¿br Unitane (5rnur Sriitüu'l TWICE-A WEEK > COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 2. 1925. VOLUME XXXV ARMORY BILL LIKELY 10 DIE BÏ GOVERNOR’S VETO o- .Her Coming JI ater Supply Found Tub Meeting Good by Test Thursday The Cottage Grove water supply FOOTPRINTS OF PIONEER DAYS NUMBER 42. University High B ins Hearing on Boundary Is Close Contest Postponed by The high school basketball team Board Interesting Events in the Lives of Those Who Laid Sturdy Foun University high school dation for the Present Generation ' lost to tho Interest la Lateral Districts In Friday evening in a I of Eugene Because of the absence of County | . -Al creasing in City; Several Be I hard-fought game in the men’s Judge Barnard and members of WEATHER GETS COLDER AS gymnasium on the University of the county court the meeting of fore Council Tonight. TRAIN COMES TO ROCKIES | Oregon campus. At tho end of is rated as grade A by the state A speaker from the state cham board of health in Portland iu a ber of commerce will be present at tests of the city water recently in Hands of Solons. the first of the monthly luncheon sent in by the City Health Officer, the district boundary board which meetings to be held by the chamber C. E. Frost. Grade A is the desig I the first half the local team had was scheduled for last Friday was here at the Bartell hotel Thursday nation used by the state board for The construction of 3,000 feet of Cottage Grove is one of the evening While no definite word water which is suitable for drink (Continued from last Thursday.) J the best of a 13 to 8 score but postponed until Tuesday. The ques latest victims of the state’s whim has been received by the members ing purposes in all respects, The In ¿his installment of his diary was unable to maintain its lead tion of annexing a portion of sewer in tlm city is expected to be completed within tho next few sieal chief executive, who probably 1 here as to who the speaker will report on the condition of the Mr. Ducker tells of registering at during the second half, . The the Latham school district which will veto the armory bills that be it is understood that local men water here was received Friday, Fort Lariinee where 10,300 others ing of the Cottage Grove boy» was to occupy the attention of weeks. The last of the tile on the passed the recent session. One of The city health officer is ro had signed up on their way to during the first half was re the board at tho Friday meeting main trunk line is now being laid have in ini nd u number of inter- on Second street and it is expected Here the party saw California. these was for Cottage Grove, one esting talkers, any one of whom quired to send in samples of the Kit Carbon anil camped for a day garded as the best of the season will bo discussed Tuesday. A num- that this work will be completed was for the governor’s home city ny many who attended the game. water ar various times for testing, ber of Cottage Grove and Latham may come. some time this week. All that will to replenish supplies and give the of LaGrande and the other for Inasmuch as the commercial club No regular time for these tests horses and cattle a chance to rest. Hempy, Ridings and Hays were people made the trip to Eugene to remain to complete tho project will Forest Grove. Lane county legis high point men on the University present the case before the board be to fill up the ditches and haul of Cottage Grove has only been is specified but they are sent a* After continuing on tho journey high team, scoring seven points lators had a heck of a time getting before they learned that the meet away what dirt cannot be used in affiliated with the state organi the discretion of the officer. The the bill for the Cottage Grove zation for a short—time the visit results of the tests of the bacterial Mr. Ducker got lost from the train each. It was the work of Ridings ing would not be held. covering the pipes. building through the two houses, of the representative of the state content of the water received Fri and the large number of emigrants in the second half that cost the Because the meeting of the state Considerable interest in the sewer It originated in the senate with chamber will be something of a day remove any question which on tho road is shown by the fact Cottage Grove team the victory, highway commission lasted longer Senator J. 8. Magladry as its welcome of the local organization may have existed as to the purity that he called at 40 or 50 c.ntnps McCargar was high point man for than was expected tho county court is expected to develop at the coun author and was once withdrawn into the state chamber. Thursday of the city supply. | before finding the right on\ The the local team scoring six of the members were unabfo to get back cil meeting this evening whon a number of ordinances for the es at the request