» ntinrl o ,f O Mwr»ry COTTAGE GROVE, I*ANE COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 192*. VOLUME. XXXVIII NUMBBB 11 Bungalow Team Takes Cabin Biplane A Left. Fausleville Artists Come Two Men Slug Sheriff /'. O. Night Service Is Sickness Cuts Down Probably for Revenge Eighth Win in Row For New Year .7/ Local Fichi Christmas Programs To Continue next Monday at >r the first time a rear 1'329, the n ia »(aging a for the guest. A •e, for whlded nt ti meetiug of the kgi lative I'ununitteu of ruunty judge« and comtiiiAAiuncr« h«*ld at I'orlluud Friday. Judge (’ p. Barnard ut l.aur county 1» chairman of thi» «* utn mi t tee ’’The policy ««f th«’ ruunty judgv •.n«l com in insioner* i* to promote «urn«« Irgiafotion thnt will meet thr a«’r»|» uf the statu and ntill nut r> quire that all our »tab* motor law* be re«’»st A «iiiipl«’ ainriiiliuent to prMMtut laws we believe woubl to* much better than u general change uf all law» bearing on the ear l> • ru»ra null gn*u»lilir I«' f«*« k. « id Judge Haruard. Tur legi»foliv«« r stale and increase slightly that re roivetl now by the counties. Thi would be equalised after a «hort time, as the state*» share of th«* automotive revenue in increasing about 1700,000 a year. It was explained thnt no pro vinion was made a» to whether th«* tax returned to the counties nhouhl the fund» for general pur pose» or to the road fund. Thi« could l»e arranged by legislation ia’cr, Judge _ Barnard »aid. The judge» anti commissioner» also rec otnmrndrd that state legislation le enacted to compel counties to put all funds receive«! from autumotiv« «ourren into sinking fund« for road bonds and intermt. In Lane eoun ty this j» done now, but a number j uf counties do not follow thi« policy. This year Lane county re eeivi’d about 992, the i«*tt«r was de­ week will I m * a* follow Rev. I. (• livered a» directed. The Irttef did Shaw of th«* Cnrfotian church will j not reach it» intermediary addrea <*p«'uk at the Prrsbyterfon church •**•«* until the day before ('hristma*, l>ue«-mb«-r 31 and Januarv 2, Rev. hut its contents were forwarded by w .1 iferrow of th.- Methodist radio »nd it in to be hoped that church will preach at the Baptist Santa was abl«« to fill the tricycle church J January uhiin ry 1 and 3 nml Ilex order. Duncan P. < Cmn«*ron 'n in«*ron will «pr th«« Methodist church January Prisoners Get Turkey. Prisoner» in the l«anr c«*ui were more fortunate on (’hi •lay »o far a< rat» were eon than many «»n the outside, feasted <»n two force turkey fixing» furpi»h< d by J. K. b uf Eugene. Pastry nn» fui by Hotel (»»burn. LONDON . H-nlinW.) Dee 24 Mrs. Jis* Brook hart I» recovering from ih<* fiu. Ivan Lyon* is ill with flu. (Tnu>lr Short ridge, who ha«l bcru working nt MTe»twoo«l, ('al.. »«•venU month«, returimd Snturday to «pend th«« holiday» with horn«* folk*. Mr. and Mr*. Harvey Shipp will go to Hood River to «pend Chri»l- man with Mr. '• parent» and to attend the ng of a aiater of Mr. Shipp. Mr. and Mr». Vrrn Short ridg« drove up from W««»twood, Cal., to ••pend the holiday» with Mr. Short ridge’» parent a, Mr. and Mr*. W 0. Sh«tft ridge. A. L. Woo P. Will». Mi*« Viola Welty arrived Sun lay from ('entralia, Waah . to »pend the holiday» with h«*r •is- ter, Mr». C. H. Wood*. Mr. anil Mr». Bert Baughuian. nrrompanied by Mr. and Mr*. I), hriki”, till of Graton, Cal., drove up Munday to spend the holidays with Mr«. Baughman 'a mother. Mr*. Mary Massey, and other rela tivv*. Mr. and Mrs. Davis will go to Portland in a few day*. Th«* Woodard mill »hut down Saturday for a ten «lav»' vacation. The | program given ............................ by the Lon don ar hool I pupils Friday evening wan well presented and well al tende«L Mr*. W. L. Town»«*nd in on the »ick li«t. Robin Wood* 1» on the *i«*k li»t. Harold Phillip* ha* a rived from Seattle to apend the holiday* with hi* parent*, Mr. and “ Mr*. “ “ Robert Phillip* Mrs. given under the direction of Wil ifom Meleaine of the E. B. F. A program by the young p«*opfo and the choir wa» given at the evening ■erviee. The program wm followed Lana Bonds to Be Burned. 1 by a Cbriatmaa treat for the chil I^aae county will destroy 8256, ' dren. Rev. W. J. Morrow »poke at th*- 500 in road bond», these being the Methodist church Munday forenoon last of the issue of 82,000,000 on ** Praise God for the Un»peak R L Bliley Jujure» Fluten R L. Bailey. employe of the authorised by vote May 21, IMO. | ¡able Gift.” The evening »erriw Mtandard Mesoning the regular society, au» Thin amount of the total issue was 1 ' was given over to HongM and twined tw<> ma«hrd finger» of tkr set aside for the county’» »hare of ' Ckri-tma» program. left hand several day* ago. A »lot th** improvement - of the Wiliam | reading* were given by member* was t<> b<* emptied of its timber* t ette highway. ; of the primary Sunday school Thi* wa* »evaral year* before the | i elarae» and among thoae taking part nod Bailey did not notice that tb<* ! county received a check for mon : were Frances and Bunny Kelly, lifting apparatus had not yrt pushed the tnnbur ha«-k up the »lot. I than *81,000,000 on the Oregon A ’ Marcia Bru nd and Margaret Quim The timber nt the bottom of the « California land grant tax refund. by. A Christ ma« pageant was giv- highway bond« i , en by the advance.! Sunday school slut had become fastened a short The Willamette dislanne ulxjve the connet ter, which : were the only ones remaining an i ; efoaaes and at the clone of the pro also support* the timber» in th«* | sold from the original issue of $2, i gram a Chri»tma* tree was en slot, and thin gave the appearanc«* | OOOJMJO. Part of the O. A C. fund I joyed. ___ of the tiinlwr having tasen raised | was set aside to take care of the The choir under the direction of to a safe paaitioa by the unloading Willamette project and the»? bunds : Mi«** Esther Silsby presented it# ! program at the forenoon service of apparatus. When Bailey struck th«* *’«*re never issued, The bond, in denominations uf I the Presbyterian church. The pro connector he held hi* other hand to catch it, but in»tead of the con . »500 and »1000 number 33. Th«- ! gram included “The First Christ neejer flying out the planks from order to destroy the unissued bonds mas Morn.” “Holy Night,” “Calm abort* dropped down an«! caught the was given Wednesday by the eoun on the Listeaing Ear of Niglit” tip» uf the fingers of the second ty court to Graer Hrhisks, county ■nd ••■’•i... Pint D»y of the King.” and thir«l finger» of Bailev'» left treasurer. The bond* will be ' Scripture readings were given by hand. burned. i Rev. J. L. Beatty. The Sunday I school presented its program at tne evening service. FIVE TONS OF PIPE COW TESTING GROUP IS READY TO ORGANIZE INTO SES0NH0US JOB The contract for installing a fire Sufficient tneuil»er«i have lx*n obtained for the proponed cow protection system in the mammoth («ratine association l*cing organize'! I sesonhous Of the Standard Nesoning under auspice» of the agricultural society at Latham has been awarded department of the high school and to Rchofield Stewart. A number of a inertiug for permanent organiza bids were submitted by Portland tion will be held at 1 o'clock Sat firms. The contract calls for the urday at the high school. A presi­ installation of five tons of pipe. A dent, a vice president and a sec re hydrant system is the basis of the Four-inch tary treftaurer are to I m * elected. , fire protection system. Texting of cow» for milk produc­ pipe is the largest that will be installed. Mr. Stewart plans to tion will »tart in January. I start the installation as soon as the Kenneth Sears on Duty on Cruiser i^tipe arrives. Kenneth