COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, APRII, 16. 1925 PAGE FOUR «Tames Conley place, left Monday j of magnetism and electricity the morning for Longview, Washington, next six weeks. where their parents are now Principal A. M. Winn visited u WHEREAS; in chapter 127, gen tulip farm near Salem Sunday. eral laws of Oregon, enacted in □□□□□□□□□□□□□nanna located. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cotter were Mrs. Ralph Bears visited 1919, it is declared to be the duty business visitors in Eugene Monday. mother at Dexter Sunday. of every person, firm, copartner SAGINAW. Mrs. Lowell Benston has been I C. Habbersang and family, Henry ship, company and corporation own ill with flu during the past week. Bennett and Delbert Bennett and ing, leasing, occupying, possessing (Special to The Sentinel.) A largo number of people from family, of Wendling, were Sunday or having charge of or dominion April 14.—Mrs. Howard Moody over any land, place, building, struc is visiting relatives at North Bend. nearby communities attended the guests at the Aden Miller home. ture, wharf, pier or dock which is Ed and Leonard Morrison, who special meeting held at the Bart infested with ground squirrels and had been «pending some time at the lett Johnson place Sunday. Beulah Ranck, Lois Jackson and Lee Smith has gone to Medford other noxious rodents or predatory Harry Benston were in Eugene to work. animals, or as soon as the presence NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Mrs. Charles Sharon visited sev Sunday. of the same shall come to his, The state traveling library, which eral days of last week with rela their or its knowledge, at ouce to Notice is hereby given that the had been at the high school for tives in Coburg and friends in Eu proceed and continue in good faith undersigned has been appointed several mouths, has been returned to exterminate and destroy such by the County Court of Lime gene. to Salem. rodents by poisoning, trapping or County, State of Oregon, adminis The high Si-hool biology class other appropriate and eff-ctive tratrix of the estate of Fred Ernst, THORNTON CORNERS. been studying and drawing means; and deceased, which order bears date development of the ■ mbroyo of the WHEREAS, gray digger ground tho 14th day of April, 1925. (Special to The Sentinel.) chicken. squirrels (Citellus douglasii ) are April 13.—Mrs. S. P. Shortridge All persons having claims against Professor Schlauch, talk of to the the history high noxious rodents in Lane County, the said estate are hereby notified and son Clifford spent the week department of Linfield college, gave forenoon upon the Oregon. end with Mrs. Shortridgo's son- an interesting and required to present the same, Now, therefore, all of such per duly verified, to the undersigned in-law and daughter, Mr .and Mrs. school Friday valin’ of a college sons, firms, copartnerships, corpora at tho law office of Herbert W. Janies Maust, in Eugene. importance and Smith and Beulah tions and companies owning or Lombard, First National Bank Mr. and Mrs. George Foster education. visited at the Horn home in having dominion over land in said Building, Cottago Grove, Oregon, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ranck Mrs. M. C. Lane County, Oregon, are hereby on or before six months from the Bert Lancaster at Blue Mountain. Delight Valiev Saturday. The sophomore English class of required to take steps to extermin date of the first publication of this Pastor and Mrs. A. J. Adams, of ate said gray digger ground squir notice. Cottage Grove, were guests Friday the high school is dramatizing lections frotn Shakespeare’s rels (Citellus douglasii) within Dated and first published this of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Beidler. thirty days from the date of the 16th day of April, 1925. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher Spent You Like It.” first publication of this notice. If Sunday afternoon at the Harry AUGUSTA ERNST, such steps are not taken, a person LYNX HOLLOW. Administratrix of the CHtate Castle home at Blue Mountain. or persons appointed by the county Pearl Plaster attended a motor of Fred Ernst, deceased. court of said Lane County will en Herbert W. -Lombard, (Special to The Sentinel.) cycle meet up the McKenzie Sun ter upon said lands ami proceed April 13.—An Easter program Attorney for estate n16m14c(T) day. T he modern way to promote the r. Our assortment of Everfast to exterminate said gray digger Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Perini en and basket dinner were held in health and comfort of children is Wash Fabrica contains materials' ground squirrels (Citellus douglasii) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR tertained relatives from Divide Sun connection with the- usual Sunday and the cost of said extermination STREET IMPROVEMENT, COT day. . to dress them in wash clothes all for children’s aprons, rompers,' school and church services at the will bo levied against said lands. year round—in fall and winter as suits and dresses. And for your Mrs. James Plaster visited Sun school house Sunday. TAGE GROVE, OREGON. The county agricultural agent well as summer. And how well self there are charming weaves Horace Strong visited day with Mrs. L. L. Barrel in hereby designates Monday, April home of his mother, M they look when you make their for dresses and frocka for work Notice given that on Cottage Grove. 