COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL PAGE TWO RSD T in Lane county macadam and ous which attributes to women the room«. Needle work gravel roads. We build a new generally the motive of vanity in the diversion enjoyed. A Monday» and Thursdays rosd, of heavy enough construc­ their Easter church going. ' course luncheon was served. Sweet- It has been estimated by a com­ : peas were the attractive center- Publishers tion to meet the existing denmmls, Bede & Smith.. but immediately the new road petent authority whose identity for ■ piece of the table and shamrock ___ Editor Elbert Bede---- makes possible the transportation of the moment escapes us, that if all place cards wero used. Mrs. Arch A first-class publication entered at heavier loads, and the heavier loads the money spent for Easter hats Proctor was an invited guest of Cottage Grove as second-class matter break down and ruin the road, were converted into one-dollar bill: .’.i» club. The club is planning Business Office... ..... 65 North Sixth Anyone can go out and in the and these were sewed end to en '. to spon» . r a dance April 4 to course of a n4 ■ luncheon, 1 -1 — which -V • . 1 held 1 1 at _ X X« themselves. The needs of yesterday for dad to pay the last installment was the Member of of last year’s state income tax home of Mrs. C. 8. Roberts. At- are too light for the traffic of to ­ □ National Editorial Association □ Oregon State Editorial Association day, and the roads of today will and have enough left over to buy tractive bouquets of daffodils were u be too light for the traffic of to- [ a tankful of gasoline. Huch sta- about the rooms, while sweetpeas Oregon Newspaper Conference □ □ morrow. There is almost no# limit tistics as these are, of course, ter were the artistic centerpiece of the □ They go far, table. Shamrocks were scattered to the size of the trucks the man ribly convincing. □ OUR ROAD DILEMMA. I ufacturers can build, and with each towards accounting for the at-. about the table and shamrock place titude of high approval by bus-; cards were used. Following the B The crushing of our rends by improvement in the roads they will □ bands^generally » which may <«><$> ensemble dress. The width is 36 inches. Priced a yard to bo written, one on tho subject ruptcy, for we are going in debt out for themselves by actually1 .... ............... 85c to $1.50 □□ Tho Past Matrons ’ club met was discovered in the Eugene Reg­ to build what we have now. Re­ going hatless to church on Easter, □ ister that expresses so well tho construction to meet new demands it may be expected that their fame I Monday afternoon in the banquet □ room of the Masonic temple, w’ith Ideas of Tho Sentinel that it will have to be a gradual process, □ and that f green n nnd t’ourteepth anniversary meeting of j county W. C. T. U. institute held “ ABRAH AM LINCOLN” “CHALK MARKS,” with tho club, which was organized yesterday in Eugene. Those who ................. . by 1’i'cs.s, I’ulpit Marguerite Snmv, June El- I March 11, 1911, at the home of attended were Mrs. A. C. Spriggs, and Public -1 lie most appeal­ — C. Hart, Mr». J. H. Cham- ing ronipneo and' inspiring vidge, Ramsay Wallace, I lei Mrs. J. S. Medley. 1 Charter mem- Mrs. H. drama one photoplay has en Ferguson, Priscilla Bon­ I bers were: Mrs.* Elizabeth Hall, bera and Mr». J. Hams. Mrs. Katie Medley, Mrs. Eva achieved. Also International ner anil Rex Lease. Anil a ♦ ♦ ♦ A few neighbors and friends C. Wheelef, Mrs. 'Alice Abrams, NeWs. Admission: Adults. comedy. Mrs. Minnie E. Miller, Mrs. Cora surprised Mr. and Mr». M. C. Bres­ 50 cents; children, 25 cents. Wednesday, March 25- Compton, Mrs. Katie B. V catch, sler, newlyweds, Tuesday ovening Friday afternoon matinee Mrs. Olivia Eakin, Mrs. W. Thomp­ by gathering at the Bressler home for grade school. Admission “THE WISE VIRGIN.” All 20 cents. the glory and romance of son, Mrs. Myrtle Hill, Mrs. Lena for a social evening. Ice cream youth in t his delight fid story Lurch and Mrs. Clara Monroe. nnd cake, which the guests brought by Elmer Harrie, starring Members have been since accepted with them, were served, A set Patsy Ruth Miller and Matt ns follows: Mrs. Clara Burkholder of cut glass goblet» were given Moore. And a comedy. nnd Mrs. Arun Barnett, 1912; Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Bressler. ♦ ♦ ♦ Willin Beatty nnd Mrs. Jean Rob- Thursday, March 26— More than 85 were present