of the ways and evening’s meeting will start at i Platte river was crossed on flat 14 points. Tho final score was to ~ Eugene. Commissioner Hurd, tablishing of lateral districts will menus committee, Later, when it 7 o’clock. I boats the charge for the transpor 23 to 14. who did not attend tho Portland bo presented. In addition to tho became apparent that tho new The summary: . meeting, was ill. A number of districts petitioned for at the last The progress of the advertising Mrs. Rachel Lockhart tation being $4 for a wagon and revenue measures might produce 25c for a mule. Cottage Grove > U. H. , 8. interested persons from here are booklet on Cottage tGrove indus sufficient funds to cover all ap tries and recreational features was i The party reached higher alti Alstott (4) ........ ...F... F____ (7) Hei mpoy expected to attend the meeting council meeting a number of resi Taken By Death dents of other sections of tho city propriations and leave some for discussed at a meeting of the di- ' tudes in sight of snow while a Swanson ............. ....F... F......... (1) Marlatt Tuesday. have oxpressed a desire to form armory purposes, Magladry half inch of ice was frozen on tho McCargar (6) ....C _..C... ............. (1) Halil rectors of the local chamber last ! lateral districts. had the bill reintroduced. This Thursday, It is expected that page , The funeral of Mrs. Rachel Lock water buckets at night. Feed was MiAer (3) ........... G ......... (7) Hayes I _..G... hart, whose death occured February Thero is considerable sentiment was twice defeated, but upon be scarce and the horses beginning to Ballew (1) ........ G ............... Stearns' ...G... Eugene Game Is Lost expressed proofs of this booklet will be | 28, was held from Mills chapel at favoring a, division of ing called up for the third time members at the meeting! 10:30 this forenoon. Interment was give out to tho desparation of Bartels ............... S......... (7) Ridings! shown the tho entire city into lateral sewer it secured the necessary constitu Referee, Dave Evans. By Junior High next Thursday and that the final made in the A. F. & A. M.-I. O. Jeremiah Job, leader of the train districts where sewer facilities are tional majority. In the house. o. k. on the booklet will be given and father of B. R. Job, of Cottage Coach Grannis substituted the : O. F. cemetery. not already provided. It is con Representatives Howard and Pot Grove. entire second string in tho third ’ then. Rachel Jane Welch was born in The junior high team of Cottage tended that such action would pre ter had been busy and upon the quarter to give tho first team a ! Tho decision to rfold monthly i third reading there under two luncheon meetings was reached at 1 Pennsylvania January 25, 1838 and June 1—We started rather late rest in the hope that they would be i Grove lost for tho second time vent confusion and difficulty in moved to southern Ohio where later, suspensions of the rules two hours a meeting of the chamber and traveled slowly but steadily; able to rally. (Inly one acore wa*» this year when it played the Eu the future whon the population of held a at the age of 20 years, sho met before final adjournment it re I few’ weeks ago because had very poor grass all day and a made by Cottage Grove in tho gene junior high on tho University the town has increased and thore it was high floor in Eugene Friday eve are more homos to be taken care of. ceived the largest vote of any of | felt that the business men of the and married Robert W. Lockhart, rainstorm just before night and second half. a young physician and minister When tho work on Second street, ning. At the end of the close and the armory bills. city would have a better .chance of the Baptist church, To this with hail very large. J. Waple’s evenly played game the score stood where the crew is now engaged, Dental Equipment Installed. The governor Will give as his ex to got together under that plan, union were born seven children wagon broke an ax!etree and we is finished there will remain 300 Cottage Grove professional men 10 to 8 for the Eugene team. cuse for the veto the condition The monthly meeting takes the four of whom are still living. Mrs. camped. feet to bo constructed on Chestnut Tho summary: of the statp’s finances. The con place of tho regular weekly meet- O. M. Kem, of Cottage Grove, Mrs. June 2—Also started late, and believe that Cottage Grove should street en the west side. Also a C. G. J. H. E, J. H. dition of the state treasury is ing which would ordinarily come J L. L. Crawford, of Paonia, Colo- traveled slowly and crossed Lari- have modern and metropolitan ser Brockman (2) . ..F... (2) Fellers lateral sewer on Whittaker Btreet vice. Dr. H. W. Titus recently in due entirely to the governor 's ar Thursday evening. mee river near Fort Larimee. We ! rado, Mrs. J. G. Fountain, of