13th, as a day to bo known as Monday, Slater, one day last week. little frocks, suits and dresses of or playj and also lovely fabrics ■ lay of April, 'Squirrel poisoning day” through 1925, at Mra. Frank Mackie, Myrtle Everfast Wash Fabrica! These, for table runners, bureau scarfs' of 8 o’clock MOUNT VIEW. out the said Lane county, and it p. in. of Plank Mrs. R. Y. Porter vis- pretty and practical materials and luncheon sets. AU can be in the Council is hereby recommended that pois Chamber ited Mrs. Melvinc Jackson Friday Hall, sealed never fade. Tests without num washed and boiled and they will (Special to The Sentinel.) oned barley, as prepared by the bids will for the im ber have proved them fast to not fade. And you may choose April 13.—Mr. and Mra. L. K. last. undersigned and representatives of provement by paving with cement Brumfield, of Marshfield, Mr. and Mrs W. E. Lebow were sunlight, fast to washing, fart to from a glorious range of alluring were the Bureau of Biological Survey concrete, or bitulithic or bitumi week-end guests of Mr«, colors, f ' everything. Brum- visitors at the Marion Le bow home of the United States Department nous concrete, tho following streets field's mother, Mrs. Amanda Sunday. Sears. of Agriculture, bo used for the and alleys, ^according to the pro Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chilson, A number of tho neighbors at purpose of such extermination. visions of Ordinances N oh . 560 and tended the Faster services nnd Wendling, visited relatives he Such poisoned barley may be se 561, passed and approved February basket dinner at tho Walden school last week. If, for any reaso.. whatever, any Everfast Wash Fabric fades,’your cured from the undersigned at his 2, 1925; Nos. 563, 564, and 565, house Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sowers, of money will be refunded not only for the purchase price of the material, office in Eugene, Lane County, passed nnd approved March 2, Cottage Grove, were in the Hollow Mr. nnd Mrs. J. It. Cooley were but for all making costs of the garments as well. This guarantee Oregon, nt approximately the cost 1925; No. 571, passed and approved nt the Floyd Jones home at Blue Sunday. applies to every Everfast weave a-.d color. of preparation. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wolford and March 16, 1925; Alley (1 block), Mountain Sunday afternoon. Date of first publication of this East Main Street, East Washington Mr. nnd Mrs. I’orry VanSchoiack son nnd 'Mr. and Mrs. Win. Slater notice April 7, 1925. Avenue, South Sixth Street, and and Miss Sarah Riley, of Fairview visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. (Signed) O. S. FLETCHER, Harry Strong, of the Grove. Adams Avenue (21,500 square yards visited a9-16 23 County Agricultural Agt. more or less). Also, the improve Sears. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dwyre, of ment of Chestnut Avenue with W. I). Heath was a -Cottage Row River, and Miss Cox, of Elmira, and the S. E. Dresser Standard Class "A” Macadam, as Grove visitor Thursday. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE family were dinner guests at the provided in Ordinance No. 562, MENT. 9___ - a I. N. Dresser home Sunday. passed and approved March o Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanannanaanannannaannaaaaaaaaaanaana WALKER. Mrs. Clarence Thornton received In the County Court of the State 1925 (280 square yards more or less). word Saturday of the serious ill of Oregon for Imne County. (Special to The Sentinel.) week end on Row River with their ness of a sister. Plans and Specifications on file In the matter of the estate of April 13.—The high school base Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pentico mother. in office of City Recorder, who ball team defeated the Walker William Lane, Deceased. Brvon Newton, of Glendale, vis Notice is hereby given that the will receive bids for any part or pickup team Friday, the score be motored to Black Butte Sunday. ited home folks here over Sunday. undersigned executrix of tho estate all of said improvement until 7:30 ing Hi to 4. Next Friday after Word was received here Saturday DORENA. of William Ln no, deceased, has o’clock p. m. of said day, April noon the high school team will that Henry Combs, former resident filed in tho county court of Lane 27, 1925. Work shall be completed play Drain on the Walker diamond. but now of Corvallis, had ben (Special to The Sentinel.) county, state of Oregon, her final within 90 days from the signing Tho physics class of the high April 13.