O. Hctn, who wu with th«« U. N. marine» on guard duty Delegates Named to Convention in Shanghai. China, for a number Mrs Julia Ashby, Mrs I .aura of months, ha« been transferred to McKeruan and Mr*. Elizabeth ruar«l «luty on the U. K. R. Pitta Rohde have been named delegates burg, battle cruiser. He expects 1 to the state W. R. C. convention to be on duty in foreign waters for to be held next summer. Mrs. Fu­ a number of month* more. The son and Mrs. Ella Tiller are alter­ cruiser opi-ratea out of Manila an.I nate*. it wa« in that city that Seam spent Installation of officers by the Christiuu*. He had expected to W, R. C., scheduled for last Satur­ return to Guttau» Grove for Christ day, was postponed on account of ma* but decided to complete all of sickness. Attendance was light be kit required foreign nervier at thia cause of the influenza epidemic, time. Christmas gifts were exchanged. Bookkeeping System». Sentinel. THE FEATHERHEADS «• V* w*««*ra Bookkeeping System». Sentinel. Songs of Plain Folks ---------- 5-------------------------- 'By---------- James Jewis Haus [OpenCountiy I love the open country With the sunrise on her breast, When summer days, like soldiers. Ride out upon their quest. My heart soars with the meadow lark On dawn-emblatoned wings. Thrilled with the open country And with the song he sing*. I love the open country— And the country road at morn, With foxtail shining down along The head-row» of the com; Morning-glories opened, .Primrote» peeping through. And all the world just smiling back At the sunrise, from the dew. We who drive the furrow Through the qpen country fields— Who reep the yellow harvest Her black loam richly yields— Weil may we love the country. And lay no foolish plan To leave, In search of shadow wealth, The home God made for man. t»V<» TUAT »XCkifi AV f UK» It HOT-* 1b TU» LlTTlF WöfOAU AMO BKFiVt UtU BtiSliMÓ MDU. wilu tuf ÛLAS«»« MATS _ T.FoüQ-BiTS/ NE-Nr < Another Cottage Grove has been found. This time it is in a far­ away portion of the United States, the Hawaiian Islands. Fred Loekley, feature writer for the Oregon Journal, who is spend­ ing a month in the islands doing special work, writes The Sentinel that while motoring near Hololulu one day he saw on a palm tree a big sign, "Cottage Grove.” H<- said that the attraction of Cottage Grove has always been so strong that he nearly jumped off the rapidly moving ear and he is sure that if he hadn't restrained him­ self he would have crashed into and destroyed a large section of Hawaiian scenery. Rd Willson Is Hit by Car. Ed Willson sustained minor in juries early Monday night when struck by a light Ford ear driven by Ray Vinson. It was said that Mr. Wiiison did not blame Mr. Vin son for the accident. Vinson said that Willson stepped out from be­ tween two ears near the Fifth anl Main street, intersection. Willson j fell to the pavement and was badly I bruised. One ankle was severely ! but not dangerously injured. -'—'teBt for Patrolmen Differences of opinion in the Mosby creek district over road work, which has caused a division into two factions, has resulted in two petitions being presented to the county court for the appoiut ment of a road patrolman. One faction asks the Appointment of T. B. McGuire. The other faction asks the appointment of Finley Whipps, present patrolman. Herbert Taylor, deputy sheriff aud son of Sheriff Frank E. Tay lor. was in an automobile wreck nt Ione, eastern Oregon, several days ago. His »ew car. which he was driving, was badly wrecked and all the glass broken, but Mr. Tay lor and his companion, Otis Boyd, were only slightly injured. A. T. Crandall Dies. A. T. Crandall, who was for years in the contracting and building business here and who moved to Portland about 10 years ago. dropped doa ’ there two weeks ago while at work. He leaves a widow, a son Perry of Carlton and a daughter, Mrs. E. S. Goff, Portland. Bookkeeping Systems. Sentinel. Bookkeeping System*. Sentinel. a cuv* a. unit A*MnR W tam NV 1U0ÜÖUT Mía- M M3U COUD uSP- 'T Commissioner Hurd Make Strong Plea Before High­ way Commissioner». Í II .1st" hitfhwuy 1-otuiuigH^M I u-. niu-'l >i ri.tb.