PAGE TWO i ottaqr «tort J»mtinrl •'SErJ tZ'Z Court of the State of Oregon, in Lane Ccunty, appointed executrix of the estate of Millard Laminou, deceased, and that all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased are hereby notified to present the same duly verified, to the said executrix at Cottage Grove, Oregon, within six months from the 26th day of February, 1925. EMILY JANE LANE, Executrix of the estate of Millard Lam mon, deceased. H. J. Shinn, Attorney for the catate. f23m23p(M) r~------------------- ------- - ----------- r Hite; also the Tramway leading from said Quartz Mill to said An nie Mine, now situated upon land of the Noonday Mining Co., all in the Bohemia Mining District, in Lane County, State of Oregon. Now therefore in the name of the State of Oregon, in. compliance with said execution and order of sale and in order to satisfy said judgment, interest costs and dis- bursements and the costs and ex penses of and upon this writ, 1 will on Saturday the 7th day of March, 1925, at the hour of one o ’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the southwest front door of the County Court House, in Eu gene, Lane* County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell for cash, at pub lic auction, subject to redemption as provided by law, all of the right, title and interest of said de fendant, Oregon and Ohio Mines Corp., a corporation, or any other person or persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them in and to the above described attached property. FRANK E. TAYLOR, Sheriff of Lane, County, Oregon. f2m2c(M) * ■lent of the senate. She got her opportunity the other day when, Publishers Bede & Smith. ___ Editor she thought he referred to the; Elbert Bede— mud rats of Astoria. She handed A first-clara publication entered at Upton a real package, only to be Cottage Grove a* secondala»« matter informed when it was all over ♦ ♦ ♦ Business Office......... 55 North Sixth that he had merely referred to the mud flats and she had mis- Mr. and Mrs. William Landess understood him. observed their fifty fourth wed SUBSCRIPTION BATES ding anniversary Thursday evening By mail (Cash in advance) Often in legislative procedure the at their home. They were married One year._ $2.75 I Three months .80 Six months- 1.501 One month. i — .50 first shall be last and the last shall at Oak Grove, Polk county, Oregon, be first. The first bills on the and have lived in Oregon all their BY CARRIER Mrs. Landess was $ .30 calendar in each house has not yet wedded life. month. One ____ . 1.10 been acted upon, while some of the Miss Ella Boono. Four months, in advance. . 1.80 last to be introduced have become Six months, in advance... ♦ ♦ ♦ NOTICE TO CREDITORS. . 3.00 law. Mrs. O. M. Miller entertained One year, in advance---- We invite you to the store • • • the Joker club Friday evening at today to inspect the new Notice is hereby given that the Member of All members of the Lane county its regular meeting, The usual undersigned has been appointed by zephyr and silk tissue wash National Editorial Association Oregon State Editorial Association court arrived today to see what diversion, five hundred, was en- order of the County Court of Lane goods just received and on joyed and may be done to apply opiates to was followed by the County, Oregon, Administrator of Oregon Newspaper Conference display in eenter i :1 j if our Howard ’» bill that would recreate serving of a luscious two course the estate of Ruben Rissue, de luncheon Red carnations and ceased, which order bears date piece gods depaitui nt. □-------------------------------------- - ——I. the conservation and supervising commissions for the state. Rep ferns were the artistic decorations the l’9th day of Fgtyuary, 1925. resentatives Wheeler and Potter of the rooms and the tables, In All persons having claims against You will find the patterns will oppose Howard and there is remembrance of George Washing the estate of Ruben Rissue, de B---------------------------------------------- o likelihood that entirely new and different Lane county af ton, whose birthday anniversary ceased, are hereby notified and By ELBERT BEDE. fairs may get an airing if the occured yeBterday patriotic place required to present tho same, duly and pretty! The colors are STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Ore., bill succeeds in getting a final cards were used, Each card had verified, at the law office ot dainty and yet every color Fob. 21.