Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1929)
.1 . Ij*'1 % I * -■»z T b, M . Q U*»* e •* volumi : XXXVIII ( '.nm munit V Picking I'lunlii C /< / A J Morr Elaborate All indications Amrricnn legion thin, whoh will » H»II11 M«’thodi»t 2«, 27 in the gii.Utid tuber unr Ir «’, will be « >nc <»l the bigg»«*t •»vri ht» of th»’ year I ibibit» will I m * bigger an i 1 »««Iter than those of In I »f v«’*ir and e»it««r taiumcut will I m * mor«» Ha borate Drum corp* from 1C<»*•• burg mi I Corvallis uad th»» drum «-«»«p* «if the local boy scout troop N»» I <1 will hold a parade Frhfny night and the Five (Iregotnnn* will plnv Saturday night, Special i»iu»i«’ will bn featured rteh i evening The Palon <>il roui pu n V will have a* its exhibit a i demniiwt rat ion <»n A demonstrating ethyl gasoline to show th- i motor will hr u*ed till! rfficirm-v of rthvl gn* power olinr over the ordinary kiu I A* a feature <»f their booth Godard A Hundnll, one of th»« prize winner* of last year’s •• vp<»*it i«m, ntr>»t will have a gu«**mg contest A miniature h<»u«r will Im on dioplnv Contestant» will gu«’*» th»' h eight of a house, th«« miniature hot!«'' »erving at a guide. Three '» prize» will be offer'd Smith I A Nhort, Cottag«’ Electric bakery and the M State* I Power rompnny, wh Mbits were popular last year providing lil»eral handout*, have tnor<’ extensive «1 ispill Vs year. Several booth* will G rn v • ont«'«tu with prize» eredi • Goose exhibit w»l| coupon» that mav be u*e«l at t hr regular pine* of httsine*» In addition tn display* bv th»* high school, west si«lr »«h».««I and the east «Ide school, two nr h mill fr<»m nrarbv district* will have «h» play*. are bring Elaborate iMXJth* planned and several display* will I m * worth over $|(MM) each The American Legion «hum corp* Mill art a« *|M»rial police during the rvnmngs the ex pm» it ion I* open ¡»nd two deputy marshal* will be on duty at other hour* Th»« talwr nacje ha* been completely «• nr lowed to afford ample protection for gondii on diaplnv The Eugene industrial »how which w ill I m * on the *ame night« .1« the local «'«position, ha* offered to trade ■ night of mtertainm.-n' with the exhibition here Detail* of the trade arc vet tn l»r arranged COUNCIL or ARCANUM IS INSTALLED HERE Cottage Grove Council No 2191 wa* in of the Royal Arcanum stituted Natunlny night nnd a class of 55 meiiil»ef* wn* initiated Frank <» Smith <»f Portland, grand regent, nn wn* instituting officer an I member* of th«' grand council rs amplified th«* initiatory work Su premc Court Justice George Ro**ma« of Salem wn* scheduled to institute the council but wa* unable to be present Officer* of the new council are- Past regent, Loren Harvey; reg«*nt. A C. Bagley; vice regent. Cecil F Caidwell; orator, Otto I Heck; chaplain. Rev I. II Ran lie; secre tnry, Dan R Hnwant; tr«»*urer, Worth Harvey; gunrd. N« il Das i ! •n; warden, I Wolfar-I; M*utincl. Harrison Knight; trustee llnrohl Schwartz, F (’, Perry »nd Georg«- Matthew s. A banquet for visiting member« wus held nt 7:30 nt the Gray Goo«e. P08T0FFICE SERVICE IS SUBJECT OF CRITICISM Criticism of the service given by the local postoffice wn* voiced a* the Tucsdnv noon luncheon of th«* chamber of commerce. George <> Knowles said that serious incon veoience i* caused bv th»* fart that there is no parcel post drop and that night mails are close.I nt S:3o. He said that it i« often incon vrnient or impossible for bu«ines< men to handle late mail by this time in the evening He expressed the opinion that th«* fault i* no* with th«* local office nnd that the onlv hop»’ nf relief i* through mem her* of congress and the pnstoffir- department nt Wn*hington Mr. Knowle-» wn* appointed a committee t(> endeavor to get som«' action >n th»* manner h«’ >ilgg«’*te.t LAME COUNTY. OBEGOM THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929 L (lump Eire (¡iris To Th»* iih * ii * m comiiiuiiitv Bild«* •'lii**, thing <'hiirni'teri/.«*d II* *■ tile th«* logge*! l«»gut m Lane •-oiinl) county, . is i* «lecply «1« « ply ugitiilc'l over (lie quest inn nf of who -hall !