P ag » rnm Mrs. Jennie Nichols of Han Fran ci«ruf Cal , and Mr" Margaret Went Pa , ar*1 worth of Coudersport. « guests al th*» <). L. Nichols horn»' and Gulbraii»«*n New Kiinltall piano« for »ala. Tim*’ or cash On A pet an*l hobby «h»»w in which exhibit nt Chestnut Transfer com all children of th«* city may innk Palm Sunday. Cottage Grove. Laruway entri*** is ¡»hinm-«l for Kntur»luy loHtfc M imic Htofe, Lugcm*, Or»' mghl in the I.»'bow huil’ling by Il A. M Slilij* *1. ’ Jl'MllN in Tl ilinipll " Th»* N»'l*»»n Motor roinpnny m »I»I boy tiuut troop No. I ». Proceed« 7 30 I' VI ‘ * Till* I >• Mi’l trr ’ * Ilmi iin you liki- ib aeri a Whippet nadan to Willmm M from the «how will b«* u«e»l for Funk <»f Bia» k Butt»* laat w«** k. Mcout work. All entries must b«* t-rsf Ilmi* Hu up . hiipi * illunii Iliis uni- nini hi’. Miss Irani’ Grigg« and Lloyd made by noon Hntur»hiy Duncan I' rulli l ibili ion Griggs, studt’flta at (>. A. <’., nre (’arneron, troop rommittermnn, nnd lo \ \l Sunday Schoo. \ rliiHN i«>r rwryoii«* «¡»«'lullng spring v'ii»nfi«»n with their K D Raker, ur<* m chnrg»* of th- pnrrnt*, Mr. un i Mr« II B G*»gg* show lì 3 • I' 'I Junior iiiid S< nior Emli-avoi uumber of boys und girl« of Eaater Week Special, March th«* A city have signifie»! th* ir inten 25 to 30, inclumvu. Finger timi m entering tl»»-ir ¡»et« <»r hob wuve 59c, Hhiimpoo mid linger bic (in»* boy will enter u trained Heveral 'log*, rat«, rnb wave, 75o. Miliuly'a Beauty rou*li*r. bits, pigeous und chicken* will b** Shoppe ent**rr»l. In th»' Imbby ria«« tamp col! •*• Floyrcg<»n s|'r»au vacntinn, came to Idaha and en*i Fur *nlv, new piano»«, moil» rate on in 1865 it nd to Cottage price«, time nnyments. Can I»»- ***-n lhl»2. Hi* Is m \ I v*‘ visit li»*r** with her *isl**r, ent« und one «' ougar w»*r»* ro»l *mlr to te* lu’t.l Mr* <> I Wednesday al the county »•l» , rk *s Wo City was I P« aker nt the Lion* >li»’ has l»»'**n •’tudymg in l 2ftr on sal«» Hnturdnv 9 n. in V»»ii" Main P»«w**l| Furniture company. »n this n. <«r»»m Mr« u it Juhaaton J Ir. conilucted by Hugh Rossau for th- the r**rommeu«latious of that com­ Mr«. M tr«h smtill son, U II Johnston I III, « Gr*»nt vi*it»*«t I u* - day. further a> I in finding money for or I «luy with frien-is m Yoncalla. **»n l.hlir will return to Meh ! A flu«* fire ut the huiur of Mr- the appropriation carried by •I k - with them for n visit (nittlriv'l Graber ma t»- s l»u*»n«-«s Ella Tiller on west Main street did bill. «light »Inmage to th«* roof Friday trip to I ugerin I hur««lay. I.ORANE Nun Warren visit«’«! Ntimlay with forenoon. The fir»- department i»* hi« little -Iniightrr Margaret in De spomlrd to th«* call- l.ittl»* diffirul ty was encountered hi extinguish ug ( spr. ial tu IL» Menlint-I.) light valley. tn«* bins«*. Mr. und Mrs. “Bud” March W. ■ I tn- pirtur«« of Community Men Mitchell left by auto last .Saturday that guei out from the A read«* ■ for Ht Louis, A!*». ■ theater Nunday morning will t»- who is Miss Lucille Addison, togg«*r nml better with you m it. Make Your Dates ' teaching * chool at Goble, spec the ; Th«- county bounty on one bob for the week end with her parent«, Mr rat wn« collected Tuesday at I IO­ i mid Mrs. E. H. Addison. county clerk’s office by P. A NI. Mr. nn ! Mr.