PAGE TWO thought he could dispose of in the not depressed by thee fact that he jand 51 links, thence South 89 d» land Eugenia L. Mclnturff, hi* j is the only democratic membeg of I greee and 59 minutes West, 21 , wife, H. 8. Mejnturff, Bank of proattit "sluggish market. the house. He gets about as much chain" and 76 links and thence , Cottage Grove, a corporation, Dora • • • Monday* and Thursday» I Milt Miller, perpetual candidate 1 real pleasure out of a session as South 42 chains and 50 links, thence J. DeVere and C. O. DeVere, he Publishers j Bud« & Smith... any oi them and more than mOBt of i East 37 chains and 65 links and husband, J. W. McCoy and Lane for the democratic nomination for ....... Editor Elbert Bede------ United States senator, has been them. Despite the fact that he is thence North 42 chains and 50 County, a Municipal corporation, A first-class publication entered at about the lobby holding a con one of the quietest members of the {links to the place of beginning, eon- I and all persons claiming by, Cottage Grove as second-class matter ■ ference with Governor Walt to lower body, he has the record for j taining 159.20 acres in Lane Coun- I through or under them or any or ' decide who shall be the candidate the introduction of resolutions upon j ty, State of Oregon, and also the either of them in and to said ! Business Office.-..._65 North Sixth » < ¡against Stanfield two years hence. facetious subjects. Joe Singer, tho : Lots numbered 7 and 8 of Section premises. veteran if not venerable, sergeant- 132 in Tp. 21, S. R. 3 West, con Milt eouln ’ t look any more sena FRANK E. TAYLOR, SUBSCRIPTION RATES I torially sanctified even had he been at-arms is tile object of most of taining 16% acres in Lane County, Sheriff of Lane Coun By mail (C**h in advance) State of Oregon. hunter ’ s little jokers. The latest One year....$2.75 | Three months .80 successful in his aspirations to try jl-29c(T) ty, Oregon. Said sale will be made for cash, month*.. 1.50 | One 1 month. — .50 Six months.. —th..... 50 his pulchritudinous presence upon I resolution by Hunter upon the us ual subject requested the sergeunt- subject to a mortgage for $2250.00 the Washington solons. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. , * BY CARRIER 1 at-arms to remain prayerfully on upon said property now held by the • • • I .$ .30 One i month. the job over the recent week end State Land Board of the State of . 1.10 Bill Strayer, who is proud of Four month*, in advance. In the County Court of the State to watch the probing of Prohibition Oregon, and subject to confirmation . 1.60 being a democrat, pulled a good Six months, in advance... of Oregon, for Lane County, in . 3.00 one yesterday. He told one of i Officer Cleaver and to make cer- by said County Court. One year, in advance...... the Matter of the Estate of Otto Offers will be received by the tho feminine clerks of tho session 1 tain that nothing was left on Michel, deceased: Member of that he had just been reading a Monday morn to terrify the legis- administrator at the office of Botts Notice is hereby given that the National Editorial Association | lators. Whether or not Joe re- & Winslow, Attorneys at Law, terrible nows item. * * What was undersigned has been duly appoint Oregon State Editorial Association | rnained on the job, nothing of a Tillamook Oregon, from and after itf” she anxiously inquired. 44 Why ed administrator of the estate of Oregon Newspaper Conference it says in the report of Sunday’s ¡terrifying nature was found hero thn date named. Otto Michel, deceased, by the Coun Dated thia 20 day of January, weather that the wind blew up the 1 this morning. ty Court of the State of Oregon n-------------- ------------ ------- «? I Willamette. I suppose that next 1925. All persons for Lane County, The total eclipse of the sun, due ALFRED REYNOLDS, I it will be blowing up the legis for iSaturday, having claims against the said Saturday, means nothing to Administrator of the lature. Bill isn’t a dyed-in-thc estate are hereby requested to legislative assembly, which has named Estate. j22f!9c n — - ° wool democrat—because there is no | , tho present the same, duly verified, wool where the wool ought to grow. been enjoying eclipses and every within six months from the date By ELBERT BEDE. thing else in the state for the past NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE hereof to the undersigned, or to I 10 days—not excepting Governor STATE CAPITOL, Salem, Ore., Representative Kilham lost $380 ON EXECUTION IN M. F. Rice, attorney for adminis- Jan. 20—(Special.)