T11 II KHI» A Y, M AUCH .'H, lll.'l TRE PAGE TWO Arcade Theatre i SOCIETY 4 I wa* enter The \.l l.iMtllin cln med Thurs.lnv, M inh 11, by Mr- «don* new i R II Hood at the w . I.. l.i'onanl home on north V. ¡nth -trevt. Spmiil >‘-t* in ad lion to Mi- I. ishuux I were Flor and I.u. ille Leonard and Mr H Me M»dy, The r«»«>m- were at in keeping ictivelv r deeorattsl Ih thè st. Patrick’! dax* sea*«m d vvlbv •W «luffvMliU Xi Ided a bright \ pleasant -«»* i n c«dor. i wa« ipent with nee«lle At th«' i«l con verna t ion. of the afternoon a templing n' luneh«Mii was serve«!. Th«' taide was g:ix* with St the club i* decoratum*, entertained this afternuou luvme of Mr- C. \\ Cone sentinel , cottage Th-' Ni ighb«»i- of Wo«».l«’taft. al the «l«'-e of their bu-ino-- meeting \l«»n.lay evening, hold a birth la\ evening in honor of th«' birthday ; MI • - of All- J Q Willil-. Mrs. Tom SrMin», Mm. \ntia Schoen an«) Mr*. Alary Miller \ birth «lay cake was a feature and deli ei«»u* refreshment!* were served Air- Wilson wn chairman. OHOVE THF. OKKOON PRÄÄIMINT (Duiu'nn I* Cnm«'ron I I •‘Th«» I mu'- are «b'«'a«lottl. riu'iu i i- law lt'«-ii«'-- « v «'i v h hei«* Cbil«li«,u Weekly Program n«i Iwtiger «»b«'v their par»-nt- Th,' Th Mi «lid of th«’ llg«' i* Hl ll.’llld ” Thui That i* j very tiio«l«'rn paragraph Tliurndiiy. March 28 >e*Mon Ker kuv p«*t-«»ii mmlvrnlely m«»«lt ral« Iv well hi - *erve-l •THE LITTLE WILDCAT’ ilH A formed m pre-ent «lay I he,»lug irti I Tl itt quilt i n*tant I v thought «*«»u l«l pick <»ut Audrey Fvrris aiul .J-iiiii - . Thi The high Nchool teacher** n--<» w hat school of th«'«» l.»gv produced M urray V Hi ciati.m held a regular meeting Mon II«' cotlid probablv I« Il ’ y oa it. k A \ 6 o’ehM’k dinner f rum what city in I nitrd This in a part talking VÌL; «lay evening, tn A inadi Iliadi ml wa* *erv«sl il n< the ('«denial cafe Slat. a it is-ued, aud y vry phone pieturv. A rol outaiil* printing pre— that -ent fort h Rep'irts w ere given on licking tnix-up of a human A ridding of b'tteher'* and Alt- Bert II«* could uame you a I tlorru wildcat out to canton li**r lx. ri.> reported i-n “The Individua «»f th«» heat known w h«»-r in« n Pupil’’ by Mort. Discussion fol man. Tl n is a fine conn'ly names .«i«* eoiiii«*«Tcd w l«»w ed. sehtiol, with a< h>n »K » n läikin1- H«' would I»«* l»«»th right an I act and lnl<ina News rh<‘ Pre-bvt.'rian A! --H»nary so w rung He woiil>l b«* tight m pi« k Ntk'lCTV Admieai 1 of . . tv vv i- entertain, I \\ Ine-day ing these wor«l* as repr«'s«'ntativ«' Ke-eanh club a TV • ftern«»on at th«' h.'iiie of Air* Fre«l of the min»l nn«l utterance- of a Tue iv night cwntiat Friday and Sat unlay. Wrighr Air- Richar«l*on wa* in certain school of th«'«»l»»gy of our unnerMty vxt« of the t r charge ut d«»votiona!* and Mr.« own time, He would b«* wrong in March 29 and •>-' the contemporary Am Alary Smith of th«' querv ,'ornrr a-erihing these vv«»r«1* t«» very mod 1 The » -ubjeet for di-< “REDSKIN” Mr< H Mr- W. A M* Ge«» ha i tne lesson cm men. The*e word* are very. Canfield F1« lX»n F F on J.-qvan. At th«' tea hour dainty very old They were inscrilnd on stuft r. Paper* wen* Richard Dix and Kh.'h \\ tef re*htne nt a were -erve.l. w.