«. McGIaugblm of Kay <>f Disston. liubbnr»! «¡»«•nt the werk «'n I at I ■ Mrs. Mr i th«* C. L. Blosser home. N. E H’Kivrr of Albany visited 9 Glnughlin is a sister of Mr. Bios Tuesday at the F. C. H««u*vr ho.iiv ser. on hi« r*(rrn from Roseburg. M if . Mrs. Agne« Brightman, li orne Houser acconipaoieil him to A Hm n y ■ meet i di'iiKiUAt ru t ion agent, will Tuesday and returned home Wi I fl with th»* women of Lorane next ¡ nrnday. BURTON ORCHESTRA j I hurs'lay at th»* Christian church. Get your film« »levoloped ;i* lV-.il Jazz and Vaudeville » M illinery will I»»» taki’o up at this Mendenhall’s. m!4 21»’ ’ nie«*ting. Mins Brightninn will hold i I It Morri*, deputy rminty ti*-«-- n »eri»*« of inerting« at Lorane. Sponsored l»y the •or f»»r Cottage Grove, wn« •: ;h»-i Mcnfcnhnll frames picture« Mr*. Ethel Lynch ha« gon«‘ tu American Legion Auxiliary county *.i«M ’ ssor ’ « office in I ug»-m- Priiirvilla t«> I»«* with her sister, .M r« Homer I prr«on and Imbv Tuesday on bu*iti«*s« conncctr»! with Mi«« Ebtorn Dnmewond, who i* Admission. $1 (HI Me.lford arrive l W ettnrsiiny l•* hi« office. ill. Mi«« Daniels’M»d is teaching t.|M'r*«»n * *1« »l«it w»fh Mr- Spectators, 25c school then*. J*-«« h » \ Hrharfrr hu* l>e«*n up M rn. Il A tlngen Mr«. Taylor of »Heattlc, Wash, Come! ¡»muted ndmintstrntor of th»* e«l:it»' A mnrringr lirrnse wn* i*«i visited last week nt the home of r i u- .11 la A M1 boj Th ■ ' * Friday tu iiarol i M. « u< .J I n sister, Mrs. E. S. Addison. ntii»»uut < to $*JtMH> in real prop* rt v city and (iwemda Elaine G»dl Mi«« Audrey Wentworth of Eu Hid $I1(H) in personal prup*rty. Ap II arrisburg praiser* of th»* ewtate ire O. (>. I be picture of < oniniun’’; Men gene is. n guest of nn mint, Mr- Victrola to trade for wood \ catch, Roy Hhmt and J«»»* Smi.li that goes out froiy the Arcade William Moor«1 Mi«« Beth Bn i lev mid Mr. and Hurry up! Nelion Electric Hunday morning w.l! lie Easter Week Special, March theater Cottage Mrs. Virgil Gowdv of C ‘ „ l»igg«*r and better with you in it Shop. 25 to 30, inclusive. Finger Gordon White, student nt Cni Grove att»*n»l<*,l n high school dance Mr*. C I. Frost drove to Halvin hen* ln«t Saturday evening. is spending Mou «1 • n I the «¡»ring vacation her«* wit* pointe»| administrator <>f the .-«»al»* of popular songs nt Mendenhall's family at th»* Addison sawmill. Woiin'ii of the aid society a ...... ill his parents, Mr. and Mrs A. A of Frank J Alatott. Appraiser« of Jewelry and Picture store, 25c, five for 11.00. nil4 21c give ii program next Saturday eve Richmond. th»* «’stilt«* ar«» John Durham, Ohv«*r ire and Mr. nnd Mrs. I). H. Hemcnw-iy ning, after which pies A fine sewing niftchinr for sale Veatch and E. C. Lockwood. returned Inst Thursday night from crrnin will be sold. ill corner Fifth and Mum. Powell Arnest writes Ins., any kind. Mr. an»l Mrs. C. L. Blosser en­ a visit in Portlnnd with their chil A marriage license was i»o»uc«| Mrs. Earl Ishmael nnd Mrs. Fred They were accouipsnied lioim tertained with n dinner last Sun Monday to Cuthbert A. Crites of lb’tini «»f Portland spent the week «Iren «lay, the occasion being the birth bv their grandson, Michael Mad fins city and Lola Burnett of Dram. »•nd with their parents, Mr. and den. •lay anniversary of Roy Foster, Mr and Mr« Roy Romaine nnd Mrs E. <’ Mhay. Mrs. --- Blosser. Roy was uncle of ------ ---------------- ------ j Oregon Fire Relief Arnest A gey. given ii big birthday cake decorated «pen daughter Betty of Portland «pent A Neon sign tin* l»ren installed Omar Hoskins, student at t'ni with * * — — the week end at the home of f Mr shamrocks. Daffodils and at the Motor