—State Market i Walt and his famous bald-faced in a robbery at Portland Saturday FORECLOSURE. trator, as his office in the Masonic I calves. Fow legislators will s<*c Agent Spence has arrived at the night, when tho office of the Kil Building in Roseburg, Douglas ' the eclipse, which starts at sun- session, something he usually does ham Stationery company was en Notice is hereby given that by County, Oregon. nothing else but biennially, lie still ternd. Before that he had believed | rise. virtue of an execution and order Dated this 22nd day of Jnnuarv, ' . . . carries his head high anil located the newspaper stories to the effect of sale in foreclosure issued out at tho usual place on top of his that all the thieves were at Salem. 1 Representative Settlemier of Mar- of the Circuit Court of Lane 1925. O. F. MICHEL, Administrator, ' ion, is accustomed to getting what shoulders, despite the introduction of the Estate of Otto Michel, j he wants when ho wants it. H» County, Oregon, on the 24th day of bills in both house and senate Those who read newspaper ac notified Sergeant-at-arms Singer of December, 1924, in a suit whpre- deceased. j22f!9p(T) providing for his decapitation. The counts of what is going on under today that he would expect an in on the 23rd day of December, farmer members are opposing the the big dome at Salem should nsh tray at his desk, a fresh box 1924, in said court Fred Ernst, state market agent’s office and the bear in mind that because a bill of matches always on hand and plaintiff, recovered judgment general opinion here scorns to be is introduced it does not follow a fresh cigar each morning. With agains the defendants, D. N. Mc- thut the office has merely provided that it is to become law. Some in a few minutes the cigar and Inturff and Eugenia L. Mclnturff the governor with another cog for readers get tho idea that a bill matches were provided, tho latter for the sum of $700.00 with interest Then the Advice of This Cottage his machine, with no resultant that gets notice has become the at the expense of the state and thereon at 7 per cent per annum Grove Resident Will In benefits to the people who pay terest You. law of the land, whilo the facts tho cigar pfobably at the expense from April 20th, 1923 until paid the letter writing, La Follctto-boost- are that many bills haven’t as 1 of some lobbyist who had gotten and the further sum of $100.00 ing market agent’s salary of $275 much chance of becoming law as j the idea that the speaker and attorney’s fees and the costs and Does your back ache night and day; the month. Anyway Spence is a Hinder work; destroy rest? tho tallow-logged eat had of mak president were merely Singer’s mes disbursements herein in the sum of Are you tortured with stabbing pains pleasant fellow to have around ing a safe journey through the senger boys. $35.50, which judgment was en When you stoop, lift or bendl tho lobbies, provided he is oppos steam-heated place down below. rolled and docketed in the Clerk’s Then likely your kidneys are weak.! ing what you want, which he Representative Potter, of Lane, office in said Court in said County More troubles may soon appear. usually is. Senator Fred Fisk is the William I has gotten the best of a boil that on the 23rd day of December, 1924, Headaches, dizziness, nervousness; | • • • Jennings Bryan of tho senate— and said execution to me directed Or uric acid and its ilia. * ‘ A message from the governor,” with reservations. Fisk is of the had been bothering him for n week Help your weakened kidneys with aj commanding me in the name of stimulant and is now wearing a collar and diuretic. announced tho presiding officer i santo political faith, has much the assuming legislative dignity. So the State of Oregon, in order to Use Doan’s Pills. ‘ ‘ What now I ’ ’ asked a new mem same regard for grape juice nnd satisfy said judgment, Interest, at. Read this Oottage Grove testimony: bor. ‘‘Has he a curtain lecture the resemblance to the the groat far that is about all ho has found torney’s fees, costs of suit and Mrs. Alta Hart, 742 8. First St., for u*1” “The governor has commoner is remarkable; which to assume. accruing costs to sell the following says: “I had kidney complaint and • • • signed house bill No.32, ” the rend isn’t saying much for tho pulchri my back ached and pained. I felt The most frequent question asked described real property, to-wit: ing clerk iinnouncod, and tho new tude of either. Tho reservations Beginning at a point 19.99 chains dull and run down and my kidneys I jin the legislative halls in, “ When didn’t act right. A friend recoin- i member gave forth a great