-r iniliffsillKjgH ent attitude regarding the comply” tion of the highway down th| S-.uslaw from Mapleton to Florene was the report of County Commit riomer Clinton Hurd at the rneetin of the Lane county chamber o commerce held in Eugene Frida night. Upon eonaideration of the repo of Mr. Hurd, the county cbambe voted to have it* bight tee get in touch with eotnxnimionen at once definite expression from that gron as to what their intention i* garding thi* project. If they d not favor the completion of th tbuslaw highway now, their ions will I h - asked by the con ring committee. Following the terview, Joseph Shelton, pre*idna A 7 pound son was born Christ- of the Lane county chamber, wil mas «jT.d*NTL»fJ- A Cottage Grove Found Near Honolulu Sheriff's Son in Wreck. Christinas Was Sober Day There were no arrests here on Christmas day. If any liquor was drunk in observance of the holi­ M1CKIE SAYS— day, th«» drinkers remained off th»' streets. In fact, police court busi­ ness was light for the ent in' week, UIHEU NOU HAMO US MOMEYRiR there being but two fines, both for Two of a Kind. ADVER-TISIMQ, NOU GET WHAT Dan—"Wh'-re nre you off to. violations of the traffic laws. El­ NOU PAY Ft«, LIKE EVERT bert Bede paid a fine of $2 for in Bent” WHERE ELSE ♦ SO IF YA V/AMT lien—"I'm goin ' to see the doc correct parking and John Doe a TO MOVE «1,000 WOR TH OF t | tor. I don’t like the look of my lik<' amount for making a reverse OOOOS, DotJT EXPECT A LlC I wife.’’ turn on Main street. 1 Dan—"I’ll come wi’ y«—I don’t POLLAR- AP ID PO ‘TH’ JOB ,i I — I r n _ w. Bookkeeping Systems. Sentinel. ..»-w » _ like the look o’ mine either." _ _____ :____ ~ 7—» -1 By Osborne r------------------- > The Bum-a low garage basketball team proved more than a match for the Marcola team, when they defeated the visitor» by a »core of 03 to 29 in a fast game played in the high school gyro last Thursday night. Manager Smith had pre dieted hi» team would do »ome thing startling and they didn’t di» appoint him Cochran, Mwansoo and W Oliver were the »tar players for the loaafo. Thia makes the eighth straight win fur the Bungalows The lineup: Bungalow», Hwan»on, 12. Oliver, 15, forwards; Hbofstall, tí, renter; ..ui.f, Miller, 4, Cochran, 18, v, guards; Heck, 0; Rollin», 2. SI ar­ eola: Cox, 6, Addington, 2. for- J ward«; Miles, 12, easier; Allen, 4, Hardinty, guards; Estes, 2; Neil, 8. I The next game is icheduled for tonight with Elkton ia the huh ; school gymnasium. , STATE BODY DOESN'T FAVOH SIDSLAW OUTLE it rtx> DIDST Buy ONfi OF WO«» GOOORje dofcihi DAD-CCOS F«oC WÛÎ / STQStr-tWKfeR^! OU- LAWS// « mis w we »ev euSiUT SoGT CF MA» OA3 Ttwe AAJO ASûDT/ CM FXHX -- vooUft ASC / UHL IM VEi?V wHCowe- feW tm GIFT I PRESENTED MX)/- I KME-lQ iT WOULD PIEA5E- MX) but I HADNT äxpec T pd find / MX) So OVERWHELMED ii TU GßftTlTÜDE-/ Hardware itcre 1» Opened. F. C. Perry, recently -fif Moaro*,, roa'9i lias reopened the Liiton Hardware store under the aame of the Pei Hardware eomoany He recently bought the L!.*Con stock, which had been taken over by creditor*, brought additional »lock with him from Monroe and ha* purchased some new atoek. He ha* been in the hardware buaiaei* for many year*. Mr Perry wa* accompanied here by hi* wif- and two of their « son* and another ion will errive after the el-.ie of ichool. ‘•- t I Beer Bring* geo Fina. Tom Miller was fined 360 la Justice of Peace Young'* court Saturday for the possession of liquor. Deputy Sheriff Pltther had confiscated 111 bottle* of bear