COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY, APRIL 16. 1925 Mrs. Mary McCargar returned Wednesday from Portland, where she had been in a hospital for four weeks. Mrs. McCargar underwent a serious operation there recently. Progress of This Community In the building of the Bank of Cottage Grove Main and Stecth streets, and adjoining quarters, is being constructed a new, thoroughly modern bank­ ing home. ♦ When the remodeling is complete, residents of Cottage Grove and vicinity will have access to financial facilities surpassed by none. There will be provision not only for convenience and comfort but for the rapid, proficient transaction of all financial business. And the building itself will reflect credit upon this community and indicate something of the progressiveness which character­ izes its citizens. Saturday is the last day of Bressler's big stock reducing sale. If you haven’t called, you had better do so today and see what they are offering at really remarkably low prices. Ole Christenson returned Tues- day from a Eugene hispital, where he hail been since Sunday receiv­ ing medical treatments for an ab- cess on his chin. Lee Dugan is in Yueaipa, Calif., visiting at the home of his brother, Harold Dugan, and will remain un­ til the Inst of the month. Harold, who has been suffering with influ­ enza, is recovering satisfactorily. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. M. Davidson, of Sewer pipe, sewer connec- Oakland, former residents, visited tions and cement. W L Tuesday night with Mrs. Edgar Hubbell. tf King. They have bought the old Mrs. T. L. Ball, wno has been King place on Pacific highway, hero with her husband, who has now occupied by the Harvey Strong business interests here, returned to family. The new owners will not Astoria yesterdnv to settle their take possession at once. business affairs there, They have Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Frost were bought property on west Main in Eugene on business yesterday. ■ street anil she expects to return Let Long & Cruson demon­ j soon to make her home, Their j daughter, Mrs. Hemcnway, with strate a radio to you. Carl Leabo, of Creswell, who j her husband and two children, vis I ited here last week, leaving Inst was found guilty in district court several days ago upon a charge Thursday for N«>w York to make preferred by a Creswell girl, has their home. Mrs. O. M. Miller was in Port­ land the fore part of the week on brininess. H. W. Titus is suffering XV it 11 influenza. If you are particular about your clothes, let Max Schwartz do your tailoring and you will have good looking clothes. a9-16p Miss Celia Davis returned Mon day to her school work in Portland, | .yfter spending tho Easter vacation I with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Woods. 1 Tho annual congregational meet ing of the Baptist church will be' held tonight. Free mileage test. West Side Garage. PAGE THREW The Rain Continues I Î. CI I------ I In money matters as well as in weather matters the Rainy Day Period is unwelcome. A wise provision against that time and the discomforts attending is a substantial account in some strong, reliable bank. We are not offering you Big Returns on Small Investments, BUT AN ABSOLUTELY SAFE DEPOSITORY FOR YOUR FUNDS AND INTEREST ON SAME AT A RATE CONSISTENT WITH SOUND PROFITABLE BANKING. Elbert Bede, editor of The Senti- 1 net, spoke today at the luncheon meeting of the Eugene chamber j of commerce. His subject was, “Things Wo Think; Things Others Our successful experience of nearly two Think, and What We Think of the h Things Others Think.’’ He was! scores of years enables us to claim the New hats for ladies, misses accompanied to Eugene by H. W. | served notice of appeal. His sen­ title of banking experts, and we cordially Flowers and Lombard, secretary of the local tence was for five years. Lee bo and children. invite your account on our merits. was favorably known here, having hat trimmings. The Fair. chamber. H. M. Barrett has returned from had several contracting jobs. Our Growing Business Demands A. I. Wilson, of the Anderson & a Eugene hospital. At the regular firemen’s meet- Middleton company, was admitted Still Larger Quarters ing Monday evening, 8. L. Mackin to a