THURSDAY JANUAHY 11. 10*1 J Q Willita, who wax Injiirml In t November, i» »lowly improving and I m aide to bi* about the hou » iu a wheel «hair. H«* I» not yet able to walk. Mr». A. W Kim«« went Io Poti land Miiiiday mid will spemi a w«*«*k vi-ilmg her dnught<*r», Mr« Hoy Pioneer Relic*. War Souvenir*, Komaine mi l Mi*» Geneva Kim«' Mi- W. H. Averill iitl«*n«h*d a Indian and Coin Dia meeting «»f the <'r«’*w»*ll Improv«» lieu I,'lull Tu«**«lav n» th«* gu«**t if play* arc Shown Mi Clyde Wright. \ ideoi Neel wa» granti'd >« «li von i m th«* circuit «•ouït Tuesday History of «*»rly t’oltug«* Grove, from lu i hiixbniid, Harry N««t Mh«* treasure* of 2tv »poü»ore«| hy tian h«»Mpilr«| in l.ugiiH* to Mr an«l tb# Americas Legion FnJny an«l Mr Doirild Wih'lmr Hal or« lav. th Hhuttl«** u»e«l in making Mr. and Mi • H L Mackin w«*r* «•loth for piori«'«’f» of th«* Oregon 1 ng«*m* X isitur» Frulny. l>r, and Mr- <’ I Frost, with a country in th«* early fifti»»», side parly of fn« n l , w« n* among tho»«* •addle* ridden by pion«*er women w h«» motored I«» Eugeuv Friday m «»roNNing the plain*, relic» of en <*ouut<*r* with Indian» iu th«* «*arly ioghi 1 o ult«*fid lh<* nuto show. day», scylh«' and rradio u»e«l during Why thiow tiwity iimnev wli«*n th«* first day» of th# «ievelopmenl Nrl.... M««l«>r company will «*i«ll of this country to harv«'»t gram, a for v«mr rag« und pay you f • v •• hoot pattern of th»» early day» and Io t«li i « uls i« pound i ' h II 2 «i«-»« for violating a city mute evidence of the hardy ra***» «iidimtm»' i«*g-«rding di»or«l«'rly <*on <*f men and women who founded dll« f H • I« up I.« fur«* th«* <’ity police th«* outpost» of civilization in the Mr nnd Mr lh«r«dd Johiisou |iul|C<' last W»*ek Th»* offender» Or«»g<>u wilderne«». rcliiim*«! ru«*di«v mglit from 1'orl wcr«’ Orriu Bra»w«*ll and Clifford Heirloom» brought to America .loin -. who wcr«* arrested January y«-ur* ago, furnitur»* of I5o and 2<>o Itiiid, wh«*r«* lh«y had b «•« n for s« x cral day«. Th«*y • xp««' t f<» riduru ID fur di*l orbing th«* pea«***. Lach y»*ar» ago, »ilv«*r «poou» 20d year» t«i 1‘oitland im - x I W'k lo iiiak'- wa* fin«’«l five dollar*. old, old »ilvor service of an almost Hn*ir huiiu- Mi. .I'»ln«'iDll lili* bi-i’li Tlo* Nelson Mot«>r company ha* forgotten age, bibles that date back A *un wa» born Monday to Mr • i«*hi«r ui Ho* Bank of CoGiig. »old a Star touring car to Wdlinm 200 and 300 years, cbinawar«* and and Mr* l*«*urn«' Crowe of l.«»fuu«* Gr««v«« l"r itmn* ihuii a y«»ar. F. Kiik of Anlnuf and a Star porcelain with histories of olden al the 1'iu'iflr Christian h«>.»pitnl Clark Vlylulh* «.f 1I'.llgi'li'* will r«»a«l*l« r •«> L«**hc P**l«*r*. times, a German stein 34M years in Eugene. have «’barge of th«* music for next th«' Mi* B«* s * i <* Williams, county «»Id, elothihg that spok<* of Mr*. I. <1 Mhnw ha* r«turn,d Sunday fit the Christian church health uur-' . wa iu this di*lri«*t daiidi«** of early «lay», school book* home from Tacoma, Wu*li . wlur«* servo» Mt. Advlott«« was form Thursday «»f last week iu th«* in aud pt«’ture* that showed th«* pio t»h*’ for jH'vt'ttil Mtik* «•rly choir «lirvetor for tlo* Christian t«*rn*ti« * hoow!«’* loft •»% a revival meeting hi Mr Minin ill«* g'lie, who l«'tur«’d before tin* Del pioneer life w«»ru a few of motor Tuv»«lay for a tour through during th«' pu»t monili. phinii chapter .M"ii •'nv, wa* an nrti«*lus included in the display. War rehrg were of a wide vur California Th«v will visil l«4«r*l»*r Major and Mr* Gilbert 1.