T11U KHI IA Y, MAKI'II the HUI H. .Xlendeiihall frames pictures. Mrs. Doria Norris of R»*no, N"V , in i'vprrte»l her«' the la I of tlo w»’«'k for a visit with h«*r pm» o’ Mi ...I Mi 1 n < .i Ip better th Mi- «h.playe.L Eider Noveltie, nt Tile 1' r f Mi»« XI.» i $ eletti« return' d XX« i «day m< <1 h« r«’ n I! . Vichóla to Inule for Hurry up! Nelson 1 Bbop 41 Hi f Bll*« ti rn«h On sfer rotn I .a ra w a y m 141 fr Ilurkhu and her Mr. I.) Stouffer, lit III" w end her»*, down ti tenu t Iit­ tn it mg i rl 'hv nlgfit, ii«*n Mr* Ntuulfer I hey rvlurnetj tu h f teril'HjB, HeC'tlll Mr« < 'larn Burkhohler, h lid a few wer kn WlG. XI Mr mi.I I.r «•am«' here Nfth'tn \\ . t«»u, ( »kin , Ml fll«"l M i »«»n farm XI Muu«» i« n I •1 Mnlhi> £ K«. chickens, ducks, hens Mu-tr |o It« » II and all the new novelties nt of popular Jr P The Fair. for fl »"i I 2 Mr mid Mr- D H >u< Mr< Bi ■h mutui« i l«> p«»rtlmri«l was her»» Saturday to attend the nt the homes of tli«*i Xlic Xt 11 « \pv< t. «I t<» return funeritl of lv r uuni, M ■ of the week XI rn llts.l' f I X B,»j potiti'! *«»n wav i burn Natur I II I* .Mrs. I.tiri'ii «luv night to Mr. niid « II Harvey. F»»r Mil«», n«'w piano«, moderate ! r • L ' I ■ X r n. . * prices, Dm»’ | pnvmctiK Can be A»*en arene«’ Boyd an«l dnu nt Chestnut Trnn«f«'r company. Cot r«l relurn«*d tu their tug«» Grove. Larnwav Xlu»ir St»»re after a few Jays’ Eugene. Ore mUtfe mui Boyd's par«*iiis, Mr Mr Ella Devereaux of I ig«'nc, irle« Brown, and Mr I .an«* county pr« ■'Kli'ii* «»f tin- XX C it her, N W Huvi, V» h«> i» t r WH* a f newt Wed neiwfay ol { from a «were attack of last ix eek «if XIr - N I. Compton Ib * f hi XI r Box «I is able to b- Mr* I h'x erenu x was r< turning t«» up nt h«n ne part of th«’ lino* her home from Roseburg, vv here *he The Tent Dweller».*' hi*;h ha»l ■itt.ndvd n XX « I « KCllOol auditorium 3;«turJay \ etitli'li •f Lune, Lum and Douglas count ICA e velin.;, 50 25c. 50 25c. Ticket» nt Kelly s Drili; Store inl4t> Claude Nhermmi mad«« I n* k n, i ''il , !:i«t Tilin *«l tnirklond oi fiirtiifur«* trip to with a I M family City Mr \\ . I \ . t r u « •■ . ..un. . t. .I xx ill« th-- Itu. k nr «tur»» in tin* ci tv. It New fancy colored dishes nt The Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Charles .1» |«ft Sunday for Santa where !h«'y will locate, holder »'Xpert« to nrrept »»fler«'«! him in a store in ••rn city. Xu n. (’til., Mr. Burk It p«lH|t|Oli th" HSHlth Friday and Saturday Grocery Savings 10 lbs sii ,.ir 35c parka e Allur's pancake flour Two 15c package*! diredded wheat 4 ]b< Snowdiift Broom, light weight Cat Kde wax paper Super Sudi. I rge package Standard coni, 2 for !• lb ick lolled oats Can ly bat a, your choice, 3 for Royal Club peaches, can Cake flour, packar.e 75c can chicken bone candy Fiedi eggs, medium size, dozen See I pctatne.i, extra nice, lb. Smith-Short Grocery CARTS BEFORE HORSES? llou many <>f .von ar>' tniii'.; fo work flic cart lit'fttrr llif horse in your I'iiiaiirial allairs ' Many nro t'lirainil in wilihat ■-1 ><■<■ 111 a l i. ■ 11 and arc throwing tin it- uioins nwny <>n liu' nth it-t1 ol iiniiil'oriiii'd nii I i siii . n Many art tryiii" to '■ < I ■ i<-h < 111 it-k " without any of f he sound, slrady I'iiuiiicial li.ai-kgrouiid which all inl'ornicd in vcrlnicnt mm know is ucrissiiry. Arc you putting the cart In lore flic hors. Th. inexperienced should ret the mlvice of the ex pi i ¡cured l>.tor.' makiii" invest mints uilli which they are nut familiar. The First National Bank Of Cottage Grove Capital, $50,000 Kenneth Horn, teacher in junior high *• li»»«»l, was i«l»s»»nt X «luv on u«'«'»»unt of tli«' •l••ttlh • -11< ii 11 a* h«'i, John ('«»<»k of J .