Wnrd (4) ........... F... .... Jefferies in the north eastern part of the bitrary action in December in re Dunning, Nebraska and Robert stopped at tho fort and registered stalled an ultra modern and beauti Wilson (2) ......... C... (2) Schmitz city will bo constructed. fully finished cabinet in his dental fusing to allow the tax levying our names — there were 10,300 per- Lockhart, of Erie* Colorado. The main trunk line sewer was Goff _______ G... ... (fl) Baird office, thus completing his up-to- board to levy a sufficient property Both Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart were Increased Production started on Eighth Btreet, crossed Garoutto ............... G. (Continued on page four.) . Henderson date equipment. tax, his object being to force the ardent Prohibitionists at t a time White ................... 8... ....... Jenney the railroad track on Tenth, fol legislature to pass the special, reve when it cost something to advo Made By Mills lowed Tenth to Quincy and on Refereo, Kuhn. nue bills which he later suggested, cate that cause. Mrs. Lockhart Sixth to the end of the line. An including the cigarette tax and for Week was a °prohibition crusader” be other section started on Fifth near the gross earnings tax. fore the Women’s Temperance New Warehouse Opened tho school house followed Fifth The governor could leave union was organized. Her husband, to Third, along Third to Madison, the entire blame for the armory One hundred and eighteen mills in addition to his other duties, on Lane Street from MadiBon to Second and on appropriations upon the assembly reporting to West Coast Lumber published a news paper in the Second to the city limits. Tho by the simple method of filing the men’s association for the week end interests of prohibition with the Tho new' warehouse, shop and trunk lino on the west Bide started bills with the secretary of state ing February. -21, manufactured aid of Mrs. Lockhart, who, from store rooms of Godard and Randall on the old Pacific highway follow without his . signature, It would 99,834,457 feet of lumber; sold th«» nature of her husband’s other were opened the latter part of last ing it to Chestnut street where 300 be consistent for him to take 90/188,459 feet; and shipped 96,733,- work, had to be the main stay week and tho stock and matorial foot are yet to be constructed. this action with the Cottage 680 feet. of the business. The feeling with of tho company moved from the The work is being carried on Grove bill for the reason that two New business was nine per cent reference to prohibition was so in former location in the Godard under the supervision of John years ago, when the bill for a below production. Shipments were tense at that time their main of building on Sixth street to the Keating. ■r- Cottage Grove appropriation was seven per cent above new business. fice was burned by the opposition, building on north Lane street. The K withdrawn at his request, he gave Thirty-nine per cent of all now but inasmuch as they hail an Lane Auto company took over the BILL FOR O. A. 0. BUREAU his assurance that at this session business taken during the week auxiliary shop, they did not miss building formerly occupied by God PASSED BY LEGISLATURE he would do his best to get an was for future water delivery. an issue. ard and Randall and opened a gar- appropriation through for Cottage This amounted to 35,226,020 feet, After the death of her husband, ago there last week. Tho bills by Senator Ed Miller, Grove. He gave the same assur of which 24,989,945 feet was for which occurred in middle life, she Tho dimensions of the new ware of Grants Pass, which provided ance to the members of the Cottage domestic cargo delivery; and 10,- continued to publish the paper house are 60 by 90 feet and will for the discontinuance of tho pres Grove military company when they 236,075 feet export, New business for a year of two and then sold provide more room and better fa ent inactive bureau of mines and were in camp laBt summer.and he by rail amounted to 1,637 cars, it and moved to Tennessee where cilities than tho old building which for tho establishment of a bureau practically made the promise dur Forty-two per cent of the lumber she lived for several years, From was 50 by 70 feet. A stock of of minoB and geology in connection fi ing tho present session that he shipments moved by water. This there she w’ent to Nebraska where building material is now on hands with the Oregon Agricultural col would look with favor upon an amounted to 40,551,241 feet, of she resided with her daughter, in the warehouso. Tho work on the lege, passed both houses of the appropriation for Cottage Grove, which 27,998,174 feet moved coast Mrs. O. M. Kem for some years, / building probably will not be all recent session and will became a He will, however, be