3 COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, J926. NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT MEETING. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the legal voters being resident taxpavers and owners of real propertv in Road District No. 17, in Lane County, Oregon, v will ” .... on be held at _____ the _____ hour __ of 8 _ _. P. M. the 20th dav of November, A. D. 1926. nt the Wildwood School to house in sai«i Boat! District. determine whether said read dis a special . tax of 11 irt shall ...1. lew ....................... <$766 UH) upon all th»* taxable prop­ erty in said district for the purpose of providing funds for the recon st ruction of the road between Red Drisston and Ruiada roads. Distol; and Ruim'i roads. C. P. BARNARD. Count'’ Judge. CLINTON HERD. Countv Commissioner. (>. E. CROWE. i ,ov5 1 I S Conntv Commissioner. ’ _ Youth Rides West _ _ j — I Sh ■ nodded slowly, solemnly. “That’s good,” she said. “Nut the part about me—hut about you. Il i< you as I’d like you to be.” Then she smiled, almost like her •’Id -■■•f Ju her merry moods. “Can’t we forget this morning— for a moment? You’ve dreadful, dreadful night You must s|eep now.” “Sleep!” 1 said. “When I have a few hours with you and may not •'*•*<* you for years!” but even as I spoke a rush of inner drowsiness made insincere my woyjs. Constance looked ototside. The tentflnps gaped wide, making visible this rude apartment to all NOTICE OF ROAD DISTRICT the world. MEETING. “This camp doubtless thinks TO WHOM IT’MAY CONCERN: ‘about as scandalously of you ami __ that ___ a me as it can,” she said. “Look« Notice is hereby given meeting of the legal voters being __ ___ of Robert—I’m going, to make von resilient taxpavers and owners Road District No. lie down on my bed.” reel property in — ---- — ....... # 76 1»' Lane Countv. Oregon. will Had I been niys«»)f. I should have be held at the hour of 2 P. M. on protested. As it was. T yielded th* 20th dav of November. A. D 1926. -f th,. Shields Suh' ol in said like a sleepy child, She wet a Rond District, to determine whether towel, washed my face. She said road district shall lew a spe­ loosened my collar, Her touch, cial tax of $5083.96 upon all the taxable property in said district which normally roused every fiber for the purpose of providing funds in mi*, was now heavenly soothing. for market road in this district She held my shoulders as I 76. This lew to match th«» market st retched out my aching muscles road fund provided for the con­ on the white sh eet -count erpu n e; struct ion of market roads. C. P. BARNARD. she knelt beside mo, holding and Countv Judge. putting my hand. Once she looked CLINTON HIRD. Countv Commissioned I swiftly out of doors, then bent and kissed my forehead. I raised my O. E. CROWE. nov5-ll-8 Countv Commissioner. other hand tn embrace her. but she put it gen|lv back. I was gone. A light shone in mv face. I sprang up sitting, Twilight with­ out. ers. Barnaby shading an oil NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION We Operate Over 7000 Miles of Highways. World’s« Longest Stage Line Stages leave Cottage Grove daily for all California points. NEW SCHEDULE: 5:15 a. m., 1:15 p. m. 4:20 and 10:50 p. m Department of the __ ________ Interior, _ U. _ 8. Lund office at Roseburg, Oregon. October 27. 1926. Notice is hereby given that Alex Lundberg, of Disston, Oregon, who, on August 15. 1921. made Home steady Entrv, No. 012711. for Lot 4 (47 acres). Section 1, Township 22 8., _____ 1 West, Willamette ~ Range Meridian, has____ filed ______ notice _________ of inten- tion to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Immel. U. 8. Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, on the 20th dav of December. 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: Wilbur Pitcher, Ben Pitcher, both of Dorena, Oregon. Charles Arring­ ton, Lloyd Arrington, both of Disston, Oregon. Non coal HAMILL A. CANADY, nl-29(2) Register. Fare« from Cottage Grove to— Yreka $9.00 Redding.........