• I ng li.ii«' r«*4idenl m the l.u| xiemilv, who «!•••«! Matur«lny. ('Imide Kmi«’ substitute«! for Horn. Figiin* control bii «I rorr»'«*t f dation fir-l rub« uf w«dl «!»' worn« ii . All garments seii nlifi« | «(»«signed for iiidi vidua I r»*»| iiirnts. Mrs E <* Mhay, r»*»i eorsetierr, 32 Mfiturduy nflrrnoon. Th«* »»•or»' ww> tiril s«'V»*rul linn'» » IhioughoUt Hi»* giimr iih'l »«oiy io th« lust frw minutrs of pixy »h I I'lilumouk 'hulk up it* winning miHgiD M«mb»*rs of tin* garng t«*Hi»i w*r»* < 1» di* Hwnuson, D I' Miller, XI Mhuf*lull, Wrii'h'li ‘ '»ch run, Wnri«'n Oliver, Millig*«ii ¡in « I, iiiiiii » ii «. I'h«’ loefti» lost th« tr last garni* of th»’ *«*n»d"h«h-r. it tn«*>l Natiiidav I«» | i « t horn»* II» (Hp«>«lal to th« M«iitiri«’l ) m r«h'«'ii, Wush. March 12. W. L. Tuwm*en : 4’» « nt thr with Grov* spent the w»*ek end m!4p Dolly New ton. Munday X udì* v Ib li I • r (•■ and XI i Th. Hubert i uing family mov«'»l d to th«»ir lioiio- in Klamath into the < '»'<-¡1 G«*« t bou*v Sundny. Thursday night Th»*y Iti at Mr Fry of Cottag«' Cuttag** Grov«' Gruve move«! call«* I h« r«* l»v th«* diti»-*** mid iii«* b«iu*« tmld good* for Mr. Lwmg R« -lifer *» fat her uf XI e« Mr- L. R. Wi. I’. Will*, xx ho had been uf their -p«*udmg a few we«*k* with a «laugh to attend th«* funeral mother, to their bum«*» in Salm ter, Mr-. Albert Noth in Nalem, re Friday. turne«| home Thursday. Mr». W. T. Jones is making irn 42 piece dinner sets, new lot prov«*ment» on some of her house Call and see our special bar this week. gain at The Fair. Alfred Newton mad»* a trip to Ld A. Keit/er. merhnnie for th«* Shoestring Sunday. N«*|»«m .Motor ««»mpanv, «u»tainv«l Miss Dorothy Funk of Black injurie» to his abdomen arveriil Butte spent Tuesday I night HU I «lay» ago when nn «*h»«'tric «lull Wedne»day with Mr», Joe Brook with which he hmm working *hppe ' hart: Mr. ami Mrs .lames V and gougeil him. Otte fing«*r wit» son of camp A motored to Eugene also injured. New dress goods at The Fair Saturday. Seth Huston’» »on is recovering lx D Raker, »rout master for from pneumonia. 111*» »«•out troop No. !•», wa» plensantlx Jack (‘berry has resumed surprised I n* - lux night when h»' work at the Woodanl mill. xx'«. present«'«! a sut»stantial pur*«' Th«* Henry Hess family is inox l»v parents of boy» in hi» troop mg to th»* Julian Small houae. celo xx ho x\i-h«- show their appre Mrs. Alexandria Lyons brated her sixty "ixth birthday an nation of w lint mversary Sunday, entertaiuin^ th« tor their Loys. M r. i n ml Mr*. Dick Nturgrs ftrv C. H. W«»ods family at a (’» o clock v isit ing * several » I •* V W fit M«’«lford, dinner. Mr» William Thorn of Drain ha«l XX h«TV 1 .Mr. Sturges’ mother 1« sen th«» misfortum* to fall one day la-t ously ill. week and injure a hip. She w as Mr an«l Mrs. W. J. Funk ot moved to the John Thorn home and Black Hull" spent Wednesday eve Mr* Fliorn and daughter Hazel arc nitig xx ith Mr«, Futik > parent*, Mr nursing her. au.l Mr* (> W Blackmore. Mr* Elves Kelly spent Monday Mr. and Mrs. J <»«• McKibben re with Mrs. H u I ht ! Ewing. turne«| home N uik I nv fr«»m Port lan«l, Th«' John Small family spent Sun xx to r«' Mr». M« Kibb«'ii ha.l had b«'«'ii •lay nt the Vinal Randall horn»* near visiting for several weeks w«'«'k* with a Cuttag«' Grove, th«» occasion being 'i*t« r an«! nl-«» with Mr. M« Ixihln'ii Mr. I,«»weir» Birthday anniversary. Mr. Powell is making his horn» at N«'w Em. Mrs All«*«' Ki<*lim«»nd of Eugen»' with his daughter, Mr*. Randall, i* xi-iting al lh«» h«»m»'* of a «laugh while Mrs. Powell i* «'onxalescmg Th«' item of last week saying W. ter and s«»n, Mr*. E. W. Arnie» an I baby T. J«»n«'s had bought 8(H> \. A. Rirhmiiiid. chick«, was an error. William Live Members of boy *c«»ut troop No lv was th«' purchaser. Is met Mondiiy night at the home of Fre«| Bosley, asnistant ««•out ma.