« kerson «»v«*r night gu«**t :«t th«* h«»me of iety. Tberv were th»* early bail riti<* in Mi'iiin liefoii r«-lu«iiiitg of Lug« in* were gue-d* Thur»day nt Mr* Elbert B«de. rifles th«' bullet mould* tv»d puw hiillir the home of Mr mid Mr*. W H Mi*u. Ein« McNew wu* called d«»r horn» of early pioneer «lay», Major E«*ker*«»n is pilot Mr and Mr*. William li'man A v-uiili. hom«* from Fortisi«'! th«* first of th# pistols, and rhildr«*u of l<«»s«4»urg w«*r* for the Holu Airway* m Eugen«* w« k l»y tlo- iUn« •«* of h*’r mother,. th»*re were the musket», gu<*»l» at th»’ G«’«»rgn K now h * I iuiiii * nnd he and Mr* Erkerson nr«* old who wa* taken to a Etigeiw ho» bayonet» ami swords of th«» Civil war period, there were the arm» of tun«’ friend* of Mr« A verdi Monday. pit al. th«* Indian war «lay» in Oregon, \ mal Knndnll motored to Eu Mm. Karl K Milla. Mr* I «r I Mr . and Mrs. Hugh Currin were there were relies of th»- Spanish home Hill and Mr*. Victor ' liuiiiior* loft gene Sunday mid brought Muii'luv visitor» ut tli<* home of American war ami th«- Philippin«- mi lb«« Nha*t{i Munday night f« r Mr* Hundnil, wlio had Iweii with Mr Currin'» mother, Mr*. M li* mnurrertion and of modern times Portland, when« they will .«’I n I her mother, Mr* >1 A Powell, who i’urnn. Mr*. Curnu, who has been there were the souvenirs of the a rrrrnionial meeting of lli>* Nydit* is in III«* Lug« n«< hospital, wh'*ie ill for Mcveral w«*« k*, I* abb* to be World war, gas mask.» and tin hat*. tempi«* of th«’ Daughter- «»I tlo- »h«* r«’c«’Utly un i» rw' iit nn ».p« in up a part of the tini«*. Of curio» there were many. One tiou Mr« Powell i recovering Nile A number from her«* plan to nt was a bon»* jewel rase made from *at isfiict only but will l»c iiiribb* Mr*. Cran«-i* McLaughlin r t«nd the joint ceremonie» of th»* a beef l*un«* which was served in reive«! word Friday of th«- biith «»I to return home for n f«*w week«. < •»;» i Fork encampment of Cot tag«* soup to one of the Duke of Well \ divorce suit hn le « a filed in a daughter to Mr and Mr» Ihook Grov«* and the Wimcwhala cucamp ington’* soldier» who was captured circuit court l»y Ev« tun L. Adam* Whit«’ at l.oiigt tew, Wit*h Mi The carving wa- m«tit of Eugen«* to be h«*ld in L by Nnpoleuu. John S White it» a daughter of Mr Mr against her husband, <> o. F. tempi** Friday night id done with only a pocket knife Th«* The petition slate*« they Laughlin und mad«* her hum«* in Adam* Eugen«*. Th«* Coa*t Fork < n<* imp hinges are supposedly mad«* from Cottage Grov«* f«»r a nuiiil»»r of were married iu \’ mu « « hiv er, Wash., ment t*xp«*«'fs to confer th«* r«»ynl ta*k* taken from his shoes, Au |le. . ’ inl>. i 1925 Til«- » "Uple hnv« year* purple «1« gr«*c. A banquet w ill fol other was a bone can«* mad«* fiuin no children and the plaintiff a»k th«* jaw bone of a whale with th«* OREGON KIKE KLI.II F th» low th«* ceremonie». hea«l made from on«’ of the whale’ oiuurer mutual fin* in* company of for the r«*turn of her name I ve«ina« L Lusk II \\ Lombard « ut Pacific r«»n*t Again, our *urplu« teeth, Th«* cane i» over l«’< , ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a IW2N Arni’wt In* Ag«*m*y |I f’i school iu _ Ireland 120 , year» ago, : : a solid silver cup hammered by Worth Harvey nud Neva I* Har Land oxer 250 years ago, a glass vry hut«* been appointed adminr , Forty Acres Will Be Planted; slipper from Germany, mantel trator* of the «««tat«« of Huaan A. I statues over 100 years old, a Mo Lane tieurge Currin. < 1« m Sartf| •lock Indian molar tooth knocked Delegates Named for aud William Itaimbridge were ap out by T H Faunan in an Indian prai«er« of the e*late which amount* battle, give but a small list of th«’ Rate Meeting. to flltHi m real property and f .’ooh curios displayed. in per*<»ual property. That hand woven cloth was made W M Morelur k and hi* 'laugh The local «hamber of commerce to wear ¡s proven by a baby «ire».