PAGE STX COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1925 I PAVING ORDINANCES TO family, of Walker, spent last week chest ra entertained Thursday eve- j COME BEFORE COUNCIL end with Mrs. Wright’s parents, niug at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. WANTADS Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Heath. Robert Phillips and Saturday eve- 1 Clara nee Sears and Miss Lama ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. (Continuali from first page WE SELL LATE MODEL. HIGH A Money Saving Cash Store Riley attended a birthday party C. H. Wood. ago the publication of the notices at the Perry VanHchoiack home Mrs. Cecil Roberts and HOU was dolayed until action was taken i at Fairview given in honor of I returned to their home at Aurora, by the council on the other pro Mr. VanHchoiack’s birthday anni- ! Sunday, after a week’s visit here posed paving. The city charter versary. with relative*. provides that the advertising for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost, of Blue W. A. Woodard ha« about fin bids for the work must follow Mountain, were guests Sunday of ished logging operations on the within ten days after the publi Mr. an<l Mrs. W. D. Heath. west side of the river at the up OLD RAGS WANTED—NOTHING cation of the notices to property per mill and began Tuesday mov If all ordinances are ¡ owners. less than 2 feet square. Must be THORNTON CORNERS. ing tho logging equipment to clean and of material that will ab passed by tho council Monday eve Camp B. sorb gasoline; old underclothing, uing and sufficient remonstrances (Special to The Sentinel.) Bert Newton returned home Sat flannula and the like preferred. Can to stop the work ar« not received Feb. 25—Mrs. Pete McCue, of urday from Glendale anil is again not use old socks, mercerized or before the following meeting of arfaco goods or small pieces the council, March 18, bids for Fairview, visited one day last week in the employment of the Wood hard surface with Mrs. Angelo Perini. ard Lumber company. of any kind. 1----- We want the best rugs Miss Kathleen Smith was con- and pa; iy the best price, 5 cents the five paving jobs will be advertised — - • • • tf for. Under this schedule it is ex fined to the house last week with pound. The Heutinel. BLUE MOUNTAIN. pected that work can be started an attack of the chicken pox. HOUSE FOR SALE—TO BE RE- on the streets by the middle of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Tonoli gave (Special to The Sentinel.) moved from lot on south Sixth April. a party Tuesday evening in honor Feb. 25—Mr. and Mrs. Dave 4 street. Elbert Bede. j!9tfp Ordinances are also being drawn of the birthday anniversary of Rissue and daughters Ruth and for the establishment of three lat their son Alton. A number of the Mildred returned to Carlicle, Wash FOB HALB—FILBERT TREES AT eral sewer districts in the city, young people of the neighborhood ington, Sunday. half price, from 25c to 50c each. The boundaries of these districts were present. Miss Loborta Miller, of Cottage Write H. C. Paulsen, Muliuo, Ore., are being determined by the city Mrs. J. W. Fisher spent Sunday Grove, spent Saturday night with or phone 166-R, Cottage Grove, Oro engineer working with tho sewer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. her mother, Mrs. Themi Miller. gen. fl226p(T) committee. W. D. Heath at Mount View. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frost spent Another ordinance which will Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lancaster Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. WILL DO WASHING, IKONING come up at Monday’s meeting is or mending at my home. Price« tho one providing for the estab and family, of Blue Mountain, Heath, of Mount View. Mr. and Mrs. George Lay ng, of reasonable. Mrs. Nettie Little, 405 lishing of u fee of $15 for con visited Saturday with Mrs. Lan- south Tenth street. fl6 26p(2) nection with the main trunk line caster’s sister, Mrs. George Foster. Mount View, spent the week end Miss Elsie Rose entertained a