—Mr. nnd Mrs. Elmer seriously injured while working1 account as tho executrix of said of the contract, and certified check school will be busy with the study Doolittle left Wednesday night for with n wood snw, a long gush ' estate nnd that Tuesday, May 12, for 10 per cent of the amount shall being cut in one arm to the bone. accompany each bid and the Com 1925, nt tho hour of 10 o’clock aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Portland, to be with their son His son, Arthur Combs, went to Albert who is seriously ill in a n. m., of said day hns boon fixed by mon Council reserves the right to CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, BRICK, Corvallis Sunday. said court ns tho time for tho hear reject any and all bid«. n hospital there. FIRE BRICK, FIRE CLAY, METAL Lovello Abeeno sustained nn in- Dated this 15th day of April, n Miss Mabel Mosby nnd Mrs. ing and passing upon «nid finnl a □ LATH, CORNER BEADS, SHIN, aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuaa Clarence Stoneburg, of Cottage jured arm Sunday while playing account nnd objection thereto, if 1925. on the lawn nt tho home of her HOMER GALLOWAY. GLES, DRAIN TILE, SEWER TILE, nny, nnd of the final settlement CASH FALL) FOR FALSE TEETH, Grove, were at the C. A. Van grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Citv Recorder. CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL, and distribution of tho residue of a16 20c(2) dental gold, platinum and dis Schoiack home Wednesday evening. Banton. ---- —... The ligaments of Wayno Kirk went to Eugene tho laid estate. PLASTERING SAND, ZOURI STORE carded jewelry. Iloke Smelting & elbow wore torn loose and ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. The first publication of thia no- FRONT FITTINGS, AND OTHER Refining Company, Otsego, Michi Monday on business. tice will be on tho 9th <lny of Noble Elliott has a new Ford injury hns been painful. gan. a2tfc(2) THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO Notice is hereby given that the coupe. April, 1925, nnd tho last on the Solution of Puzzle No. 31 MENTION. undersigned has been duly appoint CUSTOM HATCHING. LET ME 7th day of May, 1925. A party was given nt the high ed by tho county judge for Lane hatch your eggs. R. I. Red baby school building Wednesday evening EMILY JANE LANE, No Charge on City Deliveries Executrix of the county, Oregon, administratrix of chicks for sale, 15c each. Mr». by the high school students, the estate of E. O. Sult «mini, de A. VV. Cornutt, Cottago Grove, Diss- freshments were served after estate of William ceased. ton route, phono 35F3. n9 16p(2) program. Lane, Deceased. MAN Y All persons having claims against Several from Dorena attended H. J. Shinn, CAR FOR SALE CHEAP. BUD basket social FOND said estate are hereby notified to at tho Star school n9m7c Attorney for estate. Just North of S. P. Station—Phone 100 Riley, 323 north Ln no street, house Friday AJA present the same to me, duly veri evening. ----- 1------------------- !----- n9-20p(2) fied, at tho Saltsman restaurant on Cottage Grove. Mrs. D. M. Baker has returned NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Milin street, in Cottage Grove, Lune from a visit in Portland, where county, Oregon, within six months Mrs. John her grandson, David Robinson, is Department of the Interior, Ü. 8. after date of this notice. a9-20p(2) in a hospital recovering from in- Lauii Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Duto of first publication, April juries sustained in a motorcycle March 28, 1925. 1925. FOR SALE BAY MARE, WEIGHT accident recently. Notice is hereby given that John MBS. MYRTLE M. SALTSMAN, 1250, nine years old, »60. Per The Misses Ethel Hedgepeth and H. Volgnmore, of Comstock, Oregon, Administratrix of tho estate fectly gentle, works double or Laura Haldcrman, school teachers who, on January 3, 1922, made of E. O, Saltsman, deceased. single. Hurry T. Williams, half mile nt Dorena, spent the week end in Homestead Entry, No. 014259, for J. E. Young, down the river road from the steel Cottngo Grove. NE’( NE'i, Section 17, Township Attorney for estate. n9ni7c(T) bridge oil Row river. al3-17 21p Mra. Lillian Carpenter, of Dorena,. 21 S., Range 4 Went, Willamette went to Eugene Friday evening to j Meridian, lias filed notice of in HOLLYWOOD CHICKS. $11 PER NOTICE TO CREDITORS. visit over the week end. tention to make three year l’i .