Image provided by: Cottage Grove Museum; Cottage Grove, OR
About The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1929)
TITE 8BNTINBU COTTAflE OROVE. OREGON PAOS SIX Nearby News THORNTON CORNERS (Hprt ial to the H?Bllr?l ) Apr»l 3 T. J Mell of Spnngfohl ha* rent «si the place l»elongiug to Fred Kelly and move«! m h«*J w«« U Mr*. George F«»*t«-r an«l cail-ln'n viaited Thursday an«l Friday with .Mr*. Homer Robinette in l.ugen«- Add-on H«»ath of Hebr«»n wa* at the J W Flaher home Baturdav •fteniooB. Victor B» ««l of Roseburg v.*»!«»-! Saturday w»th Mr an«l Mr* T C Shaw. Th« y wen- formerly neigh born in R<’*«»burg Mr. and Mr* < «rl M i phy ami «laughter l*alri« ia ot Roeeburg spent Sunday with Mr* Murphy'« parents, Mr. an«i Mr*. I L Hockett. Mr. and Mr*. George Golden of Eugen«' visit«'«! Suminy at th- s I Short ridge home. Mr. and Mrs. Chnrh'* Fennell I of Denver, ('olo., ap«»nt th«' we«k en«i with Mr. Fennell'* me«-«’. Mr*. E. DO YOU KNOW E. Ch«M»tnut. They ha«l be«-n visit ing relativ«’* in XV «Kington. They will stop in Mar*hfield and from then» go on to California before re turning to th«-ir horn«» in Dcnxer. Robert Mct'rearv an«l *i«ter, ‘Ii** Iri* McCn-ary of lax, me visit ing their *i*t«’r. Mr* T Mr. tiad Mr*. L. Roseburg apent th«» end with Mr. Irwin’. M M T i*«»n. Sh«»rtri«lge wont to M r* S. Eugene Mon <1 ay. Mr J. R. Cooley of Cottage Gmv« spent on«' afternoon last wc \i. I w - • Mr. ami Mr*. Howard K«*«'ne ami baby an-l Mr*. Low «'ll Hcn*t«»n an«< childn'n of Saginaw « ¡sit«'«! Sund-n -, th Mr. ■ Mr», il L K Mi*« Fiorone«' Ch«\*tnut «»f Cot tag«» Gr«‘vo \ *,?’'«! Tu --lay «« th i c«»u*.n. Mi** Ethel Chestnut V. \V. Shaw -«nd < ' H. Shaw hav«» both installed eh»e?r «• pump* at their home*. VI M i *s Francia K e«» n e fri«»nd* in Eugene Sunday Mr. and Mr* M M T -on it tende«! services Friday owning at th«» Fir<t Christian church in Ku gene, whore a revival wn* in prog re*«. M r. bahv rentiv az Bleu h DO YOU KNOW that it requ r * more skill to cut your hnir prop erly than i< does to fix y»’ur automobile! U O H H LEONARD TRANSFER GENERAL TRANSFER SAGINAW Ijong Distance Haulin? Piano Moving a Specialty CHESTNUT TRANSFER CO. Chestnut Brother«, proprietor! STORAGE AND GENERAL TRANSFER Office phone * »tendente Phone 160-Y COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON LATHAM LONDON Imperial Barber Shop (Special to the Sentinel.) \ Hanaon brothers * complete. They nr and putting on ’ Mr*. James C«n ill, is slowly in J. E. Banton business caller in Harold Ho«lson injure! a Saturday while at w-»rk : «awmill. Hugh Hhamn of Lo* Angel an aunt. Mi*« Jennie Sharon Redland«, Cal., who were ing at the C. H. Khuioti Loin gone to Coburg to spend a w th«- George N**°t bom«*. Mr*. •pent S ,’ottage Georg rip to SEPTIC TANK* Ready for you to install Two to four persona f'dt OO Fugviie Three l«» aix prraoua f.’H 00 Eugene Sew.r I' ijh - \k ,.|l « urbing Drain Tilt and t'himnrv Block« d.-cSlp F.l’ »Nb Ct»Nt Kkr>: FIFE CO COHAilF «.ROVE nai l»t«l«-r Kaglva. ball «vary Vuvaday ir 4 Th.' P T .