«s mould«1 I an«l an I crit’cism fro i a brick which Belmont burned in th«' valley oi th«' th«* I u % i*ton of the I This picture has m > i i w a- pliratu- b«'t«»r«' th»'lim« ‘ot Abraham n read at Georg' O Knowle* will be fects and musical aeeotn- him lr«*ds of years that brick ad part T who he I'm'-Ja V afterimon fur the For panimcnt and is phut u- an. were filled li place m th«* nall- Of 4 < > H . :»b T Bjo F«»r lh«»u*an«ls mure William tem pie llieie. A graphi-d in natural <-»>i< ♦ ra. I.. U Far I*. it lay burie«| m heaps of ruins ♦‘liter lililí nt'» romantic drama <» Th.' H ion nud Mi l> A t the Then it wa- dug up by th«' e* «ea v a i ned nib Indian. Don’t fail to sec Ho»! ex . e tor- of an \nglt» intertenn ... ex|M'«li K this beautiful picture \ho Th, tli-«*«»v rr«*r —.. when th«* tiou. , An«l J — it V a b«'i truu-late«| it he sat «low n wi'ukly a talking act. Admission 10c Tlu* Kn-ght- ut" Pythia* au«l th,' The Ctopia club Ì- being enter mu I said: ••G«vsh but this makes ning covert'«? Pythian Sisters gave a an»l 35c. tame«! thi- afternoon at th«' home m«» feel homesick, chainran P Gr It make* nu* ì.sh -upper la-t .......... — Thurs-lav night in of Mr*. F. L. Graniin. the folio will 'B a think I uui back in the pravi't Phillip® hall L..:: for member*, their Sunday. Monday. Tib > biy. W I r ees: Tic tnceuug iu the oi «1 t n«.* it A grab bag families and friendi March 31. Api ill’ Mrs. W i * H<d% truing to I’nelr Exekiel Sheriff Starts Tax Drive enture following the «lin WHs Thum. ... u*e«l to call him) telling ,e ‘ we •THE HOME TOW\ER> depart- Zeke" Starting t ‘«lav the tax A ner .’i | g • r- vm W a- gix CO, \v. B. Joi M- how - much worse the world is now . “Th«* F.n«l of Jew*«' Thump tnent of th«» iherift - office i- mak Richard Bennett and Doris e A and boy, son, ’* vv;*.- pr*'-«'ntej by Irene Shan ing a drive on all tho-c who have than when he was a Kenyon Mt prophesy mg how r it i* all going to Statement* «la. Ferry H«'n lrieks, Ediuoti«! Mid delinquent tax«»- D H This is a 100 per cent talk taxes are being mailed out kersma-h on»' of these day* prrltv on and Rex and Alillar«! Me Veat ch, 1 u*rd to think that wn* a soon. Parian J. Evelyn Shanda and Ah-« this week. ing Vitaphone picture with G nggs Matth A new machine an«l a new tax new and original idea with «»M Fanner entertained with piano -<»lo» an all star cast. The fun- on. Mr- 3n.l reading- were given by Iren Lucie Zeke But here i* thi- ol«i receipt slip an» in u««» thi- vear niest play ever cone, iv« d by lamber V 11« Human error ha- been piacti' .ally ■ h.p in Babylonia who -ni«l exact shan«U an.I Millard A!. Parian I. H mile M r*. America’s s u p r e m > fun eliminated. lv th«* -am«* thing- more than l«»ui rs. < an tli«»usand year- ago. Surely there manufacturer, <scorge M Th«' I^itham Community club ua- W. H is Birthing new uud«*r the -un ’’ Fri«lay afternoon __ Cohen. Also a talkin ♦r act. enteriained Fri«lav aftenioon at A A No Law Against Thinking The ex«avat*»r was right, there >- m ’ - Frank Vnn Nori the h< Bound cartoon and i « ra S- Even very small girls have their no! much new un-h'r the -un vv irk. \ ‘.ditional guest* wer«‘ Mr-. W i mount Newa. Admission 10» Merle Powell, Belva an«l Thelma quarrels and following cue of them simi-t* do u«»t rank a* a new They have always •nd 50c this little girl camo home to her rov cry. Garoutte :.1>.| M«. Anna Nichol- M 4 When m th mother much exercised over their and always will I** » t rv The time was -pent quilting an«l early years of the human family little difficulty. \V< <hus«lay and Thursday M r.< plan* were ma J«» for an ent«'rtain- “Mother, Mary Luu Is a cat.* the -«»me bri ght mind «IlM'OVerrd th given -. • i. ’ I h*' \L». k April 3 and 4 her meat to be Tavi Trial, in ree eullv l-v th«1 Luba one little girl said, probably echo us«' of fire, mid h«»w much bet c th • STATE STREET bruth«rh«M *1 th.* .