COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1925 PAGE FOUR a PROFESSIONAL CARDS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. DEN rlSTS LI W. Ti rus, D. M. D.—Dentistry. -*-*• Modern equipment. First Na tional Bunk Building. Hours, 9 to 12 and 1 to ti. Evenings ami Sun days by appointment. Office phone 10, residence phone lb I J. | I ill. W. E. LEBOW. Dentist. Office , Fifth and Main streets. Hours, 8:30 to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evenings and Sundays bv appointment. Phom's: office 35, residence 161 J. ’ ATTORNEYS In the matter of the estates of. Harriot C. Pitcher and Miles Pitcher, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Ben | F. Pitcher has been by the county ! A rare discovery, in the form court of the 8tate of Oregon, in and for Lane county,, appointed ad a tree bearing Hymbols made ministrator of the estate of Har United States surveyors riett C. Pitcher and Miles Pitcher, 1856, has been made near Westfir deceased, and that all persons hav by Cascade national forest em ing claims against the said estates ployes. While running a compass line to are hereby notified to present the same, duly verified, to the said retrace section line made more than IIERB1.RT W. LOMBARD-Attor a half century ago, surveyors came noy at Law. First National Ben F. Pitcher, administrator, at to a point where they expected Bauk Butbiiug. Phone 94, Cottuge Dorena, Oregon, within six months to find a corner mark or witness Grove, Oregon. from the 12th day of March, 1925. tree to indicate the section corner. BEN F. PITCHER, J. 8H1NN. — Attorney at Law When tho original marks were U Estate Administrator of the of • and Notary Public. Practices made 69 years ago the surveyors and Miles in all courts. Thirty years of Harriett C. Pitcher usually selected a nearby fir tree experience. Bader building, Cottage Pitcher, deceased. A Dress or Coat serves merely as a background for the as a “bearing tree” arid after Grove, Oregon. H. J. Shinn, Attorney Easter Outfit. Completeness depends upon innumerable chopping off a section of the bark estate. PHYSICIANS trifles, which each Woman fills in by means of smart cut in symbols indicating the sec I ill. C. E. FROST. -Physician accessories. And it is in the selection of these details Three thousand people read The tion number, township and range, -*-* and Surgeon. Office in Lawson that delightful freedom and an expression of individu What have followed by the initials “B. T.,” Building. Phone 47, Cottage Grove, I Sentinel each week. ality is allowed her, for fashion has thoughtfully Oregon. you to tell this vast throng! xxx indicating that it was only meant for aid in loenting the section planned them "in good variety. FlAVEN C. DYOTT, M. D. I'h; corner. sician and Surgeon. Evenings Say it with printers’ ink. XXX Because the original corner mark by appointment. Suite 3, Kent boy did the turning. had rotted away many years ago, Bldg., Cottage Grove. Entrance on north Sixth street, just off Main. thn surveyors looked for the bear ' SUMMONS. ing treo with little hope of finding I j A. FORBES, M. D.—Physicinn it, ns most of the trees in that *"• anil Surgeon. Calls answered In tho Circuit Court of the Stato section aro deeply fire-scarred on day or night. Maternity work a of Oregon for Lane County. specialty. Dr. Kime’s old office. the up-hill side. One tree, how I’nones: office 34, residence 199-J. Robert E. Laeky and Lydia R. ever, fore indications it might have 1jIt. A. W. KIME.