PAGE TWO COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1925 little of Cottage Grove, Oregon, a NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE of Tillamook County, Oregon, from Lusk, Defendant: I member of the 2nd Oregon Volun­ . ON EXECUTION. and after the 2nd day of February, To Dale E. Lusk, Defendant: Mondays and Thursdays teers, ha» been visiting his cousin, 1925, shall proceed to sell at pri IN THE ------ NAME OF Notice is hereby given that by vate sale, the following described Bede & Smith_ _ ..Publisher» Mrs. Edward Ackley. He i* away _______ , , you „ on »irk leave, having received a virtue of an execution and order real property, situated in Lane SATE OF OREGON, ........Editor j Elbert Bede____ hereby required to appear Filipino bullet through his right of sale issued out of the Circuit County, State of Oregon, to-wit: answer the Complaint filod against A first-class publication entered at arm _ and leg. _ Mr. Doolittle come» Court of the State of Oregon for Donation Land Claim Notifi­ you in the above entitled suit Cottage Grove as second-class matter ¿f" fiK'hting° *to<-k,' liis father aid the County of Lane on the 23rd cation, 771 being designated as with six weeks from the date of Business Office......... 55 North Sixth forefathers all haviug been among day of January, 1925, in an action Claim No. 57 being part of Section the first publication of this 8um- -------- , -- --------------- ----------- — I the first volunteers to fight in our wherein on the 18th day of Feb­ 32, in Township 21, S. R. 3 pa*t wars.” ruary, 1923, in the above entitled West and Claim No. 38 being part mons and if you fail so to answer, SUBSCRIPTION RATES for want Other letters from court, George W. McQueen, plain­ of Section 5, in Township 22, S. R. will apply thereof, the Plaintiff By mail (Caah in advance) to the Court for relief One year....$2.75 I Three month* .80 tell of Mr. Doolittle being wounded tiff recovered judgment against tho 3 West, of W. M., being bqpnded prayed for in Plaintiff’s Complaint Six months.. 1.50 | One month__ 50 in the arm but do not mention Defendant, Oregon and Ohio Minis ■ and described as follows, to-wit: I on file herein, to-wit: For a the wound in the leg. Corp., a corporation, for tho sum Beginning at a point 24 BY CARRIER .. „„ ___ ____ forever dis- On Friday, May 12, the Nugget of $4,000.00, with interest thereon i and 50 links North and 19 chains Decree of this Court One month________________ $ .30 Four month*, in advance...... .. 1.10 ' contained the following item: at the rate of 6 per cent per an-land 70 links West from the chains solving the marriage contract and bonds of matrimony existing be­ Six month*, in advance_____ 1.60 “William Landess is in receipt of num from the 11th day of April, east corner of Section 32, in South ____ tween tfee Plaintiff and the De­ One year, in advance............... 3.00 a letter from Henry at Manilla 1922, and the further sum of ship 21 South of Rahge 3 Town- and which states that he is quite well, I $660.19 with interest thereon at running thence West fifteen chains fendant and such other and further Member of that they have seen considerable of the rate of (> per cent per annum and 51 links, thence South 89 de­ relief as to the Court may seem National Editorial Association just and equitable. Oregon State Editorial Association fighting, and that they are still from January I, 1923, aad the fur­ grees anil 59 minutes West, 21 This Summons is served by pub­ living in expectation of £-***--• Oregon Newspaper Conference getting I ther sum of $15.60 costs and dis- chains and 76 links and thence .--------- me xwxi. lication by ....... order v. of the Hon. u. G. home before a great while, H)' I bursements, which judgment was South 42 chains and 50 links, thence I F. Skipworth, Judge of the above P -------------------------------------------1 also states that Frank Woodruff, ■ enrolled and docketed in the office East 37 chains and 65 links and j entitled Court. who was recently wounded in the , of the Clerk of said court in said thence North 42 chains anil L_ 50 | _____ Dated this 6th day of January, Newest shapes in springtime heel, is able to walk around.” [ county on the 14th day of Febru- links to the place of beginning, con con- \ 1925, and the date of the first millinery is here for your first a letter written to Henry In i ary, 1923, and raid execution and Û-------------------. _------- □ taining 159.20 acres in Lane Coun publication of this Summons will viewing of the season. Every By ELBERT BEDE. Lincoln on December 21, 1898, I order of sale to me directed com­ ty, State of Oregon, and also the hat is a correct spring model, be on the 8th day of January, STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Oro., Frank Woodruff, of Company C of manding me in the name of the Lots numbered 7 and 8 of Section 1925, and the date of the many of them coming direct __ _____ last Jan. 29.—(Special.)