\letho«li»l Ing a term she had heard older peo rooked meat tasted than raw of Mr. i- not the bgh»e-t d«»u*»t th* SADIE” h. will be «»ne pie one. n<’ of the features fihu r entertainment. Th«' club “Oh. you musint gay auch • un • Conrad Nagel and Myi .a -ill th«* deg.nera*’v «if et April 5 at I th«» holin' of tilings,’’ her mother reprimanded < 1 Loy .In -, au-l the young e Trunnell and the tini<‘ “you mustn’t say things like that M r». : ng burnt meat will be [H'ut with quilting and a about your little playmates. Lot* This is a part talking Vita- He * • • n. . juicy and raw tHXlk re rt. of times we may think things thui phone picture. A mighty •i n f.uni th«' we shouldn't say.” The Moth story of th,- underworld. ay of the “Well. then. I think Mary Lou I» prople Mrs. H A. Hagen entertained Nom«’ Also a talking act and In a cat.” was the reply. the Elmartes club Tu '-lay after mistir. They are that w ay I • V n a ternational Nt-Wx Adn ission noon with a 1 o’clock luncheon at turr. They feel that everyone ha < Mm. W B. 10c and 35c. To Our Customers: After the Colonial cafe. a price an I that “ there rnu-t b Old Elephants Murpoy Johnston and M r*. Pat something m it for you or cl-«' you April 1 Full Marcel will be 75c were special guests, The luncheon A traveler says that an elephant woull not u»»t b«» concerning yourseL and light marcels discontinued. table was attractive with yellow when old goes on a high cliff unit he trouble troubles of other folks ’ «.indie-, daffodil and Easter place commits suicide, but It Is iloUl'l fU< with the Fimier Waves and Water Income Tax Records. Senti ire ce certain p'opl«* that tak» -ar-ls. Following the luncheon th«* If any considerable number of them There are Waves. 75c. The Beauty Nook. group went to the home of Mrs. a I i H'I m uehol \ delight hi prophesy tiurl themselves from cliffs lu this nel. Milady s Beauty Shoppe ni28p Hagen, where th«' afternoon wa- manner. It appears to tie true ing «ii-asti'r an«l thr«»wuig rol«l wa ter <m p.'op! .' *s happiness, **nt iflaying bridge. Air*. 1 ha rie * however, that the herds of wild ele Other p*'<»; pin look u|M>n it a s. Hal 1 held high scor«'. Th,i» elui» phants huve their own natural cetn ant lfipa t in|‘ vv «' «'titertaiae,! at its next eteries la the swamps or Jungles, to pious to I m * always di-uster. Out of -«»me old heathen 111' ••-ting :«t th,* home of Mr- . Fre»i which the old and weak crawl to -upvr-t tiun handed down to them \ nder-on. die. Some of these places an- fmni their ancestor* th«*v ronreiv u _____ known to the natives of Africa anil of God a- jealous of anv joy t hey are valuable sources of Ivory Th.* LaComus • lub was enter may have, as grudging th«*m any ta in«*d Tu«*—lav afternoon at th«' Other wild animals are said to pleasure, -«» they mask their hap hu»m«* <of Mr*. N. F «ila-*. ndopt this practice of going to par Mr- pine— bv forett'llitig f hr unh.appi 1»; « i -y Dunn of P»>rtland. houM«* tlcular spots to die. Boss that i- boun»l to f«»ll«»H T’»»at lest < »f Air*. A. AA". Kime, wa* a i* a sort of f«*ti-h to war«l «»If th«1 i est. A -hort bu-ine— m ♦•eting kpite «if a malicious (•<»«! In China “Penny” !• Unofficial w : i- he Id ami plan- were ma'de for it i- almost uni v« r ’»I to give annual meeting to l»e held in The term “penny“ has been III child -»»me foolish fiction week*. A social afternoon general use In this country since in order to deceive th«' «leitic w enjoy*-,] and a dainty lun«-h the Revolutionary war. but It has might otherwise work him sonic w a- «erve<l. The color scheme never been the official designation £ mischief. Pessimistic (’h n -1 mn- >e table decoration- wa- yellow of any coin minted In the United have not got very far from the •‘eping with the Ea.