The Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Lane County, Oregon) 1922-current, February 28, 1929, Page 5, Image 5

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    TIIUKHDAT. 1’HIIBÜAKT aff. 1929
Presbyterian Church
Sunday, March 3
N* 1* '1
I m TI h i < a S< iuhii I Chii’i« •
I )«»« m «L ntli
’■ml Ilo- oppni 1 unity lor S.ihnijoii, <ir i. th. i
hllHIV lllillli il Nircllil <*lc|||i '.
lliii U h UH-
Th. l««llouìiig <|ll« NtioiiM tt ili I h - hiis \\« i «1
( 1 1
ili Un 1
S lo- iiskiil In mi mi mi \ hi I hi MMIH Inr
!«» 1 li«- 1 ’«»pi ut K hiih * '
I '* 1 lì Ìl Ul'OlIp tu
«4I«I. jllMl l«»i pii.lini« «
Imi i v Ih«- i r« « '1 ni' U h Ku khix I a I hii '
111 ll«»u miih liti »L \\ i >li Siiblmlli ■ liiiiii»' «1 1 o Ull­
1 'In isliau Suu.liiy '
I > I Dins hipin i . >lu<al imi |< ntl lu niinisin'
II 1 11
1 In 1 h ' III R. 1 Hsu),
11 > I limi keniloti in
I III* tu«»I‘11 illV s< I I .
Illi'« <’ Il li I 1' Il Will I I I l<* i I i.i 1• III i'll l| |'(*|| lo VII 11 V U «•• I. .
Mm rh I fu Hl
Mi«« Glndv« (
h’ft Munday !•
they esperi tu
They ¡
\ ugole«
Mis« Naomi Il-
Frank Im high
and (ìiiiar H<>«kin»*, »’
V «» r » 11 y of ( trogoli, «J
• nd h« r« w it h f heir
and Mr« C F H<»k
You live but once.
yourself ut the Pantinie
I G Shaw atteuded a din
<-oii vent ion of tin* I'hriatinn
i Io Id in .1 mi'd ioli <*ily Mon
Mm. Bert Burrow« mol «hiughti’r
• I' riiii • •pent the week rn I m A »h
hind, the guoat« of Mm. llu rrriw* ’
In 'ghf.-r, Mi«« Milliernt Bur r««w«.
who nt tend« the • hat«- iiorimil i howl
in that city
8w uh in our new location,
401 Main, near power corn
puny Radio Kay Nelacn Elec
Enjoy trie
M "« Mi ll«- Bowen, inriiili'r of
l'nptmn <’ <’. Gruñón mid Allori th«* high -'Iion| faeuhy, «pint the
H«'II ih «I| w<»iit t o Salem Monday Io holiday we.'k end at the hoim« of
<unf«»r witli the l.mio drleg
her parent« m Silverton.
un • ho i’nttugi Grove armory hill.
Mr and Mr* Boy Short and Mr
Th«» upper •
t he |f<.U •'«nd Mm (leorgr Kno'.vlt* r* turned
rivrr rumi imp
>hi<-h ba« home Stiudny night from a month’*
I m ’ vii Ih
of I nil trip through (’alifornin and Mexico
MrNutt i» tu
They *p«-nt ri largo pm
of th
rofiliflg t«> 1’
time iu Kim Diego.
rogiiui'r, whu
Mr and Mr*. Earl Hill
I vr|yn V«»ntch
Oregon Firv ;
night from (’alifornin, w
had been for a two wr
They «»ro«««»d the border
«p«»nt Ih«' we«-li
co while in the «until
eri In iti Ih«' Blu
the Short« and Knowb
«outh, all returning h««n
Wa»h , and A 1’ H uh . of
•ame time.
villr, who visited Mt « rid
H II Harv «♦ y and \ f r« Sylvit
the home of their
Hullev . ,f Medford -p.nt the week
Mill«, returned to
end at the home« of th' I r pnreiitH,
Mr* Mill* motored ?<• Lug
Mr and Mr« I M Ha rvev and
with them and they t«n»k the ti
their brother, Worth Har
from there
Mr» • orlira i
Mr ami Mr«. N I*, (’on
w cr«-
• pent a day while h re with n n
Sunday gur»t« at the horn
th« ir
■•»II* f n ■ ■ ■
«on in law rind daughter,
Arn«-«t write* lu», any kind
Mr« WiUiam Vhwurth, .
