PAGE TWO COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY. MARCH 16, 1925 ——------------------- r a hill. Some of the stock An Oregonian was refused ad­ again, and had to be helped mission to the poorhouse l>eeausc out. The night before 22 horses he was the owner of a motor car. Not long ago the Companion ..Publishers printed a story by Mr. C. A. Steph­ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a were stolen by the Indians; they Did they expect him to walk over Bede & Smith- caught a man and took all his the hills and risk, being run down ........Editor ens entitled “Cephas Tyrunnus." Elbert Bede------ More than 125 responded Fri­ j clothe* off, and let him go to by a cart—J. R. W. in Milwaukee The story reminded the reader of A first class publication entered at an experience that a cousin of his day afternoon to invitations which camp. We crossed over the hills Journal. Cottage Grove as second-class matter had with a ram that must certainly , had been issued by the Tuesday I and came to the river again and have been an offspring of old Bridge club to a silver tea at the camped; but had to wade in the Correct styles always in wedding Business Office......... 55 North Sixth , Cephas. The ram was past middle I home of Mrs. C. 8. Roberts. The water to cut grass for all the and social stationery at the live I age, was large and heavy and had SUBSCRIPTION RATES a wicked set of horns that he used proceeds went to the city park stock. The river was so high that i wire print shop. By mail (Cash in advance) i at every opportunity. He became ! and playgrounds fund. Quantities it had overflown its banks and ; One i year....$2.75 I Three months .80 so dangerous that he Anally had to i of pretty daffodils were used* about covered nearly the whole bottom, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ..... — 50 lie confined by himself In a small en- the reception room, where the and there was no grass on the —------- Six months.. 1.50 | One 1 month ' closure. guests spent the afternoon pleas- ridges. BY CARRIER Notice is hereby given that .* .30 My cousin, writes our correspond­ I antly in social con vernation Swopf- month. Ona ___ Four months, in advance— . 1.10 ent, had obtained a younger and | peas i in artistic arrangement t were □□□□□□□□□□□nonnnnn undersigned has been appointed order of the County Court of Lane Six months, in advance—— . 1.60 smaller ram for breeding purposes, the □ County, Oregon, Administrator of centerpiece of the tea □ Ono year, in advance-------- . 3.00 and the sight of the newcomer filled table. Those to pour were: Mrs. n Approaching Events n the estate of Ruben Rissue, de­ the old rum with deepest hatred. He was never able to get at him, D. H. Hemenway and Mrs. H. A. ceased, which order bears date Member of though be often put the enclosure to Miller, from two to three; Mrs. □nnnnnnnn□□□□□□□□□ the 19th day of February, 1925. National Editorial Association a severe test when the young ram K. K. Mills and Mrs. R. 8. Trask, Oregon State Editorial Association Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Helliwell All persons having claims against would come In sight. from three to four; Mrs. William Oregon Newspaper Conference The end of the Jealousy came sud­ Thum and Mrs. George Matthews, will entertain the H. D. 8. elub the estate of Ruben Rissue, de­ Friday evening at its regular meet­ ceased, are hereby notified and denly one day when the gate of his PROHIBITION ENFORCEMENT. pen was Inadvertently left open. from four to five. Master Stewart ing. required to present the same, duly The old ram gave one angry blat Roberts attended the *door. ♦ ♦ ♦ verified, at the law office ot ♦ ♦ ❖ and tore through the opening, mak­ The ladies’ aid of the Christian Herbert W. Lombard, First Nation­ (Accepting , The Sentinel’s oft- ing for his enemy, who was feeding About 25 were present at a sur­ church will hold .a program and al Bank Building, Cottage Grove, repeated request for suggestions with the ewes about 200 yards away. for editorial subjects, a reader has At the snort of defiance the entire prise birthday dinner given Thurs­ social Wednesday evening at the Oregon, on or before six months day evening in honor of Miss church. from date of the first publication asked thnt this great family journal herd looked up, and the ewes took Mildred Stevens by her mother, ♦ ♦ ♦ of this notice. to their heels. Not so their new discuss the prohibition enforcement lord, however. He stood bls ground, Mrs. C. A. Stevens, and the latter’s • Miss Esther Silsby and Miss Dated and first published this problem.) braced all four feet and lowered his daughter, Miss Naoma Hilton. A Myrtle Kem will be hostesses Fri­ 23r laws, It is the duty of each citi- to Cope With Enemies Mrs. Mary Smith entertained the new rooms of the Sunday Court of the State of Oregon, for sen to assist in seeing that those law« are enforced, yet never before The musk ox which makes Its a number of boys Thursday after­ school which have recently been Lane County; and that Tuesday, the 7th day of April, 