* ter, Mr* Lvontine Lu*k, w re The drew is is managing a < ampaign to interest that was on display among the registered guest* la*t th«* farmer» m thia section in the part of a trousseau brought over week at the t'ongre** hotel u growing of alfalfa. The object is to America from Berlin, Germany, Portland. to have nt least 40 acre» of land in 1754 near the beginning of th«* John I’rrmi killr«l a cougar l.i ( iu th«* Nurruundiug territory planted R<*voluttonary war. The dress was werk m the x iriuity of C* dar to alfalfa «luring ID2D. A number, given to Mrs. Mophronia Bteeveer creek Thia i* th«* third one he <»f farmer* have *ignifie»l their in on her wedding day aud hand«*«! ha* killed duriug the *eiiftf»ii t«*ntioii to try th«* experiment. <>. S. down through fixe generations to Fletcher, county agent, will I m * her«* Mrs. E. K. Morford of this city. Mr* .Itdiu (¡room i* planning to a i*t in selecting th«* most suit The dress is the original hand spun leave *«x»ii fur Coquille, when ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■■#■■ ■ ■■■■■■■< to will in’tkr her home with i «laugh able plots for that crop. Mr material throughout but th«* skirt ter, Mr*, H«»*«ermtin Hli«* n b Fiet.-h« r had planne.l to I m * here was at one time very long and posing of her household g«H»«l* and Robert Betts of tlo* Quicksilver Monday, February II, but that date fille«l with hand embroidery like It was shortened by will i» nt her bou*o on River road Sy lido at«* went to Portland Friday ha* been « hang«*d to Thursday* the waist. before going to Coquille Th«»*«* of authority Mrs. Morford’» mother to enable oil luisines*. He evp«*cts to lie February II b«li«v«* that with th«' present high her to let her children wear it m The ministerial «•«-rtifimt«* r»f away* several day». pri«’e of hnv great interest will be keeping with modern times. The l.oui* Henry Hand!«* wa* filed for I II \ enteli of Tulare, Cal., a record Monday m th«’county clerk ‘« foriiH’r re*i«l«*nt of this city, write* shown m tk«‘ *«*«'»ling of this pro^, ongiuai buttons were knit over forms. The material has withstoo«! itable crop. of fire. that he nnd hi* family have be Th«* girl* m th«* high school of many washings. You live but once. Enjoy com«* fixture' in Tulare and hnv«* fire hnv«* assisted the chamber of An ludian display by Harry Met purchased a home thcr«- He says yourself at the Pastime coniincr««- agricultural committee by calf showed a fine collection ol they hnv«* been having some real off arrow heads. There were examples Mr and Mr-* l> II. Ilenienway wiuter for th«* pa-t month with log cutting stencil and runniug first Indian mimeograph copies of applications of Indian art, the luutorv't to Portland Sunday toviut hi th«* morning < hi«* morning th«* I beads, b4d« used in trading by at th«« home* of their children who thermometer «Iroppcd to 2*t degree.«, for free seed to be furninhe«i by th«* chamber of commerce. The the Hudson’s Bay company, tan reside iu that city. h«* said, and other inorniug* have agricultural «•ommitt«*«* consists of ning too), Indian skinning knife, Mr Vcatch nays that W. N Mr au«| Mrs. Willium Ashworth been n- cold Averill, Smith Hughes in Indian «inker«, buckskin need!«*», while the land then* i* called on«* of Eugene were Sunday guests 'tructor hi the high school, <>. A. stpne axe and arrow head that of siinshiiit* they have much di* the home «»f Mr* Ashworthpar Nichols aud A. Beidler. w«*re dug up in center of Cottage ruts, Mr. and Mr*. N. I Compton ngrecabl«* weather along with tn«* At th«* chamber of commerce Grove and au Indikn war club. *un*hin«*. Tom Parker of l.timlpark wa* » luncheon Tu«**«lav an invitation was A coin display by Max Bird nt 'The «’«oiditmn of J S Maglndry, received from tin* Sutherlin chain tracted much att« ntion. visitor here Mon«lny. Mr Parker ‘‘Shin who underwent n s«*con»l surgical b«*r to attend a meeting to be h«’ld plasters," old paper money, early reports ten fret of mow in the li op«*rntiun Inst we«*k, wn* rcporteil in lb»*« burg February J when plans coins were but a f«*w of those on trie! from which he came. However he will I»«* made for affiliation of display. Ikmald