COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. THURSDAY. APRIL 9, 1925 PAGE TWO (iottajK ojrovc Sentinel sions held in the even years, the general election would come in tho November following. Measures re­ ferred by the legislative session could even be acted upon at the May primaries following three months after the legislative ses­ I sion. If such a change is made— and it should be—it would be well to at the same time move the pri­ mary election up to within 20 or 30 days of the general election. Six months between the two elec tions is altogether too much. With one closely following the other, there would be more interest in both. i socierr I Harp Concert Tuesday. DELIGHT VALLEY. v The Utopia club is sponsoring a harp concert to be given Tuesday Monday« and Thursday« (»Special to The Sentinel.) evening in the high school audi­ April 7.—Mr. and Mrs. Al. red Publishers □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Bede & Smith— torium, the proceeds to be for the Beidler, cf Thornton Corners, spent ___ Editor Elbert Bede------ American drama was the subject benefit of the proposed city play- last Friday at the C. C. Conner A first-class publication entered at The artist is to be . home. taken up at the regular meeting ( grounds. Cottage Grove as secon-l class matter of the Tuesday Evening Study club Salvador De Nufrio, referred to in Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nixon were held this week at the home of Mrs. New York papers and papers in in Eugene last Thursday on busi Business Office_____ 55 North Sixth (for a limited time only) B. R. Job, with Mrs. Job and ; many other cities in which he ness. Miss Marietta Hamant as leaders. I has appeared as a master of his The Ray Myers baby bas been 8UB8CBIPTION BATES An interesting account of the life, [ instrument. The concert is to start very sick with influenza but is now By mail (Cash in advance) style and works of Clyde Fitch, at 8 o’clock. better. One i year....$2.75 | Three month» .80 a popular American dramatist, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Haight spent i Six month».. 1.50 | One month.— .50 was given by Miss Hamant and th<‘ wook end in Corvallis visiting BY CARBIEB CITY MAY AGAIN HAVE A Mrs. Job gave a review of 1 ‘The friends. One i month_________________ $ .30 1.10 Four month«, in advance. REST ROOM Climbers,” one of Pitch’d works. Miss Doris Nichols, of Eugene, 1.60 Six month«, in advance... was a week-end guest of Miss [ 3.00 Members of the Community club Fern Hays, One year, in udvauce---- About 35 were present yesterday What has become of afternoon at the regular meeting believe that they will be able at The J. A. Joll and Oscar Jack- fashioned boy who used to Member of of the Presbyterian ladies’ aid so­ an early date to reopen the Sun­ son families were dinner guests eggs for Easterf—-Eugene National Editorial Association shine rest room which hail to be ciety for which Mrs. E. W. Arnies, Sunday of the Lee Nixons. He may have become a Oregon State Editorial Association The’ E. J. Sears family spent Mrs. W. L. Hatch, Mrs. J. A. closed when tho Main street loca­ Oregon Newspaper Conference by this time. Merryman and Mrs. A. W. Swanson tion for the rest room was taken Sunday at the N. E. Compton and the city council refused to ED IS COMING HOME. Children are but reflections of were hostesses. A short business continue support from the city home in the Grove. session was held at which Mrs. C. H. Lake, Mr. i and .Mrs. Geo. their elders and too often we fin” treasury for su< h. a room except on Just when you motorists are counting the days Ed Brodie is coining back from that there are spots in the mirrors B. R. Job and Mrs. F. E. Menden­ Main street, The club has been Jernigan and baby and Preston hall were appointed captains for a Lake and family, of ’ Eugene, were until you can hit the country trails with the f i rst Siam, where they never have to that make the reflection a poor membership campaign. The remain­ offered by the J. C. Penney store Sunday guests at the A. W. Cornutt sing, “How Dry I Am.” After one. balmy days of spring, we are offering a free tube der of the afternoon hours were the free use of a room which is home helping Mrs. Cornutt ccle- some three years in the diplomatic 30x40 feet in dimensions, is well with every Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tire- —FOR spent socially. Mrs. Homer Gallo­ brate her birthday. ’ e will service, he ...