COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, MONDAY. MARCH 9. 1925. PAGE TWO legislature for the whole business. □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□a NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. The idea that the governor saved .......... ■——---------------- < Monday« and Thursdays the state $100,000 is pure bunk, Department of the Interior, U. 8. a □ Presbyterian Church—A. Ralph Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, .........Publishers no matter what may become of □□□□□□a□□□□□□□□□□□ Bede & Smith. February^O, 1925. , ................ Editor ; the taxing measures. Elbert Bede— Mr». J. P. Graham was a gra- Spearow, pastor. Sunday school at It was provided that should the Notice is hereby given that 10, forenoon service at 11, evening A first-claas publication entered at j referendum not be invoked, there cious hostess Friday evening to the service at 7:30. Midweek services George M. Ham, of R. • F. D. 2, Cottage Grove as second-class matter should be no spending of the $100,- Joker club at the home of her Creswell, Oregon, who, on March Wednesday evenings at 7:30. It if impossible to save mother,, Mrs. Nancy Oglesby, The I 10, lp22 made Homestead entry, No Business Office____ 55 North Sixth 0(X). recent marriage of one of the ; Baptist Church—Tenth and Adams. 014337, for NE*4 NE%, Section 21. money that is not to be spent, Should the referendum be now club's members was the incentive Bible school at 10, services at 11 Township 19 8, Range 4 West/ SUBSCRIPTION RATES invoked, state warrants will draw for a mock wedding which caused and at 6:30 conducted by B. Y. Willamette Meridian., has filed By mail (Cash in advance) One year....$2.75 i Three months .80 interest and the state’s finances a great deal of amusement, The 1’. U. Prayer meeting Thursday notice of intention to make three Six months.. 1.50 | One month..... 50 will be put into a condition from bride, Mrs. William Thum, wore evenings at 7:30. year Proof, to establish claim to which they can not recover except a beautiful veil and a wreath of BY CARRIER the land above described, before i Í .30 by the repealing of the G per cent ( flowers. Mrs. Clara Burkholder as One month— Christian Church, the * * home like ’ ' E. O. Immel, U. S. Commissioner. 1.10 limitation and the levying of sev­ best man, Mrs. O. M. Miller as church—A. J. Adams, minister. at Eugene, Oregon, on the 25th Four months, in advance . 1.60 eral mills in a property tax. No train bearer, Mrs. C. E. Frost as Sunday school at 9:45, sermon and Six months, in advance... day of March, 1925. 3.00 $100,000 can be saved that way. bride» maid and Mrs. J. P. Graham communion at 11, Christian endea One year, in advance---- Claimant names as witnesses: vor at 6:30, evening service at 7:30. The excuse that the governor as the officiating minister, all Charles Sutton, Thomas Moxley, Member of gave for vetoing the special elec- I gowned for the occasion, staged Methodist Chureh—Bev. J. H. Arthur Kerr, all of Creswell, Ore­ National Editorial Association the affair. ‘‘Oh Promise Me" Oregon State Editorial Association tion bill was that he did not wish I was softly played during the ring Ebert, Pastor. Sunday school at gon, and Robert Wills, of Eugene, th<» Dennis-Shelton income and in­ 9:45, morning worship at 11, Ep­ Oregon. Oregon Newspaper Conference heritance tax inhibition amendment ceremony. Five hundred was the worth lea; league at 7, evening service non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, to have a chance to be voted on diversion for the remainder of the at 7:30. Everybody is welcome tc fl2ml2c(2) Registor. SAVING ( 7) »100,000. in September, the date set for the evening hours. The rooms were attend all of these services. gaily decorated with daffodils and special election. NOTICE TO CREDITOBS. Free Methodist church—Corner of It is rather odd that the impres­ He said that he took no chances ; ferns. A delicious luncheon was sion continues to prevail among