$12.50 San Francisco $15.50 Los Angeles $27.35 Information, tickets, folders from Howe’s Confectionery, Agent. Phone 97. Stage Terminal Main Street, Cottage Grove, Ore. HAIRCUTTING— For Men and Women Try Our Fitch Dandruff Remover Shampoo. Removes all irritations and is antiseptic. Hair Bobbing at Reasonable Prices. Imperial Barber Shop Long Distance Hauling Piano Moving a Specialty Chestnut Transfer Chestnut Brothers, proprietors South Sixth Street—Rear First National Bank. STORAGE AND GENERAL TRANSFER Office phone 6 Residence phone 155 L * DAD MOORE General Draying and Transfer Phone 4 Office in Durham’s Store --------------- II City Transfer Co. JESS LANSING Proprietor FURNITURE MOVING AND STORAGE Piano Moving a Specialty. Phone 99. Res . 1S9-.Î I Ü NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Roseburg. Oregon. October 19, 1926. Notice is hereby given that Harold B. Howard, of Box 293, Toledo, Oregon, who. on September 19, 1921. made Homestead Entrv. No.' 014134, for NE% NE’4. See tion 33. Township 20 S., Range 2 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mak: three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the United States Land Office, at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 27th da\ of November, 1926. Claimant names as witnesses: I Loo Thomason, of Cottage Grove. Oregon, John H. Kirk. C. D. Van ' Aralin, Ralph Land, all of Dorena. Oregon. non coal HAMILL A. CANADY. o25-n22(2)_________________ Register. lamp with her hand. * * Seven o’clock!’’ said Mrs. Barnaby, ‘Your boss has been lookin ’ over the hull camp for you. Says he’s wanted at town meet in’ and you’ve got to get out the paper, though why it should get out—’’ “Where’s Constance M r s. D ane!” I asked. FRANK E. TAYLOR. Sheriff of Î4IJ»* C........ o o21nl^T)hi certain dogs’ tails, thought il text.” “Ah!” said the teacher, A prominent film star was being splendid opportunity to point busily revolving in her mind those married. “Bo,” said the brido- moral. “Now, which of you 1 texts which might apply to puppy groom, “ we are agreed. On Mon­ girls can tell me why it is < • logs’ tails, “and what text, day moruing at 9 o’clock we visit to cut off puppy dogs’ tails.’’ dear!” Back came the text, albeit the registrar. After that we go to A Sunday school teacher was asked. , Foi a moment then* was a little misquoted: “What God the church, and then you are my addressing her class on the subject no answer, Then a child put up hath joined together let no man own dear wife. Have you anything of kindness to aniiaitL, and, calling her hand, “Well, Alubel, can you put asunder.” To say about the arrangements?” to mind the cruel custom prevalent tell us?” “Yea, teacher,” piped I , I “Only that the film rights will, of among dog fanciers of cutting off the small voice, V because of the Sheet Holders. The Sentinel. course, belong to me.” Peak’ Values 1 1 1 ft 1 held simultaneous!; at all Breier stores throughout the west offering every cus­ tomer value-plua for every dollar spent. V Street Address City Address Store Brim Full of Bargains, Sat. and Mon • 9 brating at Every Branch of the Breier Chain— 10 Pair Sox India Prints 1 1 i 1 M«n’a fin« MamlcM p«y cotton lox. Good buy at 15c jr. Extra ralue at »ollar Day » An Important Occasion of Wide-West Interest For Men. assortment of golf and negligee shirts, in I Percale. Ma - d r a s . and S I lk strip fabrics. : I 1 I Bargain Carnival IN THE WEST SHIRTS $1 values. üp to SI.50 Here’s where your dollar is above par; here’s where the dollar is packed by value, and here’s where sav­ ings are real. Three days, Friday, Saturday, and Monday, Nov. 5, 6 and 8, for bargain buying. UNIONS 280-weight blue denii triple stitch, Steadfai buttons, deep pockets, suspender back, Bovs’ very heavy elastic ribbed union suits, Nap back, Knitted cuff« and ankles. Mercerized stitcli- Dollar Day BLOOMERS For Women Elastic green, und shirred. Pull cut. ti a V y . blue, OVERAUS brown black. 