«•• i|Uvstir>n III«’ flunkiv« h ! the hig fe< I to I m « i . - I \ ¡-111 • I I»« i Innkie* will bi- pi<krd I moii ill«« losing side in v for«* lilt lit fcndlltl« «- coiitr*t noon L»*H«l«’r4 nf th« two big «li V |M|«|||N, | )|«’ bill«'*« it H'l th«* rn«ls, arc combing the liighwuyN and l»v wnv< for r«,*ruits from iimoiig • uttcndtiiits ut riiiiii ' nth'-r school. A di’lcgn t ioii of blue* htiM pi N W White, F red An«lerson llnrrison Knight from th«* r«*ds have expressed th«* opinion I hr«»« men wnuld look well w«*i blur npron*» mid ........ Tl- I will wenr the color* of the win A Rr<l ddegfilion htts prepare tllkr picture« of .1..... 1' W«i«n C L. Miidden and *<-\.rnl < th«r prominent billes dolled Ilf. ill I he red rtilnr» It i* believed that ther«* Will n juin when th«* ria»« inrrti at An «-!< lh> at. t ut 0.45 Hund noon and thrit tin milling will b«* necessary to make nn rurnte count. Gar Weighs 165 Lbs. Has Speed 90 Miles Odd Contraption Is Combina tion of Ford, Motorcycle, Look» Like Neither. Soinet h mg ntiH|iie bile, if that’» w hut built bv J. N 1 It hn» th« fr< of n F««rd and i»m i» u moto to a ».ingl«« ren Th«* cur hu* been built in »ur!i u d«’*ign that it lend» it*elf well to b«ung u*r«| a» u mux mg sign boar«l. A hood »lop«-1 «low iiward to th«« front at a «harp «n, gl«-. glK ing a u display spar«« that i< div idrd by i_ tin upright i>uurd, both side* of which will he u*»«d for i ndx erf ising «parr. The r«*nr is built I much th«- aamr except that th«* upright pirev a rudder in in hinged nnd art* holding th«’ machine t«» th«- r«>a«i wht'n it i» driven at high *p«H’«l. Th«- rudder turn* in th«* opposite direction from that taken by th- wh'-H*. th»« effect cff«’«’t being b»«ing to hold th»’ rar from swerving when u sharp turn is taken nt high *pcc»i. The «harplv »loping ho«»d pr«-<-nt* a larg»’ stirfar«» for wm«l pr«-**ure that hold* the que«’r motor vehicb’ from jumping off th»’ »urfiir«» of th«« road The front tire* carry but 9 p«»und* of *ir. while the rear tiro carries 40. The d«»»ign«’r <»f the mnchinc ha* d»‘velop«-d ncarlxr mile* in trial spin«, but he will travel nt a much «lower *p«’ed when u*ing th«’ rn; f«>r advertising purpo*»’* It i * hi* intention to *ell display «pae» * to merchant* and oth»-r». A* his queer contraption nlwnv* attract* a crowd when it appear* on th«’ *treets, h«» believes h«’ nn* a good point ¡n tiilk ing to prospects for space Mr Ea»tham *uffor<»«l n • «eve re in jury to his left han«l in n i »aw mill nn i»ident about a year ago and hn* been unabb* sitii *inc«« to h«»bl n joli requiring th»« u*»’ of both Imti l II«» figured out the queer n«l\«’rti* mg me»liuiii a tnenn* of crini in a living curri«’* onlv Th»« m inn y enter Mr I th«’ rountrv race* OVi’t bine ■»t.’in«!* Th»« and thr»»e i* < ex weigh* only 465 pound: trcmclv economi' !»! in operation, I»«* ing capable of making 42 mile* to the gallon of gasoline and going JOO mile* nn a quart of oil. Mr Eastham’s next invention will be n boat which will be abb' tn develop either great *pce«l or great power. R. C. Holds Quarterly Dinner Th«’ women’* relief corp* held it* quarterly dinner Saturday after noon and the regular businc** mevi ing of th«« corp* followed. Thirty five, including member« and their families, attended th»« »tinner an • 2.3 were present at th»« business Mr< Eutheria Dowen« meeting, became a member of the corp« by initiation. Th»« corp« voted to pre *ent a *ilk flsg tn the bov scoutu of th«» city an«l a ronimitte«’ wa- appointed to linn 11«» this. Camp Fir»- girl* «»f thi* «it plant tlower giird«ii* th(* u* par! of Ih«' fl«.w»-r year pt< nf Ilo- national »»rganizal ioti den* will b»- judge»! i-arlv in usi wlw’ii floH»*rs un* in full I and thè girl having th< b» »I den will P't-rivi* an honor I m - h in plnnried lo ha vi- 11|«* girl« over planttng nf flowrr» a rhiireh»**» of th«’ «itV It thè Fir«- i» Mi* ••»•*“Ini iti thi*, th«- mav haV«* a »-hari«-*- t«> win tomai honor f«»i th«*ir grottp b’ N \ msori, w ho is m fio g«»n fern» und gr«-» n« rv bti» will talk tn file t'amp Fir»- «m ga r Ieri plant lag al a hi « W'dh« *dav in th«- city hall H H'Ivi*«* t lo g'r!» oli arrangi lo« n planfing nf th«*ir g-irdi-n* girl* will tak«* pian» for th«n I'- ih to thi» inretmg Mothers Arc Invited By State University I’nivrrsity <>f Or.