sigh are mostly nlong the oratorical line. Wife Worse Than Expected. j is somebody going to start some- South of the Northwest corner of mended Doan’s PillB so I used them, j of relief. the Jacob Kline Smith Donation Fink is pot a foronsic senator and thingl ” The answer usually in, • • * Doan ’ * were just what I needed, as , A darky who had recently mar is partly responsible for the short “I don’t know,” but it in plain Land Claim No. 76, thence running they helped me by relieving the I ried was asked by the fapner for A collier, the dictionary says, is sosnionn of the present session. East 25.96 chains, thence south 9.63 backaches and other symptoms of that the session will be in full chains, thence West 25.96 chains, whom he worked, how he and his a bearer of burdens. However, • • • kidney trouble.’’ swing before the end of the week Mandy were getting along. Representative Collier, of Klamath, Members of tho legislature are and that all proposed legislation thence North 9.63 chains to the 1 Price 60c, • at all dealers. Don’t plaee of beginning containing simply ask for a kidney remedy— “Not very well, boss. The fact formerly of Eugene, says he, so far worrying about Governor Pierce’s us possible, is going to let the bald-faced calve». He didn’t men- will bo in the hopper or will be twenty-five acres of land more or get Doan’s Pills—the same that. is Mandy and me, wo’ve done less, all in the northwest quarter Mrs. Hart had. Foster-Milburn Co., pa’hted.” ¡known to be forthcoming. other follows do the worrying. tion them in his biennial message • • « of section 31, township 20, south Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. • • • “PartedI” exclaimed the farmer. and they have received no con- Ike Patterson, former senator, of range three west of Willamette M. 11. Anderson, Cottage Grove "¡deration by the ways and meruit' formejr chairman of tho ways and Meridian in Lane county, State of timber dealer, was hero today slz committee. The live wire print shop is al mean committee, now dirt farmer Oregon. • • • ing up the timber of tho two Now, therefore, in the name of ways ready to help in the prep I nnd chairman of the state republi houses but found nothing that ho Representative A. R. Hunter is can committee, has been a frequent the State of Oregon, in compliance aration of advertising and printing copy. Our experience may be visitor in the lobbies. He denies with said execution and order of worth something to you. xxx having gubernatorial or senatorial sale and in order to satisfy said aspirations, but his manner of de judgment, interest, attorney’s fees, nial suggests that his feelings have costs of suit and accruing costs, I not been seriously injured by t|kc I will oa Saturday the 31st day of January, 1925, at the hour of suggestion. • • • one o’clock in the afternoon of Kap Kubli, former speaker, is said day, at the southwest front Any Kind Any Time » here today—just to look things door of the County Court House Friday, Jan. 23—“THE I Sabatini’s greatest romance. over, ho says. He believes that in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, PRICES RIGHT FIGIl’llNG AMERICAN.” Ailmission 25 and 50 cents. Speaker Burdick is doing as well offer for sale and sell for cash, Terms Cash featuring Pat O’Malley and as ho did and probably would at publie auction, subject to re Mary Astor. Talk about Tuesday, Jan. 27—“OPEN make as successful a senatorial demption as provided by law, all romance, thrills, adventure! ALL NIGHT” with Viola candidate. of the right, title and interest of This picture is just packed Dana. Jetta Goudal, Adolphe Phone 124-L j22fl9p2 with all three. Comedy Menjou and Raymond Grif The joint ways nnd means com said defendants, D. N. Mclnturff fith. A fast stepping story and Felix the Cat. mittee and roads and highway com of the wide open places of mittee hold their first aeMuonc SatgrAiy, .Inn 24 -Bob Uns Paris. And a comedy. tonight, an<l the session may now ter in. “F I, A SHIN (I be considered as fairly on its way. SPURS.” A western Wednesday, Jan. 28—Jack These committees will have the story of crooks who try to Hoxie in “FIGHTING hardest grinds of any one of the steal from a mine. Ami a FURY.” A strong West session. Outside of appropriations, coiuet ly. ern drama, chuck full of nothing of moro importance than i breath taking thrills, sus Sun. Mon. Jan. 25 - 26 — pense, combined with beau highway legislation has appeared. Cottagi Sentinel Legislative Sidelights HAVE YOU A BAD BACK? “Why, you were just married. You know, Sam, you can’t leave Mandy. She’s you. wife and you took her for better or