with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Du erst. I number of the young people of Miss Elsie and Eva Isaascion CASH PAID FOR FALSE TEETH, sewer whore no lateral It district will ! the neighborhood nt her home Sat spent Saturday with Lucile Isaas dental gold, platinum and dis has been established. corded jewelry. Hoke Smelting & provide that this sum shall be urday night in honor of her four cion, of Cottagi* Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Alberta Rissue, Refining Company, Otsego, Michi placed to the credit of those teenth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ritehey, of visited Sunday with Mrs. Matilda gan. fl6-26p(2) making the payments when the lateral district is later estab- curtin were at the J. W. Fisher Tories, of Cottage Grove. home Tuesday. GLADIOLE BULBH FOR HALE, lished. At tho last meeting the matter mixed color*. Mrs. W. L. Darby, LYNX HOLLOW. SAGINAW. 202 Adarns Ave., phone 154R. f 19tfc of giving Godard & Randall the right to build a railroad spur (Special to The Sentinel.) (Special to Tho Sentinel.) BABY CHIX—RHODE ISLAND on north Lane street was taken Feb. 25—Mrs. Ellis Robinson Reds, Barred Rocks, Black Min- up and an ordinance ordered Feb. 25—The Adeen Miller fami visited in the horn«“ of her parents, orcas, Golden Buff, , and White drawn for this purpose. It is ex- ly, of Walker, visited Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Lew Lajore Wednes- Leghorns from stock that has not posted that this will come up at the J. W. Matthews home. day of last week. force egg the meeting Monday evening. i had electric lights to D. W. McKinney, of Cottage Tho A. B. Wolford people and production. Enoch Crews, Hea- Grove, was a Sunday visitor with Mrs. Slater wore business visitors bright, Calif. fl9-m2p(2) ARMORY BILL MAY PASS the F. T. Bonston family. in Eugene Thursday. ELF IN LEGISLATURE TODAY Mr. and Mrs. Wolf Allen, of Mr. an<l Mrs. R. Y. Porter were FOR SALE—VARMINT HOUND ER VICE Wendling, spent a few days of Cottage Grove visitors Friday last. « pups, 4 months old, of trained (Continued from first page. last week with the Judsen Allen A. VES Mrs. Tom Johnson has been on ancestors, $10 each. 110 east family. the sick list the past week. Fifteenth street, Eugene, Oregon, but. two ye^rs ago he said he « $d Mrs. Robinson’s pupils gave a Jas. Huntsman was up from phone 878-L. f!9-m2p(2) this year favor an appropriation short program in honor of Wash Eddyville for the week end. for Cottage Grove. There will be Next door to Bank of Cottage Grove ington’s birthday Monday and had Mr. Stalder transacted FOR HALE—FIRST CLASS BABY no chance to override a veto on classes us usual. in the Grove Saturday. chicks, O. A. C. and Hollywood the bill«, for the members are Mary Alien and Evelyn Benston Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa a. d two strains, March or April hatch. going home at 11 noon” tomorrow visited school Monday. children came up from Eugene Ted McAlister and Miss Bertha Bye, who soon leave for California Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Jackson and Price $12.50 per hundred. Also by the legislative clocks. Bob Gray was quite sick sev Sunday to visit in the home of little son spent Sunday at the Hays, of Eugene, wire Sunday with their mother, the seventh Tho Astoria armory appropria hatching eggs for sale by the set Clyde Wright homo below Walker guest« at the E. J. Fears’ home. and eighth grades gave a sur ting or per hundred. R. C. Afne, tion bill toddled out on the house eral days last week with an in their cousin, A. B. Wolford. fected finger. While working at The H. E. Dresser family, of A patriotic program commemor prise party Monday afternoon at Sunday guests at the R. D. Cottage Grove, Oregon. Phone floor, but was bowled over and An attempt the Woodard mill he ran a sliver London, were dinner guests wit ti Tucket- home were Mr. and Mrs. ating Washington’s birthday anni the Bye hom’e. Refreshments were 15F5. f]9m9p(2) temporarily buried. later to bring it to life was un into it and infection set in which Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Dresser Sun- R. B. Hanna, of Cottage Grove, and versary consisting of stunts by furnished by the pupils. The fami day. the Benjiman Jackson family, of each class, and songs by the ly expects to leave Saturday to REED BABY CARRIAGE FUR successful. The fate of this bill required medical attention. Lowell Benston, who is employed M rs. Lebow and Mrs. A. J> school was put on Monday morning, join Mr. Bye, who In: located in Walker. sale. May be seen at the Racket was duo to the fact that the state at Culp Creek camp spent Sunday ford visited with .Mrs. N'tney Neal Htore. f2.’l-2(lp already had made an appropriation The Lee Nixon family and C. A. after which the school was dis the Sacramento valley. Sunday afternoon. J. A and Frank .Toll were Eu to Astoria in n remission of taxes with his family here. , Moore were dinner guests Sunday missed for the day. Miss Alma Aduey, of Curtin, FOR HALE—1 TON CHEVROLET while tho city recovers from the Miss Finn Beach and Harold at the E. J. Kent honte. Honoring Ronald and Madeline gene visitors Tuesday morning truck. Apply at 1448 west Main damage of the great fire of two spent tho week end at her home Wolford attended the convention here. and O Hts. after 5:30 p. m. f23-2 ip yea r« ago. in Corvallis the first of the week. Miss Finn went as a delegate from This so-called la«t-minute raid FOR SALE GOOD D1NING upon the treasury has been con 1 tho Walker high achoql. LONDON. roorn suite. Hehofield Stew demned by the “no” voter«, but / art. f23tfc(2) a certain nmount of pork has to be (Special to The Sentinel.) DELIGHT VALLEY. dispensed and there are many Feb. 25—Mrs. W. T. Jones cele FOB SA I.E-TWO A NUMBER 1 friends of tho armories. The fed (Special to The Sentinel.) brated her birthday anniversary fresh milk cow« with calves. eral government continuously Finley Wliippa, Cottage Grovo, spend* five dollars for every dollar Wednesday of last week by giving Feb. 25—Mrs. Cora Thatcher left. a dinner to a number of relatives. Friday on an extended visit to . / phone 16F3. f2flp the state put« into armories, As The guests were Mrs. Susan Portland. an investment for the state the Walker and Miss Emma Jones, of FOR SALE REGISTERED POL- The debate Inst Friday was won ami China brood sow and gilt. armories are popular, and this Black Butte, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. at Roseburg by the Walker union Phon" 3«F2, Chas. Connor. f26m8c(2) feature put over the bills in the Small and son Carl and Mrs. W. C. high school girls who had the af houfle today. Shortridge and little granddaughter firmative side, and lost here by FOR HALE KIRK WALNUT Ethel Ann Newton. the boys to the Roseburg boys. HEARING ON BOUNDRY trees, $1 each. Will bear in Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Tullar and Mr. Bird Rose, of Eugene, was IN EUGENE TOMORROW son, of Eugene, visited Sunday at .1 to 5 years. M. P. Garoutte, 553 an overnight guest Friday at the old south Pacific highway, phone the home of their «laughter, Mrs. J. A. Joll home. (Continued from first page. I75R. fl’titfc Joo Geer and family. Mrs. H. A. Millett, of Corvallis, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Roberts was an overnight guest last Thurs taken in. FOR SALE—JERSEY COW, JURT The exclusion, however, would an<l two sons, of Anlauf, were Sun day at the home of her nephew, freshened, heavy milker. Harley not present students from Douglas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Oscar Jackson. Harmi-s, 2 miles east of city on Among th«' young people who at county, a number of whom are at Banton. Row River road. f2<iui2p(2) Mr. ami Mrs. C. W. Powell and tended th«- <>. A. C. educational tending here, from continuing in school. Douglas county pays about children motored to Hebron Sun- exposition at Corvallis from Sat « the actual coat per pupil, And day and visited nt Robert Powell’s. urday to Monday were the Misses I High School Defeats one The George Sutherland and I Mary and Gwendolyn Haight and ; teacher is provided from the Harold Abeene families and Ar- Lois Jackson. Reginald Haight, j fund. Alumni in Close Lyle Jattknvii, Jackson, Melvin Paul and Considerable opposition to th»* thur Combs were guests Sunday I [ L/.