—Physician and Laeky, his wife, Plaintiffs, vs been blazed by an ax at one time, Our presentation of dress and sports Coats emphasizes The straight line silhouette shows equal prominence with Surgeon. ObstetricH and diseases Phillip 8. Murphy and Jane although tho bark was unmarked. the very latest style thoughts. The sports Coats are of women and children a specialty. Doo Murphy, his wife, Alice Taylor flared in the new spring frocks. Sleeve treatments After eareflly chopping into the strictly mannish “Prince of Wales” models and are Will care for confinements nt his and John Doe Taylor, her husband, big tree tho foresters finally en are a matter of choice. Bright colors are the vogue. □ home if desired. shown in a host of delightful colors and materials. James Murphy and Jane Doe Mur countered some brown wood show Flannels, printed crepes and satin finish crepes are the The dress coats are of Charmeen in rich springtime phy, his wife, Kate Sparks anil ing oviilence that it had been DRUOLESS PHYSICIANS shades. John Doe Sparks, her husband, j materials. marked nnd a moment later found lAlt. H. A. HAGEN.—Licensed D ruffle as Physician. Phone 30. Ella Austin and John Doo Austin, I tho marking made by United States her husband, Nancy Murphy Taylor Ostrander Building, 630% Main trail blazers years before tho civil street, Cottage Grove, Oregon. nnd John Doe Taylor, her husband, war. Harriet Murphy Mitchell and John Doo Mitchell, her husband, and Ida PIONEER FOOTPRINTS Murphy Buchanan and John Doo I "Hello Daddy'don’t • Buchanan, (Continued from first page.) her husband, and the j forti/etrny Writycys unknown heirs of A. H. Spare, j fast and then filled our kegs und Slip a package in deceased; and Walter F. Huff and canteens with water and started your pocket when Alico J. Huff, his wife, Jarnos C. you to home to Huff and Winnie Huff, his wife, at two o’clock in order to cross night. Uracio A. Conner and Charlos Con the main desert. Traveled until nor, her husband, Nowton J. Huff dark; stopped and fed tho stock dire the youngsters and Sophia Huff, hi. wife; and and took a snack ourselves; then this wholesome, long started ngnin and traveled through lasting sweet - for also all other persons or parties ! deep sand until midnight; we then Small shapes and Gloria unknown claiming any right, title, pleasure and beer ;? Of kid or silk with the new pair of patent or Swanson pokes in straw Colors that match estato, lion or intorest in tho real stopped and fed ngain, and gave out patent and kid combina stylish novelty cuffs in I blend with your new and silk combinations-—■ estate described in the Complaint tho last of our water and hay. tion pumps will complete The road was lined with wagons Dress, Pure thread silk one or two color combina herein. tailored and flower- your Easter outfit, priced Vxe 11 yourself after £ 'A in medium weight or tions, pair To: Phillip 8. Murphy and Jane and dead stock all the way along, trimmed styles. at amoklnd or when sheer Chiffons, pair Doo Murphy, his wife, Alice Taylor Wo left one more horse that gave work drads. Its a . . Jja»/ iff I out, and nil but one tenm arrived and John Doc Taylor, her husband, Jr««! little fhsshaner f Janies Murphy nnd Jano Doe Mur at Carson river nt 7 o’clock tho phy, his wife, Kato Sparks and next morning. Jerry had to tako John Doo Sparks, her husband, water to Johnson’s mules; they Ella Austin anil John Doe Austin, arrived at 9 o’clock. July 20—After watering our her husband, Nance- Murphy Taylor and John Doe Taylor, her husband, stock we started up tho river to NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Burroughs Bookkeepers ! Get Lithographing, engraving, steel £ ____ 1... L Bookkeepers! __ LL_ Z^, Get Burroughs Harriet Murphy Mitchell and John j hunt grass; wont about three miles, your account sheets and blanks dye work. The Sentinel’s live wire your account sheets and blanks found some anil camped once more, Dim Mitchell, her husband, and Ida Department of the Interior, U. 8. shop.print shop is the place at your home print shop. Murphy Buchanan anil John Doe ill safe across the desert, but I. and Office at Roseburg, Oregon, at your home print shop. Ifrr Buchanan, her husband, and the 1 very hungry. I started off to March 28, 1925. unknown heirs of A. H. Spare, I . buy some beef of some of tho ox ."fotico is hereby given that John deceased; and Walter F. Huff and trains; nnd nt last, after three II. Volgamore, of Comstock, Oregon, « rn Alice J. Huff, his wife, Jarnos C. j ! hours,- found some, and wo then hid who, on* January 3, 1922, made Hull’ uni