-gun, Engine, April I»« iNp.-.-iaL Moth««r.» of I niversity of Oregon student» from < ottng«* Grove and <i v IT » the < tregon are being day, < >reg«m cainpu* for i con May II, which will w lo-fi io ■ * ion w it It junior tl»«- wh<il«« ••nmpu«» will enjoy a two • lav «• li-I.rntion I h«»«i* invitcil from (’ottng«-Grove m lude Mrs Effie l<nll«-w, Mr* Hr .• L- i, Mr* 4 ’.i I El Mr- J««nni«- II«»«km*. Mr* \ln«’ M K«-rn, Mr* Mary I Mackey nnd Mr*. A. A. Richmond. \ program has l>rvn arrange«! for •-ntertri irino-nt of th»* moth«-ri». In the forenoon then- will I m - a water carnival and nod tennis mat«h«-s be- twr.-n the Univrniity University of Wnshing ton nnd I’nivi’rsity of Oregon The mot her « w 111 have luncheon nt noon in the m«*n ’* n«’w dormitory with Prr«i«h- nt Arnold Benrx-tt Hall, .-«nd i n t he afternoon will attend u fra in th«« woman'll building a nd an exhibition of rrcativ«* art in th»- art biiikling. A state w id»« m»'««ting of moth.-r* will b«« held during th«» nft«*rnoun, uud nt 5:3li there will be a ban q url for mother* and their non* and •la tighter*, Th»* junior prom will b«« given Saturday night, aud Sun day morning th«-rc will b«* |M«cinl m the Eugvne church»« •. •ervir«** in th»* Eugene The Murray Warucr Warner art mu«»-um will I m ’ open both Saturday and Sunday and g'df privih’grs nt the Eugene country club will !»<• given nil mothers wishing to play. Schools to Have Open House Next Tuesday B»«li«’ving that a better under standing of th«* uchuols and of th«’ activitic* and accomplishment*, of student* on the part of parent* and patron* is desirabl«« and would b«« of value 1<> students, th«« schools, parent«» and patrons. Cottage Grov<* high will hold un open house at 7 o’clock next Tuesday, An invita tion ha* b»«»«n extendr«! the public and rommittoe* of high *chool stu dent* nr«» arranging for the enter tninment of visitor* and for 1 program that i* to follow in«per tion of work of student*. Several room* will In« used for the di*plny nn«l gni.les will *«•«« thi« visitor* find all th«' display* or th-- displavs they wi*h to *ee. Cnison to Attend School Un pt Ain C. C. Cruson i« one of nine federally r«’cogni/c«i officer* «if the 249th < const artillery who will attend a oiic-dav conferi’nr * and school which will b«» hold Mon day m Salem, The purpose of th*- conference i* to coordinate the movement tn camp and to perfect arrangements for the th«» training —- of -* the 2 49th coast artillery in partici- paii«»n in joint army and navy main’ll ver* July 2<> 24 at Fort Wor •’en. Wash., on Puget sound. W Forestry Men Are Ouest* B Neal of Roseburg, «list riet 1er of the Umpqun forest; Ray •s, forest ranger nt Ruja«ln, transferred to Re Piper, who come.« from <>akri«lg«’ to tHk«» th«» pine«’ I of Engles, wen» guest* nt th«’ Tues «lay noon luncheon of the chamber ‘ of commerce. Lane Chamber to Meet Th«» Lane county chamber commerc»« will meet in Springfield last tonight. This will be the meeting of th«’ organization before the «»lection of officers. The ten- tativ»» program for the coming year will be presented at th»» business meeting which ’-'ill bi* followed by nomination of officers. Paying the Piper. Minnesota farmer A southern thus explain* why farm products Information Department than formerly: Glasgow has reduced the number cost mon* now of its criminal* by charging for ‘ * When n farmer i« supposed to know the botanical name of what seats in the put rot wagon he’s raisin/* raisin,” the th«« entomological name of th»* the insert insect that rats it. Rhododendron* to Bloom an’ the pharmaceutical name of the AD MAN chemical that will kill it, some I nique lobbv «kcorntions at Hotel Batt.-II are baskets of rhododendron body’« got Io pay.” and huckleberry cutting«, which have been there a month or more, The rhododendrons are putting out Mosby Creek Bridge Finished. A new bridge across Mosby creek bloom* and th«« hueklenerrie* n re that replace« a ford has been com putfing out buds. Mr*. Bartell got pletetl under direction of .loe Dame the rutting* during a- visit to th«' Bart«dl cabin nt Lundparjy. wood, county bridge foreman. EDDIE, THE THE FEATHERHEADS NUM1EB 98 Pneumonia Toll Friday Is ( nlucky Thorna son (ioalt For McJHistcrs Plant (.