in vetoing the special election bill, served. The second course was Monroe avenue and south Fifth Notice is hereby given that the' many, and is being refuted by because the tobacco companies had white French pastry with the word street—D. 8. Forrester, pastor, Sun­ few, to the effect that by vetoing said they would not attempt to ‘‘Joker" formed with pink icing. day school at 10, forenoon services undersigned has been appointed by the special election appropriation invoke the referendum on the to­ The favors were candy baskets at 11, evening service at 7:30. order of the County Court of Lane bill the governor has saved the bacco tax. If the governor felt artistically designed by hand with Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday County, Oregon, Administrator of the estato of Ruben Rissue, de­ state $100,000. The appropriation that ho must have such a pledge colored wax. Guests of the club evenings. • • • ceased, which order bears date was provided only to meet the before daring to veto the special were Mrs. K. K. Mills, Mrs. Science Church—Cornet the I9th day of February, 1925. contingency of the referendum be­ election bill, he admitted the George M. Scott, Mrs. Melia Currin, jf Christian Jefferson avenue and Second All persons having claims against ing invoked on this tobacco tax, serious condition that would re- William Thum and S. V. Allison. street. Sunday services at 11 a. m. tho estate of Ruben Rissue, de­ Mr. and Mrs. Thum were presented or other of the new taxing meas­ suit from the holding up of the Wednesday services at 7:30 p. m. ceased, are hereby notified nnd ures. These taxing measures were tax by referendum, and then he with a beautiful picture by the Seventh Day Adventist Church— required to present the same, duly enacted by the legislature at the went ahead and did the very thing hostess. West Main street. Services every verified, at tho law office of ♦ ♦ behest of the governor, who had that coaxes for the referendum. Mrs. 8. L. Godard was a charm-’ Saturday. Sabbath school at 10. Herbert W. Lombard, First Nation­ left the state in such a hole that The mere filing of petitions will church service at 11; prayer meet al Bank Building, Cottage Grove, some new form of taxation had to now hold up the tax for two years. ing hostess this afternoon at a ing Wednesday evenings at 7:30. Oregon, on or before six months r be provided. The governor had We greatly fear that Governor garden party, The house was ef- from date of the first publication led the legislature to the snub­ Walter never will learn anything fectively transformed to represent Sunday School services in the of this notice. a beautiful flower garden. Daf­ Latham school house every Sunday bi ng post and the legislators de- about consistency. Dated and first published this fodils and wild flowers were about at 9:45. Mrs Hugh Trunnel, su­ elded to be good and take the day of February, 1925. tho rooms in banks of moss, having perintendent; Mrs. Winnie Hagerty, 23rd feed the chief executive had pro- PIONEER FOOTPRINTS « HENRY RISSUE, the appearance of growing flow­ assistant superintendent. vided. Administ rator of the estate ers. The afternoon hours were Should the referendum be now (Continued from first page.) The Ruben Rissue, deceased. Metal trade cheeks. spent socially and a delightful invoked, with no special election XXX Herbert W. Lombard, Attorned for provided for, the operation of the ' camp for a few days, and going luncheon was served; Pretty bou Sentinel. estate. M new taxing taxiug measures would be ‘ up the river two or three mile», quets of sweetpeas and forget-me- FOR SALE.