COTTAGE GROVË SENTINEL, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1925 PAGE TWO I that would send it through the rnittee plans to give one entire NOTICE. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. hereby required to appear and links to the place of beginning, con- Notice is hereby given that on I answer the Complaint filed against j taining 159.20 acres in Lane Coun- legislative waters at a dangerous night to the problem of devising ways and means of finding thu March 3, 1925, Cottage Grove Im­ you in the above entitled suit ’ ty, State of Oregoa, and also the speed. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Mondays and Thursdays money to meet what are deemed provement Bonds Numbers 6, 7, with six weeks from the date of I Lots numbered 7 and 8 of Section laind Office at Roseburg, Oregon, ..Publishers Bede & Smith. The static that the legislator» absolutely necessary appropriations. 8, 9, 10 and 11 Improvement Bond the first publication of this Sum- 32 in Tp. 21, 8. R. 3 M’est, con­ January 12, 1925. ____ Editor are producing is seriously inter­ All possible receipts by the state Elbert Bede__ Issue “H” will be due and payable mons and if you fail so to answer, taining 16% acres in Lane County, Notice is hereby given that Wil­ son L. Sailor, of Noti, Oregon, who, A first-class publication entered at fering, it is .^id, with the opera­ treasury for (he coming biennium at the office of the City Treasurer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff State of Oregon. Cottage Grove as second-class matter tion of radio sets over the city, will be considered in the appro­ First National Bunk Building, Cot­ will apply to the Court for relief Said sale will be made for cash, on Julv 10, 1923, made Homestead Entry,’No. 015027, for S% SE%, causing a loud buzzing sound in priation bills that will be reported tage Grove, Lane County, Oregon, prayed for in Plaintiff’s Complaint I subject to a mortgage for $2250.00 Business Office......... 55 North Sixth the air. All of said Bonds will be taken on file herein, to-wit: For a out next week. and SE% 8W%, Section 9, Town­ upon said property now held by the * • • up and canceled on said date at Decree of thia Court forever dis­ ship 19 8, Range 6 West, William- State Land Board of the State of SUBSCRIPTION RATES Ed Miller, senator from Joseph­ par value and interei interest, and inter- solving the marriage contract and Oregon, and subject to confirmation ette, Meridian, has filed notice of By mail (Cash in advance) intention to make three year Proof, ine, but better known as a former est thereon shall — ceas. ----- -------- use on said 3rd bonds of matrimony existing be- I by said County Court. One months.. year....$2.75 month» 1.50 I | Three One month ..... .80 50 to establish claim to the land above day of March, 1925. tween the Plaintiff and the De- I Six months.. 1.50 | One month..... 50 resident of Cottage Grove, made Offers will be received by the described, before E. O. Immel, U. 8. his maiden speech the oth^-r day Dated and first published this fendant and such othef and further BY CARRIER administrator at the office of Botts Commissioner, at Eugene, Oregon, and got away in great style. It relief as to the Court may seem ’ 12th day of February, 1925. One > month.................................... 8 -30 I & Winslow, Attorneys at Law, on the 21st day of February, 1925. was on either the Garland bill HERBERT EAKIN, City Treasurer, just and equitable. Four months, in advance. - Tillamook Oregon, from and after Claimant names as witnesses: An­ providing for the reading of the This Summoua is served by pub ­ Cottage Grove, Lane county, Six months, in advance... the date named. drew Lake, of Noti, Oregon; Lloyd the Cottage Grove, Feb 7. — To in the schools or the Eddy lication by order of the Hon. G. bible Oregon. f!219c One year, in advance---- Dated this 20 day of January. Kraal, of Crow, Oregon; Hubert bill, providing for stiffening the Editor: My attention has been called F. Skipworth, Judge of the above Jenkins, of Crow, Oregon; and (1925. Member of entitled Court. high school course of study. Both repeatedly to a news item in your NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. National Editorial Association Lorrie Doane, of (Jrow, Oregon. Dated thia 6th day of January, were up on the same day and he issue of February 2 under the ALFRED REYNOLDS, Oregon State Editorial Association talked upon both of them. 1925, and the “ heading, “Junior High School HAMILL A. CANADAY, date of the first Administrator of the Department of the Interior, U. 8. Oregon Newspaper Conference • « • Loses to Eugene, 14 to 13.’’ The Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, publication of this Summons will Registrar. named Estate. j22fl9c jl5-fl2(2) be on the 8th day of January, Houso bill 280, by Wheeler ami Cottage Grove junior high school February 10, 1925. □------ 1925, and the date of the last □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nnnnnannn Howard, raising to 10 mills the has not lost to Eugene, nor any Notice is hereby given that A pair of offi­ George M. Ham, of R. F. D. 2, publication will be on the 19th amount that county courts may other team. levy in school tax upon districts cial scorers, of whom the writer Creswell, Oregon, who, on March day of February, 1925. HERBERT W. LOMBARD, that nogleet to vote a tax, has was one, went to sleep at the Eu­ 10, 1922 made Homestead entry, No Attorney for Plaintiff, passed both houses, being one of gene game and gave out an erro­ 014337, for NE% NE Vi. Section 21, By ELBERT BEDE. Address and Post Office, comparatively few to run the gaunt neous score at the end. The evi­ STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Ore., let of delays in committee, by re- dence of this error is incontro­ Township 19 8, Range 4 West, Cottage Grove, Ore. j8-f!9 Willamette Meridian, has filed Feb. 9.—(Special.)—The legislature reference, etc. vertible, and is acknowledged by notice of intention to make three adjourned Friday afternoon so as the officials. NOTICE OF SALE OF BEAL year Proof, to establish claim to to fool the earth when it came We have refrained from discus­ the land above described, before L. E. Bean, of Eugene, poten- PROPERTY. to an end, but 1» again in session tial candidate for United Htatc’ sion of this error lest we disturb E. O. Immel, U. 8. Commissioner, Monday. Evidently nothing can attorney, is a visitor hero again the fine fellowship between the In the County Court of the State stop the legislature. Had the legis­ today. He says that he has no Eugene boys and our own. But at Eugene, Oregon, on the 25th day of March, 1925. of Oregon for Tillamook County. lators been very fearful that the intimation as yet that he will be we feel that our own people at Claimant names as witnesses: In the Matter of the Estate of dire prediction for midnight Fri required to move his residence to least have a right to know that Charles Sutton, Thomas Moxley, Naomi E. Thompson, formerly Nao­ day was likely to bo fulfilled, Portland. our claim to the title “undefeated” Arthur Kerr, all of Creswell, Ore­ mi E. Reynolds, Deceased. they would have paused a joint is based on grounds admitted gon, and Robert Wills, of Eugene, Notice is hereby given, that tho memorial to congress, a concurrent Representative Kirkwood, of the by the only team that has thus Oregon. undersigned, administrator of the resolution or something to regulate game committee, nearly met death far given us a “run for our non coal HAMILL A. CANADAY, above named Estate, by authority the matter in an automobile acciu'mt over the money.” Our Junior High Schoo, fl2ml2c(2) Register. of an order of the County Court week end. It is now the open quintet has not been defeated in of Tillamook County, Oregon, from The sessions have been so color­ season for legislators, but it seems any of tho seven games played and after the 2qd day of February, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. less that nearly all of tho stenog to be impossible to even wing them. so far; and we have no expectation 1925, shall proceed to sell at pri­ rapliers have found plenty of time Kirkwood didn’t get a scratch. of being defeated in any of the Notice is hereby given that the vate sale, the following described to solve ull tho crossword puzzles five games remaining on our undersigned has been appointed by real property, situated in Lane in the daily papers, and in this The roll was being called. The schedule. Sincerely, an order of the County Court of County, State of Oregon, to-wit: way they have been assisted by member ahead of Kilham was ex­ G. FRANK GLASER. Lane County, Oregon, administra­ a number of legislators. Crossword plaining his ’ ote. When ho had Donation Land Claim Notifi­ tor of the estate of Adella White cation, 771 being designated as puzzles are kid’s play compared completed, tho rending clerk roared □□□□□□□□□□□□□□□nnnnnnnna Anderson, deceased, which order to solving some of the pieces of what sounded like “kill him.’’ A Claim No. 57 being part of Section These handsome overstuffed I bears date the 27th day of Janu 32, in Township 21, S. R. legislation before the session. 3 ripple of laughter wont around davenports, loose cushion seats * • » ary, 1925. West and Claim No. 38 being part the -oom. The reading clerk really innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnrS and excellent spring construc­ All persons having claims against of Section 5, in Township 22, 8. R. Legislation making divorces eas­ mount nothing. Ho was merely As a testimony that the nation the estate of Adella White Ander­ 3 West, of W. M., being bounded tion at such reasonable prices. ier is not popular with the legis­ trying to learn how Kilham wished does not forget a life of faithful son, deceased, are hereby notified and described as follows, to-wit: lature. More stringent regulation to vote. service rewarded only by tragedy and required to present the same, Beginning at a point 24 chains » • » of the annulment of the martial relation is favored. Legislators That doggoned dog bill, HB 299, and sorrow, people throughout the duly verified, at the law office and 50 links North and 19 chains country pause today to honor the of Herbert W. Lombard, First and 70 links West from the South- discussing the vexing problem was defeated by the house. birthday unniversaray of Abraham Nationnl Bank Building, Cottage east corner of Section 32, in Town- • • • stated that they never had had Grove, Oregon, on or before six ship 21 South of Range 3 and a divorce, but probably some of “What’s that pretty woman do­ Lincoln. • • • months from the date of the first running thence West fifteen chains them will bo divorced from their ing here?” asked a visitor. “She’s and 51 links, thence South 89 de­ Regardless of curtailed produc publication of this notice. legislative jobs before another bi­ n cosmetic,’’ was tho answer. “She Dated and first published this grees and 59 minutes West, 21 ennium rolls around. certainly looks well for a sick tion in the lumber industry of 29th day of January, 1925. chains and 76 links and thence * • • person,’’ was the unexpected re­ many western mills there has been MARTIN H. ANDERSON, South 42 chains and 50 links, thcnco no shut down in Cottage Grove, If tho ship of state wore provided joinder. Administrator of the es­ East 37 chains and 65 links and Many Washington mills are now • • • with rotor wind towers, the senate tate of Adella White thence North 42 chains and 50 would furnish the motive power The joint ways and means com running on a five days a week Anderson, deceased. schedule. Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney sì [r II for estate. j29-f26c(T) It is believed that this slowing up of tho industry is due to in­ terruption of tho market through NOTICE TO CREDITORS. bad weather, With spring ap preaching and better weather ex- In the County Court of the State pected within a few months the of Oregon, for Lane County, in market is expected to improve. the Matter of the Estate of Otto Friday, Feb. 13—The swift­ duct’d, splendidly directed, Michel, deceased: est racing film of a genera­ magnificently acted. What A man living outside the city Notice is hereby given that the tion •TIIK DIXIE HANDI- more could one want? Anti limits camo in to pay his water undersignod has been duly appoint a comedy. CAP” « ith Claire Windsor. bill the other day. He found that od administrator of the estate of F r a n k l< e e n e n, L I o y <1 Tuesday, Feb. 17—‘‘THE if he were living inside the city Otto Michel, deceased, by the Coun­ lluglu-s, John Sainpolis and MAN FROM BROADWAY,” limits the amount he would have