2 pairs I I Breier’a Sp-.-claJ Reg. Heavy Hose $1.35 For Children strong seam­ less ribbed hose, made for extra • w <•n ” Trim - fit: Ladies’ and Men’s Umbrellas Bath Towels 42 by 20; 4 for $1.25 value for Black 4-palrs Extra-value. Jap Crepe NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE ON EXECUTION IN FORECLOSURE. Notice is hereby given that by ' virtue of an execution and order of i sale in foreclosure issued out of the | Circuit Court of Lane County, Ore ! gon, on the 14th day of October. 1926, in a suit wherein on the 11th day of October, 1926, in «aid court, David Ransom Robbins, Sarah Emily McCall. Eliza Ann McCall. 1 Mary Augusta Fix, Charles N. Rob bins, Maria Jane Coughlan, Flor ence Alma Whipps, George Wash­ ington Robbins and Rebecca Edith Lcischer, plaintiffs, recovered judg­ ment against the defendant Lucv Robbins for the sum of $809.17 with interest thereon, and the fur ther sum of $100 attorney’s fees and the costs and disbursement; i herein, which judgment rolled and docketed in the Clerk’s I office of said court in said countv • on the Tlth day of October, 1926. ' and said execution to me directed commanding me in the name of the state of Oregon, in order to satisfy ' said judgment, interest, attorney’s i fees, costs of suit and accruing costs to sell the following de I scribed real propertv, to-wit: The southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section eighteen in township twenty- one south of range two west of Willamette Meridian. Also the southeast quarter of southeast | quarter of section thirteen in township twentv-one south of range three west of Willamette meridian. Also beginning at the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section eighteen, township twentv-one south of range two west, running thence south 25 rods, thence north 8^ degrees east to the south line of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section eighteen township twentv-one south range two v•«•*». th'»«*«»p west tn the place of Iv.-j*»-»; — in section eighteen townshin twentv-one south m**«»e two west in T-ane countv. Oregon. Now. therefore in the name of the state of Oregon, in compliance with said execution an 1 order of ««Ce and in order to satisfy said iu-’gment. interest, attorney’a fee* cn«t of «uit and noenriny cost*, i will on Saturday the L“*th da v oz November. 1926. at th hour of on*’ f ’clock iu th«* afterannn of aaifi dav. at the southwest fr ^t dorr of *he countv i eourt house in Eugene _ eountr T/iinr countv, (Oregon, off t for «al* •»nd .««»11 for each, nt public «.nb-'-t hr laar. nil of »hr of bobbins. and nil 1-v. through nr under her :i xftid premia«*«. PAGE WVff* ••Hcr! ' Oh, she took the two o’clock stage to Denver. Didn’t she tell she was goin’ to?’’ (To be continued.) Staple and NoveKy Styles. Here’s a chance oar to In assorted co 6 yards for Ladies’ House Dresses $1.45, $1.25 value for Ladies’ Flowered for $2.75 value for $1 $1 Fine fabric (loves In new tana. trys I Robes 75c value; 2 for Imported velty il’ow Tubing Pepperell and with no- Boys’ Knicker trimmed Pants Firat grade. 42 In. wide. Free from starch. Mad« to wash like new 3 !i yn rd. fl s ft Í L to ft s 1 1» Heavy Union Suits 9St 1 Crepe Bath Men’s Ties Ladies’ Gloves High grade Large qsM patterns li colors. A h< plain whbu 5tt In. wide 4 yds. $1 1 Certain-teed $1 reg- caps broui na Oil Cloth are but a glirnpHe of the many bargains awaiting you. Rayen Silk Hosiery Exceptional Value 2 pairs for With Every Two Suits Purchased. $1 Boy«’ hanvy fleeced, sanitary unions, Mottled patterns on white ground, Knit cuff« and ankles. All fixes up to 16 years $1 Here's style plus service in these silk ' ■>e for the ladies. Re-inforc ed t o e h heels a n d J up hiindrcds «.f jarda of Oooda tato lengtha U> aell for Dollar Day Bargalna Kuy- kr tha yard I d the regn la r way woukl coat oftm double (Hat tteaw below) Breier’s usual 75c value. 1 1 I