—GOOD 40 - ACRE held up until the time of the gen­ ■ drove onto an island and camped. nots were thé centerpieces of the ranch, 10 miles from Yoncalla, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE eral election in 1926, which would I The mosquitoes were very thick tables and corsages of sweetpeas, llulf under cultivation, other half MENT. mean that the state's warrants 1 and would give us no rest, The mixed with forget-me-nots were is good timber. Six hundred acres would have to bo put into circula­ ■ boy« caught some very fine trout the favors, Mrs. Vinal Randall out range. Place next to mining Notice is hereby given that Ear) tion for approximately a million 1 in the river, which was quite good I was i an honor guest, the day being property. Call 706 Chestnut ave­ Hill, Administrator of the estate dollars, the amount the new forms 1 when fried—almost as good as I her birthday anniversary, The nue. m9-16p (2) of Lucy J. Holland, deceased, has list included Mrs. Rich of taxation are expected to pro­ tny frogs. The stock being on the guest filed his Final Account in the mend, 1 Mrs. duce. Nelson Durham, Mrs. island, and all in sight of the I matter of said estate in the County Two years hence the state would camp, did not need much watching, . F. L. Grannis, Mrs. Hays, Mrs. Court of the State of Oregon, for be in just twice as bad a fix as 1 so all felt at leisure. Homo were Mackin, , Mrs. Titus, Mrs. Bede, Lane County; and that Tuesday, it was in at, the opening of the ' hynti ng, some fishing, and others Mrs. Schofield Stewart, Mrs. Dick- recent legislative sesion and wo sleeping what little the mosquitoes son, Mrs. Metcalf, Mrs. Bartell, Tlus Cottage Grove Resident Tells the 7th day of April, 1925, at the hour of 10 o’clock in tho forenoon M rs. Frost, Mrs. J. A. Powell, presume that Governor Walter would let them. You How to Get Well. of said day in the County Court would find some way to blame the June 21—Jerry had the mule, Mrs. Griggs and Mrs. Randall. Room in the County Court House S> Tired all the time! ' shod, and some tinkering done to I at Eugene, Lane County, Oregon,' Lame, stiff and achy! whatever needed it. The boys gen I Mr.«. Frank Knox, Mrs. 8. L. Tortured with nagging backache! has been fixed as, the time and «rally wore resting, for the journey | 1 Mackin and Mrs. Clara Burkholder Knife-like twinges when you stoop place by the said Court for the had begun to be tiresome. A entertained the Constellation club or lift! hearing of objections to said Final great many tennis passed us while nt its regular meeting Thursday Miserable with headaches, dizzy Account and Final Settlement of j afternoon. Chatting over needle­ spells and bladder irregularities! we were laid up here. Slip * package in All are signs of jddney sickness! said estate. Any anil all objec- Juno 22—Wo spent the ❖ hills and camo to the river again The wedding of Miss Claire My kidneys acted irregularly, too. and camped on good grass, but but Doan’s always gave me relief Vie it ywriitf after A. Wills, of Minneapolis, Minn., to did not got wood to burn. from these attacks and benefited amokind or when jw’A-n Marlvey C. Lewis, of this city, me in every way.” Juno 24—Started at 5 o’clock Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t in the morning and passed many was solemnized in Eugene Monday teams. While nooning, some In­ forenoon at the parsonage of the simply ask for a kidney remedy— VW dians camo to us, and two of the officiating minister, E. V. Stivers, get Doan’s Pills—the same that Lum hnd. Frtkter-Milburn Co., boys swapped their guns for buf­ Both are university students and Mrs. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. falo robes, In the afternoon we will continue their studies, Th« passed Boor (Bear!) Springs and couple spent the latter part of last GARDS Steam Boat Spring, Some trader« week here at the home of Mr. PROFESSIONAL Lewis ’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. wero here, and wo saw a few H. W. TITUS. D. M. D. ’ytrre^crymte! eoi’' ' fine Indian horses. There were Lewis. Dentistry ♦ ♦ ♦ several Indian tents, ami a num Modern equipment. First National The wedding of Mina Juanita Bank building. Hours. 