Eugene hospital Tuesday. of Cottage Grove The remodeling which is anticipated will be com­ New dry goods—special bar­ fire chief, and Joe T. Smith, sec­ retary and treasurer, were reelected. pleted about .May 1. is the result of a growing gains—received this week at Following the meeting the firemen volume of business which finally has reached' a The Fair. enjoyed a dinner at the Bon Ton. Bus and Truck Competition Results point justifying the Bank of Cottage Grove in Warren Smith, 10-year-old son of Baptists Sell and Will Build. OLD PAPERS, OLD CLOTHING The Owl says, ‘ ‘ We are abso­ in Reduced Business by Mr. atid Mrs. Oscar Smith, who placing at the disposal of its patrons and the gen­ Tho Baptist church property on WANTED! lutely confident that a trial order Southern Pacific. sustained a fractued skull three eral public, equipment complete and modern in enst Adams avonuo has been sold to Those having old papers, old . will convince you of our superior weeks ago when he rode in front every particular. the Nazarene congregation, who magazines or old clothing which of an automobile and was struck hand tailoring. Fit and workman­ Motor bus and motor transporta- will take possession the first of they wish to donate in the cam­ by a car, has returned from a ship are guaranteed.” 410 Main tion versus rail trhnsportation was May. The Baptists plan the erec­ paign being conducted by the Keep­ al3-16c Eugene hospital. He is recovering i street. ably discussed this noon before | tion of a church building on prop­ Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rcdclcin, the Lions club by Robert H. erty on Fifth street opposite the ers of the Den to raise funds for satisfactorily and it was found that who had spent th«1 winter in Cali­ Holmes, of Eugene, traveling agent high school which was purchased the proposed playgrounds, will an operation was not necessary. Cottage Grove, Oregon please place the same on their fornia and who visited during the of the Southern Pacific. He said some time ago. David Sterling is making repairs front porches Saturday. Trucks week with Mr. and Mrs. W. N. to his feed store building on west j in part: will call during the day to pick “Serving the People of Cottage Grove and ! Hubbell, left Tuesday for their Main street. “A question of very great import­ Filing cabinets. The Sentinel. up all such packages so placed. | home in Oconomowoc, Wis. Vicinity Faithfully Since 1906" ance before the eyes of the people Clothing or rags should bo bundled. Ray Nelson for Radiolas. Mrs. May Irvin, who makes throughout the country is that of CARD OF THANKS. MRS. A. W. HELLLIWELL, Mrs. Mary Smith, who underwent her home with her daughter, Mrs. I a!6c Chairman Committee. Enannnnnaananannnnannnnnannnnnnqnnnnnnnnnannnnnnn a serious operation in a Eugene W. H. Daugherty, left Monday for motor bus and motor truck com­ We wish to express our sincere petition and what effect it is hospital about three weeks ago, □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□no arrived last Thursday and are was brought home Tuesday. Mr. Newport on a few days’ business having upon the communities it thanks to our friends for their serves, Our rapid growth and de­ sympathy and aid during the ill­ a visiting at the homes of Mr. Mc­ and Mrs. C. A. Beidler went to trip. D Cargar’s mother, Mrs. Mary Mc- Eugene and accompanied her home. See the De Forest radio at velopment brought on the program ness and after the death of our a * □ of good roads which in turn mother, Mrs. Clara Numbers. The Long & Cruson's. nnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnn Cargar, and Mrs. A. Wicks, a sister Mrs. Smith is at the home of her j Mrs. L. R. Long returned Satur- mado it possible for this now floral tributes wero also appreci­ of Mr. McCargar. daughter, Mrs. George Matthews, I | day from a week’s visit in Klamath form of transportation to oxist. ated. Harold Bede is in Eugene this Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lackey and her condition is satisfactory. The week of April 27 to Mr. and Mrs. If. E. LACKEY, Falls at the home of her son, G. H. The great question as I see it is week taking the examinations for have moved into their new May 2 is hereby designated as Mrs. EMMA