—(Special.)—There aro but hearing, At present it is snoozing an original verse on it which Herbert W. Lombard, Fifst Nation thread used in the pattern Is throe or four members of the joint in a pigeonhole on the clerk’s desk cleverly brought out the name of al Bank Building, Cottage Grove, yarn dyed and will wash each guest. Invited guests of the Oregon, on or before six months ways and means committee of 14 labeled, “laid on the table.’’ PROFESSIONAL 0ARD6 well. We are confident you club were Mrs. J. P. Graham, Mrs. members who use the weed. In from date of the first publication W. W. McFarland, Mrs. G. M. The house adjourned at noon the house membership of seven, will like these new patterns, of this notice. H. W. TITUS, D. M. D. but one smokes and he but spar Friday while it was under the Scott and Mrs. G. ^) Knowles. Dated and first published this sewing days are even now Dentistry «• ♦ ingly. Their service probably has order of call of the house, This is 23rd day of February, 1925. Modern equipment. First National at hand and we invite you Complimenting and surprising imbued them with the idea of the first time I have seen this Bank building. Hours, 9 to 12 and HENRY R ISSUE, to have a look now Mrs. Georg Bjorset, Mrs. D. C. 1 to 8. Evenings and Sunday» b" done, and, under the rules of the economy. Administrator of the estate of • • • appointment. Office phone. 10: house, it could not be done. Speak Bosley was a gracious hostess to » Ruben Rissue, deceased. i ' "ice phone, 184-J. The session is caught in a sand er Burdiek was not in the chair a number of the honor guest’s Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney for These prices range a yard cave from which it may not be at the time. Under a call of the friends Thursday evening at a HERBERT W. LOMBARD estate. f23ni23c(M; from shower. Games and music were Attorney ai I.iA house the doors of the chamber are rescued for a week, and by that First National Hank Building time it may be dead, as was Col locked and the sergeant-at-nrms the evening diversions. The ap Cottage Grove. Ore. Phone NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lins, with its body secured under goes after the missing members. proach of George Washington’s an avalanche of gubernatorial The result was that, while locked birthday anniversary was the motif DR. O. E. FROST in the house chamber, theoretically for the decorations and also the vetoes. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Offico in Lawson building idea was carried out in the re speaking, the members actually Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, Phone 47 There may bo some significance were scattered about tho city eat freshments. Brick ice cream with February 10, 1925. Cottagi- Grove Orenos Washington's profile in the center, in the fact that the only bill in ing lunch. Notice is hereby given that GAVEN O. DYOTT, M. D. All fashion tendencies point to buttons as the cake with a hatchet formed in the George M. Ham, of R. F. D. 2, troduced by Senator LaFollett, the Physician and Surgeon most popular trimming for wash dresses this Representative Howard Friday icing and cherry punch was served. Creswell, Oregon, who, on March champion tightwad from Salem, Evenings by appointment season. You will be phased with ■ the pretty bears the number 23. The Marion asked that tho courtesies of the Those invited for the affair were 10, 1922 made Homestead entry, No Suite 3, Kem Bldg., Cottage Grove. assortment we are showing including new novelty county solon, who is nearly 80 house bo extended to tho cyclop» Mrs. Arch Proctor, Mrs Victor 014337, for NE'A NE%, Section 21, Entrance on north Sixth street, just years of ago, is due for the skiddoo. of the Howard clan—which was Chambers, Mrs. H. A. Hagen, Mrs. Township 19 8, Range 4 West, off Main. hand painted buttons, sparkling colored cut-glass He is too tight oven for tightwad either his wife or his son, that Merville Veatch, Mrs. 8. R. Veatch, Willamette Meridian, has filed buttons, jet buttons, medalion buttons—we want DR. W. E. LEBOW Mrs. Clyde Leonard, Mrs. Ivan Marion county. portion of the legislator’s remarks Dentist you to see them, come today. notice of intention to make three • • • Warner, Mrs. E. T. Blakely, Mrs. being drowned in the laugh that yenr Proof, to establish claim to Office Fifth and Main. Hours. 