Winnie Huff, his wife, another good feast. Our bacon was Homestead Entry, No. 014259, for Grade A. Conner and Charles Con entirely gono; but We had some NE'4 NE*4, Section 17, Township nor, her husband, Newton J. Muff hard bread loft, plenty of coffee, 21 8., Range 4 West, Willamette j and Sophia Huff, his wife; and dry fruit nnd rice. We stopped Meridian, has filed notice of in- also all othor persons or partio« here all day nnd that night. July 21—Jerry wished mo to go I tention to make three year Proof, i unknown claiming any right, title, estate, 'ion or interost in the roal ahead of tho train through to | to establish claim to the land above j Day and Night Calls 1 estato described in tho Complaint Hacramonto river to find his brother described, before the Register and j Zeph. and lot him know that we , Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office, herein. were coming, so I took some hard at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 9thj Prompt, In tho name of tho State of Ore Headquarters at Efficient gon: You nnd each of you nro bread and a piece of boiling beef ' j day of May, 1925. Beaulieu A Barrel and Claimant names as witnesses: horoby required to appear anil (plenty of money) nnd started Courteous Oarage Christopher C. Watkins, Peter Mor alone on my mare for Sacramento. Service answor the Complaint filed against you in the above ontitled Court The train was to start that evening. kettn, William I*. Curtis, all of and cause un or before six weeks I «vent twenty miles, stopped to Curtin, Oregon and Robert Anlauf, mB(M) Anlauf, Oregon. from the date of tho first publi let my mare graze and ent some I I of non coni HAMILL A. CANADAY, ■ I ■.« ■ ' — --- ■ --T^l cation of this Summons, and if myself. At two o’clock I started Register. I -Tiw- ^================= you fail so to appear and answer again nnd went twenty-eight miles :i2-30c(2) said Complaint, for want thereof over nnother desert, where there Salesbooks. The Sentinel tho Plaintiffs will apply to tho was no vegetation or water; I j Court for tho relief demanded in struck the river after dark; could , J. A. RHOADS j said Complaint, to-wit: for a Do- find no grass and had to livo on Proprietor ! ere« of tho said Court adjudging willows. I slept alone under a and decreeing that tho Plaintiffs treo with Molly, my mare, tied arc the owners in foe simple of the to it. FURNITURE MOVING July 22—1 was up nnd off at I following described premises: Beginning nt a point 35.48 chains daylight; went 3 miles and found AND STORAGE Every woman knows that her North of tho Southwest Corner of good grass. I started again at house has to be cleaned thoroughly the Henry Small D. L. C. No. 57, ten and overtook some packers, every spring. During winter, dust, said corner being the angle corner nnd traveled nl day with them; dirt and germs accunimulate in the Piano Moving a Specialty. on tho West boundary of said camped at night on splendid grass. i corners, under the rugs, in the Rhone 99; Res., 189-J (Continued uext Monday.) Henry Small ~ D. L. C. No. 57, run eurtaius “ au ” every place. Just ning thence West 6.22 chains, ! so with your system—it should bo s thence north 4.81 chains, thence a thorough cleansing, purify- t 1 East to the Northwest corner of “What’s the name of that hand -j given f ing this spring. HOl.LISTER'8 some prisoner! ” naked tho im- a certain tract of land deeded by Isonii distance hauling, piano ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA will do pression»ble young woman. said A. H. Spare to W. P. Huff I moving a specialty. _ ‘ . It will I j°b "lick nn'1 9<>i;k. * * No. 2200, miss,' ’ replied the ,ke on tho 27th day of Juno, 1910, by o 1, Wl n your X*. >n •• system, j ti Li A «% ■*> freshen C F., * elean and guard. Any time—any where | Warranty Deed and recorded in purify you all over — you’ll enjoy Book No. 91, Page 75, Deed | “How fnnnyl But, of course,! living, eat better, sleep better— Records Lane County, Oregon, on that is not his roal name.” feel better.