__ return to his Oregon Paving Bids to Be Asked. lighted and is provided with separ­ way was winner in a word contest Jess Tucker was 1 A LIMITED TIME ONLY. vis a Eugene City newspaper, It may get hot The street committee of the city < ate toilets for men and women. itor Monday. once in awhile around the edit ., 11 council Ims been authorized to call and Miss Stella Adams was the Airs. Darby, president of the Better equip your car with a set of new tires to lucky one in the Easter egg hunt. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Horn was sanctum, but never so unbearably for bids upon the paving of east < Orchids and wild currants were the Community club, has stated that in Eugene Monday evening. start the season with. warm as in tho Siamese empire, Main street, south Sixth street, «■list ( the club will ask the city council M. A. Horn is i having the electric where the king can have as many Xdams from Third street to Eighth pretty decorations of the rooms, to again contribute- $25 monthly wives as he wishes and therefore street, east Washington from Tenth while Easter decorations were upon for the salary of a matron. With motor installed i at his rock crusher have it as i as he wishes. Of street to the city park, Chestnut the table. A delightful luncheon no rent or heat to pay, Mrs. Darby and expects to have it running in a day or two. course Ed have to go buck avenue and one block of south was served. believes that in this location the > ♦ ♦ The Country Kids orchestra is to work. might discourage First alley. Ordinances have been Jn observance of its sixth anni­ rest room can be continued indefi- going to Creswell this Tuesday Homo, but Id. He likes to asked for all of these. nitely. versary. The LaComus club held its evening to help put on a program work. The of work in the Bids upon several classes of Mr. Lowry, of the J. C. Penney at a farmers’ union meeting. annual no-hostess luncheon at 1 diplomatic service may be one of paving will be called for. o’clock Tuesday at the Gray Goose store has stated that tho offer I the reasons he is coming back. tea room. The table was centered to the Communitv club was I Yokel Wins From Hand. Befor«* Ed went away he took a with a large white birthday cake made with the sole idea of doing Portland, Ore., April 8.—Mike trip )ver the state with the editor something for the community and bearing six white candles i and at Yokel, Salt Lake light heavyweight oA 'I’he Sentinel and the two saw each end of the table was a helping to make ’Cottage Grove a wrestler, beat Ralph Hand, of Cot­ most of the mountains ami chasms, popular trading center. tongues, pretty bouquet of lambs plains and hills, forests and streams tage Grove, two out of three fall» The luncheon was served in three of tho old state. Ed was as en here tonight. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. courses. Following the luncheon raptured as a little kid—nearly as Hand took the first fall, Yokel of the guests went to the home 1 much so as the editor of The the second and third. Notice is hereby given that the Mrs. H. B. Griggs, where the after ­ Sentinel- -ami we knew then that You should see the noon hours wore pleasantly spent. undersigned has been duly appoint­ he could not for long be happy Rats Kill Many Chickens. The following officers were elected: ed by the county judge for Lane elsewhere Special Touring on Silk Creek, April 7. — (Special.) — Mrs. W. E. Lcbow, president; Mrs. county, Oregon, administratrix of Two hundred fifty young chickens We presume that Ed’s excuse display at DRUGSTORE Griggs, vice president; Mrs. Frank the estate of E. O. Saltsman, de­ were killed at the D. A. Estes for coming back will be flint his ceased. Knox, secretary and treasurer. children have to have schooling. place a few nights ago by a wharf All persons having claims against That’s as good an excuse ns any □□□□□□nnnnnnnnnnnn said estate are hereby notified to rat. These rats seem to kill merely Billy Hall’s Service Station and probably the correct one. □ n present the same to me, duly veri­ for the pleasure of killing. APPROACHING But whatever Ed*« excuse is, □ □ fied, at the Saltsman restaurant on EVENTS □ we shall bo pleased to welcome □ Salesbooks. The Sentinel □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Main street, in Cottage Grove, Lane him back to the fold—back to tho county, Oregon, within six months democratic simplicity of the fourth The M. P. G. club will meet after date of this notice. estate. Let him no longer consort Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. W. Date of first publication, April with kings and queens, princes and .1. Woods. 