¡aniens O Exhibit« Will Be Morr Nimier uus und Entertainment • COTTAGE GROVE Wil) Participate in Joint Ma Cottage Grove In Member; For neuvers With U. S Ar feits Are Posted and Schedule Fixed Bnttery ” E,” 249th r«»ast l»’ry, has receiv»««! definil«* noun«-em»-nt that it will *;»• t ' lo-bl training p«-riod thi* v» Fort Worden, Wu»h., on sound, from July 10 to 25 it \ nf nt I’ort Steven« in June, battery will |rarticipah* in mnn«-uvcrs of the Unite«! I nriny and navy an«l indo are that «’arnp will I m * mor«* ••«ting than in other v«»ar*. The buttery hu« srv««ral x fir lili «•M’s m its rank*, n«-rording to First H»-rg«*ant Harn Schwartz, and * ho*»- interest«*«! going to the new Himp are -«•d bv him to «•nli»t at once. A new system for drill alten dan«*«* has been work«*«! out uim ! it is rxppcte« I to make «-very drill 100 per cent, At th«* end of «-a.’h month the M|UM<I having th«* largest num brr of drill to its <-ri«dit will be will selecte«! and th«* men id >t draw for a «•ash priz«-. App«»»rnn<»- will bo tiik’-n into cofisi*!«-rfttion in *cl««cting th«* squad Corporal Nel»on F. Whipp«. who wa* in the navy .luring th« World war, in th«- new gun pointer for th. batt«-rv und «Irivc* over »«0 mil«-« of r«>ugh mountain roads in getting to nn-l returning from «trill K»*rg«-ant Georg«- H. Bru nd an I Private First Cla«** Roderick L. Doolittle have r«-«-nli*t<*d. Wilson D Hubbell ha* b«’«’n promote«! to the rank of rorporal ami L«*o Lyon. I'h-.rl«-* L. Smith and Earl E Wi«-*«- to private* first cla**. As *oon as weather conditions permit th«» battery will start target practice <»n its rifle range south of th«- city. Payrolls for th»« quarter have been •»« nt in an«l th«« <|uartcrly pay. which totals over $10(K), is exported soon. HEBRON < Special to th» H«-ntin«*| ) April 17.—Leonard Gilcrist lef Sunday morning for Dunsmuir, Cai, after a two month«’ atay at horn with hi* mother, Mr*. Jessie Gil crist. He i* «inplovt««l a* a brake man «»n the Southern Pacific. Harry Mason accompanied s 3 friend, Al Oatman, to San Fran Cisco la*t week, returning her«’ Thursday. H«« left Tues<iay for hi* home in Shedd Sidney Hanhnan of Seattle Is taking Harry’« place on th«» Edwards farm. E. J. Edwards of Grant* Pa.*-* wa« h«»tno over the w e««x «'tul. A| Oatman and Miss Rosale«' Ma*on motored to Mareola nn I vi«ite«l friend* over th«« week «’nd. Mi«* Mason moved back to Cot tage Grove Mon«lay and will lid«' to an«l from h«’r school with Mr. Rose. The entertainment given recently by th«* Ladies’ club wh * a succes» n« judged by the attendance as ther.« wa* scarcely standing room in th«» hall. Th«» evening’« receipt* totaled $85. Th«' net proceeds af tef all bills ar«' paid, will go to ward building a kitchen. .Mi«« Mnrv Harding will give a demonstration next Saturday eve- ning in th«» Farmer*’ union hall of her Bibb* «lay school work and al*.» *how sono» slide* of Palestine. Charles White wn* home over th.» week end from Coquille. H” w*a* accompanied by his brother in law. Clayton Simmon«. Mr. an<l Mr«. Le«» Dugan and daughter of Walden w.-r«' Nunda V visitor« at th«' Fred Patten home. Mrs. Mac Nob)«« and little *<n Everet of Eugene \ i*ite«l relatives here last week. Mr*. Charles White has received word that her «laughter. Mrs. Owen Wilson of Modesto, Cal., wh«» wa* critically ill. is out of danger and «lowly gaining strength Mr*. Georg«- K«'belb«'ck and littl«’ laughter Caroline, accompanied bv Mrs. Paulson, \ ¡sited Mondav w ith Mr*. Clvd«' Whit»« at camp A Mrs. Chaffee of camp A visited Tuesday with Mr«, Will Hammer- ley nt camp B. Mr* Ream nnd daughter in law. Mr*. Edith Ream of Waltersvillc, visited Nundav afternoon with Mrs. Georg«* KebelHeck. Charles McFarlan«! and a buyer for th«* Lebanon paper mill have been buying white fir in this vi «•initv this week. John and Georg»* Kobelbeck and Chari«'* White have sold some tint ber and are doing th«' cutting. Mr. and Mr*. Charles Reidler an«i Mrs. Versa Damewood cf Cottage Grove wen* Sunday visitors at th«' home of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Taylor. Andersons Are Visitors. Nam Anderson and Harold A n derson were her«' from Aberdeen, Wash., from Thursday to Saturday in connection with th«» affairs of Anderson A Middleton. They had nothing to say as to th«' plans of th«« company. ball league place in the 11 a i n Friday Mt Ro*»-burg, »Mated and a When in alt wear band, m 11 M G. fir fi, It was derided a split season rn gam«-s in th | woubl be played. I first t wo round* will be played, »-arh Hub playing •.