«*oc ftt-.m iday ext'ning nnd a short > me«'titig wm ht‘1'1. t'.»m »aging 1 by M ** IL I ollowed. Th«' Latham or dirrotcr by \lbcrt Griffin, *• t«-ral *t’i«'ct mti*. Dr. <’ t gave an interv*ting talk ?h pr«»bl«'m* Mi*« Hi-acock 'teral ptvpular *«>ag*. R«- nt* were served. m I Mr*. J«»hn Callahan of I «pent t*'«‘ w«M»k end at the f Mr- (’ällähän** parent*. \l - W ■ J ■ - Frv ha* be»-n ill with t.»n May G nth. mm and daughter t ige Grove «pent Sundav at ‘iu Graham home. 1 and Mr-*, St a n: y Trunnell n« Harold and i Billy of Eu gene \ *ite.i relative* her«- Sun lav. Mr and Mrs. D, L. Ijam* of Eu gene visited relatives her«' Sunday, from Ylbert Hull ha« movod Hebron to hi* place in Latham. Mr an.I Mr*. B. M Wilhelm of Grants Pass \ isite I Mr. and Mr*. H F. Wertz <iurmg _ the week end. Edna and Jei e Grubb gave an Saturday afternoon, Easter party Thom» presen t were Vivian and Dorothy Whi te, Marion and Phy I * S»>ren<en _ . f Lucy and Euniet* Ed wards. Lillian Hull and Margaret M. Kibben. Mr*. John Trunn«'l| i* ill nt the h«»m«' ««f a daughter, Mr*. L. W M Kiblwn. Th«» La?hani school children went on a hik«- Tuesday afternoon. LORANE (Sp««cial io th? S. niint-l April 2 —Dr. Hag. n to Lonne Tuesday to Sanderson, who is ill. Little Carl Kink, who ha« scarlet fever, is reporte«! as improv ing satisfactorily. Mrs. Claud Schra«*k of Parma, Ida., was a Lorane v i.*itor Monday. Mr*. Martin Foster was a Sun-lav guest of Mr*. E. \V. Eyanson. Mr*. Ralph Lynch and Mr*. P. 1(. Davis attended Pomona grange at Crow la*t Saturday. Mr. and Mr*. Thoma* Power* spent the w»-»-k «‘n«| in Eugene at the * horne of Mr*. I\»w«-r*’ parent •. Mr. and Mr*. Stiver*. Mrs. W. W. Jackson i* visiting at th«' B. C. A«l«li*»n home. Mi*« Thelma Cronan .«pent th»’ week ( «•nd in Portland with a si- ter who i* attending school there. M r*. Dorothy Hanson of Brent- erton. Wash., i« a guest of Mr*. Theon Addison. M r. and Mr*. Charles Milne* a’ tetóle»! Ea«ter ervices at th«' Chris- church in Cottage Grove, of the Loran«' high busy pmeticing ba*«- pxpes-t t«j have u -trong DORENA ( Special tu the Sf-ntlBrl. ) April —A high *«-hool program * given last Friday night and The atten j were the pr---••••- lance was not a* large as expected due to the bad weather, The high school put on three short play*. Halier Gos ü i p,” • • Hcnpeek “Green ‘‘ Wanted: A Nurse’’ speaking Grass, A KK If FKA 1ER in I O t» F ou t'ln**!C Fiction,” l‘rnv*t Wag n« r l»a\«- Mo*h\ of l\ Ii math »'nil* «pent Snliirtlny miti Sunday nt th« .1 II Mo*by h«»nu' Mr f»n«l Mr* Sntblvr* of t'nlgntx. I ■ w Brook* pino«', «arriveti her«’ Satui mx Mi miti Mr* Brook* plan to mnkv Ihoir home «omewhere in lull forma. Mr miti M I * R«»v I llgl:ltl«l Easter in Stiem with Ml* • mil'* irnrent*, Mr mi I \| h Bent on. Ymong visitor* in t'ottag«' (I l«»k o Foui II Chatter Is Recalvml \ charter ha* I»» » ii t«-« . »*» it bk Xriiolii 1» Collier, count* « lub b a-l er, for the l\ 11« w aiin.