« Conrad Keene from this valley also' annexation of this section is ex- ofof Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Jones. Hoof) Game The London and Woodard or- : attended. pected from varions Latham resi J dents and it is likely that remon strance will be file«! with the boun- e game played dry hoard against th«“ transfer of uni last eve tho property to th«1 Cottage Grovo 31 to fiH. Th«« district. It is sai«l that tho large throughout the amount of taxable property ami with the high the number of students which by u «core tho change would take from the J i time during Latham district would prove a contest did the • high Nrhtwd serious injury to th«' school there. I have iqpre than i three point* although they managed t • Too Cheap. ahead most of t he time, The “Here’ll dat quntnh nh ng of tl school ton in I from yah last year.’’ pr tbably boat that ha« “Yah done kept it so “ Star Service Satisfies" done bv this M'llHOU. ah don’t know if it*. est grade typewriters at low prices and on easy terms. Wo also handle all makes of adding ma chines. Every machine is thor oughly rebuilt and guaranteed. Boy 1 machine and pay like rent. Royal Sales Ct>.. Inc., 500 Oregon Bldg., Portland, Ore. tf-sn(2) We ask you to try this modern way of purchasing your groceries. We carry as complete a stock of groceries as can be found in Cottage Grove at a price that will tell you to call again. We list a few of our regular prices. Laundry soap, 5 bars foi 10c toilet soaps............. Sugar, 13 pounds for... Tomatoes, Royal Club.. Standard corn, per can. Milk, per can................. Catsup, large bottle..... Calumet baking powder Mother’s oats................ Wesson oil, quarts........ 19c 8c $1.00 19c 15c 10c 23c 28c 35c 58c 10c Corn starch.. 5c Yeast foam, per package. 8c Soda, per package 19c Salt, 8 pound sack 5c Matches, per box Bacon, light side.............. 33c 24c Bacon, backs Bacon, pieces................... 17c Cigarettes, per package 13c » All plug tobacco.................. 75c SPUDS—Fancy Netted Gems, Per Hundred Lbs. $2.25 Saturday Specials 10 bars white laundry soap 25c I Sugar, 100 pound sack $6.99 89c Hams, per pound 19c | 1 gallon ripe olives No Credit No PHONE 163 The Basket Groceteria Time and Money ATTENTION! Star Owners! ATTENTION! We think so much of Cottage Grove and its Future that we have opened a branch establishment to Letter serve your needs. We are here to stay and will handle every thing your car heeds from “soup to nuts.” 3« High School — F.......... Swanson .... F.......... Alatoti c Met'» rgar ..... G.._..... Ballew Q Gordon ♦-------------- -—- -------------------------A Alumni, Moreloek MOUNT VIEW. High school. Miller ■ • Referee, Eddie lid- (Special to The Sentinel.) Feb. 2.V Mr. and Mrs. Gene Boss, of Cottage Grove, wor«‘ out Better Late Than Never. to their pine«“ here Sunday. . rhe boat wan nervous «nd inex Claude Arne return««! Saturday perienced and ho roaa hurridly at from Eugene where Mrs Arne un ill,' coiiehisiou of n aung with derwent a major op-ration and which «»«<» of th«' gueata had bom from which sh«- is recovering as obliging. well as could In- expected. “Ladi 'men.” he Im- Norn« Elliott took off n hatch gnn, “li Smith started of fourteen hundred Whit«* l.**ghorn to ning i me her—ah chicks last wo«-h, Frank Sherman, of the Grove, And—nh ' i’ited Sunday with Waldo Milh-r it. but and 1'h«- littl«, sens of Claude Arm- - ah- 1 have been quite ill during tho past week with seven- colds. a wife is now able to buy Mr». Waldo Miller was sick last as cigarette for her hushano week with a n-rioua sore throat. ntly.—Buffalo Enquirer. Mr and Mrs J C. Wright ami Neighborhood News Two Stores: Cottage Grove and Eugene HU-BAK ES ara much nicer— and " eat" -nea-ter. Ask your JYocer^rTruBdiW T ♦ LANE AUTO CO 43 -SIXTH ST I < I A TRU-B l U Biscuit Co „.Spokan«, Portland, «• i'L J CLAUDE BEAIRSTO, Mgr DICK PYBURN, Mechanic h< I «