Witcher rollectrd bounty to I m * satisfactory. That grandmothers of the pr«*' <»u a bobcat .Monday nt the countv ha* not yet li«*cn allowed to receive w«*st«*rn cities of Oregon to secure v isitorw. fair freight rates. Ender the pro- «•nt day flappers are somewhat res « ierk ’» <» ffirr. Mr, nnd Mrs. Bosco«* Forward posed plan tlu* association would ponsibit* for the action* of their Joe East ham ha* moved her** h with his family from Monroe mol went to Portland Sunday <»n a few look after the rat«* cases in this granddaughters is proved by district. .1«»«* Smith and S. L. powder puff used 81 years ago aud is located in the William linker days' business and pleasure (rip. F. C I'«Try of the Perry Hard Mackin were named two delegates by a pair of ear rings NN year« old. house on Ash avenue. hi* to attend th«* conference. Others These two were loaned by M r*. Mrs. Blanch Groom of Portland i* ware shir«* was confined to from her«* will probably attend. Gene Finnan. visiting with relative* in tin* city. I ioiiic part ol la*t week on account A wedding dress worn 75 year* of illn«**«.*. Major Cyril A. W. Daw -on of ago hekl the interest of thoee at Mr. and Mrs. Huxley K ciii were Salem win her«* Tuesday night for train tending. It bad a long inspection of battery *‘E’’ nt it* hi Marshfield nnd N«»rth Bend last «-quipped with dust ruffle-* sn.l wa- w«*«*k. Th«*v hnv«* r«*ut«*d a hous«* regular weekly drill. of the wasp waist variety that no in North Beml ami will b«*gm inov Arnest writes Ins., any kind. flapper of today could wear. The mg to their new location tomorrow dress cost $250. Th«* Nelson Motor company sold Mr. and Mr*. <’. E. I’inphr«*y Cottage Grov«* awoke this morn A lamp standard made from a a Whippet *ix conch Tu«’*«lnv* Io motored to < >:ikl:md Sunday and ing to find a sheet of ice covering demijohn used in 1880 wa* another Corbett Smith ol < ’«»tinge Grove. v i ite«| ri lntivi** in that vicinity. tin* ground and trees and shrubs. of the distinctive articles. It wa* Al a ineating of flu* American Ihmnld I 'mphrey, l.oran Stewart Ram started falling earlv and by equipped with an electric light l.cgmn Drum corps last week th«* noon the worst of th«* silver thaw lamp that used to burn iu the group planned to ntten«l tin* sei and Lloyd Grigg*, stmlents at <). win over. Whili* ice mad«* walking power house of th«* Bohemia mine. vices of dedication of Hie veteran* ’ A (’. hi Corvnlli.*, spent tin* week and riding perilous, no serious ac and which still does it* duty, hospital in Portland February 22. eml at their lioiiiv* hen*. The bar On«* display was a quilt I>on't be extravagant nnd throw «■idents were reported. Each Legion post in th«» date will «»meter i* l«»w indicating stormy by th«* mother of Bill Lan«lis wheu be represent e«| and the dllllil «oips , away vmir rags ivlim all you have to do is call Ntlson Motor com weather, but it , Bh«ck Butte Jndg«* Blower» is being considered route, Lawrence Clark; district 177, in some quarters as a candidate for Dorena, Harohl Plank. Lawrence Wc offei- dtiriiii? tlii.s »ah', «»«»«■ <>f llu'sc I«»«* paekagt's governor in 1930. Clak whs class«»«! as honor student and Harold Plank was listed among those passing the physiology and A Gaudy Pattern geography examinations. Th«* list The put»!» btiK may be a peat, was announced January 24 from With your purenaHe of the other one for lOe. hut lit. color acheuie haa, given the the county school superintendent's maker, of aporta coata and blateri* office. Rome annppy new Idea*. ANTIQUES TELI TALE EARLY DAY HISTORY | City Briefs 1 ( .Iiambcr of Commerce Backs Alfalfa Growing i I : : ■ i i ■ FILING CABINET : SENTINEL : Silver Thaw Visits Cottuge Grove Today Smith-Short Grocery For Groceries Phone 153 A New lc SALE Golden Age Macaroni Spaghetti Preserving Music of Bungalow Five Pacific Coast Indians First