Mr« T M Hunt of I'nrbm
l£cv. Duncan I*, ("amc
<la*ka, arrived her«’ Th ir liv
an interesting ud<lre*>« n
i* th«» h<iti«e gu«'«l «»f Mr* H
Washington nt th«« rvi-nn
Mr* Hunt i« i fori>> r I
nt the Prenbyterian «»bur«»
tagr Grove resident and plan« t >
He illustrated
make her hum«’ h'-re for a while
tern »lid«»«
Mr* Elina lluwr w -it to S.n
Of th«» grr
jen. ral
ln«t Thursday to i i»it her mot r
Mr* S .1 Stoughton
>'i n '1
gone a week or ten day* on
northern trip.
rreg- r >*
mal ng
Mr« Hear;
plan« to inai e to Pnrtbin«! to
who i» be« ng
near her hui band,
taken tu the veteran«’ ho.pit*«i n
that city
\ r Preger ha« been t
patient in a Eugen«» hospital tor
the pa*t two month«
Mr. and Mr» Glenn Scott. n<
•'onipan ird -
n . D
wrood, went to IHingv iew , Wish.
Friday to *|M»nd the week end
at the home • of Mr« S. ott '« «i.*t< r,
Mr* A. I. Hogan
See ua in our new location,
401 Main, near power com
puny Riulio Ray Nelaon Elec
J»rk < artrr ha* returned to h<«
home in |,o* Angel«-« after a
at the I ft Murria home in tbit
A number of Cottage Grove rm m
l-er* of th«’ Eugene chapter "f D-
Molay will attend th«' dinner •inn. ■
to t»r held Saturday night nt the
Ma.oni«’ temple in I'ugeiie
Pyle of l.'ugcne wim here Mondnv
tn extend an imitation to the (’ot
• *K e Grove member* 11 «• wa« a-
eompttiiied by hi* mother. Mr* Guv
Pvle, and they i i«ited briefly with
Mr. .'in<I Mr* F I. Grunni.
M|a W h If < i Fulmer of Et en
wa. here Thursday looking after
family formerly resided in (’ottagi
W (> Wil«on, office manager of
the Woodaon garnge, made n bu*
ne«« trip to the coart la«t week IL
went by way of
North Bend, returning through Co
<|Uille and Ko.eburg
Mr. Wilaon
accompanied him to the bay cities
Mi«« Gertrud«» Shaw, a student at
the Monmouth normal «• -ho<d, «pen*
the week end her«’ lit the home of
her parents, Mr and Mr* I G
Shaw. Mi«s Evelyn Bruce of Dnlhi
accompanied her.
I ’• • I I e .
-I T I
Thursday night on the Shn-ta from
Man Francisco, called here bv the
•erious illnr«« of her father, Chnrle*
Misa Evelyn Smith was a glicht
over th«» week end nt the home if
Mils Adeline \dnms in laigem-
¡’inni nrrountn of il»«- entât«» <>|
l’i<»rre ('. LfiCn«*«’ un* 1 ili’tl in tin-
probat«* court Mon«lny.
M n rV 1 .i
(’fi.MMc wn« 'harlinrgi’il n-■ <'\«-<-iil ri \
of th«* «-Muto iifti-r th«' filing of
Dr. mil Mr*. C. |-‘ Front
forc i to Salem Sufi lay. They
accompanied by
' ht»rl< a Bui kind I« t .1 r and
t'lnrn Burkholder and wire g
of Mr- Lydia StuuffiT a till
B* die Burkhold er i n th«»
The r-t.itt« of Herman II Street
• r wn« appraised al the \ iduation
by Worth Harvey, T c.
ii. rberl I
N Orcutt of Ro*«-I»nrg
pointed nduiinintrator of
county entate.
Mr. and Mr*, William Hurt rt»
turned to their home in Port I mi l
last Thursday,
They hi
relatives bere for nrven
Mr. and Mrs •I. y w
an gin esiti» last rhurwdav Mm. J im »
Fhi'lpx of llo
I lean and Mm. II
II. Phelp*
qilimn, \Va.«h. The wmiien are old
time frienda of the Willitn family
and were
<»n their way to vi»d t
Mm. Dean’s parenti« in Coquille,
Mr* ». O. M Miller returned Sat
urdny night freni a ncveral w<»clc*
visit in San Francisco and other
( ‘alifornin Cif I.-S
Miss Pearl Monroe,
school n ar Oakland,
.Monro»», a «hide nt nt
>ity of Oregon, were
week end visiting thei
and Mm. »taint*.« Mon
Mr. ami Mm. Char
were home from (’mi
Mm. De Wai
care for her mother in
Mi» N. J. Nelson Jr
ami fmnily went to Potrland Fri-
1 <lny. They returned home Saturday
• lri\ ing ii 1 new Willys Knight seda.ii
1 for th.» N '«•Ison
«ilici« room.