ty Court of the State of Oregon Otis Harlan. And a comedy. with J. B. Warner, Ena paid would have been one-third for Lane County, All persons Saturday, Feb. 14—Johnny Gregory, Virginia Warick, less. having claims against the said Hines in “LITTLE JOHN­ L. M. Wells and Al Fergu­ estate are hereby requested to NY JONES,” a happy-spir­ son. And a comedy. City officials have had difficulty present the same, duly verified, ited, exciting romance of in planning a permanent water aud within six months from tho date an American jockey in Eng­ Wed,-Thui -Fri. Feb. 18-19- sewer system because many of the hereof to the undersigned, or to land, with a thousand and 20—“PETER PAN” with districts to be served are not in M. F. Rice, attorney for adminis­ one spectacular sillllltiollK. Betty Bronson. Ernest Tor­ tho city limits and no plans can trator, as his office in the Masonic rence, Cyril Chadwick, Es­ And a comedy. bo made for thorn. Building in Roseburg, Douglas ther Ralston, Mary Brain County, Oregon. Sun. - Mon., Feb. and many others. The most No fire hydrants are placed out­ Dated this 22nd day of January, Gloria Swanson I popular play ever written, side thè city limite. That means 1925. j as a beautiful, amazing pho- LOVE STORY.” that tho fire department would O. F. MICHEL. Administrator, I toplay. Also a comedy. No have groat difficulty fighting fire of the Estate of Otto Michel, I raise in prices. Regular ad- in tho districts whiclf are not in deceased. j22fl9p(T; I mission. the corporation. dottane <£»rore Sentinel Score-Keeper's Error Is Pointed Out By Glaser Legislative Sidelights $55 DAVENPORTS | SIDELIGHTS Bressler & Son Complete Home Furnishers AKCHDE Theatre WEEKLY PROGRAM QuickC Abundant Power Poor fire protection r.'sulte in IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP TUB STATE OF OREGON FOB higher insurance rates, The man LANE COUNTY. who paid his water bill had figured out that he would save money if Leontine Lush, Plaintiff, vs. Dale Lush, Defendant: the district in which ho lived would come inside the city limits. To Dale E. Lush, Defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE Lettuce, onions, turnips, radishes 8ATE OF OREGON, you are and peas. If you’re tired of stoop­ --------------- :------------- —4- - ---- ing over you can plant them on your knees. Logger at Tulp Creek Bu rns R igh t A rm Valentines Russell Proudfit was severely burned on his right arm and left hand while starting a fire, by which to ent lunch, at the logging camp at Culp Creek just before noon today. He had poured gaeo line on some kindling prior to lighting tho fire and some of the liquid was spilled on his sleeve and consequently when he lighted , the fire the sleeve was ignited. I His loft hand was burned in; attempting to tear the right sleeve from his arui. The burning sleeve I wan finally extinguished by rolling I it in wet moan. The injured man • was brought to Cottage Grove for I treatment anil sent to n Eugene hospital where he expects to remain several days. It will lie alnait three weeks before he can use his »fin. physicians stated. —for— Big—Little Old—Young Priced at lc, 4 for 5c, 3 for 6c, li for 5c, 5c, 10c 15c. 20c, 25c, 36c. 50c and 75c. The Greatest Assortment We’ve Ever Shown KEM’S for DRUGS C. J. KKM The R EX.1U. Storr A. PITCHER. The main edition of The Eugene Guard is now' being delivered at the homes of sub­ scribers Cottage in Drove daily. The Eugene Guard is Lane county’s biggest and best daily news­ paper. The Eugene Guard covers the news of Lane county fully and inter­ estingly- The Motor That Cost A Million The Million Dollar Motor in the New Star Car—a motor that delivers 20% more power, that peps its way from 5 to 25 miles in seconds. Full Force Feed Lubrication to all bear­ ing» and cam shaft. Never a burned- out bearing in a Star Car. Oil under pressure to the only safe lubrication system, b the verdict of automotive engineers. efSee It Today—Drive In It—Compare It]* SERVICE GARAGE long a cause:. The Eugene Guard covers the news of the world by Associated Press I >eased wire. The main edition of The Eugene Guard is delivered at vour door daily in Cot tage Grove for 50 ernte month. Today’s News Today Four-Wheel Brakes Tubular Backbone