>f, 100 in May and $10 in Jnno. Mr. mid Mrs. Harry Elfving and Any Kind Any Time to establish claim to the land above In the matter of tho estate of Feed is down—big shortage in hens son Gordon went to Roseburg Mon PRICES RIGHT described, before the Register and Clyde Earl Babcock, deceased. » means high egg prices next winter. lay. Terms Cash Receiver of tho IT. S. Land Office, Better order nt once. Bert V. Notice is hereby given that Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Van Schoiack nt Roseburg, Oregon, on the 9th Amber Babcock has been by the Hands, Cottage Greve. al3m4p(M) spent Sunday afternoon at the day of May, 1925. County Court of tho State of Ore Claude Arne home at Mount View. Claimant names ns witnesses: gon, in nnd for Lane County ap MY I M 1’0 RT ED PERCHERON Phone 124L Mr. and Mrs. Vcrn Hazen and Stallion “Lisburg” (96918) ami Christopher C. Watkins, Peter Mor- pointed administratrix of the es French draft stallion "Lucky” two children nnd Mr. and Mrs. Al kotta, William L. Curtis, all of tate of Clyde Earl Babcock, de Hmnloth visited Sunday at the Curtin, Oregon mid Robert Anlauf, ceased, and that all persons having (32253) will be at Cottage Grove Fred Kelly home. on Thursdays. E. D. Mills, M. R. C., of Anlauf, Oregon. claims against said estate are here Mr. and Mra. Ray Van Schoiack al3p non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, by notified to present the same Eugene, Oregon. and son have moxed to Rujada. a2-30c(2) Register. duly verified at tho law office of FOR SALE --ALMOST NEW CNT PRING FEVER hit, the schoolroom like vernal electric waffle iron. $10. H. J. Shinn in Cottage Grove, Mr*. H. A. Hagtn LONDON. s London foy Dull. acti»e brains NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE u v ."T" •"."’"O'1 'lakes rouble, sche' Oregon, within six months from Also Royal electric vacuum cleaner, M.krt ittle bodies tired .nd weary Make, S3.". Mrs. J. L. Cries, 330 south MENT. tho 26th day of March, 1925. (Special to Th« Sentinel.) Phone« study almost impouible Third street. a 13 -16p April 13.—The upper grades of AMBER BABCOCK, Marcelling Office Notice 1« hereby given that the H. J. Shinn, JO school enjoyed an Easter egg hunt ■ Manicuring Administratrix. WANTED A PASSENGER TO Friday .uL ,¿2. °** **“7 iooi* w,n,*r th*> Re«. uudersigued has filed herein her Attorney forestate. niS6n23p(T) afternoon. Mr. Rose, the Facial Massage San Francisco, t'ali at Sentinel Slow them up—and cause >pnng fever. 118-Y teacher, gave each pupil an Easter final account a* executrix of the Shampooing ■ office. a Hip favor. Iun^ B»u Graham, and la»t will and testament of D, J. Bobbing NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Evenings dw, ’ _*nd how ’n“th C. W. Ewing returned to the ho»- Dover, deceased, with the Countv FOR SALE PERCHERON STAL by Hair Tinting Appoint- dork of Lane County, Oregon; mid lion, registered. about 12 years pital at Eugene Saturday, French Paper Curl In the matter of the estate of Mr. and i nn order hni been made mid entered Samuel K. Husick, deceased. Mr». P. A. Briggs __ and old, weight about I960 pound», of record directing this notice and Order From Your Grocer Now ■ ■■■■■■■■I Notice is hereby given that extra fine animal, produce» Al baby, of Rujada, visited Sunday ■ setting the 12th dnv of May, 1925. Agnes V. Smith has boon by Mr. and Mra. Clifford Hallo r iwv Coed Gro.„ bo, Tn Caabarm ,n the colts, in good rendition, »250. with way. at the hour of 10 o'clock a, tn. as County Court of the State of Ore Would give terms on part, Will tho time, mid the County court room gon, in and for Lane County Harald Abeono has been suffer make you good money. Also Duroe in tho county court bouse at Eu pointed executrix of the estate »P of Jersey la»ar, registered. about 5 ing with a bad case of poison nah. gone. 1-aiie county, Oregon, as the Samuel K. Husick deceased and veam old, weight about 900 pounds, Mr. and Mra B. T. Baxter and place for the hearing of objections, that all persons having claims fine breeder. >00. Both near Eu three daughters. Viola, Olivia and if any, to said account and the against mid estate are hereby gone. Oregon. J, S. Beall, Portland, Mildred, of Portland. vWted over final settlement of said estate. a!6-23e(2) Wedavadny night with the J. E. notified to present the same duly Oregon. Dated and first published t hi» verified at the law office of H. j. Hanton family They motored over NOTICE TO HVILDEN 9th day of April, 1925. to Marshfield Thursday, returning Shinn in Cottago Grove, Oregon, contracto« List yout to Mr. Bar,ton's Sntuniay evening Jl'I.IA DOVER, within six months from the 26th and «hingling with me. R< ■ nd attending church hera Sunday. Executrix of the Last Will and Tes ■lay of March, 1925. a «pecinlty. My interosts They left Sunday afternoon for (ament of D. J. Dover, Deceased AGNES V. SMITH. that ’a why I do you a p Eugene. J BISCUIT COMPANV-» S pomoc and Portland Herbert W. Lombard, II. J. Shinn, Executrix. antecd job. George D Mrs John Sutherland and raster. Attorney for Estate. aSm’c Attorney for estate. m M u 23 o (T) phone 35F13. H I I Mi«« Dorothy Elmore, spent the NOTICE. | Nearby News ° I Send them4scampering off to school in fresh, bright clothes made from EVERFAST WASH FABRICS Every Yard Guaranteed Helliwell & Marksbury Our Building Material Line Includes— WANTADS Godard & Randall WOOD Quimby Bros Sanitary Beauty Shop S »