TURPIN. whether or not the people are of Filing cards. The Sentinel. Mosby. She was accompanied homo admission to Annapolis naval acad­ low on old Pacific highway. Clean-Up Week and during H. L. Group is making repairs to by Mrs. Mosby and her daughter. the opinion that these good high­ emy, for which he has ben selected that time residents of the city It’» here. f 7 f t f t J j residence property on north Tenth as second alternate, which may C. M. Shinn, of Portland, arrived ways were constructed for commer­ will remove debris from their cial transportation purposos. The fine new six-cylinder Overland j street. lead to a principalship. Momlay to spend a week on busi­ property and clean-up unsight­ “ There is a place for such trans ­ DeLuxe—and the price is one that Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Bressler and ness. * A nine-pound daughter- was bora ly and unsanitary refuse. Ref­ portation and that is in the terri­ all can afford to pay — $1355 here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bressler were Mr. and Mrs. G. O. McGilvery Easter morning to Mr. and M rs. use or debris put into sacks, For a fine assortment of used J in Salem Sunday to visit Mrs. I and daughter Myra, of Walla tory which has not been developed Frank Kelley on west Main street. boxes or barrels and placed at cars, see Nelson, We have 22 of Hazel I.eLay, who is in a Salem Walla, who were returning from by any rail transportation system. Craftsmen Club, of University of aecessable points on paved Notice our special prices on them, and they arc real b\iys. Best hospital recovering from a recent spending the winter in California, In this field the bus and truck Oregon, will confor M. M. degree streets or, paved alleys will operators could servo as feeders to best gTade aluminum ware— of terms operation. Mrs. DeLay is a daugh­ stopped here Tuesday to visit at th«* transportation companies and at special communication Wednes­ be picked up at the expense see window this week. The Mr. and Mrs. Ben King, of ter of M. C. Bressler and a sister the home of Mrs. McGilvery’s sis- thus work hand in hand with them. day, April 22. Refreshments. Vis­ of the city. Fair Store. of fred Bressler. ter, Mrs. P. H. Magee. The Mc- Bandon, who had been visiting at C. E. FROST, “It has been the policy of the itors and members urged to attend, Mrs. Harold McCargar and Oakland, spent Easter with Mr. High class radios at Long & Gilverys were residents of Cottage Southern Pacific to throw out feed­ a 16 20c By order W. M. a!6-23-27 City Health Officer. • Grove from 1903 to 1906. Mr. Mc­ ers from their main line to servo daughter, Nancy Lee, of Medford. King’s mother, Mrs. Edgar King. Cruson. Gilvery left toilay for Salem, where and develop communities. While REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE BANK OF COTTAGE GROVE ’ Mrs. McGilvery and daughter ami here I would liko to bring out a AT COTTAGE GROVE, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, AT i Mrs. McGilvery’s sistor, Miss Susie few facts about tho Southern Pa­ CLOSE OF BUSINESS APRIL 6, 1925. Camp, who makes her home here cific. Their operations extern! from j with the Magee family, will join the Atlantic to the Pacific and RESOURCES him Saturday. Miss Camp will from Portland, Oro., to Orendain, Loans and discounts_____________________________________ J 93,694.69 her home with the MeGil- I make 577.19 Mexico, nhout 300 miles northwest Overdrafts, secured and unsecured_________ ______ —__ _____ * |verys for awhile. U. S. government securities owned..,__________________ _____ 13,168.72 of Mexico City. It is one of the Other bondH, warrants and securities, including foreign gov­ Furniture going at reduced world’s largest transportation sys ernment, state, municipal, corporation, etc......... ........ ....... ...... 33,692.43 prices at Bressler & Son’s. toms, operating 13,451 miles of Stocks, securities, claims, liens, judgments, etc.... . ............... . 2,090.00 Better hurry if you wish to rail linos nn«l about 3,825 miles of Banking house, $15,000; furniture and fixtures, $3,000.............. 