-tcr -••a-"» States. It Is and has been a rec heathen ihine-e idea of God. the table hi - attractive with ognlzed coin of Great Britain and Naturally a- men gi«*w older, if >dil* and vellow ba-ket*. the coinage of England was used they* cultivate this mood, it gr«>w In this country for a number of upon thorn until it h l»eeomr* th years after the Revolution, and the t home T Delphian society met of th »•ir nun cr-nt i«»n. use of the term became nn er.tnb dav vening in the library are all inclined tu -urruurid llshed custom at that time and the linu»*d its stu»ly of drama, <*hildhood and youth with a golden name became applied to the cent ¡ng rurrent events, the -i mi-t, through which we cu thing ns It was about the same value Greek comedy wa* takei in a very \ :>r different light Tn.I The first cent* actually minted un Air-. John L. K»*lly wa.* pre from what „..^1 hp -tin them :i der the Constitution appeared in time. i*-*«d«*r. Air-. F E. Mrndeuhall An«l thinking ha«k I 1793. an analysis of the Greek <>w n bovhood wo are prone “Th. Binis.” Mr-. Elbert glorify it and t »» decry an I depr lis.usscd “ Menan l»*r Pin eate the youth of toiiay. Various ‘‘Complexes’* .Mrs. C. C. Cru-on. “The Chai coriMitution and rulli atino w •if N»* h Comedy;“ Mr*. S. The tvord “complex” I m used hj at th»* samp time p •*-ir.iist- I w Godard, th»* Greek comedy. many modern |>sychologi8t« und ai apt to <l«*tr*rior.«t ■ info I habitua Brother*. ’ * leged psychologists to denote H »»l«l croakers, alw.iv pr»*irhing blu group of l'l.'us nmt Lellin.’, which rum an<I and crying •!•» vu the tige i ure mentally associated will, a cer Mr. ar»-l Mr-. Cleo Morelock rn h hich i we live. tain subject For Instance, they tertained the Bona Tempo Bridge This talk al» lit time- being tie would say that Napoleon had » ca«ient and lay. h»>-n This picture has sound, music and natural color Hub at the Colonial rafe la*t Thur- being ram “ conquering complex." L'sually lay evening. Mr-. Ralph Naltsman ¡»ant an<| the - isoln dn‘nr«» of our Admission 10c ami 35c but not always, the Ideas and feel and Air. an«I Mr*, Elmer Noet wen- <*hil<lr»*n i« old. Ik*fo.-e th«* morning additional guests, High score was Ings are supposed to be repressed stars sang togeth r for Abraham * k A |>erson 1« said to huve an “ In held by Mrs. Carl Witte and Jame* benefit it wh * 1» • u>»nv«*iitional G. Dungan. Mr*. Elmer Neet and ferlor complex" when he Inherently talk of the pious a i I grw I. That Wilbur Spray held low score. The Leis himself incapable of doing cer ancient writer invented i no! Ii ing „ Ttie opposite state or new when h»‘ wrote in qu»‘»*r »lag and dainty refreshments were tain things. attitude of rnlnd is termed s Patrick’.* color*. Th»« room i g»*r -happed letters <»n a l»ii< k more decorated with eut flower* i and “superior complex." — Pathfinder than four thousand year- ago the Magazine. f*d plarrt*. words which lea»l thi* article. H*- ju-t wrote »lown what was th • con ventionnl pious talk ol a ial evening followed the 'Lhten, dear, don't mind if they do >ay you’re marrying me group of pious people of th’il business inerting of the for my million^'” Because things were nut Star F'li-lav night. Card- -hould be, hr felt the world • liv»rsion ami Miss Myrtle coming to an end \ •I . soon VV » ¡I I high score for th«* women Questions—50 it has b<*en jogj mp al »ng pretty »field Stewart for th** men. 1— What general was known US well on time ev. r ■ i no »*. Th»* end Jennie Nichols of San Fran was not a* close !- ! *> ibought and •‘Old Fuss and Feather#”? n-l Mr-. Margaret Went it may not be a- « .♦* *ome of 2— What Is rubber? 