hin servier «tntion on *pending ferns were table decoration*. The Romaine’« parents, Dr. nti»l Mr versify of Oregon, is south Fifth street. spring vHcation with hi* parent*«, following guest« were present: Mr. A. W K i in r the picture of Community M»;t Mr. nnd Mr«. C. F. Hoskins. nnd Mr«. McGInugliliu of Hubbard, Cecil Arnie« wn« initiate«! ttiv Arcade that go*'« out troni D*’M'‘l»*y ru’ '*'lav night in I dg* n<- the picture of Communi»y Community M»»n \i r ’I n i Mrs. Murtin Foster and theater Hunday morning will be that goes out from Arcade son Hnr«»ld. Roy Foster and Mr. the bigger and b»'tt«*r with you in it. morning thealer Sunday wid be and Mr«. Bloss«*r. Robert Blncknior«* is npcoding n lugger ainl tiettcr with you in it. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma.« Power« wen* Eugene visitors Saturdav. week at Blnrk Butt«* nt th«» home Hll»«*rt Bede attcn«le»l the Port of his *ist»*r, Mrs. William J. I'unk Inml Press club hi jinx in Port Mrs. Hetty Kimbnll mid I «on* land last night. He wn« nccom Through a Gia«« Darkly l.mivl and Gal«» mid Mr«. Bosnie ¡»allied from Corvallis by C. E. In I have ren«l of a gins« kept In an Kimball mid son Kendall, all ot gall«, editor of that city. Idol temple In Smyrna flint would Trent. *,»»'iit part of ln«f wer| k Vl«it- ! On«' lot crystal glassware consist tnuke beautiful tilings appear de mg Dr. mid Mr«, ('laud»* Kime and 1 ing of mixing bowl«, sugar bowl«, formed, and deformed tilings ap < h«*strr \Vh»*eler etc. Your pear l»«*anttful; carnal sense Is such creamers, candy jnrs, .«teel range, choice IH c . On sale nt 9 a. m. Mat Almost new nil a glass to wicked men, it make* llltN Xi’Vi'l* |h*rll I Hi'il while <*1111111**1, and guaranteed or unlay lit The Fair. heavenly things which are beautiful money bark nt corner Fit th nnd K<«» I Remington Portable 1*hi’ three net play, ’’The (’nil of Wohelo, ” given Friday night 1» the Campfire girl*, wn« w»*|| nt ten»le«l nnd high prhiso wn« given th** work of th**«** tnking part Th** story of the piny i« *< ntere I nround a city girl who »1 first do« * not fit in with the teaching of th** Campfire group nnd of th»* benefits she derives from th*' Canripfir** tear hi ng«. A summer ramp of th • (iris ia the setting of th«* play. To **|p the girls with nature study th«* guardian brings nn Indian girl to teach them. Th** *nmp mon**y in stolen and the Indian girl is n<- cuned. The Indian girl turns out to be an American and the money wa, taken by th»* treasurer who was so worried over th«* rar«* of the money, that she walk«* in her sleep and hides th** fund«. Tn** final act of the play was a regular council fire of th** grou; and the work of the Campfire wn exemplified. Th«* «tag»- setting wn attractive with greens and bough to represent a woodland »eene. The work of the girls taking par wan highly praised, each one ,» b tering into the npirit of her part. Especial praise was given Jean Hhort, who took the difficult par* of the city girl Sylvia. Others *n Meranla, the cast were Eunice Minnie Hendrickson, E> •lyn Coiner, Ma ne Cooley, Bonita Schoen Ellen Towne, Erma Bennett, June Whe er an»T Dorothy Baldwin. The Research club sponsored t play. Mrs. John L. Kelly an I Mr C. W. Beatty directed the play and wer»* assist«*»! by Mr.