18,000.00 1,700.00 take advantage of this offer, water lines. The Southern Pacific Roal estate owned other than banking houso________________ as Saturday is the last day of company has more than 60,000 stock­ Cash on hand in vault and duo from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agents of this the big stock reducing sale. holders nnd about 94,000 employes. bank______________ ____ ________ ______________________ 33,8X1.77 N. J. Nelson Jr. has sold a new Tho Southern Pacific is a larg«1 Overland six sedan deluxe to A. W. factor in the life ami affairs of $196,714.71 Total. Sugar, 10 pound sack ............... ..... 75c Wesson oil, quart can................... Swanson and a new Overland tour­ its territory. It spent $207,000,000 ...58c ing to George E. Boak. in 1923 for wages, materials nn«l Flour, hard wheat. 49 pounds.... $2.69 Pure lard, 5 pound pail ............... 90c LIABILITIES $ 25,000.00 Flour, hard wheat, 10 pounds .....59c Snow Drift, 4 pound pail............. ...98c I Used MH sold during tho week supplies, in addition to $20,365,000 Capital stock paid in 5,000.00 by Nelson were a Ford touring to for taxes. In your own county the Coffee, Royal Club, 1 pound.... ..... 55c Margarine, Pacific Nut or Wilso 27c i Wilbur Duncan, of Walker, Ford Southern Pacific paid in taxes Undivided profits, less current oxpenses, interest and taxes $1.60 Cheese, full cream, per pound........ Coffee, Royal Club, 3 pounds .... 30c 916.86 touring to Archie Jones ami an «luring tho year of 1923 $145,240.39 Demand deposits, other than banks, subject to reserve: 42c Salmon, Columbia river, 2 pounds Coffee, bulk peaberry, 1 pound 25c or 9.83 per cent of the total tax ’ Overland touring to Ray Van- * Individual deposits subject to check, , including deposit« duo the tho for the county.- In the Cottage I Sehoiack. Slate of Oregon, county, cities or other other public public funds funds .......... ......... _... —■ 113,016.24 Another pleasant surprise for Grove territory the Southern Pa­ Cashier’s checks of this bank outstanding payablo on demand 3,404.20 Total of demand deposits, other than bank deposits, subject automobile buyers. Willys-Overland cific last year spent $500,000 for forest products. Tho local mills to reserve, two preceding items................................ $116,420.44 now makes a two-door sedan with • Tomatoes, per can ............... ...15c Soap, White Laundry, 5 bars 19c and savings deposits, subject to rcservo and payable on all-steel body to sell at Cottage hay«' sold to the Southern Pacific Time demand or subjoct to notice: Corn, per can ........................ ...15c Palmolive Soap. 4 bars........... 29c Grove for $850, fully equipped with company so far this year 312 cars Time certificates of deposit outstanding.----------- _...—------------ 38,791.94 of tics with 350 cars on their Peas, per can ...J................... ,...18c Citrus powder, per package 25c | cord tires and speedometer. 1(1,555.47 books unfilled. We have about Savings deposits, payable subjoct to notice--- -------------- --------- Hominy, per can ................. ...15c Cleanser, per can ................... .... 7c Mrs. O. O. Veatch left Tuesday 150 men employed here, represent­ Total of timo and savings deposits payable on demand or 20c Gloss starch, pound package Shrimp, per can ................... 10c subject to notice, two preceding items-------------- $ 49,347.41 ! for Portland, where she will under- ing a payroll of about $12,000 per 20c Toilet paper, 4 large rolls .... Vinegar, quart jar included 25c | go medical treatment. She will month. Total. j visit at the homes of her sister, “The railroads provide their own Mrs. Robert Martin, and her sister- roadbeds and maintain the same. State of Oregon, County of Lane, »». I in-law, Mrs. Samuel Veatch. Rhe Motor transportation is conducted I, 8. 8. IxiMWeU, cashier of tho above named bunk, do solemnly »wear will also ‘visit her mother, Mrs. over roadbeds provided by tho that the above »tatement is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. 8. 8. LAS8WELL, Cashier. ... 10c Corn starch, 16 ounce package 1 Melissa Chrisman, who has been people and maintained by them. Corn flakes, package ................. .. 10c Mothers oats, per package ........... ... 33c Schilling baking powder, pounds $1.10 , visiting since January with her The people find this is becoming Subscribed and sworn to before Correet—Attest: N. E. GLA88, Pancake flour, Olympic, per sack ...75c Calumet baking powder, pounds.... 