1925, at the probably in the history of the union home in the northern part of Can­ noon in honor of the eleventh completed. hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon has there been leas assistance given ada Is a connecting link between birthday aniversary of Alton Wood­ law enforcing officials in the per- wild cattle and sheep. Its horns are ard, who makes his home with her. Carl Ingram Is Painfully Injured. of said day in the County Court similar to the cape buffalo and its Mr. Stump, cook for Walter Wood- Carl, Ingrain, of Oakland, Ore* Room in the County Court House forinance of their duty. flesh tastes like beef. It has next The view taken by many is Its body n dense coat of soft, clean ard, Alton’»• father, presented the employed at the Culp creek camp at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, that the crime is not in breaking woolly hair, and through this grows lad with a birthday cake bearing of the Anderson & Middleton Lum­ has been fixed as the time and the law but in being caught. Speak a rain coat of very long, straight II candles. Games were played ber company, was painfully injured place by the said Court for the brown hair like that of the Tibetan and refreshments of ice cream and Thursday when a falling tree hearing of objections to said Final ing generally, the disgrace should yak, says the Winnipeg Free Press. cake were served. Guests were struck him on the back of the Account and Final Settlement of be no leas to be known to be a It has a tall bo short and small law breaker than to be caught‘at thnt the animal seems tailless. Their Arnold Ekright, Wendall and Har­ head, cutting a gash in the back said estate. Any and all objec­ it, but, whatever our view» may horns meet In a brond base over the old Spriggs, Wayne and Harold of the man’s neck and bruising tions to said Final Account and He was Final Settlement of said estate bo, auch is not the case and ho top of the skull, drop far down, then Mackin,! Harold Burge, Kenneth his shoulder severely. long as our views are what they sharply curve upward for severnl Williams, Victor Goff, Jack Mat­ brought here for medical atten­ must be filed with the Clerk of said Court on or before the said are there must be some other Inches, terminating In sharp pointe. lock, Colin Garoutte, Herbert Craig, tion. are specially designed for Kenneth and Wendall Carlile, Del­ date of hearing. method of enforcing the probi- They puncturing the vitals of wolves and Dated and first published this bition laws before there will be polar bears. The musk ox Ilves nnd bert Safley and Lloyd McCullogh. Every kind of loose leaf 2nd day of March, 1925. ❖ ♦ ♦ anything like general observance thrives even up to the farthest ledger sheets. The Sentinel. EARL HILL, Administrator Complimenting Miss Irene Griggs, of them. north for hoofed animals. Bookkeeping outfits. The of the estate of Lucy J. Holland, her mother, Mrs. H. B. Griggs, Sentinel The recent legislature made much deceased. was hostess Friday evening to more severe the penalties for vio­ Pretty Legend of Crosses Herbert for twelve of Irene ’ s girl schoolmates. lation of the prohibition laws. Fu­ □ nnnnnnnnnnn estate. W. Lombard, attorney Near the place where the Blue m2-30c(M) ture legislatures probably will make Ridge mid the Allegheny mountains The occasion was Irene’s birthday them oven more sovere. Severity unite there Is, in Patrick county,1 anniversary. Games nnd dancing NOTICE TO CREDITORS. of punishment may make their ob­ Va., a spur of the Blue Itldge called were the diversions of the evening servance much mure general, but “Bull mountain.” On the side of hours. Dainty refreshments were Estate of Millard Lammon, de­ it is the prediction of The Hontioel this mountain, nnd nowhere else In |served. A prettily arranged bou- □□□□□nn□□□□□□□□□□□ the world, there are found the fa­ ceased. that the prohibition laws will not mous ’’fairy stones." The mountain­ |quot of jonquiis was the center- .Presbyterian Church—A. Ralph Notice is herby given that Emily bo observed until the law makes eers explain It by legends worthy of piece of the table with streamers Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at it as serious an offense to drink the myth-making Greeks. One story of green crepe paper running from 10, forenoon service at 11, evening Jane Lano has been by the County whisky ns to make it. Vfhen the says “that ages ago. when the red the bouquet to the place cards service at 7:30. Midweek services Court of the State of Oregon, in Lane County, appointed executrix possession of a whisky breath car­ men were masters here, these stones which were the green harps. Green Wednesday evenings at 7:30. of the estate of Millard Lammon, • • • ries the possibility of a jail sen­ were showered down by the Great | wns also the predominating color Spirit as a sign of salvation coming I in the room decorations. Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams. deceased, nnd that all persons hav­ tence equal to that of possession to the savage race.” But the gen ♦ ♦ ♦ Bible school at 10, services at 11 ing claims against the estate of or manufacture of the stuff, there erally accepted legend—that one said deceased are hereby notified will bo i results of one kind or from which the name comes—is The senior class, with their nd- anil at 6:30 conducted by B. Y. nnother. The reason is plain: The this: “When Christ was crucified | visor, Miss Myrtle Kem, and Super­ I’. U. Prayer meeting Thursday to present the same duly verified, to the said executrix at Cottage person who makes the moonshine on Calvary elfin messengers carried intendent O. W. Hayes, held a baa- evenings at 7:30. Grove, Oregon, within six months • • • usually is one whoso position in the news to all parts of the world. quet Friday evening at Hotel Bar­ Christian Church, the '' home like ’ ’ from the 26th day of February, society is not greatly changed by When the tidings of woe reached tell. Delmas Richmond acted as the fairies In the rugged mountains .ihureh—A. J. Adams, minister. 1925. his conviction on a prohibition they toastmaster and members of the censed tlielr merrymaking and EMILY JANE LANE, violation charge, but a large part at once began to make these crosses class gave short speeches between Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and communion at 11, Christian endea­ Executrix of the estate of Millard of those who drink whisky are ns mementos of the sad event.” courses. Fidlowing the dinner the vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. Lammon, deceased. persons to whom conviction would time was spent socially. H. ,T. Shinn, Attorney for the to them seem serious. ♦ ♦ ♦ ’ Methodist Chureh — Rev. J. H. Peacock and Turkey estate. f23m23p(M) Mrs. Downey, a national worker Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at When the time arrives thnt the "Look at me," said the peacock, 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep I for the Christian women ’ s mission ­ person who drinks is sent to jail, spreading Ills tail nnd strutting worth league at 7, evening service NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. either the law will be enforced grandly about; "am I not band- ary societies, met with the local at 7:30. Everybody is welcome to missionary board Friday forenoon attend or it will bo repealed, We should some?" all of these services. Department of the Interior, U. 8. "Yes," replied the turkey, “In nt the homo of Mrs. O. W. Hays. have one or the other. The ten­ Free Methodist church—Corner of Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, dency of lawmakers is to provide your own eyes, but I put tip a per­ Mrs. Thomas Bailey, of Eugene, petual thanksgiving that I was not who was accompanying Mrs. Dow- Monroe avenue and south Fifth February 10, 1925. for its enforcement, some sincerely hatched so vain as you." Notice is hereby given that believing that prohibition is what "I should think thiutksglvlng was noy on her trip through Oregon, street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun­ George M. Ham, of R. F. D. 2, day school at 10, forenoon services wo want, others believing that rather a tender subject with you," was also present. ♦ ♦ ♦ strict enforcement will make the rejoined the peacock, pluming him­ at 11, evening service at 7:30. Creswell, Oregon, who, on March The student body of the junior Prayer meeting at' 7:30 Thursday 10, 1922 made Homestead entry, No law so unpopular that it will bo self. 014337, for NE% NE%, Section 21, "Not at all,” said the farmer, who high school entertained the basket evenings. repealed. had been listening to this Inter­ hall lettermen Friday evening in Township 19 8, Range 4 West, • • • Regardless of what the future change of civilities; “he is a tender Willamette Meridian, has filed Christian Science Church — Corner the gymnasium, Games were, the may bring forth, it may be safely subject for Thanksgiving !" And so notice of intention to make three >t Jefferson avenue and Second diversion of the evening and light said that if those who would feel saying, he caught up the turkey and refreshments were served, The street. Sunday services at 11 a. m. year Proof, to establish claim to seriously injured by being con­ carried hint off to market. *at 7:30 p. ni. the land above described, before “Well, well," said the pencock, teachers of the junior high were Wednesday services • • • victed of a prohibition law viola E. O. Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, "I'm glnd I ’ m too handsome to eat, Invited guests. lion should cease drinking the vile Seventh Day Adventist Church— at Eugene, Oregon, on the 25tb and that fine feathers don ’ t always ♦ ♦ ♦ nnd damnnldc stuff that is mnnu make fine birds, according to the West Main stroet. Services every The Lions’ Cubs, formerly the Saturday. Sabbath school at 10, day of March, 1925. factured these days, there would cook."