Grocery Savings
Friday and Saturday
10 lbs. sugar ( limit)
Mixed candy, lb.
3 lbs. margarine
Apples (very good), bn.
y2 pint Nalley mayonnaise
Golden Bantam corn, can
Preferred Stock peaches, can
3 lbs. raisins
Soap deal including heavy granite kettle
Free Balloon with 2 packages macaroni
or noodles
Home made bread, try a loaf with your
next order
Smith-Short Grocery
Tin* Store Tlmt Appreciates Your Trade.
Mi*« Irene Griggs, who utten'l*
<> A. (’. nt ('orvallis, «pont the
week end at the homo of her par
Mi iih.i M»
II I'. Grig
Shi nrrived here 'rhiir«dnv, Lloyd
Gngg, arrived home Friday to visit
hi« purent«.
Superintendent It A Emerson nt
tended the ed il'fi 11 olili I exposition
held uf Oregon Klnt«* Agricultural
• -«diego I riday and Knlurduy.
wan a>'«'ompii riie«l by a delegai ion
Of high M'h o<d "tudents who repre
•enG'd th«* bieal ««diool.
<i c Milli-r was a visitor nt the
«•Ilo« of the county agricultural
ig< ui m Eugene Siiliirday.
Kate Hu mi igim, who had
• »« • n pending th«- winter with her
falher, Captain John O’Brien in
I.ornile, wn- ciilled t<> Seattle last
Thursday by th«’ aerimi« illiics« of
a daughter iri thut city.
Ludi«-«, littention? When you do
vour spring house «denning I««» *ur«'
to «uv«' nil the rng* w«ii«'h you
u ■ d to burn
Thru phon«» Nelson
Motor company.
They will call
for them and pay
you o to |o
ri'nla n pound.
Hi - Creek «« hool «tu'b lit»
with their tcarher,
Favor, i'ii|«»y«’d a weinh- roa*t last
Thursday at noon.
Mi»« Mvrtb- K«'in wa* abs«*nt
from her «lutin« a* l••a«•h«•r in the
high -'h ol Monday «»n account ol
illri. •„«.
Mr« \ W Mw n n■‘i»n ac'-ompiinimi
h»»r parent«, Mr nn«l Mr* (’. C
(»d«'iil..rg uf Albany, on a trip to
i alifornin
Mr. and Mr«. Oden
berg motored here Munday
th* r horn«* and the party b»ft Mon
f"T the south
Th«-v will visi’
n •’.«fir .f Mrs. Swanson in Chico
Mr ami Mr*. A J McCord «4
Bitar-I, In, arrived her«* Tuesday
night for a visit at th«» horn«1 of
Mr«. C. E Em
They spent a
month in
California licfore coming to Cottage
Gro\ (•.
I.adii's’ < imle of Baptist church
will hold a c«M»k«*d food »al«» Ha!
iirdn\ at Smith and Short«.
Mr* Earl Garoutte, Mr«. K. A.
Morri«, Mr-
Leontine Lu»k, a«-
> ompano-d by Mi«« Gladys Craven
of Corvalli«, motored to Portland
Monday and were registered at th«'
Congress hole).
Mrs D. C. Bosley, Fr«-d Bosley I
and Tomtiiy Hpmnkie went to Cres
well Wednesilav to atti'ud th«» fun
• r.i| uf Mr«. L«-roy Higgs.
took with them a b«*autiful floral
pieer from th«' bov scout troop» of
ths city of which Armand Higgs
i- ti member, to place on t.h«» grave
"f Mrs. Higgs.
Mr and Mrs. Dale Sturge» left
v-t.-rduy for Medford, called there ’
In tin- illtu*«« of
mot her,
Mr* J, N. Maule arrived here
I' -terdav from h« r home in Oregon
• iti to visit at the home of u
laughter, Mr- G. B Arn«-st.
\\ .1
Sth in Tu<-day evening, called to
the bi'<l»ide of a friend, who is
seriously ill in that city.
(>. O. \ eat«'h Im* b«'«-n appointed
i In iin-trator of the estate of Carl
II Zeigh-r, who «lied here a few
duv- ag". The «•‘•tale amounts to
S l ’ o 'HI in personal
'• » in real property. Appraisers
w.-n- Worth Harvey, Frank Ham
brick and I B Morris.
Mrs. Schofield Stewart under
went an operation for removal of
h«r tonsils Wednesday forenoon.