-t Four II «lub. Mr* Glndv* IL'*«. h'Hchvr I'hi* i* IlixM HFIFFKS 1'0 FK» SIIFN n »M)N th«' only «-lull nt till* *vctioti Io tv foi »ale or trade ft«r h»»g» See liant reive it charter. Four li chib « liar ld< n Hr»»a • unie« east ot Cottage <lr»»»e eu lH«»ton r»»ut» foriuvrly the ohi Croa ter* an» *ignr.| l»v I he secretary «•! Mgr icult urv, th«- Mate *uperiti(« lidriit plat • S a I I P anil th«- *tat«» club leader k. kA III I E l » «.HORN « III« EM April V « .» April Ï Heat date« «»( th«» ■•••on Lar*? hana, large rgg« Hate hing sp«. »al priera f«»r May chick« r*<w \A rilr or ph«»n? Roy N Hauls «'«<ilA<v Grvvr Orr phon? IF.’ 'S Bit 'A k N I ED M.AW Mil l k\A Hl,»» With« : tinib*v Muai ¡ ■ . ¡ . «i> fu » «»h Sfai» content» an«i prier l.'.*.’ \A«shlB*ton *t Fusene <»«. ml 4 .«ll|» * l'O< K I «» PASTI KF 00 a> rv» part «»pe«» Reasonable charge W alla«e I »'unlit <‘ullage <lr»»»e Ore gun m.'H a4p PI ANO FOR S AI F I Sf D FI A NO thai ha. r»»ert«d with large amount (»aid Will «acrifice to 1 «-*|H>naible per »on for unpaid balance ».a«v term» if deatrrd For tnformation »».it. Mr S > ■ an» .»-e McMorrau A W aah burse Fu lati. » «»R »*kl F II» AA V Dl I Y TK All > R >UAdr >f G VI 1' truck r»»r aaaem bl« Fqtlipprd u tth brake* com piet, mlh cunhrcliun«, «oliti Hr» « Frit rd l«<u HmigaU'w tiaragv m. S a is. H kbk t'Hh ks kND H ’ f« »UN« fggr W • f. I . Ä '■ rtj s BWii b Island Reda, chick» fl. ,•■«» p, r hundrrd. Hatch • ng -¿a* <O c.nta fur l > Al«t> can do »«•»nr . ..»tou. I ate Mu k ' Mr* Wald. Mil 1« r phone IFI .' «'ottane «.ru«»- Ore ■ . Mtf. F«»K skl.h « K» v ha is «,o«ii> ox> - th? «'hvaprat frwd *>n th-' markt-t at the pri«r <lo«*«i f.‘C h«r»c» cow* chickru« er I««-».-» « . . atol «< • th« ¡-t rru-«- a hundrvd Fla.««I k ph«in.- IF4 ■u •* alt. *r- « Wp ran a**ure you full I relief all Rh»-umntir and N eunti* collii tiunn with Cn«ey’s Gua run tee Remedy. Nature’* «»wn ton Red Hloo«i rrlh track Io*.* of appetiti«-, boil«, «•ramp* in th- liinl»*, pressure; r«-du«-p* pain an-1 «•lenu«»‘s the bl-»«»»l throu) action <•« th«» stnmnrh, I kidney«. Guaranteed, * I fwi (’«»ting«* Grove’* lea-ling *• Nights I sat up in a chair, I had *uch st a-.a -h gas I to. k A l lerika an! nothing I eat hurt* me now. 1 sleep fine.”—Mr*. Glenu Butler. Even th«* FIRST spoonful A«! lerika relieves gas on th«‘ stomach and remove* astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the system, Mak«'* you enjoy your meals and •deep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowel*. Adlerika will surprise you. Cuttage Grove Pbar-ii t• y < I Relief From Curse Of Constipation A Battle <’r»*» k phy*n ian says, Constipation is re*p’»n»ibl«* for more misery than «ny other cause. * But i muted nite relief ha* hern found, A tablet called Bevali Or tierlies has been diBeovrred. tablet attract* water from the tem into th»* lazy dry, evnrunting bowel railed the colon. The water loosens th»* dry food waste and causes n gentle, thorough, naturil movement without forming a habit or evrre increasing the dose. Stop suffering from ruu*t»pul Chew a R«'xall Orderlie at Next dar bright. Get 25 for day at Kern for Drugs. KNOWLES & GRABER HARDWARE Bookkeeping System* Sentinel Cottage Grove Oregonl J I’se 3* <'• of your gross rrctipts for advertising and increase the volume of your business 10%. W III. *f 1.1. OK TR AID OI R : far m f.