at the bins, 1913; Mrs. Mary E. Kerr, “’HIE FAMILY SECRET” and Mrs. Birdie Hall, 1915; Mrs. dinner Monday evening for the rnngfer thrills, featuring Baby Peggy. Com­ Julia Garetson, 1918; Mrs. Cnth American i Legion and» auxiliary. hen i t- interest edy and International News. erine Bader, Mrs. Addie E. Job, Mrs. V. T. Randall, Mrs. R. L. a comedy. IMPROVE YOUR COOKING Mrs. Rena E. Buckley, Mrs. Mabel Stewart, Mrs. W. E. Mayes, Mrs. Friday, March 27 Harry Victor 1 C. Chambers, Mrs. Caroline Brand, Kem and, Mrs. Nelson Carey in “SOFT SHOES/’ CUTS DOWN YOUR 1920; Mrs. Laura H. Johnson, Mrs. Whipps were the committee in A fight a minute, lauuh-a- Maude Wright, Miss Esther Silsby, charge. minute. tale of "thugs and 1921; Mrs. Murtha Grube and Mrs. ♦ ♦ ♦ KITCHEN WORK heart throbs in San Fran­ Nelson Stewart, 192*^; Mrs. Cora Mr. and Mr». Frank McCullough, le city of Bull- cisco’s fascinating under­ Awbriy, 1924. Mr. and M n. Fred Patton ami « comedy. world. And a comedv. ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Anna Newcomb entertained That’s what the modern housewife is striving for. Mrs. C. S. Roberts, Mrs. A. C. the Jolly Bunch club Friday eve- An electric range will help you to make bigger .leuell, Mrs. N. J. Nelson Jr., Mrs. lung in Phillips hall at its regular strides in that direction than anything that could W. A. Gnroutte, Mrs. R. Er Short, dance. Light refreshments were be put in your kitchen. Mrs. K. K. Mills, Mrs. J. A. Rentie, served at the close of the dancing Mrs. C. J. Kem and Mrs. G. C. 1 hours. You spend less time in’the electric range kitchen lhrott entertaine«! the TanglcYoot ♦ ♦ ♦ because — club Tuesday evening in Phillips Mr. and Mrs. I). H. Hemenway, hall at its last dance of the season. ■ assisted by Mrs. J. Q. Willits, ca­ —whole meals may be cooked without supervision ’Vhe Decision being St. Patrick’s i tertained the Tiliicum ciai» last in the oven, regulated automatically. day, the decorations, refreshments evening at the Hemenway home, and features were of that nature. Daffodils were the artistic deco­ —kitchen cleaning is so much easier when \ bonier of crepe paper with St. rations of the rooms and the lights there is no soot or smoke to scour from pans and Patrick’s designs hung from the I were shaded with Ureen crepe other furnishings. r top casing of the walls and the paper. Five hundred, the usual lights were shaded with greeu Ami diversion, was followed by the white paper. Green shrubbery noti serving of a tempting luncheon. white spriftg blossoms in effective Tho occasion was the birthday an WE HAVE THE ELECTRIC arrangement were in the nooks of niversartvs of Mrs Hemenway and hall. A miniature Blarney castle, Mrs. Willits and the club presented with the Blarney stone set in it, each with a flower bowl filled RANGE FOR YOUR was in one corner of the room and with red tulip« These, with the during the grand march much St. Patrick’s trimming«, were the KITCHEN ainusemeut was caused by making decorations for the tables. The each guest kiss the stone. Another hostesses also received individual feature was the method for choos­ gifts from the members and the ing the men’s partners for them. guests. Invited guests of the club » I his was done by giving them were'Mr. and Mr«. W. W. McFar­ shamrock cards which bore the land, Mr. and Mrs. George O. I ua in. e 1 of a lady, who was to be Knowles, .Mr. and Mrs. William his j partner for the dance Punch Thum. Mr. and Mr«. H. A Miller. was i svne«l throughout the evening, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Swanson, Mr.! b The pntirh bowl set in a be The El mar tea Hub met Tuesday ♦ ♦♦ afternmm with Mrs Charlea Hall. Mr». Arch Pr—tor entertained' Shamrocks and narcissi were nl*out the Fmnk McFarland family at* I il'ottaiu (Stove Sentinel Spring Jez/w ffleek. Spring days are sewing days for the sew-at- home; time to prepare Spring and Summer wardrobes and here one will find a host of the new fabrics in a splendid display of rich weaves, new patterns and colorings. We invite you to come to the store today, view the new fabrics and let our saleswomen assist you in planning your Spring sewing. □ g □ g g □ PN^ewü border Print Patterns □□ □ □ g ! soci err ! ¿4RCE4DE Theatre Why You Should Buy Y our Electric Range This Spring DO YOU KNOW 1 hut we can give you 18 Months to Pay for a NEIF CHEVROLET Come in and ask about this plan Beaulieu & Harrel Mountain States Power Co