Th<* operation was performed by
Dr Harold Axley and Mr*. Stewart
is recovering satisfactorily.
I -cd • ir* at Nelson Motor com
l'.‘J7 Whippet landau
l’J27 Whip|H*t «port roadster
lirjii Overland conch
IP?.'» Star sport touring
l'.’L’l Hudson coach
1921 Dodge touring
1921 Oblstuobile touring
I'.’.'I Studebaker touring
m l many other standard cars at
practically your own price
will always take your old car in
(.’time and look over some
of these wonderful buys.
Leslie Booth was taken to the
Colh'ge Hill hospital in Eugene
week suffering with a
sprainv 1
The city jail was equipped this
week with new wire screen for the
w indow s.
O. E. Crow«’, county commission
er. was in th«’ Mosby creek dis­
trict last week to inspect
Finley Whipps, county road
supervisor in that district, is now
at work on several projects, the
commissioner reported.
John I’crini of this city
lected the bounty on one bobcat
and three cougar« this week at the
county clerk’s office.
Kim Warner was the guest Sun-
dav of hi« daughter, Margaret nt
Miss Huth Bede and Miss Mar
gnrvt Galloway, both of Eugcue,
»¡»ent the week end at the homes
of their parent« in this city.
Jacob Elbright filed notice of lo­
cation of “Nord” quartz claim in
th«’ Bohemia district at the office
of the county clerk yesterday.
Harold Anderson is in Portland
and \berdeen, Wash., this week on
business in connection with the
com pa ny.
Mr. and Mrs. Arley Marsh and
daughter Venold of Eugene spent
Saturday at the home of their
untie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E.
G. () Groat
Mr. Marsh tenches
in a junior high school in Eugene.
Mi- F. M Tyson of Brownsville
w a«. i guest last week at the homes
“f M (’. Bressler and Fred Brens
Di ('. \ Smith, who had spent |
the winter in California, ha* re­
turned to this city and joined his
family here.
Mr. and Mr». Haymond Grub«-
and »on Joe of pengrn were vl»i
t«»r* la«t night ut the home of Mr
Mr mid Mr«. A W Tull of For |
«••t Grove, who hud baa* gucatj of
H«'V. Duncan P Cameron for ««-v
«•ra| week», left to«luy for
horn«*. Mr. ('nrneron took th«»iri to
F«»r«'«t Grove »nd will return to
He expect» to visit th« I
legislative aension in Belem Friday.
The Nelaon Moto« cumpany an
nounce» the following rar
«luring the punt Week : Whippet »D 1
««»«¡no to 1. II Neel uf Hpring
firid; Whippet eont'li lo
ih.-il ; W hip|M*l ■etlsu tu tba K.
Il :i LI.' ( Jcmii-r».
mot Mrs. J. C. Jobo» on re
urn«'d tu th«»ir home in Gobi Beach
yesterday after u few «lays' visit
at th«* home of their daughter, Mrs
W K. Lebow.
Mr. and Mrs. <). H Woo Ison left
Munday for their »tuck ranch 22
mil«'* from Baker io «-astern Or»*
W G Wilson, .Mr. Woodson'»
offir»’ manager,
from th«- Wuo«l»ons yesG-rday that
they had encounter« d hug«- «now.
drifts and were forced to leave
their «-ar and mad«» the la,«t few
miles <»f the trip by horse. They
plan tu r«-turn n«-it week.
Cottage Grove Drops
Game to Eugene High
University Hi Quintet Coining
Friday (fight for Final
Conteat of Season
Vigilant Law Officer
Had Seen ’Em Doing It
Kpeedlng aero«» the country from
Ixm Angfh-a to .New York by mo­
tor, iwo motion picture celebrltle»
wan i>cid up by the eoMtaH* lu I
H Miriiill town and. ua uhuu I. the <>m
err uud all tha udvantuy.-a on hla
aide. Ila refuio-d to give them a
ticket, arid fluully eomprorulaad by
tuklng them directly before the
Th« conetable wua »ary hot under
the collur and declared he would
make it hot for them, but the couple
were hurdly prepared for the out
raged offleer'a charge In court.
“Your honor.” ha announced pom
pouuly, “thia la a couple of motion
picture people an' the charge I’m
preferrin' agalnat them la araon."
"Amon!'' roared one of the a«
cnaed. “What do you mean! We
were nerer out of our car till yon
hugged ua!**
“You wua burntn’ up the road,
an’ I’m preferrin’ the chnrge of ar
■on agalnut you.” Indited 'he con-
■table, and even the court hail to
laugh a» he let them ofT with a five
dollar fine.