League Kvpry «iuy Ik# hull« of tl»# hq thr«»pology «! piHtiopfit of tb# Lui- v^rnlly uf < nllf'irnhi rhig o«it with th»» low, phalritlv# mu«l<* <»f tb# In- dbth trll»«*i4 of H ip l*H<’lfl<* roNMl. On# i i»urqiiiiliit#d with lb»» prnvN and dunce rnusl«* and dunce« of the liidlan« of the Pa cltlc »lo(»e. They have mu < ceede«! In recording Nome gem« For In «tance, It hurt tieretofure been Im f»ON*lhle to get tb»» ifoliaoM to reft f"«Nlonul mourn er« at fuio-inls, and tho«** who are fumlllur u Hli It regHrd It a« un lucky Io slfig u denib tmng when there 1« no death. Th# Lost Bear <*uh*N I.a men! I n n I a which fell# the tale <»t a bewildered little bear #tumbilng thr«»ugh the wood« Nearcblng for H n mother. Th«»«# record« are gone over dally by <»ne of the faculty who 1» endeavoring to fathom the system which was made u»e of la th# composition. Wood Cups and Bowls Once Highly Prized Wooden trencher*. coiiiiuonly called "treen" were In common use during th* Middle age* In Great Brllalu. "Maser*” or cup* and bowl* were frequently mentioned In will* aud Inventories. The liner specimen* belonged to tti* richer abbey*—tin.*, there whs th* Great maser at York, the Jud** cup at Durham, aud at St. Saviour's. Southwark, theie was "a maser with a border aud knop of sylver and gilt which was given to the church wardeus to drink when they mete." These valuable wooden cups i were sometime* ornamented by a I rim of silver, but otherwise they were seldom decorated by more thau I a few low moldings or Incised line*. Their value and beauty lay lu th* graining of the wood, generally maple, and the old turners chose the part of the trunk where It divided off Into branches so as to obtain the speckled bird's eye graining. By Tudor times pew­ ter liegau to take the pla* e of tree, though poorer folk continued to use these wooden trencher* and bowl* till much later, especially In the north of England and In Scotland. W.t.rm.lon From Africa The traditional appetite of the colored roan for watermelon Is due to th* fact that he acquired hl* fondues* for the vatermeloo in the land of hl* origin, Africa, where they are found today growing wild That watermelon* were grown by th* ancient Egyptian* 1* proved by numerous paintings a* well as c*rv ings on monuments. The fruit was probably Introduced into England some time In tb* Sixteenth cen­ tury. According to Master Grave» ft abounded In Massachusetts tn 1029. only nine years after the landing of the Pilgrim*. The Indiana lost lit tie time In adding the watermelon to their list of cultivated plant*. I d IdtM Florida tribes were culti­ vating It lu their Helds of maize and utne year* later Father Mar­ quette found the western tribe* growing watermelon*. Bird Mad* Much Trouble When telephone service suddenly stopped between Melbourne and Al bury, Australia, saj* the Pathfinder Magazine, a long, careful »earch re vealed that the cause of the trouble was a magpie. Thl* busy bird had built a neat on the tup of a pole— a nest 1« inches across aud 8 inches deep. The size of the nest would nut have mattered, t ut evl dently Intent on making the new home durable and solid, tb* magpie had used several piece* of wire which had been snipped off and left on the ground by r.pair men One of the pieces of wire was In contact with two wires of the line, which naturally caused a short cir­ cuit aud stopped the service. Two 10c Packages for 11c in (Hu* dotihh* package. The »Store That Appreciates Your Trade. Improved Teacher ”"Now, don’t you think your daughter'* voice I* Improved?' Father—"Ye*. but It'* not cured."— Vancouver Province. Only a Quarter in Hit Jean» Sb*— ’Tan*« th* moon lovely to­ night? Do you know It nlwnya fill* me with hunger for comething " He (haittly)—“L«t*, d«nc*.’’