worse.” “That’s just it, boss,” said “I shore did tell that pahson I took that gal for better or But, boss, da gal is wus’n I her to be.” Sam. that wus. took ONLY -ARCADE Theatre 8 Days More WOOD WEEKLY PROGRAM OUR REMOVAL SALE Quimby Bros. This sale has been more of a success than we had expected and we are going to give the public some more real bargains the remaining 8 days. • THE SEA HAWK” with Milton Sills and a suup port- ing east including Enid 1 Ben- nett. Loyd Hughes, Wallace Beery and 3,00(1 players. Dramatic in intensity, stp- pendous in settings—a main- moth production. Refuel the tiful love story. And a . comedy. Thursday, Jan 29—“SELL 'EM COWBOY,” with Diek Hatton. Marilyn Mills and Yakima Cnnut. Comedy and International News. "WINCHESTER stork COMPANY Ox West, former governor, is here today—and it is certain that he is not here for the amusement of the thing. It is taken for grant ed that he would not We averse to having the legislature take some action towards the continued guar antee of interest on the bonds of the north unit, for which he is the legal representative. Oa had an even more turbulent time when he was governor than Walt is hav ing now. Both are democrats, and democrats seem to have a penchant for turbulent times. — Paper Hanger Wanted But will he nrwwfr the adver tisement in the spring when outside contracting can be done—nor eould he be expect ed to. Engage him now the interior work and choice from wall paper DARBY & LISTON Quality ” ^Servia THE "WINCHESTER Removal Sale You H ill Find All Goods Reduced in Price. Come and Look Them Over! i --------------------------------------------------------- - —— NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY. I I In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Tillamook County. In tho Matter of the Estate of Naomi E. Thompson, formerly Nao mi E. Reynolds, Deceased. Notice is hereby given, that tho undornigned, administrator of the above named Estate, by authority of an order of the County Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, fro*”. and after the 2nd day of February, 1925, shall proceed to sell at pri I vate sale, the following described real property. situated in Lane County, State of Oregon. to-wit: Donation Land Claim Nntifi cation, 771 being demgnnted as Claim No. 57 being part of Section 32. in Township 21, 8, R 3 West and Claim No. 38 being part of Section 3, in Township 22. S R. 3 W ost, of W. M . being bousded and lejwrilHMl as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point 21 chains and SO links North and 1» chains and 70 links West from the South east corner of Section 12. in Town , "hip 21 South of Rango 3 and running thence West fifteen chains i One lot ladies’ dresses, $12.50 value $8.50 One lot girl»’ wool serge dresses, $4.50 value, for,.— ......-.........._________ —... $2.98 Dress ginghams, 35c values, yard for..?..80c Dress ginghams, 30c value, yard for. 25c Dress ginghams. 25c value, yard for . 20c Light and dark percales, good value, a yard........................... 22c Sheeting 9-4 unbleached. 69c value, a yard....... i______ .................. ..... .„.... 60c 36-inch unbleached sheeting, good value, a yard .... .......... :____ 16 and 18c 36-inch bleached sheeting, a yard..x....... 18c, 20c, 25c and 30c Sheeting 9-4 bleached, 69c value, yard 60c Toweling bleached and unbleached a yard I „.................... 1........ ... ....... 25 and 30c Outing flannels, light and dark colors, 25c value, a yard ................... 18c One lot of sweaters, $6.50 value $3.49 One lot of ladies’ aprons . ......... 98c One lot of ladies’ gingham aprons.. $1.25 One lot of ladies' silk hose ..69c One lot of ladies' cotton hose.............. 25c J I I I Some more picnic hams at ......................... .............. ........................................ Spuds, Yakima Netted Gem. These are a real value. Come and see them, per cwt................. Fig bars, fresh stock, 2 pounds for ... Vinegar in quart fruit jars (jars included) ............ Peanut butter in pint fruit jars (jar included) .......... Pencil tablets (one lot) 2 tablets for Pineapple, No. 2 can (medium grade) P. S Hominy (per can)............... Canvas gloves per pair__ ___ _____ _ Jelly per glass any flavor ....... 50c can K. C. baking powder for ................... Bulk wash powder 3 pounds for.................... 15c signet hand paste for _______________ Apples per bushel _____ __ __ 90c 35c 18c 30c 5c 19c 15c 20c 10c 40c 25c 10c 50c We have many more genuine bargains for you. Come in and look them over. i« Trask’s Cash Grocery Where your cash buys more