Aft«»r out«r<»nr»g Fug'-nc io th«-
first quarter und plftymg on »ven
term* in the »«-«»und quarter, th»-
< «»!!»tgc Grove high school La- kef
ball t«»am l«»«t ti gah«»* •«» th«» vi»i
lor« 25 I«» Io Friday night ob th«*
local floor.
(>u<* m«»r»* gam*» r»-
in a 11»« <in th«- Im-nl« ’ Achi-dul»*, «»ii»-
against Eniverstiy
night mi th«- high school gym.
At th«» «-nd of th«- first quarter
Cottage Grove !••<! Eug«*ne ♦» to I
Th«» second quarter was torrid and
f«-atur«*d by <-l(/s»- checking, Eugen«-
making the only »core, a
ba*ket that tied the »cor«» at r»al!
at the end of the half.
In the second half th«- strong
(’ottag«» Grov«- «-ombi nation
had held Eugen«* wa« broken up
when Gb n Swunnon find John King
wer«- put out of the game by the
four personal foul route. A num
b«-r of fouls railed against
local« and a let up on the «do»«*
checking gave Eugene the l«*a«l
The locals mi*»«-d »rveral shots mi
the bn»ket.
The lihi-up follow^:
¡.ugt-n«’ (25;
C. G. (K‘, 7
F.......... Mwunauo,
Gates, 2
Near. 7
Jacob», 4
Goff, 2
Jeffri«»«, 5
MH'I híd , 2
Cough Ian
Referee: Hp«-ar».
(’ottag«- Grov«» i» out to make a
goo«l «bowing in its final gHmf of
the season Friday night against
Eniversity high of Eugene which
is to be played on th«» local floor.
('Diversity high ha* one victory to
it.« credit over th«- locals and Cot
tag»* Grove is determined to wipe
out that defeat.
Cottage Grov«
played th«» campus high team th«-
first game uf the season and since
that time th«* locals have shown
much improvement.
Wendell Cochran, who is popular
with the fan« a« a basketball of
ficial, will referee the gam«». One
uf th»» biggest crowd« of th«- sea
son is exjx-cted for Fri lay night.
Bungalow Garage Five
Chosen For Tournament
Historian* Unable to
Place Queen of Sheba Local Quintet Wins County
The nationality of the queen ot
Sheba, mentioned In the Bible In
League Game, Drops
connection with a vfalt to Kin» Sol
otnon, la unknown for certalu. It
Lebanon Contest.
la auppoaed. however, that “Sheba,
la merely a variation for the word
"Saba." which wai the name of a
The Bungalow (iarage basketball
country on the Bed »«a In aouth- t.aru 1» one of six Oregon tetrn.
western Arabia. Thia region la now to be selected to represent the slate
known aa Yemen. The Sabeana were at a basketball tournament in Van
dark-complexioned while people amt router, Wash., on March K, y and
belonged to the aame general fam
The Bungalows have played
lly of mankind aa the Hebrew» 2U games and lost only V.
They had extenalve colonlea In At
team is considering making
rica. where they mingled with tlie
trip to the Washington city.
Ethloplana, with whom they are
The locala climbed out of a tic
■ometlmea confuted. The Abyaaln
for cellar honors of the Lane eoun
lana have a tradition that the queen
ty basketball league with the In
of Sheba who vlalted Solomon wa«
a monarch of their country and dependence Creamery team of Eu
their royal family claim» deacenf g<*ne by defeating the milkmen 32
to 30 Wednesday night in Eugene,
from Menelek. an alleged ton of
the queen of Sheba by King Solo leaving the creamery team in un
mon. The queen who made heraelf fn disputed possession of the cellar.
Cottage Grove trailed the milk
tnoua by her apectacular vlalt to King
Solomon wa» very likely the aatue men 2" to 13 at half time but in
peraon known In hbitory aa Queen the tn t two minutes uf play th-
Balk!» of the Sabeana—Pathfinder Bung:. . a < mine from behind and
nosed out the creamery quintet by
two points.
The lineup follows:
C. G., 32
Ind. Creamery, 3«‘
Leader end Led
Swanson, 2
F .... Gustafson. 2
Every man la both leader and led
Oliver. 1'
__ F ...... —. Winn, 4
111« range may not be of the lowest
Hansen. 11
and narrowest, but If he be not ac­
Heck, 4 ...... -..... G .... I’eterson, tt
tually defective some other looks to
Coekraa, I*
. Ihu l, I
him to lead In some petty concern Rollins ......
or employ ment Hla range may be
The Bungalow five lost its sec
of the highest and widest, but even
on.I game to Lebanon Monday nigh!
so. he must have advice In many
tli lils and because of his suiwrlor on the local flour, the visitors win
ning 45 to 25.