« MOUNT VIEW. ter. They will meet there ■ t roop next Monday night. Th«» (Special to the Sentinel.) iite«'f* regularly at tin* Methodist March 13.—Mr. and Mrs. Beu chiir« h but rex ix al meeting*» are I»«* mg hebl th«'r<» thi« week hih I next. Pitcher of Disston spent Sunday Mr. nn.I Mr*. F. C. Bradley ot with Mr. and Mrs. George I.ay ng Mrs. ('lay ton Lusby and baby Michigan ar«» spemling *«xer:il «Invs her«* Mr. Bra»iley, xxlio is a stock daughter, who had been visiting Imbler in th«' W. \ Woo.lard Lum \v i th Mrs. Lusby’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Boss, left Saturday for ber cotiipnny, is her«» on business. their home in Seattle. XL E\a Travers left We.lnesdax Miss Dorothy Bales has been ab­ Portland. She sent from school because of illness. for her home in spent aevi'ral day» here assisting Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schneider, tli«' Degree of Honor Irnlg«» in pr«» Miss Bernadine Schneider and Mr. paring for th«» grainl lodge meeting and Mrs. Sam Kosanke were Eu «»n Xpril Id hi Th«» Dalles. gene business visitors Saturday. Mr*. Daisy Dunn of Portlan«! is Miss Mary Lay ng relumed Sun xisiliug :il the home of Mrs A. XX dav to Eugene, where she IS Vili lx Illi«'. ployed. Mrs. Jack Powell was able to Claude Dailey of Eugene x Hite«! return to I ht horn«* \X’«'«ln<'.»t w««*k with th»* Harold Ab»**i4»* famil) h"»r L«mdoti. Uicdit lor Wool Growem I In- l*m tfi«' W< m >| Grower»' <‘r»'»lit '»»rporation, Portland^ n subsidiary of th»" P.'n'ifie « <»<»p«-ra11v»* Woul (ir«»w»-r-, is r»'ftdy to mak«* loans di r»*»'t to m«*n*b« rs A ni<*inb<*r who want» to a» «*ur<* an ndvmire It^forf shearing may notify th»' »*orpora I ion, Minting th»* siz.«* of hi» flock and wh<’th»'f they are covered by any loan, r»n«l th«' corporation w II prepur«' the n»'»*«*»»ary papers. The rat»' of th»* advance will be fl a h«:id and th»* interest rate •» p»T cent. CARD OF TilANKH We herrín thunk the ««ti/.ens of (.’oftag«* Grove for th«* l«rg»' volume of work brought to our plant on get nr (juuiiited wr«*k. We will state that in th«* future our work and M*rvire will I»«* far superior to that of the past week as it ti»k«'s norm* tirn" to get th»* efficiency of new «'fillip rn«*nt. Owing to th»* heavy volurn" of business, w»* have had to install n larger boiler this w »•♦• k, which will uwaist u* to give better MTV if« W«' thunk you for th»* punt and future. W»« call in* LI XHI.L < LLANI.RF RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE Whereas, it has hx» pleased p the I)' vine Ruler of o. the Uni I ver«’ to re move from this r •firing to th«- gr»*ut rl";«ritig b»*vond, uur »-«teenied Neighbor Cha«. F. Walker. W’e therefor«* f«*»'l the lo»* of our depart«*! Neighbor, aud our hearts ur«- ‘lv! Delay, with sympathy for th '»« who |ov«’d our Neighbor best Therefore, |,e it resolved, that m copy of th***«' resolution^ I m * spread upon th- mitiut» « of B«»h»*mm C*imp No. 2(K>, W O. W., that a copy !,«■ putdiMh«*«! in th«* Cottag«’ Grove N«*n tmel, that a copy ropy L<* be sent to the bereuxvd and that the «• • I family, .'»nd ter be draped for n period of Pot and Hobby Bhow 1’oatpond Th»> put Hui hobby show planned for M»r«h Id by boy »rout troop No. 16 Im» !>»•«• n postponed until .Mar»*h 23 to avoid conflict. with another at traction. Any Loy .» girl who na» peta or n rollcrtion or avorntion that may !»»