« Alic«* Miller and .Mr«. Worth Harvey. At the close of the play the flower* to Mr« Beattv Kelly. A feature »lance was given Baldwin Erma Bennett, Dorothy Ellen Town ami Eunice Me ran da Bonita Schoen and Dorothy Bald win played a duet and other rnuei- *-a| number« were given be!w*»-n arts. Legson Bodies Attend Dedication. The American Legion drum corps and members of the Legion Hn»l the \merican Legion auxiliary attende»! the dedication of the new veterans’ hospital in Portland Monday. In addition to the drum corps those making the trip were Mr. and Mr«. George Matthesw, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Dr. and Mrs. VV. E. Lebow. Mr. anti Mrs. Max Bird, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Grannis, Rev. Duncan P. Cam cron, state chaplain of the Ameri­ than Legion, and Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Nelson. The drum corps took part in the parade in the forenoon. The post commander and adjutant, F. L. Grannis and Jack Miller, attende! a meeting of commanders and ad­ jutants of the state and the presi­ dent and secretary of the auxiliary, Mrs. Max .. Bird and Mrs. W. E. .......................................... Lebuw, attended a meeting with de- partment officers. Milk Is Lecture Subject. Dr. C. V. Copson, head of the de part meat of bacteriology at Oregon State Agricultural college, was the speaker last night at the third of a scries of public lectures l»eing sponsored by Calvin Funk post of the American Legion. The production ami handling of raw’ milk was discussed in detail by the speaker, who has for years been city milk inspector at Corval­ lis. He is an authority on milk sanitation. O. S. Fletcher. Lano county agent, accompanied nini. The fourth lecture of the series will be March 27 at N p. m. in the city hall nnd Profp»««»r A. G. Lunn, head of the poultry department of O. A. C.. will discuss brooding of chicks and care of pullets until the laying period. Walker Win.*; from Tilanglo Lake. Th»1 Walker Athl«‘tu* chib »lc fentrd the Triangle Lake basket ball team 26 to 17 Wednesday night on th»» Triangle Lake floor. The lineup follows: W’alkor (26) * T “ ’isngle T.nke (171 H. Wolfard. 12 F............ I 5, Hu I hurt II. Benston, 8 . F................. fi. Miller Porter, 2 .......... C........... 3, I, Dysinger L. Wolfanl . G 3, G. Wlternfl Dn vis Morgan G.. Earl, 2 .............. H............... Witcraft Heott. 2 .............. H H. Benston ...... H Nixon ................... H A system lias been evolved which makes It possible for Chinese to read their own langunge after be coming familiar with only I.OUli characters. Formerly, for any de gree of literacy, n knowledge of the ■40,000 characters of the Chinese language was necessary. girl, Grace Wilson; Reba Willis, Mary’s roommate, Mildred Bennett; Mi.« Morgan, *!ean of women, Mar garet Leonard; Forest Mprnrer, a popular lr»y, Donald Ht. rk; Chester Hinith, a college b**v, <’h *t«*r Alko; George Raymond, brothe, ■7 Gladys, ( Jrville Hodgson; Ralph Holmes, a college boy, Richard Mt irk; > Frank ■ : : : Brown, a boy from Mt. Louis, Wen dell Spriggs. In a«*l • Thrasher; Lorena Htoekton, a college girl, Esther Allen; Gladys Raymond, a college girl, Florence Leonard; Bonita Burns, a eollege girl, Anna Carter; Pauline Heott, a college NOTICE. Those indebted to Pacific Wood Yard ZO. S. Roundsville, owner) will please call at once and make settlement. I. B MORRIS. 302 Main Ht., Administrator in II 11> k»>un !.,1.- 1 .