1 Pennsylvania w»*rc guest*. .’4—Who Is the world’s amateur our friends ••rtairinirnt committer was Religion. :» • I i ihiiri« r- «kntlng champion? 1 . ’.!• J 4— What American woman, who »re not th»1 they used to an»! Mr-. P. I.. Grannis They are east inp them-» Ivo* filed In 1926, had been celebrated I»**. exp >r< - mg for more than a half century for m n«w forms, them Th»* Social Twelve club was en- her work In oil, water colors and -elves in new term is Tiny nrc •rtained last Thur-lay afternoon etching, and who received gr« liter throwing nwuy flu* --Il garment« home of Air-. Herbert rnd taking on n»*w one*. XII that Mr*. Lor» n Hunt and Air*, honors abroad than at home? 5— What two large cities of the »hey fir * mating off i- not outworn, Merryman were additional : United States are not located on But on the whole th»' gains are A short busin»** N meeting istly greiitor than ihc 1» Important waterways? . And as h»*ld an»I a pleasant social af- 6— What British cities are the ■ 1» spiff« t>f all the l».iili* ,*iii.| strug moon -pent with nredlr gle, th»* testing an I turiimil we nr< leadh 2 «• nters for the manufu<* work laintv two course lunch frti.-siiig through, let ti rure of sii el? Spring flow ers 7— '«. '• it British poet was the day in which v.•• leeora I ion-. drowned while sailing near Leg not I'mdor t ho time horn, Italy? ourselves have ma»le. rtain<*»l 8— Whfit was the first dally rn ws I»*t ii - repent joyously bi rt Iida v din n»r. paper in the United States? “Thou wilt keep Hi n honoring Mr Lloytl A rincs of Eu 9— What Is t' »• salary of the pence, ene and Mr. Arnie.* on their birth- speaker of the h< u «• of repre* enia Whose mind is staye»l •i ’ll a y a n n Those present lives? ere Mr J Joy < I Armes, 1G What Is the lime from 1"» Farmers Orde T ir Mr. and rs. Norval Armes an»! moon to new moon? Hix farmer* of th ' d ’ ige Grove Airs. Al Richmond of Eugen* district have or»l r» ■ a carload RICHARD DORIS and the W. Arrues family. -hipmen t of 31 »• i, •a i nil u ml Answers—50 — lime to be deli1 . from the state 1 — Gen. Whdield Scott. ' '1 'he La Alercredi Pont club wa- lime plant nt Salem. The order- 2— The couguhited sap of rerftiln <IAOVI aosesr orst.-r eiit«*itaiiK'd W»*»ln»*stlnv of last week were placed through the county trees arid phi til s at tin* homo of Miss N»*ll Bu-hell. iigent by W. S. Averill, ln*truetor 3— < hai l»*.- Goi inaii of Si Jolin's Ali-- \'iola St ratin was an adtlition tn the agricultural department of N. B. al gue-t. Th»* afternoon was spent the high school. STANLEY TAYLOR-VERA LEWIS 4— Mary < hn aft. playing bri-lgc and Mr-. Helen «ROM TH« GREAT STAGE SUCCEES 5— In<llanapolls and Columbus. Whitlock held high score, Grand Master to Visit. 0— Birmingham and Glasgow. ty luncheon was Mcrvcfl. Fred J. M»*indl of Salem, grand 7— Percy Bysshe Shelley. master of the Oregon I <). O. F, 8— Pennsylvania Packet and will pay an official visit to the Airs, George Matthews will en Adaptation fcy ADDISON BURKHART and MURRAY'ROTH Daily Advertiser — Philadelphia lo<n I lodge Saturday night and tertuin her Sunday school class oi 1784. ffimilio* and friend* of Odd Fellow' tin* Pr»*sbyterian church Saturday e- Fifteen tbousund dolhir». Directed by member* are invited to attend •tth'rnoon with an Ulster egg hunt. 10 29 day«, 12 hours, 44 :UG mln Delegation- from Elkton, Drain arid —. utes. Creswell will I m * here for the meet The Tuosduy Bridge club will be ing. entertained with a I o’clock lunch- Citizens and Laws eon Tuesday a ft »Trioon by Mrs. F L. Grannis. Every town han Home c-ltizeus Uncle Eben When You Meet the Home Town Bunch You’ll ilk»* some law». They won’t work, - < - "De world Is round," said Uncle and nobody respects them, but they Eben, "an' science tells its It whirls SEE and HEAR Them, Too! The Royal Neighbor* held an in vitntional dance last night in T. O. live on because iobody has the en mighty fust. We might ns well con O. F. hall. Pie ami eoffeo were ergy to kill them.