The Imais wen'
Intelligence he relies the more upon
competent direction In held« and hampered as several of tha regular,
subjects which he has not himself were on the sick list.
The lineup follows:
mastered. The head of a state has
Lebanon, 45
his trusted and official counselors; Bungalow, 25
Robbins, lit
but beyond that circle he Is under G. Hwauson, 7 . F
the social guidance of his wife, C. Swanson, 4 F........ ....... Gor.l. 15
Borgar I. '
takes orders from hit physician, fol­
... Scroggins, -•
lows hit guide In the northern Heck, 2 .... -.....G
woods, and may be as clay In Cochran, 6 .... G ........ Meiller. 4
the hands of his tailor.—Chancellor Oliver, 4 ____ _.S
Rollins ________ S
ftrowu of New York University.
Dave and a group of other coun
try lads were si>endlng the after­
noon trying to yoke up a couple of
calves. Try as they would, they
could catch only one calf, so Dave
volunteered to be yoked up with It.
The frightened animal Immediately
bolted, n soon as the straps were
tightened, taking the yoked helpless
Dave along with It
Away they
went, careening Into trees and hang
Ing against fences, bumping and
As soon as the other
boys could recover from their gules
ot Inughter. they set out to capture
the assorted pair, and were advnnc
Ing toward them, when the human
half. In a warning tone, begged.
“Come up easy, boys I We’re wild as
heck I"
Walker defeated
the Checker
boar.!« iu a hoop game last night
by 24 to 10. The winners led their
opponent.« by IS to ti at the half
way mark
Tbe game was played
at the ••¥’’ gym in Eugene.
The following is the lineup:
Walker, 24
Checkerboards, 10
Mitchell, 6
.... Perkins, 4
H. Wolfard, 10 F
... Strawn. I
Porter, 4 ...........C............ Woodin, 2
Morgan. 1 ....... G................. Tempi“
Scott, 1 ........... G................ Brandin
H. Benston, 2.. S
S. Benstou
..... S
FAGB rtwa
Here la one of the situations for
which there Is Do udequnte Inn
gunge avnllnbla:
On a Mouth Shore golf course
there la a »hort hole with the green
entirely aurroumletl by yawning
■und pits.
A I lire-some come» to
It. Tbe first player drofm hla te<
ahot on the green and feels pretty
good over It The second nun put»
bls Into one of the trsps.
Then the third man got off on»
of those one-ln-a-hundred pars
miracles—a hole tn one. The «er
ond niblick »hot out of the bunker
rolls Into the cup.
And the first man takes two putts
Hu< h Is golf.—Bostoo Globe.
Films aad Farmyards
An English Investigator la re
sponsible for the Btatement that If
It were not for the fact that cow»
like mustard there would be n<
moving picture show*. The ex
planation la that the eeneltive (Ilin
la coated with a gelatin emulsion
containing silver bromide, but th.
silver bromide would not record the
Image If the gelatin were pure
Analysis has shown that the Itttla
■ |x*<k» of Impurities In the gelatin
are »ulpliur. the source of which 1»
found In the cattle hides from
which the gelatin 1« mmfe, '1 • .
of animals contain sulphur I mo ju »<
they eat wild mustard.
Had Hi» Lst»on
An employee of a large industrial
concern was given a paper to sign
The J. H.
<& Bon mw
“Ixits of Heading on It." he oh
served as ha perused the text with mill iorati’J just »outh of the eHjr
limit/d rrsuitipii operathmt Monday
"Huh!" remarked the clerk who tuorning after n Iwo mi nth»* shut
Logging artivitiue in the
I iik I given him the paper. “I'll bei down.
you dldn I read your marriage II i-mnu w«’*t of this eity r«»«umed last
cen«e »» carefully as that."
“Maybe not." was the reply, “hut
During the «but down of the mill,
ever alnca I signed that I’m reading wurk on th«» big dry »bed in the
everything "
miH yard» eontiniaed.