9, ’ 1925. prineeHHeM of royal claret but at­ MRS. MYRTLE M. SAI «TSMAN, tend to his own kind of business Executrix of the estate of among the kings and queens, t E. O. Saltsman, Deceased. princes and princesses of Oregon. J. E. Young, The welcome for Ed we shi ♦ ❖ ♦ Attorney for estat '. a9ni7c triple for Mrs. Brodie, who mudo The W. C. T. IT. will hold its Ed what he is and probably made regular meeting tomorrow afternoon NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE­ him come back home. nt the Methodist church. MENT. <§><$><$> ELECTION CHANGES NEEDED. The Tuesday Bridgo dub will Notice is hereby given that the hold its regular 1 o’clock luncheon undersigned has filed herein her The Eugene Register has given Phone 53 next week at the home of Mrs. final account as executrix of the expression to another sensible idea. G. C. Dyott. last will ami testament of D. J. Tho fact that our legislative sea Gover, deceased, with the County sions are hold in tho odd years First with Cottage Grove news— Clerk of Lane County, Oregon; and leaves nearly two years between The Sentinel. an order has been made and entered a legislative session and the next In connection with our ham and coffee demonstration. Special sale of Armour’s □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a of record directing this notice and general election. That fact makes sugar cured Easter hams. Special prices on Edward’s coffee. □ setting the 12th day of May, 1925, it necessary to call a special elec I I HAMS AT WHOLESALE! □ at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. as COFFEE AT LOWER PRICES! a tion to vote upon measures referred □ □ the time, and tho county court room T T to (he people by the legislative □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ in the county court house nt Eu­ session, or referred by the people Tho following bills were allowed gene, Lane county, Oregon, as the themselves after enactment by the A A 'R& hc OZ Jitar. place for tho hearing of objections, by the council Monday night: leginlative session. If this is not if any, to said account and the 148.06 Freight on carload of pipe $ COCOA CORN MEAL done, such legislative enactments L L BELOW COST final settlement of said estate. J. C. Klopfenstein, labor on are not acted upon for nearly two C. J. KEM, Prop the best bulk Best grade W W Dated and first published this 12.00 PETER PAN y<‘ars. Were the legislative sea Cottage Grove, : Ore”,on dam .................................. 9th day of April, 101?."». Peerless Pacific Company, 3 pounds for................. 25c Made by the Crown Mills 9 pound sack........... 50c A A .JULIA GOVER, 66.57 supplies for water line.... 49 pound sack...........$2.65 Executrix of the Last Will ami Tes­ Y Grover Newland, labor on Y SAPPHIRE tament of D. J. Gover, Deceased. i 28.00 water lino ......................... ROLLED OATS JELLY S S The best hardwheat of Herbert W. T^ombard, W. B. Osinoti, work on regular 15c glass Kerrs’ best Montana—second to none 35.00 Attorney for Estate. a9m7c ditch $2.75 9 pound sack........... 55c P Jas. Tedford, work on p Our price.......................10c 49 pound sack 0.00 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. streets ................................ A A 24.38 (). R. Smith, street work. L. P, Sanford, painting In tho matter of the estate of Y Y street signs ....... — Samuel K. Busick, deceased. S S Woodson Brothers, supplies Notice is hereby given that for fire department.......... Agnes V. Smith has been by the Curve cut macaroni, 7 pounds...... 50c Oregon canned Bartlett pears 21/2s T John Keating, on trunk County Court of the State of Ore- Fancy Spaghetti, 7 pounds............. 50c sewer contracts .......... ..... 8,045.89 gon, in and for Lane County ap- can 29c; 6 for................... $1 60 Continental Pipe company.. 