-r <’«»(t»Ke «.«-»'»»• pto|»«rty \\ h«i ha»e you • S V Alliaon I «nr* rx’ulv. i m. a a*¡- W kN l I» DOl i.t.A* FIR INIUFDAR |Mi|r« all «l«r« Telegraph folle» t |-r. . ■* f o b «hipping poinl quantifica »n «upply and when «an »hip a • ‘ Ne Vl^»-f||, I ■■ Portland Ore <* A »«»K SALE « II» AP trvs.« J « amp bumi I» stuse ln«|uire 727 north HIK SAL» Kllk»l‘f hab» cl'ii k» Jay old • ■ I phone IF. k| I» H» I» MAT I’olriitan camp I'.'nlh M| «4. 1*1 ANI» RM» l‘rli»«r) April AA M Hait«!» • 4p IN............. * k I k HI«. v\ l\« in price for quit k »alv to -s»r further e\|w*n»r b'ully k.tarant, « d first class PLY Mol TH R(M K > HO M W»l| takr in »our phtuu umph a* |»art FOR MALI Mt« fvr ->au hin* ♦’.«>«» l*r •>'llin* payment ami ►»»' *aaj it .• un the bai 1 b ran h AA h «Ir phuur I r4 lip änee to «uit aiixtutr For h’catiun and full particular« write to <‘ F Hendrick A< KI M 5 ROOM MALE FOR 57 Factory piano adju-i- r car«- Logan Tran« huili•«• u ith bath *vo«t barn. family ft r and Storas«- t'o 2« I I Pa. ift. Ase r. hard, IS acr« » m « .»Iti valion remain Paeonia Wash rn.’H a2-Vp 1er pa»tHrc laud Join» outside range 1 ■'«•at« I 15 mile* ea«t of Cottage Drove HKHY CHICKS FV» KY TtESDAY Mrs Ver» a Damrwood, Urge tvpe White Ma« Leghorn» lag? Grove. Oregon. hatched chicks It cents. doni IO c*nt» Hatching eggs for aah Agent fer Char FOR SALE «M WHITE LEGHORN Ilot ter*' lncul»att»rs and iRVfP* pulirla, one year old best on the market Bert V Han.i« Ha«* co’ »riet? recen» <• n • I'm k * a t * i «Ir» art. Don tta. Or*g«>u Rheumatic and Neuritis Sufferers ru«'*d:«x kt er«» Ml*, (’ (I J«» lining . Bi» " « I Mini. O|»nl W agii» I Mi* Mt« n-.Il Kinney, Mr* <'ln»«,iii Hriuik*. Mi* llert \\ tilintn* mi l Mi* Charte* Teeter*. \ ¡«arty wii* heltl at I day night utter th«» I pit»grmii In«» teacher* who hnx»' I b«*en »•l«'ete«| l«»r III«» «-otniug { year ate: High M«»h«M»l, liiu«-«' \ Coie of \l I hiiiv ; iiil«-riiiedi:iti< room. P. 1' lb»*«» »«t lio»ebuig, pritunry iooih , Mi*« Yliiin N«s «-I iiig«’i of M'HHiioulh Lucine \hlt»« o| I Mmetihi s I ole«l Siindnv afterutioii iti th«’ home ol mi :«uni. Mi*. .1 It I Moabk «»K * VI > KIIODI |s| k \ 11 IH II actlillg I **a b) the »«Ilin* et by the hundivd ’ ' mit» a »«Ilin* «•( I • or ft a hundred I nni'«>cl ioit of flock incited kk liitän« Haupt Lincoln lirai .*i\lb Cot ta^i' i «»««»«• Flume la.'»hi m.'S a4p Hl i i F. K OH Hl Hi kN I» FD Writ.- for » opy .-f nr»i»e agre»- tn*nt »»bici» guarantee, you a Heiter Job «nd \|.Tf l'«y »>r u >11. » refunded No obiigalioa American Nchin»l !•»•» \ 2 7. f ugene. Oregon apr2 <> V r ini on a (Sp*cja) to th? Sentinel.) \pril 2 Mr* M •• 1 R d ef , Port Ian I v’*ito<| a feu «lav* la*t 1 we« k w ith her mother. Mr* William Thorn. Th«» rock erusher wn* brought to th«' Jes«o Rom>* farm Mon lav pre pamtory to graveling th«' Black P. S. Bukowski Rutte r«»a«l. Mis* H-rtha Remin «-n «f I nr?in s|M»nt Sunday night u h M •** D’dlv \’ PROFESSIONAL CARDS The Joe Garoutte fami lv of camp DENTISTS A ha\«‘ niov«nl in?