8:3f In the discussion of a house rippled ovor the chamber and into Dwight King, Mrs. Herman F. the land above described, before to 12 and 1 to 5:30. Evening» and Sunday« by appointment. Phones Edwards, Mrs. Glenn Haney, Mrs. bill which provides for egg laying the lobby. E. O. Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, office 35, residence 161-J. • • • Victor Kem, Mrs! Harris Ellsworth, contoatH, n fecetious member wished at Eugene, Oregon, on the 25th DR. H. A. HAGEN to know whether the bill regu- THE QUALITY STORE-COO" SERVICE Tho assembly does not know Mrs. Ray Nelson, Miss Bethel day of March, 1925, Licensed Drugless Physician luted the size of the egg the hen where it is going, or when it will Gowiiy, Alias Marian White, Miss as xvitnesses: Claimant names Phone 30. Ostrander Building, mu nt lay and that she must work come back, if it succeeds in get Kathrync Penner, Miss Margaret Main Street, Cottage Grove only union hours. ting there. “I never raw such Galloway, Miss Ruth Stewart and Charles Button, Thomas Moxloy, 630 Arthur Kerr, all of Creswell, Ore a funny session.” That was the Miss Ruth Bede. D. A. FORBES, M. D. gon, and Robert Wills, of Eugene, ♦ ♦ ♦ Physician and Surgeon It iw a peculiar coincidence that remark of a legislator who has Oregon. Calls answered day or night Miss Arlie Morris celebrated her attended several sessions. hardly could happen again that a Maternity Work a Specialty eighth birthday anniversary Sat- non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, house committee reported in a Register. Dr. Kime’s old office. Phones, urday afternoon when seven of fl"6ml2c(2) substitute bill for house bills 129 I Office 34, Residence 199-J. her little playmates responded to and 131 and that another house •— invitatoins to spend the afternoon NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE H. J. SHIN N committee reported in n substitute ON EXECUTION. Attorney at Law and bill for senate bills 121) and 131. The Community club held its with her. Notary Public ♦ ♦ ♦ Incidentally this is the second regular business meeting Saturday Practices in all courts. Thirty years A group of congenial friends time that I know of that the afternoon at tho homo of its presi- Notice is hereby given that by of experience. Bader building, Cot house has reported a substitute for dent, Mrs. W. L. Darby, A good got together Saturday evening at virtue of an execution and order tage Grove, Oregon. a senate bill. hill. That is an un- attendance wns out and much in- the H. B. Breedlove home for a of- sale issued out of the Circuit DR. A. W. KIME usual procecding but thorn seems terest is being taken in tho com- social evening planned in honor Court of the. State of Oregon for Specialist in Obstetias of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lemon, munity work. to bo no rulo against it. the County of Lune on the 23rd Will return March 1 from Portland newlyweds. • • • day of January, 1925, in an action Will care for confinements at his ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ wherein on the 13th day of Feb Fourteen young folks got togeth An eeho of recent events in Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Titus en ruary, 1923, in the above entitled home if desired, Special nurse if Ln no was hoard when Winslow, of er Wednesday evening for a social tertained the members of the H. court, George W. McQueen, plain required. Tillamook, referred to diNimtiHfac evening planned in honor of Melvin D. 8. club Friday at its regular tiff recovered judgment against the Go this way—it costs tion there with a timber cruise Coffman, who left the next day but little more by W. G. Neaae, whoNO name may with his parents for Marshfield, evening of five hundred. Mr. and Defendant, Oregon and Ohio Mine» Mrs. A. W. Helliwell won the Corp., a corporation, for the sum Shasta route to California—(four fine be mentioned again in connection where the Coffmans are making prize for high honors at the card of $4,000.00, with interest thereon trains daily’—thence scenic Sunset with lcginlation yt't to be