-»« h dub twice, 'th< n the two rlubi with the lowest I percent ages will «* dropped and l tin other two mor«1 rounds, making six games, will I m plaved. A total of 16 weeks will I termine th«’ chain] •-nd of the srron«! of the first peril winn«»r of th»- m - c « j championship nnd The following *«■ •P: At Marshfield: Bandon, Jun«- 16;! Coquille, June 28; Myrtle Point, I Mav 26; Cottag»- Grove, April 28; Eugen«’, Mav 5. At Bandon: Mar*hfi«-I<l, May 12; <’«M|uil!r. Mav 26; Myrtle Point. May 5; Cottag.- Grov»-, Jun«’ 23;] Eugen«-, Jun«- 2. At C«M|uille: Mar*hfi«-ld, Mav 19:! Bandon, Jun«* 30; Myrtl«* Point, April 28; Cottage Grov»-, June 9:! Litgen.-, June 16. At Myrtle Point: Mar*hfiHd.l Jun«* 30; Bandon, June 9; Coquill* Jun»- 2; Cottag»- Grov»*, May 12. Eugen«-, May 19. At Cottage Grove: Mar-hfl»-l■ .lune 2; Bandon. May 19; Coquille, May 5: M v r’ !♦• P-. n ’, .1 •; t 16; I ; g««n»»t Jun»» 30. At Eugene: Mar*hfi»«ld, June 9; Bandon, April 28; Coquille, May 12: Myrtle Point. June 23; Cottage “ i Grove, May 26. Should weather not I m « fav orable to starting the schedule April 28. ail games will be post pon. > I one week. th»’ h»*avie«1 Lan»* county i«t storm h« average from »-.-i th.-v w r< thr Mr r»f hi« |<K. Latham Is Arranjiing Better Homes Program A better homes program will be n at the Latham school house g F !av evening as part <»f th»- dis trict preparation leading up to the «•ountv b'-ttrr homes nii-«-‘in|p to he held in Eug( ir April 25, 26, 27. The program will include song* with home as their th«-nies, song* an I i itunts by families of the dis- trirt. talk« on home improvement bv Ch hf.rU. Fry and Mrs. Orpah Ben* »on instructor in home econom ics in i the Cottage Grove high mc hool and game* that «-an be played at borne. The purpose of the b«-ttrr homes movement j* to encourage families to improve their home* and to bring about happy, healthful home lif<* and the human qualities re quirrd to attain it. Th«« luttharn Community club and th»« Latham parent-teacher associa tion are sponsors for the Iiettrr home« *n< »v ement in that district, Th.* romr nittre in rharg«' of the Hugh Tnnnrll. program is M “ Afnr* c ' chairman, Mr« Joseph ‘ Gallo. I Trunnrll and Chari«- Err. CULP CREEK, April 17. (Hpe • »1 > Friday, whether it fnll* on th«* thirf<’«’itfh or not i* beginning m*idere«j iinlu«*ky by Mr M Oscar M«-AUi*ter. who »mail ranch on Row river few rn •« from here, because they iv<- had i more than their share of i-fortiin«* happen on Fridays. A srk «go Fri«lav a gasolin«* heate«l r»n ex phi ide»! with some damag** id on a Friday a few weeks ago I«* nf th«* .MrAllister boys fell from and suffer«*«! puinful brui*«-*. iron exploded while Mrs. Mr r w •as preparing to iron lhe lighted th«« wick and -tPp|M-d »utsid«« a few minute* to feed M,, e chick«'«*. Returning to- the hou •, she heard the iron roar *kene«l her pare. Jui led th«* door tn ent» » iron explo»led. Dial >wer pot* clattered tn d window panes were * iron was on a table jvere«l with ga! nlv ani zed tin and the «»xplosion blew a hole through the metal and the table, Fortunately nn one was jn th rtx» rn. Whm the Mr A Ili bov fell from th barn loft, he had been laying, he was eked tin- and rec conscious -«•V.T«- bruises o n hi* head, »•w days later when askel if fall ha.I hurt him, h replied, f.., I anything.,f Lane Leads in Contest To Diminish Accidents Other Counties of State Have Percentages Four to Ten Times as Great Lane «-ountv stands out well in th«- lead in a rontest being con ducted by the American Legion, departm«*nt of Oregon, to drercrio- th«* number of traffic accident In a report from th« stat«’ traffic <|e partrnent covering the month of I. 0. F.