«» the J \ II Glen hou*e recently vacate I b! K w ■ U BOH Deal • Fifth and Main atra*ts Hours. > 30 Banton. Mr. ami Mrs. O. I I» ’ Wills, Mr to 12 and 1 to 5 30 F».rungs a il Sun day« by appointment. Phene« Off»»? 3.' am! Mr* J. T. Small. Mr. an.I Mr« reaidenee IHI J. Currin W. T. Jones and th«' Lynch 1 family of Black Butte ,» were dinner KIME. Dentist. First National D R bank >1. building Cot tag r Grove. Orerott home guest* at th«' W. C. Sh< Specialist in extraction, adsnmstrau. n of Sunday. nitrous oxid and oxygen, oral surgery Mrs. Ear! Ewing and Office phone 10. Residence 126 J. Cottage Grov«' Monday morning for PHYSICIANS Carson. Wash., to joiu Mr. Ewing, who is employed on rv ild » m*truc R. (’. E FROST—Phyaician and ».. tion work there. Cron Office in Lawton buildin, Phone 47, Colta*? Grove. Oregon ..,’k Elmer Berggren i* on lint. ATLEY, M. D.— Phyaician and aur- lily and th»» raon Ereninga by appointment Ihrer The J. E. Ranton far Harvey Shi pt' family i nade a trip Kam‘a Dru* «ton- Cottage Grove, Orvfon to Loran«» Sunday to visit Mrs. KIME. M B. — Phyaieian and Hanti'n’* father, J N. Hogue, who A W. Snrgeon. Obstetrics and disrate« of women and children a specialty Office was visiting friend* at that piar«', First National Hank building Phone# The R<\v Ewing fan dly of Cot Office 234 residen*- 12« Reaidmc» tag«» Grove vi it«'«l Sun ;«v with M r address. 114> west Main. Ewing’* parent*, Mr. and Mr*. C, ATTORNEYS W. Ewing. Mr*. Hazel Ho*tett. erbert w lombard Attvr®ry w Iren of Eugen«' are *p* H at Law. First National Bank building , »lay* at th«* Charles I Phon*- W4. Cottage Oro»» Oregon. th* Several timber rrui J. SHINN. — Attorney at L jiw and Booth -Kelly Lumber < Notary Public Practice« in all ev rts . looking over timber at Bader building. Cottage Grove. Oregon thi* week. henry m lak - pibbs Th.» James Powell f: mily of I.o D rafting and specifications, (vet your building I ran«» *p«'nt Sun-lay at the Charle- plans ready for spring and summer build Powell home. ing. Personal calls afternoon or evening Black Located two miles east of Cottar? Grow Mrs. La verm» Hoppm an Ore P O. Box 34* Phone 41F.5 Butte is on the sick 1 Mr*. Thoma* Foster rn! chiblr n Sun 1 «¡ay. Mr. nn I Mr-. Murry Newt •n and daughter “ • • I Anne, M FK W T-»w n*cn< son* C ’lay? on W. L. Leonard. Prop. I Cliffur.l, irasher Wednem N«-wton OFFICE AT HOWE'S ihort ridge hi C'lN F ECTION ER Y at th.- \\ n of Col I «a Phone 239-J iue«t at the W. Dry ilody Fir Wood riday evening. [t!«*n Ban tun cam- i «» out from Grove Saturday to 1 join Mr. in their new loci ntion. tore Woods i wiring hi Cottage Grove, Oregon ani hou««’ fur el' trie light* WAN TADS 1’ttt hi « Special to the s atinri 1 Select y«»ur barber with the ant rare you do your mechanic. cla** presente»! a |Kintomim«v The high *ch«»«l girl* *ang three *oug*. •‘Me ami ih<- Mmi in th«- Moon “In the Hkveet Bv«' and Byv,” “I Faw lh»wn an’ G«» B«nuii. ” Th« foIMkvmg retuhng* w«*tv given b' intermediate r«n»m student.