1274.35 pointed executrix of the estate of Long head rice, SUg pounds.......... 50c Oregon canned Royal Anne cherries O Anderson & Middleton Co., Samuel K. Busick decease«} and Unpolished rice, 5 pounds.............. 50c 2*4«. can 29c; 6 for........... $1.60 16.10 , that all persons having claims lumber for dam............... Raisins, 4 15-ouncc packages........... 49c DelMonte Melba peaches, 2*4« can 35c T G. B. Pitcher, salary and against said estate are hereby Raisins, bulk, 4 pounds............... 45c 6 cans of these fancy peaches. .$1.95 expend 158.00 notified to present the same duly Toilet paper, 8 rolls.......................... 45c Apricots. 2%s, 2 cans........... 45c R Homer Galloway, salary..... 125.00 ( varified at the law office of H. J. (> cans for..................... $1 20 A Petite prunes. 6 pounds...................45c City Transfer, street clean­ I Shinn in Cottage Grove, Oregon, White beans, 6 pounds.......................45c Pineapple in large size cans, 2 for 55c D 56.181 within •ix months from the 2tltb ing ..................... ......... ...... Knowles & Graber, supplies 9.69 | «lay of March, 1925. E Charles Newland, special AGNES V. SMITH. 10 00 H. J. Shinn, police ------- - —---- —------- Executrix. SOAP Charles Newland, sewer in­ Attorney for ostato. m2Ha23c(T) SYRUP WASHING POWDER 52.50 Light, 10 pound pail 85c A spection ......... .... White Wonder large 40 ounce package P. H. Jones, labor on $1.00 Light, 5 pound pail 45c Each .......................... 19c 25 bars streets 25.20 and 2 bars double refined Dark, 10 pound pail 80c P. H. Jonc», labor Dark, 5 pound pail 43c borax soap free SHORTENING G sewers 4 pound pail 83c P H. Jones, labor TOILET SOAP R A & L. TOMATOES 8 pound pail........ *....$1.63 water line 24.00 Assorted highest grade Can .............. 20c | J. F. McFarland, police...... 100.50 toilet oilet soap. soap, 10 bars 47c 6 for........................ $1.10 A I Meals for prisoners........... 12.20 PREFERRED STOCK Y STRING BEANS C. E. Frost, salary ...____ 10.00 Peas, can 20c; 6 for $1.10 SALMON ’S A good grade i 11. W. Lombard, salary ..... 20.00 Corn, can 22lz2c; 6 $1.20 Can ............................ $1 00 15c Best pink, 7 for I Pae. Tel. <1 Tel. Co., tolls . 1.50 ¡Sentinel, printing and pub­ CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER. BRICK, POTATOES SUGAR lishing _________ 31.25 CRACKERS FIRE BRICK. FIRE CLAY. METAL Best Yakima Gems Two carloads just in ¡Fire department, salaries... 28.00 Regular 60e box LATH, CORNER BEADS, SHIN 100 pounds $2 35 Get our price • Mountain States Power Co. 200.00 3 pounds for...............45c GLES, DRAIN TILE. SEWER TILE, John Schaffer, engineer*« CONCRETE SAND AND GRAVEL, ho I per ......... ....... 8.31 PLASTERING SAND. ZOURI STORE 1 Hamloth & Rohde, repair We meet all competition scarifier ........ ..... FRONT FITTINGS. AND OTHER 4.00 ami furnish the best sale­ I Miller Machine Shop, re THINGS TOO NUMEROUS TO book on the market. 1.70 pair scarifier . «... MENTION Home merchants should ’ (Ivorh >lser Luqibvr Co., buy their salesbooks at sidewalk lumber .........._ ... 26.13 No Charge on City Deliveries home. K«ld Jenks, engineer’s help­ er .„,.v............... 14.88 »•red Wllliain.% t-ngiiH-er *s helper 2S.8 Practically Everything it- Orville Townsend, er.gin Just North of 8 P Station—Phone 100 Printing. Always Try eerS helper^..... -............... 17.0« Cottage Grove, Oregon Your Home Printer First Ivan E Warner, Manager R IL Townsend, engineer 285.00 ■ llvlmnt ...... L...... .».14» I r FREE! A TUBE FREE WITH EVERY PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP TIRE BOUGHT AT Long & Cruson’s Service Garage D odge B rothers MOTORCAR The Klenzo Treatment It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s Pay Day Specials Saturday, .April 11 //<■ Dr/rár Gray’s Cash Ê? Carry FREE—Ham Sandwiches and Coffee—FREE City Council KEM’S FOR DRUGS 7%» Best Guaranteed Creamery Butter, None Better, pound 49c FLOUR “Gray’s” means highest quality—lowest prices—best service Pay Day Specials Pay Day Specials Nutola Margarine, 2 lbs. 51c Nucoa Margarine, pound 30c T Our Building Material Line Includes— SALESBOOKS! Godard & Randall The Sentinel Highest Cash Price Paid for Y’our Eggs GRAYS EASHCEARRY Highest Cash Price Paid for Y’our Eggs