-Rebekah January and February it i« shown | that this »ountv, with a registra Given tion of 15,042 car*, had only 22 ■ traffic accidents. Washington coun Th«- Odd Fell««* « and Reb»«kah* ty, with a registration of 8,327 had will present :< fam« comedy. ‘‘Th- | 55 accidents, or approximately four Fascinating Fannv Brown,” at 8:15 time* a* many as«‘ based on tonight in I O. O. F. hall. Th- registration; Josephine, with a reg cast, under the direction of Mr*». istration of 3.140, had 34 accident.*; Sarah Tennis, has been practicing Union, with a re gist rat ion of 4, SAGINAW faithfully and tonight’s perforai- • 566, ha«l 139 accidents, or approxi an«-«« promises to I m « good. mately 24 time* as many a« Lane; (Rpreial to ths Sentinel.) The play »leal* with mixups at Yamhill, with a registration of 6. April 16.—Th«* old Saginaw M summer hotel, * * ldl«»w«>od. ” and 1M 397, had 75 aerldonts; Polk, with E. church building i* being re- fill«»«! with comciv situations. a registration of 4,308. had 42 ar modeled into two five room apart- ! Th«1 <-a«t follows: l’«-rry Gale, • cidents, and th«« proportions are ment*. manager of th«* hotel. Elmer J. much the same over the stat««. ¿van K>rh nf Salem was anover Kent; Billy F'’ar*»»n. the only man Clarkamas i* a close contender. n i^ht visitor Thursday at the E. H. I at the hotel, Bert L. Hatch; Mrs. With a registration of 11,711. it Koch home. ('ahlwell, a gu«’*t at th»« hotel, Mrs. had 17 accidents. Marion county, Mr*. James Conley receive«! a E*ther Hohl; Audrey. h««r daughter. with a registration of 18,153, coni box of oranges an<i grapefruit last Mr*. Clara Kent; Dorothy Dudley, pared with a registration of 15,042 week from Mr*. Grant Monroe, a hotel guest, Mr*. €*1ara Steven*, I in Lane. ha«l 243 accidents, com former Saginaw resident, w ho is I Florenc«» Howe, hot.-l guest, Mr*. pare«! with 22 in Lane, or nearly now living in California. Merl«* McKibben; Henry Dudlev. I ten time* as many a* Lan«*. Pete Ib’ach of Lynx Hollow wa« brother of Dorothy, who gets info The locnl Legion post is taking a caller Sunday afternoon nt the a terribl«» mixup. Bert Burrows: an interest in the contest. ” Logan Bear home Mrs. Moffett, a nervous neighbor. Mis* Evelyn Ben.ston entered I Mrs. Julia Brown; Martha, an Irish Voters’ List Being Checked. business college in Eugen«' Monday/ maid, Mr«. Sarah Tennis. Checking the Lane county regis Mr*. H. Sharon anti «on Hugh tration rolls is under way at the *p«»nt Wednesday night in Coburg • Back Taxes Collected. office of the county clerk and th«- at th«* Georg«' Nect home. Bn«k tax collections totaling names of all who have not voted It is reported that Mr. K n i gh t has sold his 10 acre horn«» here to $27,218.14 have been turned over in the past two years will be re bv Sheriff Harrv L. B«»wn to Grace moved. a person from the east. .......... T reusurer, The*«« This clearing of the roll* is don • A number from her«» attend«’«! 1 Nchiska, county faxes every two years. By July 1 th«' back hnrdtiines dance Saturday night in collections represent inclusive. Fol work w ill have been completed ano from 1914 to 1927 Cottag«' Grove. Charley Sharon of Marshfield! lowing ar«« th»« collection: for the then every voter whose name ha* 192." been taken off the registration list $10.08; years : 1914 tax «pent Friday at th«' C. H. Sharon 1916 tax, $5.81 : 1917 will be notified. tax. horn«* here. 1918 tax. $10.70; 1919 Tho*«» who have moved to new E. TL Koch «pent Sunday ni ght tax. I 1920 tax. $22. »4; 1921 precincts will have to register at the J. A. Burge** home in i Cot • tax, I tax. $71.58; 1923 tax, I 1922 again. Those who have merely tag«» Grove. Mr. Burgess is re- tax. J 1924 tax, $1573.03; 1925 failed to vote can notify the clerk port«»«! to be seriously ill. ; $192»» tax. $2.559.04 and their names will be replaced Mr. and Mr*, Logan Rear and tax. on the rolls. It is estimated that Mr. . and Mr-*. G. I 1927 family anti ___ about "000 names will be taken ShHmpang were Eugene visitor« Typing Students to Enter Contest from the list of approximately 20,- Monday afternoon. Cot tag»« Grove high school will 000 registered in the county. ent^r two teams in the county typ DORENA ing contest to be held Friday fore Residence Property Is Sold. noon at Eugen«' high school in Eu Ownership of a dwelling and lot (Special to the Sentinel.) gene. “ The team of second year April 16.