—Representative the 2nd Oregon volunteer* gives State of Oregoa, in order to satisfy 32 in Tp. 21, S. R. 3 West, con­ publication will be on the* 19th from eastern millinery shops; A. R. Hunter, one of the few demo the following description of the said judgment, interest, costs an fill our belts with lows: the date named. tor of the estnte of Adella White Mrs. Lein Raybold, experi­ the third passage. Hunter’s speech cartridges and have our guns ready Being situated about three quar- Dated this 20 day of January, Anderson, deceased, z which ____ ___ order _ enced milliner in charge, will was, "This is a good bill. It is a* there was an insurgent scare, tors of a mile Northeast _____ ___ of the 1925. bears date the 27th day of Janu be pleased to meet you and in tho interest of democratic econ­ but nothing came of it. We heaid Annie Mining Claim, in the Bo- ary, 1925. ALFRED REYNOLDS, assist you with trying on of omy, democratic simplicity and the today that the insurgents had ord hernia Mining District, in Lane Administrator of the All persons having claims against the new hat models. Inci­ democratic party and should puss.’’ ered the Americans to evacuate a County, state of Oregon, and com­ named Estate. j22fl9c the estate of Adella White Ander­ dentally you will find the He has several tinuvi gotten n block house and the First Califor­ mencing at a location notice nt a son, deceased, are hereby notified prices very reasonable good laugh on his speech and it nia were sent out and the insur stake about 3-4 of a mile northeast, and required to present the same, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. gents consented to withdraw but of the »aid Annie Mining Claim, always takes well. duly verified, at the law office Come Today we may have trouble yet. and running in a Northerly direc­ of Herbert W. Lombard, First In the County Court of the State A number of the members huvo “Charlie Lovelace is about to tion 239 and 3-8 feet, thence East­ National Bank Building, Cottage their wives with them, ostensibly be appointed corporal and I think erly 478 and 3-8 feet, thence of Oregon, for Lane County, in Grove, Oregon, on or before six to give them n vacation but prob­ he will get, it all right. We have Southerly 478 and 3-8 feet, thence the Matter of the Estate of Otto months from the date of the first ably to get a chance to dictate to dress parade three times a week Winterly 478 and 3-8 feet and Michel, deceased: Notice is hereby given that the publication of this notice. them and to tell them what to do. and we put up as good a one as thence Northeasterly 239 and 3 8 Dated and first published this Also probably so that said wives any regiment here. The Oregon feet to the >place of beginning, undersigned has been duly appoint 29th day of January, 1925. will come to the realization that baseball team is holding it* own. containing five acres more or less ed administrator of th)' estate of MARTIN H. ANDERSON, their hubbies are really ns import We recruits expect to get paid in and known at the Noonday Mill Otto Michel, deceased, by the Coun­ Administrator of the es­ ant in the affairs of state us they a few days. This is a free silver Hite; also the Tramway leading ty Court of the State of Oregon tate of Adella White for Lune County, All persons have tried to make their wives be­ country; a half bushel of money from said Quartz Mill to said An­ Anderson, deceased. here is only worth a couple of nie Mine, now situated upon land having claims against the said lieve. The live wire print shop is al­ estate are hereby requested to Herbert W. Lombard, Attorney I on the 21st day of February, 1925. • • • American dollars.” of the Noonday Mining Co., all Claimant names as witnesses: An­ ways ready to help in the prep for estate. j29-f26c(T) The idderst member of the house The Oregon boys came very close in the Bohemia Mining District, present the same, duly verified, drew Lake, of Noti, Oregon; Lloyd within six months from the date is Representative Fitzmaurico, of to winning the baseball ehampion- in Lane County, State of Oregon. Kraal, of Crow, Oregon; Hubert aration of advertising and printing NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. hereof to the undersignod, or to Gilliam, Sherman and Wheeler, who 1 whip of the army in the Philippine». Our experience may be Now therefore in the name of M. F. Rice, attorney for adminis­ Jenkins, of Crow, Oregon; and copy. is aged (17 and could easily be A letter from Henry Lande»* tells the State of Oregon, in compliance worth something to you. xxx Department of the Interior, U. S. Lorrie Doane, of Crow, Oregon. trator, as his office in the Masonic grandfather to the kids of th«' of a game in which the Oregon with said execution and order of HAMILL A. CANADAY, Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, house, Represntative Bates of Clat­ team won from the 13th Minnesota sale and in order to »atiafy said Building in Roseburg, Douglas January 12, 1925. jl5-fl2(2) z Registrar. sop and Representative King, of regiment by a score of 9 to 4. judgment, interest costs and di*- County, Oregon. Notice is hereby given that Wil­ Dated this 22ml day of January, Coos, both of whom are within a The letter stated tho Oregon boy» ( bursements and the costs son L. Sailor, of Noti, Oregon, who, ir and ox­ 1925. few days of the same age, which is had the best record thero and penses of and upon this on July 10, 1923, made Homestead writ, * I O. F. MICHEL, Administrator, Entry," 22 years. hn4, Section 9, Town­ Get you winter coal from deceased. j22fl9p(T; Despite the fart that Représenta championship. O’clOCk in the afternoon _______ wa ship 19 S, Range 6 West, William- of said Chestnut Transfer. tive Charles Hunter, of Union and Barber Shop A soldior from Dakota describes the Palo Allo, ways ready to help in the prep California, (Tini quot In th* aratioa of advertising' a».l printing mia Ngggi'l t for Friday, A ugu»l copy. Our experience lutti, reads: t "Mr Elmer Doo worth something to you. iottaqe (brovr Sentinel First Peep at NEW SPRING MILLINERY Legislative Sidelights T mperia T , D Coal! Coal! CHESTNUT TRANSFER City Transfer Co. Chestnut Transfer EIERE COES FOIE A REAL MEAL! Get Accurate Travel Information flakes B rad Light as a feather! H. A. MORSE, Agent Cottage Grove Flour Mill Cotta«« Grave, Urrtfon I Southern Pacific