. derful results in diseases of We wish to exprvaa our appreciation to FOR HALE OK TRADE FOR CITY (especially ulcers), property JO acre farm, two miJiw the many friend» and neighbor» for their stomach heipfulne»» and for the kindne»» shown from (xittage Grove House barn and other outbuildiBga. C. A. Beidler. a!8tfc ua during the lingering illn*-»» and death glands (especially goiter), ail- of our mother Mm Mary Tmnnell. We ments of women, diseasts of Ft l.MHHED HALF OF DUPLEX also wi»h to thank them for th»- beautiful house, corner, ground floor, fine yard floral offering» and especially do we with liver and bowels, as infected and tree*, near depot. $22 to steady to thank the Christian church quartet for gall bladder, gall stones, ap- tenant. Phon»- 137R evenings or call the »election» they sang at the funeral. STANLEY TRUNNELL 305 south Hixth street. al8tfc pendicitM, chronic constipa mrm l w M c K ibben , tion. colitis, auto-intoxication JOHN TRUNNELL WINTER WOOD AT 8UMMER PRICES MRH LESLIE IJ AMS. We are offering an extra load fre«- m2p and rectal ailments, circulation with each ten ordered by one customer Orders delivered in turn received. City disturbances as high or low CARD OF THANK.S Fuel Co office at Arcade Barber shop, Wr wi»h to expr«-»» our »ineere thank* phone 18. al8tfc •nd •ppr’-ciation for the kiadn«-»» and blood pressure, heart anti blood •ympathy shown ua by oar neighbor» disorders, skin, nerves, blad FOR KENT—FURNISHED HOUSE AT and friend» during our recent bereave 118 I street Inquire of C. B Wapisa ment. «-specially do we thank those who der. kidneys, be<l-wetting. weak at Beidler'a feed «tore •18ra9p •ent floral offering!. lungs, tonsils, adenoids, meta MR. AND MR8 L. D. HUFF WANTED- small FARM FOR SALEM disturbances, such as AND FAMILY bolic proptftj 3M Division street Sal«-rn rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers Oregon. a25-ml6p CARD OF THANKS. t We wish to thank our many friend» and chronic catarrh. KOK SALE OHAG FAW GOOD SHAPE Joe Perkins, Muuly creek. IHaator. for their kind expressions of sympathy Medicines are prescribed and which helped so much to comfort us dur •35 rn. p ing th* illness »nd death of our mother prepared for tach individual Mrs. Jrissa Cone UHED REMINGTON PORTABLE. IN EX MBS. W H. YOST, ease in his private laboratory, (.-lient condition $25. XYZ. Sentinel. E EARI. CONE. Cottage Grava »- ' atfp also special attention given to RANSOM L CONE. CLARENCE W CONE. BABY CHICKS 11 CENTS EACH. diet as to proper balance and rr.2p RAYMOND H «ONE Whit* Leghorn» large typ«. from selection of foods. hralthy atock and high «-gg laying blood. Hatch every Tneaday. June «-hicks 10 EIOHTH GRADE EXAMINATION For this service a nominal cent» each. Cuatom hatch turkey and The eighth grade final state ex charge is made. hen *gir» Eleven year»’ experience breed ing White Leghorns and hatching eggs. aminations will be given in districts Dr. Mellenthin is a regular Bert V. Hand» north Pacific highway. where there are pupils who have Cottage Grove. Ore. a25-ml6p complied with the renditions re graduate in medicine and surg FOR SALE — TWO DU ROC JERSEY quired by law. and for whom ap ery and is licensed by the sow» and one male hog. John Murry, plication for questions ha.« been phone 23F42. m?-1Ap made bv the teacher, on Thursday State of Oregon. Married women must be ar- FOR HALE—ONE HEAVY 3% WIONA and Friday. May 15 and 17, 1929. wagon, good m new. price 175. A. N Teachers should send for a blank companied by their husbands. Jone*, phone 34F11. Saginaw, Ore. m2p reporting their pupils at once, if Address: 224 Bradbury FOR SALE—KALE PLANTS. 25 CENT.« they have not already done so. Bldg., Los, Angeles Cal. E. J.’ MOORE. a hundred. W M. Hand», phone 1F2. I>i»»ton route, Cottage Grove. Ore m2p m2 9e County School Supt. a25-m2 WILL TRADE FOR COTTAGE GROVE property • 6 room modern plastered hunt, ir* Aahl»r. ri 1 >Z. hlorbra from the Lithla hotel »’all at 331 aouth Third alt .*..p g^ree. Member* are tend. By order of high priest. urged to at th«- excellent FOR SALE—YOUNG HORSE FOR SALE cheap for cash or will trade for calves. L. W Hunt. Culp Creek Oregon phone JACK and JILL FOR HALE — DELPHIXITM PLANTS. Loose flowered type, will bloorn this year ft 00 per dozen Mrs. S. L. Godard, phone 15F3. m2c ------------------- - Th.