consid their homo. The affair was held route to New Orleans. nt the rate of 6 per cent per an nt the homo of Mrs. Susie Carlile. session. ore«!. J. A. RHOADS ♦ ♦ ♦ Excellent meals in the Southern Pacific num from the 11th day of April, Games and dancing were tho dlvor Proprietor Mrs. W. E. Lebow, Mrs. H. K. 1922, and the further sum of dining car. Thursday was the fi rut time 1 sions of tho evening hours and Metcalf and Mrs. C. A. Bartell »660.19 with interest thereon at Connection at New Orleans with pala have ever soon a member rise to dainty refreshments were served tial »teaniers for NewYork--meals and Those in the were hostesses Thursday afternoon tho rate of 6 per cent per annum discurs a bill before tho author had at a late hour. FURNITURE MOVING berth included in the one fare. at the regular meeting of the from January 1, 1923, and the fur boon given a chance. Representa party were Miss Alverda Williams, Stopovers en route; see the Mardi Gras Constellation club, Because of the AND STORAGE »15 .60 costs and dis- ther sum of tive Woodward did not understand Mis» Laura Htowart, Miss Laura at New Orleans. approach of the birthday I anniver- bursenients, which judgment was exactly the situation and got in Belle Edmiston, Miss Ila Mason, Ask about Ca rriso Gorge route from San sary of George Washington, the enrolled and docketed in the offico ahead of Carkin on one of Carkin's Misses Vivian and Marguerite Car Diego—Apache- Trail detour of Arizona. room decorations were of tho pa- of the Clerk of said court in said Piano Moving a Specialty. lile, Miss Helen Ostrander, Miss bills. However, Carkin had his triotic nifture. county on the 14th day of Febru Delta Hopper, Kenneth Ward, Dale say. Phone 99 ; Res., 189-J ary, 1923, and said execution and u, Breedlove, Lynn Homo of tho members are looking Gatos, , Glenn The live wire print shop is al order of sale to me directed com Hazon, George for some levcn in the prohibition Walker, Orville Hazen, ways ready to help in the prep manding me in the name of tho enforcement department since the Brun I and tho honor guest, Mol- aration of advertising and printing State of Oregon, in order lv satisfy recent appointment of a new head vin Coffman. copy. Our experience may be said judgment, interest, costs and ♦ ♦ ♦ for that department. xxx disbursements, anti the posts and • • • Mrs. Charles Adams entertained worth something to you. Far further 'normation, ask expenses of and upon this writ Many speak slightingly of tho Saturday afternoon complimenting to sell the following described real legislature and want to know what her (pother, mors R. B. Job, ami Get you winter coal from property, to-wit: it is doing that amounts to any Mrs. Herbert Eakin, whose birth Chestnut Transfer. thing. The answer is that it is day anniversaries occured on the One quartz mill, including inclos Rock Spring’s Utah coal by doing fully ns well as it would do 23nd and 23rd of thia month. It Get Back Your Health as Oth ing the same and all tools, ma sack or ton. er Cottage Grove Folks being ono day prior to George were the criticizing members here. chinery, implements and appliances Have Done. Washington’» birthday anniversary, • • b connected therewith or appertain ing thereto, together with the land HopriMcntativi» Woodward usually patriotic decorations were used. Too many people suffer lame, upon which the same is situatod. dizruMCR only nvrioun subject» like Flags were about the room. The education and these in an ultra afternoon hours were pleasantly aching backs, distressing kidney and particularly described as fol zerioua way, but sometimes hr spent socially and a delightful two ! disorders ami rheumatic aches and lows: .r ftprings a bon mot. an ho did Fri course luncheon was served. Rod pains. Often this is duo to faulty Being situated about three quar- I earnations were the attractive con- ] kid noy action and there ’ s danger day during the discussion of the tors of a mile Northeast of the II Dennis resolution to amend the ter piece of the table and the place °f hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel Annie Mining Claim, in the Bo cards had a picture of Washington l,r Bright's disease. Don ’ t let constitution ho as to inhibit in hernia Mining District, in Lane tho corner. The national colors weak