—Syduey Bull*tln. CITY FUEL CO. De if Service Dependable/ feated 49 24; Hii«, 2 Oliver, 14 .... F L. Gustafson, s Mhoixtall, I .....C... Eati-rgsrd, 7 Cochran, K> ....G... Wiuu, .7 Miller, 4 ...JU... M. Gustaf.on . ... g.. Heck, ti Wangberg Koliin*, 4 ..... 19... Wisear*ori, I In a game between the Cottage Grove high M<*huo| team and th'- Bungalow quintet .Monday n« gh* th«* Bungalow* won by a lop-xided «core of 3M to 6. In spite of the on»* Muled »core both team» di» played a good brand of basketball and the high school team kept th»- Willauii'tte Valley leaguer** on th»-ir toe». The bnt'Up follows: Bungalow* (3U) High School (<> Mwanson, r Goff, - »' Gate« Oliver, 6 c Rbofatali, ...... King <; .... Kelly Miller, M G Cochran, e Armes, I Rolline, s ........... 3 Swanson Pitcher Bricker, 6 H The Bungalow team took a beat ing at th»- haud* of Lebanon Janu ary 21 ut Lebanon, losing 42 lu 27. Th«- local* were hampered by a »evere shaking up, suffered in « slight motor acciaent, and were uu able to play at top form. The Eugene Collegian» will play th«* garag«* team here tonight. Walker Club Defeats Reedsport Five 27-25 The basketball team of the Wai ker .Athletic club defeated the Reedsport quintet by a two-pcinl margin Monday night on the Wal­ ker floor The final ¿core was 27 to J '> Walker went into the lead at the start of the game, and though tney maintained the lead throughout, the game wa* close and hard fought and both teams battled on an equal footing Walker was hampered by the fact that its two regular cen ters. Harry Benston and Lawrence Porter, were unable to get into the game Walker will go to Marcóla Fri­ day night to play the Marcóla fne and it# next home game will be Wednesday, February 6, with Pleasant Hill. The lineup for th«* Walker Reeds port game follows: Reedsport (25) Walker (27) S. Benston, 3 F .... ..... - Eby, 1 Keating, 12 H Wolfard, 10 F Hudson, 10 Morgan. 3 ------ C— ........ ___ Nice Blank. 10 ..... .. G ...... Adams, 2 L. Wolfard O .. ............. Frink Nixon, 1 .......... N N... ......... Goddard Powell K.. J» ■ r “Sayine i thini< may not make it so, but if it'* true it ought to be said, and we say again—the City Fuel com­ pany is the place to come for wood that's RIGHT —says Practy Cal. We have some very fine DRY body fir from out in the country as well as our partly dry slab wood from our yard The body fir is good for kindling, cook stove or heater use. We recommend our slab wood for heaters and furnaces only. Phone No 18.—We are as close as your nearest phone. Office at Arcade Barber Shop, next door to Arcade thea­ ter, where orders may be left and accounts paid. Bungalow« I»se to Wendling The Bungalow Garage basketball team dropped a league gam»* to Wendling ia-t night at Wendling by a « ore of 52 to 35. The local team wa* Swanson and Oliver, for­ ward.*; Cochran and Miller, guards; Bricher, center; Rollins, substitute. The Cottage Grove high uchuo! basketball team lost a hard, rough game to t'orvallis high Friday night on the local flour by a score of 32 to 17. Several scraps marred the contest and both a local player and a Corvallis player wer. ruled from the floor The game was interestlog to watch aud was fairly close until the last naif when Corvslli« piled up the biggest portion of it. score. The locals played good basketball but missed many shots. Cottage Grove will go to Eugene Friday nigh, to play the Eu/ene high school five. Desks, Office Sentinel. A Cloud for a Lining it was their first quarrel, and It lasted longer than post-honey­ moon squabble* generally do. But filially It was over, and the wife wa* coufidlug to a friend. "My dear. It was really terrible while It lust ed.” she said. "But I’m glad In a sense. See what a splendid present Percy gave tue afterward." Her friend picked up the luag nlticent evening wrap. "Oh, how gorgeous to hav* a husband like •'That'« a cloud that!" *lie cried. with a silver fo* lining.''