- M. p. G. Club *net Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mrs. James \dam.s, Roy Short, of M rs. Charles mother-in-law Adams, a dub member, and Mias Lola Howe wore additional guests. Needlework wns a pastime for the session. The hostess had cleverly carried out the “May Day” idea in serving refreshments. Indivi dual lunches were daintily packed in May ba*ket.a and hung on trees in th»* yard. Guests were asked to identify their baskets. —■$— The Degree of Honor held a so cial evening at the close of the businesA session Wt'd nesday night was and the hostess committee Miss Zenna Moughmvr, Miss Han nah Lewis, r Miss Marguerite Ment zrl, Mm. R. A. Morris and Mr«, Delicious refresh John Miller. The cast of ments were served. th«' Degree __ of Honor play were special guests. Mr. an«l Mrs. Earl Garoutte en tertained Wednesday night with a 7 o’clock three-course dinner at the Colonial cafe in honor of Mr. ami Mrs. Howard Crow and family and Mrs. Crow’s sister of Seattle, who stopped off on their way to Santa Rosa. Cal. Gill: Those rows sura Union Memorial Church Service to Be May 26 look Ministerial Association Makes Plans for Summer ; Bac calaureate Talked sonic inorc <■;’this si. ampy good, they tn ust have good pasture. Jack: They <lo. and if land was <1 raine« 1 more cows would look good. At a meeting Monday forenoon I of the ministerial association it was j decided to hold a union Memorial service Sunday forenoon, May 26. meeting at the Methodist camp grounds. The service will be at the regular morning hour and Rev. L. H Randle of the Baptist church | will proMeh Ministers of the other' churches w ill assist at the service.! Patriotic and fraternal orders of i the city will b<‘ invited to attend j the service. This will be the first , union Memorial service to be held in the city for several years. Tentative plans for holding union «erviees Hunuay evenings during the] summer were made. These will probably be held at the camp meet ing grounds also and the program ’ will I m » announced later. The ministers will confer with the senior class and school authori ties regarding holding the bacca lauerate exercises at the Methodist camp grounds on the night of May 26 instead of in one of the i churches. New Cashier Takes Over Duties J. Ruskin Clark of Carthage, Ill.. ' who arrived here a few days ago. < began hi« -1« duties ¿».L« yesterday as . ! cashier of the Bank of Cottage I Grove. He had recently been eashier of a bank in Geary, Ind., where he served in that capacity ■ for nine years. Mr. Clark is a! graduate of the University of Il The F.linartea club will entertain linois and is a AVorld war veteran. 1 Friday afternoon at the Colonial He was employed by the govern- j cafe with a farewell party for ment for a few years in the Phil- ( Mrs. Ivan Barker. Mrs. Victor lipine islands as officer of the Chamber, will be hostess Tuesday stabulary. Mr. Clark’s wife and I for the regular meeting the of three children will not arrive her*' club. until summer as the children will j finish their school term in the east. Mrs. O. M. Miller will Is* host ess Friday night to the .Toker dub. The Eagles lodge and the ladies’ auxiliary held their joint social meeting of the month in I. O. O. F. hall Tuesday night. Dancing and cards furnished entertainment for the evening after which refresh ments were served. There is a Full line of Drain Tile at vour command at Godard & Randall North of S. P Station- Phone UM) A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE Brighten the home with wall paper and paint. It is surprising how far a little money will go at our store. We carry a large assortment of papers, paints, screens and screen hardware J. A. WISEMAN QUALITY HARDWARE Successor to Perry Hardware Co. Card Cabinets. The Stnttnel STATE CONTEST OPEN TO COUGAR HUNTERS A contest among the amateur cougar hunters of Oregon for th” state championship and a cash prize of $175 will be startl'd by the Oregon -date game commission on I June 1. 1930. The commission has set aside $500 to be awarded to cougar hunters in addition to reg ular bounties. The hunter who kill« the second largest number of cougars during the year will receive i $12.5 and th«' men next in rank will receive $100, $75 and $2.5 respec tively. For some time the game commission has had under consider at ion a plan to stimulate greater activity among cougar hunters and thus save the lives of many deer and it was decided that cash prizes be awarded to the five mon who account for the most “big cats,M H say pop WHAT CAN XOV I »6 it ? TELL HE THE TIME ) pop /7 •J 9 e lx 8:i6 J Heu.'6CfE V« A AMCicau« APIECE- AMY WC«.7 öCV»**a HIM ; A , CHANCE TO ’ OFF THE .WATCH fAQTHfc*¿ 6AVE HIM/ AN1 1FZMA 6tV« lus ofMe,-R».we’t-Lj ■*1 RUN DOWN The children find happiness in this store—you find com fort. You find superior merchandise, pure drugs, and an attendant that makes you kuow you are welcome. Kelly’s Drug Store Formerly White’s Pharmacy Cottage Grove. Ore.