kidneys wear you out. Use County, state of Oregon, and com come tax lawn for 15 years. W* 'omi in the ward asked unanimous consent to were the color scheme which were Doan 's Pills before it is too late! mencing at a location notice at a z A Barber Shop amend by inserting after “income cleverly carried out in the table Doan'» are a stimulant diuretic stake about 3-4 of a mile northeast decorations and also in the re to the kidneys, Doan's have tax the words, ''also taxes on of tho said Annie Mining Claim, helped thousands. They should sad running in a Northerly direc real estate and other property,” frosh me ut*. JV E ÄOÄ, Curl and help you. Here is one of many tion 239 and 38 feet, thence East ♦ ♦ ♦ his facetious purpose being to make Moro than 150 were present at Cottage Grove cases: / all taxation inhibited by the con erly 478 and 3-8 feet, thence ye Hair the George Washington birthday Mrs. M. Kebebeek, Birch A J Southerly 478 and 3-8 feet, thence st it ution The amendment was not dance given Friday evening by the Sts., says: “I was subject to kid Westerly 478 and 3-S feet and made. Barber, work in general ; American Legion auxiliary for the ney weakness for a long time thence Northeasterly 239 and 3 8 special attention to children. benefit .if the community house and never found anything that feet to the place of beginning, author of fund. Pho hall was appropriately helped me until I began using containing five acres more or less I to inhibit i 630 Main P. S. Bukowski. Prop. decorated with patriotic trimmings. Doan’s Pills. I used Doan’s oc- and known at the Noonday Mil! ¿1 i taxes for ! Bunting and flags were around tho cansionally and they keep me free newspaper walla, the lights were shaded with from all kidney ailments.’* » - □□□ rod crepe paper and a picture of OVER SEVEN YEARS LATER, Lon^ distance hauling, piano the father of our country hung Mrs. Kebebeek said: “I always moving a specialty. That ex from tho front lattice work ot recommend Doan '* for they put ■b want income the ceiling □ Any time—any where* g Vm-nl numbers by my kidneys in good order.’’ 8 Your homo print shop—The Sen Frank Snodgrass and Mrs. Victor Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't tinel—should be always consiiierml Kem were features of the evening. simply ask for a kidney remedy— lor* are in good re Punch was served through out the first. Usually it can handle any get Doan'S Pills—the same that Dae of them wtated dancing hours from an attractive job of printing you may have. x 8 Mrs. Kebebeek had. Foster Milburn yesterday that th« liooth draped with flags. The stand Co.. Mfrs. Buffalo, N. Y. Chestnut Brothers, proprietors f 16 -23 c referred to him a« which the punch bowl wns upen Any Kind Any Time (Across street from 8. P depot) a We want your produce and guar- |»r»im. was an artificial stump of a tree □ sat», you top murZH price. Our COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON NOTICE TO CREDITORS PRICES RIGHT with a hatchet loaning on the business ntablnhed 44 yuan ago. Terms Cash Mrs. Senator Kinney has been side of it Refer«™?» Hank •( California STORAGE AND GENERAL Estate of Millard lut maion, «te TRANSFER It — rid your system of Catarrh or Deaf ♦ ♦ ♦ ceased. PAGE A SON ness caused by Catarrh. Mrs. Irl Groves entertained a Office phone 6. Notice is herby given that Emily PORTLAND. OREGON SeM H for wr 46 war* Phon. 124-L number of relatives Thursday eve ¡Jane Lane ha» been by the Count« Residence phone 155-1. Monday» and Thursday» Legislative Sidelights i\eyf Shipment Zephyrs and Tissue By the Fard 45c to 65c BUTTONS! BUTTONS! through the SOCIETY SOUTHLAND 7 By Train and Ship to Neiu York City Transfer Co. Coal! Coal! WHY SUFFER SO? H. A. MORSE, Agent Pacific CHESTNUT TRANSFER T mperia T D VEAL POULTRY EGGS CAPONS HOGS K nowles & G raber HARDWARE Cottage Grove Chestnut Transfer Company Hall9« Catarrh Medicine Oregon WOOD Quimby Bros. 8, u IIII ■ mnwrr F. J. CHENEY &. COM Toledo. Ohio innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnu ning at dinner, complimenting Mr. Grove», the occasion being his birthday anniversary, Following the dinner the evening was spent socially. Those present were M r. and Mrs. John Groves, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Childs, 8. W. Boyd and the George Boyd family.