—York •litre Po*t. French Socialist Croup The Fragile Thing* easily broken: A manY promise, a woman's heart and an endurance flying record. Bank of Cottage Grove A STRONG BANK Cottage Grove, Oregon DOLLARS AND Will get you there if you Keep your ear on the road. Seiberling Tires If kept in condition, will kci'p yonr car oil the road. Our Battery Service Means that you will have no trouble starting on any I cold morning. See Us Often The cheerful seYviee station boys, Fat, Bert and '’het at Motor Inn Service Station ’ Jl PA“? )ÍNON5¿NSE. »yv? r • H sow, voco it ' s OHLY 1 MORC HOURS- Senti­ SENSE Yon hear a great deal about dollars and cents, but not as much as you should about dollars and sense. It usually takes business sense to get the dollars, but it takes more sense to care for them properly after you get them. The first important step in showing dollar sense is to establish a checking account with the long- established. solidly financed old reliable bank The First National Bank Of Cottage Grove Capital, $50 000 Women and Children Given Special Attention Surplus. $25,000 H appy yov'pc too ■WXINO TO DE 5TATIH new YF AR , UP SO / O s N'T • 5TAV up FOR NEW will be the topic at the ARCADE THEATER Sunday Morning at 9 45. THE BIGGEST THING IN LANE COUNTY Which is THAT COMMUNITY MEN’S BIBLE CLASS Meets every Sunday morn­ ing at the Arcade. IN A NON-PARTISAN STUDY OF THE GREAT TEXT BOOK OF LIFE I 0 Shaw, teacher Start Your Account Now Shell Gas Godin, a French Socialist, estab tlslied a co operative association 111 1859 and by 1880 had fully eatab llahed profit ehartng. By hl* plan profit* tn excess of 5 per cent on capital were to be divided between labor and capital In the rutlo of aggregate wages to uggregitte mini mum profit*. or E I N D E P E N D E N T Brotherhood Team Loses Notice is hereby given thst the board of directors of school district No. 45. Lan«' county, Oregon, will receive bids for 125 cords of 4 foot old growth fir, 90 cords 30-inch old growth fir and 25 tier of 16-inch old growth fir. Specifications are on file with the clerk. The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids must be in by Mon day, February 11. N E. GLASS Chairman WOBTB HARVEY, clerk. j31f7e BUILDING THE TEMPLE Save Regularly Here NOTICE or CALL FOR BIDS. The wise old Dr. Samuel Johnson once said: "Gratitude 1* a i fruit of great cultivation. You do not find it among gross people." Obaerva- i lion* will convince you that this Is true, at least lu some degree. Cheap or coarne people are usually luck Ing In a sense of gratitude. They are likely to be the sort* who carry chip* on their shoulder*, brag that the world owes them a living, boast* of accomplishment* for which they are not responsible Lacking a sense of appreciation of most good things, they naturally lack a sense of appreciation of w lint others have done for them.—Grove Patterson, In the Mobile Register Chairs Card Cabinet* The S»nt*nel THE DIVINE MASONRY OF LIFE COTTAGE GROVE LOSES CORVALLIS HIGH GAME A volley ball team of the Luba brotherhood played four game« Tuesday night in the local gvm uasium with a Y. M. C. A. team of Eugene, losing 3 to 1. Those on Bright on ' the Luba team were Leonard, Dick Sturges, 8. L Muck in. Dwight Mercer, G. B. Arnest, C. E. Vmphrey, Harvey Seintann and Garfield Crow. The locals will go to Eugene soon for retain game«. Egg Noodles for lc Creamery Independence Gralituda Typewriters to rent. nel. Wins Game PA A n D I L úe \ a / ií . h vou ALL. A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR HOVR5 later T hx Cmwey TH« fcLAD NEW YEAR Health and Happiness are Prosperity. This family din« store is an impetus to better living—to more joyful ap­ preciation of each day’s possibilities of comfort and charm. Every good wish to you for the year, folks Imperial Barber Shop P. S. Bukowski I Kelly’s Drug Store Formerly White’s Pharmacy Cottage Grove, Ore.