—Basketball lette: rs were typing students is composed of • on Cherry court, belonging to Ethel presented Tuesday forenoon to the Helen Olson. Connie Hutchinson I B. Applewhite, was transferred this ” boys and girls who earned them an ! V’elma Ewing, Those on the ¡ week to Walter L. Norris, proprie «luring th«’ past season. Boys who first ______ v«»ar _______ ______________ team ___ an» Genevieve Mui- tor of the Racket store. Mr. Nor received letters are: Orville Isham,I vihilL Beth B»’de and Alberta Wi! ris plans to make improvements on the house and ground« and will Elwvn Bales, Ralph Benton. John i Hams. make th»« residence his home. Holstrom, Charles Doty. Girl* are. t The William Mooter house and Opal Wagner, Elizabeth McLin. Scout Executive Is Speaker. Grace Smith. Bernice Mosby. Cleo C. R. Clark of Eugene, Lane i lot on north Eighth street was pur- chased this week by Silas Wells, Williams. Zona Williams. Gladys county boy «coat executive, spoke Isham. at the Lions dub luncheon Thurs ' who took over the property as an A better home* meeting will be day of last week on scout work ¡ investment. Both deals were handled by the held Friday afternoon at the anti the scout summer camp, He* Farmer*’ union hall. It will be complimented Cottage Grove on th«' Hall A Johnston Realty company. conducted by Miss Agnes Bright- progreas of ita scout troops. A man. county demon.-’ t ration agent. group of grade school children «'n Allen Is League Officer. Th«» Dorena school has been asked tertained with songs from the grade Elmer Allen of this city wa. ---- to furnish a short program and to schools operetta*. elected second vice president of display anv art work made this th«' northern section of the south year or other articles suitable fur Drum Corps to go u> Roseburg. ern distriet Epworih League of lli<- such a meeting. The drum corps of Calvin Funk Methodist church at the organiza Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Jennings and post of th»* American Legion will tion’s convention h»‘l«l in Eugene Mrs. Ruth England and daughter go to Roseburg April 24 to take over the week end. Harvey Gil Faye spent Sunday at the Mile« part in a celebration in honor of man. also of this city, was named Wi«*ks home in Eugene. com on the resolutions committee. Paul V. McNutt, national Th«« Farmers’ unio n play. ma nder of the Legion, who win Rev. John A. Linn of Lebanon, “Mom,” will be given at 8 o’clock stop in Roseburg on his visit to formerly pastor of the local Metho the Oregon, A number of drum corps dist church, was elected president Friday night. April 26, in Fanners’ union hall. will take part in the celebration. of the northern s»«ction. A number from Cottage Grove at Mimeograph Supplies. Sentinel. tended th«* convention. Mimeograph Supplir« Sentinel. 0. Comedy Tonight Think Fast, Felix --------- DISTRICTATTORNEYIS IN ANOTHER MUDDIE King Unable to Please Either by Refusing or by Is suing Warrants. I Alta King, district attorney, doesn’t seem to I m - able to please anyone in the controversy over is* auanee of warrants for automobile thieve* und for those who partici pat»’ I in an over night party on the McKenzie when the E. (). Potter horn«- was entered and considerable damage done to the home and its furniture. Nix girl* between th»« ig* « of 14 and 16 were said to have ! been member* of the partjf and parents insisted that something bn done about it. When the district attorney bale«! some of the girls before him thi icre was complaint over this action and complaint as to th»- attitude of Eugene Nlnttery, assistant to the district attorney. But at iny rate several warrants have been issue« I and two parttri- ■ •¡n*’. in the McKenzie house party, Harry Harper and Bud Tye, both of Eugene, have pleaded not guilty to charges of giving away liquor. Bail was fixed at $1000, but both are yet in the county jail. Tye is also .