Thie larg*
baibling i« now about completed
and the roof hn< b«»» ii put on. D
Husky Csutaaariaa
uiahv» « iiiu-h neud*»
adjunct t >
To celebrate Ida bundr>*dili lUrth llu- mill, which h .« n capacity of
day of a few days before, SI Mel 100.000,
rose kicked oil at a jockey's foot
ball match at York, England re
Incarni: Tax Records. Senti-
cently. Melrose was formerly lord '.lei.
mayor of York, »nd on hl« blrihdi)
he received a telegram from ’hi­
king. who r-ferred to his long and
useful life as an example of pa
1 will not bu r«'Npun 'de for any
•ntfa<t«l t,
uni1 except
W. <’. W1LKINB.
Odd Lingual Misup
When a German bridegroom ano
a Lancashire (Englund) hrldi- w. re
married recently at the Blackburn
register offen three langusgea had
to t»e used to complete the cere
Neither understood the
other's language, uml 'he courtship
hud been conducted In Esperanto
W.ll ia Print
O i .lasted by German
A coater and bls beat girl were
discussing the recent marriage ot
two of their acquaintances.
Arry—Did you read tlie list of
presents Ann Smith bad for her
'Arrlet—Yes, 1 did. The hldea for
alch as them 'avlug «he weddln' put
lu the paper! They might be Laris
‘Arry—Fancy her mother givln.
such a 'andsome present a» a 'one
and trap.
’Arriet—Garn I It was a clothe*
'orse and mouse trap; that's their
bloomin' pride! —Weekly Scots
The thermometric scale exten
slvely us'-d In Great Britain nod tf>
United States was introduced b
Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, a Gei
man physicist ( 1 fíSfi- 173C).
Oil.t of All Kinds.
Saf eguarding London
At ori*. Imfmrtnnt police center Ii
London more than 200 reserve off!
cera are ready, day or night, for an)
«udden emergency.
Popular Imported Nuts
Pistachio nuts are Importe
from Sicily, Syria and Panin
t'asbews are grown In India. Mex
Ico and the West Indies.
Get your
or yonr
Bert, Fat or Chet will
give you prompt service.
Think Fish Do Feel Pain
A German judge stated that list,
have no feelings and. therefore, can
not suffer pain. English fishermen
disagree. According to .1 It. Nor
man of tbe Natural History niu
seum. South Kensington, London
fish have highly organised sensory
systems and can suffer pain
fact that fish dnnre about after be
Ing caught certainly seema to sug
gest pain, he believer He also de­
clares that a shk fish goes pale
and Its eyes become hlorred.
Lost Island of Atlantis
Atlautla was a large Island
which, according to an ancient tra
ditlon, was siHiated in the Allan
tic ocean near the pillars of Iler
It was first mentioned by
Plato. Nine thousand years before
the time of Solon It had been ■
powerful nation, but bud finally
been engulfed by the sea.
anthoritiea consider the account ot
Plato as a pure Invention, while
others look upon It as a real tradi­
Various attempts have been
made to Identify the Island, but
none has been satisfactorily ac
For an Emergency
The victim had been properly
patched up. both broken legs set
six stitches under the chin, plaster
cast around the cheat and a small
silver Inset In tbe skulL
"By the way, doc.” he whispered
as the weary surgeon gave one last
proud look at his handiwork. "1
don’t know just when I'm going to
pay you for all this; I've got a few
hundred laid by In the bank, but
to tell you the truth. I'm saving that
In case of an emergency."—Medical
rhen tbe Firework»
In au auction room a fur wrap
aras being sold.
A man near the
auctioneer was bent on possessing
It; au also was a woman standing
on the outskirts of the crowd.
There were no other bidders, and
they continued to bid again.«’ -acb
other, till at last the woroiio gave
The purchaser’s name was called.
He was the woman’s busband I
Active Centenarian
Although pas: oue hundred five.
Daniel Robinson of Maghery, Ire­
land. Is still busy fishing.
He sei
ituro misses a day with book and
line and when out fishing with his
giatidson recently caught twenty
Robinson Ilves with his son
who Is seventy-five, aud hoth draw
old age pensions In the house next
to him are bls granddaughter and
baby great granddaughter. The aged
man declares that he has never
been sick a day In his life.
does not smoke, drinks very little
am! prefers buttermilk to porter.
And when you want your home to be comfortably warm,
all you have to do is say, “I'll order 30me of the City
Fuel company's wood today!’’
—says Practy Cal.
Block Wood, Slab wood, Forest Wood, Planer Ends, Saw­
dust, Coal. Block wood for immediate delivery. We also
have DRY body fir and COMSTOCK coal. This coal is
coming from a true vein and is a very good lignite coal.
We sell it at half the cost of any other coal in town.
Phone No. 18.—We are as close as your nearest phone.
Office at Arcade Barber Shop, next door to Arcade thea­
ter, where orders may be left and accounts paid.
FIRST bank established in south Lane county.
FIRST in deposits in south Lane county.
FIRST men of community as its directors.
FIRST in its banking house.
FIRST in its banking accommodations.