*.- “O’ II Ha \l Snort. ” R«d»«-rt \\agn«'t. ■ \\ h» n M«»ther (ids IL r \ «»to. I.«la \lo*by; “Tho Cro»»k«'«l Mouth i' . ’ I ItMtuiH Hret-k*; • • \\ ll.t to k i«it Mr. McReynolds who un derwent a scrum* o|M-rnti«»n at a Eugene h«M*pita! I»*’ week. E.| S«»'l«»rslrom of Th« Ihtlh»* wit* home* over th«» week « • ad and h«» 'k 11h hi* par« nt*. Mr and Mr*. A Sml«»r*t r«»m. sju-nt ha* Mer Sun.lay nith a siater, Mrs. Filer Brow n of Eugen«'. <'a*ey Jon«'«, who ha«i pbiyed by th«» B«»h«-mia «-'»«upany, left for Portlan<l and uill r«'*um«» hi* former fireman on n railroa«l out of land. Mavin«» Rohde gnv«» a p.-iriv « I. The evening with car«|j», game*, mu« Find joke«. rh«»*<« pre» and Mr* * Su i I or. Mnrv M.-u k » E'ln-i Ru**vil, Mr* Kannon I family. Re I |*?e m the WOOD hate delivery block wood dry -».«od. green «lab wo«»«l. •awdiiBi i-lanrr end«, old growth fir forra? ««>■*■•! an I <«ak Ph me IM Offi. .• Ar «do Harber i »any. • ih Do you like old fashioned goodness? Have it this new, easy W hdt 4 price our Mothers and Grand mother* paid for their reputations as SPECIAL PKI< » ON WIMH» FOR ONI week April ’• to ll. laeluaivr Block •» •—d J dry »lab wood. I- 7'- and erreu >la> »*.»«• I fd 25 Order* drll»er.d ” t ni m *hi. h received Th« ar air ash r •« 1 « ONLY Phone is Of «' » I l - - ,.|> « i; , • 4c excellent cooks! that Mother used to bake now can be equalled tn the “Flavor Zone” oven of the NEW Westinghouse Electric Range— but bi /A um I the back-breaking toil of fueling an old-fashioned stove! Xk kN I El l SA \ in «« »«« or n is w Illi W > *t-<ru '»•»in/* an«l Loan A««*n 6*, • o.ip.-in«t intrr>-«t UH «>»» yuur dime« a.’»«.- .« k d«'|W'«ited ««ill ran» you flOOO > I«- month« Wwkly monthly or yrat de|*oait ran hr madr l.oan or with rawal j r«»il. A. « > . «afrr or better in».«ttnert for yo« r« or your children*« ■ in* Sr'iire«! by *tata of Oregon W ritr or a* ■ \ b tor S|k>w local agmt tat ■' r I’ll.! Wratrru *a«infc» and Loan Aaa n Portland *4<- If you feel that your family is entitled not only to good cooking, but alto and more important, to tome of your time out of the dreary four wall« of your kitchen, FOR SAL» A FIN» MTOC'K AND poultry or turkey ranch guod location -lnllrnite.t outrange fvod ................ bulldin*« *7 »«Tea. nearly tnilll >n ferì *O<>4 tim her on place, cloa? lo school nn main traveled road, • 1500 down balano- food term«. Write or a*? Victor Shaw Piru National bank building • 4c * V trade in youe old fuel range and let it help pay for a new and colorful Westinghouse FOR R» N I' TWO HOOD APART ment« .‘loar m SI ■ «ud M.t, good hou»* with carden and garage t fi’., clo»e in Victor Mhaw First N’a tional bank Hl dg agr SPF« IAI. rRADF IN ALLOWANCE FOR your «>ld mattrraa on a nm <>na at I>,»*?ll’a Forniture Hlor? corner Main and 5th. *» 1 hose pica and cakes i ♦ Hm tru with thti automatic- "Murer ¿an»” UvtM only »7® down - *7® a month ' ; '1 IN TO R OLII HE DH PRIMO <>n a new one «<*«• our f|n,. display of bed« and« PuweiFa. rom-r Main and '.th V LlltF.HAL IRAI»» IN Al LOW’ANt'F f'jr ,7o,,r <d<t rang»» nr> rowHr. i-ornrr Main and K.K RENT • psrt n. nl Al... jy“»1»1' » non? TW.I HlX>M flHMMIIF H ri... ,n | ,lt|, |u ro..m H.