—San Francisco Sider Oifrselves lucky dnt none rd Admission 10c and 50c - -LI ail a grab bag was a feature. Chronicle. us slips off." IViislilngtou Star. I VENEER FACTORY WILL LOCATE AT SPRINGFIELD Going Out of Business The W i II hih ' II« \ all« v \ i <- paiiv ha- t«nm un«*ed that il «vili estitblisk a plnnt on Hpriiiglir|«l’- Work will -tart industriai traci, at «tuet» upoii Ih. fir-1 unit, w In. h ÿ.Bl.Othl mid w dl will cosi nbuiit in«'lu<lt< a mani Imilding, <b» bv lito l«'«'l m -tt«', an«l drviiig -h«*d- ‘.'»-»'O l.'i'l h»itg and 14 feci wi«le I \ p. rls al Oregon Stale X^rirultui al eolleg«» are «eeking t«» det«'rmui' Ih«' ht'd t v p<» of «Irving kiiti tot thi- plaut. and vvhen lluùr w<>il* i- « «mipl«‘tt' the « «»lisiru« ti«'ti <»l ili«1 ktln- vv ili start. It i- expevle«l timi loti men w ili b<> gì veti einphiy m«*ii« Take Advantage of Our Going Out of Business Prices All Paint anil Varnish Suhl »I C«*1* l,n<* Baseball Goods $1 lb $1 30 $2 2b »List. 13.20 Musk $■’ Ml tn $3 bO Bas> l>all 1 niini Ills l».r sill! $1 40 , « a* h Bai Sllll'U. 1' Lollis, ill' Hulls lias, ball 1 niini ins Slnlni" I’ll' Shill tiuai.ls und GI..V. , .<1 all killils al »¡"iilK Olli <>l II iis I ikss I’l'i.'.s tlaly Week Seivicea Continue Largi uiiiubt'r- ure attending the Holy week !*er\ice* bring held at (hr ’ l*rv*by tvrinn church I’n-toi Dunenn I* Cnineron will preach to night on *‘,l»‘*u* m Communion** “ ,le- <i. in ami Fndav night on ■Agony.' ’ \ communion *erx ice will follow the Friday* meriing ln*t Pastor I ‘nmerou pnmehed night on ’ ■ .1» -n- m Retiremrnt, ’ * -lutwing (hut pinyrr, meditation, ciurag«* and faith nr»* nece-*Mry m a Christ inn '* hi«'. Vitsi StaUstli-s if it weren't fur Ito' linde groom, ci.-rv ne.Ming would 1 11 lu.n fur 1lilnx ■ for \ $ I tai 1 •'ii libT ’s \ *3 .<1 1 'n I4i r's \ *1 tai « 'nt.'lut's \ X, tai < 'ati'lu i 's I V KI I*. Nl I'lSIIIXi; 1 W KKK $2 00 lbc to bOo Bridge Lamp», each Axe Hamlle i from 511 A. BRUNI) M AIN S I K I E I Use 3* <> of your gross receipts lor advertising land increase the volume of your business 10‘/<. ARCADE THEATRE Friday-Saturday, March 29-30 F Solin' say this means an early spring. We don’t know . Some things it <l<>> s mean, however, ure new elothes, new bonnets and—a big tliniier. Ibis vt'iir the Safe way Man — beenu.se of increased facilities can serve yon better and more < eononi icnlly than ever The quality of everythin-; is, of course, guaranteed by the ARCADE THEATRE Sun.-Mon.-Tues., March 31, April 1-2 ■ For Week Ending Sat., March 30, 1929 Do You Know? Maximum Corn « a tiobl Xu 2 litis ul’ Fancy Hold cn corn. 2 en»» 35c ? al cutis 39c Pini jur Rice Crispies or Pep St ill'll d nr * I ri i n. 2 t»»r bill ties Salad Oil Shrimp Mir imin.i Maximum tall eatis. Limit for I 1 uns Chili Sauce ( Cheese A tasty lull ituiiii vlirisr. En ch Pound Bananas Oranges Hams Eitah'i* Having. Pound l.mcy Pi ns 2 (J iiii , l Milk 25c I l''aliey dry |>ai'k limns lit n r- Stvrrl and juicy. Hull' nr whoh' Â dozen Í * lins Olives 35c 2 l \o. 2’ o tins of slightly finest liltiltill slicrs. Fancy uhi!»’ tips MCWADE BROCKWELL EDESON BRYAN FOY Medal, tin' Asparagus 2 Pineapple Mayonnaise BEMKETT KENYON GEORGE M.COHAN Í West s largest food concern AND THEN THE FUN BEGAN THE HOME TOWNERf his Year Easter Is Early 25c