able to make wise and intercoastal; and 12,553,- then migrated with them to Mon completed for another month, al law ninety days following tho ad the excuse that the bill did not 067 feet export. Rail shipments trose, Colorado, where she remained though tho structure is now inclosed journment of the session. It is have the npproval of the ways and totaled 1,671 cars. for a short time. She later lived and can be used without incon anticipated that the college will means committee, although members Local auto and team deliveries with her son, Robert Lockhart, at venience. put out two field men to give of that committee voted for it. Delta and Edgewater, Colorado, for totaled 6,052,439 feet. Lumber racks in addition to the much the same sorvice to tho several years. In 1921 she came A committee consisting of Sena Unfilled domestic cargo orders ones already available are beijg mining industry that it now gives tor Magladry, Captain C. C. Cruson, totaled 128,736,635 feet. Unfilled to Cottage Grove where she resided constructed. This company intends to several branches of tho agricul Mayor G. O. Knowles and M. H. export orders 109,316,509 feet. Un w’ith her daughter, Mrs. to build a spur from tho Southern tural industry. Senator Miller con Vertical. Anderson visited the chief execu filled rail trade orders 4,983 cars. Kem, till her death. Pacific track which will enable sulted with mining men of this 1— -Nolrmn wonder tive Saturday. While not much In the first eight weeks of the it to load cars from one of the soction in the drawing of his bills. 2— Mont room« have four of them encouragement was gix-en the com year, production reported to Wdkt. He’s Sure Technical 3— Jailbird who never expect* to two front doors opening on the net out mittee, the governor stated that Coast Lumbermen’s association has east end of tho building. An office The plain people will continue Irpte Motorist: “Say, this ear 4— Wedge if an exporting of the probable been 755,062,883 feet; new business won’t climb a hill. You told me room is being fitted up in the in hard luck so long as the political B—--Labor receipts of the coming two years 700,193.856 feet; and shipments it was a good car.’’ front of the structure. machine is a mere auxiliary to tho fl—Mniall mound of earth indicated that there would be suf- 759,610/149 ftet. 8— Kerurrent occasions repetition Most of the heavy material such adding machine.—Columbia (8. C.) Dealer: “I said, 'On the level » — Parcel of ntoclt . ficient for the armory he probably as brick, lime and cement will bo Record. it's a good car! ’ ” 11— Present time would affix his signature. The JERSEY JUBILEES PLANNED kept in the warehouse of the II 12— Taatele*« from ngr 14—At hand Solution of Puzzle No. 19. committee did not feel greatly en company oast of the Southern Pa BY CATTLE CLUBS FOR MAY 1ft—Fifth t —the merchant who thused over the possibility of such cific station rather than in the 17— Outnlde rorrrlBC of a rlcsr an exporting showing that there his advertising on the move building. A room will be fitted up 18— Deprive of «rn*tblllty Ivan H. Laughary, field man —tho one who has u real would be sufficient funds. S3—To take liquid food in tho basement for storing tools I for the American Jersey Cattie 24—Tree ftfwlftft a valuable anp story to tell and other equipment. The now warn-1 2ft—Old I club, has just completed airangc —and tells it well house will be operated in Conner- i 2fl—A*y of varloun hamhooilko BILL BOOSTER SAYS j ments for a series of Jersev jubi ftranara —the one who, when tion with tho construction work I lees to be held in several Willam- 27— Burn* he has real bargains and other enterprises enrried on 28— 4 relink , ette valley counties in May. to offor, lets tho ’ HATB 1t> <=>EE A PIUC. by the concern ns well ns for retail-1 30— Vortiirnal fancy ’ jubilees will be combination 31- *—Geometrlrnl flgftrr« people of bis ing building matorial. O ld shad « tree cut ’ nics and spring cattle shows. 33— Mixture of vegetable* community know DOVJKI 0RCAUSS 90MEBODM 34 — Slender rod of metal I shows will be used as n basis about them through 3ft—ton trad let Tho follow wbo rocked the boat I I picking the country show herd THIUKS HE HASTOO »AUCH tho local newspaper 37—PI« pen last Mummer has just finished firing SHADE * THERE V& SUCH A the fall fair circuit. Mr. Iuiugharx 39—Observe —is the one who in outdis is leaving immediately for Califor- at everything that moved in the THlUa, BUT A FELLOW OUGHT tancing all competition. woods. — J. R. W. in Milwaukee' . nia whore he will organize county TC> MfcSVWTE BEPORS LANIHQ laane Jotirnnl , and district Jersey cattle aclubs. Measure for Building Here Passes Through Many Tribulations CROSS-WORD PUZZLE No. 20 E b 4- o|K 1 £ K rû £ £ y r O AM ME TO A MOBLE TtttE) NOW BET'« WHAT’S THE USE Felix Believes in Preparedness I