—St. Nicholas Magazine. Claimant names as witnesses: Rinkeydinks, entertained the girls’ church service at 11; prayer meet be few moonshiners and few boot­ Charles Sutton, Thomas Moxley, at 7:30. classes of the Presbyterian Sunday ing Wednesday • evenings loggers, for there would ho few • • Arthur Kerr, all of Creswell, Ore­ Meant All She Said school taught by Mrs. R. L. Stew­ to sell to. Any time is a good time Sunday School services in the gon, and Robert Wills, of Eugene, They were evidently married nnd art and Mrs. George Matthews for those who have a social position ! -at ham school house every Sunday must have disagreed before they to maintain to start making the came to the lecture the other eve­ Saturday upon a hike to Devil’s at 9:45. Mrs Hugh Trunnel, su­ Oregon. non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, business of the moonshiner nn ning. For every once in a while canyon, following an outdoor picnic. perintendent; Mrs. Winnie Hagerty, fl2ml2c(2) Register. ♦ ♦ ♦ assistant superintendent. unprofitable one. she would deliver some cutting re­ More than 50 were present Thurs- mark to him. But the best came when he shifted hla chnlr so that day evening at the alumni party P. M Thomason Dies. It was directly In front of her But in Phillips hall. Dancing and Ferry M. Thomason died last eve- he still tried to be polite. “Is it hard games were the diversions of the for you to look over my shoulder In ning nt a Eugene hospital following evening hours and dainty refresh­ a serious operation performed on public T” he naked. “Nix” was the cutting answer, ments were served. Mnrch 5. Funeral arrangements “not a bit harder than it is over­ will not be completed until the ar­ looking your faults In private.”— (Diary of Jeremiah Job Train.) rival of the parents, i. Mr. and Mrs. Indianapolis News. (Continued on page 2.) A. D. Thomason, from Scappoose. IT Mr Thomason wan born Octo "Silver Foxes" stock across a slough to get graax. her I, 1172, nt Harrison, Ark. He The name silver fox. ns common­ It was John Atkin’s turn to stand I there at 16 years of age with ly used by furriers. Includes the watch, and he refused to Jo it; and ■ |mr<-nta, going to Kiinsas, dnrk phases of the ordinary red Jerry told him he would do it for ■ they remained a year before fox. variously called silver gray, sil­ him. So Jerry, with some more ver blach. or black. The color of of hi« mc>% stood watch all night, for n number of years. Ho wan the red fox of the Northeastern after being wet all day ami almost | states and of Its allies of the colder married May 15, at Moscow, part of North America varies from without anything to eat. Thia was bln , to Melvin V. Quimby, n daugh­ ria! to black, and these extremes the glorious Fourth of July and all ter of Mr, nnd Mr*. H. H. Quimby, with the gradations between them of the boy» say they will frmomher of this city. From Idaho Mr. form four more or leas distinct it for some time to come, I am Thomason nnd hi» wife moved to phases, known respectively ns red. sure that I will for one. Wawhington, where they remained cross or patch, silver and black. July 5 -Started late and trae until four year« ago, whga they eled slowly; crossed the river again Constant Utmindfr came to Cottage Grove for Mr and camped at a n early hour, "Owens was so trouble«! about his Jerry would not drive the ThomaeonS health He «eenird to stock debts that he Joined the Don ’ t be improving until six month« ago. into the mud no n e cut grass for Worry club.” Mr. Thomaaon in survived by them. I killed another mens of I "That helped him. I nuppose.” hit wife and »even children: Pearl, "No. I’nfortunately he found Its frogs ami had a fine supper, Violet, Elsie. Karl. Inca, Edna membership made up chiefly of the July fl—We started 1 early and men he owed." aa«l Hertha nooneo near where we had to x Old Ram Discovered □aanaaaan□□□□□□□□□ I climb íottapr rove Sentinel 1 mired Youth Will Be Served Mondays and Thursdays ° so ci err » GIVES MORE COMFORT IT IS SAFER firestone BALLOON CORDS For every fiber is insulated with rubber, adding great strength to each cord, which stands the extra flexing strain in balloon tires. This process is the very foundation of low-pressure construction. Drive in—let us equip your old car—we can do it quickly at low cost. Woodson Brothers Garage Cottage Grove, Oregon Bunge’s Service Station Cottage Grove, Oregon Woodson Motors J. H. Kirk Dorena, Oregon Creswell, Oregon Every patron of The Sentinel is helping to give Cottage Grove a newspaper which emi­ nent authority has stated to be one of the best country newspapers published anywhere. RADIOS and Radio Accessories Super Heterodyne F)e Forest Splitdorf We sell nothing but standard sets of radio receivers. Guaranteed to give satisfaction or receiver taken out without charge. Terms: Buy your set by mak­ ing a small deposit, remainder to be paid by monthly pay­ ments. Service Garage Long & Cruson WE CAN TRAIN YOU A Secretarial, Bookkeeping, or Steno­ graphic course in our school will prepare you for a good position. It s a guod school. The rates reasonable OUR SCHOOL WILL CONTINUE IN SESSION ALL THROUGH THE SUMMER MONTHS. EUGENE BUSINESS COLLEGE 992 Willamette St. Phone 666 Eugene, Oregon. = K nowles & G raber HARDWARE Cottage Grove