COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY-, APRIL 23, 1925 NOT ALL BUILDING IS DONE WITH STONE AND LUMBER GOOD WILL toward your neighbor LOYALTY to your home and country WHOLE-HEARTED COOPERATION with those who help you, and 9 DETERMINATION to attain greater comforts and education Those are the materials of which GREAT COMMUNITIES ARE BUILT Of these—“Good Will toward your neighbor” has a significant meaning. It means not only having a kind word and a smile for him at all times, but it means— actually helping him. He’ll do the same for you, thus creating the Spirit so absolutely essential to a Progressive Community. Yes, there is another interpretation for that clause. It is in cultivating that form of neighborliness that comes with—PATRONIZING YOUR HOME MERCHANTS In doing so, you help them to become stronger and, therefore, better able to serve you more Economically and Efficiently. And don’t forget to keep boosting Cottage Grove MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. N. J. NELSON, JR. Dealer in new and used Automobiles of Quality. KEM’S ELECTRIC STORE SMITH SHORT, GROCERS BEAULIEU & HARREL WOODSON BROTHERS GARAGE UMPHREY & MACKIN ECONOMY FEED & GROCERY STORE PEOPLE’S CASH MARKET Cleanliness, Quality, Service and Price COTTAGE GROVE MFG. CO. CALVIN FUNK POST NO. 32 American Legion CHESTNUT TRANSFER H. W. TITUS First National Bank Building. THE BASKET GROCETERIA SEVENTH STREET GARAGE MILLER’S MACHINE SHOP COTTAGE GROVE FLOUR MILLS ARCADE THEATRE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ELECTRIC BAKERY HELLIWELL & MARKSBURY KEM’S FOR DRUGS IMPERIAL BARBER SHOP GRAY’S CASH & CARRY McQUEEN’S GROCERY Groceries and School Supplies. CITY BAKERY DARBY & LISTON QUALITY MARKET Culver & Anderson SERVICE GARAGE THE PICTURE SHOP STERLING FEED CO. HOTEL BARTELL OWL CLEANERS Cleaning, Pressing, Tailoring. E. C. LOCKWOOD Real Estate and Insurance J. C. PENNEY CO. KNOWLES & GRABER STEWART COTTAGE GROVE STEAM LAUNDRY J. SCHOFIELD Good Plumbing COTTAGE GROVE CREAMERY RAY NELSON Auto Electrician. LEONARD’S GROCERY PAGE THREE