—Kern’s for Drugs, apr “ Oh. no, miss, that's his pen ■ the 12th day of November, 1910, Chestnut Brothers, proprietors name.” (Across street from S. P. depot) ; thence South 8.67 chains, thence J West to tho place of beginning, all I Coal for Brooders 51 in Section 32, Township 20, South STORAGE AND GENERAL Rango 3, West Willamette Meri dian, Lane County, State of | TRANSFER Cottage drove People Advise You j Oregon. Office phono ti to Act in Time. I have scattered bread crusts. and quieting tho title to said tin Residence phono 155-L premise, as against the Defendant« and eaiiK, Sunday supplements Is failing health making you un paper platea from the eaves j above named and each and all of easy and unhappy! Are you tired, in Southern Oregon to Mount weak and disapirited! Suffer daily them ami forever barring tho said Baker in northern Washington. backache and stabbing rheumatic Defend inU and all per twinges! Then look to your kidney»! 1 have hacked forest trees ing hv. through or unit them or The kidneys are the blood filters. cither of them, er an; of them and left campfires burning from One« they weaken, the whole system the California lino to the from claimiug atty rig* title or is upset. You have dixxy spells, ! interest in said premise nn<i for Canadian border. headaches and urinary irregularities Any Kind Any Time You feel all worn out. Use Doan’s j such other and further relief as T have hooked pears from a PRICES RIGHT Pill»-* stimulant diuretic to the Medford orchard and walnuts i to th j Court may seem equitable. Thousands recommend Tenn* Cash This summon« is published once in the Willamette valley, ‘ • Rouie kidneys. Denn 's. Here is Cottage Grove each week for six successive and Beautioa** from beautiful Hood proof: I consecutive weeks in the Cottage River and ‘ * Delicious * * apples Mrs. Ella U Wilson. 123« Ash Grove Sentinel by enter of tho from the broad Yakima valley Ave., says: “I gladly recommend Phono 12 IL apt") Honorable J. F. Rkipworth, Judge Doan's Pills as I know they are a I have rolled rocks into the i Ilf the Circuit Court, which Order sapphire depths of Crater lake good remedy. My kidneys acted irregularly and I felt run down. I boars date March 5, 1925. and thrown tin cans into Lake knew my kidney* caused this Dated nnd first published this Chelan. trouble. Doan's relieved me. At h day of March, 1925 strengthening my back and kid I have seen »11, bean! all, 7:,^.^ lie vs. ’ ’ HERBERT W LOMBARD, »nJ in my weak way, have Price 60e. at nil dealers, Don 1 both iocs', and it-re-nsl. and has been Attorney for Plaintiffs managed to «lealmy much. simply ask for a f kidney * succcm I u I In die rtestment of Catarrh remedy— Resilience .«nd Pest Office Ad- I am the careless and thought get Doan ’s Pills- —th« «me that for over forty years. Sold by sll Jruggi.t. dro«a. First National Bank Building, lea. American tourist! Mrs. Wilson had. Foster-M ilbura F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, Ohio Cottage Grove, Ore. m9*2<HM) i Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Hel/iwe// 0s Marksbury The Success of Your Easter Costume Rests FT7ith You NEJT COATS FOR EASTER $12.75 to $29.75 SHOES GLOEES HOSE $3.95 to $7.50 $1.65 tO $3.95 $1.50 to $2.25 Jitney Service JOE T. SHORT 1 City Transfer Co. Tone Up, Purify In the Spring fei Why You Should Buy Your Electric Range This Gambling on Your Oven Boosts Your Grocery Bill Chestnut Transfer WOOD Meat roasts—pies and cakes—many of the most expensive dishes you prepare are excellent or poor, due in great measure to the efficiency of your oven’ Can you afford to keep on running the risk of failures and imperfections in baking when the electric range with automatic oven control has made baking an exact science? Baking electrically eliminates guesswork as to whether a dish is cooked or not. You can be sure Quimby Bros. JFe Have the Electric Ranve for Your Kitchen WHO AM I? Hull’s Catarrh Medicine Is Your Health Slowly Slipping Away? A NEU' DRESSES FOR EASTER $16.75 to $27.50 A. $3.95 to $10.50 4 MOUNTAIN STATES POWER CO. »