• ria*«» I as u hobby rtu «'ul«r tin Those who wish to enter th»*ir pet or bobbies ar»* a«k<*«l to »e» either H*v Dunean P. f’mneron or K I) linker 11* soon as possible. CITY FUEL CO. OBLIGUE StW'CB /F t H0 TALK OP THE TOWN' Air mail fiivrlnwa S4 a hundred Inspection of flock invited. William Haupt Sixth and Lincoln. Cot­ tage Grove. Phone 165R. tu714p CORVALLIS APARTMENT HOUSE- For »ale or exchange fur residence ur poaaiblj - I mo la improved property la Cuttage Gruve. 3 4 room and 1-5 room furnished, income over flOO per month, well located, price f9000. Mtge. f565o. paid out monthly, building and location good Take property to 3 4 ur f5000. Hughson A Taylor. 132 S. 2nd St.. Cor­ vallis Ore. m7-14p SPADING. PAINTING. ODD 'OBS neatly and promptly done Experi­ enced power sprayer and orchard work er. hour, day ur season, call 63 m!4p WANTED |15OO LOAN FIRST MORT gage on property valued at >5000 which is drawing good income. Address XYZ care Sentinel. m!4-21p FOR HALE OK KEN 1 -A< RE LAND fenced, outbuildings, six room house. Call 808 south Third street. m!4p FOR RENT TWO ROOM FURNISHED apartment, chan and conveniently lo­ cated Alsu sleeping room Rent rea­ sonable. Call 305 south Sixth street Phone 137R. m!4p WANTED SET FALLERS ANO BUCK era. 15 thousand per day fl.25 per thousand. Two logging teams. Address I*. O. Box 348. Eugene. Oregon. m!4p FOR SALE — ALL WHITE MUI.EY goat and harness, gentle to work, a children’s pet Philip Lake. P. O. Box 348. phone 41F3 _________ m!4p We have the largest stock of used cars in Lane county at prices and terms that always suit. LANE Al’TO COMPANY Burn nt Dealers Ettffaaa and Cottage Grove LOST PAIR OF MEN S LEATHER gloves. March 4. on the Lorane high­ way about four miles west of Cottage Grove Finder please notify Alta Plats, Lorane route. Cottage Grove. m!4p GRAY 5 CAEH&CARRY Free City Delivery Phone 53 McKENZIE FLOUR, 49 lb. sack POTATOES, good cookers, per 100 lbs. GRAY’S COFFEE, per lb, 43c; 3 lbs. CORN FLAKES AND POST TOASTIES, 3 pkgs. JELLO, all flavors, 3 pkgs.......................................... Deviled Meat Council Brand 6 small cans 25c 3 large cans 25c Ripe Olives Grogan’s 9 oz. can 35c 2 for Snider’s Catsup 14 oz. bottles 20c each EXTRA SPECIAL BACON BACK, per lb Just phone in your order and have us deliver it. It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s COMMUNITY MEN’S BIBLE CLASS ARCADE THEATRE 9:45 A. M. LOST WHILE SHOPPING IN COT- tagv Gruve Saturday night. March 9. f2() bill Finder please leave at Senti­ nel office and receive reward. L. C Eastman. Leona. Ore. ml4p Sunday, March 10 GUARANTEED PIANO IN STORAGE near Cottage Grove. Looks and is like new. Will sacrifice for fl 95 Terms Free delivery XX’rite E. D. Potter. Box 429. Salem Oregon. ml4 28p And Every Sunday SHEEP FOR SALE 90 SHEEP. MOST ly yearlings, full year's woul. Lamb­ ing now. Good condition II L Cooke Yoncalla. Ore. m!4-21p WANTED. — HAW MILL ANY SIZE I Without timber. Must be cheap for; cash state content» »nd price. 1287 > XVaaliington St.. Eugene, Ore. mil allp FOR RENT I’WO HOUSES ONE 7 room house neatly finished, city water, electric lights, bath, garage, »i acre- good ground, fl 2.00 month. One 4- rooin house, close in. partly furnished, garage, fH.OO month See Victor Shaw rear of First Nat. Bank building. nil4p FOR HALF 10-ACRE PLACE. FINb stock ur turkey ranch, 12 miles out over 1.000.000 feet good saw timber on place, f‘000.00. % down, balance on ' good terms. Write or see Victor Khaw, rear of First Nationsl Bank bnil«”” ’ I l*lH>ne 36 or ISIJ. ml4p 25c All Men of the Community Are Cordially Invited The Straight Gospel—No Canned Doctrine