9 to 12 and ber of Frenchmen that lived with the Indians had squaw wives. Goff, of Lealand, to Virgil Shults, 1 to 6. Evenings ana Sundays b Office phone, 10: Jerry could not trade for any of of Rogue River, which took place e i opointment. ‘cnee phone, 184-J. F!l their horses they asked so much Thursday in Rogue River, is of The for them. We went on to within interest to friends here. HERBERT W. LOMBARI? Attorney at 1.ia two miles of the cut-off and couple are making their home in that city. The bride is a half First National Hank Building camped. ! Phone 94 Juno 25—Started early nnd took sister of Ameil Hawkins, of this Cottage Grove, Ore. I I the cut off road, leaving Fort Hnll city, and she attended the Cottage 11 DR. O. E. FROST ri to our right nnd Bear river for Grove high school last year and J Office in Lawson building the last time, crossing tho valley, made I her home with her aunt, Phoue 47 ti and climbed hills. In going down Mrs. M L I’. Garoutte. h Gregor Cottage Grove ! 11 a stoop and sideling one, Jo Dob ♦ ♦ ♦ . i n Mr. and M r.«. F. I . Dickson tipped his wagon over, and broke ! GAVEN 0. DYOTT, M. D. s the top off, spilling nil the load wore host and hostess Friday eve- Physician and Surgeon ] We want your prialuea nnd guar­ in the mud. As luck would have ning to the H. D. S. club at its 3 antee you top market price«. Our Evenings by appointment bu«lneM ««tnhlinhe.1 44 years ago. it, none of the running gear was regular session of five hundred. Suite 3, Keiu Bldg., Cottage Grove. Reference bunk of California broken, so we wore all detained High honors were won by Mr. and Entrance on north Sixth street, just but a few minutes, We camped Mrs. C. C. Cruson. Daffodils wen* off Main. PAGE & SON early on poor grass. the attractive room an table deco- DR. W. E. LEBOW PORTI.AND. OREGON June 26—Up early and off. Drove rations. .Mr. and Mrs. Cruson were Dentist Office Fifth and Main. Hours, 8:M guests of the club. fast, erosied several »mall streams to 12 and 1 to 6:30. Evening. and ♦ ♦ ♦ nnd get some of our brond wot. Sunday« by appointment. Phones: Gus enme near tipping over in Tho Joker club surprised Mr. office 35, residence 161 -J. Long distance hauling, piano one of the creeks. We saw the and Mrs. William Thum, newly­ moving a specialty. finest Indian horses along here DB. H. A. HAGEN lore 1 wed.«, Thursday evening by drop- have over soon in Licensed Drugloee Physician my life. Tho a social evening of Any time—any where Indians along here have beautiful Phone 30. Ostrander Building, Ice cream and cake horses and plenty of them, and served i at the close of tho 630 Vi Main Street, Cottage Grove know how to ask a large price for g. The > club presented Mr. D. A. FORBES, M. D. them. Wo camped oil poor gras * and «Mrs. Thum with a silver Physician and Surgeon with no water or wood, The boys 1 cake plate. Calls answered day or night Chestuut Brothers, proprietor« cooked no supper, but ate hard * Maternity Work a Specialty (Across street from S. P. depot) bread and bacon. Mu. C. F. Walker Phones. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON (To lie continued next Monday.) Sunday at dinner, her entertained' Dr. Kime's old office. guests be­ Offico 34, Residence 199 J. STORAGE AND GENERAL ing Mr. an.I Mrs. Fred Bei.tler Man Worth 98 Cents. H. J. SHINN TRANSFER and son and Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe This is what Dr. Muro, the Attorney at Law and Forward. The birthday anniver ­ Office phono 6, Notary Public famous surgeon, finds I in the ordì saries of Mr. Forward, Mr». Beidler Rvniuuuc«- pboue ¡55 L nary man: Practice« in all court«. Thirty years and Glenn Walker, .«on of .Mr. and 3» - ---- ' of experience. Bader building. Cot Fat enough to make seven bars Mrs. C. F. Walker, were observed. tag« Grove, Oregon. of soap. ♦ ♦ ♦ Iron to make an eight pennv DR A. W KIME The rue.xlay Bridge club will nail. Physician and Surgeon. entertain Friday afternoon st a A pinch of magnesium. Obstetrics an*l diseMM of women Patnssiuni enough to explode one silver tea nt the home of Mrs. ano and cnniren children a specialty. Will will care C. S. Roberts. The affair is for tor rap pi