„( >oull> Siiti, atrwt 56 STORES Cut Prices on Wood • 5 r Tie Welcome, you to Portland. 200 comfortable rooms, neb with hath. Reasonable rate«. Convenient down-town loertiotu HOTEL lüg the Mr- Bear ci Sunday DIVIDE CONGRESS PORTLAND,OREGON Bath Tubs Toilets Lavatories Hot Water Tanks Eave Troughs Down Spout D & L Water Systems Frigidaire Schofield Stewart Plumbing Shop phone 217 .1 |{esi<lellce phone 217-1, WANTED Used Furniture HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Powell Furniture Company Corner F'iftli an.l .M.iin d‘ ’he The f’-.rbett Smith t B««h»»mi i l-uriib’ •r rompi»«»-.- e- »ve ! to <’«»t?ng«. Grov«« Niind’i”. Th- Torn F« i-ter fu• lihr of Lon- don spent Suri 1 mv r»t th < ; T. 'Ile. pman man home. Mr Sh'-rmau < «.f i’ottn;'. f.j-ivo miti M ’ M. • di--¡.n an u■ re afternoon rnlkr . Mr M M. Ma?:-«.!. - I. * he *ick list this w»««‘k nn-l • ••r father, VuyU't Dl-i.n i, f Silk er. 1-. . visit- reg with h-r ii few (laj - J. M M-ltol .« arel son« Ib-rt -«nd r -pen! S : n ’•« at 1) ' •! Il \ 1 •’» ing with Mr. Mcl) »I.- ’* •bi ugh - r. Mm. U. W Wil.on. Mr-. Allison, Mr. an.l Mr*. N .r in an Suitor an- 1 Mr. an.l T*. W -It Robinson w««r»« dinner uui« -ta Sm- dav at the Cllmr|..« A moll how, ! th- occasion bring the A mol 1 ’s wedding aniiiv ersarv. Mi*.* Ruth L ■i üb ‘ I’ IdiLp-ne, who taught th • |)r • id«- s«hoo| th«* past year, will ten rh h’-n- a gain this 1 year. 1 | J n moved h • th«» Bo hernia Lumber company « •amp last iveek. Ruth and I)« »rutby l'.«*f er of En gem» are -pend ing th«- -[.» ing va -a- ! tion with an aunt, Mr F. \L Chapman. A. M. Mostiichctti new' Ford coach which last week. Mrs. I.. L. M<-(¿rvnol Is .«nd on Austin motored to hugen«» Tuesday Special Bargains lor The Whole Family This Week Ladies’ silk dresses, $12.50 val ues, now $7.95 Ladies’ street dresses just re ceived. A nice line at $1.95 Men’s suits are big values. A suit that you pay $28.50, our price is $19.75 Men’s dress pants from $1.69 to $4.98 $8.50 Big values in boys’ suits If you buy your shoes at the G. J Breier store you will save money. Big value for your $1.69 to $4.98 money from We have a nice line of men’s ox fords from $2.79 to $4.98 Ladies’ slippers are big values at $2.79 to $4.98 Men’s loggers from $12.95 to $18.00 V FOR ONE WEEK Aprii 5 to Aprii 11, inclusive, we will deliver for CASH Block Wood - - $2.75 (for cook Move, heater or fumaci ) Dry Slab Wood $2.75 (for hcuter or furnace) Green Slab Wood $2.25 City Fuel Co Phone 18 Office at Arcade Barber Shop Older» Delivered in Turn in Which Received N B—Our woodyard is full to overflowing and we are out of space in which to store wood. Due to our storing so much wood for next year we are short of cash. Henoe, we are willing to sell under the usual price to ret vou’ to store the wood instead of us storing it THESE PRICES ARE FOR CASH ONLY.