69c | daughter, Mrs. Martin. expensive and the tendency it to ' mo this 15th day of April, 1925. ROY SHORT, Mr. and Mrs. John Keating Jr. demand a just return for the use H. W. Lombard, Notary Public. Crackers, 3 pound box, sodas....... 48c Arm & Hammer soda .............................. 8c D J. SCHOLL, Directors. [ My commission expires 10-20-25. spent the week end in Portland. . of these roadbeds. Honey, quart Mason jar ................ ...59c .Mustard, prepared..................................... 10c Raisins, 4 pound package ............. ...45c Pepper, i/2 pound. RoyeJ Club ................. 23c Fancy vases, flower bowls, “Tho railroads did the pioneer baskets and novelties. The j work that resulted in building up the country into which tho bus Fair Store. I ' Mr. ami Mrs. C. J. Kem are in ami truck have come. As a result Spokane attending the Northwest- j of this competition the Southern ern Rexall convention. They are Pacific is not handling as much Yeast foam, per package . 43c ............ 5c Lipton Tea, ’/2 pound can ........... merchandise over its Willamette Matches, per box ................ 28c 1 expected home Monday. x......... 5c Shasta tea, pound package .... ' valley lines as it «lid in 1915. E«1 Freeland, of Marcola, visited Jello, all flavors ................ 10c .......... 10c Milk, Borden’s, per can ............... “As a result of bus competition Monday with Mrs. Edgar King Campbell’s soups, all kinds .......... 10c 33c Ground chocolate, 1 pound can .... the railroad has been compelled to and Mrs. Charles Gettys, the latter Ripe Olives, gallon can ... 48c Salt, extra fine, 25 pound sack ... ......... 93c reduce the amount of its service. being his cousin. . 1 This has been «lone only after For Radiolas and parts see , strenuous efforts to keep trains Ray Nelson. on a paying basis. Reduction of Mrs. Mae Boyd, of Centralia, railway service is a serious blow Wash., visited during the week at I to tho communities affected. In order to make your fwhing trip thia coming the home of her brother, Harry “The only remedy I see for the Sunday more interesting, we will give a prize of a Tennis. situation is the placing of the shoulder-strap fish basket to the person catching Mrs. Catherine Harrison hss been busses and trucks upon the same the largest fish on that day. The fish must be Owned and operated by Cottage Grove men who are paying taxes and helping to build ill during the week. Her son, J. T. basis as railways, thereby creating caught in waters near Cottage Grove and must be a better city. Your schools, churches and all town improvements in general are supported competition upon an equal basis. Cochran, in here from Mabel. presented at our store during Monday. by the men who live here, and not by the money that goes out of our city. I fin«] that the people generally Ray Nelson, auto electrician. are taking the position that the Mrs. A. 8. Johnson, of Hermin trucks and busses should pay in ton, was an over night guest Tues- full for da mage done tho high day at the home of her cousin, ways.’’ Mrs. H. W. Titus. ■ Miss Gail Yy venue ____ ____ Mayen .,_ _ in __ in FURNfHHED ROOMS FOR WORK The Wincheater Store—Fishing Tackle of All Kinds ' Creswell visiting at the home of ing men, $2 and $3 ths week, her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Discount on more than one. "36 Next Door to Bank of Cottage Grove G. W. Jordan. north Eighth street, just two blocks «16 20p ' ■ from Main afreet. Galloway writes insurance. I J The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Bank of Cottage Grove Clean-Up Week! n City Briefs April 27-May 2 A. F. & A. M You Need Not Send your money out of Cottage Grove to save on your groceries, when you pay cash. The following prices are guar­ anteed against an advance for this month. RAISINS—Fresh Stock, Seedless, 3 pounds 25c POTATOES—Yakima Netted Gems, 100 pounds $2.15 SUGAR—Best Cane—Less than wholesale—100 pounds $6.89 BROOMS—Good Value—Only 40c All Plug Tobacco, at All 15c Cigarettes, at 75c 13c Prize for Largest Fish Caught Sunday! A COTTAGE GROVE STORE Deserving of Your Business THE BASKET GROCETERIA Darby & Liston