-hargez! with giving liquor to a minor. Glenn Cummings, ar r«»s ted Tuesday in connection with the simi; ease, has pleaded guilty to possession of liquor and has paid a fine of $150. Cecil Brown and Chester Smith, who are charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor girl, have not been apprehended and their whereabouts is not known. Information against these two wa» filed Friday. A warrant charging ••ar theft had been issued previou ly against Smith. As is usual when children are concerned, each parents is of the opinion that hi* child was not to blame, and this ha.« caused more trouble for th»« distriet attorney, who has found that if he grants the plea for issuance of warrants, ■ hiLlr.'n of some of those demand ing the warrants will be victims. One of the boys under arrest has charged that some of th»» girls were as much to blame for the McKenzie liquor party a« the boys, although he admitted that ho knew the girls were und»«r ag»-. Distriet Attorney King holds that inasmuch as the girls are minors they must be dealt with in a sympathetic manner, whereas the young men, all said to be over 21, can make little excuse for their actions. At least four of th»« youths involved in the party are said to -have left Eugene as '-»on as they learned the party was under investigation and to have made their getaway good liefore anv warrants were issued. CATS GET MORE DEER THAN HUNTERS SHOOT Members of the Oregon State Game commission are giving seri ous consideration to the problem of decreasing th»« number of cougar within the state and undoubtedly plans will be worked out which will bring a great increase in the num ber of 4‘deer killers” that are bagged annually by hunters. When it is n*alized that a cougar kill* approximately 50 deer each year the importance of making a strong campaign of extermination is ac knowledged. More cougar have been killed in Oregon this season than in any other for a long period of tim« but at that the animals are on the increase and are annually killing more leer than are bagged by hunters during th»« open season. It is believed that if substantial prizes in addition to the regular 525 bounties were offered hunters an increasingly large number of cougar would be killed. LAWTON STRICKEN ON HIS WAY TO SEATTLE Oscar Lawton, until a few days ago one of the owners of the Bun galow garage in this city, stricken with paralysis shortly after he left here on his way to visit in Seattle, lied Sunday in a Corvallis hospital. Mr. Lawton was stricken on the stage in which he was making the trip and was removed at Corvallis. H<- was being accompanied by Mrs. Lawton. The body was taken to Washington for interment. Th«' Lawtons came here from Washing ton last year. Mr. Lawton was a member of the Masonic fraternity. Surviving children are Jack Law ton. to whom the father had just sold his interest in the garage, Richard and Marion and two other daughters in Washington. The Law tons were, at the time Mr. Lawton w : k stricken, on their way to Wash ington to attain make their home there. Clubs Give to Scholarship Fund. Twelve elubs of this city have mad»» donations to the scholarship loan fund of the Oregon State Fed eration of Women’s clubs, the total contribution from the city being $34. Th»« drive for fnnds was handled through a general commit tee of the three federated clubs of the city, the Research club, the Tuesday Evening club and the So cial Twelve club. Club« that made contribution« were M. 1*. G., Ad Libitum, Utopia, Tuesday Bridge, Joker, Tillicum, Delphian society, Elmartes, Bona Tempo Bridge, Research, Social Twelve and Tuesday Evening club. The general committee has ex pressed appreciation of the coopéra tion given it by the club* of th« Land Opened to Entry. The interior department has en notice of revestment ___ r east of northeast quarter, northwest quarter and fractional west half of northwest quarter of section 31, township 21 south, rang«» 3 west, containing 326.70 acres. This is cutover land in southern Lane county that may be homesteaded without paying for the, land. In formation may be obtained from the land office at Roneburg.