FIRST in service.
FIRST bank you should think of when starting a
checking account.
The First National Bank
Of Cottage Grove
Capital. $50.000
Surplus, $25,000
Early Shorthand Forms
Godfrey Deucy, lu a monograph
on «hortiiaud. Bays: “Abbreviated
Wrttlng to take down lectures and
also for tlie preservation of poems
at the Pythian. Nomean
Lions Lose to Eugene rive
Bv the score of 19 to 10 the and Olympic games was practiced
Engle Pioneers of Eugene defeated by the early Greeks and there are
specimens of ancient Greek notae
the Lion Pioneers of Cottage Grov
in a hoop game here Monday night. or shorthand In the Vatican library
Animal Weather Propbets
at Rome, the Bibliotheque Nation
The following is the lineup:
The cat always has been regarded Eagles, 19
Lions, 10 ale. Paris, and the British mu
hy observant people as a reliable Pinkstaff, 2 ...J*......... Williams, 2 seum."
weather prophet. When kitty rushes Glad, 5 ................ F..._... Woodard, 4
around w-lth her caudal appendage Walpole, 11 .......C................ Ward, J
Mimeograph Stencils, Sen-
high In the air, they say “pussy ha« Spaulding, 1 ... G...............
Plena rd
wind In her tall. It’s going to blow.’’ 1 Little ............... G.......... .......
l lshernien declare that tbe cat and Osborne .......... -.8......... Pillsbury, 2
wireless as a weather prophet can
not compare with pigs.
A pet
pig In the codflshltig bark Seawell
foretold storms In the Far North
fl---------------------------------------------------- -fl
with such accuracy, they assert, that
It saved the Ilves of all on board
one «ingle compartment cement Ifiun-
Hours In advance of
dry trav. Stewart Plumbing Shop f28e
Mis. Mary Hambrick and Mrs. three times.
Helen Vilas went to Eugene today n storm, the pig would run to and
An intcresting piece of Amen
to spend the night with their sis­ fro on deck squealing and leaping enna w?i.4 on displnv at th«' Bank
ter. Mrs. L. M. Armstrong.
Mrs. sideways. The fishermen made their of Cottage Grove today.
It was
Vila« will remain there for a few- preparations accordingly, and on an ohl copy of the New York Her
tiny«’ visit before returning to her each occasion the storm failed to aid, telling of the as*nss(nation of
take them unawares.
home in Portland. Mrs. Vilas had
President Abraham Lincoln.
«pent two months here with her
paper was i.«*ued
sistei«, Mr«. Ilnmbriek and
April 15. 1865. The paper is owned
Wayside Ina
G. W. McFarland.
There are a number of reasons by George E. Guard of Drain, who
had been keeping it in a safety
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vcntch of why Americana have a special sen
Pt i t land «pent Tuesday and Wed
tlnient for the Wayside Inn, a tav­ deposit box in the bank and who
nesdiiv at the Joe Young home in ern at whoae doors many notable took it out today to give to n
this city. They left today for Ell
visitors have asked hospitality— daughter.
The typography an I makeup of
gene, where tney will visit rela­ George Washington. Marquis de Ixt
fayette, Daniel Webster. It was so th«» piper is all together different
from the modem newspaper. Sev­
Mr. ami Mrs. S. W. Howard of well known for Ila good service and eral of the heads on th»» stories
Salem, accompanied by Mrs. Carl good cheer that Longfellow chose were more than half a column in
Hane| of Portland, were weekend It as the meeting place of the length. The typ«» of English use«l
friends that recounted the rhymed
guests at the home of their son in
“Tales of a then varies greatly from the news
law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. I nurartlvcs called
“Of Good Report.” That's what makes this
Longfellow used paper English of today.
Wilbur Spray.
Mrs. Hanoi is an Way side Inn.”
Heavy black column rules were
ily Drug Store of Service and Satisfaction.”
occasionally to go there to apeml
mint of Mrs. Spray.
used to give an
the night and to enjoy the compan
you as we’ve served your friends—politely
mourning to the paper.
N. J. Nelson .Ir. made business lonshlp of Landlord Howe.
pleasing promptness.
trip« to Youcalln and Sutherlin
Filiug Cabinet«. Seutin«!.
Sticuud Sheet*. The Seutinel.,
We now have in stock the John Deere line
of farm machinery.
The line that speaks for itself.
Old Newspaper Tells
of Assassination
Perry Hardware Co.
"The Fam
We’ll serve
and with
Kelly’s Drug Store
Formerly White’s Pharmacy
Cottage Grove, Ore.