-*■•1 * ■• Yew Spring Dresses Specially Priced at ‘1&Ö CoatSy Suits and Ensembles s12 95 to 519 ;s Your Easter Hat Is Here at or 5 $ NOTICE. Bchool District No. 05 Latham, Ore., calls for bids for 50 tier« 16- inch old growth body fir wood to be delivered at »aid school house not later than Heptember 1, 1929. Bids must be sent to clerk before March 28. »7 28c J. E. McCALU Clerk. THE TOGGERY SHOP Mrs. O. M. Miller, Prop ■■■■■■>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■>■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ LADY FOUND DEAD! DEAD pleased to find that work done by the Sellable Cleaners of Cottage Grove is as good if not superior to work done in Eugene. Keep Cottage Grove money in Cottage Grove. Your patronage appretl ated. We call for and deliver RELIABLE CLEANERS More than 100 were in etten »lance, The nt-zt monthly dinner will be held shout the middle of April. Call» for Good Memory Alaska’» Floral Emblem Bv nn net of the Alnakun login lature, approved In IDIT, the wild native forget-me-not la the terri torini mid florid emblem of Alaakii Forty three books w**re added to th** library «helve* during th«* peal month Two book« were given the library, six were added to the pay shelf, two popular non fiction book* wen added, 13 children’« hooka were bought and 20 book«, consist­ ing of reprint* of popular fiction and of replacement m for worn out copi* s On the shrive«, were added. ’’The Passing of th** Recitation” by Thayer was given th»* library by .Miss Lula (’urrln. Thia is a bo»»k on e'lucution and is one of tlie books on the *tate rourne of study f»»r high school teachers. Mr«. Adrian Merryman gave th* library I Ho(»kin«on Hmith’s la«t book, “Enoch <’rane.*r The bo»»k was plann«*»l an I started by the author and was completed by F. Berkeley Smith Addition* to th«* seven »lay ¡»ay shelf ur»-: “Blind Mun’s Buff” by Lyn »le; “Guy Cockade“ by Temple Bailey, who ha» written n number of popular novels of prvs«-nt day times; “House Without u Key” by Enrl l>«'»r Biggers, a murder myst»-ry story, featuring H»gg**rS popular character, Charlie ('han; “A Lunti-rn in Here Han1»«* E»*g ’ ' by Walter are tw.» popular non fiction books. B»»lh «ivsrnbe odd are of travel und of th'* places ami show places world, Tb<* book by Walter »les rribi-s :i trip aroumi the world by a one li*gge»| man. Hix of the .Mother West Wind .«cries and 5 of the Bedtime Stories series, ail •'/ Burgess, have be» n shelves. added to the children’a “ Las! of the Great Scouts” by Wetmore, with an introduction ___________ _ by ..z Zant Gr> y, a !,f»- of Buffalo BiU, and “On to Oregon” by Morrow, | a pioneer story, are two book« for ol'li-r children. Heventy *ix more books wer*» loaned jii January than in Febru ary, a comparison of the library re­ port* for the two months «hows. In January 1542 books were loaned and m February 1466. The Janu­ ary r»-j»ort follows: Adult fiction. 926; ftilult non fiction, 90; chil dr»-n’« fiction, 367; children’s non fiction, 162; borrowers’ cards is­ sued, 31; borrowers’ curds canceled, I*»; total number of borrowers, 979. Th»- February report follows: Adult fieti- n, 9»»7; adult non fiction, 110; children’s fiction, I, 306; children’s non fiction, 143 J borrowers’ earls i«su«*»I. 25; borrower»’ card» can eeled, 11; total number of bor row cm , 993. CAMPFIRE GIRLS PLAY 18 DECLARED SUCCESS 824 W. Main. Phone 44. WANTED Used Furniture HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Powell Furniture Company Going Out of Business Paint at Cost and Below Cost Take advantage of the “Going Out of Busint